What is the Church? | Pillars | Episode 1

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Pillars | Episode 1: What is the church?
    How does the Bible describe the responsibility of the church in guiding its members and upholding God’s truth among evolving social priorities?
    Join Bill Pinto and Chris Sparks as they discuss the role of the church as the pillar and ground of the enduring truth in God’s word.
    Excerpt from the corresponding episode on the Gathered Fragments podcast:
    • Excerpt from Ep #4: Wi...
    Full episode of 'What is the Church?':

Комментарии • 60

  • @rbdvs67
    @rbdvs67 Год назад +10

    Thank you brother Chris and Bill. This is so very timely for me as I am now without a local fellowship. I earnestly pray that God raise up a remnant in this area to have that sweet fellowship of the Apostolic church, being of one accord. I believe it is going to happen and I need to have a great understanding of what the Lord's church should be. There is so much "noise" in the churches today, spoken through skilled orators. It becomes difficult to tune out the none sense and focus in on the pure truth of God's word, the true gospel of Jesus Christ. So many are satisfied to have their ears itched and continue to live in the world, just as they did before receiving Christ. It is folly to me now, praise God. I am being sanctified now to live a life worthy of the calling, to forsake the world and seek only God's kingdom. I look forward to more videos in this series! God bless and love to all ❤🙏🙌

  • @jag6138
    @jag6138 Год назад +2

    Really enjoyed this discussion. It's great that the Anabaptists were mentioned. Oftentimes, when people speak about the 16th century reformation, they only speak of the Magisterial reformers. The Anabaptists tend to get overlooked but these were mighty men of God who really went those steps further to completely detangle from popery, and they underwent absolute affliction and terror from both sides of the reformation because of it.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +1

      Amen. Such a misunderstood people!
      We have message that you may find interesting which is based in the radical reformation ruclips.net/video/FeJdh_6Bq0g/видео.html

  • @infiniteunknown8858
    @infiniteunknown8858 Год назад +8

    Very wonderful message brothers Bill and Chris.

  • @benisrael7322
    @benisrael7322 Год назад +8

    Great lesson indeed 🙏

  • @adhelolo6280
    @adhelolo6280 Год назад +8


  • @EnlightenedPatriot1
    @EnlightenedPatriot1 Год назад +6

    Thank you for this conversation. I feel I have been a Christian for all my 76 years, but I still continually ask myself if I am following the right path and living up to what my Faith requires of me to be acceptable for Salvation in the Eyes of God. I read my Bible daily, regularly go to church, giving my tithe, and pray daily. Yet I know this is still not enough to measure up. It is actions, not words, that count.
    I go to a local Holy Trinity Baptist Church (believing in the Holy Trinity - maybe wrongly) and although they are lovely, supportive, devoted people, I am increasingly worried that my church is on the wrong path. It starts with their acceptance of the Heliocentric Universe model of modern 'science', and consequently the Big Bang Theory, surely leading to belief in the Theory of Evolution. Having done much research, I am (like millions of others, now) 100% convinced that we live in a flat, fixed and enclosed Earth, i.e, a Geocentric Universe, we at the centre, and that the Bible (starting in Genesis1) describes it as so in several places. I know it is divisive and the media heavily censors the truth if sought.
    They unthinkingly sometimes show the spinning globe Earth image on the overhead projector on RUclips videos of hymns being performed. Globe Earth (a modern concept, all based on theory) versus Flat Earth (a very old belief by many civilisations, up until the last century) but I get no interest from church leaders, Do I leave or try and fight my cause within? I have seen Flat Earth realisation bring many more people worldwide to a belief in our Creator than any church I have known. Some ask why it matters, It does when it is a Satanic lie, denying God's Wondrous work, turning billions of souls away from God, to perish. It is also a means of controlling humanity, hiding other big deceptions.
    I also question the celebration of Christmas in December, at a time for pagan celebration, along with all the commercialism, symbols and customs that have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. He was not even born at that time, I believe. Same goes for Sunday worship, which should be on a Saturday according to the old calendar. That is why I am attracted to joining the local (12 miles away) 7th Day Adventists, as being truer to the original teachings of the Bible - even though they still follow the Heliocentric Universe model, I think. Their Sabbath (rightly so. like JW's) is very strict and this may cause real division in my family (me doing no labour, like help out, all Saturday), not that they go to church. I have to risk that for my Faith, if needed.
    I would (reluctantly) forego church going, but believe Christian fellowship to be so important to keep you in touch with God, and other Believers, especially when remembering Matthew 18:20 - “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Perhaps just follow an insular Christian belief? I am not sure what to do and would love to have asked these two gentlemen their opinion.
    Talking about corruption in the Church, I spotted this story this week and asked myself, "How far can you go from the Bible's teachings and say you represent God on Earth? Sorry, but I believe The Vatican is run by sun-worshipping Satanists. Where does the Bible say to worship Mary, mother of Jesus? "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath.…" God Bless, All.

