With regards to the server issues on launch: I haven't laboured the point too much during this video, as I think the subject has been covered extensively by other commentators (I've also been lucky / had minimal issues personally and I can only really comment on my own experiences). Whilst the launch fiasco was inexcusable (though, dare I say, inevitable), it seems reasonable to expect that server issues should become far less significant, as the player base reaches a steadier / more nominal value. Whatever the case, MSFS 2024 will live and die based on server availability / reliability, so it's imperative that Microsoft remedies the situation ASAP. I hope most of you have now managed to get some good flying in! All the best, gents : )
"Whilst the launch fiasco was inexcusable (though, dare I say, inevitable), it seems reasonable to expect that server issues should become far less significant, as the player base reaches a steadier / more nominal value." this is the first time i've heard someone with a normal reaction to the server issue. thank you for that.
I agree but I dont think it's only a server issue, even after waiting hours to simply "log into" the sim. For several hours I could not get the Sim to run, mostly low performance (
Inevitable there would be issue, i'm not sure that it would be this bad though. Many in Europe still have been unable to play the game after days & I have to use a VPN set to a usa server. little confidence there will not be ongoing issues.
Hello, I am one of the technical pilots on the team who tested the aircraft complementing our pilots who were on the development team. I am a training captain for a Middle Eastern Carrier with over 15 years+ with the airline. Just a few observations: The rotation law on the NEO when compared to the CEO aircraft will give quite a different feel as it commands a rotation rate and is blended in above 80kts and with your very low FLEX TEMP and very lightweight this will give a fairly swift rotation. But please do feedback if you see this at a wider weight and FLX range. After takeoff it looked like the A/THR was in THR CLB and commanding as such you selected speed back and the FDs commanded a pitch up to follow this and this would not revert the A/THR to SPEED mode which I think you were expecting but that would not be the correct logic for the 320 family. We have simulated a G load target system but as per the real aircraft it will only ever aims for 80% of the target to allow a natural feeling of drift and with the A/THR off close to idle and then 70% N1 command will somewhat overwhelm the FBW G target command which is expected as you are close to empty so this will be having even more of an effect. On final you are asking about A/THR speed response, but it looks like the A/THR is off along with the FDs. And for your final approach, I think you selected 140 but the MCDU wanted a VAPP of 121 which is going to give a flat pitch which was seen and might give some stranger handling in the flare. Please do feel free to feedback anything else if you get a chance to take another look. Thank you!
Hello, Thank you very much for your detailed, reasoned and very polite (not always the case on the internet haha) feedback. You raise some very fair points. I’m not familiar with the NEO specifically and should have mentioned as much during my analysis (though, that was a simple omission on my part - there was no nefarious intent). To address some of your points: 1) Regarding the rotation law of the NEO - very interesting. I think, as you quite rightly point out, it was somewhat unfair of me to make my assertions , without operating the aircraft at a more representative weight / FLEX (I still think she was quite “spritely” in rotation, but this could conceivably be down to my hardware configuration / controller setup also). 2) You are of course, 100% correct regarding A/THR not reverting to speed. That was a moment of ineptitude on my part (know your FMA’s!) - my mouth engaged before my brain did (I was kicking myself when I watched the video back ha). For what it’s worth, it didn’t really factor into my assessment of the aircraft (which has clearly had a lot of effort put into the systems etc) - it was really the flight model that I was interested in. 3) My main issue with the FBW response, at least during this particular scenario, was that it seemingly wanted to keep the aircraft in a shallow descent (despite numerous sidestick inputs to the contrary). My thrust input was rather “erratic” however, it was tricky to finesse things, as that was the result of only *very* minor adjustments on my hardware (further calibration needed on my end, perhaps). 4) Possibly I misspoke, or didn’t articulate myself very well; I’m not sure which comment you’re referring to specifically, but I didn’t have any issues with the A/THR on the approach. Indeed, I had it turned off and I was in selected speed so, no issues there! Overall and in hindsight, I do think I conflated some of the points I was trying to make. Most of my criticism wasn’t levelled at the A321LR directly, rather MSFS 2024 more generally. Once again, to me, the sim’s core flight modelling seems to be such, that most aircraft feel very lightweight / overly sensitive on the controls. I don’t think it’s an iniBuilds issue, I think it’s an MSFS 2024 issue (and I don’t say that with any venom - I’m very grateful to Asobo, for what they have done for the hobby). I hope that clarifies things a little. I’m sure I will revisit the iniBuilds Airbus family at some point and I will be sure to do so with a more representative scenario / aircraft configuration. I would never knowingly misrepresent something, but I’m not happy if I have done so, even unintentionally. . . Many thanks for your hard work on the aircraft. I know how tricky it can be, finding the free time for these sorts of “extra-curricular” activities. Many thanks again for your feedback and all the best! : )
I believe the biggest weakness (or flaw) of MSFS2024 is that it requires us to be online instead of allowing us to download the entire content. I wouldn't care about having a 4TB dedicated SSD with all the data stored on my PC if it gives me the ability to fly offline. Server reliability is and has been an issue with so many games I purchased in the past and many aren't available to play anymore as they are no longer hosted. Considering the amount of money I've invested in planes & scenery addons, I'll stick to my 950Gb MSFS2020 (on a dedicated 2TB M.2) for as long as I can. I would never invest thousands of dollars on a game that only relies on online mode. MSFS2024 is beautiful so I will get the standard version if only for the sake of testing it out. Thanks for the video.
Probably the best and most commonsense early review of MSFS2024. Thank you. It's balanced and objective (or professionally subjective). This is exceptionally encouraging, and shows that - once stable - MSFS2024 should have more than enough to whet the appetites of flight simmers and gamers alike for years to come. We just have to get over the inevitable teething problems first, which I'm sure won't take long.
Thanks for the review - it’s good to see what the sim actually looks like! I spent £130 on the PD version and still not been able to actually fly an aircraft yet or get into the sim properly….so lucky you!!
I will 'echo' this and say that both MSFS2020 and now MSFS2024 are incredible leaps from previous PC simulators. MSFS2024 will indeed become what we want it to be in time. Still, an incredible achievement! I don't think any simulator will ever feel like sitting in the cockpit and flying an actual aircraft, but, this is a great supplement and learning tool to real world flying!
"will indeed become what we want it to be in time" Then why the duck did they release it now?!? As long as people like you are content with sloppy releases nothing will ever become better!!!
I am fine with them not managing to deliver a tested product on time. I am furious though, that they use us as testing mules for a totally botched shit show.
I made the decision about a month ago not to buy on release day. I knew this was going to be a disastrous launch. I think most of the community did too, which isn't a great look for Microsoft. I'll be buying it in the new year if it's ready by then.
Thanks for the in-depth review. You pretty much confirmed my thoughts. I'll be making the move to 2024, just not yet. I'm more of a serious simmer and really need my 3rd party planes ported over to 2024 before I make the leap. Thanks again for the video.
Made that video feel much shorter than it is. You never dissapoint with your reviews, and the quality of your videos keep improving. Thank you for taking the time for making a review of the whole simulator, it's very impressive how quick managed to make the video. Cheers!
