Next minute: We are releasing E200, this is an exciting addition to our game with loads of new features, The E200 automatically buys gold ammo for you and spawns you in with it loaded. You can buy the pink version of the E200 to have 20% discount on all gold ammo. Cost: 20k gold Pink edition: 25k gold Have fun tankers :) - Wargaming
luketfer EXACTLY what I was going to say. ALSO; E-100's AP losses almost NO PEN AT RANGE! With 246 at 50m and 241 at 500m ranges! Meanwhile the T110e5 has 258mm at 50m BUT drops off to just 238mm of pen at 500m range! This is something MANY people seem to overlook! The TL;DR E-100 AP is now BETTER than Maus AP, and arguably as good as IS7 AP - which drops to 240mm of pen at 500m IIRC.
TheDanishBacon you know what's OP is blitz? The damn IS7, even E100 heat doesn't go through it easily from the front and it can just rek the E100 with its 260mm pen on AP (Yes I know if that IS7 is a noob it will be easy but coming up against a well played one in a E100 in a 1v1 situation, probably gonna lose)
I expected him to park the E100 in the cap and ask the BatChat to use him as cover. That way the Grille could've nuked him, but would've never been able to decap the BatChat.
But Jingles, you're sasking people to THINK! People don't want to think! They just want to form up in their respective lemming trains and steam roll down one side of the map while spamming easy mode ammunition!
Theres always League to remind you it could be worse. That being said, Jingles trying to get the community he has built up to change how they think about playing then maybe the meta will shift slightly.
Good one, just keep in mind, when your firing gold from the getgo at people like me. I fire gold back until youre DEAD! and i am better at driving german superheavies then most.
Sveer Ler let's be honest, most shots I get in my E100 and Maus from other tanks except sometimes tier 9 and 10 TD's are premium shells. With such a long reload you can't afford to bounce. So HEAT in E100 and APCR in Maus all the way.
12.30 "Oh wow- that was unexpected"... really?, REALLY?! That's the first place I would expect them to be. He could have won if he loaded HE for the shot against the Grille through the bush
In retrospect that would have won us the game. I wasn't sure however if the 113 would roll up right behind me at any moment, especially after the Batchat had left the spotting bushes at C3. Nothing as awkward as having an HE loaded when facing a heavy ;)
When it's X vs. 1 enemy tank, you *ALWAYS* go in all at once, not one by one, if you want to win. Indeed Santinel was responsible for that loss, he should have instantly followed the Batchat, closed the distance and then they should have both poked the building from two sides simultaneously. The grille can only shoot 1 tank at a time.
Carson 2 genders and let it shoot you?the fucks the logic in that? You just supposed to sit in reverse not shooting allowing him to just fire round after round into you.
oh come on, when I'm driving my IS-7 penetrating with normal rounds on Maus is eassssy, with type 5 is another story, but that's why i never fight a type 5, just disengage and let him come up to a crappy position where I can shoot it from the sides and, don't forget, bring friends, you don't need to do all the job just because you saw people being able to do it solo
BlackRoseKn1ght gun caliber length is a great determiner of penetration. the 128 is a long gun, the 150 is not. the 150 should not have gotten a buff considering the ability of the heat. makes no sense
World of tanks isn't a simulation... Balance > Historical accuracy. The penetration buff was issued because the E-100 performed poorly with AP (facts don't care about your feelings). The buff doesn't make it OP. All it does is encourage the use of AP, reducing gold spam. And that's a damn good thing.
Jingles, there was no point for the E100 to leave cap because the Grille was spotted just a second after the BC left the cap (thus reseting it irregardless the E100 started cap just a few seconds before that). But its a good video, thanks.
honestly all he had to do was load HE when facing the grille. In the same scenario he either would have outright killed the grille or tracked him and taken the return fire in order for the batchat to clip the grille
A great game thereSantinal98, great commentary Jingles. I agree so much, the E-100 is my first teir 10 tank, and I dont use premium rounds very often either, and I make credits in that tank prettyr much most of the time.
