This is the third time I'm dealing with this. Those mobility ones immediately made it feel a little better. Im gonna do those every day, thanks for the tip!!
Thank you so much for this video! I was suffering for 4 months from thumb tendonitis on both hands. I tried everything, wearing splints, ice, heat, warm water baths, even dr. Ho therapy device. My pain decreased to a lower level but wouln't go away. Until i found your video, after doing these excersises for only one week, it is almost completely gone! Amazing ❤
@@RehabScienceso I was diagnosed with this but the pain happens only when doing pushups, pincer grasp in a pulling motion like jacket zipper pull. I figured it was from endless texting /emailing from phone? Should I let my tendons heal before doing these strengthening exercises?
I did these exercises just while watching you and my pain has decreased. I will go on doing every day. I was using splint but my pain was getting higher. I really cannot believe that it is so easy and ı can see the result within 10 minutes. Thank you and please don't use cell phones for a very very long time.
Hello Tom. I've been struggling with this pain for 2 months. Did 2 sessions of acupuncture too but then I found your video. After 2 days working on the exercises and my pain has been reduced amazingly. Will keep doing it until the pain all gone. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I am hoping for the same! I have been dealing with this all Summer! So tired of it! Every time it seems like it’s going away it comes back! Especially at night while Imm sleeping which doesn’t make any sense to me! I try wearing a wrist brace at night, but it’s been so long that the brace is digging into my skin and starting to deform the skin in that area. I have tried these exercises before but I guess I need to figure out which ones are best? I will try the ones that worked for you!
@@serendipitysisters84 Hello, I've been struggling with it since March, it's always worse in the morning when I wake up, have you found any exercise to help more? Has it been getting better?
There’s another method that I did too. Put your wrist inside of warm water mix with salt for 15mins. You can do it every night or 3 times a week. Combine with the exercise. I did these and thank God now all the pain completely gone.
I have been getting these symptoms after whitewater kayaking due to my overly strong grip on the paddle. These exercises have me immediate relief as I did them along with you for the first time. Thank you so much for the video and clear explanations. Brilliant!
Certainly earned my subscribe and purchase of your book. This was nearly debilitating for me especially since I work with my hands But these exercises helped a lot. As another commenter said, the stint made things worse for me.
So glad to hear that the exercises helped you. Thank you for buying a copy of my book! I really think you will find it to be a valuable lifelong resource.
Did the exercises while watching and it already feels better! Noticed the pain a few days ago and thought I slept funny until one morning at work when a colleague mentioned the swelling. Realized it was a little bit more serious. Will definitely continue these exercises!! Thanks!
I've been dealing with this type of pain for a couple weeks, and it kept getting worse and worse by the day. But as soon as I tried some mobility and strengthening exercises, I could feel an instant relief, as well as more mobility without pain. I don't actually know how I ended up with this type of pain, but I believe that it was a result of heavy deadlifting, benchpressing, and doing dumbbell rows and other pulling exercises which require the flexion of the wrist. I really appreciate your tips, thanks a lot. And keep up thee good work!
So glad to hear the exercises are helping! It is possible that those exercises may have overloaded the thumb tendons and caused this issue to develop. Once the area calms down, you might try re-introducing each of those exercises one at a time to see if you can figure out which one is irritating your thumb.
Thank you so much for your work. You are making a huge difference in my life and my pain is so much better. I really can't thank you enough. PS I am going to buy your book to thank you. I am sure it will come in handy as well.
Oh wow. Thanks again. I am an artist and I was an art teacher. I think throwing on the pottery wheel is what gave me De Quervain's in both wrists and when it flares up, I cannot do my art work or take good care of my dogs. These exercises help more than cortisone shots and I am able to work and give my dogs all the scratches they desire. So my dogs are thanking you as well. Please know that you have changed at least one life for the better, and I am sure many, many more.
@zachgoestoeuro I had/ have DQ in both wrists, from throwing on the pottery wheel at my job. First, I had to quit throwing and show videos and do verbal explanations to students rather than demoing. After that, I cleared the DQ up in my left wrist with these exercises. Unfortunately, my right wrist was worse and kept returning, and I ended up eventually having a first compartment release two and a half months ago. When the surgeon got in there, she found that I had an anatomical variation where my tendon sheath is divided into sub compartments. From what I have read (published medical papers, and I'm an art teacher so take my understanding with a grain of salt) it seems like people who have this anatomical variation are both more likely to get DQ and more likely to be unable to "cure" it with physical therapy alone. Anyway, my left wrist did improve enough to where I have no more pain. I planned to do these exercises for about 5 minutes per wrist three times a day. However, I ended up doing more than that because sometimes if I was sitting watching TV or something else inactive I'd do more, in addition to what I had scheduled. I began to see results within days, although it took maybe two or three months before my left wrist was pain free. My right wrist is now pain free with surgery. The surgery was minimally painful- I'd say almost pain free. My right wrist took about two months to feel completely normal again. I hope this helps.
Thank you so much for a clear, precise, and extremely helpful video on dealing with de Quervain's. I'm a knitter who never wants to get a steroid and extremely painful steroid shot again. Your exercises make a world of difference.
I hope these exercises help you! If you don't fully improve, I would recommend seeing a certified hand therapist (CHT) as they can implement other interventions that often help.
Thank you so much! Once prescribed, I was devastated thinking there would be no relief! I’m so happy to have a starting point and will keep you informed as I get relief!!!
I felt Better the first Couple days and then it just got so painful that I went and got a cortisone shot. As soon as it calms down, I am going to do your exercises to maintain that condition!
I’m so glad to hear that the video helped you! Thank you for the well wishes related to my book. The book is doing very well and is the number one bestseller in physical therapy, which is very exciting!
