Why I

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @marja8059
    @marja8059 4 года назад +158

    I am an atheist but for some reason I’ve been drawn to watch catholic videos. I know it’s the one true church and I absolutely love the catholic traditions and how insanely rich the religion is. I feel at peace when I watch anything about Catholicism. I was baptized when I was a baby and remember going to mass and how pure and peaceful it felt. I just feel so dumb believing in something I can’t see, but that’s why it’s called faith. I need help. Please pray for me. My life is in shambles.

    • @oneperson5760
      @oneperson5760 3 года назад +16

      Heaven rejoices over the salvation of lost souls, and Jesus came precisely to save people like you, whose lives are a shambles. Love God, love people, and follow God’s 10 commandments. And come into the church. Its really not that hard, and you will find freedom and peace. Our faith is as simple or as intricate as you wish to make it. For simple souls, and for complex souls, there is everything you could need.

    • @elizabethbarberis9957
      @elizabethbarberis9957 2 года назад +12

      Simply pray " Jesus I want to believe in you; Please help me." And He will. God bless you.

    • @HaydenPianoCovers
      @HaydenPianoCovers 2 года назад +8

      I’m in somewhat of a similar boat. Hope you’ve found peace and truth

    • @jeffreyalilin7314
      @jeffreyalilin7314 2 года назад +8

      Pray the rosary...

    • @Trumblocity
      @Trumblocity Год назад +10

      I'm praying for you. Find a Catholic church nearby, sit in the back so you can observe without understanding. Envision the people you see gathered on a hilltop listening to a young man and accept that you are on the same journey to faith.

  • @blueblazerable
    @blueblazerable 6 лет назад +361

    I wish every catholic will be like you. Im a catholic since birth and studying ny catholic faith. I just had a goosebumps realizing how beautiful catholic Christianity is.

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад +17

      Same I was baptized as a baby as Catholic and will die as a Catholic I think!

    • @pajimacas
      @pajimacas 6 лет назад +8

      Because like air and water that are always available to us, we take it for granted... 😞

    • @blessedbeford6130
      @blessedbeford6130 5 лет назад +4

      I’m Catholic since a little girl of nine, On fire for Jesus since such a young age. I love you Lord Jesus.

    • @zizaodyuo1632
      @zizaodyuo1632 5 лет назад +1

      Love love a lot

    • @joestim8707
      @joestim8707 5 лет назад +2

      John John I did too- you are a good man- the CC is the real true Chur. on the earth or the PROD'S, MormsJW would not hate us so much& have a Blest day!

  • @dobermanpac1064
    @dobermanpac1064 6 лет назад +183

    As a cradle Catholic for 7 decades now, It pleases me to see young people like yourself coming to the Truth...Welcome brother.

    • @jamesmonahan9408
      @jamesmonahan9408 4 года назад


    • @vlms5893
      @vlms5893 3 года назад

      @br1anm150k ruclips.net/video/L14UNjaZJm8/видео.html

  • @melaniegriesemer
    @melaniegriesemer 7 лет назад +649

    This reminds me of the time I attended a Protestant bible study. I thought it would be a regular small group where we all could discuss things collectively but since they found out I was Catholic it ended up being kind of a passive aggressive intervention to "show me the truth" and they kept pointing me to different passages attempting to debunk Catholicism and I clearly remember the girl I was with pointing me to that 2 Timothy verse you mentioned that all scripture is divinely inspired and she asked "so what do you think this means?" I was like yeah so it's pretty straightforward what it says, yes I agree that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God...and she looked at me blankly as if she was expecting me to disagree. Key word in that passage is "all" scripture, not "ONLY" scripture. It amazes me how many Protestants think Catholicism goes completely against scripture.

    • @hulsfamcalcan
      @hulsfamcalcan 7 лет назад +56

      "Key word in that passage is "all" scripture, not "ONLY" scripture." Melanie that's an EXCELLENT distinction! A thousand thumbs up! Can I use this myself?

