@@TheGazeboMeister I have some old clips on my PS4 of some OG Siege gameplay. I know for a fact I have one where Fuse still had flashbangs. I also have a video of me shooting a grenade mid-air on Barlett U.
Some things I remember, not sure if you've covered them all or not: - Thatcher used to destroy gadgets instead of disabling them, and he had better range on the EMP grenade. He was also a 2 speed - It was partially mentioned in this video, but having a full stack go recruit on attack with SAS Shotgun was the best in my opinion. - Mute used to only have the pistol, he didn't start with SMG 11. - I'm not sure if you have covered this yet but the Tower bombsite on old Oregon was crazy, especially with the ladder into Attic - They used to have birthday skins you could get on operator's guns on their in-game birthdays, I think they are on the marketplace now - The giant cargo ship on old Kanal was awesome, especially at night. I think one of my first matches was on night Kanal and I thought it looked really cool. - I can't remember but I think Ash had 3 breaching rounds at one point, might have been TS or something - Old alpha packs didn't have nearly as many seasonal skins, I remember when most packs would actually give something useable.
I remember there was a glitch that can lock hip fire spread super narrow so that Blitz or Fuze with shield are too op. It was done by rappelling and breaking barricades (forgot the details) In one game the opponent were using this glitch and when it was our turn to defend, me and my friend went all around the map in prep phase to rip down every barricades that can be used for the glitch
I remember that kapkan EDD deployment animation were different than current one, I like the old one since it made the impression that the device were really penetrating the wall it attached to.
On Coastline, blue bar used to have a destroyable crate in the bar itself. I used to melee it and hide in the bar as Cav and no one knew about it. I dont have any clips of me doing it but it was from a very early version of Coastline
Who remembers the Valkyrie scan glitch on house, doc infinite stim broke the whole game too, old coastline vault hop on the roof n could drop down to the ledge opposite penthouse and would kill everyone in that site, I could go on for hours with the many glitches I played on and off since dustline/red crow
I can’t remember the exact details, but there was a glitch with Nomad back in year 5 where on Coastline(forgot if it had to be on Coastline), if you fell from a height that would normally kill you, you’d live. This only worked with Nomad for some reason. I remember back when I discovered the glitch, I would goad the randos into jumping off with me and make some shit up like “if you pull out a grenade and then fire your weapon, the glitch happens.” 😂 They just died/downed and were confused.
i wish they kept in the interaction voicelines in, it adds life into the prep phase. but the allies calling out if an enemy is reloading is definitely not coming back. night maps should be added back too since maps like favela and the buried coastline at night with the new lighting proves it can be done.
0:04 Look how beautiful and natural the lighting is, I miss it so much. I have no idea why Ubisoft doesn't have an option to turn it on or off like Fortnite does. People should decide on their own if they want their game to look more competitive or realistic.
10:28 I found a way to get back up there a while ago. All you gotta do is get yourself elevated on the armrest on the right of the bench by that vending machine, run towards it while spamming vault. Very hard to pull off but I have done it before.
Thanks man for the shoutout. I don't have any footage about the Mira window lights, but in Coreross's Mira Mythbusters video, timestamp 4:24, he shows off the breaching charge lights and Mira window lights that have been removed from the game.
Does anyone else remember when reinforcement used to destroy utility under them (ie a mute jammer was in a wall, you would reinforce it and it would crush and break the mute jammer)
You could get negative points for injuring the hostage. Your teammate can revive him so you could keep getting -50 points. I once left a match with -16k points
I wish ubi (highly doubt) could let us select older versions/sessions of siege to play. Yes it be very broken and unbalanced but it be fun to go back to when siege was alot more... wilder
@@FreakTesticals new siege has much interesting gameplay. the amount of secondary gadgets is twice as large as launch, maps got larger over time leading to a bit of power creep on both sides to deal with the newer larger maps. the amount of ops is larger the only things that get removed are in map/op reworks, of which there has only been 3 (tachanka and both the recruit reworks). i hope to see the legacy playlist that was leaked return again at some point.
