Or more specifically Oklahoman in Bakersfield, thanks to the dust bowl. And while that may have been in the 1930s it appears later generations held on to old ways.
I have a great Provo story as well. I accidentally left a wallet with $300 in it in a bathroom stall. As I was leaving the building, some guy came running after me to give me my loaded wallet. Thank God for honest people.
@lrenturn Ooh, libturd. What are you, five years old? Anyone can make up the same type of stupid insult for your side as well, but at least we can bring facts to the table instead of repeating debunked talking points from Fox "News."
Its especially annoying when people just cut you off when you state your opinion and never talk to you again. (it happened to a friend of mine, he is republican and lost more then one friend for voting for trump) I may have called him bad words at the time, but since then I have changed my view of him as honestly, the dudes the nicest person I know, makes me feel bad when I remember what I called him based off of his political leaning. (he still likes trump and I still dislike trump, but we are both still capable of talking politics without really fighting, mostly some arguing but never full on mad fighting)
speedy01247 I’m glad you can appreciate people more than opinions. It’s a step everyone needs to take if we don’t want to divide the world. I can’t say I’ve been as accepting as you are, but that’s something I regret and am trying to improve on a lot
@@bridgetanne8242 Me too. So beautiful. I don't live there anymore either, but I can still see just about every part of the Mid Columbine trail in my head.
If the west is that conservative how is California so blue??? I feel bad for those good California people who get out voted by LA and San Francisco it mob rule or as I like to say illegal voters voting.
Patrick O'Donnell Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin And The Whole Deep south of Texas are Solid Blue, Why is Texas So Red??? Oh that's right, Because Republicans are Crooks and they love stealing elections they never win.
@blue diamond. If Texas is truly blue then it must still be the last of conservative Democrats and in today's world that makes them moderate Republican because today's Democrat part is yesterday's communist party and is nothing like the Democratic party I grew up with they don't reflect American values of hard work and family because if they did they wouldn't support killing of baby's just days before they are born and they wouldn't support the nanny state crap that the socialist Democrats are pushing also known as Nazi or the national socialist German worker's party the key word is socialist that thing the Democrats are fighting for yet there calling the right Nazi or fascist that is also what the left is reflecting in there platform by shutting down speeches with violence so no I think Texas is Red prove me wrong. O one more thing Texans love there guns and the Democrats want to take that right from Texas and the rest of America yeah Texas is Red White and Blue to there core.....God bless Texas!
@@joylindadichamounix conservatives and Republicans are pretty much gone. Sandra's Hutchens won the 2010 election for OC sheriff. She retired from LAPD and joined OC law enforcement with Los Angeles political ideology and policing. Funny thing though, more people voted in that election than registered in OC to vote and a group of us did attempt to verify the vote. Made an appointment with the registrar of voters and 5 minutes in the counts weren't matching and the registrar's office would not explain. That same year a congressional representative was on the news laughing about how her district, large illegal alien sanctuary district, ran out of provisional ballots, but not to worry, everyone that came to vote more were on the way. That was after 6 in the evening. The state as a whole that year showed more people voted than were registered to vote.
Mesa, AZ is no longer a place where it's affordable, thanks to the mass exit from Californians moving to AZ, especially the Phoenix valley. I lived in Provo. The reason that the people are like that are because of their religious beliefs in everyone is their brother or sister and we should be kind to everyone and help "our" neighbors, especially when you see someone in need.
@@monabiehl6213 Imagine Dragon's and Panic at the Disco both Started in Provo. Have you ever been to Provo or were you just around some of the few negative people there.
I’m a conservative and I really enjoyed this presentation. What the left doesn’t realize is, we conservatives can take a joke and laugh at ourselves. Great job
Yes, we see Republican sense of humor; the rest of the country is not amused, the GOP and Trump have not put smiles on faces. { where have you been hiding? }
A lot of people think they aren't biased, they just think everyone that disagrees with them is biased. Like Briggs said " everyone is biased", because everyone has their own opinions.
Thanks for pointing that out. I would be considered a conservative Democrat because while I agree with conservatives socially and on guns, I am left wing economically. So I may feel even more comfortable in these conservative cities, since as you can probably imagine true liberals aren't usually too happy with that (D) I'd use as my affiliation in a perfect world!
@@robertdominicanrepublic admittedly Jacksonville isn’t the only city in the town and the northern burbs are blood red and the suburbs are also deep red but duval is blue
I lean republican, but you can bash conservatives all you want. I like to think I'm mature enough to know not everyone is on the same page, and I bet I'd get along with you just fine. BTW, your background music is always on point I like it. *stops typing*
As a liberal I agree if we can't laugh at ourselves then how can we laugh at the other side. Also just wondering if you happen to remember a flying delorean :)
@@WorldAccordingToBriggs at the end of the day I might not agree with your way but as long as we all care about fixing the issues we can find common ground to try and solve them.
@Roger Martin religion and politics is interesting. You often grow up religious but few really read the Bible. So often it's just searching for justification in the Bible for your beliefs
don198769 wrong boy genius - the reason those companies left was due to NAFTA it’s called corporate greed. CHEAPER TO MAKE A CAR IN MEXICO bigger profits for the elites. Stop drinking the Fox News cool aid
Like the video. You have made it no secret in previous videos that you lean left. You weren’t snarky. Like EVERYONE ELSE, you’re entitled to your opinion and choice. I lean Conservative. Anyway, thank you for the video. They’e always entertaining.
Actually I think most people "lean" left or "lean" right and don't 100% subscribe to an ideology. We only hear about the extreme ideologies on either side now, which is unfortunate, because I don't think it's an accurate representation of the majority.
Haha I lived in Portland most my life-moved to Arizona and while I miss my friends it’s SOOOO nice to be able to waltz into the local Circle K with my sidearm
When the Wild West was "civilizing", the sign of a civilized town was nobody wearing guns. I quit the NRA when they quit being a sporting club. But I still have guns, and live in Texas (7th gen) - and yes if you break into my house, I will likely shoot you. But this unhealthy gun fetish is, ummm... definitely unhealthy - and not what civilized people do at the Circle K.
@@Austin8thGenTexan A couple of points. The NRA stopped being a sporting promotion in the early 1960s so unless your in your 70s there's something amiss in your story. Next There are people in this world who prey upon others. They walk your streets with the intention of doing harm to others. The police are not first responders , they are the second responders. The first responders are the people where the crime is being committed. Now when one or more of these people with ill intentions crosses you or your loved ones path .What are you going to do? Watch and beg as you or your loved ones are possibly harmed raped or murdered? Considering the national average response time for a 911 call is between 7 to 12 minutes before the police arrive. So your choice is to either be a victim or be responsible for your safety and the safety of the ones you love. Carrying a Firearm. Is like Carrying a pocket knife. Its far better to have it and not need it than it is to desperately need it and not have it. I recall after a mass shoting in Killeen, Texas, in 1991. A TV reporter interviewing a senior citizen who was at the establishment " What was going through your head as this man started shooting people? " His reply. I was mad I had left my gun in my truck. If I had had I could have put a stop to this nonsense "
CengizhanMilfhuntürk well I was born and raised in Los Angeles. And my whole life I’ve been surrounded by liberals. They are the most hateful despicable humans On the planet. They are so engulfed with hate they can’t control them self. That’s my experience
Take my wife(Bakersfield), PLEASE! We'll fill the empty hole with California Poppies! Plop Bakersfield somewhere outside of El Paso. Problemo solved! Cheers.
I live in salt lake city and I knew somewhere here in Utah was gonna be number 1... salt lake city has a lot of jobs though were about 10 times the size of provo
Zakary Loreto I could do that easily. Great food, hospitable people, southern charm, beautiful forests, multiple great towns such as Madison; Ridgeland; Ocean Springs; etc, low cost of living, low home prices for great historical houses, low taxes, warm weather (if that’s your thing), and beaches. There’s 10 reasons to move to Mississippi. Easy. And I’m from Colorado btw, not even from the south.
