I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@BrattyRuby687 just ignore him in all honesty. Apparently they are copying and pasting that comment as a reply to pretty much a lot of comments just for attention.
They went out to get cigarettes and milk TOGETHER ! To be honest these two are cool together, though... Kinda like Ruby and Weiss Sr. But still, Raven dumping Tayang once is a thing, but Summer asking her to help her do the same thing ? What the hell ?
@@nicolasbanidol2371 Summer asked for Raven's help to fight Salem and they both got bodied. Raven then said "fuck that" and never wanted to fight Salem again.
Honestly, the tree/blacksmith is probably one of the greatest characters ever written, not only do they support the characters in a healthy manner but also introduces the idea of change and evolvement in such a calm way. How changing yourself to something better doesn't have to be sudden or terrifying but something that should be considered a way of growing up and figuring out that being yourself is more than enough than to be something else entirely.
@@Dragonofthefrozeneclipse Makes me think of Uncle Iroh in a way. Tells Zuko to be the fire lord and when Zuko says all the shit he did he smiles and goes "And yet, you're still enough. Those mistakes are why people will follow you. because you are human, just like them. You learned, just like them. And you grew. Just like them."
I wonder if they manage to up their animation team skill up to meet the Monty expectations. I don't think that they are bad at all, just, they are not on Monty level.
@@Theeight8bMonty had a style no one else in the industry had. It's hard to break out of the bland genetic overdone industry standard from every movie so far, and dare to do something that overachieves in every way.
I'm not sure about that. Considering the controversies behind the scenes like the toxic work environment, harassment, and abuse, I don't think even a pay raise would be worth it. A whole bunch of the team got laid off during and after the production of Volume 9 too. I hope the animators got paid enough before leaving or being let go and goes on to do better things in a place where they'd be more appreciated.
I suspect that while Summer lied to Tai and Ruby, I don’t think she abandoned. She told Raven “if I do this right, we won’t have worry about any of it”. Maybe she tried to go after Salem directly. Could also explain why Raven is so fearful of her. She saw directly how powerful she was
No one in Oz's inner circle knew Salem was immortal. Just look at how Qrow reacted when he found out. It makes sense that Raven may have seen it firsthand. That'd explain her change of heart which led her to bail on everyone.
It would fit in with the narrative. Summer's biggest failure was trying to do things on her own. She failed because she put everything on herself and paid the price for it.
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 It is the same over and over. RWBY sucks, it has horrible writing and story everywhere in most videos. At this point, no one cares anymore. Everyone is now just enjoying the show.
4:49 for the first time since Volume 4, I genuinely felt excited with the animation. This Ruby with the quick flourishing of her scythe and using it to propel herself while shooting the enemy was the closest to what I knew Monty did back in the earlier volumes. Ngl it really felt like she was back.
Actually I have a small theory that Ruby wasn't really fighting at her fullest since Volume 3, when Beacon fell. Her depression really started all the way back in there, but she tried her best to keep moving forward until she broke. But ultimately she found herself again, and thus - she started fighting the same way she did back in Ruby trailer and Volume 1/2.
@@venomm4563 If you think about it. Her team had time to work trough their traumasduring volume 4 and partly volume 5 even a bit. But Ruby pretty much has been going nonstop ever since the fall of Beacon. And I to directly got the feeling of Red Trailer Ruby. Not just because of the start of Red like roses, but also her fighting style. :) Even if i kind of hoped för her to get a new weapon. ;)
@@raggarbergman I watching Red Trailer recently predicted that was chapter 10 Ruby and that's what were getting with her vanish semblance used as far as I noticed only in the Trailer. That is you swipe at her and hit air but she does not dodge she vanishes leaving a few rose petals. So at times now she will be the stoic killer many thought she be watching the Trailer. Figures Monty nerfed her a tad from the trailer for first season.
@@Jules279 the style feels like a videogame cutscene maybe bc of the camera stayed on the side make it something that come from a knf or a fighting game tho but better than previous one that feels like nothing's special.
You gotta love how concerned the cat looked when fighting ruby, it knew about the others and their powers because it saw them fight a few times but it never saw ruby fight so it was completely in the dark about her fighting style (which in all honesty feels like original ruby style with her symblance added in) and that opened the door so to say for the others to get the upper hand as well.
he lunged towards her with so much confidence, but as she pushed him further and further back you could see him realize "wait, no, i can't predict her!". when he grabbed Crescent Rose, that overconfidence came rushing back only to vanish when she vanished and reappeared with Crescent Rose's gun barrel in his face. all in all, he had planned around fighting the ones who he KNEW how to fight, and when Ruby joined in, the addition of an unknown variable was enough to scatter all of his plans to the winds. Ruby and her friends had been fighting together for so long, they knew everything about each others' styles, they didn't need any fancy plan because they knew what to do instinctively. he hesitated when he realized his plans were gone, and in battle, the one who hesitates and can't make new plans on the fly, is always the one who loses. the tides of battle are chaotic and ever-shifting. the one who hesitates will be swept away by the tides and lose.
makes you sit and think about how dependent they are on one another. Ruby's fighting style along with Yang's is the most aggressive, she's the most agile easily, so losing that speed advantage really does them in
@@TheCrunchbite Well, not everyday you possessed a broad to kill off her companions. Must have been concentrated in controlling Neo to noticed that small detail until it's too late
Feels like the end of an era. Roman and Neo were among team RWBY's original foes. They parted ways on bitterly last time... but this time Roman doesn't get a breakdown and aknowledges his death and Ruby's beliefs, all while leaving in peace. Same for Neo, who goes from mockingly bowing to her enemies to bowing to the heroes out of respect for saving her. This time Ruby doesn't fight them one last time, they simply give up fighting end admit they were wrong. I konw that it's not over... but it feels like the end.
I think what they did for Neo is amazing. I never thought she should’ve been immediately redeemed, but I was also against the idea of her dying. It’s a perfect middle ground
I love the ending for Neo. "To find yourself". What she did before the finale was unthinkable and scary. But all Neo wanted is ruby to feel her pain as much as how she felt her own pain after her loss and Cinder's betrayal. Anyways, I'm glad that the writers actually took the approach of sending a message that actually mean so much for the people who were struggling.
She did that and more w/ her message. She got what she wanted and Ruby didn't apologize, but I don't know that Neo NEEDED an apology. Sure she might've stopped if Ruby did, but maybe feeling heard and torturing Ruby literally to the lowest point might have been enough for her. Revenge doesn't seem to be the first thing on her mind, it really was the only thing until she thought about team RWBY+Jaune's friendship instead.
In a way, Cinder was more dangerous than Salem previously (on season 8) because Cinder was the trigger for Ruby's grief and despair due to Penny's death, but Cinder's onslaught caused the fact that she didn't realize that finally achieve her revenge!
@@chandlerwalrath9347 it was a thing of revenge was the only thing she could think of after Roman died. Seeing Ruby back, stronger that ever (no physical change, but mentally) and embracing her friends got Neo to realise just what she really wanted.
@@animefan-ji8rd I agree, I don't think Ruby changed physically at all but she definitely got a reset or a better mental from the tree and that kind of power is gonna lead her to do great things against Salem. Recently one of her greatest assets became a weakness after taking all the hits. I hope nothing happens to take it away yk?
@@chandlerwalrath9347An apology or an explanation would have made no difference because no matter what, Torchwick is still dead and Neo still has very little left to live for, at least as her current self.
All this time Ruby and Jaune have been struggling with the same question 'what it means to be a Hero?' they wanted to be like their Family like the Heroes in their books and they thought that meant being perfect that perfection was the only way to be a Hero. They couldn't be the prefect Heroes they felt guilt and put so much pressure on themselves that they snapped but at the end they both learned to accept and overcome their failures to not allow themselves to be defined by them.
@@souleater4242564kodd i know, his base character could be so ghood, but they waste him at ever turn, any chance he has of being a character that has some value, they just destroy it. i was actually bummed that he is deeaged at the end. becuase it would hae been a good development for him, but in the next volume they will just ignore the fact he has livedfor 10-20 years alone.
Keep in mind, neither of them asked to be leaders nor to be involved in a secret war between two immortals for the fate of humanity and the entire world.
Now that we saw Summer moments before disaster, I’m rethinking about red like roses part 2. Summer talks about not wanting Ruby to waste her life in vain. And we now know that she most likely went to go fight Salem with Raven and never came back, so she probably meant she didn’t want Ruby to fight Salem unless she knew for a complete fact that she can kill her and walk away too. At first I thought Summer was saying she didn’t want Ruby to become a huntress at all. “Don’t do what I did” also gets more light shed onto its meaning: ‘don’t abandon everyone you love and try to win by yourself because you will fail and achieve nothing except hurting the people you wanted to protect’
I love how Red Like Roses part 1, 2, and 3 all kinda tell Ruby's story. Part 1 introduces her and mentions some of the most important people in her life, while also shedding a little light on her grief. Part 2 goes deeper into said grief and shows her anger, plus a little insight from her mother wishing that Ruby won't end up like she did. Part 3, despite me not getting a full grasp on all the lyrics, talks about Ruby finding herself and becoming the person she always wanted to be, and finally able to be "complete". Ateast that's what I gathered from this.
I've seen a lot of disappointment that Ruby was on this journey of self reflection and the Tree was teased at changing her, but I have to say, I love that the journey became one of acceptance, she is enough and always has been, she didn't need to find a way to be someone else, she just needed to dust herself off, and remember who she was. And I could never speak for the creative team, but their choice of using Red Like Roses when she comes back really struck a chord with me, and makes me believe Summer's words were a stand-in for the real inspiration. It's not that Ruby is "loved, just the way she is", it's that she's "Loved, The way that Monty made her". When he made that very first trailer all by himself all those years ago, this is the girl he chose to pilot his story, and she's more than enough.
Agreed 100%. I do think it felt a BIT rushed, but this whole volume was obviously under a lot of duress to even be released in the first place, and I absolutely love the final message, which is that sometimes you DONT have to change to be someone that you can love.
I like that ending for Neo... if this is her ending that is. She got a sort of closure. I also love that old Ruby is back. She's been out of it since the relics came into play.
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
I personally hope she comes back because I personally like that her biggest reason for "being evil" basically boils down to having a close bond with a criminal. I don't think it inherently means she's a bad person, and if I remember correctly Monty's wife Sheena helped make the character so I hope she sticks around since, you know, it's not like Monty and Sheena can help anymore.