Thank you so much for this. I first developed the condition about 7 months ago, I think due to repetitive movements at my kitchen job and years of video games, guitar, and smartphones. Then, my stupid ass went to a deathcore show a few days after it started, and some big boy SMASHED it in the mosh pit - one of the worst pains of my life, and it made it much more stiff and tender. Me, being stubborn, didn't splint it until about 4 months later after seeing only gradual improvement. I wore the splint for a couple months, and the pain went down significantly, but I still had less mobility - the first exercise you display, the extension, I can barely move my thumb away from my hand like that. It's very stiff and painful when I do. I'm going to try these exercises for a while. Really trying to heal as holistically as possible and avoid steroids or surgery - but if it doesn't get much better in a few months, I might end up going in to see about getting the tendon release operation.
Have been doing these exercises 3 times a day for 2 months now. Progress has been slow and mixed, but ordered the book in case Im missing something. Happy for those who found quick relief, but that's not what Ive seen.
Hi....thank you for the video with clear explanation of the exercises. I am not exactly sure about my self diagnoses of a De Quervain syndrome. The whole are at the base of the left tumb seems inflamed and is painful. Personal opinion about the cause is the extended time I keep holding my mobile. Lots of congratulations for the achievement of your book.
Ty so much. This is exactly what i was looking for. Im afraid these will add more inflammation. As a massage therapist i cant stop working but am struggling.
Actually I have confused about the treatment way that need to follow 🙄 1) do I need to use wrist brace, apply gel creams and have a proper rest? 2) or do I need to stretch out my wrist regularly like the exercises in this video? Should we use the wrist actively or inactively… Orthopedics Specialist told me the first way, but actually not helping so just watched your nice video which makes more sense. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for this video! 6 months ago I suffered a significant tear to the APL, EPB tendons (about 50% torn). I did this by doing hammer curls with a weight that was simply to heavy. I didn’t notice any pain or anything until about 2-3 days after that workout when both wrists (thumb side) started to hurt. About a couple days after that, the right side formed a lump on the tendon and the sheath thickened and it has been stenosed ever since. For the last 6 months I have tried to limit any movement or exercise with a splint and it has done nothing to improve my condition. I am starting a completely different approach moving forward with 3 main areas of focus. 1. I am going to start these exercises and once most of the pain has subsided, I will start to slowly load the tendon. I’m going to train 2-3 times a week with 48 hrs between each session. 2. I am going to use high doses of gelatin before my thumb training sessions to encourage nutrient absorption. 3. I’m going to get 7-8 hours of high quality sleep. Sleep is so crucial.
@@pm2342 I’m going to be posting an update soon. I want to get my thoughts together and post a detailed reply, so stay tuned! Lots of good information coming.
Dequervains Dequervains is something that can really take a toll on someone’s life. Someone suffering from this condition likely thinks about it nonstop until they feel surgery is their only option. Personally I do not feel surgical intervention is appropriate in majority of cases which is why I am posting this. If you feel like you are out of options I suggest you let me try and persuade you against it. The proposed gold standard treatment for Dequervains consists of splinting the wrist and thumb for 6-8 weeks. This helps with the pain but fails to heal the tendon and restore range of motion. Resting the tendon even longer only makes this condition worse by further weakening and degrading the tendon. Splinting the area should only be done immediately after injury to help eliminate pain and further significant damage. If you have been looking for the answer, here it is: If your condition is like mine, there is a significant stenosis of the tendon. This means that the thumb cannot bend because of a bump or “nodule” that gets stuck when you try to bend it. This is simply a small area of the inflamed tendon. The cure for this is to load the tendon, (yes, I said load the tendon). Physically loading the tendon puts stress on the tendon which initiates the healing and strengthening process. How to load the tendon: Make a fist and hold it out in front you like you are holding a drink, this is position your wrist should be in when you load it. Grab a light dumbbell or resistance band and hold this position for 60 seconds. You should feel pain and discomfort, this is normal and it is necessary for progress. After the 60 seconds is up, and after the weight is removed the tendon should feel a bit warmer and more free. Repeat this process 5-6 times. Each time allowing the wrist to bend slightly more, allowing the weight to gently pull on but not overly stretch the tendon. This is what we call isometric exercise. Make sure you know how to properly do an isometric hold. It will be slightly uncomfortable, this is normal. Eventually, the tendon bump or “nodule” will start to pop or “catch” when you start to move the thumb. That means you have done it correctly. The tendon is now warmed up and has been stressed effectively. You can use a heavier weight if you feel comfortable doing so. Results: After 1-2 months of doing this I have improved significantly and I can use significantly heavier weight than what I started with. The trick is to not move too fast and damage the tendon again. This process will take months. The body will heal but it needs a stimulus, (the weight) nutrients, (lots of protein/collagen) and rest, 2-3 days rest after exercise and 7-8hrs of sleep at night. When you first start training the tendon again, you can also grab a rubber band and place it around your fingers and try to spread them apart gently. Once you have opened the rubber band as far as you can, hold it for 45-60 seconds. This will also help load and strengthen the tendon.
Had De Quervain Release Surgery 9 days ago and just got my splint and stitches removed yesterday and I hate how my thumb is all tingly and weak when I try to bend it. I have physical therapy to help in a week!
@@RehabScience thank you! The tingleness and numbness is now gone but whenever i do the Finkelstein Stretch i get a shock kind of pain is that normal 2 dats post stitches/splint removal?
I am going in for surgery at the end of March for de Quarvains. Have been dealing with this for over a year, and two cortisone shots didn’t help. Will try these exercises after my surgery.
