I did this 5 times last night, then had a dark nightmare, woke up to meet what felt like an evil entity right before my face (mostly when eyes closed). Felt fear growing like never before and the entity became angrier. Then I remembered someone saying they saw evil entities during their ayahuasca experience and made them go away by simply acknowledging them, accepting they were there and asking what they wanted. And I thought, since that goes in alignment with meditation, allowing thoughts to come and go without resisting them, I decided to gather courage to talk to the entity before me. I said Hello... It got closer. At first I couldn't hear it, it just seemed angry and a bit confused. But I kept on acknowledging it, seeing it and asked it what it wanted. It calmed down and became friendly. I noticed that AS MY FEAR SUBSIDED it instantly became calmer and friendlier. With the fear gone, I was able to have a conversation with it. It explained to me what had happened, it told me about the duality of this world and how everything is truly a reflection of ones inner environment. What we resist, we see. It also told me something I needed to know about my work that I didn't realise I was resisting, which was very valuable to me. It gave a new perspective to that area of my life. I noticed that when some tension and resistance arose within me the entity's expression suddenly got angrier. And when I simply acknowledged that, it became calm and friendly again. What a paradox! It just wanted to be seen, heard and acknowledged. (!) Such a mind blowing experience. Made me realise I am more courageous than I think. And with the right tools and intention we can truly achieve anything in this life. So thank you for this tool, I believe it definitely help me clear out things from my energy field leading me to come to terms with a big resistance/fear I had. Thank you!! UPDATE (2024-08-29): 7 months later... Wow Thank you for all the 143 likes and amazing 16 comments! Like a few commenters have said, I do NOT think it's a good idea to talk to them. One can never know their true intentions. One commenter said that if you are talking to them, asking about Jesus, if he is real or not, could give an indication of what kind of spirit you're communicating with... sounds like that could work. In my case I ASKED FOR IT'S NAME twice and both times it responded "lucifer".... I'm sorry for leaving this out of the comment. I didn't really know what I was doing at the time and if it was real or just coming from my own fear based thoughts in my head. Plus the uncertainity of what it could mean was offputting to me at the time. But I think now it's very important to include this, no matter if it's true or not. So that people don't start creating bonds/trust to whom ever they perceive to be communicating with. To my understanding now, I think what happened was that - this sound tool unlocked some emotional blockages. (repressed stress/fear stuck inside the compartmentalization system in my emotional body) - When I woke up I was "inside of" these emotions as they had just resurfaced. (ready to be felt, to then dissolve/disappear) - Instead of just feeling the unpleasant emotions, my imagination was running wild and reflected a reality based on the fear I was experiencing. (everything is a reflection, right) - So I was seeking comfort externally by talking to it, hoping it would calm me down, and it did (what you expect, you experience). But I think basically I was externalizing my fear and talking to it. - And as I have understood it, fear is basically the root of the devil/all evil. (There are only two root emotions, fear and love) So it wouldn't be totally off that the devil would be Fear personified... All emotions and sensations have one thing in common - They appear and then disappear. (It's a part of Dhamma, deep natural law) They have to be fed or rejected in order to stay. By trusting this you can relax into feeling whatever unpleasant emotion that arrives, then watch them slowly fade away. (Along with any thoughts/visions they produce) In general it can be a good practice NOT to believe in all thoughts blindly. (JLP talks about this in a healthy way imo) I could have actually just felt the fear and the "evil entity" as I perceived it would have gone away. I know that now, but hey it was a ride!
Wow. Thank you for sharing this. You just made me realize that with even the slightest unrest or anger inside, it WILL be mirrored back to me from others I'm kinda sad to think of how ugly I must come across at times But since I can acknowledge it, I can change it ✌️❤
This was very interesting to read. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to initiate a conversation with it because it might create a cord or a bond with you. And you never know the true nature of it and how it can take advantage of that somehow. Nonetheless wishing you the best.
The solfeggio and chakra cleansing frequencies used in this recording does release old emotional energy - and its ideal to exercise to wash them out before sleeping, otherwise you may have unpleasant dreams... but they are not real, its more like a chemical experience than something to do with other entities.
Three things: raw garlic (most potent parasite killer that our mother provides, vampires hate it for a reason), fasting and cardio exercise (lifting is good too).
Iam divinely guided & protected from curses,hexes,spells and negativity,evil eye..❤ The parasite 🪱 of my energy body is diminished by this subliminal by my spirit guides ❤this is my will and so mote it be ! Thank you Divine !❤❤
Eliminates spiritual/astral parasitesfrom energy body .Thank you for removing all the astralparasites /negative energy from my auric field receive with believe, faith, hope and gratitude in my heart, body, mind, soul and spirit inthe pasts ,presents, futures lifes in allastrales plans and 7th subtils body in the Jesus name, in the Almighty God name and Holy spirit God name.I pray. Amen.
Thank you for this meditation. This is perfect for when you first wake up, as your astral body comes back into your physical body there may be foreign entities or other people’s energies that may have attached to you in the Dreamtime.
