I bought this shortly after it came out. I've sice bought a second. It fits unger tools well and i can fit a unger mop and second specialty like a liquidator into the bucket. I have the second one for additional squeegees for when o do homes. Versatile easy to clean, remove and keeps my leg dry. Really love this boab
Love it. Just gotta be careful maneuvering around things inside people's homes so the drip guard doesn't fall off. Can't seem to get a Silencer and don't think I want to because this does the trick.
I bought this shortly after it came out. I've sice bought a second. It fits unger tools well and i can fit a unger mop and second specialty like a liquidator into the bucket. I have the second one for additional squeegees for when o do homes. Versatile easy to clean, remove and keeps my leg dry. Really love this boab
We're so glad you like it!
Bought the drywalker when it first came out . Best boab I've ever tried and I've tried most 👍
Yes! Awesome!
I actually use this for my bucket on a belt and then on the right side of my tool belt I use the Gunslinger to hold my squeegees
Smart setup!
Love it. Just gotta be careful maneuvering around things inside people's homes so the drip guard doesn't fall off. Can't seem to get a Silencer and don't think I want to because this does the trick.
For the price, the Drywalker is a fantastic option!