Jingles, you could see the grille go up the slope @ J3 on the mini map so you should've assumed he was trying to flank the E100 or BC from the western ridge.
Lets get my daily dose of Jingles Btw. Jingles, I always play the E-100 with either AP or HE, but I also carry 5 HEAT shells for those special encounters
Hey Jingles :) I think that many players are from the time from before the E100 got its penetration buffed on the standard AP shells. Before as I remember it had like 235 mm of penetration which is quite low for a tier 10 heavy tank. So the situation you were in on the E100 is the same as you are in the T54, so I think people got used to use HEAT ammo. Though you do not need that anymore as you point out :)
Hehe ahh sorry just woke up .. but the fact is still the same. With the increased pen you Are more likely to get a higher pen roll an stil del dmg to the lover front on another E100 than you were before 😄
Looks as if the B-C left the cap accidentally after he spotted the Grille. You can see him try to stop and pull forward back into the cap but it was too late. All he needed to do was hide behind the E100 and he couldn't have gotten reset and he would've been able to cap it out.
well the standard penatration of the 150mm to the same as the 128mm(even though it's slower than the 128mm) soooo the AP ammo is perfectly fine against most tenks
i fire heat when i have to deal with a hull down jg pz or a maus or type 5 or mauschen and sometimes when the e5 is around i aim for either the cheaks the hatch or the turret ring area with ap and if i dont pen 1 to 2 shots i cant risk that with a e5s rof then i load the heat. with everything else i load he or ap
Did he forget to switch to HE at the end for the Grille 15, i find it does great damage, but never does the kind of module damage i would expect of a penetrating HE shell which is annoying and makes HE a little less tactical.
Jingles I already have the first mark of exellence on the T-54 and I haven't used a single round HEAT since I bought it, I do like the tank and make good amount of dmg with it (2k-5k dmg per match), but I just don't need HEAT unless I'm cornered
Yesterday in my stock, brand new, Strv 103-0, an enemy kept spamming gold ammo at my front. It bounced, because it couldn't overmatch the sloped armour, until I was forced to turn to face his buddies. Thing is, he was in a Strv S1. Same gun, same sloped armour. Evidently, 288mm of penetration against a 40mm armoured tank still wasn't enough, and driving the same sort of tank had taught him nothing about the armour. I'd bet he didn't make much credit out of that battle...
I think it might have been missed discussing crew perks here, its relevant imo. If you have BIA / Deadeye and other crew perks to help the gun it can make a huge difference. Those without 4 / 5 perk crews will likely load gold accordingly - until they do at least. If people are "training" up crew as fast as possible they are willing to pay for it, they want XP, that comes with damage / winning of course - they do not care about "saving" credits. Myself, I don't necessarily have all my best crews in all the tier 10's, and E100 not used in CW nearly as much or not at all, I can see not having best crews in it = another reason to "need" to spam gold.
I have an e100. The standard rounds are at best unreliable when fighting same tier heavies, even from point blank range, even hitting weak spots. I dont begrudge anyone firing heat from the e100 at any time. As far as e100 drivers using heat on weakly armored targets, the reload is so slow that many times you dont have time to load a different kind of amo when an unexpected skorpion appears. I know some people derive a sense of moral superiority from not using premium amo, but its a game, its within the rules and its my money after all. I play tanks because I enjoy it. If I spend a few credits that I earned myself on premium amo, then Ill give no shits what anyone thinks of it.
And just for the record I rarely use premium ammo unless it's needed. I just find it funny that because there are people that spam it, that makes it bad. They are just stupid to use it when they don't need to.
The problem with getting close enough to make the E-100 gun work is that an E-100 at close range is little more than a snack for almost every other tank in the game. It's too big, too slow, and the armor isn't nearly good enough to survive against the other T10 competition.