@@shawnwarrynn8609getting rid of the main antagonist for some random magical creature that got introduced 10 years i to the show wouldnt be the best play
5:00 I just realized, this was the first time the cat saw Ruby actually fighting. He had seen her scrambling, panicking, wildly lashing out, but never in a serious fight trying with all her skill for one goal - the utter annihilation of her opponent. Cat can fight the rest because he's spent the whole season watching them fight and picked apart their styles (don't get me started on the years he watched Jaune). When Ruby joins, suddenly he can't fight any more. Why? Is it because Ruby alone is that much better? Possibly, but it's far more likely it's because of a combination of 2 factors - 1. he hasn't seen Ruby fight, and 2. the rest of RWBY now change their tactics and fighting styles from defensive to offensive, in coordination with Ruby - ALL WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. They trusted in Ruby so much that Ruby was able to set a strategy and execute it flawlessly with them. They don't second guess her choices, Weiss even accepts her role as less "beat the cat over the head" and more "make sure the others can beat the cat over the head more". For an example of 1, Ruby immediately has Cat on the back foot after the counter attack, and surprised the shit out of him even when she did almost get grabbed. For an example of 2, just look at 5:07. All 4 of RWBY surround Cat, and they share a look. That right there is the plan being settled. That single instant. I think it's like 4 frames in total.
That's one of the most interesting quotes to me: Ozpin also had it wrong, because that quote is most likely one she completely misunderstood, one that was bearing down on her throughout the seasons, leading to her needing this season to "find herself", as it were. What I like seeing repeated in this show is that no one person has all the answers. Ozpin was set up to be that, but the more we learn, the more we find out that he's less of a wise mentor, and more of a clever trickster who has found himself with too much responsibility to bear. The way this reflects upon his students then, we see in the show.
@@unskilledkeks501Exactly! His poor advice is what lead to this in the first place. He had good reasons, sure. But he should've approached it with a little more tact. Such as giving Ruby an example or demonstration of what he means. Indeed, Ruby misinterpreted it as that if she shows any vulnerability in front of her teammates, they'll lose hope, become uncooperative or turn their backs on her. Thus, she must maintain a brave face, no matter how much it hurts on the inside. That's why, throughout this season, she was so afraid to tell her teammates what was going on with until it was too late.
Normally, when it comes to a protagonist of a show, you don't really worry for them because they're just... always going to be around to proceed the plot, but with this volume, I was surprised with how attached I've become to Ruby. When the show insinuated the idea of going forward without Ruby (her original self), for the first time ever, I was so worried for her. But I was all too happy when she chose to come back as herself, but stronger. I literally cheered and was so glad to have her again. She's the same girl we all met in Volume 1, but now more than that, and one we can't imagine the show without.
Well I want to believe she never came back stronger but came back just the way she left with one slight difference, she regained confidence in her ability to be a huntress and her hope to find a way to stop Salem.
@shirouvxf I couldn't disagree more as someone who struggles with depression her arc hit very close to home and felt very real She has definitely developed as a character
The ED for this season was one of the best songs Casey has ever done. It blows my mind how she keeps leveling up every season. I think lots of people talked shit about this volume, but it was one of the most important volumes they've come out with in a while
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@boat4823 Get that filthy Suicide Propaganda Out of My Sight! An D@£# Roosterteeth, For Even Promoting and Propagandising Suicide In The First Place!
Like i said, crescent rose was basically used by her mother, it was maded believe that ruby created the scbytche but she just modified it for more advanced usage, she lost crescent rose because of 2 reasons:1 she lost her ways and 2 ruby needed to find the spark that kept her going. When she felt fear about it returning i knew full well that ruby saw a monster instead of her trusting partner until this happened her mother gave her the words she needed to hear the most and thats when crescent rose appeared cause ruby had finally found herself
I recently started watching Bleach. It felt like watching Ichigo learning Zangetsu's name. As if she was about to learn her shikai "Let the petals bloom, Cresent Rose!"
@@nicolae-alexandruluca7853Ruby made Crescent Rose. Ruby mentioned in episode 2 or 3 of the first volume that every student needed to make their own weapons in Signal Academy.
@@nicolae-alexandruluca7853 Crescent rose was made in HONOR of her Mother as well as a nod to Qrow's weapon, which in turn is a nod to Maria Calivera(The Grimm Reaper), but Crescent Rose didn't even exist til Ruby was at Signal Academy.
FINALLY!!! Ruby can fight again. Now let’s hope they are able to keep this fighting style for the rest of the series. We haven’t seen Ruby fight even close to this since the earlier volumes.
I liked that Summer was the key to this. Ruby modeled so much of what a "perfect hero" is off her, those stories she read her only to learn even Summer wasn't perfect. She lied, she was human. You'll never be perfect, and that's okay because who you are even if you think you've done nothing but make mistakes can be good enough to make a difference. The Red Roses 3 OST and team fight was simply a delight. God I am on such a feel good high from this, I hope we get a Volume 10 confirmation soon cause I desire more of this~!
I think till now ruby was pretending to be her mother rather then herself. Becoming a huntress, fighting Grimm, being the hero. All of this is what she thought her mother was. But this wasn't who she is. The blacksmith is letting her choose to be herself.
Starting at 4:46 it just so good. They choreograph more like the old days and so it feels like she is back. It's funny because until 4:55 he still thinks he has the upper hand, he trys to grab her at 4:53 and then realized she's untouchable.
has anyone else noticed that at 2:12 when the screen flashes it's not just a random white flash, it's both the cat's and neo's faces appearing for a split second?? that's such a small detail that they totally didn't need to take the time to add, but you can *really* tell the animators truly cared about making a great volume
Not sure if many people noticed, but Ruby's scythe pose is the same thing as it was in the Volume 1 intro. I never thought I'd see the day where we would see that same pose 8 volumes later in the Maya Engine. That makes this even more epic and This Will Be the Day at the end is a super nice touch.
4:27 Ruby is… BACK!!! What an amazing finale, and the important lesson for Ruby is not to be perfect or like her mother of The Hero of The Story, but to be just herself! Just like Naruto finding his own ninja way!
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
Ruby has finally accepted that she will be enough to face whatever challenge that comes after the Ever After. She is back to being the young girl who is willing to see things half-full, if being a bit more mature. But I'm still wondering; she and Jaune have both faced and conquered their doubts and fears like Ren did in season 8. Will their Semblances evolve now like his did? I would really like to see that!
The way Ruby fought felt like the Red trailer all over again, thank you Joel Mann and the rest of the CRWBY for animating such an amazing fight sequence. Truly the stuff of legends.
@@whimsicalchronicles8798 I meant the idea of "getting close" to anything Monty did. Rwby got prettier looking and that's great, but post Monty the only good parts of the show were gone. What little substance that was remotely present vanished.
THIS is the the rwby I knew so long ago… she’s finally back, she understandably lost herself for a time after all she’s been through, but I feel like she’s truly back
The depression volumes over stay their welcome and were not good. I hope we are finally moving away from that and bringing the pedal to the metal that I miss back. I think this season was more about fixing their character because they realize taking a sad and serious tone worked of for the worst. I feel like this season was their reset button
@@Ray-ko1po yeah they definitely needed to happen but they went too far in on having the protagonists just get constantly beaten down every single volume. I personally felt that, as dark and intense as this volume got, it actually resulted in some closure that we've been waiting for since Volume 4 and these characters can now finally move on and grow the way they were meant to. Im actually kinda excited for more RWBY for the first time in a LONG time.
I might actually start watching RWBY again if they keep THIS up. Seriously the last couple of Volumes was pretty much the writers torturing a group of teenagers. That being said, I'm probably gonna have to bite the bullet and go for the DVD option because I'm not searching the web for a Yo Ho Site that isn't gonna cause me problems, and my internet is not gonna have the patience to deal with RT's site.
This was a sad, yet fitting end for Neo. And who knows? She may find herself and find a new purpose for herself before the end of the series. Not gonna lie, her showing up during the final fight to help the good guys would be some next level epicness.
@@montyl.8232 imagine if Cinder is bearing down on Ruby and Neo shows up at the nick of time. We’ve seen that the tree can show glimpses of the past that can change perspectives after all, so Neo may be shown what had happened to Torchwick, and that Ruby had a right to defend herself. Plus, his butt got eaten by a Grimm, not killed by Ruby. So Neo may want to continue as herself, but with the new purpose of fixing her mistakes and such, similar to Alex. Alex is somewhat shown to parallel both Ruby and Neo at points in the opening, and it fits thematically, at least from what I’ve seen.
dawg i cried so much this volume. this episode especially. like holy shit. Summer Rose, Ruby's self reflection, her scythe/mother telling her that she is loved, Red Like Roses playing when she's coming back, the breakout animation (Monty we miss you more than words could ever relay) Little ascending, being given Juniper, The tree explaining everything, and then Jaune getting de-aged but still keeping the white streaks in his hair, (the weiss giggle when he realizes what he's always sounded like) yeah lets just say this volume was much needed.
Ruby's found balance in herself. Even if there are doubts and fears in her, she's no longer held back by them by having the resolve to see things through to the end. And we finally got to see Team RWBY finally fight in unison that drew out their potential.
As Buddha once said, "It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. And then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you. Not by angels or demons. Heaven or Hell."
Neo's scene is really heartbreaking. No one, nowhere to go back to, only her memories and imagination to keep her going, but even that has its limits. I really thought that she was going to jump and let herself die on that view of the pit next to her, giving up with regrets. But the way she just saluted them, and let herself fall down slowly with that same elegance she always kept since her younger years really made me tear up a bit. I really hope this is the occasion for her to come to conclusions, and find other ways to enjoy the freedom she yearned for, but in a different, less self-destructive way from what she always did as "Neo".
@@albionsiriushowlett5034 Sorry, wasn't notified by RUclips about the comment. I don't understand where you're coming from with that though. Why does Cinder's age compared to Neo's matter? (Also they seem to be around the same age, we don't have a definite one from Cinder as far as I can tell.) I don't understand either what you mean by "Yandere attack shorty mindset", especially with their novel in mind. Neo (or, well, Trivia) always had a free turned rebellious streak because of her parents' education, and with Roman being a thug, they really had this dynamic of bringing the worst in one another while being each other's support. Losing the one guy that validated and enabled her "freakier" side was only going to end up with her obsessing over vengeance. He literally was all she had left.
@@WanEarth those are fair points. I've never read Roman holiday so I mostly have a head canon for their relationship. I just figured the gentleman thief who didn't profit from wanton bloodshed would rather have a partner with self control and not a rabid attack loli. If you want me to take down the comment I will buy I just voiced my opinion.
@@albionsiriushowlett5034 Oh no, don't worry! Sorry if it sounded like I was angry or anything, I was mostly confused as I couldn't understand where it came from. Though now I do: if you didn't read Roman Holiday, you missed half of Neo's character development and I understand where you're coming from. It makes me think that they really should've given out more clues on Neo's past in the series itself, though.
So even if Rowan had survived in series, the voice that gave him soul was on its way out. 😢 First Monty, now this. STOP taking away pieces of Rwby from us, world...