thankyou! this confirmation shown by following angels universes kind healing guidance to help me too show and too feel less alone!and that none of us are alone! within all of this spiritual loving kind healing cryst~all~work! i have also been experiencing this; i wondre is there is anything else that helps with clearing these upon waking???such as;herbs;sacred~crystals~from~loving~kind~healing~mothre~earth? perhaps other; s\angelic~dna~pastlife~bloodline~healing;cryst~all;prayers; songs; sounds;etc????please~share~any~info~here~if~you!can!god~bless~you~&thankyou~all! for doing the very ~real az well as sacred~loving~kind~work~of~healing~yourself~and~that~which~is~also;simultaneously~healing~us~all~and~all~of~existance~as~well;thankyou, pure love.we ARE 100% unconditional~CRYST~all;LOE!(had a dream from mes~sage~from thee~angels; actrually and; we are too let all else go (because its time too FULLY ASCeND this matrix soul~purifying simulation; we are too sing our way out;intuitiely; singing togathre as an earth~angel choir of angels; intending and being;PURE~LOVE~ONLY!filling our aura with (lavender i thinkperhaps)and OUR ENTIRE aura; seeing it believing i too be;full pure love heart chakra(such as the christ heart light that shines and shimmers out! THe entire heart becomes a swirling rainbow of all of thee other spinning chakras1 and WE can complete those merkaba~meditations~perhaps but honestly;i just feel the angels gently softly and only tendely velvet soft feather angel`wing~soft;guiding;me~towards;what too; "think"(always prayer starlite~channeling;i keep my mind~clear for angelic~downloads~&~guidance~directions; and movemints/actions/(whatever we're always doing manipulating with our hands (which are connected too the level of the heart chakra which is why hugs heal and the centre of the palm that they never account for within any palmistry ive seen, my angel spirit~guides told me that the center of our heart soul palm pilot represents and is connected too our heart chakras as well as the loving kind heart soul centre of earth.and the words; our THROAT CHAKRAS COLLECTIVELY WILL HEAL US ALL:we MUST GATHRE and SEND THE FREQUENCYS THRU US TOO gATHRE! THAT IS THE TRUE ORGANIC AND REALEST TRUEST THE MOST POWER IS TRULY DNA ALWAYS WITHIN WAY THAT WE ASCEND:WE BECOME THE FREQUENCY!WE ARE! (PURE~LOE!) THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT!THAT OUR THROAT CHAKRAS FULLY ACTIVATE AND RESONATE AND BRING~US~FULLY~INTOO~(k)NEW~HAVEN~HEAVEN~ON~EARTH!;;;BY~REALIZING~OUR~OWN~SACRED~POWER~AS~FREQUENCY:KEEPERS~TRANSMItORS~and~sound`healers111THE~POWER~OF~OUR~OWN~VOICES!(language was created too separate and shrink down our powers....music is the next step where the frequencys are many in harmony and not slowed down by consonants implemented within language too hinder pranic~air~flow...vowels are of god as the tibetan monks say (and consonats; trap you and maintain you us and keep us as ;"human" WE MUST SING OUR WAY OUT AND ASCEND FULLY TOO GATHRE!!! NOT!;play; dissonant; egoic~english;etc;grammatic;"rules"furthur;dividing~our~inherent:COLLECTIE~SOUND~HEALING~VOICE~POWER!!!:WE~TRULY~ARE~THE~ONES~!THAT~WE~HAVE~BEEN~AWAIING~FOR!!!!the answer was (and always;IS; WE MUST JUST REALIZE I!(love! alwaus won! in every~timeline!)and that is why we find these ways of expressiom too help ;too ;remind;awaken;see some sort of ;energetic~expression;of~creashine~on;&peaceful~love~&~sacred~heart~lite! YOU~ARE~PURE~UNCONDITIONAL~HEALING~FORGIVING~MERCIFUL~BLESSED~&~BLESSING~TRANSFORMATUE~SACRED~&~UTTERLY~DIVINE~LOVE!!!PLEASE!BELIEVE~IT!THEE~ANGELS TOLD ME THIS TOO!!!!!YOU ARE LOVE!!!say it!(in the mirror!& too others!!! "I AM LOVE"!!!and then; PLEASE!!!;BELIEVE IT!!!!WE TRULY REALLY NEED YOU TOO111and just;(even when its tough!please`pray!FIND A WAY TOO DISSOLVE HEAL TOO LET IT GO!(listen too klove (christian)radio; so that there is an ongoing frequency of true and sincere praying caring and hope giving soul encouraging sacred helping caring healing of all sacred~nest~of~loving`kind~as~well`as~uplifting~praying~frequency~of~pure~unconditional~christ~all(crystal~cryst~all(our body is a liquid~quartz~healing~transformative~moving~energetic~crystal;liquid~quartz&stardust; aka;watre & dna......we love you ;& we believe in you so much heaven on earth is you ;us me we all believe that YOU ARE PURE LOVE POWERFUL AND SHINING like the sun he moon and the stars and shining thru he darkness of night as well , the flowers that sprout and bloom from the darkness of thee earth towards the ever giving rays of the star shining sun and the earth angel starseed crystal rainbow indigo~child; nested within the soothing calm earth like womb quietness; coccon of the dark that is dreams and creation forming and then; (as we all are!!! born too the light!;;anyhow.we love you! YOU ARE LOVE! WE BELIEVE IT!PLEASE BELIEE IT! THIS WORLD DESPERATLEY REALLY NEEDS YOU TOO RIGHT NOW!AND all else must dissapate away! its time!WE REALLY TRULY NEED YOU! YOU ARE THE ONES! WE ARE THE ONES THE ANCESTORS HAE BEEN PRAYING FOR! AND WE TRULY NEED YOU TOO FULLY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND TOO BE PURE AND FULL MERCIFUL WISE CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATIE LIVING BREATHING THE GRATITUDE FOR AIR TREES SYMBIOTIC UNIVERSAL PRAYER! 