I don't understand why he didn't reload HE shells at the end (after E4 died). IS4 and Leo 1 were on such low health that HE would have killed them. Grille would have taken lots of damage and probably be dead.
THANK YOU! We have needed a community figure to just flat out say that premium ammo shouldn't be the only load out you use! Long over due for a community reality check
I use premium ammo only as emergency , even on 183 i have half of AP and half on HESH, but 183 is kinda special. On other tanks i have most of time only handfull of shells , like on my T-34-100 i have i think 2 HEAT ammo, for tier 9's heavy tanks.
Ok Jingles, there were 4 to 5 of his shots that were pure RNG wins for the player. His first 2 shots into that E-100 were high pen roll shots. Shooting down at the an angled E-100 lower plate is very low chance of pen with AP. Shooting an angled side of the E-100 again low chance of pen. Penning an angled IS-7 at the exact gap between track and angled side, RNG again. The reason people roll HEAT is because 75% of the time, those shots bounce.
My problem with the E100 is not the low penetration of the 150mm gun, for me it's the armour. I feel that when you are a heavily armoured tank with a lot of alpha, other tanks should be scared of you. However as I've found out, people just load gold and they will never fail to penetrate you, making the E100 slow, with bad gun handling and now no armour when people press 2.
i miss the old clips when jingles was funny and you get a good portion of entertainment, every time jingles upload a clip i wish it wont be another disappointment.
as already said here... the 150mm gun doesnt has that awful 235 mm pen anymore. its now equal to the good old 128 mm gun. 246 isnt a lot, but many german tanks use that gun. so u know from playing different german tanks with that gun with the same penetration where u can be confedent to punch through the armor off enemy tanks... it has 4 mm less pen then the is7 so.... there is not rly any reason anymore to load gold.... u kind of have to against type4/5 and probably the mouse... but yeah ... honestly? im having problems with tier 9 and 10 tds on those tanks aswell so....
given Santinal in the E-100 was there and alive to ensure a draw at worst, I think the BC should have tried to go for the kill in the last few seconds. If he died the only thing at stake was his repair bill. That was the last best chance but he just didn't take it.
These kind of games are why I love that there are no draws in World of Warships. Even with only seconds remaining people still don't grow the balls to just risk it. They lose a bunch of credits if it goes wrong, but stand to gain winning XP if it works. In a draw both teams lose, but nobody seems to get that.
True, but you can't really force it anymore. Even if someone is running away while the points tick at the same millisecond, the others can just enter a cap 3 seconds before the end and a draw is avoided. You can't do that in WoT.
Oh Jingles, its not always practical to close the distance especially in a big, slow, vulnerable super heavy like the E100 on the more campy maps in the game. You'll have to expose yourself to close the distance and you'll end up being picked apart, its safer to 'spam' gold if you need to until your team makes a hole to exploit or the enemy team messes up.
Always appreciate a replay without loading "skill" and of playing the tank to it's advantages. Instead of regular: "can flank him or shoot at weakspots, but I'd rather load gold to be extra sure".
If you play on console the E-100 still has 235 pen and that makes it almost impossible to pen the lower plate of an IS-7 and can be challenging to pen even an E-100's/Jagpaz100 lower plate. I love my E-100 and have over 1,300 battles in it (I'm also at 93% on my damage standing). But I usually use 50% heat during a battle depending if the other team has a lot of heavy tanks. Now if the E-100 on console had 246 pen, that would be a big difference and I would imagine most people would start using AP most of the time.
Me: Well, ACTUALLY JINGLES, he would have been better off firing HEAT at the batchat because with the way heat work, he would have penetrated the batchat extreme angles where as with AP he won’t. Uh... jingles? Jingles: Ka-Ching... BOOM
Next minute: We are releasing E200, this is an exciting addition to our game with loads of new features, The E200 automatically buys gold ammo for you and spawns you in with it loaded. You can buy the pink version of the E200 to have 20% discount on all gold ammo.