    • @melaniegriesemer
      @melaniegriesemer 7 лет назад +48

      Anthony Hulse of course! A book I have and highly recommend called "Catholic & Christian" by Alan Schreck mentioned that 2 Timothy passage as well: "All scripture is inspired by God...but does this mean that ONLY scripture is inspired? Catholics do not find this teaching in the Bible. While Catholics believe that the Bible is the foremost and unsurpassed source of God's revelation, they also believe that God reveals his truth and guides his people in other ways. The Holy Spirit has also been sent by Jesus to be the Church's continual guide and expands and deepens the Church's understanding of God's truth over the course of history. Jesus tells his apostles at the Last Supper "I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth...he will declare to you the things that are to come." (John 16:12-13) There is no indication that the truth that the Holy Spirit would reveal was limited to the Bible alone. The Bible is a primary work of God's revelation to humankind, but not the only work.

    • @hulsfamcalcan
      @hulsfamcalcan 7 лет назад +29

      It's sad that those who seek the "primitive" faith of the "primitive" Church ignore what the actual first few generations of Christians wrote about their faith.

    • @kristinlaviolette9119
      @kristinlaviolette9119 7 лет назад +10

      For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct. Mt 16: 27

    • @TomLandry1
      @TomLandry1 6 лет назад +17

      Melanie - an interesting further "tid-bit" (and not my original thought!) but I read an apologist who pointed out that 2 Timothy 16 actually proves "Too Much".
      The New Testament is NOT presented in Chronological order. 2 Timothy was written late in Saint Paul's life (around 65-66 AD) but NOT late relative to the rest of the NT. In fact, St. Paul's earliest letters were among the very first books of the NT to be committed to writing. 2 Timothy was written just a few years after the Acts of the Apostles, and many years prior to the Gospel of St. John.
      In any event, during St. Paul's life there was no concept of a written "New Testament". So when, in verse 15, St. Paul implores St. Timothy to continue to believe the "sacred writings" that he had known "from childhood", and again when he references "scripture" in verse 16 - He's Talking About the OLD TESTAMENT!
      Further, St. Paul is very clear at verse 14 that St. Timothy should, "continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it." Here St. Paul is clearly talking about the Christian Faith passed to St. Timothy by St. Paul in the same manner as Christ instructed His Apostles - BY VERBAL TEACHING.
      Anyway, just wanted to share that.... God Love You!

  • @luismongemora2190
    @luismongemora2190 6 лет назад +549

    I was an atheist who has become Catholic.
    It is amazing that we now belong to the only church founded by the hands and love of Jesus.
    Welcome home my brother.
    God bless you

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  6 лет назад +34

      Thanks Luis. Same to you!

    • @luismongemora2190
      @luismongemora2190 6 лет назад +18

      The Fourth Member of Migos no work yo be done to be saved? That sounds so protestant.. listen.. no even the appostles believe they were already saved.. nor did saints..
      Faith with not actions is a dead faith.. we need to live for others.. sacrifice for the love of God.
      Faith is not about sitting in your house and watch TV while others are going through a lot of needs.
      Catholic church is amazing and its history makes you an addict of the grace of jesus

    • @fcastellanos57
      @fcastellanos57 6 лет назад +11

      Being a christian is not like belonging to a club, read the words or Jesus in the Bible and do them. Read the parable of the house built on a rock versus built on a sand. Christianity is not a set of rituals, it is a commitment to righteousness. If you really want to be righteous, you will find the truth, otherwise you will be another disillusioned person who thinks christianity does not work and the problem is ourselves. God guide you and open your mind to understand this.