This has genuinely been one of the best volumes in a long time, I really think taking the extra time they gave themselves was absolutely needed to make such a great volume!
5:02 The callback to the Red trailer made me squee so hard. Honestly this Volume is easily in my Top Three. In my personal opinion, a return to form and a reset/leap in character development. I need the soundtrack immediately. I cannot wait for the next volume. Also, I love how Neo is looking for a reset to herself, she's been grieving and took her pain out on the one she felt caused her the most grief. Curious if this is the Death of Neo and the Rebirth of Trivia Vanille.
Did you notice the dodge before at 4:53? (same one from the trailer) only for her to turn around and keep pressing her attack. I love that from the get go she on the attack for the whole fight.
The lesson here is the most AMAZING thing I’ve seen in a show. I’ve never seen anything like it. It actually helped me a lot. It helped me realize that, I don’t have to keep working harder then others, and maybe the person I am right now is good enough.
HEELLL YEESSSS!!!!! Ruby Rose is back in town! Not only is she her good old self again, she's better than ever! With a stronger spirit, a stronger resolve and a stronger heart! A fitting end for a monster in cat's clothing. After what he did to Aylx, put Ruby through hell and possessed Neo, he deserved no better. As for Neo herself, I used to dislike her, but I came to dislike the Cat even more following ep 8 (plus he reminds me of Tyrian, my very least fav Rwby character), and now I feel a little happy for her. Letting go of Roman, making peace with Ruby and her friends, and letting the Tree take her to move on and become something better.
"Lost" is the best word to describe Neo. Torchwick was the one person she knew she could follow, regardless on good or evil. His death left her without direction...She was mad at Ruby at first, because she thought that was the right person to be mad at, even though she knew deep down that wasn't the right choice. She followed Salem until that team essentially forgot about her. She can't "join the group" because there is a LOT of history there and she doesn't fully believe in them, yet at least. So that just leaves...waiting... I would like to think she has become, in a sense, the new Curious Cat...
@@Chirpysemperboygiven her semblance and the fact that she most likely killed both the jabberwalker and now the curious cat i think she will replace both as their jobs are still needed and there is no one to replace them... except for her, as she can do everything they can using her semblance
I love that Ruby uses her shots to increase the strength of her swings with the recoil, but dang that’s gotta hurt her arms. As well as using her shots to move around and using her semblance strategically multiple times.
@@robloxcool88 she did, a lot of the newer fights are worse in this regard but after this I hope they'll bring back the old way they fought especially blake
We got Summer flashbacks, we got Red Like Roses 3 AND we got those notes of This Will Be The Day at the end... Everything was PERFECT! Gods, I hope they get a Volume 10...
I never watched a single episode of RWBY. But the thumbnail clip pose caught my attention. This scene was beautifully crafted, and I’m going to give the show a shot now I hope it has more moments like this.
After Rooster Teeth announced they were closing up shop today, I had to come back to this seen. I hope that this girl is enough. I hope RWBY gets picked up by Crunchyroll or something and is allowed to continue. There is so many plot threads left unresolved!
i know most people find the series underwelming after season 3, but i hope that if someone picks rwby up they at least make a final season to close it before making a reboot, it would take way too long to get to this point again.
That feeling when you understand that Neo is using her Roman Illusion to vocalise her thoughts, that She wishes she could be like RWBY and Jaune, and that there is nothing more for her to do
They at least got to say goodbye and Neo finally got her closure, now she just needs to find herself through the tree's rebirth process whether that means she will return in a new form or not we'll have to wait and see. Either way it's a nice way to say goodbye to two of RWBY's beginning baddies.
While the show isn’t perfect, Volume 9 years was honestly great and one of my favorite volumes, if not my number 1 fav because of Ruby and gang actually BEING team RWBY. It has such interesting and bizarre concepts that work, it’s so amazing. I’m genuinely looking forward to Volume 10 now.
I love that the one thing the entire RWBY community can collectively agree on is that Volume 9 was PHENOMENAL. People will argue over specific scenes, but pretty much everyone agrees that the volume overall was outstanding
4:08 - My god...the visual of that. The petal of the rose and then the blur and the music with t hose opening piano notes. Haven't watched RWBY in years, but finding this, that's peak storytelling in the medium of animation and music.
Like, I LOVE the use of motifs. Music associated with a character, some color or element (in this case, the red rose petals)...I absolutely love that kinda stuff. There are a lot of examples in fiction, but some just absolutely NAIL it. Like a famous example is the cherry blossom petal and the first notes of Byakuya's music from Bleach, or the first 4 or so notes of Roxas' theme from Kingdom Hearts (for example: ruclips.net/video/IQqPLbmIYms/видео.html ) - but I absolutely LOVE stuff like that and when a series nails its music ques and visual ques to match the characters so well. The red rose petal and Red Like Roses IS Ruby, and Ruby is them. Her cape and Semblance, her theme and story, and this so strongly capitalizing on that is amazing.
"to have what they have". that...screams like that's all she wanted to begin with. and a lot of what she did, was out of absolute rage that the closest thing she had, was taken from her. Still. she bowed out like a true Gentleman. She's a good girl, really. Just made some *absolutely* headass choices. Hope she comes back later, preferably at the 11th Hour, with something like a "Sup Bitches. bet you thought you saw the last of me."
What a finale of a volume. Although I will admit, before Neopolitan descended down that hole, I was honestly hoping that Ruby would have one last conversation with her. Saying something along the lines of Ruby forgiving Neo even after everything she did to Ruby. Ruby asking Neo to join them. Neo refusing due to not being able to forgive herself. And Ruby responding by saying that if Neo manages to find herself, learn to forgive herself, and is ready to leave the Ever After, Ruby will be there waiting for her to leave the Ever After. Still though I can't deny the way they ended the Ruby/Neo rival. Not by killing off Neo or a complete redemption, but by developing a form of mutual understanding.
No I think it's better Ruby chose not too, recognizing that Neo has crossed a line that can never be forgiven and it would take more than an apology to fix it. It shows she now has limits to her paitence for people and that's a good thing.
@@Cloud-dt6xb I agree with this, I don't think Ruby should forgive Neo for literally using clones of her dead loved ones to pressure her into "suicide". At least not without development towards forgiveness first.
I think Ruby definitely feels a little sad for Neo with the way she looks back at her twice and asks the blacksmith about her, but I don’t think that means Ruby forgave her for everything. Even if her pushing to her ultimately helped Ruby it was still traumatic and messed up. That said I think if Ruby is probably glad Neo ascends to find herself as she obviously knows the feeling of being lost. Clearly fulfilling her revenge didn’t make Neo feel anything but empty. If she were to come back ascended helping them I think they might give her a chance but for now they were content to let Neo choose to stay in the Ever After. One less problem to deal with.
@@theredeft5319 Right well speaking from experience I know that the first thing you gotta do to heal from something like this is start setting up boundaries that'll help keep you from getting that bad again. In Ruby's case it's knowing when someone can be helped and when it's better for her health not to. What that moment did was establish Ruby's set that boundary and she's already learning from her time in the Ever After.
at the same time i also understand and feel for the cat it was helpfull, it did the job its creator gave it, to "Fix what is broken", but it was given curiousity by the Gods, the same curiosity that drove them to be uncontainable by the ever after, but he wasnt given the chance to leave, to find new things to learn to be curios about. but most of all, till that point he also didnt know betrayel. Because noone in the ever after betrays anyone(from what we see at least) Then Alyx comes along and promises him to go to a world unknown to him, the world(as he likely deduced himself) his creators left for. a new world ot be curios about to learn about.. But then at the final step, when he was finally able to grasp this new sense of curiosity.. he was betrayed for the first time in his existance most likely.
You know, I think this is a “Curiosity killed the cat” scenario. The cat, being curious as to why he was left behind by his makers, possesses Neo to get into Remnant to sate that curiosity. This, as we know, fails. When Neo has recovered from the possession (and the leaf smoke), she kills the cat for possessing her. Thus, the cat’s curiosity lead to its death. As for why I’m explaining it; I find it easier to assume that anyone who reads the post doesn’t understand what I’m talking about.
@@BeekoBaggins maybe but it's implied that tree doesn't actually kill anyone it only creates and the people in the Ever After don't die there are just reborn the only exception to this rule is the Jabber Wocker which was created by the Brother of Darkness to end the cycle of reincarnation
@@BeekoBaggins I also felt bad for the Cat neither tho he deserved it because I was not expecting him to die like that in such a brutal way and my heart sank when that happened
@@josecarlossidancona960 Who knows if we'll see Neo again in her new form, but compared to Adam and Ironwood, she's finally come to terms with her pain and is at peace. And even though it's just an illusion, at least Roman respects Neo's decision and he's happy for her, as if he actually encouraged Neo's happiness.
@@93SuperSonic Adam and Ironwood could have changed but couldn’t. Adam wanted his kind to be treated equally but went about it the wrong way. Ironwood wanted to protect people and stop Salem but due to his fear it caused him to do methods that caused a divide. Neo is finally coming to terms with herself and needs time to finally accept herself.
@@TheToaprimezilla Yeah and even though Neo's done awful things, she can redeem herself in her new life. The fact she took out the Cat and parted ways with Ruby on amicable terms (Neo bowing out) showed she was able to let go compared to Adam and not let the darkness could her judgement anymore like Ironwood. I'm sure Roman would want her to be happy if her illusion of him is any indication.
@@93SuperSonic indeed and it makes me happy that she’s willing to become better and redeem herself. If things had been different, Adam would have seen that humans can give him a kind and gentle hand to him and probably still be alive and protect both humans and Faunus. And Ironwood would of have accepted that nothing can be done with might and learn to listen to others and know his methods aren’t always the best then Atlas wouldn’t have fallen and Clover, Vine and Penny would still be alive. Learning from failures is the best way to grow.
Honestly, this whole moment was incredibly well executed. It was always about feeling enough, about being at peace with who you are as a person. Ruby sorely needed to hear, particularly from herself, that she WAS enough, that she was doing great even, and that it's ok to not be perfect. A lesson that's often so hard to get for most people well until adulthood. And to hear Red Like Roses as she emerged was a beautiful touch; a song that touches upon who Ruby is was the cherry on top.
The Red like Roses made me scream I don’t care what anyone says about this show. This is so damn good. It’s not perfect, but it doesn’t have to be. Just like Ruby herself. Also I think Ruby should’ve given Neo the apology then. Something like “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for what happen to Torchwick to happen. If anything, it was Cinder’s fault.” And then Neo finally sets her sights on Cinder permanently. Like she always should have.
The Ruby fighting sequence is leagues above anything we’ve encountered before. The complexity behind how she uses her scythe is truly beautiful and something I’ve never witnessed before in ANY animation. Incredible work.