Just a tip for any beginners: One thing I noticed (a little late) when doing the checkrides and missions in career mode in the 172, is that doing the Ctrl + E startup does not automatically change the fuel selector position from the left tank (where it is on default upon entering the plane) to both. I figured that out the hard way on a relatively long ferry mission when I suddenly got a left fuel tank "low fuel" warning annunciation. Now I make sure to remember to manually move it to the "both" position prior to engine start.
yeah, i had it load in amd shut down the engine i had to nose down to recover from the stall and it kept saying you endangered the aircraft, another time the silly insturctor idiot directed me into the side of a mountain.
My favorite hiccup I’ve encountered far was while flying the Cessna Sky Courier on an ILS approach. The entire way down on glide path the GPWS announced “don’t sink” about 40 times until I was basically in ground effect. Also side note: my pc isn’t super powerful so I run on the lowest graphics settings. Still, the G1000 displays are super laggy
Thank you Captain for the time spent putting this video together. I like a propeller so when you said the "bush flying" is for me so when I get my new M2 drive in the mail today, off we go. I'm sure the developers and 3rd party developers are working tirelessly to get all the kinks out and 2024 will only get better. Looking forward to your tips, tricks and tweeks videos and all of our new destinations! !! !!!
A nice review, though i think it is not entirely fair to not address the crippling server issues because "a lot of people have already commented". Its a deep and core feature of the game, and 6 hours and 3 days later I still have only got past the loading screen once, for the game to crash before aircraft gauges even started to load.
Lucky you're not in the UK, UK users are still having major issues even getting into the game. What we need is more videos showing the complete c**k up this release has been.
I think the main issue with Honest reviews is that they are not considering most people have honest hardware (not a 4090 or 4080 super which seems the min specs now to improve from 2020). Unfortunately in my opinion I can't even give an honest review because most of the time I was having issues starting, opening, freezing, low fps, configuring controls when exploring this alpha sim. Luckly I was aware about the quality that Asobo and MS usually delivery this type of software, from 2020, so I got it using GamePass and no regrets because I can still use some other software in the bundle. I will give them some months and keep exploring this one once it get out from Alpha.
Does anyone know if the 2024 version now has Karnak temple and the other important VFR sights that make VFR so interesting? Or is it just a revamped MSFS 2020 with just the pyramids and nothing much new to see?
I've had nothing but problems, and the scenery by my home field KTVY is just horrific. The ground looks burnt, even golf courses are chocolate brown, the trees are still fully leaved and not even autumn colored. Road traffic is unchanged, still driving through itself. I found the night lighting to be a regression back to the early days of 2020 before the fixes that made its night lighting so much nicer. Light objects are square and blurry and do not reduce enough in the distance. Very, very disappointed first impressions after trying for more than seven hours on launch day just to laod in. My avatar also can look nothing like myself. Everything seems half-baked and rushed out the door.
What really frustrates me is the underuse of rudders during flight in MSFS. The game worlds seem overly tailored to console players. I wish there were separate versions: one as a true simulator and another as a game. MSFS has great potential to be an excellent simulator rather than just a game. I believe the remaining bugs will be fixed over time.
It appears to be running 10x smoother on my xbox series S today, and is a lot more detail on the ground. Rather than the initial PS1 graphics I had yesterday.
If I only had one choice on YT for covering & reviewing MSFS subjects, It would be you SIr! There are other great ones that come in tight 2:nd as well, but for me your channel excels!
@@e36s50b30 give it some time to improve, let third party developer develop som nice ore flight checks. I really think it’s great it adds to the realism. As a real world Private pilot I like this 🤷♂️
In situations where it says to use a key, like Control+ E to start the aircraft, you don’t have to, you can use the virtual cockpit or real hardware as normal, at least it works in FS2020.
Thank you for pointing out the importance of the slight (correct and reasonable) bias towards the pure simmer. I have utterly zero interest in spending time creating avatars and such like, which tend to appeal to the console folks and/or kids. I don’t spend £3k on a PC to run the latest sim to then have to spend time choosing which ruddy coat to wear! 😡
Thanks for the review. I've been holding off on purchasing. With my leg in a cast due to an ankle injury and unable to get in and out of my simpit or use rudder pedals, it's been pretty easy to wait until the dust settles though. I'll definitely be purchasing when I'm back on my feet.
Thank you for this video, on par with your normally fantastic analysis. You have cemented my plan to wait on purchasing this sim until at least December, using the Xmas break to set everything up, or even waiting until January
Thank you for this balanced and detailed look at the sim - this is the kind of attitude we need in looking at the bigger picture, and the review-bombing and fever pitch of negative reactions in the past couple of days have not been helpful. I think for those of us in for the long term, there are some obvious disappointments and it's hard not to agree that the release came too early (by months, really) - what we do get here is a big leap forward overall and sets a platform that, in time, will be great for all levels of simming. And I'm certainly enjoying my time in it right now.
Fair review I think. My first 2 days were awful - impossible to even load in really. Today the servers were much improved and I was able to start multiple flights. Visually great, crisper for me, great lighting (other than some ridiculous taxi lights with massive halos) and performance for me was perfectly acceptable. I never look at fps in 2020 and here it is fine on my mid-range PC. The settings UI is frankly abysmal with many, many issues and bad ergonomics. I have two planes (from big developers) with no sound in the cockpit - others fine. On several occasions I have set up custom views which will not "stick" - I need to fully exit and restart the sim and then magically they are present. The most pervasive/universal issue I have is with control inputs. I find the pitch responses brutal in every aircraft I've tried so far. I will try to put in more curves but I reckon I'll be at -90% sensitivities to get it dialled down. Also some weird throttle config experiences (TCA airbus and ini 330). UI wise - they need to make the "casual" elements optional. I don't want the current avatar quality figures sat next to me - really intrusive. The walk-around is silly because it's 2 or 3 clicks - just time wasting. Let us configure these. A thing worthy of mention is that the skyhawk now has working breakers - I pulled the flaps out and they became inop - excellent. I'm going to persevere because it will improve and it seems clear that many 3rd party devs will move their efforts now to '24 only. The launch was terrible (and I guessed it would be) but I'd rather have been wrong because if the back-lash hits the team badly then the bean counters may turn those servers off sooner rather than later. Jorg was clearly upset by how bad it was and regardless of what happened I really don't believe you can doubt his commitment to the sim.
Make sure you are on modern flight model. I know it's trivial but in my case I wanted to check if there are more "FM options" in 2024 and after just going through them I left it back on Modern and clicked away from the menu only to find it on legacy after the restart of the sim.
for the 2024 i think i will do allot more GA flying then i did in previous MSFS 2020, the ground graphics is just breath taking and i am enjoying that part allot more then i do 30k feet in the air. That said i really enjoy the game in general, yes the planes have lots of issues and i am still waiting for allot of addons from the 2020 version but so much to see in this game despite that
Such a high qualify video. Thanks for sharing your insights. I had some great times with 2020, and 2024 needs more time. I fully agree that 2024 seems so fresh, but I hope the platform is well designed so it will enable the demands expected.
Glad at my age i finally adopted a wait and see attitude, hopefully in 2 or 3 years they, will patch it up and there will be enough 3rd party aircraft and possibly weather addons to make it worth it!
You mention sensitive controls/axis a few times in this vid. try adjusting the gain/expo on rudder, aileron and elevator axis in the control menu. Try -5 for instance makes all aircraft better/easier to control i think.