    • @fcastellanos57
      @fcastellanos57 5 лет назад +2

      Ian Hernandez
      It may sound shocking to you but Roman Catholicism is not pure christianity, I am talking about the christianity you find in the New Testament. Read the gospels and then the letters from the apostles, don’t go to Catholic literature otherwise you will be misled and confused, and another thing, believe what you read and if not clear, look for several sources, not only Catholic to get clarity on obscure sections. God bless you
      Check this informative video

    • @fcastellanos57
      @fcastellanos57 5 лет назад +4

      @Ian Hernandez
      I do not know why Catholics always go to Luther as an example of those who opposed Rome, there were other reformers before him. We have to understand why Luther broke away from Roman Catholicism. As I understand, he read the Scriptures and found that righteousness and salvation comes by faith and not by human effort, this was his main thrust. If you have extensive knowledge of the Bible then you should know how Roman Catholicism has done what is called eisegesis which is putting new ideas and concepts into a text. I was brought up Catholic so I know what it is all about. To me the problem with Catholicism is that it is a new gospel, like what Paul was warning the Galatians about. It has Christ, and it has basic doctrine but it changes and misunderstands the sacrifice of Christ. Hebrews is very clear to say that Jesus's sacrifice was complete and there is no need for any other sacrifice. The mass is not necessary as the Catholics clergy sees it, or the priests, or the sacraments, the Passover meal is supposed to be a remembrance according to Jesus and Paul . We actually are priests to God and we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice acceptable to God, and we are also temples of the Holy Spirit who imparts grace to us as we follow His lead. The concept of a highly disproportionate position of Mary does not exist in original Christianity. There is no where in the New Testament any mention of Mary as being anything but the mother of Jesus. So, you are free to choose. I have told you the truth and the truth is all I want. God bless you

  • @LittleWillis7
    @LittleWillis7 6 лет назад +439

    I'm a protestant, born and raised. But buddy, you make a heck of a case.

    • @smeatonlighthouse4384
      @smeatonlighthouse4384 6 лет назад +5

      Yes, a suitcase for the rubbish he talks.

    • @imbonnie
      @imbonnie 6 лет назад +48

      He's right so why not convert?

    • @SlugSage
      @SlugSage 6 лет назад +12

      6 months later, where are you now?

    • @joestim8707
      @joestim8707 5 лет назад +9

      Sam Willis yo are a good man- you would be a great CATHOLIC- have a Blest day!

    • @Nonnobisdomine77
      @Nonnobisdomine77 5 лет назад

      Sam please watch these two TV specials from 1998 watch the last part specially, and listen to the message Jesus gives through this woman.

  • @Archangelatis
    @Archangelatis 7 лет назад +213

    Your video is one the best with a clear and concise teachings on the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. Will you be making more?

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  7 лет назад +13

      "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all." - Greeting from the Priest at the beginning of Mass
      "And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages..." - Nicene Creed
      "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ." - Response after hearing the Gospel proclaimed.
      "Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten son. Lord God, Lamb of God..." - Gloria
      "I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord..." - Apostles Creed
      "Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you..." - Spoken by the priest at mass."
      The word "Lord" appears in Catholic liturgy over 30 times.
      Catholics throughout the world recite these words at Mass at least weekly.
      Care to revise your statement?

    • @Archangelatis
      @Archangelatis 7 лет назад +4

      Not only we we say the name of Christ and declare him Lord at least 30x in the liturgy.We have the true presence in the Eucharist.When Jesus in his own words says ''Jesus therefore said unto them, Truly, Truly, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, ye have not life in yourselves. . . . .For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed...As the living Father sent me...This is the bread which came down out of heaven: not as the fathers ate, and died; he that eateth this bread shall live for ever. John6:52-58
      Jesus was incarnate(in the flesh) in the virgin Mary. He died and was resurrected(in the flesh) from the dead, all that is literal/ral/in the flesh if you are a Christian; Then he appears on the road to Emmaus;-
      ''It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon.” When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. . . Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.'' Luke 2:13-35. It is impossible to find a verse that says its symbolic

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  7 лет назад +6

      How do you presume to know what I have or have not given thought to? I'm not attempting to try to explain that topic to you because you've demonstrated that you aren't someone who's willing to dialogue in good faith as evidenced by the following statement which I have thoroughly discredited and which you've simply ignored.