@@jeremybk54 I think it will give the animators a plausible deniability in retrospect when the show ends, as an aristic story-telling choice for showing Ruby' character development. That would be the biggest ass-pull in the history of animation. However, it would work.
"The complexity behind how she uses her scythe is truly beautiful and something I’ve never witnessed before in ANY animation" lol, Just watch the Red Trailer.
Oh gosh I cried when crescent rose glowed and it figuratively said in summer's voice i love you just the way you are. The blacksmith is best therapy mom too. Gosh ❤❤❤
except its not. since they adapted his original plotline the story started going to shit. and now they dont even have enough funds to keep it going. the rest of the story wont start production until they fill their wallets.
This finale was great. Seeing Ruby accepting the fact that she's neither enough or needing to be someone else after everything felt like it lifted the world off her shoulders. And I must say, hearing Red Like Roses again really brought back lots of nostalgic feelings and remember that Ruby from long ago, where she could still fight anything and still be able to smile in the face of danger? It has been so long that she's been fighting without one, out of fear of losing another ally, or a friend, or failure of protecting someone again. She was constantly fighting with fear in mind and I'm glad that she was able to smile again even in the face of danger even if it took several volumes.
One thing I noticed from this fight. 4:50 onwards. Ruby doesn't take her eyes off of her target. Till now, she's been slowly scanning things (in previous seasons), or otherwise just being unable to look ahead (more and more this season) - and now this is the same look she had when she was about to be launched by their combo attack from the fight against the giant raven. And she doesn't take her eyes off her goal once here.
I haven’t watched since season 6 but it’s nice that the rwby team finally figured out (or hired people who figured out) how to animate more than one person blindly swinging a blade at a time
"Your time is running out. You must choose. Choose for yourself one who can leave your burdens behind, or choose one who will be enough to bear them." "What happens if I choose... me?" "Then maybe, that girl is enough." wailing sobbing life altering
I’m reminded about something Master Splinter said to Leonardo in the 2012 TMNT: “Being a leader is not about being appreciated. It is about responsibility. It does not matter that the burden is heavy, it matters that you carry it.”
This is really what Ruby needed just time to vent and someone to tell her she's enough. It was enough to keep her moving forward long enough to see that her friends are there for her and that her choices have led to some good things happening
The really sad part is... that if the cat was honest... and just told the girls that he missed the dragons... they might have brought him along.... and as their progeny... he could have really helped them turn the tables on Salem.
Oh crap. There was a missed opportunity during the climax at 5:30. They should have ordered them by the colors of their Team Name - R W B Y. This would have made this shot WAY more impactful.
I remember finding RWBY when I was in middle school and being so hype about it, I really did love it and seeing where it is now with the animation and fights scenes vs where it was is really satisfying
It’s kinda poetic that the show ended here, where we got to see fight scenes and characters go back to their roots, even if that wasn’t intended to be the end
People can keep on their rwby hate goggles on all they want. This volume was a breath of fresh air. Ruby finding herself. Diving deep into the shows fairy tale vibe, Neo having her moments. DIVING DEEPER INTO THE BROTHERS LORE?! And now questions that need to be answers surrounding summer rose. Phenomenal, even feels like the fight choreography is coming back to its roots.
The only real problem I have with the Volume is more a problem with the whole series and the fact I personally didn't feel like Bumblebee was handled well. They felt off(also them immediately going to the tree in 9 did feel abit rushed)
Honestly I gotta agree with Caleb. Things felt a tad rushed, and frankly Bumblebee, how that was executed, just didn't sit right. Glad to see we're upping the quality of fights though. saving the best for last eh rooster teeth?
here's the thing, I love this volume. but the writing.... I just can't help but feel like they took the "safe route" with every decision they made in this volume. all the way into ruby's big moment, choosing to have a "team coming together because ruby finally understands she doesn't need to be depressed" instead of an impactful heart string jerking hype moment where she truly emulates her introduction trailer. mysterious, majestic, and blindingly fast with her semblance and crescent rose. saving her friends who nearly died to protect her knowing full well she may never be the ruby they once loved. that would have been more impactful than a "team rwby back in action" scene. because we weren't concerned with how everyone was doing, we were worried about ruby, and had a fear she would make a horrible mistake just to feel like she deserved to be loved.
5:26 has to be one of my favorite parts of the fight. gave me MASSIVE Lightspeed attack flashbacks from the sonic series. particularly Super Team Sonic's lightspeed attack from the fight with Metal Overlord at the end of Sonic Heroes
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo! It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains! And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
Giddy as a school girl up until the gut punch of Roman/Neo admitting the truth. That. That was a kick in the heart.
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 Dude, what the hell are you babbling about?
At this point it's way too long to explain!
@@BrattyRuby687 just ignore him in all honesty. Apparently they are copying and pasting that comment as a reply to pretty much a lot of comments just for attention.
@@BrattyRuby687 IESLB, as per usual.
Can’t believe both of Tai’s wives went out to get cigarettes and milk.
Great. Now I have to clean drink off my desk
He has the rizz and the anti-rizz. Perfectly balanced.
They went out to get cigarettes and milk TOGETHER ! To be honest these two are cool together, though... Kinda like Ruby and Weiss Sr.
But still, Raven dumping Tayang once is a thing, but Summer asking her to help her do the same thing ? What the hell ?
Well Tai slept with half the team. I really cant understand their relation
@@nicolasbanidol2371 Summer asked for Raven's help to fight Salem and they both got bodied. Raven then said "fuck that" and never wanted to fight Salem again.
Ruby's original theme playing when she emerges was goosebump inducing. That was an entrance.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
no kidding. I went through the entirety of volume 9 waiting for this scene, and it did NOT disappoint.
No that was THE entrance 😩👏🏿
The best scene in history and that's why I love Rwby
“What happens if I choose me?”
“Then maybe, that girl is enough.”
This gave me chills.
Honestly, the tree/blacksmith is probably one of the greatest characters ever written, not only do they support the characters in a healthy manner but also introduces the idea of change and evolvement in such a calm way. How changing yourself to something better doesn't have to be sudden or terrifying but something that should be considered a way of growing up and figuring out that being yourself is more than enough than to be something else entirely.
@@Dragonofthefrozeneclipse Makes me think of Uncle Iroh in a way.
Tells Zuko to be the fire lord and when Zuko says all the shit he did he smiles and goes "And yet, you're still enough. Those mistakes are why people will follow you. because you are human, just like them. You learned, just like them. And you grew. Just like them."
Really? Sounded kinda cringe to me. Maybe something like.
"Maybe I don't need enough hope to fill a jar. Just a little bit will be enough."
I feel like lots of girls need to hear that then maybe that girl is enough.
It brought tears to my eyes
Whoever animated Rubys' barrage of attacks needs a pay raise. That was absolutely beautiful.
I wonder if they manage to up their animation team skill up to meet the Monty expectations. I don't think that they are bad at all, just, they are not on Monty level.
@@Theeight8bMonty had a style no one else in the industry had. It's hard to break out of the bland genetic overdone industry standard from every movie so far, and dare to do something that overachieves in every way.
@@jongyon7192p No argue there, his works still one of the best ones on the internet.
the first need to get paid
I'm not sure about that. Considering the controversies behind the scenes like the toxic work environment, harassment, and abuse, I don't think even a pay raise would be worth it. A whole bunch of the team got laid off during and after the production of Volume 9 too.
I hope the animators got paid enough before leaving or being let go and goes on to do better things in a place where they'd be more appreciated.
I suspect that while Summer lied to Tai and Ruby, I don’t think she abandoned. She told Raven “if I do this right, we won’t have worry about any of it”. Maybe she tried to go after Salem directly. Could also explain why Raven is so fearful of her. She saw directly how powerful she was
If summer and raven didn’t know about Salems immortality then yeah. Summer died but raven managed to escape. But I would think surely they knew
No one in Oz's inner circle knew Salem was immortal. Just look at how Qrow reacted when he found out.
It makes sense that Raven may have seen it firsthand. That'd explain her change of heart which led her to bail on everyone.
It would fit in with the narrative. Summer's biggest failure was trying to do things on her own. She failed because she put everything on herself and paid the price for it.
@@kenstorm707 true, but if they did go after Salem it wouldn’t make sense for raven not to tell qrow, tai or even go after ozpin
@@kenstorm707 Qrow was Ozpins best agent, if he didn’t know then no one did.
Neo's status is much better than either death or Redemption
"staying untill finding real yourself"
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
The best ending she could’ve gotten honestly
@@shawnwarrynn8609 Seriously, why are just saying the same thing, EVERYWHERE?! We get it! You hated this volume!
Because My comments keep disappearing when I type them down! So I'm seeing where they'll stick!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 It is the same over and over. RWBY sucks, it has horrible writing and story everywhere in most videos. At this point, no one cares anymore. Everyone is now just enjoying the show.
4:49 for the first time since Volume 4, I genuinely felt excited with the animation. This Ruby with the quick flourishing of her scythe and using it to propel herself while shooting the enemy was the closest to what I knew Monty did back in the earlier volumes. Ngl it really felt like she was back.
Actually I have a small theory that Ruby wasn't really fighting at her fullest since Volume 3, when Beacon fell. Her depression really started all the way back in there, but she tried her best to keep moving forward until she broke. But ultimately she found herself again, and thus - she started fighting the same way she did back in Ruby trailer and Volume 1/2.
@@venomm4563 If you think about it. Her team had time to work trough their traumasduring volume 4 and partly volume 5 even a bit. But Ruby pretty much has been going nonstop ever since the fall of Beacon.
And I to directly got the feeling of Red Trailer Ruby. Not just because of the start of Red like roses, but also her fighting style. :) Even if i kind of hoped för her to get a new weapon. ;)
@@venomm4563 Or they were just crap at animating her till this point
She does the vanish semblance only done in the Red Trailer that is she vanishes leaving only a few rose petals.
@@raggarbergman I watching Red Trailer recently predicted that was chapter 10 Ruby and that's what were getting with her vanish semblance used as far as I noticed only in the Trailer. That is you swipe at her and hit air but she does not dodge she vanishes leaving a few rose petals. So at times now she will be the stoic killer many thought she be watching the Trailer.
Figures Monty nerfed her a tad from the trailer for first season.
Haven’t seen Ruby choreographed like this since the early days.
They've finally hired halfway decent animators.
@@Jules279 the style feels like a videogame cutscene maybe bc of the camera stayed on the side make it something that come from a knf or a fighting game tho but better than previous one that feels like nothing's special.