@Dustin Caso tbh, Universal Basic Income, if a substitute for all welfare program, is almost as libertarian as it can be. It gives people the choice to decide what to do with their income, it redistributes the revenues from State-owned companies in such a way that nobody gains more than their fair share of the public and it limits government spending and bureaucracy. The problem is an UBI which is put on top of other welfare programs, as that would be just another burden on the taxpayer. Of course you could say, how about no welfare at all: whether the government should have it or not, or which degree of welfare is acceptable, it is another question.
Dustin Caso it’s socialist, Or Democratic, but Republican/Libertarians don’t like to admit it, because their greedy money buggers. My sister lived there for 16 years; the cost of living is outrageous!!! You can freeze to death, when people get old, they move out.
Yeap you are right! I used to live in Orem UT really right next to Provo, it’s really republican but that people is really friendly, being a minority myself and liberal. I enjoyed living over there, people is really friendly in Utah valley.
I was going to move to Utah when my kids were young. I was there at a US Army infantry school and talked to some regulars that were stationed there. They advised against it as I wasnt a Mormon saying the Mormon kids wouldnt play or hang around with my boys. I quickly changed my mind.
Wanna stay away from the Mormons go to Salt Lake City. Plenty of them by the church buildings by day but at night it’s just 18-30 years olds running the streets, downing 6 packs of coors and hitting their dab pens while trying to find out if they wanna find a party in town or go to a skatepark
@Pavel Manzhetov You beat me to it. Everybody on this thread is saying how great and conservative Utah is. Then how the hell did Mittens become a Senator ?
There is nothing wrong with this comment for a liberal - you naturally become more tolerant when you are surrounded by people with different backgrounds. Believe me, traveling the world breeds liberals too. If you are too afraid, don’t travel too much.
@@chekyerego and tell me which city has better economic output, great food and has loads of tourists wanting to visit it. I don’t think it’s Provo. It also had the biggest influence on the American culture and technology. You wouldn’t be able to comment on a you tube channel without San Francisco and the Silicon Valley.
@@RR64434 to bad they're not smart enough to vote out the old witch Pelosi. Shit on the street and hypodermic needles doesn't show me a lot of intelligence politically.
I live in a conservative City. It's nice, clean, very low crime. everybody's nice to each other. It's beautiful. We had demokkkrats here a while back trying to push their craziness. Needless to say, they were laughed out of the city.
@@janedmunds4218 Hillary openly supports the KKK by acknowledging and looking up to her mentor, one of the top leaders of the KKK. You might wanna watch Hillary's America and the secret history of the democratic party
Yep. Democrats are the ones who USE minorities and gays for their evil agenda, pass different laws for different folks, and discriminate against just about everyone.
Jobs that pay enough for rent in that City or just jobs? It's easy to get a low wage job in a high rent city cause they don't have enough poor people to fill those jobs.
You should visit Murrieta, CA, just over some hills from Escondido. You’ve never seen patriotism so strong in a city. It doesn’t hurt to have Camp Pendleton just on the other side of the hill, either. March ARB is just down the road, too.
@@beanzor My friend is in Menifee . Its one of the few places in California not yet ruined by Democrats. I was in the desert where the streets have no names , but now they have changed to another welfare state.
@@RadicallyOptimistic brother look at the poles of who voted for trump in 2016. The majority of the west coast is liberal mental illness. But it's starting to Change.
Love your videos. As a conservative living in Alabama I was shocked to find cities in the deep South were absent from this list. I hope you will do another one. Also, I felt your jokes were funny but tactful. Always enjoy your videos.
Did you miss the part where it said Oklahoma City (conservative) has a high crime rate? As well as Fort Worth, Texas (also conservative). That’s some selective listening right there!
I have lived in #1 Provo since the mid 70s. My wonderful wife can be a bit absentminded. In the past 36 years she has left her wallet or cell phone dozens of times in different stores, restaurants, or theaters. We joke we are going to get her a belt chain for it. She has always gotten her property back, every time, with everything intact. Some good Samaritans have even used the info in the wallet to track her down and bring it to her. Provo is a wonderful community to raise a family and to live.
Appreciate your good-natured sense of humor! Also appreciate your kind comments about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 🙂 not surprising Provo was at the top
When I grew up in Anaheim in the eighties it was extremely conservative and the entire area was thriving. At that time it seemed like Anaheim had endless possibilities and a bright future. I moved away in 91 and every 3 to 5 years we would come back and it was getting worse and worse and worse eventually flipped over to Democrat and now it is turned into a slum
"Anacrime". I de-assed California in 2005 (Southern OC). I did two years 2017 - 2018 (Monrovia) and the decline all over SoCal was appalling. I will never set foot there again.
I am currently visiting Portland Oregon... I am a black conservative woman... This city is gorgeous, beautiful... But, it is permeating with liberalism... From BLM signs in every yard and business... I have not seen a church in the week I have been here... It is nice to visit, but I would never live here... It is sad to see and disturbing to my conservative eyes... Cant wait to get out of here.
I don't associate with parties, but I would say I am more of a black conservative man. I live in Northern California and I understand. I live in Sacramento and it was purple when I moved here 12 years ago (from the Deep South). Now it is blue. Luckily, the eastern inner burbs are still purple and the outer burbs to the north and east are red. I love visiting the Bay Area except for the liberalism. It is overbearing to me at times, especially in Oakland and Berkeley.
In my own personal experience any city in Utah is pretty much amazing. I lived very close to Provo and the people are kind, helpful and respectful. I never got the middle finger while driving which I find refreshing. We moved to a border town in TX and oh how our lives changed. People not so friendly and super liberal like crazy liberal.
Yeah, Texas actually is a giant step down from Utah. Texans aren't all that friendly, and have robust pride in a state that's little more than a glorified pancake.
The best places in the world are the places are people are God fearing. They can be conservative or liberal but it won't help unless they're God fearing. You can be a God fearing liberal or a God fearing conservative. But what you can NOT be is a God fearing leftist.
Ok snarky, I like these cities,! The reason some of these cities have higher crime, like in Arlington is because it's between two larger cities. I have found that in large cities downtown areas are liberal or left.vwhatever term you wish to use. Sorry, I forgot a comment. You act as if the caravans crossing the border by and going 240+ miles is a joke. The Mayor of YUMA AZ said in his State of Emergency city council/press briefing they are "OVER RUN"! And they don't have enough people to vet and process the illegals who are coming through "the port of entry". So they are simply taking their photos and Releasing them!!! He wants the President to give them FEDERAL FUNDING FOR BUSSES AND PLANES to send the to "THE CITY OF THEIR CHOOSING"! So,vcaravan myth. Isn't a myth. My family has live in YUMA AZ almost my whole life! Not anymore,!!!
@@russelder9743 Small world. I grew up on the north shore. I moved here a few months ago-- about 1 mile east of All American. I hate long Island. My girlfriend doesn't want to move....I may have to just get the hell out alone.
Briggs, when you finally do this Video; And You Will.... Eventually..... Please make sure that you give me credit for suggestion This. You can Thank me Later 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
John Douglas; I have too. A few times before, same thing happened to me too. That’s okay, I’m going to keep asking until either he Makes the Video Im requesting or until he types back; “Stop Typing” Lol. Even that would work, Temporarily.... That’s why I ask my original question above ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿 I was hoping others would see my request, And give it a thumbs up. So Hopefully Mr. Briggs will see that and take Notice.
Loved the video and your sense of humor. I've been to Provo several times and I had the same experience. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints also owns a school in Rexburg, ID and Hawaii
I can attest to the Provo hospitality. That’s where I bought my 2000 4runner Limited from a super nice lady who agreed to take the car to the Toyota dealership for a pre-purchase inspection. I paid of course for the inspection, but the fact that she held the car for me and was patient enough to do that for me, a stranger, spoke volumes of her character.
The Mormon Church's official name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...NOT the Church of Latter Day Saints. Also can't believe Rexburg, ID did not make the list.