Hi there came across your video. It’s a great video. I am trying to do these three times a day. I’ve had this maybe four 2 1/2 months and over the past 2 1/2 months it has been getting worse and worse, I bought myself a splint to support my thumb. It is very difficult to work with it especially if you work gloves and work with food, the gloves rip your splint gets dirty wet and wearing gloves that are tight. Normally they fit properly but putting the splint on they make the gloves tight or wearing an extra large size too big that you can’t work properly because the gloves are too big and it’s hard to grip things, anyways I have a question should I be applying heat or ice or neither one and if so, which one and for how long and how many times per day to help this go away. I’ve already had carpal tunnel surgery on that hand as matter fact, both hands I’ve had trigger finger thumb on my right hand now I’ve got tendinitis on my left thumb, what can I do? Please assist me with this I don’t wanna have to go to surgery and risk losing the job that I just got. Thank you in advance.
I have this condition and have been seeing my physio which had helped but main issue is the FLARE ups....its so frustrating that everytime you think youre gaining more movement after a week or accidently over extend your wrist downward or try to use your phone or turn your house key and suddenly you feel this sharp pain and its back to square one...Ive had this condition for 3 months now on and off without fully recovering and honestly dont know if its ever going to heal 😔
I don't know what just happened...icing, heat, nsaid's for 2 months.. did this and pain better. Although the thumb lift still hurts I'll work on it. THANK YOU!
I got this recently and before I thought it was normal but over a couple weeks it was getting worse the put me on anti inflammatory medication but that didn’t work and the doctor decided to do the injection it worked but recently it came back and when it does like my wrist bone gets inflamed but I haven’t used my hand in 3 days and it’s going down I just scared I’m have this forever
Had this for four months. Physical therapy for two of those. Then had a cortisone shot. Pain was gone in three days. Continued exercises even though pain was gone. Slowly came back after about 5 months. Still do my exercises every day. Not sure what my next move will be.
@@ckissick About a year after the first shot, I got a second. 1st one was ultrasound guided 2nd one not. 2nd one took about two weeks to work. I’m sure it will come back again. When it does, I’m going to have the surgery. I would recommend getting an ultrasound guided shot if possible. Definitely made a difference.
Hey Tom, thank you for the video and sharing exercises, I play piano and got pain in my wrist and thumb then had injection last year but after a while , I start to play piano again and now I have the same problem again . My question is:should I do these exercises everyday and for how long? Thank you.
@@RehabScience I appreciate for your response and advice, I have one more question and what do you suggest for permanent exercise to strengthen tendons (wrist and fingers)? Thanks.
I am glad the video was helpful! These usually can be done every day unless you notice an increase in your baseline pain. If that happens, then I would shift to every other day.
@@RehabScienceHello mate, update as promised. Pain seems to be gone. However, I do occasionally feel pain elsewhere now between the triangle webbing area between my thumb and index finger. I also sometimes feel as if the area just under my thumb joint/knuckle could be a bit sore on occasions, but it feels more like a scratch/burn compared with the original pain. But seeing as the above “pains" (mild, and I’m likely hyper-focused on my thumbs!) are in a completely different spot than the original pain, I think it's unrelated. Anyway, I was wondering if I need to keep doing these stretches for life or if I can stop them now? Thanks again.
3:06 When I do the thumb flexion on the 4th exercise, i hear a small crack on my wrist after bringing it back to place. Hurts a little is it alright if this happens. Will it go away by exercising it.
Thank you. I’ve had this for months, along with Dupuytrens disease. I’ve recently started a course of trigger finger releases, carpal tunnel decompression and ulnar decompressions. Will these exercises reduce/remove the need for de quervain releases? Are there exercises that will relieve my poor elbows?
How long after the initial injury/diagnosis should I wait before doing rehab exercises? I'm about three months in and all the articles say to be careful not to rupture tendons or cause further damage for six months up to two years.
I had this pain since last year but i thought it will gone after awhile.. It started to swallow and pain when I joined the gym(this year may), especially weight lifting, push up, and pull up. So, on end of july, I stopped to go to the gym because the pain started to spread around my hand and is swallow.😢 I didn't go do the medical checkup but I did go fir acupuncture. It was good at first but it hurt back once I finished the medicine. My colleague told me I need to get the treatment every week . But the bill is too expensive.
Thank you for this great info! I was told by my orthopedic doctor that I have DQT. I’ve had injections twice, but unfortunately the last time they didn’t last very long. I’m doing these exercises, but just curious…….my pain seems to be coming more so from the wrist area and then the “fat pad” below my thumb. Is it common to have pain in the fat pad area as well? And will these exercises help the pain in that area?
@@neetusingla1506 So sorry to hear! I’m now scheduled for surgery in left hand on 8/18. Will probably have to do the right hand too after the other one heals. 😏
Hello sir ! I can’t do the first exercise since it is very painful to me What should I do ? Continue doing it while i have pain will help? Since i can see many people said it helped them immediately Thank you for your precious video
If any of the exercises cause more than mild pain, I would not perform them. Only perform the ones that can be done with mild pain or less. I hope some of the exercises help you!
I've been struggling with is for the past year and some change. I am a server and use my wrist all day with a good weight load. Hope these exercises help cause I'd like to get back to basketball and play tennis without severe discomfort.
Im at my wits end with tendinitis on my thumb, ive had mine since may, and i am so fed up with the contradictions, yes to ice no to ice, no mobility, yes to mobility , im going to try this out, because my dude i am fed up with my thumb
I hope these help you. Both ice and heat can help reduce pain. We have somewhat shifted away from ice when possible due to research showing that it may delay the healing process.
