WotC makes Assassin's Creed, a product that should have been secret lair or commander decks, as a sealed product that nobody wanted and that couldn't even be drafted. Now MB2, a product designed to be played in a sealed format and loved by fans, is only available at a convention? What an excellent business strategy.
It isn't actually that bad Base game you can find anywhere You want this special thing come play at our event All sorts of companies have done this for decades at conventions
@@TheEvolver311 Assassin's Creed was a commercial failure. Releasing MB2 as a sealed product would've been more lucrative than AC. It's not "that bad" for fans of the game, but it's awful for business
@@ausiidnd They released MB1 after it was an exclusive for an event. They just waited like a year almost I think 🤔 maybe 8months. They also at the time of the event didn't announce if or when it would be made available for retail. That sounds exactly like what is happening now 😲, they want to let the people who actually showed up at the event and were told this is an event exclusive the retail version mb1 had the playtest style cards swapped out for the foil sheet so it was technically different and maintained the unique quality of the event version. The real thing is so many magic players are Varuca Salt at their core and to quote the lady "daddy I want it now!!!"
@@scottcampbell9515 patience? How about WotC makes a good decision for once... THEY can't afford to hold things above our heads for simple reasoning of "I can because I print the card game" They can get stuffed when it comes to MB2's nonrelease status. It's greedy and is manipulative to get people into events for those massive foil brainstorm pulls
I basically only play cube and EDH. On occasion I’ll play a prerelease but even those I’ve stopped going to regularly and have no intention of changing that habit given the rising price of prereleases.
Funnily enough, they are quite bad at Capitalism. Ideally, you want to sell as much of your product as you can, by charging a reasonable price, making it available and increasing customer happiness and company loyalty. But Wizards don't do any of those things.
It just sounds like spoiled consumers mad they can't afford a luxury game piece a bunch of Varuca Salts yelling that they want to own a chocolate factory
Naw they'll probably release it in a year or more randomly like they did with MB1 it wasn't announced as going to be sold to the general public at release either.
This set feels like a slap in the face for people who live in non convention countries, because those same countries are also the ones where buying a secret lair box comes with huuuge shipping costs and import taxes :(
This product is not for you. Or me. Or anyone outside of conventions. Or anyone that hates Alchemy to the point that seeing one printed physically makes me rage with a white-hot fury.
MaRo's answer to somebody asking why this wasn't getting a general release was very monkey paw wizards. People has complained about too many new card releases - so they cut the reprint set
Saying they “cut the reprint set” isn’t exactly correct. MaRo said that MB2 was paid for out of the convention team’s budget as a product that was meant to be exclusive to conventions.
@@johnpisser1983 The problem ios that you need to proxy whole packs with collation if you want to experience draft which is a huge pull for a product like this.
Its crazy how many companies in entertainment have made it so that they best day to buy their product is tomorrow. I won't buy a game with DLC until its all on sale for less than what the base game cost originally
Just so you know: the flavor text on the Future Sight border Demonic Consultation is also a joke/deep cut: MTGO players usually search for Abandon Hope when comboing off with it as a way to BM their opponent (lately, another card searched in this context is You Are Already Dead)
Nalathni Dragon is an omen and appears when wotc messes up regarding exclusives at cons. First printed as a con exclusive card and people were pissed. Now it's back in a futuresight frame in a con exclusive product that people are upset that they can't get. Nalathni dragon is for the people and I stand with him!
@15:17 gamut is the correct word. It means "the entire range or scope of something". Gauntlet is a malapropism that comes from the phrase "running the gauntlet"
Maro's defense for this was basically "You guys said you were getting too many products, why are you complaining?" but when players mean "product fatigue" they mean "new card fatigue". When you release a reprint set you don't need to memorize another 300+ cards. So not getting the one product people would have been happy receiving in stores, a fun reprint draft product with new cards only relevant to the draft format, is a slap in the face, when I know the next draft format I have to play I'm gonna have to learn what every X-Men and Avengers character does.
It's just corporations blaming their fans instead of taking responsibility. I've lost a lot of respect for Maro and Gavin with their responses to this set. They are the two biggest commentators from WotC who communicate with the players and both of them are deflecting.
Not to mention the product literally exists either way… If he really cared about product fatigue, they wouldn’t be making this in the first place 😂 (Or some other product)
@@GollyGoshSensationI’m sure they would be great people as individuals, but unfortunately they’re forced to talk the Corporate talk… Either they truly believe in this toxic nonsense, or Wizards has indoctrinated them into not being able to see anything else. Either way, it’s truly sad to see
I'll never forget when they finally printed a legendary werewolf card after years of people asking only for it to not function in any way as a werewolf commander only for Maro to say they had no idea people wanted a legendary werewolf for Commander (even though legendary is literally just a downside in every other format.)
The Mystery Booster 2 experience so far is something I have likened to being told that your school is putting on a pizza party except it got miscommunicated and they thought they were ordering pizzas for one class and not the whole school, so they cut the slices incredibly thin in an attempt to get everyone a piece, but inevitably only a small amount of kids come away with pizza
thanks for mentioning south america, sometimes magic the gathering influencer sphere just forget we exist. A LOT OF THINGS are never avaible over here officialy and we miss on a lot of stuff
I was at GenCon but not for Magic specifically, and when I heard about the 16 player invite only MB2 event I knew I would likely never touch a pack of it. Even for someone who has shaken off the regular day to day FOMO, it was a kick in the gut. My one chance to play it was to luck into a random invite at a convention with 71,000 people. My enthusiasm for magic gets lower and lower by the day, and that sucks, I love the game, but I feel like all the joy is draining out of it for me.
Same. You know what I am excited for, though? Pokemon prerelease coming up in September AND Arthurian Legends for Sorcery coming in October. I hate Hasbro, and they have killed my MTG exclusivity
At this point WotC has become the abusive girlfriend I never had. They do what they know I (as a very average hobby player) hate, and keep their talking points intentionally dishonest.
@@kevelimlane265 I remember when it cost $350 a box and also when it was nearly $500/box. Covid turned a convention exclusive product into an LGS and secret lair product and the prices on boxes, except for the original convention edition, tanked. The same will happen with MB2, just give it time.