This might be seem like an argument but what I’m trying to point out is a lot of members don’t drink or smoke but looking up the laws there it seems they don’t know or follow the proper role of government I don’t know what defines conservatism to some I’m sure they vote republican but they prohibit door to door selling without a permit that’s a restriction on the first amendments don’t know what their zoning laws are but there are some restricting property rights most of the college students use Medicaid and a lot use food stamps pretty much acceptance of legal plunder I’m sure they don’t drink or smoke and they don’t have bars there but they could use a Ron Paul pamphlet I have friends from there and live there good people though
Same, I did it when I started to get sick of the crazy in 2014, moved to SLC. Best decision I made. Run..... run from Portland, the world is a much better place outside of it. I miss the rain though.
Maybe, but Springs itself is not conservative. These isn't a conservative city along the I-25 corridor. There isn't a conservative city in Colorado east of the Continental Divide and west of the great plains.
@@Aereaux UUUHHH WRONG. Colorado Springs has a Conservative Mayor, Sherrif City Council, and is 85% red according to voting records. You sir, are completely incorrect!!!
I love these kinds of videos. The comment sections are always great. So many people getting offended because someone disagrees on something they can't control.
FYI, Colorado Springs has FIVE major military installations: 1. Fort Carson 2. Peterson AFB 3. The Air Force Academy 4. Schriever AFB 5. NORAD CMC (Cheyenne Mountain Complex) But yes -- the military is conservative -- as are most of the contractors who support them.
Colorado Springs is full of crazy people, ugly women, homeless kooks, and angry black folks. So have fun with that. And don’t just take my word for it, go there. I dare you.
Count me among the proud conservatives. And I am not LDS but Provo is lovely as is most of Utah. I can totally see people in McD's rushing to help a shaky elderly lady. And if you ever fly Utah-based Skywest you will immediately notice their employees just radiate kindness.
Great video! I love the snarky comments. Hilarious and I’m more conservative than anything. Conservatives can take the criticisms. Watch out though when you make the next video!!
How do you turn a Conservative city Liberal? Bring in some tech companies with good paying jobs - Austin, Boise, Charlotte. Chill it was a joke (kind of)..
4 года назад+11
Add Seattle. It got "Californicated" in the 1990s with everyone moving there from Cali for the tech jobs and the Grunge music scene. In 1993 it was awesome. Now it's the opioid homeless don't prosecute-anyone-ever Chop/Chaz/Autonomous Zone city where the awesome Police Chief Carmen Best quit, in disgust.
@@w_6880 Yeah, most of us came to Austin to go to school - and just never went back to the hick towns. We didn't want to spend our lives selling car parts and wearing camo underwear. Fun to visit, so I can deer hunt and use my daddy's 30.06. It's funny how the labels used on here are so limiting in scope and accuracy...
@ The problem with living in a liberal area is just that . They make life difficult by adding extra taxes , special rip off permits , parking meters , expensive bonds , penalties on businesses , wasteful slush funds like replacing good buildings for no reason , projects that nobody needs , mismanaging resources , and ideas that create problems like lack of water, electricity and higher gasoline prices .
@@genevieve1963 I can understand that. It's hard to live around Mormons if you're Mormon but don't go to church anymore either. They're relentless at trying to get you back. Lol
I hope you realize that the terms "conservative" and "Republican" are not the same. Many conservatives aren't Republican, and many Republicans aren't conservative. Same with "Liberal" and "Democrat", no matter what the Fox News talking heads want you to think.
@@Eric12358 There was a time, not too long ago, when the phrase "liberal Republican" actually described a certain common political philosophy. In the late 1960's and early 1970's, for example, it described someone who supported the Vietnam War, wanted to control the federal deficit, and generally felt people's personal choices were their own business and nobody else's.
@@darreljones8645 Eisenhower could now be considered a liberal bc he supported unions and a 90% top tax rate on the rich. But he was about the only one. I think you may be referring to the moderate Republicans which ate very rare these days.
Thats very true you got the Trump cult and then you got some conservatives definitely very different you got the Hillary supporters or they Hillary cult and then you got the supporters that support Bernie like me
Nice to see my place as number 1. I live in Provo, Utah. Great place to raise a family and very friendly people. I have lost my wallet two or three times only to have somebody call me or turn it in every time. I personally love it here. Lived in this are my whole life and I am 40 now.
It's not just about being around people that agree with you. It's about living in places with policies that you feel won't implode or a sustainable in the long run, etc. Love your videos, love your jokes even more lol
This is a problem. Many people are selfish and arrogant and only vote for the party which is financially better for their own town or state. While some people (but these are rare) have the power to ignore the selfish self-benefits of an election and vote for a party which is the best for the entire country. They vote for the strength of their country.
It is a nice place full of a hidden mix of cultural experiences in a small area. There is a ton of restaurants, music, art, museums, and more. Just don't expect a nightlife to be added to the list. For many people that is what makes them think there isn't anything to do.
I lived in Orem Utah for awhile which is next door to Provo and I experienced the same thing. Everyone was super nice to the point that it was kind of creepy lol My son came home from his first day in school (7th grade) and said “Dad it’s really creepy at school” I asked him why is that. His response was that all the kids looked the same lol. Like they were all siblings or at least cousins lol We reasoned it was the small gene pool starting in the mid 1800’s lol They were almost entirely blond haired with blue eyes and roughly the same height lol. We ended up moving to Layton Utah where it was more diverse due to the large air base located their. All in all we miss living in Utah for many reasons. They have all 4 seasons with lots of snow in the winter plus you can do fireworks a week before and a week after about a dozen holidays lol. Oh and Browning has a facility where they make firearms so WOOHOO!!! Got love Utah lol Cheers mate
Provo is such a nice town, my friend lived in Utah for a little bit and when I was out there for skiing we all went to a trampoline park called lowes at night in Provo and the ppl were all great.
Glad you mentioned Bakersfield. I lived there for 14 years. Very conservative. Also, a much better place to live than people think. Now, I'm back in the South Bay.
I've been living here for the past 10 years. Its okay I guess, its still dry, homeless rates still rising and crime rates are still a problem. Yay for Bakersfield 👏🏽
You need your snark meter tuned up he made a few trailer park jokes in and the Confederate flag hood ornament definitely let to snarkasm along with Colorado's low oxygen levels leading to lightheadedness or confusion
Austin: Californian colony in texas
Bakersfield: Texan colony in california
Or more specifically Oklahoman in Bakersfield, thanks to the dust bowl. And while that may have been in the 1930s it appears later generations held on to old ways.
well said.
Pretty much!
Cottonwood CA is way into conservative Protestant part of Texas.
lol I live in Texas this is the most true thing. sometimes i kinda hate austin for being so ignorant lol. idk what i’m talking about XD
I have a great Provo story as well. I accidentally left a wallet with $300 in it in a bathroom stall. As I was leaving the building, some guy came running after me to give me my loaded wallet. Thank God for honest people.
Same thing happened to me! But it was in LA..... we can’t generalize people 🙄
MathGives YouPower - Yes they would do that there, but they also would sell you on the religion and some pyramid scheme as well.
MathGives YouPower that happened to me when I was in Taiwan. I was amazed and it was nice to see this sort of kindness.
@@Rzagski ?
This reminds of Tokyo, actually, all of Japan.
"Bakersfield is the Texas of CA."
Can confirm.
Good ol' Bakers Patch.
That place is a HELLHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Texas is nowhere near as shitty as Bakersfield though
When driving through Bakersfield I have to squint my eyes for some reason.
I’m surprised the whole state of Wyoming didn’t make the list.
What's a wyoming
@@lilbiscuit5825 A Wyomin’ tis a conservativator.
@@coasternerds5216 I think there are a few more than that.
@@coasternerds5216 Well that’s why I just say the whole state of Wyoming. The whole state votes like +70% republican.
Lol but WY has no conservative cities. Laramie and Cheyenne all have a liberal tilt
As a conservative, I feel this was a very respectful presentation with just the right amount of witty jokes. Great job as always!
@lrenturn Ooh, libturd. What are you, five years old? Anyone can make up the same type of stupid insult for your side as well, but at least we can bring facts to the table instead of repeating debunked talking points from Fox "News."