@@Jules279 the animation has always been good (for me personally) but it's the fight choreos that (for me) are lacking
@@Pokpak_Manoban it stopped being good after Monty's death
@Luno Sol That's cuz Monty was great with choreography
You gotta love how concerned the cat looked when fighting ruby, it knew about the others and their powers because it saw them fight a few times but it never saw ruby fight so it was completely in the dark about her fighting style (which in all honesty feels like original ruby style with her symblance added in) and that opened the door so to say for the others to get the upper hand as well.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
he lunged towards her with so much confidence, but as she pushed him further and further back you could see him realize "wait, no, i can't predict her!". when he grabbed Crescent Rose, that overconfidence came rushing back only to vanish when she vanished and reappeared with Crescent Rose's gun barrel in his face. all in all, he had planned around fighting the ones who he KNEW how to fight, and when Ruby joined in, the addition of an unknown variable was enough to scatter all of his plans to the winds. Ruby and her friends had been fighting together for so long, they knew everything about each others' styles, they didn't need any fancy plan because they knew what to do instinctively. he hesitated when he realized his plans were gone, and in battle, the one who hesitates and can't make new plans on the fly, is always the one who loses. the tides of battle are chaotic and ever-shifting. the one who hesitates will be swept away by the tides and lose.
makes you sit and think about how dependent they are on one another. Ruby's fighting style along with Yang's is the most aggressive, she's the most agile easily, so losing that speed advantage really does them in
I love how dumb the cat was to forget about the effect the leaves fumes would have on neo
@@TheCrunchbite Well, not everyday you possessed a broad to kill off her companions. Must have been concentrated in controlling Neo to noticed that small detail until it's too late
The minute Ruby smiled again, I got real teary-eyed. I've waited for such a long time to see her cheery and happy again.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
I been waiting too see the old cinnamon bun again! Now nobody touch her or destroy her shin we must protect her!
Yep. The first time Ruby has genuinely smiled and not just put on a brave face in several volumes.
Welcome back, little red.
Neo and “Roman’s” interaction at the end was heart wrenching. this volume was super great
it was truly a wandavision moment honestly
Feels like the end of an era. Roman and Neo were among team RWBY's original foes. They parted ways on bitterly last time... but this time Roman doesn't get a breakdown and aknowledges his death and Ruby's beliefs, all while leaving in peace. Same for Neo, who goes from mockingly bowing to her enemies to bowing to the heroes out of respect for saving her. This time Ruby doesn't fight them one last time, they simply give up fighting end admit they were wrong. I konw that it's not over... but it feels like the end.
@@nicolasbanidol2371 I think Neo will come back and join them when she truly finds herself.
Goodbye Roman, goodbye Neo. You were bad guys and all, but heck, you were stylish bad guys...
I think what they did for Neo is amazing. I never thought she should’ve been immediately redeemed, but I was also against the idea of her dying. It’s a perfect middle ground
I love the ending for Neo. "To find yourself".
What she did before the finale was unthinkable and scary. But all Neo wanted is ruby to feel her pain as much as how she felt her own pain after her loss and Cinder's betrayal.
Anyways, I'm glad that the writers actually took the approach of sending a message that actually mean so much for the people who were struggling.
She did that and more w/ her message. She got what she wanted and Ruby didn't apologize, but I don't know that Neo NEEDED an apology. Sure she might've stopped if Ruby did, but maybe feeling heard and torturing Ruby literally to the lowest point might have been enough for her. Revenge doesn't seem to be the first thing on her mind, it really was the only thing until she thought about team RWBY+Jaune's friendship instead.
In a way, Cinder was more dangerous than Salem previously (on season 8) because Cinder was the trigger for Ruby's grief and despair due to Penny's death, but Cinder's onslaught caused the fact that she didn't realize that finally achieve her revenge!
@@chandlerwalrath9347 it was a thing of revenge was the only thing she could think of after Roman died. Seeing Ruby back, stronger that ever (no physical change, but mentally) and embracing her friends got Neo to realise just what she really wanted.
@@animefan-ji8rd I agree, I don't think Ruby changed physically at all but she definitely got a reset or a better mental from the tree and that kind of power is gonna lead her to do great things against Salem. Recently one of her greatest assets became a weakness after taking all the hits. I hope nothing happens to take it away yk?
@@chandlerwalrath9347An apology or an explanation would have made no difference because no matter what, Torchwick is still dead and Neo still has very little left to live for, at least as her current self.
All this time Ruby and Jaune have been struggling with the same question 'what it means to be a Hero?' they wanted to be like their Family like the Heroes in their books and they thought that meant being perfect that perfection was the only way to be a Hero. They couldn't be the prefect Heroes they felt guilt and put so much pressure on themselves that they snapped but at the end they both learned to accept and overcome their failures to not allow themselves to be defined by them.
Shame he's still a pathetic character
Two sides of a coin...
@@souleater4242564kodd i know, his base character could be so ghood, but they waste him at ever turn, any chance he has of being a character that has some value, they just destroy it. i was actually bummed that he is deeaged at the end. becuase it would hae been a good development for him, but in the next volume they will just ignore the fact he has livedfor 10-20 years alone.
@@souleater4242564kodd seems more like that's because they wasted his character than anything else
Keep in mind, neither of them asked to be leaders nor to be involved in a secret war between two immortals for the fate of humanity and the entire world.
Now that we saw Summer moments before disaster, I’m rethinking about red like roses part 2. Summer talks about not wanting Ruby to waste her life in vain. And we now know that she most likely went to go fight Salem with Raven and never came back, so she probably meant she didn’t want Ruby to fight Salem unless she knew for a complete fact that she can kill her and walk away too. At first I thought Summer was saying she didn’t want Ruby to become a huntress at all.
“Don’t do what I did” also gets more light shed onto its meaning: ‘don’t abandon everyone you love and try to win by yourself because you will fail and achieve nothing except hurting the people you wanted to protect’
I love how Red Like Roses part 1, 2, and 3 all kinda tell Ruby's story. Part 1 introduces her and mentions some of the most important people in her life, while also shedding a little light on her grief. Part 2 goes deeper into said grief and shows her anger, plus a little insight from her mother wishing that Ruby won't end up like she did. Part 3, despite me not getting a full grasp on all the lyrics, talks about Ruby finding herself and becoming the person she always wanted to be, and finally able to be "complete". Ateast that's what I gathered from this.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
Yes they also have done this with Weiss! Following along her story and internal conflicts with mirror mirror pt 1 and 2 as well as this life is mine
Spoiler: RLR 3 is actually the cats song. The opening lines:
*open wide
you were born to
hypnotize them all
They said their prayers*
@@patrice6373 How? Open Wide - Silver Eyes, Born to Hypnotize them all - The whirling Scythe
@@patrice6373Red Like Rose's is literally Ruby's motif
I've seen a lot of disappointment that Ruby was on this journey of self reflection and the Tree was teased at changing her, but I have to say, I love that the journey became one of acceptance, she is enough and always has been, she didn't need to find a way to be someone else, she just needed to dust herself off, and remember who she was.
And I could never speak for the creative team, but their choice of using Red Like Roses when she comes back really struck a chord with me, and makes me believe Summer's words were a stand-in for the real inspiration. It's not that Ruby is "loved, just the way she is", it's that she's "Loved, The way that Monty made her". When he made that very first trailer all by himself all those years ago, this is the girl he chose to pilot his story, and she's more than enough.
As long as this self-acceptance is the _beginning_ of her journey for herself and not the end, this is a great play.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
Yes ❤❤❤
Agreed 100%. I do think it felt a BIT rushed, but this whole volume was obviously under a lot of duress to even be released in the first place, and I absolutely love the final message, which is that sometimes you DONT have to change to be someone that you can love.
I like that ending for Neo... if this is her ending that is. She got a sort of closure. I also love that old Ruby is back. She's been out of it since the relics came into play.
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
I personally hope she comes back because I personally like that her biggest reason for "being evil" basically boils down to having a close bond with a criminal. I don't think it inherently means she's a bad person, and if I remember correctly Monty's wife Sheena helped make the character so I hope she sticks around since, you know, it's not like Monty and Sheena can help anymore.
@@shawnwarrynn8609 There was literally zero way the cat was going to replace salem lmao why would you even think that could happen
@@shawnwarrynn8609getting rid of the main antagonist for some random magical creature that got introduced 10 years i to the show wouldnt be the best play
Glad that Neo didn’t bite the dust, though is that that the end of her story? Is she gonna return after figuring herself out?
5:00 I just realized, this was the first time the cat saw Ruby actually fighting. He had seen her scrambling, panicking, wildly lashing out, but never in a serious fight trying with all her skill for one goal - the utter annihilation of her opponent. Cat can fight the rest because he's spent the whole season watching them fight and picked apart their styles (don't get me started on the years he watched Jaune). When Ruby joins, suddenly he can't fight any more. Why? Is it because Ruby alone is that much better? Possibly, but it's far more likely it's because of a combination of 2 factors - 1. he hasn't seen Ruby fight, and 2. the rest of RWBY now change their tactics and fighting styles from defensive to offensive, in coordination with Ruby - ALL WITHOUT SAYING A WORD. They trusted in Ruby so much that Ruby was able to set a strategy and execute it flawlessly with them. They don't second guess her choices, Weiss even accepts her role as less "beat the cat over the head" and more "make sure the others can beat the cat over the head more".
For an example of 1, Ruby immediately has Cat on the back foot after the counter attack, and surprised the shit out of him even when she did almost get grabbed.
For an example of 2, just look at 5:07. All 4 of RWBY surround Cat, and they share a look. That right there is the plan being settled. That single instant. I think it's like 4 frames in total.
"Being a Team Leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly." Ozpin Volume 1
That's one of the most interesting quotes to me: Ozpin also had it wrong, because that quote is most likely one she completely misunderstood, one that was bearing down on her throughout the seasons, leading to her needing this season to "find herself", as it were.
What I like seeing repeated in this show is that no one person has all the answers. Ozpin was set up to be that, but the more we learn, the more we find out that he's less of a wise mentor, and more of a clever trickster who has found himself with too much responsibility to bear.
The way this reflects upon his students then, we see in the show.
@@unskilledkeks501Exactly! His poor advice is what lead to this in the first place. He had good reasons, sure. But he should've approached it with a little more tact. Such as giving Ruby an example or demonstration of what he means.
Indeed, Ruby misinterpreted it as that if she shows any vulnerability in front of her teammates, they'll lose hope, become uncooperative or turn their backs on her. Thus, she must maintain a brave face, no matter how much it hurts on the inside. That's why, throughout this season, she was so afraid to tell her teammates what was going on with until it was too late.
Normally, when it comes to a protagonist of a show, you don't really worry for them because they're just... always going to be around to proceed the plot, but with this volume, I was surprised with how attached I've become to Ruby. When the show insinuated the idea of going forward without Ruby (her original self), for the first time ever, I was so worried for her. But I was all too happy when she chose to come back as herself, but stronger. I literally cheered and was so glad to have her again.
She's the same girl we all met in Volume 1, but now more than that, and one we can't imagine the show without.