    • @jaimeneves3745
      @jaimeneves3745 Год назад +1

      You shall have NO other Gods before me...not even my own Son. The trinity is blasphemy of the highest order brother. Resolve this issue before anything else. I had to as well. Agree with you on everything else!

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 Год назад

      Well, with regard to your desire for fellowship of truth seekers, your in good company. Many of us, from all around the world join Earthen Vessels on sabbath for teaching and fellowship. Its done via Zoom.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +1

      The truth that God has revealed to us always comes with a cost of conflict right brother?
      You asked :"Do I leave or try and fight my cause within?" This is a good question. Leaving without warning your brethren of the error of their ways would not be acceptable with God (Ezekiel 3:18) but there comes a point when we must separate from those who refuse to separate themselves from their idols (His 4:17). It is up for you to decide when that time comes by your own convictions.
      The SDA church may not be much better than the Baptist church sadly. They have also joined themselves to many idols such as the trinity and the globe. Even if they keep the right day, they worship a strange god on that day and hold a memorial of a false creation, so how are they any better?
      If you would like to get in touch I may be able to help you in regards to fellowship.
      God bless,

    • @EnlightenedPatriot1
      @EnlightenedPatriot1 Год назад

      @@jaimeneves3745 Thank you for your reply (just seen) in reinforcing my doubts. I will give this much thought.

    • @EnlightenedPatriot1
      @EnlightenedPatriot1 Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Hi Chris, thank you for your helpful reply and advice. Also for your offer of help. If I were to just leave my church without giving my reasons, it avoids any upset and leaves the door open to later return if I feel the need. Yet, as you say, that would not be the right thing to do in
      God's Eyes. I am sure me stating my inner beliefs on where the Baptist church is wrong will never create any change in the organisation.
      The SDA church also does not measure up, as you say, so it then seems there is no church I can attend. Sadly, many local ones have closed, been demolished, used as business premises or even homes. Church bell ringing on Sundays has been replaced by frequent loudspeakers 'calling to prayer' from several mosques around town to serve the large Asian/Muslim (majority) population. It is sad that a spiritual vacuum has been left which I always said would be otherwise filled. I have much to think and pray about. God Bless.

  • @ShellbieB
    @ShellbieB Год назад +2

    Praise the Lord! Thank you for being faithful with a little. God bless you two.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt Год назад +2

    I have arrived at the conclusion that the meaning of eating the Lord’s flesh and drinking His blood means that we are to feed upon the knowledge of what Jesus Christ really is and all that He is. Basically it’s dwelling upon the truth which is, that He is God with us.
    Would you agree with this?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +4

      Yes I would agree with this. We are to feed on God's words or "eat them" :
      Jer 15:16 Thy words were found, and *I did eat them* ; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.
      In the same dialogue which Jesus says we are to eat His flesh and drink his blood He says:
      Joh 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: *the words* that I speak unto you, *they are spirit , and they are life.*
      By saying that the flesh profits nothing and it is the Spirit that quickens, Jesus shows that he is talking in spiritual language here. His words are more than just words. When we partake of them, we partake of His very life. They sustain us spiritually as food does physically. Therefore to eat His flesh and drink His blood is to partake of his life; to live the same life of self sacrifice that He did. We do so by reading his word and applying it.
      He gave this graphic illustration because it was only by giving his flesh and blood that we could partake of His life. As the Spirit was to be given in it's fulness after the resurrection:
      Joh 7:39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for *the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified* .)
      The people walked away from Jesus after he said these things, not because they thought he was telling them to cannibalise, but because they understood what He meant and refused to partake of such a life of sacrifice. Multitudes do the same today when they realise the cost of discipleship.

    • @kitkat2720
      @kitkat2720 Год назад

      Ellen White provides a thorough explanation on this topic in "Desire of the Ages" Ch: The Crisis in Galilee.
      "To eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ is to receive Him as a personal Saviour, believing that He forgives our sins, and that we are complete in Him. It is by beholding His love, by dwelling upon it, by drinking it in, that we are to become partakers of His nature. What food is to the body, Christ must be to the soul. Food cannot benefit us unless we eat it, unless it becomes a part of our being. So Christ is of no value to us if we do not know Him as a personal Saviour. A theoretical knowledge will do us no good. We must feed upon Him, receive Him into the heart, so that His life becomes our life. His love, His grace, must be assimilated.(...) By looking constantly to Jesus with the eye of faith, we shall be strengthened. God will make the most precious revelations to His hungering, thirsting people. They will find that Christ is a personal Saviour. As they feed upon His word, they find that it is spirit and life. The word destroys the natural, earthly nature, and imparts a new life in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes to the soul as a Comforter. By the transforming agency of His grace, the image of God is reproduced in the disciple; he becomes a new creature. Love takes the place of hatred, and the heart receives the divine similitude. This is what it means to live “by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” This is eating the Bread that comes down from heaven."
      Pls read the the entire chapter here: m.egwwritings.org/en/book/130.1834#1883