@lrenturn Can we.... not do this? For just once? Hurl low, pointless insults at eachother
I am a progressive and I respect you. I see the humor in the political spectrum all the time. I tell people lighten up. Have a nice day.
Thanks but no thanks. I am a secular atheist and I do respect your Christianity but I've got it together. @lrenturn
To b clear: conservative it's not necessarily 100% Republican.
You mean Republicans aren't 100% conservative. You're either pregnant or you're not.
RHINO's are pregnant. With duplicity. Ask Romney.
It is more about minding your own business. I am pro-life but a true Conservative would not be because they are about keeping laws away from people.
I would say that used to be true. Jimmy Carter was a Conservative Democrat. Not so much more these days.
@@joylindadichamounix Um
I appreciate your acceptance of bias. You are definitely more down to earth than most people on all political sides.
Its especially annoying when people just cut you off when you state your opinion and never talk to you again. (it happened to a friend of mine, he is republican and lost more then one friend for voting for trump) I may have called him bad words at the time, but since then I have changed my view of him as honestly, the dudes the nicest person I know, makes me feel bad when I remember what I called him based off of his political leaning. (he still likes trump and I still dislike trump, but we are both still capable of talking politics without really fighting, mostly some arguing but never full on mad fighting)
speedy01247 I’m glad you can appreciate people more than opinions. It’s a step everyone needs to take if we don’t want to divide the world. I can’t say I’ve been as accepting as you are, but that’s something I regret and am trying to improve on a lot
Colorado Springs is also home to Focus on the Family and the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives.
I loved Colorado Springs, but I’m a progressive and I finally moved because I felt like a fish in a tree.
There are a couple of amazing things in Colorado Springs. One of them is North Cheyenne Cañon Park.
@@markpaul1383 we lived close by and went there often
@@bridgetanne8242 Me too. So beautiful. I don't live there anymore either, but I can still see just about every part of the Mid Columbine trail in my head.
And Compassion International and Navigators.
10. Overland, Kansas (Kansas City)
9. OKC, Oklahoma
8. Anchorage, Alaska
7. Arlington, Texas (Dallas)
6. Mesa, Arizona (Phoenix)
5. Escondido, California
4. Bakersfield, California
3. Colorado Springs, Colorado
2. Plano, Texas (Dallas)
1. Provo, Utah
@wraithchild G SF is heavily Liberal
If the west is that conservative how is California so blue??? I feel bad for those good California people who get out voted by LA and San Francisco it mob rule or as I like to say illegal voters voting.
Patrick O'Donnell Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin And The Whole Deep south of Texas are Solid Blue, Why is Texas So Red??? Oh that's right, Because Republicans are Crooks and they love stealing elections they never win.
@blue diamond. If Texas is truly blue then it must still be the last of conservative Democrats and in today's world that makes them moderate Republican because today's Democrat part is yesterday's communist party and is nothing like the Democratic party I grew up with they don't reflect American values of hard work and family because if they did they wouldn't support killing of baby's just days before they are born and they wouldn't support the nanny state crap that the socialist Democrats are pushing also known as Nazi or the national socialist German worker's party the key word is socialist that thing the Democrats are fighting for yet there calling the right Nazi or fascist that is also what the left is reflecting in there platform by shutting down speeches with violence so no I think Texas is Red prove me wrong. O one more thing Texans love there guns and the Democrats want to take that right from Texas and the rest of America yeah Texas is Red White and Blue to there core.....God bless Texas!
Patrick O'Donnell Texas now leans Republican, even Cornyn said it, " Texas Is Not A Reliable Red State Any Longer". I agree with Cornyn.
Anaheim is a sanctuary city. Extremely far away from conservative.
It was at once the reddest city in Orange County.
Part of Anaheim CA is ghetto
@@carlhsieh2615 It is scary because there is a tent city there now.
@@carlhsieh2615 Yes it is. Illegal alien sanctuary city.
@@joylindadichamounix conservatives and Republicans are pretty much gone. Sandra's Hutchens won the 2010 election for OC sheriff. She retired from LAPD and joined OC law enforcement with Los Angeles political ideology and policing.
Funny thing though, more people voted in that election than registered in OC to vote and a group of us did attempt to verify the vote. Made an appointment with the registrar of voters and 5 minutes in the counts weren't matching and the registrar's office would not explain.
That same year a congressional representative was on the news laughing about how her district, large illegal alien sanctuary district, ran out of provisional ballots, but not to worry, everyone that came to vote more were on the way. That was after 6 in the evening. The state as a whole that year showed more people voted than were registered to vote.
Dear friend, if you' ever go to the deep South, you will discover that honorable men help little old ladies (and anyone who needs help) all the time.
Unless they're black.
Jumpy I’m from the south . Right near mobile alabama . Let me tell you you’re wrong
unless theyre black
@@David-rn4nf Trump 2020
@Sara Bunting quiet sara. you trying to divide our great nation? FU!
"If you had some bad experiences with people in Provo, it's probably your own fault." Hilarious!
100 percent true from my experience there
i live right next to provo most people there are pretty great
Mesa, AZ is no longer a place where it's affordable, thanks to the mass exit from Californians moving to AZ, especially the Phoenix valley.
I lived in Provo. The reason that the people are like that are because of their religious beliefs in everyone is their brother or sister and we should be kind to everyone and help "our" neighbors, especially when you see someone in need.
Yes, it's not fault--I'm politically moderate, I like progressive rock and I didn't wear the right clothes.
@@monabiehl6213 Imagine Dragon's and Panic at the Disco both Started in Provo. Have you ever been to Provo or were you just around some of the few negative people there.
I’m a conservative and I really enjoyed this presentation. What the left doesn’t realize is, we conservatives can take a joke and laugh at ourselves. Great job
but very few of you can, just like liberals
@@justintime995 No U
Lonnie Wells free speech hurts them
Yes, we see Republican sense of humor; the rest of the country is not amused, the GOP and Trump have not put smiles on faces. { where have you been hiding? }
Hope you can laugh at the lies Trump tells you as well as you stand in food lines and wait for your unemployment check.
I wish Twitter would be this honest about their bias.
that lady cant even aknowledge the fact shes biased its insane
@@kishisafish Yes it is insane. Reminds me of the Stepford wives... totally programmed.
A lot of people think they aren't biased, they just think everyone that disagrees with them is biased.
Like Briggs said " everyone is biased", because everyone has their own opinions.
They are. Aren’t they?
Twitter censors both sides.
Republican and Conservative IS not interchangeable.
Shhh, you're bringing logic into this conversation.
The Venn diagram would pretty much be one circle.
Thanks for pointing that out. I would be considered a conservative Democrat because while I agree with conservatives socially and on guns, I am left wing economically. So I may feel even more comfortable in these conservative cities, since as you can probably imagine true liberals aren't usually too happy with that (D) I'd use as my affiliation in a perfect world!
You're right. I consider my self an Independent Conservative. And I"m very far from being a Mittons republican.
Some people want to be left alone. Some people can't leave others alone. That's the real dividing line.
Thank you!!! You are someone I would go to lunch with and actually enjoy being in public! Have an outstanding day 😃
The people that are self sufficient and the people that feed of others. Leave me alone.
It's the opposite, it's The Uniting Factor.
So true.
Vacation Chicago!
Come for the food
Stay because you got murdered!
Thomas Feltes oh give me a break.
Chicago used to be such a cool city many years ago.
E S it still is a cool city
I live in this shit hole lol
I didn't realize there were any conservatives left in California.
They are running us out but a few of us still remain.
@@michaelburke7742 your state is beautiful, I can understand why you stay
Everything north of the Bay area and the central valley is all red.
CUT IT OUT!!!!!! My Dad & his siblings were the most Conservatives this side of the Mississippi and they were from LOS ANGELES!!!!!!!!
All states have both liberals and conservatives. But thanks for the stupid comment.
Jacksonville, FL is by far one of the largest Conservative cities in the US.
