A unique express taking unique route after Tirupati to Hyderbad to Nanded Manmad to Jalgaon before joining main Ahmedabad route. This enabled the RMM Okha roadie for EMD/Alcos from GTL onwards or at Kurnool after delinking E loco from RMM there. Also added feature is Rajkot Okha unelectrified line with electrification completion delays. So end to end enjoyable Alco ride then EMD ride and now Eloco after LHB fication. Thank you very much for running your tribute to twins queens of our heart alcos.
A unique express taking unique route after Tirupati to Hyderbad to Nanded Manmad to Jalgaon before joining main Ahmedabad route. This enabled the RMM Okha roadie for EMD/Alcos from GTL onwards or at Kurnool after delinking E loco from RMM there. Also added feature is Rajkot Okha unelectrified line with electrification completion delays. So end to end enjoyable Alco ride then EMD ride and now Eloco after LHB fication. Thank you very much for running your tribute to twins queens of our heart alcos.
So true...!! And this is how time flied