Couldn't put it into better words
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
Well I want to believe she never came back stronger but came back just the way she left with one slight difference, she regained confidence in her ability to be a huntress and her hope to find a way to stop Salem.
Idk I feel she barley developed imo
@shirouvxf I couldn't disagree more as someone who struggles with depression her arc hit very close to home and felt very real She has definitely developed as a character
The way Ruby rotates her body, as she moves with the momentum of her scythe is beautiful. Constantly stepping forward with a relentless battle style.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
She reminds me of Maka Albaran from Soul Eater
The ED for this season was one of the best songs Casey has ever done. It blows my mind how she keeps leveling up every season. I think lots of people talked shit about this volume, but it was one of the most important volumes they've come out with in a while
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 someone needs to see the tree
No someone needs to F@#£ing Shutdown Roosterteeth!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 here drink this tea 🍵
Get that filthy Suicide Propaganda Out of My Sight! An D@£# Roosterteeth, For Even Promoting and Propagandising Suicide In The First Place!
This final episode was so bone chilling, I loved ruby's entrance and Romans talk with Neo. "I'm not real." what a beautiful scene
I like how Crescent Rose is shown to be somewhat sentient, telling Ruby that it loves her wielder just as she is.
Like i said, crescent rose was basically used by her mother, it was maded believe that ruby created the scbytche but she just modified it for more advanced usage, she lost crescent rose because of 2 reasons:1 she lost her ways and 2 ruby needed to find the spark that kept her going. When she felt fear about it returning i knew full well that ruby saw a monster instead of her trusting partner until this happened her mother gave her the words she needed to hear the most and thats when crescent rose appeared cause ruby had finally found herself
I recently started watching Bleach. It felt like watching Ichigo learning Zangetsu's name. As if she was about to learn her shikai "Let the petals bloom, Cresent Rose!"
@@nicolae-alexandruluca7853in the first episode of the series it’s said that she made it herself
@@nicolae-alexandruluca7853Ruby made Crescent Rose. Ruby mentioned in episode 2 or 3 of the first volume that every student needed to make their own weapons in Signal Academy.
@@nicolae-alexandruluca7853 Crescent rose was made in HONOR of her Mother as well as a nod to Qrow's weapon, which in turn is a nod to Maria Calivera(The Grimm Reaper), but Crescent Rose didn't even exist til Ruby was at Signal Academy.
FINALLY!!! Ruby can fight again. Now let’s hope they are able to keep this fighting style for the rest of the series. We haven’t seen Ruby fight even close to this since the earlier volumes.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
She can fight with her weapon, but I still think she has room to improve with hand-to-hand.
I liked that Summer was the key to this. Ruby modeled so much of what a "perfect hero" is off her, those stories she read her only to learn even Summer wasn't perfect. She lied, she was human. You'll never be perfect, and that's okay because who you are even if you think you've done nothing but make mistakes can be good enough to make a difference.
The Red Roses 3 OST and team fight was simply a delight. God I am on such a feel good high from this, I hope we get a Volume 10 confirmation soon cause I desire more of this~!
unless you're Cell(dbz)
@@halkras hell ye
I think till now ruby was pretending to be her mother rather then herself.
Becoming a huntress, fighting Grimm, being the hero. All of this is what she thought her mother was. But this wasn't who she is. The blacksmith is letting her choose to be herself.
@@halkras The same Cell that got whipped by an eleven year old.
@@Jules279 without vegeta's help,he WOULD OBLİTERATE him to OBLİVİON
Because he got the power of TWO HANDS
2:06 “This weed is trash, I don’t feel shit!”
2:13 The weed kicking in
Shaundi: God do I know how *that* goes...
Incredibly accurate
Starting at 4:46 it just so good. They choreograph more like the old days and so it feels like she is back.
It's funny because until 4:55 he still thinks he has the upper hand, he trys to grab her at 4:53 and then realized she's untouchable.
has anyone else noticed that at 2:12 when the screen flashes it's not just a random white flash, it's both the cat's and neo's faces appearing for a split second?? that's such a small detail that they totally didn't need to take the time to add, but you can *really* tell the animators truly cared about making a great volume
Not sure if many people noticed, but Ruby's scythe pose is the same thing as it was in the Volume 1 intro. I never thought I'd see the day where we would see that same pose 8 volumes later in the Maya Engine. That makes this even more epic and This Will Be the Day at the end is a super nice touch.
4:27 Ruby is… BACK!!! What an amazing finale, and the important lesson for Ruby is not to be perfect or like her mother of The Hero of The Story, but to be just herself! Just like Naruto finding his own ninja way!
Not just ruby..... The Grim reaper
Like I literally said the same thing about Naruto.
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
She has the rose emblem again!!
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
God red like roses part 3 gives me chills
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
Ruby has finally accepted that she will be enough to face whatever challenge that comes after the Ever After. She is back to being the young girl who is willing to see things half-full, if being a bit more mature.
But I'm still wondering; she and Jaune have both faced and conquered their doubts and fears like Ren did in season 8. Will their Semblances evolve now like his did? I would really like to see that!
Anyone else agrees that this whole Volume has been an emotional rollercoaster?
one of the best for me
quite LITERALLY some times
From what the creative team has said about it, it was absolutely intended to be an emotional roller coaster
The way Ruby fought felt like the Red trailer all over again, thank you Joel Mann and the rest of the CRWBY for animating such an amazing fight sequence. Truly the stuff of legends.
only took them 7 volumes to even come close to what monty had going
@@whimsicalchronicles8798 Let's not get crazy...
@@Bat0541 no its rooster teeth and they made a complete mockery of a masterpiece we should be getting crazy
@@whimsicalchronicles8798 I meant the idea of "getting close" to anything Monty did. Rwby got prettier looking and that's great, but post Monty the only good parts of the show were gone. What little substance that was remotely present vanished.
THIS is the the rwby I knew so long ago… she’s finally back, she understandably lost herself for a time after all she’s been through, but I feel like she’s truly back
The depression volumes over stay their welcome and were not good. I hope we are finally moving away from that and bringing the pedal to the metal that I miss back. I think this season was more about fixing their character because they realize taking a sad and serious tone worked of for the worst. I feel like this season was their reset button
Me too girl because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
@@Ray-ko1po yeah they definitely needed to happen but they went too far in on having the protagonists just get constantly beaten down every single volume. I personally felt that, as dark and intense as this volume got, it actually resulted in some closure that we've been waiting for since Volume 4 and these characters can now finally move on and grow the way they were meant to. Im actually kinda excited for more RWBY for the first time in a LONG time.
I might actually start watching RWBY again if they keep THIS up.
Seriously the last couple of Volumes was pretty much the writers torturing a group of teenagers.
That being said, I'm probably gonna have to bite the bullet and go for the DVD option because I'm not searching the web for a Yo Ho Site that isn't gonna cause me problems, and my internet is not gonna have the patience to deal with RT's site.
@@phoenixchampion7 i just watched in on Crunchyroll personally, but I know people have their issues with them as well
This was a sad, yet fitting end for Neo. And who knows? She may find herself and find a new purpose for herself before the end of the series.
Not gonna lie, her showing up during the final fight to help the good guys would be some next level epicness.
I want her to have another rematch with Cinder, now that her semblance has evolved.
@@montyl.8232 imagine if Cinder is bearing down on Ruby and Neo shows up at the nick of time. We’ve seen that the tree can show glimpses of the past that can change perspectives after all, so Neo may be shown what had happened to Torchwick, and that Ruby had a right to defend herself. Plus, his butt got eaten by a Grimm, not killed by Ruby. So Neo may want to continue as herself, but with the new purpose of fixing her mistakes and such, similar to Alex. Alex is somewhat shown to parallel both Ruby and Neo at points in the opening, and it fits thematically, at least from what I’ve seen.
I see her bitch slapping Cinder with her umbrella
@@jaimeeking8584 YES!
@@amythestmuse22 remember the tree's words:
It's not about where, but "when" you are needed most.
idk why but the way Weiss says "Ruby!" just warms my heart
Was looking for this comment and I was about to comment it myself as I couldn't find anyone xd
Was looking for this comment and I was about to comment it myself as I couldn't find anyone xd
dawg i cried so much this volume. this episode especially. like holy shit. Summer Rose, Ruby's self reflection, her scythe/mother telling her that she is loved, Red Like Roses playing when she's coming back, the breakout animation (Monty we miss you more than words could ever relay) Little ascending, being given Juniper, The tree explaining everything, and then Jaune getting de-aged but still keeping the white streaks in his hair, (the weiss giggle when he realizes what he's always sounded like) yeah lets just say this volume was much needed.
Ruby's found balance in herself. Even if there are doubts and fears in her, she's no longer held back by them by having the resolve to see things through to the end. And we finally got to see Team RWBY finally fight in unison that drew out their potential.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
that's cool...but are we all going to just overlook that she killed herself to find it? Doesn't that send a very terrible message?
@@JohnMasterCheif If she changed, then she really did. But she didn’t.
As Buddha once said, "It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. And then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you. Not by angels or demons. Heaven or Hell."
Neo's scene is really heartbreaking. No one, nowhere to go back to, only her memories and imagination to keep her going, but even that has its limits. I really thought that she was going to jump and let herself die on that view of the pit next to her, giving up with regrets. But the way she just saluted them, and let herself fall down slowly with that same elegance she always kept since her younger years really made me tear up a bit.
I really hope this is the occasion for her to come to conclusions, and find other ways to enjoy the freedom she yearned for, but in a different, less self-destructive way from what she always did as "Neo".
Later, Vanille...
You know she's older than cinder right? Roman had plenty of time to help her out of her Yandere attack shorty mind set.
@@albionsiriushowlett5034 Sorry, wasn't notified by RUclips about the comment.
I don't understand where you're coming from with that though. Why does Cinder's age compared to Neo's matter? (Also they seem to be around the same age, we don't have a definite one from Cinder as far as I can tell.)
I don't understand either what you mean by "Yandere attack shorty mindset", especially with their novel in mind. Neo (or, well, Trivia) always had a free turned rebellious streak because of her parents' education, and with Roman being a thug, they really had this dynamic of bringing the worst in one another while being each other's support. Losing the one guy that validated and enabled her "freakier" side was only going to end up with her obsessing over vengeance. He literally was all she had left.
@@WanEarth those are fair points. I've never read Roman holiday so I mostly have a head canon for their relationship. I just figured the gentleman thief who didn't profit from wanton bloodshed would rather have a partner with self control and not a rabid attack loli. If you want me to take down the comment I will buy I just voiced my opinion.
@@albionsiriushowlett5034 Oh no, don't worry! Sorry if it sounded like I was angry or anything, I was mostly confused as I couldn't understand where it came from. Though now I do: if you didn't read Roman Holiday, you missed half of Neo's character development and I understand where you're coming from.