  • @ZJesusIsTheWay
    @ZJesusIsTheWay Год назад +3

    Good discussion format as well as message. Keep looking up.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt Год назад +1

    Yes that makes perfect sense regarding the true meaning of upon this rock I will build my church. I’d never realised this before. However if I had read those pertinent scriptures, and slowed down enough, and really thought about it. I would have arrived at the same conclusion. It makes sense that it means what Peter said when he answered The Lord’s question of who do you say that I am.

  • @trishmcmahon1617
    @trishmcmahon1617 Год назад +1

    I really liked the answer Bill gave to the minister at the end of this talk. We need to give the people the truth. Amen and blessings for this talk Bill and Chris.

  • @cruzmacias3257
    @cruzmacias3257 Месяц назад

    The small voice is telling me that Matthew 16:18 teaches us that there is no church without Christ and it is because of him that this truth has prevailed against the gates of hell to this day.

  • @reneeredding754
    @reneeredding754 Год назад

    Thank You for your sharing and bold teaching...

  • @KP-fg1ux
    @KP-fg1ux Год назад +1

    I can't attend church because I'm unemployed and broke!

  • @ShellbieB
    @ShellbieB Год назад


  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

    Nicodemus wasn’t a materialist but the rich young ruler was. Both of them were rich with perhaps the rich young ruler being richer. But not all rich people are materialists. Warren Buffett is one of the richest men today but he’s not a materialist. Because even though he can have anything he wants he has a simple life. He has one house that he’s lived in for 55 years. It’s a modest home. He drives a regular car that’s 20 years old. And each morning he goes to McDonalds for breakfast. He is content with his life this way. It’s ok to be rich but don’t be a materialist. Otherwise you’ll need the advice given to the rich young ruler by Jesus when he told him to sell all he had and he will have treasures in heaven. But Nicodemus and Warren are those who don’t need this advice because their richness isn’t possessing them.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад

      1Ti 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
      Not money but the *love of money* is the root of all evil.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry very true

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry I love you guys. You’ve got it. And it’s great to see. Truth truth and nothing but the truth. Maybe one day I’ll get to meet you. I’m in NZ. Who knows. Keep,up the good work.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад

      @@paulwilfridhunt I just got back from a church trip to NZ. We have friends in Levin.
      Email me if you like info@earthenvessels.org.au

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry will do. I’m in Auckland.

  • @grantandshalaelsworth1472
    @grantandshalaelsworth1472 Год назад

    i love you guys.... but i personally struggle with the name "jesus" after learning His real name as He heard it was Yeshua or Yashua. I learned that the name jesus was injected in way way later and the Catholics of course had a part in it. Names are names.... they dont get "translated" they get pronounced . Can you please pray on this and do a study on this topic please.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +3

      Hi there, nice to receive your feedback. We are familiar with the subject you brought up. Let me give my thoughts on it.
      Luke was Greek and he wrote his gospel and the book of Acts in Greek. He used the name Iesous (which is where we get Jesus from) and he also used Christos (from which we get Christ). There are no extant manuscripts of any books of the NT in Hebrew (if there ever was any) leaving zero evidence that the apostles themselves used the Hebrew names.
      The word "Theos" which both Luke and Paul used is the Greek equivalent for the title we use in English (God). So the idea that we must use Hebrew names gives you a problem with New Testament writers like Luke and Paul at the least, whose main focus was Gentiles who spoke Greek!
      Jesus is simply a transliteration of the Greek name penned by the Bible writers. So ultimately, to I say we must revert to Hebrew names is to cast doubt upon the reliability of the Greek NT (the textus receptus) from which we get our English names. This casts doubt upon the English translations that come from the Greek (primarily the KJV). And to cast doubt upon the reliability of these translations do damage to the cause of God.
      I prefer to follow the example of the NT writers like Luke and Paul, who did not feel it needful to use Hebrew names for the Father or the Son, and were comfortable using the most common language of time.

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 Год назад +1

      And ill add to this, if the right name is important, than certainly the right pronunciation is important as well. Yet we have no evidence, as you pointed out, of how Jesus Hebrew name was properly pronounced 2000 years ago. The Hebrew and Greek word for name is synonymous with character. So it goes without saying, representing the correct character of the Father and Son is far more important than correct name and pronunciations. Would you rather someone call you by a different name, or misrepresent your character?