I'm also concerned about the quantity of festival in a boxes available and being sold out in hours while I'm at work like the secret lairs. I hope they make a retail edition to be sold, because it is probably the only way I am going to be able to get it.
After the Magic finance people have milked players for thousands of dollars on the secondary market, then they will publish it. Gotta service the real consumer base og Magic the Gathering
Hours? You are incredibly optimistic. I give them 20 minutes max. Putting such an incredibly set up for Secret Lair exclusively is absolutely atrocious and will make scalpers kick into full gear.
Did they confirm it's going to be limited? I'm pretty sure this won't be as the change to limited runs was done for normal SLs not festival in boxes or commander decks.
Even though I can get myself to a Con if I really wanted to try this out that badly, not all of my friends can afford that luxury. This is a product I would like to draft with my friends, because those are the people that I enjoy playing Magic with.
Seriously, right? Why would I want to spend hundreds of dollars to play this shit with a bunch of randos who I’ll never see again? Give me something my friends can play or get out
This set is amazing. Bloomburrow reignited my desire to draft, and THIS SET just has me wishing I could organize drafts of this with friends at my lgs. Ngl, I feel like I'd be doing weekly sealed drafts with this for at least a month or 2
Tbf buying the convention in a box is probably cheaper than going to the convention to get it. But it does force you to pay for a bunch of extra stuff a lot of people probably dont care for.
I’m just waiting for the monkey’s paw moment where they offer us the retail version for the same price as a Commander Masters set box, only through Amazon.
2:45 Well, for MagicCon Chicago this past February: $100 for a "normal" weekend pass $250 for my share of the rooms (pretty expensive, but it was twelve across three rooms for three nights) $20 for my share of parking $130 for food (this is a guess, based on expected expenditures) Assuming a £1 to $1, that leaves $100 for a potential draft.
"It looks like a custom set symbol" well, a lot of the Playtest Cards are ripped straight from custom magic reddit, like Indicate and The Colossal Dreadmaw, so it makes sense
Wotc R&D team: Look guys!!! we come up with new great and fun product to play with!! Fan will go ccccrazy aboout! Wotc Distributed and Marketing team: That's amazing!!! Here let's us take a shit and puke overall over it.
This MB 2 set sounds really cool, and I have tobsay, I REALLY like the look of that variant of Urza, LHA. I've always been a fan of that art; I remember seeing it back when Urza was more of a background/historical character, and didn't have an actual Creature/Planeswalker card, other than maybe the Blind Seer, or the weird Urza that requires referencing a website to work, and permission, so to see that art on what, to some, is still THE Urza card looks great! Doubt I'll be able to get one secondhand, later, hut I like the look of it! 😊 Thank you for sharing this product, and I'll agree that I hope MB2 eventually gets a store shelves release. Wirh Wizards being the pawn of Hasbro, till all are one, and them basically only acknowledging things via how much money they can rake in, especially if a few recent products might've fallen short, here's hoping they see $$$...er, reason, and make another set available to all of us!
its the first set i would get a few boxes in a long time because of how nice the set-list is for collecting, as well as playing, and we cant even do so without a limited secret lair release that will be bloated with other random additions
I bought 2 boxes of MB1 from someone who won a case as a prize at a convention. If they do the same prize support live combined with the amount of people who will buy convention in a box just to resell the boxes, I don’t think the price will be incredibly inflated compared to MB1. (I may eat those words, but I’m optimistic the supply will be comparable over time)
Also Horned Turtle artwork is absolutely repulsive because it’s WoTC celebrating the fact they removed a black person from the original English version to appease the Chinese censors. Wild choice there.
MB1 retail edition dropped the playtest cards and gave us an entire sheet of foils from magic's history and, as someone who has constructed his own MB1 cube out of love of the concept, I can tell you the value of the playtest cards was a tiny, tiny fraction of the value of the retail replacements. I hope they do the same again. Very excited.
Wotc should have made 2 EDH precons in futuresight border & then 2 in white border. This con exclusive nonsense and the fact its gonna be $200-$300+ a box makes it infeasible to obtain for 99% of mtg players.
I went from extremely hyped for this set, to not remotely caring about it thanks to the exclusive nature of it, and living in Oceania region. If they eventually release this in stores I think the precedent of MB1 likely tells us they'd remove play test cards again and that seems fine to me. Just fingers crossed we don't get more MB1 style foils where you can make out all the grainy squares in the art
This is the ONE set that should absolutely be available at retail. This is a goodwill product, or at least should be, for people who actually enjoy playing the game. As such, making this set more available than your Masters or Horizons premium sets should be a no-brainer.
I opened three of the first Mystery Booster. One I bought with my first Commander deck. One I got from a friend who introduced me to this channel. The last was from you, boss.
Oracle of the Alpha in a blink/flicker deck on paper sounds like exactly the kind of jank I wanna play with. Coming prepared with multiple pre sleeved proxies of the power nine would be so funny
Yesterday I sold my collection. Ever since I listed it as available and started fielding offers, I sort of regretted it. Bullshit like this makes me feel better about that decision. At least I'm paying off my car and getting a good cushion if our second car shits the bed. I can't believe they think that limiting this product is a good idea.
I stopped playing after 10 years and never regretted. But from time to time i like to see mtg content and see the news, they never fail to make me glad about having jumped out of the shark.
Yes wizards, please make this cool product that calls back to the history of magic available to all players; like you did with Magic 30th Anniv...oh, shit.
Depends on if they're driven by greed or spite. Making an amazing product after years of absolute slop and then making it inaccessible to the majority of players is an ultimate spite move.
I remember getting a Mystery Booster Retail edition and there were no playtest cards inside. They could do the same with Mystery Booster 2: Electric Boogaloo.
The UK isn't devoid of magic conventions, but good they're not really possible for me to get to. The future sight frames are so gorgeous. Might try buy a box from the secret lair...
I can understand the appeal of wanting this to be con exclusive. The Unknown Events have been a massive highlight of MagicCons, as a unique and fun event that you can't get elsewhere. It makes visiting the con feel more special. I think Mystery Booster 2 feels different because it's introducing actual legal cards into the exclusivity mix. Like if someone sees a cool playtest card online then they can just print it out at home and it's just as legit as the ones that I own. Mystery Booster 2 is almost like a chase card element to the con exclusive equation, and making it available at home would relieve that somwhat.