    • @hulsfamcalcan
      @hulsfamcalcan 7 лет назад +4

      @BAHF- apparently you don't know what the Church teaches because you continually misrepresent it, either through wilful or actual ignorance.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  7 лет назад +8

      Speaking of sin, do you concede that you lied then about the fact that Catholics never say that Jesus Christ is Lord since you obviously know that to be untrue after having attended enough masses yourself? Once you admit that, we can move on to your objections.

  • @TheEnergeticPanda
    @TheEnergeticPanda 7 лет назад +222

    I've been struggling with my faith recently. I've been a nonchalant agnostic for all my life until one day, for some reason, I picked up the bible. I'm still only in the Old Testament but it's truly opened my eyes
    These videos have helped me understand the Catholic viewpoint. Thank you for making them. I can't wait to see more you need more subs

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  7 лет назад +18

      That's awesome. Thanks for sharing that!

    • @silashouse1954
      @silashouse1954 6 лет назад +2


    • @paulmiller8673
      @paulmiller8673 6 лет назад

      There is some wisdom to that, but I would add that once a basic familiarity is gained, it is worthwhile to read it 'cover to cover' to ensure you don't miss all the typological development between the books of the Old Covenant and New Covenant. Additionally, there is theological development throughout the books of the Old Covenant themselves.

    • @greglaprade7507
      @greglaprade7507 6 лет назад +1

      pathstogodbyfaithcom AMEN!! 🙏

    • @cliffpatt4325
      @cliffpatt4325 6 лет назад +1

      tim spangler
      The most important thing is to be very careful not only with handling the Word, but with whatever advice you get from other people . Especially anyone who claims to be the exclusive dispenser of truth. RUN from those folks
      Me: why did Christ say to strive to enter heaven if your supposedly saved.??

  • @roseleneazevedo1737
    @roseleneazevedo1737 6 лет назад +60

    I was made Catholic regardless of my will snd out of the will of my parents at the age of 30 days. And I became Catholic out of.my own will at the age of 41 :-) Today I just love that I had all the Sacraments and that I have never forgotten much of what I have learnt. I can see much of myself on you. I love the way you put your experiences in words. Great to see young intelligent people sharing our Faith! Congrats.

    • @michaelflores9220
      @michaelflores9220 4 года назад

      I feel sorry for you. I was a serious catholic until age 24 and half. Please read the articles "list of reasons atheists area angry greta cristina", "Atheist manifesto sam harris" and "exchristian.net final frontier". These show why religion needs to be abolished. Love has to be earned. Giving kids Ebola sure isn't earning love. Humans did not create Ebola or Cholera. Kids with these diseases did nothing to earn them. In the Christian worldview, we are locked in a world where people are shrieking in Hell in objectively gratuitous and unredeemed suffering. No quantity or quality of so-called "greater good" could justify people shrieking in endless unfathomable torment in Hell forever. Christianity is a bleak, depressing worldview. For reasons atheism needs to be spread to as many people as possible please see:
      gretachristina.typepad.com/greta_christinas_weblog/2007/10/atheists-and-an.html samharris.org/an-atheist-manifesto/ new.exchristian.net/2012/03/final-frontier-of-tyranny.html

  • @namankumar9478
    @namankumar9478 6 лет назад +117

    Right choice. God bless you.Very nice explanation brother.

    • @alt5014
      @alt5014 4 года назад +2

      @@cliffpatt4325 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
      1 Corinthians 13:2 RSV-CI

  • @pbaylis1
    @pbaylis1 6 лет назад +104

    You are a natural Brian. You, Lizzie, and a few others are the new apologetic young guns. You are so needed in these times. Please keep going.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  6 лет назад +10

      Thanks. I intend to by God's grace.

    • @greglaprade7507
      @greglaprade7507 5 лет назад +1

      @@BrianHoldsworth Yes, Brian. You are even better at twisting the truth about what The Reformers taught than Lizzie is.