Is it normal to have a pulling sensation in the hand, arm & shoulder with dequervain? I pulled a tendon very bad a few years ago and dr told me this is what it was but I ignored it. Once I started losing mobility in my hand and arm I went to a hand surgeon and they prescribed physiotherapy. I've been doing it for about a year now and it has helped with recovering some range of motion, but the pulling nerve problem is still there. Feels like a blood vessel being pinched somewhere. I have this constant pulling sensation in my hand up to my shoulder. And said hand tends to get cold very quickly. Also developed an irregular heartbeat and mild hypertension. All started after my thumb. Should I give the exercises more time? I feel like the nerve problem isn't going away though. There's a nerve right under my palm that's become very thin, they're barely visible. Just that hand.
I am a retiree. I have got thumb arthritis with spurs confirmed by Dr. The dr has had recommends some physio. It doesn't seem to work . I still feel the pain if i do some house chores. What to recommend to reduce the pain.
So I'm having a pain over a month I visited the doctor and they said it's right dequervain's tenosynovitis and asked me to rest my hand and suggested to wear a thumb splinter bandage I'm been wearing it from past 20 days but no change and I tried these exercises u said it is painful so should I continue it is it common tht it is painful at beginning it was good but as I used the rubber band it is soo painful
If you can perform these movements with mild or less pain, then they are usually fine to do. If more pain than this is experienced, then you likely need to give the area more time to calm down.
I was just diagnosied with this after finally deciding w go doctor after 1 year of deali g with it i dont have pain anymore but my finger gets stuck and clicks wich is uncomfortable
Sorry to hear you are struggling with this issue. Did the doctor suggest a splint or an injection? These other interventions can sometimes help with the clicking.
I’ve been dealing with this for a year and feel like am at the last healing point ,it doesn’t hurt bad but doing certain movements makes my wrist pop/grind and that’s when it hurts a lot I tried strengthening exercises but nothing seems to help maybe I should keep trying , would you recommend getting the steroid shot ?
A steroid shot might be the next best step. I would recommend seeing a certified hand therapist (CHT) in your area as they could help guide you in the best direction.
I have been struggling with this pain for the last two weeks and the ultrasound physiotherapy helped very superficially. I am going to try these exercises starting today! Thank you for your clear instructions. How soon after the pain subsides can I resume regular strength training at the gym?
This is the third time I'm dealing with this. Those mobility ones immediately made it feel a little better. Im gonna do those every day, thanks for the tip!!
Awesome, I’m glad the video was helpful!
Did you get rid? I’m doing these everyday too as had a flare up
How are you doing so far?
Pain will go away completely? I have thumbpain for 2 months.
Seemed to give me immediate relief. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this video! I was suffering for 4 months from thumb tendonitis on both hands. I tried everything, wearing splints, ice, heat, warm water baths, even dr. Ho therapy device. My pain decreased to a lower level but wouln't go away. Until i found your video, after doing these excersises for only one week, it is almost completely gone! Amazing ❤
That is so amazing to hear! I’m so glad the exercises helped you!
I also tried this exercises and I didn’t believe them at first, but it really helped to lessen my pain.
How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
what caused your tendonitis?
PERFECT! I felt a little relief almost immediately.
Amazing, I'm so glad to hear that!
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. This changed my hands mobility in 5 minutes
I’m so glad the video was helpful!
@@RehabScienceso I was diagnosed with this but the pain happens only when doing pushups, pincer grasp in a pulling motion like jacket zipper pull.
I figured it was from endless texting /emailing from phone?
Should I let my tendons heal before doing these strengthening exercises?
Brilliant exercises, felt relief immediately! Thanks a lot!
So glad to hear the exercises helped you!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
I did these exercises just while watching you and my pain has decreased. I will go on doing every day. I was using splint but my pain was getting higher. I really cannot believe that it is so easy and ı can see the result within 10 minutes. Thank you and please don't use cell phones for a very very long time.
I am so glad to hear that the exercise were helpful!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
exercise do everyday?
Hello Tom. I've been struggling with this pain for 2 months. Did 2 sessions of acupuncture too but then I found your video. After 2 days working on the exercises and my pain has been reduced amazingly. Will keep doing it until the pain all gone. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
I am hoping for the same! I have been dealing with this all Summer! So tired of it! Every time it seems like it’s going away it comes back! Especially at night while Imm sleeping which doesn’t make any sense to me! I try wearing a wrist brace at night, but it’s been so long that the brace is digging into my skin and starting to deform the skin in that area. I have tried these exercises before but I guess I need to figure out which ones are best?
I will try the ones that worked for you!
@@serendipitysisters84 Hello, I've been struggling with it since March, it's always worse in the morning when I wake up, have you found any exercise to help more? Has it been getting better?
Have you had any positive developments?
There’s another method that I did too. Put your wrist inside of warm water mix with salt for 15mins. You can do it every night or 3 times a week. Combine with the exercise. I did these and thank God now all the pain completely gone.
@@eightvids3366brother exact same thing is happening with me
I have been getting these symptoms after whitewater kayaking due to my overly strong grip on the paddle. These exercises have me immediate relief as I did them along with you for the first time. Thank you so much for the video and clear explanations. Brilliant!
So glad to hear the video was helpful!
How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
I cannot thank you enough for the relief this gave my wrist and thumb. It was immediate. ❤🌹
I’m so glad the video was helpful!
How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Thank you for supporting my channel!
Certainly earned my subscribe and purchase of your book.
This was nearly debilitating for me especially since I work with my hands
But these exercises helped a lot. As another commenter said, the stint made things worse for me.
So glad to hear that the exercises helped you. Thank you for buying a copy of my book! I really think you will find it to be a valuable lifelong resource.