I remember mystery booster 1 very fondly cuz we used it for richman sealed when they sold for 100€ each without the playtest cards, the 2nd wave had a price increase and im worried for the price listing of mystery booster 2, have high hopes but there isnt rly a good record lately to get that experience again.
Don't mind this not getting a retail release too much (although that would be great!) However, I want to see LOTS of events right around the world where people can play this
My main concern with this set is since there is a TON of cards in the new Mystery 2, the amount of good mythics and rares won’t be nearly high enough. Ultimately getting maybe one or two “okay” cards. Maybe they are hoping the bonus art + collector packs will makes us not feel so bad :/
When the brothers war came out I made a commander deck entirely out of cards with the new old border. I'll probably never draft this even if it comes to retail but I need the future borders to be affordable, come on Wizards.
Is it possible, that we might see some cards from the micro pros a duels of the planeswalkers Shandalar astral cards that were not able to be printed in paper because they dealt with random mechanics such as choosing a random color, or choosing a random effect?
As an Australian we get shafted in every aspect, prices for cards, secret lair prints (Monty Python ect) and wizzards doesn't care, every time I think of buying a gold fished commander deck it seems point less to buy the cards. My area isn't swimming in events and I don't mind it, but I wish they brought magicon to major cities like Sydney. I feel like I an being called poor every time I do anything magic related, from trying cedh or being called out in a tournament for a proxy which is a clear proxy of the original art (tournament was for fun not for competition) , trying to buy a secret lair or anything of the sort.
Not only is the Limited experience gated by a pay and time wall (since not everyone can take the time off work or other obligations to travel), there are also mechanically unique, eternal-legal cards gated within this product. I'm not saying Mardu Outrider or the dragon are going to pop off in Legacy but ever since the Nexus of Fate debacle, I always worry any significant gate to mechanically unique cards could eventually become a problem. Here's hoping there is a retail version of this...though with the news that the funding for this product came from the convention wing of WotC, I'm doubtful.
Wizards: Hey we made a cool thing! Players: Oh, cool! I'll be able to have fun with friends! Wizards: That's the cool part, you can't unless you come to a convention only available in certain states/countries! Have fun...or don't we don't actually care.
Mystery Booster should be the eternal version of their newly unveiled Foundations product for standard. In print for a long time, updated at regular intervals.
Man, seeing digital art in old borders really proves to me how shitty using a tablet to draw is. I wish artists hadn’t entirely migrated to that medium. It’s such a huge difference
My MagicCon Chicago experience could have used the boost that MB2 potentially provides. But the Con was too soon for it. I'm not the demographic that can travel easy, so I guess special sets just aren't for me, 'cause it'll probably be done by the time I get to go again. And given my experience, that's more of an if anyway.
As a US citizen its still difficult to make it to con. It's not exactly easy to drop $1000+ to make it to a convention. Hopefully they will reconsider making this a retail product.
Keeping the products only for con attendees is just really unfair. There's barely any magic conventions. And for festival in a box, is it going to be some limited product that sells out in an hour? If you don't live in the US you're really shafted on this, too. And it feels like another "celebration of magic" set where you're also being told this is "not for you." Kind of like the 30th anniversary stuff. And it starts to feel odd when celebrations repeatedly seem to only be for the few and generally well off.
I see the futuresight frame as fortelling special frames in general. It wasnt fortelling that specific frame, but fortelling that frames would change, get weird, be different. Thats been true for a long time now.
in the past: "Magic: the *GATHERING* " -> now: "Magic: leave the Whale Investor alone" 10:52 because it originally featured a black-skinned person, but the Chinese market would have rejected a non-white character. Yeah, racism & money.
@PleasantKenobi I understand that that particular version of Horned Turtle art was created to avoid having a person of color in the artwork specifically to appease the Chinese market.
WotC beat a lot of people over the head with the mantra that "Magic is for Everyone" only to do the exact opposite in every conceivable case. We are all going to have to come to terms with that.
WoTC....please let your employees who play your games make the design and product decisions. Whenever Gavin gets his hands on a product like this it is almost literally perfection.
4:18 Oracle of the alpha I'm not sure if in England they had poggs or milk caps (the game) I think that is how they should implement the power 9 into packs I've opened power rangers cards from the 90s and they had character poggs in packs. It would work perfectly
I get that conventions funded this set, but I am baffled no one looked at it and was like "Oh people will really like that, will we look like idiots if it is limited? Should we reconsider?"
Ngl i played pokemon for the first time today… Its not as “high action” as mtg, but man, was it fun, and MANAGEABLE. Played with a bunch of pokemon I’ve never even seen before, and i had zero problem playing and understanding the game. Dont be afraid to try new things.
I think that the problem is that no matter what WotC makes, around 40% of the players will feel like a product not for them and it there are too many products coming out. The problem is that the players are diverse, and that 40% of players is a completely different subset of the players for each product. Over the course of a year, everyone saw a few products they didn't like, and almost everyone feels burnt out from seeing so many things they can't engage with. Everyone feels burnt out on a different thing, and cutting any one thing would piss off a majority of players. I bet there is a double digit number of players who don't care about MB2, but even so cutting the product pisses off the majority. For me personally, I would not care at all if commander precons were completely cut from MTG. I do know that the majority of players would be immensely angry though. I feel burnt out on seeing dozens on commander precons I will never buy, but WotC can't cut commander precons because there are many thousands (millions? idk) of commander players who buy those products. The same is true for other people on every other product. WotC is kind of screwed either way. Either piss off the majority of fans by cutting back on genuinely interesting products that the majority of players like, or burn out all their players by releasing 1000s mechanically distinct new card designs every year and reprinting 1000s of old designs. I guess they could stop making garbage like ASS CREED, but why drop bad products when you could pay other companies to advertise their IP? wait...
MB2 being limited run. (for now) is 100% in line with WotC's distribution MO: They're leaning *hard* into FOMO. Just look at how they manage Secret Lair, they probably know that this set would be an absolute banger but they also know that there's so much hyped demand for this that if they said that this would be available later, easily, then folks wouldn't have that FOMO, wouldn't buy excessively more than they would otherwise. They're banking that folks will panic and buy 5 boxes instead of a situation knowing you can get it later where you might casually just buy 2 boxes instead. This is just my presumption, but I'm very confident that this will be readily available later, maximize FOMO demand now and then work in gradual sales later on top of that later. They want to sell 7 boxes, not just 5, not just 2.