Cost: 20k gold
Pink edition: 25k gold
Have fun tankers :) - Wargaming
Id buy it in a heartbeat.
and is definitely not overpowered! - wargaming
There's some premiums you can buy with gold fro the tech tree nob scratch
Venator - Just because it can also be bought with credits now, doesn't mean we can't call it "gold ammo" you numnut.
Dude your insults are lame. what's wrong did mammy not hug you enough? or maybe it was bit too much.
dear jingles it seems you forgot E100s 150mm gun had a ap buff to 246mm pen , cheers from a big bosnian fan!
Yeah this was to make it match with the Type 5s' gun which had 246mm of pen IIRC
luketfer EXACTLY what I was going to say. ALSO; E-100's AP losses almost NO PEN AT RANGE! With 246 at 50m and 241 at 500m ranges!
Meanwhile the T110e5 has 258mm at 50m BUT drops off to just 238mm of pen at 500m range!
This is something MANY people seem to overlook! The TL;DR
E-100 AP is now BETTER than Maus AP, and arguably as good as IS7 AP - which drops to 240mm of pen at 500m IIRC.
luketfer no it was buffed to match the 128mm maus guns 246mm of pen
It was mainly done to resolve the issue of the gold ammo beeing fired so much
of course he forgot. it´s jingles
The 150mm gun's penetration got buffed in this patch. Its now 250-ish. So AP ammo is more used now, than ever before
TheDanishBacon you know what's OP is blitz? The damn IS7, even E100 heat doesn't go through it easily from the front and it can just rek the E100 with its 260mm pen on AP (Yes I know if that IS7 is a noob it will be easy but coming up against a well played one in a E100 in a 1v1 situation, probably gonna lose)
falls, the 150mm guns AP got buffed patches ago, not just now
Arcane Gianterino Kripperino and I love it so
I expected him to park the E100 in the cap and ask the BatChat to use him as cover. That way the Grille could've nuked him, but would've never been able to decap the BatChat.
But Jingles, you're sasking people to THINK! People don't want to think! They just want to form up in their respective lemming trains and steam roll down one side of the map while spamming easy mode ammunition!
PauseForGames If you like to think you don't play a arcade tank game that attracts braindead players like nothing else.
Theres always League to remind you it could be worse. That being said, Jingles trying to get the community he has built up to change how they think about playing then maybe the meta will shift slightly.
PauseForGames Lemming down one side of the map is not a bad thing if you play it correctly. you'll win most of the time if you do
Thank goodness World of Warships doesn't have gold ammo.
Wing hung yuen Don't give them any ideas _shudder_
Wing hung yuen Nah it just has broken HE ammo and poor fire mechanics
Wing hung yuen. yes because the yamato needs more pen.
we be overpening montanas in this bitch!
Mike Peabody true, Wargaming has a habit of doing things that puzzles us.
Gale Wings Jordan Yamato need more buffs. ;)
Kudos, as well, to both the Bat-chat and the Grill, for playing sharp and competitive and making this game so much fun to watch to the end.
I never press the 2 Key when in playing my E100 because HEAT is on 1
Good one, just keep in mind, when your firing gold from the getgo at people like me. I fire gold back until youre DEAD! and i am better at driving german superheavies then most.
you sound so cool, i wish i were you.
Sveer Ler let's be honest, most shots I get in my E100 and Maus from other tanks except sometimes tier 9 and 10 TD's are premium shells.
With such a long reload you can't afford to bounce. So HEAT in E100 and APCR in Maus all the way.
HEAT is more likely to be deflected by angled armor. There are times where you can pen with AP of less penetration value because of this.
Ah yes, jingles after a frustrating day at work. Perfect!
indeed mate, indeed
12.30 "Oh wow- that was unexpected"... really?, REALLY?! That's the first place I would expect them to be.