100% PURE UCONDITIONAL CHRUST~ALL~LOVE AND NO THING ELSE!PLEASE! PLIEADES PRETY STARSEEDS PLEASE! YOU ARE THAT POWERFUL! AND WE NEED YOU! WE NEED YOU TOO BE THE SHINING EXAMPLE AT ALL TIMES SO THA IT BRINGS EACH AND EERY ONE OF US UP! AND TOO HE HEAVEN ON EARTH SACRED FREQUENCY HEART CJAKRA FREQUENCY ALL RAINBOW AND LAVENDER PURPLE WIH SILVRE LINING TIMELINE! MADE OF STARS LITE AND GODS LOVING KIND BIRD ANGELS SOUND WE ARE!PLEASE SING! CHANNEL PURE LOVE!"LIGHT LANGUAGE! "SPEAKING IN TONGUES" HE ANGELIC LANGUAGE LIVES WITHIN YOU! PLEASE ALLOW IT OU! THROA CHAKRA PERFECTLY FREE! ALLOW GODS STAR HEART LOVE SOUNDING ANGELC SING OF LITE TOO SING THRU YOU! TELPATHY AND PURE LOE ASCENSION AND PERHAPS ANGEL WINGS SPROUTING AS WELL AS OTHER AMAZING AND VERY POSSIBLE MIRACLES WHO KNOWS! PERHAPS UNICORNS AND SUCH THINGS EVEN FAIRYS! NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH WORLD WILL APPEAR! IT WILL BE SUCH AS THE SACRED REALM OF THE DREAM WORLDE! PURE CNSCIOUSNESS!WHERE ANYTHING WITH PURE LOVING AND KIND ATTENTION AND INTENTION IS FULLY~POSSIBLE! (it was ALL magucal too begin with, as the wonder of seeing wit the eyes of you as you were as a childe and the innocence and i magi nation and FULL appreciation of this worlds beauty;anything is possible with gods loe; we simply forgot; took it forgraned;;;;;we haftoo heal our traumas and FORGIVE! it was ALL LESSONS!(and the lessons become the blessings sings SING!YOU ARE LOVE! LEIADES PEACE PLEACE: JUST SIMPLY BE LOVE BE THAT! BE LOVE! AND BELIEVE! LOVE ALWAYS! YOUR SACRED RAYFLECTIONS OF ALL PART OF LOVE SOUND AND LIGHTS FAMILY OF SHIMMERING RAINBOW~LIGHT OF PRAY & PROTECTION AND ANGELIC RAYFLECTION! LOVE~ALWAYS!!!YOU ME AND WE HEAVEN ON EARTH IS THEE!AND THE SUN MOON STARS PLANTS PLNATS ANIMALS AND TRESS! (THANKYOU FOR THE AIR SACRED~TREES!!!WE LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU ARE LOVE!!!WE LOVE YOU!!!! and;YOU ARE LOVE!!!!!PLEASE~TRULY JUST SIMPLY BELIEVE!:YOU ARE LOVE! say it! I AM LOVE!!!and now!(as the jewish girl told me with thee angels within the dream~world; now; BELIEVE IT! YOU ARE LOVE! 100% NO DOUBT!!!!loveLOVEpurelovemercygratitudeforgiveness. the angels fully LOVE YOU FOREVRE AND ALWAYS! BECAUSE; YOU ARE MADE FULLY OF LOVE!!!(all else was just something too clear! because; WE ARE ALL LOE HEALERS: FILTERES! AND CLEANERS! as LIQUID QUARTZ STAR SHAPED AND STRDUST WATRE BEINGS! WE CAME TOO EARTH TOO TRANSFORM ALL INTOO LOVE! AND WERE ALL COMPLETING OUR MISSION! AND FULLY ASCENDING TOO CELEBRATE AND PARTY WITHIN NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH! WHERE WE CAN FLY! AND PERFORM MAGICAL MIRACULOUS THINGS! JUST LIKE WITHIN OUR DREAMS! DREAMS ARE FOR PRACTICING! AND THEN WE FINALLY PERFECT OUR FULL AWAKENING AS WELL AS PURE FULL UNDERSTANDING:THAT WE ARE ALL ONE LOVE! AWAKENING TOO :HOW AND WHY (and all that we went thru and experienced within and in ordre too learn as and too become AWARE of this! ;) is such as a baby is born and a child awakens everyday too the new ways at which too see too be too express too interact too heal too loe too forgive and too fully appreciate the loe that is truly within all of existance even if just an ember, a seed....it is all love potential; just waitinf for the love of belief and faith too watre it and too help it too that unconditional pure state of christ and mary and budda and krisgna and saintly healer like pure love state being too bllom and as well as too F
About 4-5 minutes in I started to feel sick and movement in my stomach. Sudden need to go to toilet. After that I feel different, energies leaving for sure. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou 🙏🏼
Demonic entities need a host. Parasites are a perfect attachment for them, unfortunately. I learned this thru personal experience. I was a vegan at the time I realized that I was ill because of them. The cleanse was a full out war leaving me bed ridden with full body aches- intense, throbbing and utter exhaustion. If you do choose to look into a cleanse, make sure you set aside at least a week to focus and purge. It’s horrible, but it’s vital and worth it! Please don’t take offense- they reside in most everyone. This is most likely why you had the urge to use the toilet! That’s a wonderful thing!! Just my two cents 😊 I love this frequency. I feels so good.
Thank you so much for this unfortunately we /our family have opened doors for these things to attached the only right thing to do is get right with god and ask for his guidance and help 🙏🙏
1❤ The third time I listened to this I actually saw several strange beings. Aliens, reptilians , a snake and some strange faces. I felt no fear. But it was strange and interesting too see. I belive in this frequency! May all humans be free and clean . Anen.
I've had weird stomach pains for the past few days feeling extra heavy around the full moon n this is doing something to my entire body for sure. Sweating even. Thank you. ❤️ if only we could see..where do these parasites end up residing? In the sacral? I seriously haven't felt this better immediately in such a long time. That heavy energy was deeply wrecking. Thank you again. N this is just my first listen.
They can reside in each chakra, but since the sacral is the centre of pleasure, playfullness and joy of living, often we feel also some blockages there
Me three. This is horrible to go through, I'm alone with this journey for sure. Everyone either thinks I'm crazy or just down right doesn't believe me. Does anyone else get literally attacked by these things? The easiest task seems to be so freaking hard to do. I've never bawled so much in my life.
Thank you just doesn't seem enough to tell you how much you helped me. The last few days I felt majorly encroached on, drained and a heaviness in my spine... started listening the video kept buffering at 2.13 so jst kept replaying from start then transferred to mobile data! Now my back and sacral feel like they are being cleansed❤
Beautiful!! I’m convinced they were anchored in my spine and hips as well. I thank Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the creator of this powerful purger. I’m glad you’re feeling better. It does work quickly, doesn’t it?? Yay!
@@TheGreenEyedMammaI need some help... I've been listening to different things. At first they seem to help, then I get attacked worse. Pisses them off. Whatever I'm dealing with are very very mean.