Mystery booster 2 was looking like it was to be the first product in years that would completely satisfy me as a magic fan. Turns out it isn't even a product.
Uhhh Momir is and has been for many years, an official supported casual format on MTGO, MTGA will have it sometimes as an event. It used to be a great way to grind tickets for when you first open your account if you are trying to go infinite
From WotC staff I've been seeing a lot of "there are no plans for retail _currently, as it stands, for the foreseeable future, as of now, for the time being"_ Which is PR that roughly translates to 'The retail version is happening like half a year from now but I can't talk about it cause WotC hired the pinkertons to take my son hostage as collateral"
I really think they will make MB2 retail version, but they want to get an idea of how much they need to produce, given how many different printing technologies they're combining.
The set will get a retail release without question, from a business standpoint i feel like they are keeping that a “secret” because they want more people to have FOMO and buy tickets to the conventions before announcing releasing the retail version.
They really nailed the reprint decisions and test cards overall. I also saw that Nexus of Fate is finally getting a non foil copy that actually looks like a Magic card, just the straight BaB version with a Planeswalker logo in the corner. It's very much what I always wanted from Unsets, just like MB1 Which makes it all the more disappointing that MB2 is added to the list of times Wizards learned a lesson, and then promptly forgot it. Whether to include hate cards for an in-set new mechanic. The existence of core sets. Mechanically unique event/BaB promos. Retail availability of Mystery Booster. Probably also going to include reprinting mechanically unique SL cards. They love to make the most obvious mistake in the world, correct the mistake later, then just quickly forget that lesson again with everybody wondering what they're smoking. It just doesn't make sense. They put so much love into this, it's a great product, then they turn around and say "but we don't actually want you to experience it though"
"Scientists Baffled By Company's Incredible Ability To Fuck Up Every Time"
seems this is there natural thing to do
People don't realize how much effort it takes to get things wrong so consistently.
Scientist baffled by cardgame players incredible ability to cry like little b*****s for everything
@@SergioGarsiaSolano that's right, just keep consuming don't ask questions
@@rossjamestobittexactly the reason this shit happens idiots buying no matter what
WotC makes Assassin's Creed, a product that should have been secret lair or commander decks, as a sealed product that nobody wanted and that couldn't even be drafted.
Now MB2, a product designed to be played in a sealed format and loved by fans, is only available at a convention?
What an excellent business strategy.
It isn't actually that bad
Base game you can find anywhere
You want this special thing come play at our event
All sorts of companies have done this for decades at conventions
We deserve what we tolerate.
@@TheEvolver311 Assassin's Creed was a commercial failure. Releasing MB2 as a sealed product would've been more lucrative than AC. It's not "that bad" for fans of the game, but it's awful for business
They released MB1 after it was an exclusive for an event. They just waited like a year almost I think 🤔 maybe 8months. They also at the time of the event didn't announce if or when it would be made available for retail.
That sounds exactly like what is happening now 😲, they want to let the people who actually showed up at the event and were told this is an event exclusive the retail version mb1 had the playtest style cards swapped out for the foil sheet so it was technically different and maintained the unique quality of the event version.
The real thing is so many magic players are Varuca Salt at their core and to quote the lady "daddy I want it now!!!"
also add not all countries have magic con some dont even have convention of any form
mystery booster 2 is the 30th anniversary set experience the fans never got and deserved. It needs a retail release
Once it goes through a few events I’m sure it will. We need to be patient.
@@scottcampbell9515 patience? How about WotC makes a good decision for once... THEY can't afford to hold things above our heads for simple reasoning of "I can because I print the card game"
They can get stuffed when it comes to MB2's nonrelease status. It's greedy and is manipulative to get people into events for those massive foil brainstorm pulls
@@scottcampbell9515 they should say that to us.
Hope so... Futur sight frame are insane and reprint are very good.
@@Otacon2099 No. They don't need to do that at all.
"This product is not for you" is a phrase I've gotten far to used too these last few years. It honestly should just be MTG's tagline at this point.
I basically only play cube and EDH. On occasion I’ll play a prerelease but even those I’ve stopped going to regularly and have no intention of changing that habit given the rising price of prereleases.
I feel like they say that about everything they release now, while raising the prices and lowering the amount of exciting cards you can get.
" Magic : The product not for you " TM
When I was a kid a dude at the card shop told me Magic was for “smart people with blonde hair” it’s always felt exclusionary
Just get yourself a good printer
Shoutout to hasbro for radicalizing the MTG fanbase against capitalism
truly a pioneer in political accelerationism
Funnily enough, they are quite bad at Capitalism. Ideally, you want to sell as much of your product as you can, by charging a reasonable price, making it available and increasing customer happiness and company loyalty.
But Wizards don't do any of those things.
Hasbro didn't have to do that lol. MtGs fan base was already radical and against capitalism.
Give me a good alternative and I'll join you.
It just sounds like spoiled consumers mad they can't afford a luxury game piece a bunch of Varuca Salts yelling that they want to own a chocolate factory
I hope we get mystery boosters for retail!
*Monkey paw curls*
"Announcing mystery booster collectors booster, commander decks and secret lair!" :D
Naw they'll probably release it in a year or more randomly like they did with MB1 it wasn't announced as going to be sold to the general public at release either.
This set feels like a slap in the face for people who live in non convention countries, because those same countries are also the ones where buying a secret lair box comes with huuuge shipping costs and import taxes :(
What you need is a friend who will buy and mail it for you.
@@benjaminloyd6056having overseas friends isn't necessarily easy, you know that, right?
Even in a convention country, many of us don't go to conventions. Have a job? Such a shame, that.
@@Kryptnyt yeah. The amount of things that need to NOT happen for someone to be able to go to these is not small.
This product is not for you.
Or me.
Or anyone outside of conventions.
Or anyone that hates Alchemy to the point that seeing one printed physically makes me rage with a white-hot fury.
MaRo's answer to somebody asking why this wasn't getting a general release was very monkey paw wizards.
People has complained about too many new card releases - so they cut the reprint set
sometimes it feels like maro is trolling
This is the kind of set that would get cut if one was to
That’s cause Maro is a fucking idiot who needs to retire.