He could have won if he loaded HE for the shot against the Grille through the bush
seems like Jangles forgot that E100 got a pene bump on the 15cm from 235 to 246, so it's equal on both guns
you scrub, we don't watch jingles for his knowledge of tanks
Unless its a history lesson :P
Nohnaimer 246 is crappy when you can roll below 200 pen
at least not ingame tanks ;)
246 is not crappy at all if u know where to shoot. and when it is, u can load HE and wreck ur enemy modules nicely
And that's why you change to HE when shooting at a Grille 15
Allard Jan van Marle he loaded 20 HE and he never thought to use it against a rolling paper machine
In retrospect that would have won us the game. I wasn't sure however if the 113 would roll up right behind me at any moment, especially after the Batchat had left the spotting bushes at C3. Nothing as awkward as having an HE loaded when facing a heavy ;)
Allard Jan van Marle he thought about it, he had he selected for next shell. But he thought the bc was gonna slug at least 1 in
Underrated comment. Exactly what I was screaming at him.. in my mind ofcourse.
But it's harder to think straight in those kind of stressful situations.
I love ur content Jingles and this older content is absolutely 2 key
When it's X vs. 1 enemy tank, you *ALWAYS* go in all at once, not one by one, if you want to win.
Indeed Santinel was responsible for that loss, he should have instantly followed the Batchat, closed the distance and then they should have both poked the building from two sides simultaneously. The grille can only shoot 1 tank at a time.
You don't have to hit the 2key at the start of the match. You can choose the ammo as your default in the garage and just be lazy.
what are you gonna do to a maus or type 5 with 246 of penn and 17 sec reload?
Mladen Ševaljević you cry every time
Carson 2 genders how? Shoot at their front? Impossible to pen with AP.
Get around their sides and rear, in an E100 you serious.
Carson 2 genders and let it shoot you?the fucks the logic in that? You just supposed to sit in reverse not shooting allowing him to just fire round after round into you.
oh come on, when I'm driving my IS-7 penetrating with normal rounds on Maus is eassssy, with type 5 is another story, but that's why i never fight a type 5, just disengage and let him come up to a crappy position where I can shoot it from the sides
and, don't forget, bring friends, you don't need to do all the job just because you saw people being able to do it solo
BlackRoseKn1ght gun caliber length is a great determiner of penetration. the 128 is a long gun, the 150 is not. the 150 should not have gotten a buff considering the ability of the heat. makes no sense
World of tanks isn't a simulation... Balance > Historical accuracy. The penetration buff was issued because the E-100 performed poorly with AP (facts don't care about your feelings).
The buff doesn't make it OP. All it does is encourage the use of AP, reducing gold spam. And that's a damn good thing.
I don't know about you guys but jingles has just became my favourite youtuber ever
Any video to chime in on Sir Foch issue? Come on Jingles! This is why we love you, speak your mind! Fearless one.
love waking up at 6 30am for my daily dose of jingles
Oy! People always steppin' in my turf! Get off scrub!
Was the title of this video based off of the movie called batteries not included?
Jingles, there was no point for the E100 to leave cap because the Grille was spotted just a second after the BC left the cap (thus reseting it irregardless the E100 started cap just a few seconds before that). But its a good video, thanks.
honestly all he had to do was load HE when facing the grille. In the same scenario he either would have outright killed the grille or tracked him and taken the return fire in order for the batchat to clip the grille
Nicely played! Nice narrative, too!
There should be one wot replay a day jingles! No one can quite compare to you commenting on these videos. Informative and funny as fuck
A great game thereSantinal98, great commentary Jingles. I agree so much, the E-100 is my first teir 10 tank, and I dont use premium rounds very often either, and I make credits in that tank prettyr much most of the time.
Thanks for showing my replay
Jingles uploads video
Jingles: "this is not a sniper"
centinal98: "hold my beer"
E100s had gun buff to 246 pen jingles lol. Love the videos by the way
Fair play and kudos to the Grille on the opposing team as well, btw.