@@dianesmall469 sorry to hear that. I find the same i clear it and then the nausea, attacks and low energy start all over again. A mixture of chakra balancing, shields, black magic removal and this video works a treat! Hope this helps you too💗
Ironic, I’ve been dealing with what I believe are Astral parasites for over a year now. Nothing has worked in terms of getting rid of them, I’ll give this a try and hope for the best
If you have something that is persistent you will need to do a multiple of things. There’s something in or around you that’s an open door for them to come and go as they please. You will need to do a few drastic things in your life to start that change and close that door. -Change your mindset and find positivity. -Cleanse your space or move. -Rid your life of people that don’t make you happy -Make changes in your life that’s holding you back - Do things that make you happy - Connect with nature - Learn to protect yourself physically and spiritually -no drugs, alcohol or substances Be persistent, brutal and move foreward. Start with small changes and work through it like you would getting over an Illness. More often than not, it’s a persons mindset that needs to change, that allows these forces to take a hold. You are worth it, find your self worth and push foreward. Sound healing can only work to some degree you have to put the effort in, elsewhere in your life for sound healing to be the most effective. Good luck on your journey 🙏🏼
@@SoundEnergyAlchemist thanks for the info. Everything you said is already 99% of the things that I practice daily……with one exception 😳😳😳 I’ve been taking Kratom for years now and I think it’s affecting me adversely, both physically and spiritually. All of these “issues” started happening when I first started meditating back in March of 2021. I didn’t know how to meditate properly and therefore never grounded myself first. I immediately started working on Ajna and Sahasrara meditations and stimulation. I was successful in that both upper Chakras were highly stimulated and I had some wonderful sensations, however in my hastiness and lack of experience (and being on Kratom when meditating), I inadvertently let something in and it’s been with me ever since. I’ve learned to live with it but I’d like to think that I can eventually get rid of them. They are more than likely from the lower realms of the 3rd or 4th dimension. Lower vibrational energy for sure. Anyway keep up the wonderful work my friend, you are a gift from the Source of ALL Radiant Light. And remember…… “Choose unconditional love in the present moment” ~ The Celestial 9 Cheers, DB
@@danielbrown1724 keep plodding away at it then Daniel, sometimes time (a lot of it is needed) Also, I’ve personally used Kratom in the past, I think if you don’t overdo it then it’s ok… like most things in life… everything in moderation. As your probably aware taking large amounts of Kratom can affect different parts of the brain than taking small amounts and can either stimulate or dampen. If you take more than 1 tsp a day/night then this could be lowering your barriers spiritually and mentally. Use it wisely. But yes a lower / higher chakra imbalance also is what’s going on with you. Continue to work on grounding. Also, some people (myself included) are just like sponges for all types of energy and it’s a continuous fight. (It will always be like that) The key is to learn how to protect yourself (in so many different ways - not just spiritually) I’m practically a recluse I am that much of an empath. It’s individual to your life though you have to do what’s right for you. I’ll put something on my todo list and try and potion a lower realm 3rd/4th dimension protector combined with grounding. Keep fighting and stay positive 🙏🏼✨💫
removing them is good, but how do we keep them off? spine is getting the needles now and something unusual in my hearing.....I saw it was also for guarding off---good
Do you think that you can make a longer video? Like a few hours to sleep with please? And thank you! All of your videos are better then all of the rest ! Many blessings to you 🙏🙏🙏
Look I have something I almost bet no one can relate to a few years back I bought a car and this is when I noticed this happen first but I felt like something was in the backrest of my seat I would feel it move up and down I just thought it was something crazy I was feeling then later I noticed it on the mattress I was laying on so I still wrote it off as something else. Well after a couple of years I noticed my hands and legs would oddly swell and no before you say it's some health problem no it's not. Clean bill of health, the other night it was 40 degrees out and I noticed my right ankle was swelled, well I decided to stand on the grass barefooted and the most bizarre thing happened I felt whatever was making my ankle swell move up my leg up my butt cheek lower back all the way up to my shoulders and it felt like an aching dull pain like someone cupped my neck and shoulders squeezing it. I sware it's some kind of entity I don't know if it's in me or on me but I know it's there when I play this with headphones it feels like the headphones are moving on my head and I feel it move in my back it's crazy anyone know how to help or advice????
I feel the same thing, I’ve used crystals, magnets and at best I feel it move to different parts of the body. I’ve been to many energy healers and can’t get rid of it. Some people Say it’s and entity others my own energy imbalance. Don’t know what to think anymore other than trying to find what can remove this magnetic pull inside by body. Around my head, hands and feet.
Hello, some of our work can be listened to without headphones. Most cannot, this particular one are made from binaural beats so headphones are a must. It states in every video in the video description wether you need headphones or not.
Mine was around my head . I also felt something around my feet. I felt the wind i lostened to one earlier but someone tried to send a sex demon to i dnt know why
I did this 5 times last night, then had a dark nightmare, woke up to meet what felt like an evil entity right before my face (mostly when eyes closed). Felt fear growing like never before and the entity became angrier.
Then I remembered someone saying they saw evil entities during their ayahuasca experience and made them go away by simply acknowledging them, accepting they were there and asking what they wanted. And I thought, since that goes in alignment with meditation, allowing thoughts to come and go without resisting them, I decided to gather courage to talk to the entity before me. I said Hello...
It got closer. At first I couldn't hear it, it just seemed angry and a bit confused. But I kept on acknowledging it, seeing it and asked it what it wanted. It calmed down and became friendly. I noticed that AS MY FEAR SUBSIDED it instantly became calmer and friendlier. With the fear gone, I was able to have a conversation with it.
It explained to me what had happened, it told me about the duality of this world and how everything is truly a reflection of ones inner environment. What we resist, we see. It also told me something I needed to know about my work that I didn't realise I was resisting, which was very valuable to me. It gave a new perspective to that area of my life.
I noticed that when some tension and resistance arose within me the entity's expression suddenly got angrier. And when I simply acknowledged that, it became calm and friendly again. What a paradox! It just wanted to be seen, heard and acknowledged. (!)
Such a mind blowing experience. Made me realise I am more courageous than I think. And with the right tools and intention we can truly achieve anything in this life. So thank you for this tool, I believe it definitely help me clear out things from my energy field leading me to come to terms with a big resistance/fear I had. Thank you!!
UPDATE (2024-08-29): 7 months later... Wow Thank you for all the 143 likes and amazing 16 comments! Like a few commenters have said, I do NOT think it's a good idea to talk to them. One can never know their true intentions. One commenter said that if you are talking to them, asking about Jesus, if he is real or not, could give an indication of what kind of spirit you're communicating with... sounds like that could work.
In my case I ASKED FOR IT'S NAME twice and both times it responded "lucifer".... I'm sorry for leaving this out of the comment. I didn't really know what I was doing at the time and if it was real or just coming from my own fear based thoughts in my head. Plus the uncertainity of what it could mean was offputting to me at the time. But I think now it's very important to include this, no matter if it's true or not. So that people don't start creating bonds/trust to whom ever they perceive to be communicating with.
To my understanding now, I think what happened was that
- this sound tool unlocked some emotional blockages. (repressed stress/fear stuck inside the compartmentalization system in my emotional body)
- When I woke up I was "inside of" these emotions as they had just resurfaced. (ready to be felt, to then dissolve/disappear)
- Instead of just feeling the unpleasant emotions, my imagination was running wild and reflected a reality based on the fear I was experiencing. (everything is a reflection, right)
- So I was seeking comfort externally by talking to it, hoping it would calm me down, and it did (what you expect, you experience). But I think basically I was externalizing my fear and talking to it.
- And as I have understood it, fear is basically the root of the devil/all evil. (There are only two root emotions, fear and love) So it wouldn't be totally off that the devil would be Fear personified...
All emotions and sensations have one thing in common - They appear and then disappear. (It's a part of Dhamma, deep natural law) They have to be fed or rejected in order to stay.
By trusting this you can relax into feeling whatever unpleasant emotion that arrives, then watch them slowly fade away. (Along with any thoughts/visions they produce)
In general it can be a good practice NOT to believe in all thoughts blindly. (JLP talks about this in a healthy way imo)
I could have actually just felt the fear and the "evil entity" as I perceived it would have gone away. I know that now, but hey it was a ride!