Thank you so much! I’ve been suffering from this for the third time. These exercises are immediately giving me some relief! 😊
You’re welcome! I’m glad the exercises are helping!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Did the exercises while watching and it already feels better! Noticed the pain a few days ago and thought I slept funny until one morning at work when a colleague mentioned the swelling. Realized it was a little bit more serious. Will definitely continue these exercises!! Thanks!
So glad to hear the video was helpful!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
My pain decreased with the first set. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Awesome! I'm glad the video and exercises were helpful!
How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Thank you , I’ve just come down with this condition which I’ve never heard of . I’m a bricklayer so it’s been painful. These exercises are so good 🙏
I hope the exercises help you!
At first thought it was carpal tunnel, but found out it was this. Absolute life saver thank you!
No problem! I’m glad the video was helpful!
I've been dealing with this type of pain for a couple weeks, and it kept getting worse and worse by the day. But as soon as I tried some mobility and strengthening exercises, I could feel an instant relief, as well as more mobility without pain. I don't actually know how I ended up with this type of pain, but I believe that it was a result of heavy deadlifting, benchpressing, and doing dumbbell rows and other pulling exercises which require the flexion of the wrist. I really appreciate your tips, thanks a lot. And keep up thee good work!
So glad to hear the exercises are helping! It is possible that those exercises may have overloaded the thumb tendons and caused this issue to develop. Once the area calms down, you might try re-introducing each of those exercises one at a time to see if you can figure out which one is irritating your thumb.
@@RehabScienceThank you so much, will surely try!
@@mattirunga2789 Do you still have pain?
@@mattirunga2789hey, same here bro. Are you still able to workout?
@@RehabScienceYou are Good man. Dhanyawad.
I've dealt with DeQuarvain's for five years at varying degrees. I look forward to trying these.
I hope they help you!
Have you tried EPI physiotherapy? It worked for me.
Super helpful - felt better almost immediately! Thank you
So glad it was helpful!
Wow. What a guy ! Thank you so much. . So clearly laid out and approachable by you You are a gem 🧡🙏
Thank you. This is simple and useful guidance.
You're welcome! I'm glad the video was useful.
Thank you. That was easy... and it makes a real difference.
Thank you so much for your work. You are making a huge difference in my life and my pain is so much better. I really can't thank you enough.
PS I am going to buy your book to thank you. I am sure it will come in handy as well.
You’re so welcome! I’m so glad my videos have helped you!
Oh wow. Thanks again. I am an artist and I was an art teacher. I think throwing on the pottery wheel is what gave me De Quervain's in both wrists and when it flares up, I cannot do my art work or take good care of my dogs. These exercises help more than cortisone shots and I am able to work and give my dogs all the scratches they desire. So my dogs are thanking you as well. Please know that you have changed at least one life for the better, and I am sure many, many more.
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
@zachgoestoeuro I had/ have DQ in both wrists, from throwing on the pottery wheel at my job. First, I had to quit throwing and show videos and do verbal explanations to students rather than demoing.
After that, I cleared the DQ up in my left wrist with these exercises. Unfortunately, my right wrist was worse and kept returning, and I ended up eventually having a first compartment release two and a half months ago. When the surgeon got in there, she found that I had an anatomical variation where my tendon sheath is divided into sub compartments. From what I have read (published medical papers, and I'm an art teacher so take my understanding with a grain of salt) it seems like people who have this anatomical variation are both more likely to get DQ and more likely to be unable to "cure" it with physical therapy alone.
Anyway, my left wrist did improve enough to where I have no more pain. I planned to do these exercises for about 5 minutes per wrist three times a day. However, I ended up doing more than that because sometimes if I was sitting watching TV or something else inactive I'd do more, in addition to what I had scheduled. I began to see results within days, although it took maybe two or three months before my left wrist was pain free.
My right wrist is now pain free with surgery. The surgery was minimally painful- I'd say almost pain free. My right wrist took about two months to feel completely normal again.
I hope this helps.
Thank you so much for a clear, precise, and extremely helpful video on dealing with
de Quervain's. I'm a knitter who never wants to get a steroid and extremely painful steroid shot again. Your exercises make a world of difference.
Did these exercises cure your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
@@zachgoestoeuroDid urs get better?
Many thanks for this useful session. Much appreciated.
You’re welcome!
Thank you soooo much. Going to share this with my coworker We both suffer from DT,
You’re welcome! I hope the exercises help both of you!
I am so sorry grateful for your help
Great info! I have had this for 4 months. It's very frustrating!
I hope these exercises help you! If you don't fully improve, I would recommend seeing a certified hand therapist (CHT) as they can implement other interventions that often help.
Thank u sir,its really amazing exercise
You’re welcome!
Thank you so much! Once prescribed, I was devastated thinking there would be no relief! I’m so happy to have a starting point and will keep you informed as I get relief!!!
Any luck?
I felt
Better the first
Couple days and then it just got so painful that I went and got a cortisone shot. As soon as it calms down, I am going to do your exercises to maintain that condition!
Thank you so so much for this video. It helped me a lot. Also, I hope your book is doing well. Wish you the best. Thanks again.
I’m so glad to hear that the video helped you! Thank you for the well wishes related to my book. The book is doing very well and is the number one bestseller in physical therapy, which is very exciting!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
I had this for like, almost 4 years; its not going away.
thank you so much. was really useful and easy to learn.💯
I had the surgery and these are important for recovery as well.
Thank you. Immediately helped!!
I’m glad the exercises helped you!