Jingles, you could see the grille go up the slope @ J3 on the mini map so you should've assumed he was trying to flank the E100 or BC from the western ridge.
After a long day at work, beer and Jingles video.
Nice timing, Jingles! I was just having cereal and a cup of tea, for breakfast. Healthy way to start your day!
Lost because he chose to fire AP instead of HE at G15. Same goes for the use of HE vs AP as it does for AP vs Heat.
This was a good video,thx Jingles.
I was gonna sleep.
who needs sleep anyway
Same dude I passed out for a sec lol
To all those who want to be first in the race to reach this video.
I have a Russian Tank
Your position is invalid
russian tenk stronk
To all those who want to be first in the race to reach this comment.
I have a British Tank Destroyer
Your gonna need more gold ammo
EPIC389 I have T-29 Your position is invalid!
Some kids are way to proud of wasting their life with a tank game for braindead keyboard warriors...
EPIC389 I have Autism your position is invalid.
Lets get my daily dose of Jingles
Btw. Jingles, I always play the E-100 with either AP or HE, but I also carry 5 HEAT shells for those special encounters
havn't played wot in ages does the repair/aid consumable resupply after 90 seconds now instead of being a one-shot?
Good men. Santinal for not using HE and Jingles for commenting this battle. Nicely done.
Good run Jingles..... as always enjoyed you're.... presentation.....COOL!!!---
"This is not a sniper." Hits end part of M60s turret behind a rock with no aiming. Good job!
Nice commentary Jingles.
That final shot from E100 should fire HEAT for a secured kill.
Hey jingles ever thought about doing some AT-2 replays? That machine can do some great work
Hey Jingles :) I think that many players are from the time from before the E100 got its penetration buffed on the standard AP shells. Before as I remember it had like 235 mm of penetration which is quite low for a tier 10 heavy tank.
So the situation you were in on the E100 is the same as you are in the T54, so I think people got used to use HEAT ammo. Though you do not need that anymore as you point out :)
It had 235 pen before, but it's now 246 like the 128mm gun.
Hehe ahh sorry just woke up .. but the fact is still the same. With the increased pen you Are more likely to get a higher pen roll an stil del dmg to the lover front on another E100 than you were before 😄
Looks as if the B-C left the cap accidentally after he spotted the Grille. You can see him try to stop and pull forward back into the cap but it was too late. All he needed to do was hide behind the E100 and he couldn't have gotten reset and he would've been able to cap it out.
well the standard penatration of the 150mm to the same as the 128mm(even though it's slower than the 128mm) soooo the AP ammo is perfectly fine against most tenks
I don't always fire Heat in my E100. but when I do, it's for a Maus or Type 5 Heavy
Can we also notice that E100 was playing support behind his teammates in a tier 10 heavy, shooting enemy in the side
i fire heat when i have to deal with a hull down jg pz or a maus or type 5 or mauschen and sometimes when the e5 is around i aim for either the cheaks the hatch or the turret ring area with ap and if i dont pen 1 to 2 shots i cant risk that with a e5s rof then i load the heat. with everything else i load he or ap
When did the first aid kits and stuff become reuseable?
Did he forget to switch to HE at the end for the Grille 15, i find it does great damage, but never does the kind of module damage i would expect of a penetrating HE shell which is annoying and makes HE a little less tactical.
Hey jingles love your stuff man wish you would play more with quickybaby
Maythenope Bewithyou every time jingles plays with QB he doesn't get a chance to talk. QB doesn't shut up for the entire stream and jingles gets bored
Jingles I already have the first mark of exellence on the T-54 and I haven't used a single round HEAT since I bought it, I do like the tank and make good amount of dmg with it (2k-5k dmg per match), but I just don't need HEAT unless I'm cornered
Finally some competent E-100 player who knows how to play, aim and doesn't lie about firing only AP in one battle
Guerilla 15 player must have been American 🇺🇸 "If we do not know what we are doing, the enemy certainly cannot anticipate our future actions."