  • @jimmylamb
    @jimmylamb 3 года назад +6

    I am so glad that I found your videos! I am a deacon in a baptist church but I am struggling with protestantism. I was raised Catholic and left because God told me that I had no relationship with Him, when I went to a friend's church that was Nazarene, so I told God that I waned to to have a relationship with Him. Now I believe that God might be calling me back to the catholic church. I'm scared, I'm confused, and I am letting the truth guide me to wherever it leads. I have been u listening and watching Catholic programs for awhile and love them. I love God and Jesus and just want to be were he wants me to be. If Jesus started the Catholic Church then I should be there.

    • @dimetriwatt7334
      @dimetriwatt7334 9 месяцев назад

      I am praying for you brother. And holy mother church will welcome you with arms wide when you decide to come back home. God bless you

  • @honeybunny1of23
    @honeybunny1of23 4 года назад +7

    I became a Catholic because I felt closer to God. Sometimes the Holy Spirit moves you and I always get that God would lead my life. My journey was different but it led me to Catholicism. Once I had converted, I learned a lot of the history and found faith had driven me and my inspiration from receiving love from our Catholic Community.

  • @adamhovey407
    @adamhovey407 7 лет назад +105

    I can confirm, as an American, that there are happy people outside of Canada.

    • @cliffpatt4325
      @cliffpatt4325 6 лет назад

      What st would say huh??

    • @cliffpatt4325
      @cliffpatt4325 6 лет назад

      I never claimed that u were a bad st .u must be a pot smoking prot self declared self delusional Evangelical st.

    • @fatherjosephdaiif1532
      @fatherjosephdaiif1532 6 лет назад +3

      Well, i agree. I am a happy man in New England ;)

    • @jamesprins9735
      @jamesprins9735 5 лет назад +1

      Hehe good to hear. Cheers from north of the border :)

    • @jamesprins9735
      @jamesprins9735 5 лет назад +1

      @Steve Well I can't speak for all of them, but I have met a number who aren't too bad. None of them were politicians though - make of that what you will.

  • @nacosta5727
    @nacosta5727 7 лет назад +75

    I'm Catholic. I really love this video because you actually understand what Catholosism. People sometimes come up with wild ideas of what it is. You deserve more subs :3 :) :>

    • @berwynsigns4115
      @berwynsigns4115 5 лет назад +1

      @Asaph Vapor Prove it. You can't. You are a moron.

    • @mikelopez8564
      @mikelopez8564 3 года назад +1

      @@berwynsigns4115 Ah the Protestant mic drop; assertion, ad hominem and drop. Berwyn, don’t be afraid, the truth is knowable and it’s source is not hate, but love. Not romantic love, but an act of the will to do good to others and seek unity.
      It sounds like you have been schooled to distrust the Catholic Church. I wonder if you listened to Brian’s story. What did you object to?

    • @berwynsigns4115
      @berwynsigns4115 3 года назад +1

      @@mikelopez8564 I'm Catholic. I believe Asaph Vapor was a troll who came about and replied to EVERY comment practically, and asserted Protestant doctrines (like "Catholics worship Mary" and such) and called us heretics, but then wouldn't respond to any debates. Most likely an attention-seeking troll, in hindsight.

  • @imthebrach
    @imthebrach 6 лет назад +61

    I was also a protestant and I did a studying on the Catholic faith most of the saints such as the Virgin Mary and God move me to become Catholic because He also pointed out that I needed my 7 sacraments. Im very happy to be Catholic they do more religious sacraments than any other doctrines. Thank You God for leading me to the Catholic faith and Virgin Mary.

    • @johnb4632
      @johnb4632 6 лет назад +5

      You don't have to change to love the Virgin Mary; loving her will change you!

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад

      +john b Every mass I attend I always eat 2 Eucharists!

    • @smeatonlighthouse4384
      @smeatonlighthouse4384 6 лет назад +2

      Bubaloo - If you have been 'led' to the Catholic Faith and Virgin Mary, rest assured that it has not been 'God' who has led you into the error which you have entered.