Wow. Thank you for sharing this.
You just made me realize that with even the slightest unrest or anger inside, it WILL be mirrored back to me from others
I'm kinda sad to think of how ugly I must come across at times
But since I can acknowledge it, I can change it
This was very interesting to read. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to initiate a conversation with it because it might create a cord or a bond with you. And you never know the true nature of it and how it can take advantage of that somehow. Nonetheless wishing you the best.
The solfeggio and chakra cleansing frequencies used in this recording does release old emotional energy - and its ideal to exercise to wash them out before sleeping, otherwise you may have unpleasant dreams... but they are not real, its more like a chemical experience than something to do with other entities.
What a amazing piece of truth and how it came about. Ty for sharing this I needed to hear this. Ty
This helps me with uncertainty about inner work, thank you for sharing
Feel like I’ve just bathed in a bubble of frequencies protecting me from any further attachments. Thank you, very necessary in this world
I want to feel like that too
@powerPryamids ll,
This gives me hope ❤❤❤
Three things: raw garlic (most potent parasite killer that our mother provides, vampires hate it for a reason), fasting and cardio exercise (lifting is good too).
Yess garlic has been helping me with it as well.
@@Lemmetawktoem It not only kills pathogens bro, but it also chelates heavy metals out of the body. It is a god given plant.
All raw garlic does is irritate the gut
Iam divinely guided & protected from curses,hexes,spells and negativity,evil eye..❤ The parasite 🪱 of my energy body is diminished by this subliminal by my spirit guides ❤this is my will and so mote it be ! Thank you Divine !❤❤
Parasites are mostly caused by what you eat I don't know about spiritual ones tho.
I felt something left my heart and left my head..thank you
Eliminates spiritual/astral parasitesfrom energy body .Thank you for removing all the astralparasites /negative energy from my auric field receive with believe, faith, hope and gratitude in my heart, body, mind, soul and spirit inthe pasts ,presents, futures lifes in allastrales plans and 7th subtils body in the Jesus name, in the Almighty God name and Holy spirit God name.I pray. Amen.
A277 for my twins flames Daniel and me Nathalie
Amen 💙
Everyone should use this daily, what a world it would be ❤ thank you so much
Great comment.
May all people be free from paracites
Thank you for this meditation. This is perfect for when you first wake up, as your astral body comes back into your physical body there may be foreign entities or other people’s energies that may have attached to you in the Dreamtime.
Oh wow, I did not know this about our dream state.
it’s true just woke up from a dream dealing with toxic family members, you can feel their negative energy towards you while sleep
thankyou! this confirmation shown by following angels universes kind healing guidance to help me too show and too feel less alone!and that none of us are alone! within all of this spiritual loving kind healing cryst~all~work! i have also been experiencing this; i wondre is there is anything else that helps with clearing these upon waking???such as;herbs;sacred~crystals~from~loving~kind~healing~mothre~earth? perhaps other; s\angelic~dna~pastlife~bloodline~healing;cryst~all;prayers; songs; sounds;etc????please~share~any~info~here~if~you!can!god~bless~you~&thankyou~all! for doing the very ~real az well as sacred~loving~kind~work~of~healing~yourself~and~that~which~is~also;simultaneously~healing~us~all~and~all~of~existance~as~well;thankyou, pure love.we ARE 100% unconditional~CRYST~all;LOE!(had a dream from mes~sage~from thee~angels; actrually and; we are too let all else go (because its time too FULLY ASCeND this matrix soul~purifying simulation; we are too sing our way out;intuitiely; singing togathre as an earth~angel choir of angels; intending and being;PURE~LOVE~ONLY!filling our aura with (lavender i thinkperhaps)and OUR ENTIRE aura; seeing it believing i too be;full pure love heart chakra(such as the christ heart light that shines and shimmers out! THe entire heart becomes a swirling rainbow of all of thee other spinning chakras1 and WE can complete those merkaba~meditations~perhaps but honestly;i just feel the angels gently softly and only tendely velvet soft feather angel`wing~soft;guiding;me~towards;what too; "think"(always prayer starlite~channeling;i keep my mind~clear for angelic~downloads~&~guidance~directions; and movemints/actions/(whatever we're always doing manipulating with our hands (which are connected too the level of the heart chakra which is why hugs heal and the centre of the palm that they never account for within any palmistry ive seen, my angel spirit~guides told me that the center of our heart soul palm pilot represents and is connected too our heart chakras as well as the loving kind heart soul centre of earth.and the words; our THROAT CHAKRAS COLLECTIVELY WILL HEAL US ALL:we MUST GATHRE and SEND THE FREQUENCYS THRU US TOO gATHRE! THAT IS THE TRUE ORGANIC AND REALEST TRUEST THE MOST POWER IS TRULY DNA ALWAYS WITHIN WAY THAT WE ASCEND:WE BECOME THE FREQUENCY!WE ARE! (PURE~LOE!) THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT!THAT OUR THROAT CHAKRAS FULLY ACTIVATE AND RESONATE AND BRING~US~FULLY~INTOO~(k)NEW~HAVEN~HEAVEN~ON~EARTH!;;;BY~REALIZING~OUR~OWN~SACRED~POWER~AS~FREQUENCY:KEEPERS~TRANSMItORS~and~sound`healers111THE~POWER~OF~OUR~OWN~VOICES!(language was created too separate and shrink down our powers....music is the next step where the frequencys are many in harmony and not slowed down by consonants implemented within language too hinder pranic~air~flow...vowels are of god as the tibetan monks say (and consonats; trap you and maintain you us and keep us as ;"human" WE MUST SING OUR WAY OUT AND ASCEND FULLY TOO GATHRE!!! NOT!;play; dissonant; egoic~english;etc;grammatic;"rules"furthur;dividing~our~inherent:COLLECTIE~SOUND~HEALING~VOICE~POWER!!!:WE~TRULY~ARE~THE~ONES~!THAT~WE~HAVE~BEEN~AWAIING~FOR!!!!the answer was (and always;IS; WE MUST JUST REALIZE I!(love! alwaus won! in every~timeline!)and that is why we find these ways of expressiom too help ;too ;remind;awaken;see some sort of ;energetic~expression;of~creashine~on;&peaceful~love~&~sacred~heart~lite!