Yesterday in my stock, brand new, Strv 103-0, an enemy kept spamming gold ammo at my front. It bounced, because it couldn't overmatch the sloped armour, until I was forced to turn to face his buddies.
Thing is, he was in a Strv S1. Same gun, same sloped armour. Evidently, 288mm of penetration against a 40mm armoured tank still wasn't enough, and driving the same sort of tank had taught him nothing about the armour. I'd bet he didn't make much credit out of that battle...
I think it might have been missed discussing crew perks here, its relevant imo. If you have BIA / Deadeye and other crew perks to help the gun it can make a huge difference. Those without 4 / 5 perk crews will likely load gold accordingly - until they do at least. If people are "training" up crew as fast as possible they are willing to pay for it, they want XP, that comes with damage / winning of course - they do not care about "saving" credits. Myself, I don't necessarily have all my best crews in all the tier 10's, and E100 not used in CW nearly as much or not at all, I can see not having best crews in it = another reason to "need" to spam gold.
I have an e100. The standard rounds are at best unreliable when fighting same tier heavies, even from point blank range, even hitting weak spots. I dont begrudge anyone firing heat from the e100 at any time. As far as e100 drivers using heat on weakly armored targets, the reload is so slow that many times you dont have time to load a different kind of amo when an unexpected skorpion appears. I know some people derive a sense of moral superiority from not using premium amo, but its a game, its within the rules and its my money after all. I play tanks because I enjoy it. If I spend a few credits that I earned myself on premium amo, then Ill give no shits what anyone thinks of it.
Aaron Supercalafradulistic *But muh 2 key noobs* Kappa
Holy shit, look at all the camping that didn't happen when there's no artillery!
SammehEatWorld Camping isn't exclusive to arty, arty Just makes it more prevalent.
My point stands though. WG's stance that "arty prevents camping" is completely backwards.
Jingles they increased the penetration of the AP shells of the E-100 from 235 to 246....
It's in the game, and it was in the actual war. But I was impressed you kept calling it 'premium' ammo Jingles and not 'gold' all the time. :D
And just for the record I rarely use premium ammo unless it's needed. I just find it funny that because there are people that spam it, that makes it bad. They are just stupid to use it when they don't need to.
Great Video. Very neutral and fair without putting anyone down.
Errrrr Jingles...
The pen on the 15cm has been buffed to be the same 246mm as the 12.8cm gets.
I'll get back to the mines hahahaha
"you have to know what you are doing" As in, hiding behind the Leo and the E4 on the side of the map where you have a massive player advantage?
Why is this video not playable over my chromecast?
The problem with getting close enough to make the E-100 gun work is that an E-100 at close range is little more than a snack for almost every other tank in the game. It's too big, too slow, and the armor isn't nearly good enough to survive against the other T10 competition.
And that all only happened because of one low damage roll. Thanks Wargaming, your mechanics are the best...
1:39 Didn't they buff the 15cm's pen from 235 to 246?
The 12,8cm and 15cm guns have the same penetration at 246mm as of patch 9.18
I don't understand why he didn't reload HE shells at the end (after E4 died). IS4 and Leo 1 were on such low health that HE would have killed them. Grille would have taken lots of damage and probably be dead.
THANK YOU! We have needed a community figure to just flat out say that premium ammo shouldn't be the only load out you use!
Long over due for a community reality check
dude I love you you are so calm
I use premium ammo only as emergency , even on 183 i have half of AP and half on HESH, but 183 is kinda special. On other tanks i have most of time only handfull of shells , like on my T-34-100 i have i think 2 HEAT ammo, for tier 9's heavy tanks.
Did anyone else hear the small European motorbike/car engine roaring in the background as the Bat-Chat made its run after the 113?
Ha wot players and knowing what you are doing. I love how optimistic you are jingles!