  • @drakensav
    @drakensav Год назад

    I'm not sure what Bill Pinto, Chris Sparks or even this channel stands for as its not clear from the about page nor the content of the two hour long vids I've watched. I did notice that they did not start nor end in prayer which makes me question where their focus is. While they might have done that off camera I will pray that we all ask for wisdom in judging what they say from their fruits, the word and the testemony of Jesus. Especially when their focus seems to be tearing down others whos fruits and testemony is allready well documented and available for scrutiny.

  • @MysTarey
    @MysTarey Год назад

    I couldn't find any background information on either Bill or Chris. What denomination do you affiliate yourself with? What are your qualifications? What is your background?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +3

      We are not affiliated with any denomination. As for our qualifications, we have not been taught in any seminaries. As far as our doctrine is concerned, we hold to Biblical truths taught by the pioneers of the SDA church, yet we are not limited to what they believed and move forward in light that God permits to shine upon our pathway.

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 Год назад

      Im curious, what denomination, qualifications, and background do you hold in high regard?

    • @rebeccaharder6573
      @rebeccaharder6573 Год назад

      I think tactical ant is asking EMT the question whom he holds in high regard.

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 Год назад

      @@rebeccaharder6573 hey, dont i know you from somewhere?🤔

    @SPINNINGMYWHEELS777 Год назад

    This organization is going to be on the wrong side of Yahweh. Start telling the truth of the Word for your own sake.

  • @jaimeneves3745
    @jaimeneves3745 Год назад +1

    Little bit difficult to listen to a man that cannot make eye contact....

    • @TheBereangirl
      @TheBereangirl Год назад

      Right? I found that so very odd.🤷🏻‍♀️ The young man on the other hand, has no problem looking you in the eye.

    • @drakensav
      @drakensav Год назад

      I think you're right to question, as something bothers me also, however looking at cold dark camera lens does not come naturally so rather ask yourself if what the man is saying is biblical. It only indicates he's not comfortable in front of a camera.

    • @TheBereangirl
      @TheBereangirl Год назад

      @@drakensav very true, Mr. Pinto may be uncomfortable in front of a camera here, but he didn’t even look the young man in front of him, Chris? - in the eye, and that is very odd, since they seem to be on the same page theologically. As for doctrine, I watched Mr. Pinto’s 70th week video and all was going well until he said Jesus is Michael the Archangel…eh…that’s a problem. Seventh Day Adventists came out of the Spiritualist movement in 1840 along with other sketchy faiths including the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who espouse this same belief. Now, I realize that the Father delivered his own messages in person to his prophets from time to time, thus making him an “angel,” or the Angel of the LORD, but this ‘Jesus is the arch angel Michael’ business is going too far. Very disappointing considering these men rightly reject the heliocentric model and the Trinity, but I have yet to discover their belief concerning Jesus’s divinity, are they Unitarians, or Oneness, or something else?🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +4

      @@TheBereangirl We are not unitarian or oneness. For our take on the divinity of Jesus check page 26 of this book static1.squarespace.com/static/5cd8937e6d9714000196ea70/t/632cfac45145c069f1951007/1663892181668/AJAG+Bible+only.pdf
      We have also recorded a pillars episode on the trinity that will be released at some point. I am also minded to create a video on Michael when I get the time as the evidence for Jesus being that Angel is overwhelming. For example, to ascribe the actions of Michael detailed in Daniel 12:1 to an angel is not right, even blasphemous.

    • @TheBereangirl
      @TheBereangirl Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry greetings Chris, unfortunately the link you gave me regarding your belief in Jesus's divinity was a white screen 🤷🏻‍♀️. As a oneness believer, the Spirit bears witness to me that Scripture is crystal clear: the Father said to no angel, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you." Yes, I realize righteous angels are labeled as "sons of God," but so are righteous men. Like I've said, even the Father could be considered as being an "angel" since he delivered his own messages to his prophets at times, either alone or accompanied by his cherubim, but that in no way makes the Father a created angelic being, does it?--No, of course not. After all, Elohim is a broad term encompassing the Father himself, false gods, judges and angels. Furthermore, there is the sticky situation of Jesus declaring, "Before Abraham was, I am." And again he said, "If you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins." Both "I am," and "I am he," are direct references to God the Father, in Exodus and Isaiah respectively. Nevertheless, I am curious to learn and consider your evidence regarding Jesus's divinity and claim of him being Michael the archangel.

  • @bluevireo425
    @bluevireo425 Год назад

    Once you are saved...Nothing can separate you from God, you are sealed by the Holy Spirit....So Once Saved Always Saved Is True...Nothing can snatch you out of the Father's Hand...ever. God Keeps you entirely...and saved you entirely by His Work alone....There is assurance read Romans through Philemon...Paul is our Apostle in this Dispensation..