As someone who’s looking to purchase, this is exactly what I’m looking for in a review. Thank you. Btw: your pilot is a dead ringer for Brian from The Breakfast Club. 😂
ITBS, forgive me if you’ve done this already but I’d love a bit of a dive into your sim set up, and what you make of your purchases/any upgrades incoming etc.
As a sim racer i wonder, do you think some of the control feeling can be addressed with tuning and tweeking the controller hardware? Thanks for a nice review.
Hopefully we can also have multicrew as a feature without needing third party add ons would be silly not too and would be great if it was also available in career mode so you could complete jobs with friends onboard
Although i suffered like everyone else on launch day, the following day got in no problems and so far, touch wood, have not experienced any CTD or freezing. Admittedly I have a beefy PC and excellent broadband speed I think the 2024 sim is definitely faster. Wouldn’t yet say smoother as I do get stutters as I think the servers are still struggling and there is definitely more work to do on the default planes and a whole raft of silly and obvious bugs. The fundamentals of the hard core sim is still there and the gloss to do the career and missions is fun, although not for everyone. As said, the lighting and rendering of the earth is fabulous although some of the photogrammetry is still ropey!
The only issue Ive since day 2 was a slow load on 1 city. Didn't load in until I was over it in the f-18 doing 500knots at 2000feet. Other than that it's been great. You definitely need hard drive space free to make a larger rolling cache and 32 GB of ram. 5700x3d or better and 4070 or stronger
Don’t know why you people who think it working ok for you has anything to do with your PC specs or even your internet speed instead of the actual issues being Assobo’s/Microsoft’s end. Doesn’t matter in the slightest how good your PC is when it comes to the many issues with logins and loading of assets, it isn’t a result of many people’s internet connection speed either, not unless they are on 1Mbps connections or something silly low like that, I have about 520Mbps and a fairly high end PC myself and it couldn’t even load in a helicopter properly yesterday. You’re just fortunate to have been allowed to get a good connection to their servers where many have not, that’s it.
My biggest concern is that this sim depends very heavily on the servers. While I do have descent internet speed it is not without hiccups from time to time. I think FS2020 is more tolerant when it comes to internet related issues while flying. I'm considering investing a higher end PC just for flight simming which is quite expensive, but it would be meaningless if internet / server issues become more frequent. I hope they continue to keep fs2020 updated with more improvements.
Thank you very much for the comprehensive overview. Reading between the lines and from general statements - I feel from youtube video's, including yours, that the Sim needs baking in for a while. I will not be migrating anytime soon from 2020..perhaps later in 2025 if the simulation has improved. One of the areas of concern is that some of the issues in 2024 seem to be carry over's from 2020 where the Developers have had 4 years to get those issues sorted..and also the requirement for constant online downloading updates is reliant on local and global capacity which leaves me thinking the cost of the product has increased the burden on the buyer because it drives you to purchase the higher internet plans in order to gain fluidity and reliability. As for the cost I have seen a huge jump in the cost for the Deluxe Premium compared to what I paid 4 years ago.
Thanks for the review and your thoughts. I do find it interesting that you feel the F18 is one of the better handling… personally I think it’s one of the absolute worst (zero roll inertia for just one example). It’s fun - but to me it is very “arcade-like” (though admittedly I’ve perhaps set an unfair standard due to some real life experience…)
My pleasure, Lonny! To clarify, it’s not that I think the F-18 is particularly great, just that I think most of the default aircraft feel worse still. To be fair, a lot of that probably centres around the fact that once you get up speed in the Hornet, the aircraft “stiffens” up a bit, which I find preferable to the overly sensitive, overly light feeling of most of the MSFS 2024 aircraft that I tried. I hope that clarifies things a little. All the best! : )
I wish you content creators would stop using the loading screen montage for your intros. We all saw quite enough of that on Tuesday, thank you very much 😀
Very thorough for a 1 hour video, I like your idea of waiting a while before buying it. I figure the serious content creators will let me know when it's time. Meanwhile; I took a flight today in FS2020 and to my surprise; the old geezer still looks pretty good. P.S. Here's a fun landing challenge that never made it into the sim. Take an airplane like the Carenado turbo Skylane or the DA-40 and climb to 15;000 ft MSL over the observatories on Mauna Kea, then cut the engine and glide to the Hilo airport. As Basil Fawlty would say, "piece o' cake; Bob's your uncle".
I can't play. I'm on xbox one s. I load in with a plane and it switches my controls to pc and i can't even pause. Shit says press Q to free look. I'm so dissapointed
As a private pilot and IFR Rated Pilot I will say after trying FS 2024 for just a few hours (Standard Version) it only had a Cessna 172 with G1000 which most of us can't afford of fly. I still prefer X-Plane 12 for realistic flying and the ability to add on Garmin G5s which you will find in MOST Cessna 172s in training and clubs. Thankfully Microsoft gave me a refund.
Agree totally X-Plane 12 for realistic flying over MSFS20 or 24 for my usual simming in the LongEZ (indiafoxtecho vs vSkyLabs) and to a somewhat less difference in the Cabri G2 (Asobo/MSFS stock plane vs vSkyLabs). As a mostly "hamburger run" Class G VFR flyer, the convenience of MSFS24 scenery gen versus X-Plane12 with building Ortho4XP and exclusion zones and VFR add-ons to get the towers I use for references in flat south Florida, keeps me doing my casual flying in MSFS24 (as of this week), and only firing up my XPlane12 to check "what it should feel like". The other thing that keeps me firing up MSFS2020 more than X-Plane12 is the easy buddy flying built-in to the sim. (Before I added MSFS to my hanger, we were abusing IVAO and got yelled at while flying out of my buddy's small airport in Russia thinking there was no active controller.)
Im only a sim pilot. Ive been into flight sim since mid 90s. Have logged thousands of hours over the years. The world looks fantastic. And I heard another say for flight simmers we would see huge improvement in flight model and aircraft physics. That the "gamers" would find difficult. But im assuming one could crank up your aircraft realism settings for sim pilots and the "gamers" can GTA thier aircraft. 😂 I was never into heavies myself. Only GA aircraft. And the occasional lear jet. Favorites being the Cessna 310, the 414A, the Kodiak, Beechcraft V35, the Baron, and my new favorite the Duke both versions. I think after watching this, I might hold short a few months, and stick with 2020 for now. The UI you mentioned being one of them. But i have no doubt the sim as a whole will be improved. But to see this and remember how it was in mid 90s. Ice and fire.
100% agree with the menu design - esp the controls menu... it's harder to use, looks worse, and OMG... hunting down and removing all the default bindings that are interfering w flying... as far as FM goes - it does feel like your flying at 1.4x speed at any given time with regards to twitchiness / lightness of feel. One of the issues in 2020, is most aircraft defaulted to 50% fuel and virtually no payload, so the aircraft was much lighter than how you'd typically fly IRL.
So glad I got my refund for this hot mess. Maybe next year down the road when it’s made to be like it SHOULD have been upon launch I’ll pick it up. But for now MSFS2020 is where I want it to be and it’s actually PLAYABLE. Why they didn’t allow an option for people who have the hardware to download the entire sim is beyond reasoning.
A full and honest review .... I appreciate the fact that your reviews are indeed full and honest and there's no need to list these characteristics in the title usually so telling that you felt it necessary here. MSFS2024 is frankly is not really possible to fully review when features and options are not yet enabled (e.g. Marketplace, data downloads) not to mention the streaming bandwidth issues. I'd have held off the 'full review' review and just put up a 'current status' review. S!
