Drama Title: “Sunshine of My Life”. Really love this drama because the male lead didn’t let anybody bully the woman he loves, not even his mother…that’s what I call “a true man.”
“Sunshine of My Life” is one of my all-time go-to favorite dramas! It has a couple who COMMUNICATE and settle their differences quickly. The main leads, Zhang Han as Mingxuan and Xi Lu as Mo Fei are such expressive actors, they can speak with only their eyes or their facial expressions! Such terrific actors. And their chemistry is ELECTRIC! The storyline is unique and is treated with respect. Each character is full blown and their own stories aren’t just a “side story” but each is important to the main plot. Such a terrific show where there are only one or two truly “whiny” girls, and there are surprises, plot twists and the main leads are in a healthy, adult relationship. Just s truly terrific show that I watch over and over again! Thanks for reading. 😊👍
Miss SHEn , you look like Miss Xia , maybe she teach you how to do bad thing to your friend , but remember , what else you do , it will get back to you ok
Miss Shen , you copy Miss Xia , both of you’re not know , what a word jealousy mean , if you hook on it , you will turn bad person and you’re both bad bad in this case because to jealous with Mo Jei
Drama Title: “Sunshine of My Life”. Really love this drama because the male lead didn’t let anybody bully the woman he loves, not even his mother…that’s what I call “a true man.”
“Sunshine of My Life” is one of my all-time go-to favorite dramas! It has a couple who COMMUNICATE and settle their differences quickly. The main leads, Zhang Han as Mingxuan and Xi Lu as Mo Fei are such expressive actors, they can speak with only their eyes or their facial expressions! Such terrific actors. And their chemistry is ELECTRIC! The storyline is unique and is treated with respect. Each character is full blown and their own stories aren’t just a “side story” but each is important to the main plot. Such a terrific show where there are only one or two truly “whiny” girls, and there are surprises, plot twists and the main leads are in a healthy, adult relationship. Just s truly terrific show that I watch over and over again! Thanks for reading. 😊👍
Totalmente de acuerdo !!!!. Actores asi son fantasticos !!!
Este drama me gustó muchisimo
Love cdramas and kdramas
¡Qué hermosa pareja, y luego la voz de él hace que siga viendo esta historia 😍😍
What episode is this?
Boa noite
Miss SHEn , you look like Miss Xia , maybe she teach you how to do bad thing to your friend , but remember , what else you do , it will get back to you ok
Nome do drama?
I belive its Sunshine Of My Life
@@ConnieLyles yes
Sunshine of my life
Un rayo de sol en mi vida !!!!
What episode is this? 这是第几好?
It's "sunshine of my life " and it's very good very very good
@@rosedramaclips luh haha tinatanong po yung episode not the title😭😭😭
ما رقم الحلقة
Miss Shen , you copy Miss Xia , both of you’re not know , what a word jealousy mean , if you hook on it , you will turn bad person and you’re both bad bad in this case because to jealous with Mo Jei