Not sure if it was in previous videos or mentioned in comments but one of my most memorable glitches is glitch on bank with valk cam where you could throw one cam outside and ping everyone everywhere through walls
Awesome videos! Such nostalgia. Biggest glitch for me was getting into the bank ceiling doing a repel glitch either the skylight. Used to get aces on people in Executive office
Man I feel like my biggest Takeaway from this series is that in Old Siege there were SO MANY bugs and exploits involving getting outside the map or just using the Deployable Shield in general. The game has plenty bugs and issues today (ESPECIALLY this season) but I am glad that we don't stuff that let's you glitch under the map or glitch into a spot where you are invulnerable, at least as far as I am aware, I mean if they exist nobody is using them in any of the games I have played.
This series is officially more interesting than the new siege series. I think you should make a supercut longform vid of all the parts when you cover enough of these.
oh that valk cam on favela reminds me of the balcony you could parkour into on favela as glaz, and get some good sniping in. There was also other balconies you could glitch parkour into, but they were a bit more useless
7:55 Now this appears to be the glitch I mentioned in the comments on a previous video, but I had no idea how you did it because I only saw it once and I was on the opposite team at the time. It didn't help them much because the guy doing the glitch was unable to stop me from planting the defuser after his teammates were killed 😂 I think the video is on my channel lol. 10:48 glad you finally added this one. This is an age-old glitch and a personal favourite of mine because of the fond memories I have of doing it with my friends and trolling the enemy team. We ourselves only found out about it because we kept getting smoked by people doing it 😂 naturally, it was patched pretty quick. 13:26 I miss this intro. Never understood why they ever removed it from the game as it was fully possible to just skip the damn thing. 16:04 this one was still possible without a mod, but only if you were able to disable the Bomber's explosives in some way (EMP grenades, shooting the device on his rig etc), which left them unable to detonate their explosives.
7:31 It happended to me once and it's not a glitch. For some reason, the impact grenade breaks the glass first, which made the impact "not to explote" when it hits the window
We used to put maestro cams outside of the chalet garage on the wall near where the valk cam was thrown in the video and then we would zap the thermite charge for free
Not me thinking about Rank behing in Beta for Almost 5-6 years. Also the glitch on Costline falling under the map worked on the small Wall, you could jump over from Garden to hallway. And there was a Glitch on old Favela where you could Go on the balcons etc, ofc needing the old Mounted shield, and jumping over the Wending Maschine in Consulate worked in 2021, i have a clip, If you want i can send IT to you.
the hits on castle's barricades went from 12 to 9 the same season he got a 4th one it was soft rework that followed him getting the super shorty a few seasons before that. at that time there was lots of people saying he needed a tachanka level rework when all he needed was the super shorty and some hits moved to a 4th barricade due to the larger and larger maps the game kept getting. i remember seeing back when the electricity change was announced to no longer destroy friendly gadgets people claimed ubisoft was balancing the game for pro league and that they were dumbing down the game for the cod shooter bros. nothing has changed years later and people wonder why the siege devs seem to ignore community feedback. hell there's been quotes from the game director that acting on the issues people call out as most major balancing disasters and it gets acted on people will just complain about something different. it's one of those things that makes siege uniquely frustrating to engage with it's community.
You could actually go way further on that Skyscraper ledge. And what about the Yacht glitch spot in the top floor's ceiling? If you want I have clips of both of them
dont know if it was mentioned in the other vids but back when goyo and wamai released, their gadgets interacting with the hostage were funky, i dont remember exactly but destroying the goyo shield as an attacker made you lose (now its the opposite) so you could just stack goyo shields on top of the hostage and hide behind it, then wamai came in and, if you threw the grenade that got caught in the magnet disk, that was near the hostage, the defenders would lose
I’m rewatching all your old siege vids cause I’m at the airport with a 4 hour layover. Shits fire fr. Also why did the old Valkyrie gun audio sound like a mini gun💀
Idk if u covered it but on old bank if u put the valk cam in the server btween the wall and the server rak in the top corner and scan it would scan all the enemies all over the map it was amazing glitch to play araound with
They changed kapkans dialougue in his trailer. Not sure when, but it was slightly different at launch. Not sure why, the old one matched up better with the music.
IDK why they removed the title screen it gave each season they're own theme and personality. I miss the operation phantom sight menu and the shadow legacy menu had the main r6s theme WITH battery from splinter cell chaos theory.
They took throwing grenades back because it was done with the G key. People would try to throw their own grenades and end up grabbing a cooked grenade from the floor by mistake a lot.