Very helpful video ...But I'm one of those pilots who uses the mouse in the cockpit as little as possible So setting up control profiles Is key... I've arrived at a set a set of mappings to keyboard and controller that I prefer So I'll be looking to see how I can make sure those apply no matter which aircraft I choose.
I thought MSFS 2024 was supposed load faster than 2020, this is not what I''m experiencing. It's been taking more than 30 minutes for 2024 to load. At first I thought it was because of the super high number of simmers trying to log -on at the same time, but now 3 days in, I don't think that's the case. I'm running on a very high end computer with a lot of NVME disc space and high bandwidth internet. AMD 58003D, 4090, 2 TB of NVME storage. Is anyone else experiencing this? I've watched numerous RUclips videos since the launch and no one has mentioned this as an issue, and what can I do to fix it??
The big problem with the server issues is, that it also destroys downloading, and buing in MSFS 2020. Can't buy a plane. No contact with the server. It sucks.
Day 2 and I'm having no trouble logging in. But, I'm disappointed in the flight model. In the default C-172 Basic, I can make steep turns with no slip indicated. With feet on the floor the ball stays centered. I thought that Assistance must be enabled, but no, auto rudder is disabled. And while the sim looks pretty good in 2D, it's pretty bad in VR. The cockpits are grainy and the scenery looks cartoonish, dark, and has poor coloration in my Quest 3. Early days yes, but they had a big head start with FS 2020.
I feel like I bought a place holder sim. I’m on Xbox SX and first thing is I can’t pan around in the cockpit with the mouse, only zoom. Nearly all of my addons didn’t show up and that includes some Asobo ones. Can’t adjust the control sensitivity because their movements aren’t animated in the setup. Some of the graphics are choppy loading in but beautiful when they do. It’s a mixed bag to which I conclude it’s going to be awhile before I get serious about it. I’m going back to 2020 and fly my favorite planes I purchased. I don’t see much point in starting a career mode where performance is evaluated when I can’t even properly set up control sensitivity.
does the a320 from inibuilds now go into flare mode at 30 ft or is it still the same problem? it's really the only thing that kept me from flying this aircraft in msfs 2020...
It took me 4 years to get my 2020 where I want it. So in another couple of years I may start again......I don't want to see individual blades of grass wafting in the wind. I want a flight simulator.
When I finally got in I crashed to desktop twice in first flight. Textures weren’t loading at times and overall, I couldn’t tell much difference in graphical fidelity between 20 and 24. Plus other random minor bugs. Had to refund, which sucks since this is a VR hobby I love. I’ll wait another year or so, and hopefully it will be in good shape.
There appears to be only one MAJOR problem with 24 THERE AREN'T ENOUGH SERVERS SUPPLYING THE DEMAND. I can't believe that with their brilliant video plug for the new sim they at Asobo and Microsoft hadn't prepared for the mess that followed the launch. I would be interested to see how many people went out buying new parts for their PC only to find out the problem wasn't their end. MADNESS UTTER MADNESS. I think there's an old saying. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If I can fly at 15.30 today with no problems, they may have sorted it out. We live in hope
Well today I did upgrade from 16gb ram to 32gb, not much difference tbh. Anytime I'm on the ground or get close to it I get real low fps especially in career mode.
I have asked for a refund. Day 3, 8.3 hours of downloads, CTD and buffering with not a single flight. I will try again in the New Year if reports are good. £129 on Premium Deluxe and no gameplay; not good.
@@e36s50b30 I made the request through X Box support/refunds centre. Refund request accepted almost immediately. I have been awaiting this game anxiously and have even built myself a new PC with a 4800 Super, so not cheap. I feel badly let down and honestly believe that it will be a fantastic sim but only after a few months have passed to make it work as intended. I expected some problems, but I also expected it to work in the first few days. From reports I have seen, it is only working to a fashion with users lucky enough to get it to work at all. I feel if I delayed a refund request any longer I could be left with an expensive mistake. Asobo will have to regain its reputation before I re-commit.
With regards to the server issues on launch: I haven't laboured the point too much during this video, as I think the subject has been covered extensively by other commentators (I've also been lucky / had minimal issues personally and I can only really comment on my own experiences).
Whilst the launch fiasco was inexcusable (though, dare I say, inevitable), it seems reasonable to expect that server issues should become far less significant, as the player base reaches a steadier / more nominal value. Whatever the case, MSFS 2024 will live and die based on server availability / reliability, so it's imperative that Microsoft remedies the situation ASAP.
I hope most of you have now managed to get some good flying in! All the best, gents : )
"Whilst the launch fiasco was inexcusable (though, dare I say, inevitable), it seems reasonable to expect that server issues should become far less significant, as the player base reaches a steadier / more nominal value." this is the first time i've heard someone with a normal reaction to the server issue. thank you for that.
I agree but I dont think it's only a server issue, even after waiting hours to simply "log into" the sim. For several hours I could not get the Sim to run, mostly low performance (
@@cammednslammedthat’s not a reasonable expectation, as the problem will persist because going to cloud streaming architecture was a very bad idea.
We should not have to wait a few months!
Inevitable there would be issue, i'm not sure that it would be this bad though. Many in Europe still have been unable to play the game after days & I have to use a VPN set to a usa server. little confidence there will not be ongoing issues.
Hello, I am one of the technical pilots on the team who tested the aircraft complementing our pilots who were on the development team. I am a training captain for a Middle Eastern Carrier with over 15 years+ with the airline.
Just a few observations:
The rotation law on the NEO when compared to the CEO aircraft will give quite a different feel as it commands a rotation rate and is blended in above 80kts and with your very low FLEX TEMP and very lightweight this will give a fairly swift rotation. But please do feedback if you see this at a wider weight and FLX range.
After takeoff it looked like the A/THR was in THR CLB and commanding as such you selected speed back and the FDs commanded a pitch up to follow this and this would not revert the A/THR to SPEED mode which I think you were expecting but that would not be the correct logic for the 320 family.
We have simulated a G load target system but as per the real aircraft it will only ever aims for 80% of the target to allow a natural feeling of drift and with the A/THR off close to idle and then 70% N1 command will somewhat overwhelm the FBW G target command which is expected as you are close to empty so this will be having even more of an effect.
On final you are asking about A/THR speed response, but it looks like the A/THR is off along with the FDs. And for your final approach, I think you selected 140 but the MCDU wanted a VAPP of 121 which is going to give a flat pitch which was seen and might give some stranger handling in the flare.
Please do feel free to feedback anything else if you get a chance to take another look. Thank you!
Great explanation 👌 thank you
Thank you
Thank you very much for your detailed, reasoned and very polite (not always the case on the internet haha) feedback. You raise some very fair points. I’m not familiar with the NEO specifically and should have mentioned as much during my analysis (though, that was a simple omission on my part - there was no nefarious intent).
To address some of your points:
1) Regarding the rotation law of the NEO - very interesting. I think, as you quite rightly point out, it was somewhat unfair of me to make my assertions , without operating the aircraft at a more representative weight / FLEX (I still think she was quite “spritely” in rotation, but this could conceivably be down to my hardware configuration / controller setup also).