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Thank you so much for this. I first developed the condition about 7 months ago, I think due to repetitive movements at my kitchen job and years of video games, guitar, and smartphones. Then, my stupid ass went to a deathcore show a few days after it started, and some big boy SMASHED it in the mosh pit - one of the worst pains of my life, and it made it much more stiff and tender. Me, being stubborn, didn't splint it until about 4 months later after seeing only gradual improvement. I wore the splint for a couple months, and the pain went down significantly, but I still had less mobility - the first exercise you display, the extension, I can barely move my thumb away from my hand like that. It's very stiff and painful when I do. I'm going to try these exercises for a while. Really trying to heal as holistically as possible and avoid steroids or surgery - but if it doesn't get much better in a few months, I might end up going in to see about getting the tendon release operation.
I like the rubber band exercises!! Great video!!!
Thank you!! Glad you found the video to be useful!
the best exercise to help De Quervain i see on youtibe
Glad the video was helpful!
Have been doing these exercises 3 times a day for 2 months now. Progress has been slow and mixed, but ordered the book in case Im missing something. Happy for those who found quick relief, but that's not what Ive seen.
Hi....thank you for the video with clear explanation of the exercises.
I am not exactly sure about my self diagnoses of a De Quervain syndrome.
The whole are at the base of the left tumb seems inflamed and is painful.
Personal opinion about the cause is the extended time I keep holding my mobile.
Lots of congratulations for the achievement of your book.
Yep, my pain came when I got the new galaxy s23
Yup, I feel the same way, everybody tells me it's because of the computer (I work from home 8 hours a day) but I really think it's because of my phone
Ty so much. This is exactly what i was looking for. Im afraid these will add more inflammation. As a massage therapist i cant stop working but am struggling.
Actually I have confused about the treatment way that need to follow 🙄
1) do I need to use wrist brace, apply gel creams and have a proper rest?
2) or do I need to stretch out my wrist regularly like the exercises in this video?
Should we use the wrist actively or inactively…
Orthopedics Specialist told me the first way, but actually not helping so just watched your nice video which makes more sense.
Thanks in advance.
I have the same question.. how has it been for you? Have you found a solution?
Thanks! Great help.
Glad it helped!
Thank you for this video!
6 months ago I suffered a significant tear to the APL, EPB tendons (about 50% torn). I did this by doing hammer curls with a weight that was simply to heavy. I didn’t notice any pain or anything until about 2-3 days after that workout when both wrists (thumb side) started to hurt. About a couple days after that, the right side formed a lump on the tendon and the sheath thickened and it has been stenosed ever since. For the last 6 months I have tried to limit any movement or exercise with a splint and it has done nothing to improve my condition. I am starting a completely different approach moving forward with 3 main areas of focus.
1. I am going to start these exercises and once most of the pain has subsided, I will start to slowly load the tendon. I’m going to train 2-3 times a week with 48 hrs between each session.
2. I am going to use high doses of gelatin before my thumb training sessions to encourage nutrient absorption.
3. I’m going to get 7-8 hours of high quality sleep. Sleep is so crucial.
Any updates? Same thing happened to me after going too heavy while doing Farmer's walk
@@pm2342 I’m going to be posting an update soon. I want to get my thoughts together and post a detailed reply, so stay tuned! Lots of good information coming.
Dequervains is something that can really take a toll on someone’s life. Someone suffering from this condition likely thinks about it nonstop until they feel surgery is their only option. Personally I do not feel surgical intervention is appropriate in majority of cases which is why I am posting this. If you feel like you are out of options I suggest you let me try and persuade you against it.
The proposed gold standard treatment for Dequervains consists of splinting the wrist and thumb for 6-8 weeks. This helps with the pain but fails to heal the tendon and restore range of motion. Resting the tendon even longer only makes this condition worse by further weakening and degrading the tendon. Splinting the area should only be done immediately after injury to help eliminate pain and further significant damage.
If you have been looking for the answer, here it is:
If your condition is like mine, there is a significant stenosis of the tendon. This means that the thumb cannot bend because of a bump or “nodule” that gets stuck when you try to bend it. This is simply a small area of the inflamed tendon. The cure for this is to load the tendon, (yes, I said load the tendon). Physically loading the tendon puts stress on the tendon which initiates the healing and strengthening process.
How to load the tendon:
Make a fist and hold it out in front you like you are holding a drink, this is position your wrist should be in when you load it. Grab a light dumbbell or resistance band and hold this position for 60 seconds. You should feel pain and discomfort, this is normal and it is necessary for progress. After the 60 seconds is up, and after the weight is removed the tendon should feel a bit warmer and more free. Repeat this process 5-6 times. Each time allowing the wrist to bend slightly more, allowing the weight to gently pull on but not overly stretch the tendon. This is what we call isometric exercise. Make sure you know how to properly do an isometric hold. It will be slightly uncomfortable, this is normal. Eventually, the tendon bump or “nodule” will start to pop or “catch” when you start to move the thumb. That means you have done it correctly. The tendon is now warmed up and has been stressed effectively. You can use a heavier weight if you feel comfortable doing so.
After 1-2 months of doing this I have improved significantly and I can use significantly heavier weight than what I started with. The trick is to not move too fast and damage the tendon again. This process will take months. The body will heal but it needs a stimulus, (the weight) nutrients, (lots of protein/collagen) and rest, 2-3 days rest after exercise and 7-8hrs of sleep at night.
When you first start training the tendon again, you can also grab a rubber band and place it around your fingers and try to spread them apart gently. Once you have opened the rubber band as far as you can, hold it for 45-60 seconds. This will also help load and strengthen the tendon.
Thanks for the tips
No problem!
Had De Quervain Release Surgery 9 days ago and just got my splint and stitches removed yesterday and I hate how my thumb is all tingly and weak when I try to bend it. I have physical therapy to help in a week!
Best wishes with your recovery! I hope the surgery fixes the issue for you!
@@RehabScience thank you! The tingleness and numbness is now gone but whenever i do the Finkelstein Stretch i get a shock kind of pain is that normal 2 dats post stitches/splint removal?
how and what was the surgery? can you be awake for it?