It makes me think that they really should've given out more clues on Neo's past in the series itself, though.
Hearing her theme and seeing her return with her own weapon was pretty tearful
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
“I know. I’m not real.”
That line hurts worse when this was Billy Kametz last role, and he passed away before this came out.
what happened
@@jessealvarado7796he died of cancer sadly
So even if Rowan had survived in series, the voice that gave him soul was on its way out. 😢
First Monty, now this. STOP taking away pieces of Rwby from us, world...
This has genuinely been one of the best volumes in a long time, I really think taking the extra time they gave themselves was absolutely needed to make such a great volume!
The ending warms my heart... T-T
Neo’s always been Mary Poppins though.
I understood that reference 😏
A mix of The Mad Hatter and Mary Poppins just to say Happy (re)Birthday to Ruby with a spoon full of sugar!!! (If u get my references)
Speaking of the refence that come out soon in may
Don't know what gave me more chills the red like roses song or hearing Billy's voice one more time.
5:02 The callback to the Red trailer made me squee so hard. Honestly this Volume is easily in my Top Three. In my personal opinion, a return to form and a reset/leap in character development. I need the soundtrack immediately. I cannot wait for the next volume. Also, I love how Neo is looking for a reset to herself, she's been grieving and took her pain out on the one she felt caused her the most grief. Curious if this is the Death of Neo and the Rebirth of Trivia Vanille.
Did you notice the dodge before at 4:53? (same one from the trailer) only for her to turn around and keep pressing her attack. I love that from the get go she on the attack for the whole fight.
This moment when Ruby came out of the tree was amazing, and the fight scene was awesome, and then little came back, which is cool
Me too girl because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
The lesson here is the most AMAZING thing I’ve seen in a show. I’ve never seen anything like it. It actually helped me a lot. It helped me realize that, I don’t have to keep working harder then others, and maybe the person I am right now is good enough.
HEELLL YEESSSS!!!!! Ruby Rose is back in town! Not only is she her good old self again, she's better than ever! With a stronger spirit, a stronger resolve and a stronger heart! A fitting end for a monster in cat's clothing. After what he did to Aylx, put Ruby through hell and possessed Neo, he deserved no better. As for Neo herself, I used to dislike her, but I came to dislike the Cat even more following ep 8 (plus he reminds me of Tyrian, my very least fav Rwby character), and now I feel a little happy for her. Letting go of Roman, making peace with Ruby and her friends, and letting the Tree take her to move on and become something better.
"Lost" is the best word to describe Neo. Torchwick was the one person she knew she could follow, regardless on good or evil. His death left her without direction...She was mad at Ruby at first, because she thought that was the right person to be mad at, even though she knew deep down that wasn't the right choice. She followed Salem until that team essentially forgot about her. She can't "join the group" because there is a LOT of history there and she doesn't fully believe in them, yet at least. So that just leaves...waiting...
I would like to think she has become, in a sense, the new Curious Cat...
Me too girl because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
@@Chirpysemperboygiven her semblance and the fact that she most likely killed both the jabberwalker and now the curious cat i think she will replace both as their jobs are still needed and there is no one to replace them... except for her, as she can do everything they can using her semblance
Not a monster. Just a companion with a broken heart.
Right there with ya my friend. That cat was an absolute menace.
I love that Ruby uses her shots to increase the strength of her swings with the recoil, but dang that’s gotta hurt her arms. As well as using her shots to move around and using her semblance strategically multiple times.
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
I haven't watched the show in a long time, but I seem to remember that she always used to fight like that in the early volumes, right?
@@robloxcool88 she did, a lot of the newer fights are worse in this regard but after this I hope they'll bring back the old way they fought especially blake
We got Summer flashbacks, we got Red Like Roses 3 AND we got those notes of This Will Be The Day at the end...
Everything was PERFECT!
Gods, I hope they get a Volume 10...
Hopefully Season 10 we'll have a song for Tyrian.
Oh there is definitely gonna be a 10th season!!
@@DLV140 I think that depends on Crunchyroll.
@@kalamari3288 Oh Fudge
@@kalamari3288considering how positively people are talking about RWBY now, that would have to be insane to not agree to vol 10
I never watched a single episode of RWBY. But the thumbnail clip pose caught my attention. This scene was beautifully crafted, and I’m going to give the show a shot now I hope it has more moments like this.
After Rooster Teeth announced they were closing up shop today, I had to come back to this seen. I hope that this girl is enough. I hope RWBY gets picked up by Crunchyroll or something and is allowed to continue. There is so many plot threads left unresolved!
i know most people find the series underwelming after season 3, but i hope that if someone picks rwby up they at least make a final season to close it before making a reboot, it would take way too long to get to this point again.
@@gab4198 If we even get here at all. A reboot could take things in a completely different direction, or follow different characters than team RWBY.
they got bought by Viz Media so is gonna continue
It's so good to hear "Red Like Roses" again after so long 😊
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
That feeling when you understand that Neo is using her Roman Illusion to vocalise her thoughts, that She wishes she could be like RWBY and Jaune, and that there is nothing more for her to do
That was actually a heartwarming end to Roman and Neo's arcs
They at least got to say goodbye and Neo finally got her closure, now she just needs to find herself through the tree's rebirth process whether that means she will return in a new form or not we'll have to wait and see. Either way it's a nice way to say goodbye to two of RWBY's beginning baddies.
@@blackdemonknight mad hatter neo incoming
It’s a bit sadder when you realize the VA of Roman Billy Kametz, passed away last year. You might recognize him as the Shield Hero or Naofumi
While the show isn’t perfect, Volume 9 years was honestly great and one of my favorite volumes, if not my number 1 fav because of Ruby and gang actually BEING team RWBY. It has such interesting and bizarre concepts that work, it’s so amazing. I’m genuinely looking forward to Volume 10 now.
I love that the one thing the entire RWBY community can collectively agree on is that Volume 9 was PHENOMENAL. People will argue over specific scenes, but pretty much everyone agrees that the volume overall was outstanding
4:08 - My god...the visual of that. The petal of the rose and then the blur and the music with t hose opening piano notes.
Haven't watched RWBY in years, but finding this, that's peak storytelling in the medium of animation and music.
Like, I LOVE the use of motifs. Music associated with a character, some color or element (in this case, the red rose petals)...I absolutely love that kinda stuff. There are a lot of examples in fiction, but some just absolutely NAIL it. Like a famous example is the cherry blossom petal and the first notes of Byakuya's music from Bleach, or the first 4 or so notes of Roxas' theme from Kingdom Hearts (for example: ruclips.net/video/IQqPLbmIYms/видео.html ) - but I absolutely LOVE stuff like that and when a series nails its music ques and visual ques to match the characters so well.
The red rose petal and Red Like Roses IS Ruby, and Ruby is them. Her cape and Semblance, her theme and story, and this so strongly capitalizing on that is amazing.
I wanna hug ruby so bad man I’m so proud of her and happy she’s back!! 🥹🥹
Me too girl because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
Same I really want to hug ruby rose she will finish the fight against Salem
@@DLV140 I'm just happy for ruby she's back and better than ever
@@DLV140 I wanna hug her too, man!!!
As much I wanna hug Ruby, I also wanna Hug Neo. She deserve it so much
I know…..she looked so left out 😔
"to have what they have". that...screams like that's all she wanted to begin with. and a lot of what she did, was out of absolute rage that the closest thing she had, was taken from her.
Still. she bowed out like a true Gentleman. She's a good girl, really. Just made some *absolutely* headass choices.
Hope she comes back later, preferably at the 11th Hour, with something like a "Sup Bitches. bet you thought you saw the last of me."
@@DLV140 yup
@@Xenmaru00 I think so too that she will show up but next time she does, I think she will truly fight Cinder again.
I agree.
What a finale of a volume. Although I will admit, before Neopolitan descended down that hole, I was honestly hoping that Ruby would have one last conversation with her.
Saying something along the lines of Ruby forgiving Neo even after everything she did to Ruby. Ruby asking Neo to join them. Neo refusing due to not being able to forgive herself. And Ruby responding by saying that if Neo manages to find herself, learn to forgive herself, and is ready to leave the Ever After, Ruby will be there waiting for her to leave the Ever After.
Still though I can't deny the way they ended the Ruby/Neo rival. Not by killing off Neo or a complete redemption, but by developing a form of mutual understanding.
No I think it's better Ruby chose not too, recognizing that Neo has crossed a line that can never be forgiven and it would take more than an apology to fix it. It shows she now has limits to her paitence for people and that's a good thing.
@@Cloud-dt6xb I agree with this, I don't think Ruby should forgive Neo for literally using clones of her dead loved ones to pressure her into "suicide". At least not without development towards forgiveness first.
I think Ruby definitely feels a little sad for Neo with the way she looks back at her twice and asks the blacksmith about her, but I don’t think that means Ruby forgave her for everything. Even if her pushing to her ultimately helped Ruby it was still traumatic and messed up. That said I think if Ruby is probably glad Neo ascends to find herself as she obviously knows the feeling of being lost. Clearly fulfilling her revenge didn’t make Neo feel anything but empty. If she were to come back ascended helping them I think they might give her a chance but for now they were content to let Neo choose to stay in the Ever After. One less problem to deal with.
@@theredeft5319 Right well speaking from experience I know that the first thing you gotta do to heal from something like this is start setting up boundaries that'll help keep you from getting that bad again. In Ruby's case it's knowing when someone can be helped and when it's better for her health not to. What that moment did was establish Ruby's set that boundary and she's already learning from her time in the Ever After.
6:17 Yeah I thought they'll talk
Volume 9 blew me away it was such a growth arc for literally like everyone one of the best seasons of RWBY so far
someone better give us VOL 10 more then ever now.
The Cat being eaten by the Jabberwockers may have been brutal, but can you really say he didn't deserve it after what he's done?
at the same time i also understand and feel for the cat
it was helpfull, it did the job its creator gave it, to "Fix what is broken", but it was given curiousity by the Gods, the same curiosity that drove them to be uncontainable by the ever after, but he wasnt given the chance to leave, to find new things to learn to be curios about. but most of all, till that point he also didnt know betrayel. Because noone in the ever after betrays anyone(from what we see at least)
Then Alyx comes along and promises him to go to a world unknown to him, the world(as he likely deduced himself) his creators left for. a new world ot be curios about to learn about.. But then at the final step, when he was finally able to grasp this new sense of curiosity.. he was betrayed for the first time in his existance most likely.
You know, I think this is a “Curiosity killed the cat” scenario.
The cat, being curious as to why he was left behind by his makers, possesses Neo to get into Remnant to sate that curiosity. This, as we know, fails.
When Neo has recovered from the possession (and the leaf smoke), she kills the cat for possessing her. Thus, the cat’s curiosity lead to its death.