YOU~ARE~PURE~UNCONDITIONAL~HEALING~FORGIVING~MERCIFUL~BLESSED~&~BLESSING~TRANSFORMATUE~SACRED~&~UTTERLY~DIVINE~LOVE!!!PLEASE!BELIEVE~IT!THEE~ANGELS TOLD ME THIS TOO!!!!!YOU ARE LOVE!!!say it!(in the mirror!& too others!!! "I AM LOVE"!!!and then; PLEASE!!!;BELIEVE IT!!!!WE TRULY REALLY NEED YOU TOO111and just;(even when its tough!please`pray!FIND A WAY TOO DISSOLVE HEAL TOO LET IT GO!(listen too klove (christian)radio; so that there is an ongoing frequency of true and sincere praying caring and hope giving soul encouraging sacred helping caring healing of all sacred~nest~of~loving`kind~as~well`as~uplifting~praying~frequency~of~pure~unconditional~christ~all(crystal~cryst~all(our body is a liquid~quartz~healing~transformative~moving~energetic~crystal;liquid~quartz&stardust; aka;watre & dna......we love you ;& we believe in you so much heaven on earth is you ;us me we all believe that YOU ARE PURE LOVE POWERFUL AND SHINING like the sun he moon and the stars and shining thru he darkness of night as well , the flowers that sprout and bloom from the darkness of thee earth towards the ever giving rays of the star shining sun and the earth angel starseed crystal rainbow indigo~child; nested within the soothing calm earth like womb quietness; coccon of the dark that is dreams and creation forming and then; (as we all are!!! born too the light!;;anyhow.we love you! YOU ARE LOVE! WE BELIEVE IT!PLEASE BELIEE IT! THIS WORLD DESPERATLEY REALLY NEEDS YOU TOO RIGHT NOW!AND all else must dissapate away! its time!WE REALLY TRULY NEED YOU! YOU ARE THE ONES! WE ARE THE ONES THE ANCESTORS HAE BEEN PRAYING FOR! AND WE TRULY NEED YOU TOO FULLY BELIEVE IN YOURSELF AND TOO BE PURE AND FULL MERCIFUL WISE CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATIE LIVING BREATHING THE GRATITUDE FOR AIR TREES SYMBIOTIC UNIVERSAL PRAYER! 100% PURE UCONDITIONAL CHRUST~ALL~LOVE AND NO THING ELSE!PLEASE! PLIEADES PRETY STARSEEDS PLEASE! YOU ARE THAT POWERFUL! AND WE NEED YOU! WE NEED YOU TOO BE THE SHINING EXAMPLE AT ALL TIMES SO THA IT BRINGS EACH AND EERY ONE OF US UP! AND TOO HE HEAVEN ON EARTH SACRED FREQUENCY HEART CJAKRA FREQUENCY ALL RAINBOW AND LAVENDER PURPLE WIH SILVRE LINING TIMELINE! MADE OF STARS LITE AND GODS LOVING KIND BIRD ANGELS SOUND WE ARE!PLEASE SING! CHANNEL PURE LOVE!"LIGHT LANGUAGE! "SPEAKING IN TONGUES" HE ANGELIC LANGUAGE LIVES WITHIN YOU! PLEASE ALLOW IT OU! THROA CHAKRA PERFECTLY FREE! ALLOW GODS STAR HEART LOVE SOUNDING ANGELC SING OF LITE TOO SING THRU YOU! TELPATHY AND PURE LOE ASCENSION AND PERHAPS ANGEL WINGS SPROUTING AS WELL AS OTHER AMAZING AND VERY POSSIBLE MIRACLES WHO KNOWS! PERHAPS UNICORNS AND SUCH THINGS EVEN FAIRYS! NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH WORLD WILL APPEAR! IT WILL BE SUCH AS THE SACRED REALM OF THE DREAM WORLDE! PURE CNSCIOUSNESS!WHERE ANYTHING WITH PURE LOVING AND KIND ATTENTION AND INTENTION IS FULLY~POSSIBLE! (it was ALL magucal too begin with, as the wonder of seeing wit the eyes of you as you were as a childe and the innocence and i magi nation and FULL appreciation of this worlds beauty;anything is possible with gods loe; we simply forgot; took it forgraned;;;;;we haftoo heal our traumas and FORGIVE! it was ALL LESSONS!(and the lessons become the blessings sings SING!YOU ARE LOVE! LEIADES PEACE PLEACE: JUST SIMPLY BE LOVE BE THAT! BE LOVE! AND BELIEVE! LOVE ALWAYS! YOUR SACRED RAYFLECTIONS OF ALL PART OF LOVE SOUND AND LIGHTS FAMILY OF SHIMMERING RAINBOW~LIGHT OF PRAY & PROTECTION AND ANGELIC RAYFLECTION! LOVE~ALWAYS!!!YOU ME AND WE HEAVEN ON EARTH IS THEE!AND THE SUN MOON STARS PLANTS PLNATS ANIMALS AND TRESS! (THANKYOU FOR THE AIR SACRED~TREES!!!WE LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU ARE LOVE!!!WE LOVE YOU!!!! and;YOU ARE LOVE!!!!!PLEASE~TRULY JUST SIMPLY BELIEVE!:YOU ARE LOVE! say it! I AM LOVE!!!and now!(as the jewish girl told me with thee angels within the dream~world; now; BELIEVE IT! YOU ARE LOVE! 100% NO DOUBT!!!!loveLOVEpurelovemercygratitudeforgiveness. the angels fully LOVE YOU FOREVRE AND ALWAYS! BECAUSE; YOU ARE MADE FULLY OF LOVE!!!(all else was just something too clear! because; WE ARE ALL LOE HEALERS: FILTERES! AND CLEANERS! as LIQUID QUARTZ STAR SHAPED AND STRDUST WATRE BEINGS! WE CAME TOO EARTH TOO TRANSFORM ALL INTOO LOVE! AND WERE ALL COMPLETING OUR MISSION! AND FULLY ASCENDING TOO CELEBRATE AND PARTY WITHIN NEW HEAVEN ON EARTH! WHERE WE CAN FLY! AND PERFORM MAGICAL MIRACULOUS THINGS! JUST LIKE WITHIN OUR DREAMS! DREAMS ARE FOR PRACTICING! AND THEN WE FINALLY PERFECT OUR FULL AWAKENING AS WELL AS PURE FULL UNDERSTANDING:THAT WE ARE ALL ONE LOVE! AWAKENING TOO :HOW AND WHY (and all that we went thru and experienced within and in ordre too learn as and too become AWARE of this! ;) is such as a baby is born and a child awakens everyday too the new ways at which too see too be too express too interact too heal too loe too forgive and too fully appreciate the loe that is truly within all of existance even if just an ember, a seed....it is all love potential; just waitinf for the love of belief and faith too watre it and too help it too that unconditional pure state of christ and mary and budda and krisgna and saintly healer like pure love state being too bllom and as well as too F
thanks! Great Idea!