There was a realy rare moment Once we could redrop granade I tried to use hand granade At the same time defender use impact on me And I did catch impact granade
One thing I remember is you used to be able to play any op even if you didn’t have them unlocked, I don’t remember exactly how, but it was something like you’d be in the op selection before round start, and then you’d unplug and play back in an Ethernet, and bam you could play any op. Was pretty awesome back when I first played many years ago and had no op’s.
@@TheGazeboMeisterit is? same applied back then as well, though the game was obviously more prone to detecting people through surfaces and such lol. Mb if that wasn't made clear, but the mechanic itself is the same. I can't verify since I've been away for weeks but I'm sure it'd take a few mins in a custom to check if it is.
13:49 That main screen and boot up video was present for 3 seasons. Then the splash screen got removed only video remained. Then after a year ubisoft removed that too. 🥲
The game we fell in love with is no longer with us 🕊
I know you're cooking with that iceberg video, I'll be patiently waiting for it to drop and also another banger as per usual!
Thank you Dr. Michael Morbius I hope I don't disappoint!
@@TheGazeboMeister I have some old clips on my PS4 of some OG Siege gameplay. I know for a fact I have one where Fuse still had flashbangs. I also have a video of me shooting a grenade mid-air on Barlett U.
@@kamilchromiak1057 send them in my discord I’ll check them out!
Its amazing how quickly this channel took off thanks to these videos
I know it's crazy and I'm grateful for all the new people that have subbed!
Some things I remember, not sure if you've covered them all or not:
- Thatcher used to destroy gadgets instead of disabling them, and he had better range on the EMP grenade. He was also a 2 speed
- It was partially mentioned in this video, but having a full stack go recruit on attack with SAS Shotgun was the best in my opinion.
- Mute used to only have the pistol, he didn't start with SMG 11.
- I'm not sure if you have covered this yet but the Tower bombsite on old Oregon was crazy, especially with the ladder into Attic
- They used to have birthday skins you could get on operator's guns on their in-game birthdays, I think they are on the marketplace now
- The giant cargo ship on old Kanal was awesome, especially at night. I think one of my first matches was on night Kanal and I thought it looked really cool.
- I can't remember but I think Ash had 3 breaching rounds at one point, might have been TS or something
- Old alpha packs didn't have nearly as many seasonal skins, I remember when most packs would actually give something useable.
didn’t the old ship on kanal also had an easter egg. like you had to shoot at containers then voice lines appeared or some shit
@@fcz_1896yep. He’s covered it too
At one point Blitz was a 3 speed in one of the test servers, that was crazy
@@gollygoshWasn’t he a 5 speed?
I remember there was a glitch that can lock hip fire spread super narrow so that Blitz or Fuze with shield are too op. It was done by rappelling and breaking barricades (forgot the details) In one game the opponent were using this glitch and when it was our turn to defend, me and my friend went all around the map in prep phase to rip down every barricades that can be used for the glitch
I remember that kapkan EDD deployment animation were different than current one, I like the old one since it made the impression that the device were really penetrating the wall it attached to.
2:12 hostage still fall over like that
So I was lied to by varsity reviews 😭
@@TheGazeboMeisteryes you were
3:06 always hated how the peppe- *roni* skin didn’t go on the *roni*
Man i love these videos. Bring back so much nostalgia. My heart be hurting sometimes lmao. good video like always! 🔥
Thank you bro!
the old siege was the best r6 time
Bring back the old patch loading screen. That was fire 🔥
I really miss old Siege. Those were the golden days that we all miss!
On Coastline, blue bar used to have a destroyable crate in the bar itself. I used to melee it and hide in the bar as Cav and no one knew about it. I dont have any clips of me doing it but it was from a very early version of Coastline
Who remembers the Valkyrie scan glitch on house, doc infinite stim broke the whole game too, old coastline vault hop on the roof n could drop down to the ledge opposite penthouse and would kill everyone in that site, I could go on for hours with the many glitches I played on and off since dustline/red crow
I can’t remember the exact details, but there was a glitch with Nomad back in year 5 where on Coastline(forgot if it had to be on Coastline), if you fell from a height that would normally kill you, you’d live. This only worked with Nomad for some reason. I remember back when I discovered the glitch, I would goad the randos into jumping off with me and make some shit up like “if you pull out a grenade and then fire your weapon, the glitch happens.” 😂
They just died/downed and were confused.