That's definitely one shit hole I will never go to.
@K A that's pretty much everywhere..
Uhh the county that’s it’s in Duval was with in 5% in 2016 and was actually Biden in 2020.
@@Speedster___ Never thought I'd live to see the day Duval voted blue. Unfreaking beleivable.
@@robertdominicanrepublic admittedly Jacksonville isn’t the only city in the town and the northern burbs are blood red and the suburbs are also deep red but duval is blue
My house and yard is one of the most conservative spots in the U.S. and Florida. 100% republican. Wife and kids, even the dog.
@@scarlettpimpernel3481 Loxahatchee
You get a gold trumptard star ⭐ But...he's a gangster, and not even a conservative, but hey - we'll make you a deal...
packinaglock 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I lean republican, but you can bash conservatives all you want. I like to think I'm mature enough to know not everyone is on the same page, and I bet I'd get along with you just fine. BTW, your background music is always on point I like it. *stops typing*
Thank you, Biff. That is the way we should see it. How anyone thinks their way is the only way is beyond me.
As a liberal I agree if we can't laugh at ourselves then how can we laugh at the other side. Also just wondering if you happen to remember a flying delorean :)
@@WorldAccordingToBriggs at the end of the day I might not agree with your way but as long as we all care about fixing the issues we can find common ground to try and solve them.
@Roger Martin religion and politics is interesting. You often grow up religious but few really read the Bible. So often it's just searching for justification in the Bible for your beliefs
don198769 wrong boy genius - the reason those companies left was due to NAFTA it’s called corporate greed. CHEAPER TO MAKE A CAR IN MEXICO bigger profits for the elites. Stop drinking the Fox News cool aid
Like the video. You have made it no secret in previous videos that you lean left. You weren’t snarky. Like EVERYONE ELSE, you’re entitled to your opinion and choice. I lean Conservative. Anyway, thank you for the video. They’e always entertaining.
Actually I think most people "lean" left or "lean" right and don't 100% subscribe to an ideology. We only hear about the extreme ideologies on either side now, which is unfortunate, because I don't think it's an accurate representation of the majority.
Both extremes are toxic. On both sides, a few assholes make everyone look bad.
@@petercarmeci8317 lol one of the truest statements online
Peter Carmeci as a far leftist I’ve never heard a more true statement. Tons of infighting
Haha I lived in Portland most my life-moved to Arizona and while I miss my friends it’s SOOOO nice to be able to waltz into the local Circle K with my sidearm
Same here, lived in Portland until 2005 but moved to Phoenix. Got tired of the liberal politics and crimes .
I’m still in Portland. HELP!!
Is that what you aspire to?
When the Wild West was "civilizing", the sign of a civilized town was nobody wearing guns. I quit the NRA when they quit being a sporting club. But I still have guns, and live in Texas (7th gen) - and yes if you break into my house, I will likely shoot you. But this unhealthy gun fetish is, ummm... definitely unhealthy - and not what civilized people do at the Circle K.
A couple of points. The NRA stopped being a sporting promotion in the early 1960s so unless your in your 70s there's something amiss in your story.
There are people in this world who prey upon others. They walk your streets with the intention of doing harm to others.
The police are not first responders , they are the second responders.
The first responders are the people where the crime is being committed.
Now when one or more of these people with ill intentions crosses you or your loved ones path .What are you going to do? Watch and beg as you or your loved ones are possibly harmed raped or murdered?
Considering the national average response time for a 911 call is between 7 to 12 minutes before the police arrive. So your choice is to either be a victim or be responsible for your safety and the safety of the ones you love.
Carrying a Firearm. Is like Carrying a pocket knife. Its far better to have it and not need it than it is to desperately need it and not have it.
I recall after a mass shoting in Killeen, Texas, in 1991. A TV reporter interviewing a senior citizen who was at the establishment " What was going through your head as this man started shooting people? " His reply. I was mad I had left my gun in my truck. If I had had I could have put a stop to this nonsense "
I went to BYU and your Ned Flanders joke was hilarious 😂
My friend is going there
I’m looking for a place where people mind their own business. And minding your own business is not a liberal attribute.
I would highly recommend Lehi, Cedar Hills, Saratoga Springs, Highland, Alpine or any of the surrounding cities in UT.
stegrajepkyl Utah rocks!!
CengizhanMilfhuntürk well I was born and raised in Los Angeles. And my whole life I’ve been surrounded by liberals. They are the most hateful despicable humans On the planet. They are so engulfed with hate they can’t control them self. That’s my experience
@@highjinxwillie62 same for many conservatives. Aggressive people on both political spectrums
Libertarians mind their own business.
Thank you for the video! I’m a conservative living in a heavy liberal city! I want to Move!
Same here
Please move Russia is waiting with open arms
Dorian Wright why Russia? Please explain.
Very conservative country all the cities would welcome you
@@dorianwright7537 Yes russians love americans.
As a Texan, I approve the annexing of Bakersfield!
Come n' get it.
@@RickLincoln 'Fer sure, but only if they'll 'export' that tacky POS known as *_Buck Owens' Crystal Palace_* back to TX, as part of the deal!
Take my wife(Bakersfield), PLEASE! We'll fill the empty hole with California Poppies! Plop Bakersfield somewhere outside of El Paso. Problemo solved! Cheers.
When you say "moose and squirrel" you need to throw a Boris and Natasha accent in there!
Doesn’t Jerry Nadler look like Boris? Every time I see him I see Boris.
Have you done "top 10" positive reasons for each state? I would love to see that series completed.
I live in salt lake city and I knew somewhere here in Utah was gonna be number 1... salt lake city has a lot of jobs though were about 10 times the size of provo
its going to be very hard to do that for mississippi
Texas. It's red, it's in the red....
How about the Top 10 Blackest Cities and correlate that with the Top 10 Cities for Crime and Poverty.
Zakary Loreto I could do that easily. Great food, hospitable people, southern charm, beautiful forests, multiple great towns such as Madison; Ridgeland; Ocean Springs; etc, low cost of living, low home prices for great historical houses, low taxes, warm weather (if that’s your thing), and beaches. There’s 10 reasons to move to Mississippi. Easy. And I’m from Colorado btw, not even from the south.
Portland sucks these days. Been here 46 years. Too extreme now. We gotta relax a tad people.
Move to Gresham. Or Clackastan.
@@FlowerBoyH which is wonderful. But it could be better.
@@FlowerBoyH yeah at least it's not a hellhole like Bakersfield.
@jon doe Too burning downy.
spoiler alert
it gets a tad worser
Alaska is libertarian. That's why there are so many "unaffiliated" in Anchorage.
Kushtika Devilfish , there was a time it was conservative, in the good old days!
J. McCormick I agree love their guns and passed recreational cannibis usage.
@Dustin Caso tbh, Universal Basic Income, if a substitute for all welfare program, is almost as libertarian as it can be. It gives people the choice to decide what to do with their income, it redistributes the revenues from State-owned companies in such a way that nobody gains more than their fair share of the public and it limits government spending and bureaucracy. The problem is an UBI which is put on top of other welfare programs, as that would be just another burden on the taxpayer.
Of course you could say, how about no welfare at all: whether the government should have it or not, or which degree of welfare is acceptable, it is another question.
Nevada is libertarian. We have legal whore houses :)
Dustin Caso it’s socialist, Or Democratic, but Republican/Libertarians don’t like to admit it, because their greedy money buggers. My sister lived there for 16 years; the cost of living is outrageous!!! You can freeze to death, when people get old, they move out.
Can’t stop laughing and I consider myself a “conservative” 😂
As a proud conservative from Colorado Springs, I appreciated being represented in this video.
As a Colorado Springs native we've been trying to get rid of this tag for years.
Too bad the rest of the state is heavily anti gun.
@David Vazquez the air force academy, Shriver air base, Peterson air base, NORAD and fort Carson.
@David Vazquez 5 military bases surround Colorado College. Liberals move to Manatou Springs or Denver.