246mm of Pen with AP now Jingles. They buffed the 15cm on the E-100 and 72.01k
Ok Jingles, there were 4 to 5 of his shots that were pure RNG wins for the player. His first 2 shots into that E-100 were high pen roll shots. Shooting down at the an angled E-100 lower plate is very low chance of pen with AP. Shooting an angled side of the E-100 again low chance of pen. Penning an angled IS-7 at the exact gap between track and angled side, RNG again. The reason people roll HEAT is because 75% of the time, those shots bounce.
Well done, Jingles.
My problem with the E100 is not the low penetration of the 150mm gun, for me it's the armour. I feel that when you are a heavily armoured tank with a lot of alpha, other tanks should be scared of you. However as I've found out, people just load gold and they will never fail to penetrate you, making the E100 slow, with bad gun handling and now no armour when people press 2.
I like this guy. And i love this tank. 3rd favorite tank in the game.
He should have had the BC empty his clip while proximity spotted to draw that grille out.
i miss the old clips when jingles was funny and you get a good portion of entertainment, every time jingles upload a clip i wish it wont be another disappointment.
as already said here... the 150mm gun doesnt has that awful 235 mm pen anymore. its now equal to the good old 128 mm gun. 246 isnt a lot, but many german tanks use that gun. so u know from playing different german tanks with that gun with the same penetration where u can be confedent to punch through the armor off enemy tanks... it has 4 mm less pen then the is7 so.... there is not rly any reason anymore to load gold.... u kind of have to against type4/5 and probably the mouse... but yeah ... honestly? im having problems with tier 9 and 10 tds on those tanks aswell so....
given Santinal in the E-100 was there and alive to ensure a draw at worst, I think the BC should have tried to go for the kill in the last few seconds. If he died the only thing at stake was his repair bill. That was the last best chance but he just didn't take it.
Jingles, can you do a t10 German light tank review
I never upgraded to the 150mm because the 128mm is more fun due to people just rolling into the crosshairs thinking you are still reloading.
These kind of games are why I love that there are no draws in World of Warships. Even with only seconds remaining people still don't grow the balls to just risk it. They lose a bunch of credits if it goes wrong, but stand to gain winning XP if it works. In a draw both teams lose, but nobody seems to get that.
You can draw in WOWS but it is just way less common with the points system.
True, but you can't really force it anymore. Even if someone is running away while the points tick at the same millisecond, the others can just enter a cap 3 seconds before the end and a draw is avoided. You can't do that in WoT.
Oh Jingles, its not always practical to close the distance especially in a big, slow, vulnerable super heavy like the E100 on the more campy maps in the game. You'll have to expose yourself to close the distance and you'll end up being picked apart, its safer to 'spam' gold if you need to until your team makes a hole to exploit or the enemy team messes up.
Always appreciate a replay without loading "skill" and of playing the tank to it's advantages. Instead of regular: "can flank him or shoot at weakspots, but I'd rather load gold to be extra sure".
Got the Hood yet Jingles, or are you gonna wait until one of the cheaper bundles becomes available?
If you play on console the E-100 still has 235 pen and that makes it almost impossible to pen the lower plate of an IS-7 and can be challenging to pen even an E-100's/Jagpaz100 lower plate. I love my E-100 and have over 1,300 battles in it (I'm also at 93% on my damage standing). But I usually use 50% heat during a battle depending if the other team has a lot of heavy tanks. Now if the E-100 on console had 246 pen, that would be a big difference and I would imagine most people would start using AP most of the time.
Me: Well, ACTUALLY JINGLES, he would have been better off firing HEAT at the batchat because with the way heat work, he would have penetrated the batchat extreme angles where as with AP he won’t. Uh... jingles?
Jingles: Ka-Ching... BOOM
what the hell was the T-110E4 doing???
So, does WoT have any tiers below 7?
Legend says the Mexican Standoff is still going on untill this day.
Jingles I just woke up, I have a final exam in about 4 hours for my freshman college year and I have to see this heartbreaker?