I thought it was neat how ops interacted at the beginning of rounds
i wish they kept in the interaction voicelines in, it adds life into the prep phase. but the allies calling out if an enemy is reloading is definitely not coming back. night maps should be added back too since maps like favela and the buried coastline at night with the new lighting proves it can be done.
18:22 Detecting someone but not seeing them was the most terrifying thing in old siege.
We know the game is truly done, when we start missing the times of the first Friendship is Magic and Dr. Curse events.
0:04 Look how beautiful and natural the lighting is, I miss it so much. I have no idea why Ubisoft doesn't have an option to turn it on or off like Fortnite does. People should decide on their own if they want their game to look more competitive or realistic.
Why do everyone keep doing this shit
10:28 I found a way to get back up there a while ago. All you gotta do is get yourself elevated on the armrest on the right of the bench by that vending machine, run towards it while spamming vault. Very hard to pull off but I have done it before.
Old oregon valk clip delivered, memory unlocked
Thanks man for the shoutout. I don't have any footage about the Mira window lights, but in Coreross's Mira Mythbusters video, timestamp 4:24, he shows off the breaching charge lights and Mira window lights that have been removed from the game.
No problem! But I’m sure I could find it somewhere
Does anyone else remember when reinforcement used to destroy utility under them (ie a mute jammer was in a wall, you would reinforce it and it would crush and break the mute jammer)
biggest glow down in gaming history
You could get negative points for injuring the hostage. Your teammate can revive him so you could keep getting -50 points. I once left a match with -16k points
One of the weirdest glitches I’ve had is I lagged out of a ranked match and when I reconnected it auto picked me as recruit this was before the rework
I wish ubi (highly doubt) could let us select older versions/sessions of siege to play. Yes it be very broken and unbalanced but it be fun to go back to when siege was alot more... wilder
You can! But it’s not supported by Ubisoft, but you can do it as long as you own the game on Steam
The older siege was so much more interesting, the new versions just remove everything
@@FreakTesticals new siege has much interesting gameplay. the amount of secondary gadgets is twice as large as launch, maps got larger over time leading to a bit of power creep on both sides to deal with the newer larger maps. the amount of ops is larger the only things that get removed are in map/op reworks, of which there has only been 3 (tachanka and both the recruit reworks). i hope to see the legacy playlist that was leaked return again at some point.
Not sure if it was in previous videos or mentioned in comments but one of my most memorable glitches is glitch on bank with valk cam where you could throw one cam outside and ping everyone everywhere through walls
Awesome videos! Such nostalgia. Biggest glitch for me was getting into the bank ceiling doing a repel glitch either the skylight. Used to get aces on people in Executive office
Keep em coming brother 🙌🔥
@@LSergei983 you got it!
4:26 that's literally just fuze on his op portrait. approved...
caveira reloading while using her ability
Man I feel like my biggest Takeaway from this series is that in Old Siege there were SO MANY bugs and exploits involving getting outside the map or just using the Deployable Shield in general. The game has plenty bugs and issues today (ESPECIALLY this season) but I am glad that we don't stuff that let's you glitch under the map or glitch into a spot where you are invulnerable, at least as far as I am aware, I mean if they exist nobody is using them in any of the games I have played.
This series is officially more interesting than the new siege series. I think you should make a supercut longform vid of all the parts when you cover enough of these.
I’ve definitely thought about that
5:53 I understood that reference
oh that valk cam on favela reminds me of the balcony you could parkour into on favela as glaz, and get some good sniping in. There was also other balconies you could glitch parkour into, but they were a bit more useless
why does old r6 look so much better then current
The lighting change
They fucked the lighting
Bandit holding an MP5K , and we can see an operator holding an 556 from thermite on ash's back... Maybe khapkan er even the Lord himself? 😂😂
7:55 Now this appears to be the glitch I mentioned in the comments on a previous video, but I had no idea how you did it because I only saw it once and I was on the opposite team at the time. It didn't help them much because the guy doing the glitch was unable to stop me from planting the defuser after his teammates were killed 😂 I think the video is on my channel lol.
10:48 glad you finally added this one. This is an age-old glitch and a personal favourite of mine because of the fond memories I have of doing it with my friends and trolling the enemy team. We ourselves only found out about it because we kept getting smoked by people doing it 😂 naturally, it was patched pretty quick.