I'm going to Denver now lol
Yeap you are right! I used to live in Orem UT really right next to Provo, it’s really republican but that people is really friendly, being a minority myself and liberal. I enjoyed living over there, people is really friendly in Utah valley.
Tooele county is far more conservative. Love it there!
Briggs you’re killing me, making Utah look good for retirement! I’m not Mormon but I do like them, seem like good folks.
I was going to move to Utah when my kids were young. I was there at a US Army infantry school and talked to some regulars that were stationed there. They advised against it as I wasnt a Mormon saying the Mormon kids wouldnt play or hang around with my boys. I quickly changed my mind.
@R. V. Datmir Move to Las Vegas.
Wanna stay away from the Mormons go to Salt Lake City. Plenty of them by the church buildings by day but at night it’s just 18-30 years olds running the streets, downing 6 packs of coors and hitting their dab pens while trying to find out if they wanna find a party in town or go to a skatepark
@Pavel Manzhetov You beat me to it. Everybody on this thread is saying how great and conservative Utah is. Then how the hell did Mittens become a Senator ?
As a Christian who’s gonna look into moving to southern Utah are there any specific areas that I should look into?
"Universities breed liberals" best comment ever.
got to love it when they admit how stupid they are!
@@RightAsRainCreations HAHA, because writing other peoples work in your own words to please a cat lady feminist really proves intelligence and brains
There is nothing wrong with this comment for a liberal - you naturally become more tolerant when you are surrounded by people with different backgrounds. Believe me, traveling the world breeds liberals too. If you are too afraid, don’t travel too much.
Funny that.... Seems like the smarter you are, the more likely you will accept the potential of "could and would" over the potential of "was".
But the most conservative city on this list is a college town. Admittedly a Mormon university, but still a university nonetheless.
The streets are clean in Provo. Downtown smells nice. It's odd.
Yeah pretty boring to
The streets are dirty in San Francisco. Downtown smells like shit. It's odd.
@@chekyerego and tell me which city has better economic output, great food and has loads of tourists wanting to visit it. I don’t think it’s Provo. It also had the biggest influence on the American culture and technology. You wouldn’t be able to comment on a you tube channel without San Francisco and the Silicon Valley.
@@RR64434 to bad they're not smart enough to vote out the old witch Pelosi. Shit on the street and hypodermic needles doesn't show me a lot of intelligence politically.
San Jose's streets are dirty and they smell like Sam Liccardo's breath and Zoe Lofgren's arm pits!
I live in a conservative City. It's nice, clean, very low crime. everybody's nice to each other. It's beautiful. We had demokkkrats here a while back trying to push their craziness. Needless to say, they were laughed out of the city.
Unimog I terior
Wait, you put the kkk in Democrats? That’s weird because the kkk is really closely associated with potus a conservative? I’m confused
@@janedmunds4218 Hillary openly supports the KKK by acknowledging and looking up to her mentor, one of the top leaders of the KKK. You might wanna watch Hillary's America and the secret history of the democratic party
@@janedmunds4218 Democrats are the KKK
Read American history
Republicans abolished slavery
Yep. Democrats are the ones who USE minorities and gays for their evil agenda, pass different laws for different folks, and discriminate against just about everyone.
Can you update best cities for jobs? Thank you! Love the lists :)
A Libertarians View its probably close to this list
@@chrisealdana you're right, many similarities.
Jobs that pay enough for rent in that City or just jobs?
It's easy to get a low wage job in a high rent city cause they don't have enough poor people to fill those jobs.
Dallas, TX.
@@sashingopaul3111 good answer. I'm from El Paso. All my friends who moved to Dallas have jobs. But the rent is not cheap.
You should visit Murrieta, CA, just over some hills from Escondido. You’ve never seen patriotism so strong in a city. It doesn’t hurt to have Camp Pendleton just on the other side of the hill, either. March ARB is just down the road, too.
I live in Riverside
Menifee as well!
@@beanzor My friend is in Menifee . Its one of the few places in California not yet ruined by Democrats. I was in the desert where the streets have no names , but now they have changed to another welfare state.
is Temecula, CA conservative? Asking for a friend...
@@zyx777zyx When I visited that city before the virus is was kind of conservative but I don't know if it is still like that
Don’t. Move. To. Portland.
I am from Portland. It is a slowly burning dumpster fire.
My advice...if you love the smell of urine, move to Portland.
Or seattle. There’s a fb page called “seattle looks like shit” with lots of photos
@@Dbulkss it's especially bad in Portland tho. But yeah the west coast is going to shit nowadays
@@RadicallyOptimistic brother look at the poles of who voted for trump in 2016. The majority of the west coast is liberal mental illness. But it's starting to Change.
Love your videos. As a conservative living in Alabama I was shocked to find cities in the deep South were absent from this list. I hope you will do another one. Also, I felt your jokes were funny but tactful. Always enjoy your videos.
I'm actually trying to move out of Chinafornia. Alabama is a state I'm considering. Any suggestions will help thank you!
@@mariabelton9415 Don’t move to the south, the politics might be nice but the nature is terrible
@@mariabelton9415 move to Texas instead. Trust
I absolutely enjoyed this and will share many times over. Thank you for witty banter at such a tense time in our world.
“when they watch the Simpsons they really only enjoy the Ned Flanders parts”...LMAO. What a great line
I've noticed that you said that many of these cities are well run
You're right Darth Utah 66
Did you miss the part where it said Oklahoma City (conservative) has a high crime rate?
As well as Fort Worth, Texas (also conservative).
That’s some selective listening right there!
@@tp7738 He said ''many'', not all.
@@tp7738 there’s well run conservative cities and poor run conservative cities. Just like there are well run and poor run democratic cities
@VxG yeah that's why the cities with the highest rate of homeless are all run by dems
I have lived in #1 Provo since the mid 70s. My wonderful wife can be a bit absentminded. In the past 36 years she has left her wallet or cell phone dozens of times in different stores, restaurants, or theaters. We joke we are going to get her a belt chain for it. She has always gotten her property back, every time, with everything intact. Some good Samaritans have even used the info in the wallet to track her down and bring it to her. Provo is a wonderful community to raise a family and to live.
I love to laugh with you, look forward to the poop cities next!
Appreciate your good-natured sense of humor! Also appreciate your kind comments about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 🙂 not surprising Provo was at the top
When I grew up in Anaheim in the eighties it was extremely conservative and the entire area was thriving. At that time it seemed like Anaheim had endless possibilities and a bright future. I moved away in 91 and every 3 to 5 years we would come back and it was getting worse and worse and worse eventually flipped over to Democrat and now it is turned into a slum
I wouldn’t call it a slum especially compared to other areas. But yes it’s much worse than it was before.
White ppl. I dare you to just stop being a puss about demographics.
"Anacrime". I de-assed California in 2005 (Southern OC). I did two years 2017 - 2018 (Monrovia) and the decline all over SoCal was appalling. I will never set foot there again.
I love the disclaimer in the beginning! Finally some honesty. Also, nice drone shots!
I liked the Conservative jokes in this one and I'm conservative. Great job as always buddy.
Bakersfield. We affectionately call inland California 'CaliBama'.
That's cute. I get it!
or Calihoma
Isn't it where they grow the food tho?
@@gideonparry5684 Yes. It is a necessary and 'fruitful' part of California.
Calaveras County, California is nicknamed calabama by most of the local people
I am currently visiting Portland Oregon... I am a black conservative woman... This city is gorgeous, beautiful... But, it is permeating with liberalism... From BLM signs in every yard and business... I have not seen a church in the week I have been here...
It is nice to visit, but I would never live here... It is sad to see and disturbing to my conservative eyes... Cant wait to get out of here.
I don't associate with parties, but I would say I am more of a black conservative man. I live in Northern California and I understand. I live in Sacramento and it was purple when I moved here 12 years ago (from the Deep South). Now it is blue. Luckily, the eastern inner burbs are still purple and the outer burbs to the north and east are red. I love visiting the Bay Area except for the liberalism. It is overbearing to me at times, especially in Oakland and Berkeley.