@@dmjuser2025 i was not awake
I am going in for surgery at the end of March for de Quarvains. Have been dealing with this for over a year, and two cortisone shots didn’t help. Will try these exercises after my surgery.
Best wishes with your surgery and recovery process!
Thank you sir 💐
Hi there came across your video. It’s a great video. I am trying to do these three times a day. I’ve had this maybe four 2 1/2 months and over the past 2 1/2 months it has been getting worse and worse, I bought myself a splint to support my thumb. It is very difficult to work with it especially if you work gloves and work with food, the gloves rip your splint gets dirty wet and wearing gloves that are tight. Normally they fit properly but putting the splint on they make the gloves tight or wearing an extra large size too big that you can’t work properly because the gloves are too big and it’s hard to grip things, anyways I have a question should I be applying heat or ice or neither one and if so, which one and for how long and how many times per day to help this go away. I’ve already had carpal tunnel surgery on that hand as matter fact, both hands I’ve had trigger finger thumb on my right hand now I’ve got tendinitis on my left thumb, what can I do? Please assist me with this I don’t wanna have to go to surgery and risk losing the job that I just got. Thank you in advance.
I have this condition and have been seeing my physio which had helped but main issue is the FLARE ups....its so frustrating that everytime you think youre gaining more movement after a week or accidently over extend your wrist downward or try to use your phone or turn your house key and suddenly you feel this sharp pain and its back to square one...Ive had this condition for 3 months now on and off without fully recovering and honestly dont know if its ever going to heal 😔
What about the “clicking” feeling? What causes it and will these exercises help?
I don't know what just happened...icing, heat, nsaid's for 2 months.. did this and pain better. Although the thumb lift still hurts I'll work on it. THANK YOU!
You're welcome! I'm glad the exercises were helpful!
effectivement. and respect to you.
Scientifically proven to be effective
Glad the video was helpful!
Thank you the tips.. i have pain on my right thump
I got this recently and before I thought it was normal but over a couple weeks it was getting worse the put me on anti inflammatory medication but that didn’t work and the doctor decided to do the injection it worked but recently it came back and when it does like my wrist bone gets inflamed but I haven’t used my hand in 3 days and it’s going down I just scared I’m have this forever
Thanks Sir for your valuable suggestion
You’re welcome!
I have been feeling pain only when i stretch for 1 and half year, i did this exercise now i hope it will help me i will give you feedback thank you
I'm scheduled to get a cortisone injection tomorrow for DT and I'm trying to avoid it.
Had this for four months. Physical therapy for two of those. Then had a cortisone shot. Pain was gone in three days. Continued exercises even though pain was gone. Slowly came back after about 5 months. Still do my exercises every day. Not sure what my next move will be.
Did you figure it out?
@@ckissick About a year after the first shot, I got a second. 1st one was ultrasound guided 2nd one not. 2nd one took about two weeks to work. I’m sure it will come back again. When it does, I’m going to have the surgery. I would recommend getting an ultrasound guided shot if possible. Definitely made a difference.
@@SlimJim-Bob thank you! Haven't gotten to shots yet but well past the 2 weeks of immobilization and several weeks of therapy don't seem to be helping
Hey Tom, thank you for the video and sharing exercises, I play piano and got pain in my wrist and thumb then had injection last year but after a while , I start to play piano again and now I have the same problem again . My question is:should I do these exercises everyday and for how long?
Thank you.
Typically, performing these exercises every day for 8 to 12 weeks works best. If your tendons get sore, you could switch to every other day.
@@RehabScience I appreciate for your response and advice, I have one more question and what do you suggest for permanent exercise to strengthen tendons (wrist and fingers)? Thanks.
Thank you 🎩🙏🤗
Welcome 👍
Hi i need your help or your opinion I have this situation and i have appointment for injection for this do I have to do or not please?
Dankuwel 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Best video I’ve found for DQ. However, just wondering if I do all these exercises daily?
I am glad the video was helpful! These usually can be done every day unless you notice an increase in your baseline pain. If that happens, then I would shift to every other day.
That’s so much for getting back to me. I’ll update you in 4 - 6 weeks.
How are you doing so far? @@carnivoreprime
@@RehabScienceHello mate, update as promised.
Pain seems to be gone.
However, I do occasionally feel pain elsewhere now between the triangle webbing area between my thumb and index finger. I also sometimes feel as if the area just under my thumb joint/knuckle could be a bit sore on occasions, but it feels more like a scratch/burn compared with the original pain.
But seeing as the above “pains" (mild, and I’m likely hyper-focused on my thumbs!) are in a completely different spot than the original pain, I think it's unrelated.
Anyway, I was wondering if I need to keep doing these stretches for life or if I can stop them now?
Thanks again.
@@AluAli1much better! Check out my latest reply in this thread. I’m now just waiting for RehabScience to advise me on next steps :)
3:06 When I do the thumb flexion on the 4th exercise, i hear a small crack on my wrist after bringing it back to place. Hurts a little is it alright if this happens. Will it go away by exercising it.
Thanks for the video!! For how many weeks should I do those exercises? After that should I increase reps?
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Thank you. I’ve had this for months, along with Dupuytrens disease. I’ve recently started a course of trigger finger releases, carpal tunnel decompression and ulnar decompressions. Will these exercises reduce/remove the need for de quervain releases? Are there exercises that will relieve my poor elbows?
Thank you
You're welcome!
How long after the initial injury/diagnosis should I wait before doing rehab exercises? I'm about three months in and all the articles say to be careful not to rupture tendons or cause further damage for six months up to two years.