13:26 I miss this intro. Never understood why they ever removed it from the game as it was fully possible to just skip the damn thing.
16:04 this one was still possible without a mod, but only if you were able to disable the Bomber's explosives in some way (EMP grenades, shooting the device on his rig etc), which left them unable to detonate their explosives.
Just realised I left this comment twice by accident 😂 my bad
The Reinforcements on Plane are still skinny.
I know I never said they changed
@@TheGazeboMeister never said that you did. Just saying they're still skinny which is a shame.
Dude I love your videos man. Sending love and support from Argentina 🇦🇷!! Keep it like this!
@@santiagogaliano3961 appreciate it bro!
The one thing i remember is being able to hide underneath the table on old hereford base. This was good for Michael myers
7:31 It happended to me once and it's not a glitch. For some reason, the impact grenade breaks the glass first, which made the impact "not to explote" when it hits the window
No bathroom in bank makes me uncomfortable 😭
Stopped playing in 2021… it feels weird to hear things that I didn’t even know changed being called “old” 😂
4:26 lmao in fuze's operator card he is also holding the shield and ak12
Peak Siege was year 1 season 4 (Hibana and Echo season). Things went downhill starting with Jackal and Lion was a huge mistake.
We used to put maestro cams outside of the chalet garage on the wall near where the valk cam was thrown in the video and then we would zap the thermite charge for free
Not me thinking about Rank behing in Beta for Almost 5-6 years. Also the glitch on Costline falling under the map worked on the small Wall, you could jump over from Garden to hallway. And there was a Glitch on old Favela where you could Go on the balcons etc, ofc needing the old Mounted shield, and jumping over the Wending Maschine in Consulate worked in 2021, i have a clip, If you want i can send IT to you.
the hits on castle's barricades went from 12 to 9 the same season he got a 4th one it was soft rework that followed him getting the super shorty a few seasons before that. at that time there was lots of people saying he needed a tachanka level rework when all he needed was the super shorty and some hits moved to a 4th barricade due to the larger and larger maps the game kept getting.
i remember seeing back when the electricity change was announced to no longer destroy friendly gadgets people claimed ubisoft was balancing the game for pro league and that they were dumbing down the game for the cod shooter bros. nothing has changed years later and people wonder why the siege devs seem to ignore community feedback. hell there's been quotes from the game director that acting on the issues people call out as most major balancing disasters and it gets acted on people will just complain about something different. it's one of those things that makes siege uniquely frustrating to engage with it's community.
You could actually go way further on that Skyscraper ledge. And what about the Yacht glitch spot in the top floor's ceiling? If you want I have clips of both of them
Sure I’ll check them out!
Oh old siege. What they done to you...
dont know if it was mentioned in the other vids but back when goyo and wamai released, their gadgets interacting with the hostage were funky, i dont remember exactly but destroying the goyo shield as an attacker made you lose (now its the opposite) so you could just stack goyo shields on top of the hostage and hide behind it, then wamai came in and, if you threw the grenade that got caught in the magnet disk, that was near the hostage, the defenders would lose
I actually haven’t mentioned this, this is a good one
"things u forgot about" bro i remember this game. I didn't know it has been changed lol.
Best eating food videos wver
The best compliment 🤝
I’m rewatching all your old siege vids cause I’m at the airport with a 4 hour layover. Shits fire fr. Also why did the old Valkyrie gun audio sound like a mini gun💀
Have a safe flight my guy 🤝 and idk 😂
Playing fortress as a defender and getting on the roof room and holding it with castle and pulse
Damn, old shaders looked so much better.
This video series arouses me 👁🫦👁
Remember when the games released with SLi support - then they broke it after Skull Rain?
I remember when echo had 3 charges on yokai
Idk if u covered it but on old bank if u put the valk cam in the server btween the wall and the server rak in the top corner and scan it would scan all the enemies all over the map it was amazing glitch to play araound with
And people day old siege (with all these glitches) was better than now 😅 in reality it’s the old memories they miss more than old siege itself
kaid had 3 electroclaws but had a smaller radius i think
They changed kapkans dialougue in his trailer. Not sure when, but it was slightly different at launch. Not sure why, the old one matched up better with the music.
Man they need to bring back night maps and t hunt
Heres one i just found out.