Saying they “cut the reprint set” isn’t exactly correct. MaRo said that MB2 was paid for out of the convention team’s budget as a product that was meant to be exclusive to conventions.
@@johnpisser1983He’s not trolling… Just indoctrinated
He needs to stop drinking the Corporate Kool-Aid and get out while he still can
Embrace the JOMO. Joy Of Missing Out
Proxies 🎉
@@johnpisser1983 The problem ios that you need to proxy whole packs with collation if you want to experience draft which is a huge pull for a product like this.
@@johnpisser1983JOPO joy of proxying out
Its crazy how many companies in entertainment have made it so that they best day to buy their product is tomorrow.
I won't buy a game with DLC until its all on sale for less than what the base game cost originally
Just so you know: the flavor text on the Future Sight border Demonic Consultation is also a joke/deep cut: MTGO players usually search for Abandon Hope when comboing off with it as a way to BM their opponent (lately, another card searched in this context is You Are Already Dead)
I've done this before, but didn't notice. Banger.
Bm? I can't think of anything besides blackmail
BM stands for bad manners. It basically means that you're showing off while you have the win.
@@raonairit's a league of legends term to insult your opponent with game actions.
Omae wa, SHINDERU!!!!
Nalathni Dragon is an omen and appears when wotc messes up regarding exclusives at cons. First printed as a con exclusive card and people were pissed. Now it's back in a futuresight frame in a con exclusive product that people are upset that they can't get. Nalathni dragon is for the people and I stand with him!
The Arena reprint is an indication that everyone should fight about it
@15:17 gamut is the correct word. It means "the entire range or scope of something". Gauntlet is a malapropism that comes from the phrase "running the gauntlet"
Maro's defense for this was basically "You guys said you were getting too many products, why are you complaining?" but when players mean "product fatigue" they mean "new card fatigue". When you release a reprint set you don't need to memorize another 300+ cards. So not getting the one product people would have been happy receiving in stores, a fun reprint draft product with new cards only relevant to the draft format, is a slap in the face, when I know the next draft format I have to play I'm gonna have to learn what every X-Men and Avengers character does.
It's just corporations blaming their fans instead of taking responsibility. I've lost a lot of respect for Maro and Gavin with their responses to this set. They are the two biggest commentators from WotC who communicate with the players and both of them are deflecting.
Maro isn't stupid, he knows what the players mean by product fatigue. But he can't just come out and say that publicly.
Not to mention the product literally exists either way… If he really cared about product fatigue, they wouldn’t be making this in the first place 😂 (Or some other product)
@@GollyGoshSensationI’m sure they would be great people as individuals, but unfortunately they’re forced to talk the Corporate talk… Either they truly believe in this toxic nonsense, or Wizards has indoctrinated them into not being able to see anything else. Either way, it’s truly sad to see
I'll never forget when they finally printed a legendary werewolf card after years of people asking only for it to not function in any way as a werewolf commander only for Maro to say they had no idea people wanted a legendary werewolf for Commander (even though legendary is literally just a downside in every other format.)
"Abandon hope" in the flavour text of Demonic Consultation is a really nice touch...
The Mystery Booster 2 experience so far is something I have likened to being told that your school is putting on a pizza party except it got miscommunicated and they thought they were ordering pizzas for one class and not the whole school, so they cut the slices incredibly thin in an attempt to get everyone a piece, but inevitably only a small amount of kids come away with pizza
And some rich kid is buying half of all of the slices from the cafeteria and is selling them with markup
@johnpisser1983 that is actually just how Magic has always functioned lol it's why we have the reserve list
thanks for mentioning south america, sometimes magic the gathering influencer sphere just forget we exist.
A LOT OF THINGS are never avaible over here officialy and we miss on a lot of stuff
I was at GenCon but not for Magic specifically, and when I heard about the 16 player invite only MB2 event I knew I would likely never touch a pack of it.
Even for someone who has shaken off the regular day to day FOMO, it was a kick in the gut. My one chance to play it was to luck into a random invite at a convention with 71,000 people. My enthusiasm for magic gets lower and lower by the day, and that sucks, I love the game, but I feel like all the joy is draining out of it for me.
Same. You know what I am excited for, though?
Pokemon prerelease coming up in September AND Arthurian Legends for Sorcery coming in October.
I hate Hasbro, and they have killed my MTG exclusivity
At this point WotC has become the abusive girlfriend I never had. They do what they know I (as a very average hobby player) hate, and keep their talking points intentionally dishonest.
Aight prediction time, how much will MB2 boxes go for if they hit LGS shelves? My bet is around $300
no no, 333 dollars
They’ll be $200-250 from Wizards
How optimistic of you.
Remember when mystery booster 1 cost only 100.
@@kevelimlane265 I remember when it cost $350 a box and also when it was nearly $500/box. Covid turned a convention exclusive product into an LGS and secret lair product and the prices on boxes, except for the original convention edition, tanked. The same will happen with MB2, just give it time.
I'm also concerned about the quantity of festival in a boxes available and being sold out in hours while I'm at work like the secret lairs. I hope they make a retail edition to be sold, because it is probably the only way I am going to be able to get it.
They will because their greed will force their hand. It’ll just be 2026.
After the Magic finance people have milked players for thousands of dollars on the secondary market, then they will publish it. Gotta service the real consumer base og Magic the Gathering
Hours? You are incredibly optimistic.
I give them 20 minutes max. Putting such an incredibly set up for Secret Lair exclusively is absolutely atrocious and will make scalpers kick into full gear.
Did they confirm it's going to be limited? I'm pretty sure this won't be as the change to limited runs was done for normal SLs not festival in boxes or commander decks.
@@thek838 they didn't say it was limited, but based on previous ones like Magic 30 and last years, the festival in a box was limited.
"abandon hope" for consultation is deep lore.
Even though I can get myself to a Con if I really wanted to try this out that badly, not all of my friends can afford that luxury. This is a product I would like to draft with my friends, because those are the people that I enjoy playing Magic with.
Seriously, right? Why would I want to spend hundreds of dollars to play this shit with a bunch of randos who I’ll never see again?
Give me something my friends can play or get out
Other than the 1.1 foil per box, I believe the foiling was limited to specific cards.