Provo has some of the most awkwardly friendly people I've ever met 😂😂
That describes Utah as a whole. There is something about Utah that just gives me the creeps.
Creepy friendly people with creepy grins.
In my own personal experience any city in Utah is pretty much amazing. I lived very close to Provo and the people are kind, helpful and respectful. I never got the middle finger while driving which I find refreshing. We moved to a border town in TX and oh how our lives changed. People not so friendly and super liberal like crazy liberal.
Yeah, Texas actually is a giant step down from Utah. Texans aren't all that friendly, and have robust pride in a state that's little more than a glorified pancake.
stegrajepkyl What inspired you to move to occupied America?
That's because of the Mexican drug dealers . they hate law and order.
The best places in the world are the places are people are God fearing. They can be conservative or liberal but it won't help unless they're God fearing. You can be a God fearing liberal or a God fearing conservative. But what you can NOT be is a God fearing leftist.
Depends on what part of Texas I guess.
I always have my gun with me. I will never be anyone's victim again.
There's a story here I'd love to hear
Cheryl Kitchen same, comrade. I mean Marx did say “under no pretexts should the proletariat be disarmed”
What type of gun? I'm guessing a glock.
You are so pretentious and fake.
Gotta love the 2nd amendment 🙏🏻
Ok snarky, I like these cities,! The reason some of these cities have higher crime, like in Arlington is because it's between two larger cities. I have found that in large cities downtown areas are liberal or left.vwhatever term you wish to use.
Sorry, I forgot a comment. You act as if the caravans crossing the border by and going 240+ miles is a joke. The Mayor of YUMA AZ said in his State of Emergency city council/press briefing they are "OVER RUN"! And they don't have enough people to vet and process the illegals who are coming through "the port of entry". So they are simply taking their photos and Releasing them!!! He wants the President to give them FEDERAL FUNDING FOR BUSSES AND PLANES to send the to "THE CITY OF THEIR CHOOSING"! So,vcaravan myth. Isn't a myth. My family has live in YUMA AZ almost my whole life! Not anymore,!!!
Barbara Vance thank Californians for flocking to Arizona and making us filled with illegals
I wish I could move to one of these.............sick of upstate NY and King Cuomo
I live on L.I. I feel you.
@@kilgoretrout6136 I have been retired upstate for 10yrs .....come from Long Island, Merrick then Medford
@@russelder9743 Massapequa. I don't know that I'll get out of here as soon as I want.... we'll see.
@@kilgoretrout6136 ---lol I just retired from Massapequa Public Schools 28 yrs at Berner
@@russelder9743 Small world. I grew up on the north shore. I moved here a few months ago-- about 1 mile east of All American. I hate long Island. My girlfriend doesn't want to move....I may have to just get the hell out alone.
Do a Video called;
The Top 10 reasons to Stop Typing!
I bet that Video will go Viral and reach 1 Million Views. Somebody tell me who agrees??
Briggs, when you finally do this Video; And You Will.... Eventually..... Please make sure that you give me credit for suggestion This.
You can Thank me Later 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
I've been wanting this for April 1st for quite a long time.
Neck of the Woods Updated yes 😍😍😍
@@neckofthewoodsupdated7549 I already asked for the Stop Typing video months ago and it fell on deaf ears. Maybe you will have better luck.
John Douglas; I have too. A few times before, same thing happened to me too. That’s okay, I’m going to keep asking until either he Makes the Video Im requesting or until he types back; “Stop Typing” Lol. Even that would work, Temporarily....
That’s why I ask my original question above ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿 I was hoping others would see my request, And give it a thumbs up. So Hopefully Mr. Briggs will see that and take Notice.
Those are photos of Kansas City, MO. Overland Park, KS is south west of KCMO
You are correct we are red for sure! My hubby serves and I did too. Great videos we enjoy them though and we love Texas too lol!
Thank you for your service!
Loved the video and your sense of humor. I've been to Provo several times and I had the same experience. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints also owns a school in Rexburg, ID and Hawaii
“If you came here for facts, then go elsewhere”.... but this is a credible list, just ask Adam schiff.
I can attest to the Provo hospitality. That’s where I bought my 2000 4runner Limited from a super nice lady who agreed to take the car to the Toyota dealership for a pre-purchase inspection. I paid of course for the inspection, but the fact that she held the car for me and was patient enough to do that for me, a stranger, spoke volumes of her character.
I did not expect Mesa AZ to be conservative. Great video Briggs 😊.
The Mormon Church's official name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...NOT the Church of Latter Day Saints.
Also can't believe Rexburg, ID did not make the list.
Matthew Evy Tompkins - or anywhere in Idaho... or Montana!
This video is about cities, not po-dunk igloo villages.
This might be seem like an argument but what I’m trying to point out is a lot of members don’t drink or smoke but looking up the laws there it seems they don’t know or follow the proper role of government I don’t know what defines conservatism to some I’m sure they vote republican but they prohibit door to door selling without a permit that’s a restriction on the first amendments don’t know what their zoning laws are but there are some restricting property rights most of the college students use Medicaid and a lot use food stamps pretty much acceptance of legal plunder I’m sure they don’t drink or smoke and they don’t have bars there but they could use a Ron Paul pamphlet I have friends from there and live there good people though
David Vazquez I agree if you have to go to food stamps you shouldn't go
@@karchhinckley532 There are a lot of Mormons who thought the liberal kook from Nevada, Harry Reid, was worthy of being the next LDS prophet.
Can’t wait to move out of PORTLAND 🤢
I did...smartest move I ever made.
It's getting late
Run from portland
Why I’m watching these videos. Where to go?
Same, I did it when I started to get sick of the crazy in 2014, moved to SLC. Best decision I made.
Run..... run from Portland, the world is a much better place outside of it.
I miss the rain though.
Your jokes were in very good taste. Thank you for being wholesome about this.
There are 5 military bases that surround our awesome city of Colorado Springs.
Maybe, but Springs itself is not conservative. These isn't a conservative city along the I-25 corridor. There isn't a conservative city in Colorado east of the Continental Divide and west of the great plains.
You've never been to Colorado if you think there's no conservative cities outside of Denver north or south
@@Aereaux the fact that Trump signs always outnumbered Hillary and Biden signs 3 to 1 minimum says otherwise
@@Aereaux UUUHHH WRONG. Colorado Springs has a Conservative Mayor, Sherrif City Council, and is 85% red according to voting records. You sir, are completely incorrect!!!
I love these kinds of videos. The comment sections are always great. So many people getting offended because someone disagrees on something they can't control.
You do the exact same thing quit acting like it's all on one side.
FYI, Colorado Springs has FIVE major military installations:
1. Fort Carson
2. Peterson AFB
3. The Air Force Academy
4. Schriever AFB
5. NORAD CMC (Cheyenne Mountain Complex)
But yes -- the military is conservative -- as are most of the contractors who support them.
Schriever AFB? Never heard of it. Where is it relative to CS?
As someone that was in the Army (about a year ago) I can safely say that it as well as the Air Force have become quite progressive in recent years.
@@hlynnkeith9334- Straight east off Hwy 94, in the middle of nowhere, but not far away.
Yep, and Colorado has more unaffiliated voters than it has in either of the major parties.
Colorado Springs is full of crazy people, ugly women, homeless kooks, and angry black folks. So have fun with that. And don’t just take my word for it, go there. I dare you.
Even though I tend to lean liberal-moderate, I'd rather live in a conservative city than any liberal city.
Doesnt that tell you something?🤔
Do as I say not as I do?
It sounds like you need a little more introspection on why that is. Connect the dots my friend.
Lol. That makes no fucking sense.
If you move to a conservative city, don't bring your politics with you.
Briggs, I really hate you. You’ve done far too good of a job with your videos, that you’ve kept me up way past my bedtime!! 👏👍
Count me among the proud conservatives. And I am not LDS but Provo is lovely as is most of Utah. I can totally see people in McD's rushing to help a shaky elderly lady. And if you ever fly Utah-based Skywest you will immediately notice their employees just radiate kindness.