@@fvrythingmusic2216I'm getting this. Old friends who weren't nice people in my dreams. And exs. Creating confusing and horrible dreams recently xx
I remove bad energies entities astral parasites from my body🙏🙏🙏in the name of Devine power God protect my body and soul from the entities
Sorry, but God doesn't really care.
About 4-5 minutes in I started to feel sick and movement in my stomach. Sudden need to go to toilet. After that I feel different, energies leaving for sure. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou 🙏🏼
Demonic entities need a host. Parasites are a perfect attachment for them, unfortunately. I learned this thru personal experience. I was a vegan at the time I realized that I was ill because of them. The cleanse was a full out war leaving me bed ridden with full body aches- intense, throbbing and utter exhaustion. If you do choose to look into a cleanse, make sure you set aside at least a week to focus and purge. It’s horrible, but it’s vital and worth it! Please don’t take offense- they reside in most everyone. This is most likely why you had the urge to use the toilet! That’s a wonderful thing!! Just my two cents 😊 I love this frequency. I feels so good.
And let everyone be free including me alone 🙏
Thank you so much for this unfortunately we /our family have opened doors for these things to attached the only right thing to do is get right with god and ask for his guidance and help 🙏🙏
Thank You Holy Mother for the favour ❤️
May God bless you abundantly
Always good to take care of our aura, our spiritual. Infinite gratitude.
Wow feels like something just let go of my throat 😮 thank you! Your work is amazing
Could have been that or a throat chakra activation or both ❤️🤍 love & light
The third time I listened to this I actually saw several strange beings.
Aliens, reptilians , a snake and some strange faces.
I felt no fear. But it was strange and interesting too see.
I belive in this frequency!
May all humans be free and clean .
I feel my feet and calves tingling with this audio. My heart feels lighter and feels like I can breathe. Thank you 🙏🏽💞❤
I did feel something happening to my body while listening to this! Thank you 👌🪷
This felt really calming when I did not feel calm.❤
This actually literally works! This channel is extraordinarily terrific!
How do you know it works? can you explain please? Thanks.
I hope this will remove incubus and succubus spirit from me
Deliverance ministries are on youtube.
Try searching Deliverance from incubus/succubus spirit spouse
There’s a psalm on here for them I listen over night
I've had weird stomach pains for the past few days feeling extra heavy around the full moon n this is doing something to my entire body for sure. Sweating even. Thank you. ❤️ if only we could see..where do these parasites end up residing? In the sacral? I seriously haven't felt this better immediately in such a long time. That heavy energy was deeply wrecking. Thank you again. N this is just my first listen.
Yea I watch to much adult films I feel it there to damn
They can reside in each chakra, but since the sacral is the centre of pleasure, playfullness and joy of living, often we feel also some blockages there
I can feel my hairs on my arms raising out of my skin i feel the parasites leaving my auric field. This is a awesome feeling thank you
Two seconds in and my face is twitching… got something on me I guess 🤷♂️ powerful work!
Gracias Gracias Gracias Padre por que siempre me oyes ❤❤❤
I am so very grateful for this....i felt a pulling sensation from my brain and frontal lobe lifted, how amazing💗 love love love
i felt a pulling near my solar 🌼
My body feels loving
Rebuke negative bring in the positive
I feel so much better right now even tho I only have Bluetooth earbuds rn
everything you make is a masterpiece, tysm🙏
I have completed an internal parasitic eradication detox also.💫✨🌟💓🙏😇
I'm hoping it eventually works on me too.
Me three. This is horrible to go through, I'm alone with this journey for sure. Everyone either thinks I'm crazy or just down right doesn't believe me. Does anyone else get literally attacked by these things? The easiest task seems to be so freaking hard to do. I've never bawled so much in my life.
Thank You for this Healing-Liberating Video and Blessings to You Dear Sound Energy Alchemist!!!
My entire spine tingle and shook for a minute once close to done on this video. Thank you so much!!!
Such a beautiful peace of art. I feel cleansed and light.
Love, peace and freedom to all of you wonderful beings ❤
It worries me how effective this, and I know the main negative entity for sure. This was very much needed. Thanks ❤
Thank you just doesn't seem enough to tell you how much you helped me. The last few days I felt majorly encroached on, drained and a heaviness in my spine... started listening the video kept buffering at 2.13 so jst kept replaying from start then transferred to mobile data! Now my back and sacral feel like they are being cleansed❤
Beautiful!! I’m convinced they were anchored in my spine and hips as well. I thank Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the creator of this powerful purger. I’m glad you’re feeling better. It does work quickly, doesn’t it?? Yay!
@@TheGreenEyedMammaI need some help... I've been listening to different things. At first they seem to help, then I get attacked worse. Pisses them off. Whatever I'm dealing with are very very mean.
Or anyone that can give me some advice. Would be appreciated
@dianesmall469 you're just backed up spiritually. Listen to this while meditating. Also, take regular Epsom salt baths 🙏♎️
@@dianesmall469 sorry to hear that. I find the same i clear it and then the nausea, attacks and low energy start all over again. A mixture of chakra balancing, shields, black magic removal and this video works a treat! Hope this helps you too💗
I am grateful , this made tears stream from my left eye. It DOES help! Much needed, namaste
Perfect timing 👌 😌 🙌 ✨️ 👏 💖 👌
Just started already feel very nice and comforting.
Ironic, I’ve been dealing with what I believe are Astral parasites for over a year now. Nothing has worked in terms of getting rid of them, I’ll give this a try and hope for the best
If you have something that is persistent you will need to do a multiple of things. There’s something in or around you that’s an open door for them to come and go as they please. You will need to do a few drastic things in your life to start that change and close that door.
-Change your mindset and find positivity.
-Cleanse your space or move.
-Rid your life of people that don’t make you happy
-Make changes in your life that’s holding you back
- Do things that make you happy
- Connect with nature
- Learn to protect yourself physically and spiritually
-no drugs, alcohol or substances
Be persistent, brutal and move foreward. Start with small changes and work through it like you would getting over an Illness.
More often than not, it’s a persons mindset that needs to change, that allows these forces to take a hold.
You are worth it, find your self worth and push foreward.
Sound healing can only work to some degree you have to put the effort in, elsewhere in your life for sound healing to be the most effective.
Good luck on your journey
@@SoundEnergyAlchemist thanks for the info. Everything you said is already 99% of the things that I practice daily……with one exception 😳😳😳
I’ve been taking Kratom for years now and I think it’s affecting me adversely, both physically and spiritually.