Yes ! it was a specific sheet. And a good one !
This set is amazing. Bloomburrow reignited my desire to draft, and THIS SET just has me wishing I could organize drafts of this with friends at my lgs.
Ngl, I feel like I'd be doing weekly sealed drafts with this for at least a month or 2
Tbf buying the convention in a box is probably cheaper than going to the convention to get it. But it does force you to pay for a bunch of extra stuff a lot of people probably dont care for.
I’m just waiting for the monkey’s paw moment where they offer us the retail version for the same price as a Commander Masters set box, only through Amazon.
2:45 Well, for MagicCon Chicago this past February:
$100 for a "normal" weekend pass
$250 for my share of the rooms (pretty expensive, but it was twelve across three rooms for three nights)
$20 for my share of parking
$130 for food (this is a guess, based on expected expenditures)
Assuming a £1 to $1, that leaves $100 for a potential draft.
"It looks like a custom set symbol" well, a lot of the Playtest Cards are ripped straight from custom magic reddit, like Indicate and The Colossal Dreadmaw, so it makes sense
This comment should have more likes
Not only draft events, but also singles will be impossible to gets. Double bummer.
Wotc R&D team: Look guys!!! we come up with new great and fun product to play with!! Fan will go ccccrazy aboout!
Wotc Distributed and Marketing team: That's amazing!!! Here let's us take a shit and puke overall over it.
This MB 2 set sounds really cool, and I have tobsay, I REALLY like the look of that variant of Urza, LHA. I've always been a fan of that art; I remember seeing it back when Urza was more of a background/historical character, and didn't have an actual Creature/Planeswalker card, other than maybe the Blind Seer, or the weird Urza that requires referencing a website to work, and permission, so to see that art on what, to some, is still THE Urza card looks great! Doubt I'll be able to get one secondhand, later, hut I like the look of it! 😊
Thank you for sharing this product, and I'll agree that I hope MB2 eventually gets a store shelves release. Wirh Wizards being the pawn of Hasbro, till all are one, and them basically only acknowledging things via how much money they can rake in, especially if a few recent products might've fallen short, here's hoping they see $$$...er, reason, and make another set available to all of us!
Sweet. I ❤ this so much and will comment to WOTC wherever I can to bring this to the LGS...
its the first set i would get a few boxes in a long time because of how nice the set-list is for collecting, as well as playing, and we cant even do so without a limited secret lair release that will be bloated with other random additions
Opened 2 boxes om MB2. It's INSANE that this set isn't available for all. It's such a wonderful product. Made me happy to open every pack.
I bought 2 boxes of MB1 from someone who won a case as a prize at a convention. If they do the same prize support live combined with the amount of people who will buy convention in a box just to resell the boxes, I don’t think the price will be incredibly inflated compared to MB1. (I may eat those words, but I’m optimistic the supply will be comparable over time)
Also Horned Turtle artwork is absolutely repulsive because it’s WoTC celebrating the fact they removed a black person from the original English version to appease the Chinese censors. Wild choice there.
MB1 retail edition dropped the playtest cards and gave us an entire sheet of foils from magic's history and, as someone who has constructed his own MB1 cube out of love of the concept, I can tell you the value of the playtest cards was a tiny, tiny fraction of the value of the retail replacements. I hope they do the same again. Very excited.
Thank you for mentioning Australia, we're fanatical down here and WOTC just ignore us
Wotc should have made 2 EDH precons in futuresight border & then 2 in white border.
This con exclusive nonsense and the fact its gonna be $200-$300+ a box makes it infeasible to obtain for 99% of mtg players.
I went from extremely hyped for this set, to not remotely caring about it thanks to the exclusive nature of it, and living in Oceania region.
If they eventually release this in stores I think the precedent of MB1 likely tells us they'd remove play test cards again and that seems fine to me. Just fingers crossed we don't get more MB1 style foils where you can make out all the grainy squares in the art
This is the ONE set that should absolutely be available at retail. This is a goodwill product, or at least should be, for people who actually enjoy playing the game. As such, making this set more available than your Masters or Horizons premium sets should be a no-brainer.
I opened three of the first Mystery Booster. One I bought with my first Commander deck. One I got from a friend who introduced me to this channel. The last was from you, boss.
Oracle of the Alpha in a blink/flicker deck on paper sounds like exactly the kind of jank I wanna play with. Coming prepared with multiple pre sleeved proxies of the power nine would be so funny
Yesterday I sold my collection. Ever since I listed it as available and started fielding offers, I sort of regretted it. Bullshit like this makes me feel better about that decision. At least I'm paying off my car and getting a good cushion if our second car shits the bed. I can't believe they think that limiting this product is a good idea.
I stopped playing after 10 years and never regretted. But from time to time i like to see mtg content and see the news, they never fail to make me glad about having jumped out of the shark.
I'm going to hold hope that it will eventually come to retail. Once the convention season is over, it'll be shipped to distribution.
this being in shops wouldve got me back into magic....
Well I'm glad I still have 4 original retail mystery boosters. I really hope mystery 2 comes out as retail too.
Mystery Boosters are the type of thing I would love to use Booster Tutor with. Literal chaos. I hope we get a wide release.
Yes wizards, please make this cool product that calls back to the history of magic available to all players; like you did with Magic 30th Anniv...oh, shit.
If the release a retail edition I would gladly trade the playtest card for a foil card just like the First MB. The Foil sheet was great.
Not putting it out as a retail product would be leaving money on the table. Therefore, wizards will put out a retail product, probably a year later.
Depends on if they're driven by greed or spite.
Making an amazing product after years of absolute slop and then making it inaccessible to the majority of players is an ultimate spite move.
Scalpers : $750 boxes for sale.
WOTC : Not today !
i hope not only do we get a retail version but i want one with the playtest cards in it. give us the full experience
Oracle of the Alpha - Battle of Wits deck coming soon to a commander table near you!
I remember getting a Mystery Booster Retail edition and there were no playtest cards inside. They could do the same with Mystery Booster 2: Electric Boogaloo.
The UK isn't devoid of magic conventions, but good they're not really possible for me to get to. The future sight frames are so gorgeous.
Might try buy a box from the secret lair...