Remember when our lord and savior Tachanka had an operation video?
I’ve covered this!
IDK why they removed the title screen it gave each season they're own theme and personality. I miss the operation phantom sight menu and the shadow legacy menu had the main r6s theme WITH battery from splinter cell chaos theory.
Old siege to me is before costline and operation health
They took throwing grenades back because it was done with the G key. People would try to throw their own grenades and end up grabbing a cooked grenade from the floor by mistake a lot.
Just make it a separate input for PC
@@TheGazeboMeister PC is the least of problems you have a lot of spare keys. The problem was probably for console.
@@RexVergstrong that’s what I’m saying though just make it for pc
@@TheGazeboMeister They can't shun one audience for some reason. I see that with a lot of games.
@@RexVergstrong they kind of already did for awhile with leaning
on hereford base, the bottom part was all playable, did it get blocked off later before it was reworked
Wish at the very least they’d let attackers and defenders train together on Target Drill 😢.
Glaz was able to onehsot teammates on the head in thunt...
There was a realy rare moment
Once we could redrop granade
I tried to use hand granade
At the same time defender use impact on me
And I did catch impact granade
reinforcement used to be way slower back then
in minute 5:41 what is the name of that charm . outbreak charm i can't find it
You might be able to sort it by the season it definitely came out during chimera
12:03 WHO, and HOW TF did someone figured this one out???
Idk 😭 people used to spend hours looking for old glitches
One thing I remember is you used to be able to play any op even if you didn’t have them unlocked, I don’t remember exactly how, but it was something like you’d be in the op selection before round start, and then you’d unplug and play back in an Ethernet, and bam you could play any op. Was pretty awesome back when I first played many years ago and had no op’s.
Why the video isnt playing like its stuck at loading
@@slfdooh4051 did it get fixed?
@@TheGazeboMeisteryea, it did thx
1:13 am I tripping? Was Mozie out on this map?
Yeah burnt horizon was almost 5 years ago
Didnt you mention half of these in other videos?
Nah it’s more like 90% are new things
@@TheGazeboMeister if you say so
@@Redmont_ I do say so, if you think otherwise I’d like you to list all of them
@@TheGazeboMeister nah man just live your life am tired right now to think about something
@@Redmont_ alright
w video
Thanks bro 🫡
@@TheGazeboMeister we should be thanking you for giving us this amazing content xD
@@ZidarZidova111 haha that means a lot 🤝
Istg there was a time where u could bandit two raninforced walls at the same time if u put the bandit in the middle am I tweaking or am I right ? 😭
You might be right
I have a clip when you could get on the roof for defense on coastline
Send it if you’d like and I’ll post it in my next video!
@@TheGazeboMeister where should I send it?
@@soytachankla3664 my discord, it's linked in the description
Nvm xbox deleted all my old clips sorry 😢
Nvm xbox deleted all my old clips
18:23 that's still a thing?
Varsity Reviews told me it changed and I wasn’t sure
@@TheGazeboMeister I think you have to stare at them for a short while and and be able to see a majority of their body.
@@sacred2349 so it’s not what it used to be
@@TheGazeboMeisterit is? same applied back then as well, though the game was obviously more prone to detecting people through surfaces and such lol.
Mb if that wasn't made clear, but the mechanic itself is the same. I can't verify since I've been away for weeks but I'm sure it'd take a few mins in a custom to check if it is.
@@sacred2349 yeah idk I think it’s different but lmk
what is pizza mozzie charm idk if i have it ik i have the first 3 from drops tho
It’s called pizza boy or something like that
Yeah I have it
Most of the covered things are glitches :(
That’s all that’s left :(
FYI everyone has the beta clip
Not everyone
12 08 vid stops on phone and everything
@@JOSHUA-wo8ol that’s weird it doesn’t for me
dawg im serious i got like 30 videos of old siege this like hours of content bro hmu
Send them in my discord if you can!
Old siege was good but buggy
Why do you use a ai voice most of the video when your real voice is fine?
It’s how I make all my TikToks but the iceberg video will be my real voice
You are now repeating stuff from other videos. Any chance you are trying to milk this? Haha
A majority of this stuff is new only a couple repeats
That main screen and boot up video was present for 3 seasons. Then the splash screen got removed only video remained. Then after a year ubisoft removed that too. 🥲