2) You are of course, 100% correct regarding A/THR not reverting to speed. That was a moment of ineptitude on my part (know your FMA’s!) - my mouth engaged before my brain did (I was kicking myself when I watched the video back ha). For what it’s worth, it didn’t really factor into my assessment of the aircraft (which has clearly had a lot of effort put into the systems etc) - it was really the flight model that I was interested in.
3) My main issue with the FBW response, at least during this particular scenario, was that it seemingly wanted to keep the aircraft in a shallow descent (despite numerous sidestick inputs to the contrary). My thrust input was rather “erratic” however, it was tricky to finesse things, as that was the result of only *very* minor adjustments on my hardware (further calibration needed on my end, perhaps).
4) Possibly I misspoke, or didn’t articulate myself very well; I’m not sure which comment you’re referring to specifically, but I didn’t have any issues with the A/THR on the approach. Indeed, I had it turned off and I was in selected speed so, no issues there!
Overall and in hindsight, I do think I conflated some of the points I was trying to make. Most of my criticism wasn’t levelled at the A321LR directly, rather MSFS 2024 more generally. Once again, to me, the sim’s core flight modelling seems to be such, that most aircraft feel very lightweight / overly sensitive on the controls. I don’t think it’s an iniBuilds issue, I think it’s an MSFS 2024 issue (and I don’t say that with any venom - I’m very grateful to Asobo, for what they have done for the hobby).
I hope that clarifies things a little. I’m sure I will revisit the iniBuilds Airbus family at some point and I will be sure to do so with a more representative scenario / aircraft configuration. I would never knowingly misrepresent something, but I’m not happy if I have done so, even unintentionally. . .
Many thanks for your hard work on the aircraft. I know how tricky it can be, finding the free time for these sorts of “extra-curricular” activities.
Many thanks again for your feedback and all the best! : )
You took the words right out of my mouth.
@@IntotheBlueSimulations The perfect reply. Well received and you should be proud that the developers are watching your channel.
I think there should be an option for flight simmers to download the full 120GB to the harddrive rather than only cloud system.
I'd take that option in a heartbeat. Then on every startup it would reach out to the servers for "updates" and only download what's new/fixed.
Absofuckinglutely . I’m not buying until that happens as my internet is too spotty to handle streaming
120GB of what exactly?
the world is way more than 120GB, we're talking at least 900GB+ with the new detail.
@@Icequake. The old version was like 1200GB+
I believe the biggest weakness (or flaw) of MSFS2024 is that it requires us to be online instead of allowing us to download the entire content. I wouldn't care about having a 4TB dedicated SSD with all the data stored on my PC if it gives me the ability to fly offline. Server reliability is and has been an issue with so many games I purchased in the past and many aren't available to play anymore as they are no longer hosted. Considering the amount of money I've invested in planes & scenery addons, I'll stick to my 950Gb MSFS2020 (on a dedicated 2TB M.2) for as long as I can. I would never invest thousands of dollars on a game that only relies on online mode. MSFS2024 is beautiful so I will get the standard version if only for the sake of testing it out. Thanks for the video.
Yeah, i wonder how long the server is hosted🤔 I'm still gonna enjoy my 2020 version for now👌
How unrealistic at 7:26 you would be surrounded by people trying to sell you stuff as soon as you landed and asking for money
this comment killed me hahaha
So, a bit like every major bus and train station West of Budapest ?
Lmfao! So true 😂 Perhaps they could make an add-on Street Vendor Simulator, get points for harassing tourists and sim pilots.
You want ride on camel?
Probably the best and most commonsense early review of MSFS2024. Thank you. It's balanced and objective (or professionally subjective). This is exceptionally encouraging, and shows that - once stable - MSFS2024 should have more than enough to whet the appetites of flight simmers and gamers alike for years to come. We just have to get over the inevitable teething problems first, which I'm sure won't take long.
Thanks for the review - it’s good to see what the sim actually looks like! I spent £130 on the PD version and still not been able to actually fly an aircraft yet or get into the sim properly….so lucky you!!
Game pass is very cheap. Jokes on gou
I did the same and have got a refund. Back to FS2020 and will see if it’s improved in the New Year.
@@micsunday14 not really - I wanted all the PD aircraft.
@@bluelights85 yeah I've thought about it. I'm going to wait and get it through Xbox when. It's stabilised and the boats stop flipping in my harbours
I will 'echo' this and say that both MSFS2020 and now MSFS2024 are incredible leaps from previous PC simulators. MSFS2024 will indeed become what we want it to be in time. Still, an incredible achievement! I don't think any simulator will ever feel like sitting in the cockpit and flying an actual aircraft, but, this is a great supplement and learning tool to real world flying!
"will indeed become what we want it to be in time"
Then why the duck did they release it now?!? As long as people like you are content with sloppy releases nothing will ever become better!!!
It wasn't ready for release. Give it a few months and updates, and it'll be great.
I am fine with them not managing to deliver a tested product on time.
I am furious though, that they use us as testing mules for a totally botched shit show.
I made the decision about a month ago not to buy on release day. I knew this was going to be a disastrous launch. I think most of the community did too, which isn't a great look for Microsoft. I'll be buying it in the new year if it's ready by then.
The only did need to change name to 2025...but instead...
2024 beta looks great
Thanks for the in-depth review. You pretty much confirmed my thoughts. I'll be making the move to 2024, just not yet. I'm more of a serious simmer and really need my 3rd party planes ported over to 2024 before I make the leap. Thanks again for the video.
Easily the most commercial-pilot voice imaginable.
exactly my thoughts :)
Made that video feel much shorter than it is. You never dissapoint with your reviews, and the quality of your videos keep improving.
Thank you for taking the time for making a review of the whole simulator, it's very impressive how quick managed to make the video.
as someone who really enjoyed roleplaying solo in the past games, the career mode has been a blast.
Excellent! I was waiting for your review. You are always who I go to for the most honest reviews.
Thanks for your afford. This clears alot up. You are one of the most reliable sources when it comes down to `no nonsens` reviews. Thanks.
Just a tip for any beginners: One thing I noticed (a little late) when doing the checkrides and missions in career mode in the 172, is that doing the Ctrl + E startup does not automatically change the fuel selector position from the left tank (where it is on default upon entering the plane) to both. I figured that out the hard way on a relatively long ferry mission when I suddenly got a left fuel tank "low fuel" warning annunciation. Now I make sure to remember to manually move it to the "both" position prior to engine start.
yeah, i had it load in amd shut down the engine i had to nose down to recover from the stall and it kept saying you endangered the aircraft, another time the silly insturctor idiot directed me into the side of a mountain.
My favorite hiccup I’ve encountered far was while flying the Cessna Sky Courier on an ILS approach. The entire way down on glide path the GPWS announced “don’t sink” about 40 times until I was basically in ground effect.
Also side note: my pc isn’t super powerful so I run on the lowest graphics settings. Still, the G1000 displays are super laggy
Your conclusion of the video was epic! Well done!
Thank you Captain for the time spent putting this video together. I like a propeller so when you said the "bush flying" is for me so when I get my new M2 drive in the mail today, off we go. I'm sure the developers and 3rd party developers are working tirelessly to get all the kinks out and 2024 will only get better. Looking forward to your tips, tricks and tweeks videos and all of our new destinations! !! !!!
A nice review, though i think it is not entirely fair to not address the crippling server issues because "a lot of people have already commented". Its a deep and core feature of the game, and 6 hours and 3 days later I still have only got past the loading screen once, for the game to crash before aircraft gauges even started to load.