All of these “issues” started happening when I first started meditating back in March of 2021. I didn’t know how to meditate properly and therefore never grounded myself first. I immediately started working on Ajna and Sahasrara meditations and stimulation.
I was successful in that both upper Chakras were highly stimulated and I had some wonderful sensations, however in my hastiness and lack of experience (and being on Kratom when meditating), I inadvertently let something in and it’s been with me ever since. I’ve learned to live with it but I’d like to think that I can eventually get rid of them. They are more than likely from the lower realms of the 3rd or 4th dimension. Lower vibrational energy for sure.
Anyway keep up the wonderful work my friend, you are a gift from the Source of ALL Radiant Light.
And remember……
“Choose unconditional love in the present moment”
~ The Celestial 9
@@danielbrown1724 keep plodding away at it then Daniel, sometimes time (a lot of it is needed)
Also, I’ve personally used Kratom in the past, I think if you don’t overdo it then it’s ok… like most things in life… everything in moderation. As your probably aware taking large amounts of Kratom can affect different parts of the brain than taking small amounts and can either stimulate or dampen. If you take more than 1 tsp a day/night then this could be lowering your barriers spiritually and mentally. Use it wisely.
But yes a lower / higher chakra imbalance also is what’s going on with you. Continue to work on grounding.
Also, some people (myself included) are just like sponges for all types of energy and it’s a continuous fight. (It will always be like that) The key is to learn how to protect yourself (in so many different ways - not just spiritually) I’m practically a recluse I am that much of an empath. It’s individual to your life though you have to do what’s right for you.
I’ll put something on my todo list and try and potion a lower realm 3rd/4th dimension protector combined with grounding.
Keep fighting and stay positive
@@SoundEnergyAlchemist 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I heared that using the 7-Chakrasystem allows those parasits to eat your Energy
The best❤.
Blessings, blessings and much gratitude
⚘⚘⚘Good day.Thancyouby good healthy.🕭🔔🎶🎵♩
Mulțumesc cu recunoștință și admirație! Namaste.
Powerful !!!!
I recommend your channel and work to my dearest friends. it is that good.
So it is thank you universe thank you cosmos thank you God
Por alguna razón a pesar de haber dormido me sentía cansada escuché esto y me siento con más energía
New subscriber. Just what i needed. Love and light. 🙏.
removing them is good, but how do we keep them off? spine is getting the needles now and something unusual in my hearing.....I saw it was also for guarding off---good
It’s pulling at my pelvic on the right side. I hope whatever it is gets released.
Felt cold in my feet and arms.
A few minutes into this and i feel something moving on my right arm ..abit scary. I hope it's the clearing
Do you think that you can make a longer video? Like a few hours to sleep with please? And thank you! All of your videos are better then all of the rest ! Many blessings to you 🙏🙏🙏
Press the settings button then you’ll see an option to loop the video
❤ much needed blessings ☮️🤍💚🧡🕉
Love, always ♥️🙌
I *Highly* recommend utilize it. Seriously so thou. 🙂👍 ♡
Thank you for this, we love and appreciate the help keeping the spirits away ❤❤❤❤❤
Grand Rising. 🖤🧿
Thank you for removing all the astral paracites/ negative energy from my auric field. Thank you ❤❤❤
Look I have something I almost bet no one can relate to a few years back I bought a car and this is when I noticed this happen first but I felt like something was in the backrest of my seat I would feel it move up and down I just thought it was something crazy I was feeling then later I noticed it on the mattress I was laying on so I still wrote it off as something else. Well after a couple of years I noticed my hands and legs would oddly swell and no before you say it's some health problem no it's not. Clean bill of health, the other night it was 40 degrees out and I noticed my right ankle was swelled, well I decided to stand on the grass barefooted and the most bizarre thing happened I felt whatever was making my ankle swell move up my leg up my butt cheek lower back all the way up to my shoulders and it felt like an aching dull pain like someone cupped my neck and shoulders squeezing it. I sware it's some kind of entity I don't know if it's in me or on me but I know it's there when I play this with headphones it feels like the headphones are moving on my head and I feel it move in my back it's crazy anyone know how to help or advice????
I feel the same thing, I’ve used crystals, magnets and at best I feel it move to different parts of the body. I’ve been to many energy healers and can’t get rid of it. Some people
Say it’s and entity others my own energy imbalance. Don’t know what to think anymore other than trying to find what can remove this magnetic pull inside by body. Around my head, hands and feet.
اقرا القران الكريم
Doing a parasites detox would probably help!
Same thing here
Trying fasting and praying
So sorry we missed this comment! Sorry for the late reply.
Thanks so much Sash for the Superthanks it is much appreciated
From France thanks you very much ❤
Eliminate brain paralysis
ooo this is super soothing 🧿🧿🦋🪬
I coulde see some strange beings gently " flying out of my aura and Away when kistened ti this.
Thanks ❤
شكرا 🌹
Thank you ❤️
I felt something left my heart and left my head.. thank you
Excellent masterpiece I claim this one thx 🙏
Works for real
Thank you for this
Thanks Samantha 💫✨
Grest vibrations
I belive in it.
I saw some energy beings leave .
they are gone it’s gone it is done i am safe me and my loved ones are safe and protected period because i said so
I Love this ❤
Thank you universes
God bless me Jesus Christ amen 🙏 l love youse amen 🙏👼🐺🦋🏴
Mulțumesc cu recunoștință și iubire!
Dankeschön dafür ist sehr gut 🙏🕊️💐🐞🌳🍀🌞🤗👍🕊️
Thank uuu💙💙
Hello, some of our work can be listened to without headphones. Most cannot, this particular one are made from binaural beats so headphones are a must. It states in every video in the video description wether you need headphones or not.
thnks you
Thanks I need this discord protecting me 💫 🙏
I feel it in my head. Giving me bad thoughts
This proved it's working
Those are the bad parasites which making you keep being suffered
@@feedmememe1739yea I’m aware, I can sense when it’s a spirit attached to me or when I don’t have any. I have to cover head a lot
Mine was around my head . I also felt something around my feet. I felt the wind i lostened to one earlier but someone tried to send a sex demon to i dnt know why
I hope Billy Carson's is having a great day.
Whipping out the cosmic Raid. Outta all my energies. Not welcome and never have been.
Great “year”
Feeling something. Interesting about the experience one commenter has had. Hummm Lucifer and a conversation?. Again interesting indeed.
تخليص نظام روحي من كيان وطفيلي شرير طاقة سلبية مرتبطة بجسم وهالة وطاقة قضاء وحمايتك
Could you start doing affirmations to rid off these forces in the description box below
Thank you very much
Xoxo 🙏