Great video! I love the snarky comments. Hilarious and I’m more conservative than anything. Conservatives can take the criticisms. Watch out though when you make the next video!!
How do you turn a Conservative city Liberal? Bring in some tech companies with good paying jobs - Austin, Boise, Charlotte. Chill it was a joke (kind of)..
Add Seattle. It got "Californicated" in the 1990s with everyone moving there from Cali for the tech jobs and the Grunge music scene. In 1993 it was awesome. Now it's the opioid homeless don't prosecute-anyone-ever Chop/Chaz/Autonomous Zone city where the awesome Police Chief Carmen Best quit, in disgust.
I think you are on to an accurate observation
The salaries don't mean shit if the elevated home prices, homeless population increases, crime increases, increased drug use etc come with them.
@@w_6880 Yeah, most of us came to Austin to go to school - and just never went back to the hick towns. We didn't want to spend our lives selling car parts and wearing camo underwear. Fun to visit, so I can deer hunt and use my daddy's 30.06. It's funny how the labels used on here are so limiting in scope and accuracy...
@@Austin8thGenTexan How's Austin going bozo?
If only I would live in one of the conservative cities.
I dont care if a place is liberal or conservative so long as it isn't expensive and people mind their own business.
@ The problem with living in a liberal area is just that . They make life difficult by adding extra taxes , special rip off permits , parking meters , expensive bonds , penalties on businesses , wasteful slush funds like replacing good buildings for no reason , projects that nobody needs , mismanaging resources , and ideas that create problems like lack of water, electricity and higher gasoline prices .
@@jaimeavakarianvillamonte744 but they do have a higher GDP per capita
@@user-ls9ic5vr1g Are you being sarcastic ?
@@jaimeavakarianvillamonte744 no it's true I'm not joking check the GDP per capita at blue states
I might not be 100% correct so you can just fact check me if you want
Born in Provo. Utah really is a nice place. Might have to move back one of the these days.
LoserJJA79 It’s hard to live there if you aren’t Mormon.
@@genevieve1963 I can understand that. It's hard to live around Mormons if you're Mormon but don't go to church anymore either. They're relentless at trying to get you back. Lol
LoserJJA79 My parents moved to Kaysville, Utah in the late 70’s when I was 12 years old. It was traumatic 😥
@@genevieve1963 well, ima go get me some tight mormon pussy
I spent 4th of July in Provo, it was the best 4th I've ever had
Don't apologise for your "snarkiness" you could've been waaaay more intense and critical lol
CSprings has 5 bases. AFA, Fort Carson, Peterson AFB/Space Command Schrieber AFB/Space command, and NORAD is active again
@Time Traveler this country will go down in a civil war before we go down with a nuclear strike.
I hope you realize that the terms "conservative" and "Republican" are not the same. Many conservatives aren't Republican, and many Republicans aren't conservative. Same with "Liberal" and "Democrat", no matter what the Fox News talking heads want you to think.
Well I've never met a liberal Republican. They might be liberal on one or 2 issues but con the rest of the way.
@@Eric12358 There was a time, not too long ago, when the phrase "liberal Republican" actually described a certain common political philosophy. In the late 1960's and early 1970's, for example, it described someone who supported the Vietnam War, wanted to control the federal deficit, and generally felt people's personal choices were their own business and nobody else's.
@@darreljones8645 Eisenhower could now be considered a liberal bc he supported unions and a 90% top tax rate on the rich.
But he was about the only one. I think you may be referring to the moderate Republicans which ate very rare these days.
They aren’t necessarily the same, but they vote nearly identically. So, where it matters, they are practically the same.
Thats very true you got the Trump cult and then you got some conservatives definitely very different you got the Hillary supporters or they Hillary cult and then you got the supporters that support Bernie like me
Nice to see my place as number 1. I live in Provo, Utah. Great place to raise a family and very friendly people. I have lost my wallet two or three times only to have somebody call me or turn it in every time. I personally love it here. Lived in this are my whole life and I am 40 now.
That's because Provo does not have a diversified population.
Do they have any baptist churches in Provo? 😉👍🏻. I might move there.
Glad they made this video so I can at least consider different areas to move to get me out of the liberal hell hole I live in now.
Same here.
Thank you. Really appreciate you for being very respectful.
I love Utah and I've been to Provo/Orem... Beautiful respectful people. Definitely a place I'd love to live in.
It's not just about being around people that agree with you. It's about living in places with policies that you feel won't implode or a sustainable in the long run, etc. Love your videos, love your jokes even more lol
fort myers and naples fl. no question about it
thinkabout true that!
I was honestly thinking either of those would be on here!!
This is Maga Country 👊🏿
Nope, this is Victimhood Country.
This is a problem.
Many people are selfish and arrogant and only vote for the party which is financially better for their own town or state. While some people (but these are rare) have the power to ignore the selfish self-benefits of an election and vote for a party which is the best for the entire country. They vote for the strength of their country.
Importing hordes of third worlders isn't good for the country
What’s best for the entire country is repatriate absolutely 100% of the brown hordes that are destroying the country...neither side supports that
@@romeotango8324 why should we do that when they already have a much higher standard of living in the US than they would in their own countries
firstname lastname I don’t care about their standard of living. My roots are here, this is my country and they need to go back to their shit holes
@@romeotango8324 agreed
Gillette Wyoming - 100% conservative
Wyoming in general-100% conservative
I love Wyoming and am looking at WY as a place to move to when I get finally fed up with California.
@@garrisongove7134 nope. I’m liberal and I live here. My town has lots of liberals. We still all carry guns though 😂
Idk, There's a bunch of snobbies grabbing Starbucks off of 59. Crook and Weston county are much more red.
Wow Provo sounds great. I'm not republican or mormon but that places sounds great.
It is a nice place full of a hidden mix of cultural experiences in a small area. There is a ton of restaurants, music, art, museums, and more. Just don't expect a nightlife to be added to the list. For many people that is what makes them think there isn't anything to do.
@@n.d.m.515 - if you want nightlife, just go up to SLC or Park City. There's plenty.
I lived in Orem Utah for awhile which is next door to Provo and I experienced the same thing. Everyone was super nice to the point that it was kind of creepy lol
My son came home from his first day in school (7th grade) and said
“Dad it’s really creepy at school” I asked him why is that. His response was that all the kids looked the same lol. Like they were all siblings or at least cousins lol
We reasoned it was the small gene pool starting in the mid 1800’s lol
They were almost entirely blond haired with blue eyes and roughly the same height lol. We ended up moving to Layton Utah where it was more diverse due to the large air base located their. All in all we miss living in Utah for many reasons. They have all 4 seasons with lots of snow in the winter plus you can do fireworks a week before and a week after about a dozen holidays lol. Oh and Browning has a facility where they make firearms so WOOHOO!!! Got love Utah lol
Cheers mate
Looooove your boldness!!!
I just subscribed!
Provo is such a nice town, my friend lived in Utah for a little bit and when I was out there for skiing we all went to a trampoline park called lowes at night in Provo and the ppl were all great.
Glad you mentioned Bakersfield. I lived there for 14 years. Very conservative. Also, a much better place to live than people think. Now, I'm back in the South Bay.
I've been living here for the past 10 years. Its okay I guess, its still dry, homeless rates still rising and crime rates are still a problem. Yay for Bakersfield 👏🏽
Hey Briggs, You're slipping buddy! I didn't hear even one Snarky comment. And my snark sensor is always turned one these days. LOL
In the intro to Colorado Springs (7:26), he said that local residents are not getting enough oxygen in their brains. Baby snark?
Snarky comment about Oklahoma and the confederate flag. Oklahoma was Indian nation during civil war.
He’s still snarky
You need your snark meter tuned up he made a few trailer park jokes in and the Confederate flag hood ornament definitely let to snarkasm along with Colorado's low oxygen levels leading to lightheadedness or confusion
Turn it about four and you'll notice.
You showed the Mesa LDS Temple. Awesome.
I love conservative towns and cities. Conservative people tend to be honest and law abiding