Lucky you're not in the UK, UK users are still having major issues even getting into the game. What we need is more videos showing the complete c**k up this release has been.
50+ hrs post-launch and i can't even load a flight, at all. Dogs**t launch
Odd. I always thought he was. 3 days and the only time in sim i have is because i used VPN, like how i had to do to get fast DL speed with 2020
I think the main issue with Honest reviews is that they are not considering most people have honest hardware (not a 4090 or 4080 super which seems the min specs now to improve from 2020). Unfortunately in my opinion I can't even give an honest review because most of the time I was having issues starting, opening, freezing, low fps, configuring controls when exploring this alpha sim. Luckly I was aware about the quality that Asobo and MS usually delivery this type of software, from 2020, so I got it using GamePass and no regrets because I can still use some other software in the bundle. I will give them some months and keep exploring this one once it get out from Alpha.
Does anyone know if the 2024 version now has Karnak temple and the other important VFR sights that make VFR so interesting? Or is it just a revamped MSFS 2020 with just the pyramids and nothing much new to see?
I've had nothing but problems, and the scenery by my home field KTVY is just horrific. The ground looks burnt, even golf courses are chocolate brown, the trees are still fully leaved and not even autumn colored. Road traffic is unchanged, still driving through itself. I found the night lighting to be a regression back to the early days of 2020 before the fixes that made its night lighting so much nicer. Light objects are square and blurry and do not reduce enough in the distance. Very, very disappointed first impressions after trying for more than seven hours on launch day just to laod in. My avatar also can look nothing like myself. Everything seems half-baked and rushed out the door.
Count yourself lucky. 50 hours after launch, I still can't even load into the game world. Absolute garbage.
@@dannyboyy31 I haven't tried in the last 24 hours. Who knows what I'd stumble into now.
Just reloaded and the game is still bad at adding textures. I mean even after at 4K altitude and several minutes of waiting.
What really frustrates me is the underuse of rudders during flight in MSFS. The game worlds seem overly tailored to console players. I wish there were separate versions: one as a true simulator and another as a game. MSFS has great potential to be an excellent simulator rather than just a game. I believe the remaining bugs will be fixed over time.
One of the Worst Ever Launches on Xbox in its current state irs next to unplayable
Yes, it's horrible on Xsx
3 day in and haven't even got to load it up might get to fly some time this year
It appears to be running 10x smoother on my xbox series S today, and is a lot more detail on the ground. Rather than the initial PS1 graphics I had yesterday.
If I only had one choice on YT for covering & reviewing MSFS subjects, It would be you SIr! There are other great ones that come in tight 2:nd as well, but for me your channel excels!
Just imagine what will happen when GTA 6 releases the servers would go crazy
Keeping an up-to-date copy of X-Plane 12 + extra scenery installed, just in case.
6:39 nothing gamified about being able to do a walk around and pre flight checks. Love that’s!
Easily pleased... It looks like a gimmick to me, not natural and in VR you have no legs.. And no body as a pilot.
It is a pure joke and has nothing to do with a preflight.
@@e36s50b30 give it some time to improve, let third party developer develop som nice ore flight checks. I really think it’s great it adds to the realism. As a real world Private pilot I like this 🤷♂️
See what A2A does for a proper preflight.
What I'm most excited for is all the user created content the new features will allow them to create.
In situations where it says to use a key, like Control+ E to start the aircraft, you don’t have to, you can use the virtual cockpit or real hardware as normal, at least it works in FS2020.
Thank you for pointing out the importance of the slight (correct and reasonable) bias towards the pure simmer. I have utterly zero interest in spending time creating avatars and such like, which tend to appeal to the console folks and/or kids. I don’t spend £3k on a PC to run the latest sim to then have to spend time choosing which ruddy coat to wear! 😡
Thanks for the review. I've been holding off on purchasing. With my leg in a cast due to an ankle injury and unable to get in and out of my simpit or use rudder pedals, it's been pretty easy to wait until the dust settles though. I'll definitely be purchasing when I'm back on my feet.
Thank you for this video, on par with your normally fantastic analysis. You have cemented my plan to wait on purchasing this sim until at least December, using the Xmas break to set everything up, or even waiting until January
Thank you for this balanced and detailed look at the sim - this is the kind of attitude we need in looking at the bigger picture, and the review-bombing and fever pitch of negative reactions in the past couple of days have not been helpful. I think for those of us in for the long term, there are some obvious disappointments and it's hard not to agree that the release came too early (by months, really) - what we do get here is a big leap forward overall and sets a platform that, in time, will be great for all levels of simming. And I'm certainly enjoying my time in it right now.
Fair review I think. My first 2 days were awful - impossible to even load in really. Today the servers were much improved and I was able to start multiple flights. Visually great, crisper for me, great lighting (other than some ridiculous taxi lights with massive halos) and performance for me was perfectly acceptable. I never look at fps in 2020 and here it is fine on my mid-range PC.
The settings UI is frankly abysmal with many, many issues and bad ergonomics. I have two planes (from big developers) with no sound in the cockpit - others fine. On several occasions I have set up custom views which will not "stick" - I need to fully exit and restart the sim and then magically they are present. The most pervasive/universal issue I have is with control inputs. I find the pitch responses brutal in every aircraft I've tried so far. I will try to put in more curves but I reckon I'll be at -90% sensitivities to get it dialled down. Also some weird throttle config experiences (TCA airbus and ini 330).
UI wise - they need to make the "casual" elements optional. I don't want the current avatar quality figures sat next to me - really intrusive. The walk-around is silly because it's 2 or 3 clicks - just time wasting. Let us configure these.
A thing worthy of mention is that the skyhawk now has working breakers - I pulled the flaps out and they became inop - excellent. I'm going to persevere because it will improve and it seems clear that many 3rd party devs will move their efforts now to '24 only.
The launch was terrible (and I guessed it would be) but I'd rather have been wrong because if the back-lash hits the team badly then the bean counters may turn those servers off sooner rather than later. Jorg was clearly upset by how bad it was and regardless of what happened I really don't believe you can doubt his commitment to the sim.
Make sure you are on modern flight model. I know it's trivial but in my case I wanted to check if there are more "FM options" in 2024 and after just going through them I left it back on Modern and clicked away from the menu only to find it on legacy after the restart of the sim.
the F/A 18 have a g limit override switch on the back of the joystick. You can keybind it
I’d love to see a real world style flight lesson and everything from you in a 172 or something 😊
That kind of training/experience is available to you on VATSIM and IVAO.
@ I’ll take a look!
for the 2024 i think i will do allot more GA flying then i did in previous MSFS 2020, the ground graphics is just breath taking and i am enjoying that part allot more then i do 30k feet in the air. That said i really enjoy the game in general, yes the planes have lots of issues and i am still waiting for allot of addons from the 2020 version but so much to see in this game despite that
Such a high qualify video. Thanks for sharing your insights. I had some great times with 2020, and 2024 needs more time. I fully agree that 2024 seems so fresh, but I hope the platform is well designed so it will enable the demands expected.
Glad at my age i finally adopted a wait and see attitude, hopefully in 2 or 3 years they, will patch it up and there will be enough 3rd party aircraft and possibly weather addons to make it worth it!