As for why I’m explaining it; I find it easier to assume that anyone who reads the post doesn’t understand what I’m talking about.
I kinda feel bad for him honestly, he did get kinda fucked over like everybody else, also on a side note can’t the tree technically kill the brothers?
@@BeekoBaggins maybe but it's implied that tree doesn't actually kill anyone it only creates and the people in the Ever After don't die there are just reborn the only exception to this rule is the Jabber Wocker which was created by the Brother of Darkness to end the cycle of reincarnation
@@BeekoBaggins I also felt bad for the Cat neither tho he deserved it because I was not expecting him to die like that in such a brutal way and my heart sank when that happened
That was good. That song was amazing. And, at least Neo's not dead.
Yeah but i hope she will returns to remnat to becomen something better
@@josecarlossidancona960 Who knows if we'll see Neo again in her new form, but compared to Adam and Ironwood, she's finally come to terms with her pain and is at peace.
And even though it's just an illusion, at least Roman respects Neo's decision and he's happy for her, as if he actually encouraged Neo's happiness.
@@93SuperSonic Adam and Ironwood could have changed but couldn’t. Adam wanted his kind to be treated equally but went about it the wrong way. Ironwood wanted to protect people and stop Salem but due to his fear it caused him to do methods that caused a divide. Neo is finally coming to terms with herself and needs time to finally accept herself.
@@TheToaprimezilla Yeah and even though Neo's done awful things, she can redeem herself in her new life. The fact she took out the Cat and parted ways with Ruby on amicable terms (Neo bowing out) showed she was able to let go compared to Adam and not let the darkness could her judgement anymore like Ironwood.
I'm sure Roman would want her to be happy if her illusion of him is any indication.
@@93SuperSonic indeed and it makes me happy that she’s willing to become better and redeem herself. If things had been different, Adam would have seen that humans can give him a kind and gentle hand to him and probably still be alive and protect both humans and Faunus. And Ironwood would of have accepted that nothing can be done with might and learn to listen to others and know his methods aren’t always the best then Atlas wouldn’t have fallen and Clover, Vine and Penny would still be alive. Learning from failures is the best way to grow.
I really wish the team talked things out once the got back together, or at least share apologies with one another.
I feel like that'll be left to next volume, whenever that happens. Don't exactly have time to talk about anything in the middle of a fight, you know.
@@grumpyfroggy8247 definitely
@@grumpyfroggy8247 true enough
Honestly, this whole moment was incredibly well executed. It was always about feeling enough, about being at peace with who you are as a person. Ruby sorely needed to hear, particularly from herself, that she WAS enough, that she was doing great even, and that it's ok to not be perfect. A lesson that's often so hard to get for most people well until adulthood. And to hear Red Like Roses as she emerged was a beautiful touch; a song that touches upon who Ruby is was the cherry on top.
The Red like Roses made me scream
I don’t care what anyone says about this show. This is so damn good. It’s not perfect, but it doesn’t have to be. Just like Ruby herself.
Also I think Ruby should’ve given Neo the apology then. Something like “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for what happen to Torchwick to happen. If anything, it was Cinder’s fault.” And then Neo finally sets her sights on Cinder permanently. Like she always should have.
The Ruby fighting sequence is leagues above anything we’ve encountered before. The complexity behind how she uses her scythe is truly beautiful and something I’ve never witnessed before in ANY animation. Incredible work.
as someone else in the comments said, and i'm paraphrasing it here, its almost like how she fought/moved in the much earlier volumes
@@jeremybk54 I think it will give the animators a plausible deniability in retrospect when the show ends, as an aristic story-telling choice for showing Ruby' character development.
That would be the biggest ass-pull in the history of animation. However, it would work.
"The complexity behind how she uses her scythe is truly beautiful and something I’ve never witnessed before in ANY animation"
lol, Just watch the Red Trailer.
Mmmm no.
It’s more a return to earlier days.
Red Trailer mostly.
Especially since it’s capped off with the next part of the song that started it off.
I hope the animations stay on par or succeed these. this was such a great sequence!
Oh gosh I cried when crescent rose glowed and it figuratively said in summer's voice i love you just the way you are. The blacksmith is best therapy mom too. Gosh ❤❤❤
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
I’m so happy for Ruby and I’m glad Neo is gonna get the therapy session of a life time
Me too girl because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🙏💝🌹
probably FOR a lifetime as well lol
This being the final fight under Rooster Teeth is very poetic. What a return to form for one last go.
That ultimate move they did honestly looked like a limit break animation!
RIP Monty, your legacy still lives on.
except its not. since they adapted his original plotline the story started going to shit. and now they dont even have enough funds to keep it going. the rest of the story wont start production until they fill their wallets.
Should have died with him
This finale was great. Seeing Ruby accepting the fact that she's neither enough or needing to be someone else after everything felt like it lifted the world off her shoulders. And I must say, hearing Red Like Roses again really brought back lots of nostalgic feelings and remember that Ruby from long ago, where she could still fight anything and still be able to smile in the face of danger? It has been so long that she's been fighting without one, out of fear of losing another ally, or a friend, or failure of protecting someone again. She was constantly fighting with fear in mind and I'm glad that she was able to smile again even in the face of danger even if it took several volumes.
Omg that combo where Weiss puts everyone inside an arena of glyphs.... Can we call that THE THUNDERDOME bc wow they were ready to RUMBLE 😂😂
Why not the ice dome
Wasn't that weiss ice palace?
Rewatching this after going through some tough times, questioning my worth and who i am, this really hit hard. We are all enough.
One thing I noticed from this fight.
4:50 onwards.
Ruby doesn't take her eyes off of her target. Till now, she's been slowly scanning things (in previous seasons), or otherwise just being unable to look ahead (more and more this season) - and now this is the same look she had when she was about to be launched by their combo attack from the fight against the giant raven.
And she doesn't take her eyes off her goal once here.
Robbie Daymen Preformed MASTERFUL as the curious cat, gosh I hope this guy makes his mark on the world
You could really feel glimpses of akechi in this performance
I haven’t watched since season 6 but it’s nice that the rwby team finally figured out (or hired people who figured out) how to animate more than one person blindly swinging a blade at a time
"Your time is running out. You must choose.
Choose for yourself one who can leave your burdens behind, or choose one who will be enough to bear them."
"What happens if I choose... me?"
"Then maybe, that girl is enough."
wailing sobbing life altering
I’m reminded about something Master Splinter said to Leonardo in the 2012 TMNT:
“Being a leader is not about being appreciated. It is about responsibility. It does not matter that the burden is heavy, it matters that you carry it.”
This is just one of the best choreography for a fight ever. So well done
Can't wait to see more Crescent Rose and Ruby, actually being swift with the movements like that. Hopefully CRWBY can pull that off again.
7:07 - "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all."
Guess she had to leave us with one more fancy parting. I always hated her... but she made me laugh!
This is really what Ruby needed just time to vent and someone to tell her she's enough. It was enough to keep her moving forward long enough to see that her friends are there for her and that her choices have led to some good things happening
I love how Illusion Roman kinda became her voice in this world. A coping mechanism she could use to hear her thoughts from her previous Roman.
The really sad part is... that if the cat was honest... and just told the girls that he missed the dragons... they might have brought him along.... and as their progeny... he could have really helped them turn the tables on Salem.
Oh crap. There was a missed opportunity during the climax at 5:30.
They should have ordered them by the colors of their Team Name - R W B Y.
This would have made this shot WAY more impactful.
Fun fact:
That was the first time Jaune’s aura ever broke in the entire series
Didn't that already happened in V1 when Pyrrah helped him discover what aura is ?
I'm probably wrong 😅 tho.
@@diegoblacutt8994 no that was her awaking his aura he wasn't using any untill then
It broke inside the whale, and it broke while protecting Nora from being squashed by Cordovin in the Mech.
And it broke from Cinder using her Semblance on Jaune and Weiss just below the portal to Vacuo
@@jeffreysmith236 You are right. He lost his aura right before weiss fell.
I wish I knew how to edit to make that kind of video.
I remember finding RWBY when I was in middle school and being so hype about it, I really did love it and seeing where it is now with the animation and fights scenes vs where it was is really satisfying
When Ruby’s theme kicked in, I felt that
Me too dude because ruby she has the power of light to destroy darkness forever and ever again ✨️ ♥️ ❤️ 💙 💕 🙌 🌹💝🙏
It’s kinda poetic that the show ended here, where we got to see fight scenes and characters go back to their roots, even if that wasn’t intended to be the end
People can keep on their rwby hate goggles on all they want. This volume was a breath of fresh air. Ruby finding herself. Diving deep into the shows fairy tale vibe, Neo having her moments. DIVING DEEPER INTO THE BROTHERS LORE?! And now questions that need to be answers surrounding summer rose. Phenomenal, even feels like the fight choreography is coming back to its roots.
I call them Chronic Complainers. There’ll always be someone who hates what’s happening, and they’ll always speak up about it.
The only real problem I have with the Volume is more a problem with the whole series and the fact I personally didn't feel like Bumblebee was handled well. They felt off(also them immediately going to the tree in 9 did feel abit rushed)
Honestly I gotta agree with Caleb. Things felt a tad rushed, and frankly Bumblebee, how that was executed, just didn't sit right. Glad to see we're upping the quality of fights though. saving the best for last eh rooster teeth?
here's the thing, I love this volume. but the writing.... I just can't help but feel like they took the "safe route" with every decision they made in this volume. all the way into ruby's big moment, choosing to have a "team coming together because ruby finally understands she doesn't need to be depressed" instead of an impactful heart string jerking hype moment where she truly emulates her introduction trailer. mysterious, majestic, and blindingly fast with her semblance and crescent rose. saving her friends who nearly died to protect her knowing full well she may never be the ruby they once loved. that would have been more impactful than a "team rwby back in action" scene. because we weren't concerned with how everyone was doing, we were worried about ruby, and had a fear she would make a horrible mistake just to feel like she deserved to be loved.
5:26 has to be one of my favorite parts of the fight. gave me MASSIVE Lightspeed attack flashbacks from the sonic series. particularly Super Team Sonic's lightspeed attack from the fight with Metal Overlord at the end of Sonic Heroes
i hope to god they finish the series
So that's the end of Neo's Arc. Now they just need to take care of Cinder
And Salem too
And Salem
I dont think so neo will be returns again
But i was sad see neo and jaune new team but i hope will be happen
I still say the it sucks and so does the rest of Season 9. Like seriously! Neo and The Cat were such An Awesome Villain Combo!
It would have been Terrific if they Got Rid of Salem and Cinder and become The New Main Villains!
And They still continue with the F@#£ing Misandric Feminist Narratives and Agendas! Alyx was the One Who Betrayed Jaune Damnit!
@@shawnwarrynn8609 Bruh chill