I can understand the appeal of wanting this to be con exclusive. The Unknown Events have been a massive highlight of MagicCons, as a unique and fun event that you can't get elsewhere. It makes visiting the con feel more special. I think Mystery Booster 2 feels different because it's introducing actual legal cards into the exclusivity mix. Like if someone sees a cool playtest card online then they can just print it out at home and it's just as legit as the ones that I own. Mystery Booster 2 is almost like a chase card element to the con exclusive equation, and making it available at home would relieve that somwhat.
I remember mystery booster 1 very fondly cuz we used it for richman sealed when they sold for 100€ each without the playtest cards, the 2nd wave had a price increase and im worried for the price listing of mystery booster 2, have high hopes but there isnt rly a good record lately to get that experience again.
Don't mind this not getting a retail release too much (although that would be great!)
However, I want to see LOTS of events right around the world where people can play this
I would love if they at least send it out to stores for draftevents. The would be a good compromise and a hell of a draftexperience in your lgs
Love the Future Sight border!
Edit: Arena and Vanguard. ❤
My main concern with this set is since there is a TON of cards in the new Mystery 2, the amount of good mythics and rares won’t be nearly high enough. Ultimately getting maybe one or two “okay” cards. Maybe they are hoping the bonus art + collector packs will makes us not feel so bad :/
When the brothers war came out I made a commander deck entirely out of cards with the new old border.
I'll probably never draft this even if it comes to retail but I need the future borders to be affordable, come on Wizards.
Is it possible, that we might see some cards from the micro pros a duels of the planeswalkers Shandalar astral cards that were not able to be printed in paper because they dealt with random mechanics such as choosing a random color, or choosing a random effect?
As an Australian we get shafted in every aspect, prices for cards, secret lair prints (Monty Python ect) and wizzards doesn't care, every time I think of buying a gold fished commander deck it seems point less to buy the cards.
My area isn't swimming in events and I don't mind it, but I wish they brought magicon to major cities like Sydney.
I feel like I an being called poor every time I do anything magic related, from trying cedh or being called out in a tournament for a proxy which is a clear proxy of the original art (tournament was for fun not for competition) , trying to buy a secret lair or anything of the sort.
Not only is the Limited experience gated by a pay and time wall (since not everyone can take the time off work or other obligations to travel), there are also mechanically unique, eternal-legal cards gated within this product. I'm not saying Mardu Outrider or the dragon are going to pop off in Legacy but ever since the Nexus of Fate debacle, I always worry any significant gate to mechanically unique cards could eventually become a problem. Here's hoping there is a retail version of this...though with the news that the funding for this product came from the convention wing of WotC, I'm doubtful.
Wizards: Hey we made a cool thing!
Players: Oh, cool! I'll be able to have fun with friends!
Wizards: That's the cool part, you can't unless you come to a convention only available in certain states/countries! Have fun...or don't we don't actually care.
Love how the title and thumbnail rhyme just right😅
Mystery Booster should be the eternal version of their newly unveiled Foundations product for standard. In print for a long time, updated at regular intervals.
Man, seeing digital art in old borders really proves to me how shitty using a tablet to draw is. I wish artists hadn’t entirely migrated to that medium. It’s such a huge difference
My MagicCon Chicago experience could have used the boost that MB2 potentially provides. But the Con was too soon for it. I'm not the demographic that can travel easy, so I guess special sets just aren't for me, 'cause it'll probably be done by the time I get to go again. And given my experience, that's more of an if anyway.
here's hoping the one of a kind Shichifukujin Dragon is in it. Also the nuke on the urza card is nice.
This is gonna be toxic to get, like crashing the secret lair website in 30 seconds and cancelled orders level bad. Because they dont learn.
As a US citizen its still difficult to make it to con. It's not exactly easy to drop $1000+ to make it to a convention. Hopefully they will reconsider making this a retail product.
Keeping the products only for con attendees is just really unfair. There's barely any magic conventions. And for festival in a box, is it going to be some limited product that sells out in an hour? If you don't live in the US you're really shafted on this, too. And it feels like another "celebration of magic" set where you're also being told this is "not for you." Kind of like the 30th anniversary stuff. And it starts to feel odd when celebrations repeatedly seem to only be for the few and generally well off.
Its still available i believe?
Are the arena cards from this set now legal in paper commander?
Some like Oracle of the alpha have the unset acorn which is pretty much an indication that its silver bordered
I see the futuresight frame as fortelling special frames in general. It wasnt fortelling that specific frame, but fortelling that frames would change, get weird, be different. Thats been true for a long time now.
in the past: "Magic: the *GATHERING* " ->
now: "Magic: leave the Whale Investor alone"
10:52 because it originally featured a black-skinned person, but the Chinese market would have rejected a non-white character. Yeah, racism & money.
@PleasantKenobi I understand that that particular version of Horned Turtle art was created to avoid having a person of color in the artwork specifically to appease the Chinese market.
WotC beat a lot of people over the head with the mantra that "Magic is for Everyone" only to do the exact opposite in every conceivable case.
We are all going to have to come to terms with that.
WoTC....please let your employees who play your games make the design and product decisions. Whenever Gavin gets his hands on a product like this it is almost literally perfection.
Oracle of the alpha
I'm not sure if in England they had poggs or milk caps (the game)
I think that is how they should implement the power 9 into packs
I've opened power rangers cards from the 90s and they had character poggs in packs.
It would work perfectly
I get that conventions funded this set, but I am baffled no one looked at it and was like "Oh people will really like that, will we look like idiots if it is limited? Should we reconsider?"
Ngl i played pokemon for the first time today…
Its not as “high action” as mtg, but man, was it fun, and MANAGEABLE.
Played with a bunch of pokemon I’ve never even seen before, and i had zero problem playing and understanding the game.
Dont be afraid to try new things.
I think that the problem is that no matter what WotC makes, around 40% of the players will feel like a product not for them and it there are too many products coming out. The problem is that the players are diverse, and that 40% of players is a completely different subset of the players for each product. Over the course of a year, everyone saw a few products they didn't like, and almost everyone feels burnt out from seeing so many things they can't engage with. Everyone feels burnt out on a different thing, and cutting any one thing would piss off a majority of players. I bet there is a double digit number of players who don't care about MB2, but even so cutting the product pisses off the majority.