You mention sensitive controls/axis a few times in this vid. try adjusting the gain/expo on rudder, aileron and elevator axis in the control menu. Try -5 for instance makes all aircraft better/easier to control i think.
I am amazed that your yoke or stick works!
On Xbox i cannot even use the mouse to look around 😢 this seems to be a bug, im going back to 2020 until 2024 is fixed up
shilthorn stunning even a couple cable cars , down into the valley and down to interlaken again outstanding visuals
Very good review! Big fan of your channel!🥰
Can't wait to watch this after work!! 1 hour! Wow!
A Control E startup? Isn't that basically how an airbus starts? :P
@6:20 I agree, although i have yet to, and am looking forward to "walk" down my very own street, or indeed in my town in VR! :D
There is a process to move the offical and community folders to a different drive. I have successfully done just that and it works perfectly thank god
As someone who’s looking to purchase, this is exactly what I’m looking for in a review. Thank you.
Btw: your pilot is a dead ringer for Brian from The Breakfast Club. 😂
ITBS, forgive me if you’ve done this already but I’d love a bit of a dive into your sim set up, and what you make of your purchases/any upgrades incoming etc.
Balanced review - thanks!
As a sim racer i wonder, do you think some of the control feeling can be addressed with tuning and tweeking the controller hardware? Thanks for a nice review.
Thank you for the overview of the new sim.
Hopefully we can also have multicrew as a feature without needing third party add ons would be silly not too and would be great if it was also available in career mode so you could complete jobs with friends onboard
The Ctrl E part was too funny XD
It took all my willpower not to unsubscribe 😂
Although i suffered like everyone else on launch day, the following day got in no problems and so far, touch wood, have not experienced any CTD or freezing. Admittedly I have a beefy PC and excellent broadband speed I think the 2024 sim is definitely faster. Wouldn’t yet say smoother as I do get stutters as I think the servers are still struggling and there is definitely more work to do on the default planes and a whole raft of silly and obvious bugs. The fundamentals of the hard core sim is still there and the gloss to do the career and missions is fun, although not for everyone. As said, the lighting and rendering of the earth is fabulous although some of the photogrammetry is still ropey!
The only issue Ive since day 2 was a slow load on 1 city. Didn't load in until I was over it in the f-18 doing 500knots at 2000feet. Other than that it's been great. You definitely need hard drive space free to make a larger rolling cache and 32 GB of ram. 5700x3d or better and 4070 or stronger
Don’t know why you people who think it working ok for you has anything to do with your PC specs or even your internet speed instead of the actual issues being Assobo’s/Microsoft’s end. Doesn’t matter in the slightest how good your PC is when it comes to the many issues with logins and loading of assets, it isn’t a result of many people’s internet connection speed either, not unless they are on 1Mbps connections or something silly low like that, I have about 520Mbps and a fairly high end PC myself and it couldn’t even load in a helicopter properly yesterday. You’re just fortunate to have been allowed to get a good connection to their servers where many have not, that’s it.
Well thanks for your feedback. If you actually read my post correctly you’ll read that I had the same issues as everyone else.
Totally agree. I will give it a few months before purchase.
At least wait for the first port release update. Runs fine for me. Not perfect. Mainly weird ships floating and wallowing around in cities.
Is there an option to disable the blue way markers in career mode
There is a work around.
You would also need to turn off taxiing guidance.
AWESOME!! That looks incredible real !
Do you have a tutorial on how you create your cool video sequences? Im guessing you use replay or something?
My biggest concern is that this sim depends very heavily on the servers. While I do have descent internet speed it is not without hiccups from time to time. I think FS2020 is more tolerant when it comes to internet related issues while flying. I'm considering investing a higher end PC just for flight simming which is quite expensive, but it would be meaningless if internet / server issues become more frequent. I hope they continue to keep fs2020 updated with more improvements.
The thing I hate most about MSFS2024 is figuring out all the new ways I need to avoid touching my keyboard ever.
Very much appreciate the well balanced review.
Thank you very much for the comprehensive overview. Reading between the lines and from general statements - I feel from youtube video's, including yours, that the Sim needs baking in for a while. I will not be migrating anytime soon from 2020..perhaps later in 2025 if the simulation has improved. One of the areas of concern is that some of the issues in 2024 seem to be carry over's from 2020 where the Developers have had 4 years to get those issues sorted..and also the requirement for constant online downloading updates is reliant on local and global capacity which leaves me thinking the cost of the product has increased the burden on the buyer because it drives you to purchase the higher internet plans in order to gain fluidity and reliability. As for the cost I have seen a huge jump in the cost for the Deluxe Premium compared to what I paid 4 years ago.
Thanks for the review and your thoughts. I do find it interesting that you feel the F18 is one of the better handling… personally I think it’s one of the absolute worst (zero roll inertia for just one example). It’s fun - but to me it is very “arcade-like” (though admittedly I’ve perhaps set an unfair standard due to some real life experience…)
My pleasure, Lonny!
To clarify, it’s not that I think the F-18 is particularly great, just that I think most of the default aircraft feel worse still. To be fair, a lot of that probably centres around the fact that once you get up speed in the Hornet, the aircraft “stiffens” up a bit, which I find preferable to the overly sensitive, overly light feeling of most of the MSFS 2024 aircraft that I tried.
I hope that clarifies things a little. All the best! : )
I really like your honestly and not like 99% influencer where they are sponsorship who want make views and subs ...
I wish you content creators would stop using the loading screen montage for your intros. We all saw quite enough of that on Tuesday, thank you very much 😀
Very thorough for a 1 hour video, I like your idea of waiting a while before buying it. I figure the serious content creators will let me know when it's time. Meanwhile; I took a flight today in FS2020 and to my surprise; the old geezer still looks pretty good.
P.S. Here's a fun landing challenge that never made it into the sim. Take an airplane like the Carenado turbo Skylane or the DA-40 and climb to 15;000 ft MSL over the observatories on Mauna Kea, then cut the engine and glide to the Hilo airport. As Basil Fawlty would say, "piece o' cake; Bob's your uncle".
I can't play. I'm on xbox one s. I load in with a plane and it switches my controls to pc and i can't even pause. Shit says press Q to free look. I'm so dissapointed
As a private pilot and IFR Rated Pilot I will say after trying FS 2024 for just a few hours (Standard Version) it only had a Cessna 172 with G1000 which most of us can't afford of fly. I still prefer X-Plane 12 for realistic flying and the ability to add on Garmin G5s which you will find in MOST Cessna 172s in training and clubs. Thankfully Microsoft gave me a refund.
Agree totally X-Plane 12 for realistic flying over MSFS20 or 24 for my usual simming in the LongEZ (indiafoxtecho vs vSkyLabs) and to a somewhat less difference in the Cabri G2 (Asobo/MSFS stock plane vs vSkyLabs). As a mostly "hamburger run" Class G VFR flyer, the convenience of MSFS24 scenery gen versus X-Plane12 with building Ortho4XP and exclusion zones and VFR add-ons to get the towers I use for references in flat south Florida, keeps me doing my casual flying in MSFS24 (as of this week), and only firing up my XPlane12 to check "what it should feel like". The other thing that keeps me firing up MSFS2020 more than X-Plane12 is the easy buddy flying built-in to the sim. (Before I added MSFS to my hanger, we were abusing IVAO and got yelled at while flying out of my buddy's small airport in Russia thinking there was no active controller.)