I had this pain since last year but i thought it will gone after awhile.. It started to swallow and pain when I joined the gym(this year may), especially weight lifting, push up, and pull up. So, on end of july, I stopped to go to the gym because the pain started to spread around my hand and is swallow.😢 I didn't go do the medical checkup but I did go fir acupuncture. It was good at first but it hurt back once I finished the medicine. My colleague told me I need to get the treatment every week . But the bill is too expensive.
Thank you!
Thank you for this great info! I was told by my orthopedic doctor that I have DQT. I’ve had injections twice, but unfortunately the last time they didn’t last very long. I’m doing these exercises, but just curious…….my pain seems to be coming more so from the wrist area and then the “fat pad” below my thumb. Is it common to have pain in the fat pad area as well? And will these exercises help the pain in that area?
I have same issue
@@neetusingla1506 So sorry to hear! I’m now scheduled for surgery in left hand on 8/18. Will probably have to do the right hand too after the other one heals. 😏
Howz ur pain now?? @@neetusingla1506
What’s it like working with Flo?
Thank U so much For those tips. How long do I have to do it for a full recovery
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Would you do the same if in pinky? Except with it as primary
Hello sir ! I can’t do the first exercise since it is very painful to me
What should I do ? Continue doing it while i have pain will help? Since i can see many people said it helped them immediately
Thank you for your precious video
If any of the exercises cause more than mild pain, I would not perform them. Only perform the ones that can be done with mild pain or less. I hope some of the exercises help you!
Much appreciated
You’re welcome!
Can we do yoga like suryanamaskar which has up n down movement of wrist with body weight along with your exercise for thumb
I've been struggling with is for the past year and some change. I am a server and use my wrist all day with a good weight load. Hope these exercises help cause I'd like to get back to basketball and play tennis without severe discomfort.
Did these exercises clear your DQ? How many times a day did you perform these exercises?
Hey doc I have a question
Im at my wits end with tendinitis on my thumb, ive had mine since may, and i am so fed up with the contradictions, yes to ice no to ice, no mobility, yes to mobility , im going to try this out, because my dude i am fed up with my thumb
I hope these help you. Both ice and heat can help reduce pain. We have somewhat shifted away from ice when possible due to research showing that it may delay the healing process.
Thanks!! is it normal to hear popping sounds when I finally can move my thumb more upwards?
What if I experience numbness in my thumb while doing these mobility exercises??
Is it normal to have a pulling sensation in the hand, arm & shoulder with dequervain? I pulled a tendon very bad a few years ago and dr told me this is what it was but I ignored it. Once I started losing mobility in my hand and arm I went to a hand surgeon and they prescribed physiotherapy. I've been doing it for about a year now and it has helped with recovering some range of motion, but the pulling nerve problem is still there. Feels like a blood vessel being pinched somewhere. I have this constant pulling sensation in my hand up to my shoulder. And said hand tends to get cold very quickly. Also developed an irregular heartbeat and mild hypertension. All started after my thumb. Should I give the exercises more time? I feel like the nerve problem isn't going away though. There's a nerve right under my palm that's become very thin, they're barely visible. Just that hand.
I am a retiree. I have got thumb arthritis with spurs confirmed by Dr. The dr has had recommends some physio. It doesn't seem to work . I still feel the pain if i do some house chores. What to recommend to reduce the pain.
So I'm having a pain over a month I visited the doctor and they said it's right dequervain's tenosynovitis and asked me to rest my hand and suggested to wear a thumb splinter bandage I'm been wearing it from past 20 days but no change and I tried these exercises u said it is painful so should I continue it is it common tht it is painful at beginning it was good but as I used the rubber band it is soo painful
For this sort of injury would you use ice or warm to release pain? Or maybe RICE?
Heat escalated my inflammation! Cold pack works nice for me
Hi i just had surgery for de quervain.. will these exercises help me too?
should we be doing this if our wrist is currently inflamed from dequervains?? i tried it hurts so bad.
If you can perform these movements with mild or less pain, then they are usually fine to do. If more pain than this is experienced, then you likely need to give the area more time to calm down.
I was just diagnosied with this after finally deciding w go doctor after 1 year of deali g with it i dont have pain anymore but my finger gets stuck and clicks wich is uncomfortable
Sorry to hear you are struggling with this issue. Did the doctor suggest a splint or an injection? These other interventions can sometimes help with the clicking.
@@RehabScience split ice and similar exerciced like in the video injection in a couple of months if those dont work
Somehow is inflammed like i have a bump on my wrist compared to my other arm
I remember hurting that part of my wrist while punching a punching bag. It hurt so much and took about 1 month to heal.
Thanknyounso very much..*
You’re welcome!
I developed dequervains after delivering a baby, it is 4 months now.
Pain is still there.
Can this cause pain in shoulder blades too?
I’ve been dealing with this for a year and feel like am at the last healing point ,it doesn’t hurt bad but doing certain movements makes my wrist pop/grind and that’s when it hurts a lot I tried strengthening exercises but nothing seems to help maybe I should keep trying , would you recommend getting the steroid shot ?
A steroid shot might be the next best step. I would recommend seeing a certified hand therapist (CHT) in your area as they could help guide you in the best direction.
When I use the flexion and wrist lowering exercise, I can feel and see the tendon slide over my thumbbone it seems. Sort of feels uncomfortable.
What causes these tendon pains??
Is it bad if I do feel a click but no pain when doing these exercises?
I have been struggling with this pain for the last two weeks and the ultrasound physiotherapy helped very superficially. I am going to try these exercises starting today! Thank you for your clear instructions. How soon after the pain subsides can I resume regular strength training at the gym?
Whatever ever caused u DQT just don’t do it anymore. Did u recover btw?