For me personally, I would not care at all if commander precons were completely cut from MTG. I do know that the majority of players would be immensely angry though. I feel burnt out on seeing dozens on commander precons I will never buy, but WotC can't cut commander precons because there are many thousands (millions? idk) of commander players who buy those products. The same is true for other people on every other product. WotC is kind of screwed either way. Either piss off the majority of fans by cutting back on genuinely interesting products that the majority of players like, or burn out all their players by releasing 1000s mechanically distinct new card designs every year and reprinting 1000s of old designs.
I guess they could stop making garbage like ASS CREED, but why drop bad products when you could pay other companies to advertise their IP? wait...
6:27 You can tell it’s the beginning of the end when they’re relying on “nostalgia” for actual good sets in order to sell more product
MB2 being limited run. (for now) is 100% in line with WotC's distribution MO: They're leaning *hard* into FOMO. Just look at how they manage Secret Lair, they probably know that this set would be an absolute banger but they also know that there's so much hyped demand for this that if they said that this would be available later, easily, then folks wouldn't have that FOMO, wouldn't buy excessively more than they would otherwise. They're banking that folks will panic and buy 5 boxes instead of a situation knowing you can get it later where you might casually just buy 2 boxes instead.
This is just my presumption, but I'm very confident that this will be readily available later, maximize FOMO demand now and then work in gradual sales later on top of that later. They want to sell 7 boxes, not just 5, not just 2.
I think they should explain how the packs work so people can proxy it
It looks so fucking good I want it so bad. Future sight command tower? Future sight sol ring? White bordered cards!?
Mystery booster 2 was looking like it was to be the first product in years that would completely satisfy me as a magic fan. Turns out it isn't even a product.
Damn... this sucks that it isn't widely distributed
Oh man MTG Avatar was interesting. I remember the Momir Vig mirror matches basically evolving into their own subformat on modo.
Uhhh Momir is and has been for many years, an official supported casual format on MTGO, MTGA will have it sometimes as an event.
It used to be a great way to grind tickets for when you first open your account if you are trying to go infinite
From WotC staff I've been seeing a lot of "there are no plans for retail _currently, as it stands, for the foreseeable future, as of now, for the time being"_
Which is PR that roughly translates to 'The retail version is happening like half a year from now but I can't talk about it cause WotC hired the pinkertons to take my son hostage as collateral"
WotC made a product celebrating the game but didn't offer it to the players of the game, shocker. The 30th Anniversary product went over so well.
1 Animar, Soul of Elements
1 Bristly Bill, Spine Sower
1 Dreamtide Whale
1 Roaming Throne
1 Spark Double
1 Forgotten Ancient
1 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
1 Imperial Recruiter
1 Painter’s Servant
1 K-9, Mark I
1 Champion of Lambholt
1 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu
1 Karlach, Fury of Avernus
1 Lightning Greaves
1 Ogre Battledriver
1 Urabrask the Hidden
1 Maelstrom Wanderer
1 Apex Devastator
1 Shadowspear
1 Legion Loyalist
1 Pathbreaker Ibex
1 Craterhoof Behemoth
1 Kodama of the West Tree
1 Mana Crypt
1 Sol Ring
1 Birds of Paradise
1 Delighted Halfling
1 Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 Cloud of Faeries
1 Nature’s Lore
1 Dockside Extortionist
1 Nissa, Resurgent Animist
1 Vizier of the Menagerie
1 Sowing Mycospawn
1 Saryth, the Viper’s Fang
1 Defiler of Vigor
1 Mirri’s Guile
1 Sensei’s Divining Top
1 Faerie Mastermind
1 Pollywog Prodigy
1 Sylvan Library
1 Rhystic Study
1 Twenty-Toed Toad
1 Shaman of the Great Hunt
1 Guardian Project
1 Beast Whisperer
1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1 Ohran Frostfang
1 Shamanic Revelation
1 Tatyova, Benthic Druid
1 Consecrated Sphinx
1 Disciple of Freyalise
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1 Evolution Witness
1 Siren Stormtamer
1 Spellskite
1 Azure Beastbinder
1 Hydroelectric Specimen
1 Hope-Ender Coatl
1 Tranquil Frillback
1 Endurance
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
1 Terror of the Peaks
1 Silverback Elder
1 Cyclonic Rift
1 Balefire Dragon
1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
1 Command Tower
1 City of Brass
1 Mana Confluence
1 Exotic Orchard
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
1 Misty Rainforest
1 Wooded Foothills
1 Scalding Tarn
1 Prismatic Vista
2 Forest
2 Island
2 Mountain
1 Urza’s Cave
1 Gaea’s Cradle
1 Minamo, School at Water’s Edge
1 Yavimaya Hollow
1 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Strip Mine
1 Shifting Woodland
1 Cinder Glade
1 Breeding Pool
1 Stomping Ground
1 Steam Vents
1 Cascade Bluffs
1 Fire-Lit Thicket
1 Flooded Grove
1 Dreamroot Cascade
1 Rockfall Vale
1 Stormcarved Coast
I would definitely wanna draft a MB2, and won’t probably ever be able to attend a convention
There will be lots of it.....that you can buy from scalpers.
some of the playtest cards look super cool for cube
I like the white border Wasteland to go with my duals in my legacy decks
I really think they will make MB2 retail version, but they want to get an idea of how much they need to produce, given how many different printing technologies they're combining.
The set will get a retail release without question, from a business standpoint i feel like they are keeping that a “secret” because they want more people to have FOMO and buy tickets to the conventions before announcing releasing the retail version.
They really nailed the reprint decisions and test cards overall. I also saw that Nexus of Fate is finally getting a non foil copy that actually looks like a Magic card, just the straight BaB version with a Planeswalker logo in the corner. It's very much what I always wanted from Unsets, just like MB1
Which makes it all the more disappointing that MB2 is added to the list of times Wizards learned a lesson, and then promptly forgot it. Whether to include hate cards for an in-set new mechanic. The existence of core sets. Mechanically unique event/BaB promos. Retail availability of Mystery Booster. Probably also going to include reprinting mechanically unique SL cards. They love to make the most obvious mistake in the world, correct the mistake later, then just quickly forget that lesson again with everybody wondering what they're smoking.
It just doesn't make sense. They put so much love into this, it's a great product, then they turn around and say "but we don't actually want you to experience it though"