I have had a good time with it and really enjoy it so fat. Runs smoother in great than 2020 did for me.
Are you guys installing this on the same drives as your 2020?
Im only a sim pilot. Ive been into flight sim since mid 90s. Have logged thousands of hours over the years. The world looks fantastic. And I heard another say for flight simmers we would see huge improvement in flight model and aircraft physics. That the "gamers" would find difficult. But im assuming one could crank up your aircraft realism settings for sim pilots and the "gamers" can GTA thier aircraft. 😂
I was never into heavies myself. Only GA aircraft. And the occasional lear jet.
Favorites being the Cessna 310, the 414A, the Kodiak, Beechcraft V35, the Baron, and my new favorite the Duke both versions.
I think after watching this, I might hold short a few months, and stick with 2020 for now. The UI you mentioned being one of them. But i have no doubt the sim as a whole will be improved. But to see this and remember how it was in mid 90s. Ice and fire.
Why did you do fade to black between going from outside to inside and vise versa?
Another Spot on Video Thank You and I shall wait for 2024 sometime in 2025
Nice balanced review, thanks.
thank you so much for the review , i wonder if it's possible to have both versions installed in the same disk ?
100% agree with the menu design - esp the controls menu... it's harder to use, looks worse, and OMG... hunting down and removing all the default bindings that are interfering w flying...
as far as FM goes - it does feel like your flying at 1.4x speed at any given time with regards to twitchiness / lightness of feel. One of the issues in 2020, is most aircraft defaulted to 50% fuel and virtually no payload, so the aircraft was much lighter than how you'd typically fly IRL.
What do you agree with? That he flies with a default A321 and not with an FBW A32NX??? Or I don't get it with the England english.
So glad I got my refund for this hot mess. Maybe next year down the road when it’s made to be like it SHOULD have been upon launch I’ll pick it up. But for now MSFS2020 is where I want it to be and it’s actually PLAYABLE. Why they didn’t allow an option for people who have the hardware to download the entire sim is beyond reasoning.
A full and honest review .... I appreciate the fact that your reviews are indeed full and honest and there's no need to list these characteristics in the title usually so telling that you felt it necessary here. MSFS2024 is frankly is not really possible to fully review when features and options are not yet enabled (e.g. Marketplace, data downloads) not to mention the streaming bandwidth issues. I'd have held off the 'full review' review and just put up a 'current status' review. S!
Very helpful video ...But I'm one of those pilots who uses the mouse in the cockpit as little as possible So setting up control profiles Is key... I've arrived at a set a set of mappings to keyboard and controller that I prefer So I'll be looking to see how I can make sure those apply no matter which aircraft I choose.
Probably you’ll have added the multi threaded support and better hardware utilization. Thanks.
would help if you described how you setup your sim (controls for Chpper Etc.) i cant even get into my aircraft
I thought MSFS 2024 was supposed load faster than 2020, this is not what I''m experiencing. It's been taking more than 30 minutes for 2024 to load. At first I thought it was because of the super high number of simmers trying to log -on at the same time, but now 3 days in, I don't think that's the case. I'm running on a very high end computer with a lot of NVME disc space and high bandwidth internet. AMD 58003D, 4090, 2 TB of NVME storage.
Is anyone else experiencing this? I've watched numerous RUclips videos since the launch and no one has mentioned this as an issue, and what can I do to fix it??
It's really not loading any faster even at night at calm times. And yes I have a fast PC and 500Mbit/s effective bandwidth.
The big problem with the server issues is, that it also destroys downloading, and buing in MSFS 2020. Can't buy a plane. No contact with the server. It sucks.
Dude!! Awesome review!!!
Day 2 and I'm having no trouble logging in. But, I'm disappointed in the flight model. In the default C-172 Basic, I can make steep turns with no slip indicated. With feet on the floor the ball stays centered. I thought that Assistance must be enabled, but no, auto rudder is disabled. And while the sim looks pretty good in 2D, it's pretty bad in VR. The cockpits are grainy and the scenery looks cartoonish, dark, and has poor coloration in my Quest 3. Early days yes, but they had a big head start with FS 2020.
That helped a lot thank. You so much
I feel like I bought a place holder sim. I’m on Xbox SX and first thing is I can’t pan around in the cockpit with the mouse, only zoom. Nearly all of my addons didn’t show up and that includes some Asobo ones. Can’t adjust the control sensitivity because their movements aren’t animated in the setup. Some of the graphics are choppy loading in but beautiful when they do. It’s a mixed bag to which I conclude it’s going to be awhile before I get serious about it. I’m going back to 2020 and fly my favorite planes I purchased. I don’t see much point in starting a career mode where performance is evaluated when I can’t even properly set up control sensitivity.
does the a320 from inibuilds now go into flare mode at 30 ft or is it still the same problem? it's really the only thing that kept me from flying this aircraft in msfs 2020...
It took me 4 years to get my 2020 where I want it. So in another couple of years I may start again......I don't want to see individual blades of grass wafting in the wind. I want a flight simulator.
Yeah, lots of wasted effort put into that could have been put to better use.
They wanted to release it this year that the acronym would stay FS24 and not confuse people with FS25 (Farming Simulator 25) 😂
When I finally got in I crashed to desktop twice in first flight. Textures weren’t loading at times and overall, I couldn’t tell much difference in graphical fidelity between 20 and 24. Plus other random minor bugs. Had to refund, which sucks since this is a VR hobby I love. I’ll wait another year or so, and hopefully it will be in good shape.
There appears to be only one MAJOR problem with 24 THERE AREN'T ENOUGH SERVERS SUPPLYING THE DEMAND. I can't believe that with their brilliant video plug for the new sim they at Asobo and Microsoft hadn't prepared for the mess that followed the launch. I would be interested to see how many people went out buying new parts for their PC only to find out the problem wasn't their end. MADNESS UTTER MADNESS. I think there's an old saying. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If I can fly at 15.30 today with no problems, they may have sorted it out. We live in hope
Well today I did upgrade from 16gb ram to 32gb, not much difference tbh. Anytime I'm on the ground or get close to it I get real low fps especially in career mode.
I cannot fly any plane I have tried. The X56 Hotass stick and the throttle do not work properly! Working on it. Eh..I am disappointed.
Great video. I really appreciate your opinion on it. Thanks!
I have asked for a refund. Day 3, 8.3 hours of downloads, CTD and buffering with not a single flight. I will try again in the New Year if reports are good. £129 on Premium Deluxe and no gameplay; not good.
How does the refund request work?
I am so mad of Asobo that I also want to have my money back.
@@e36s50b30 I made the request through X Box support/refunds centre. Refund request accepted almost immediately. I have been awaiting this game anxiously and have even built myself a new PC with a 4800 Super, so not cheap. I feel badly let down and honestly believe that it will be a fantastic sim but only after a few months have passed to make it work as intended. I expected some problems, but I also expected it to work in the first few days. From reports I have seen, it is only working to a fashion with users lucky enough to get it to work at all. I feel if I delayed a refund request any longer I could be left with an expensive mistake. Asobo will have to regain its reputation before I re-commit.
I also got a refund after 5 hours. Steam were very quick.
I honestly don't know why anyone would pay for it at this stage. Its basically free on game pass lol.
How much hard drive space have you free for the rolling cache ? What's your broadband speed ? And how much ram do you have ?