    • @TG4859
      @TG4859 5 лет назад

      @@AJ_Jingco Can. 917 A person who has already received the Most Holy Eucharist can receive it a second time on the same day only within the eucharistic celebration in which the person participates, without prejudice to the prescript of ⇒ can. 921, §2.
      Can. 921 §1. The Christian faithful who are in danger of death from any cause are to be nourished by holy communion in the form of Viaticum.
      §2. Even if they have been nourished by holy communion on the same day, however, those in danger of death are strongly urged to receive communion again.

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 5 лет назад

      @@TG4859 So I can't receive the Eucharist twice in a single Mass?

  • @briancarnival6916
    @briancarnival6916 6 лет назад +8

    The Holy Spirit has given you the gift of communication Brian ! May he continue to use you to encourage all those sheep out there who have got lost in the maze of life. Most of my relatives have "wandered off" and I long for them to come back home . I often think of St Monica praying for her wayward son Augustine - now there was a happy ending !

  • @stp77rising11
    @stp77rising11 7 лет назад +40

    You should contact Marcus Grodi and the Journey Home/Coming Home Network and get your stpry even more widespread!

  • @haneulnara95222
    @haneulnara95222 Год назад +2

    I was raised protestant and have been searching for the "true" church for over a year now. I've watched catholic vs protestant debates and spent a lot of time trying to figure it all out and get it right in my head. I just came across your channel and this video specifically has helped immensely. It is becoming clearer now, thank you so much for sharing your story and how you came to a decision.

    • @elsas1571
      @elsas1571 9 месяцев назад

      Hey, in a similar situation. How has it been so far and how is it going now, for you?

  • @watermain48
    @watermain48 Год назад

    Thank you Brian for taking the time to talk about your journey to the Church. Conversion stories are among my favorite things to watch on YT. Your story is exceptional.

  • @ca4882
    @ca4882 7 лет назад +69

    It's a most glorious and perfect Church, since it was instituted Jesus Himself. ... but prepare to suffer. Pick up your cross and follow Him. But the rewards in Heaven wil be bountiful. " well done my good and faithful servant" Amen

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад

      Celia Arrazola Actually Catholics don't, Catholics ENJOY life unlike Protestants!

    • @andrewburch3694
      @andrewburch3694 6 лет назад +2

      Aj Jingco Suffering is something we’re called to accept if and when it becomes necessary for carrying out our mission as Catholics. Enjoying life is absolutely good if it’s for the right reasons-in that you’re right. I just feel the need to say that the Catholic life may be hard sometimes and we are called to persevere through that.

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 5 лет назад +1

      A perfect church? Tell that to all the abused children. Tell it to all the people they burned at the stake during their inquisitions.

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 4 года назад

      @@deancamp4914 You mean there are sinners in the Church?! There are people who have done terrible things in the name of a faith? Yes, Mr. Camp, us Catholic's understand that there have been some bad Catholics. But I hate to break this to you, but there are just as many bad Protestants out there too.
      Just because there are bad people in a Church, does not make the Church false. Look at Judas. Would you consider Christ wrong because of him?

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 4 года назад +1

      Craig Sherman You can’t hide behind mass murder and mass child abuse by saying, “nobody’s perfect”. Jesus said, “you will know them by their fruit“. The fruit of the Catholic Church is plain for everyone to see - It is rotten to the core.

  • @sporkfood
    @sporkfood 7 лет назад +26

    Thank you for this excellent breakdown of the logical issues with Protestant faith. As a fellow convert, I followed the same lines coming out of the Prosperity Gospel, which made absolutely zero sense after seeing anything happening around me...

  • @BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian
    @BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian 6 лет назад +18

    Welcome home my fellow Canadian Catholic! I love hearing convert and revert stories. Shout out from Hamilton, Ontario!

  • @nicholetteenos2906
    @nicholetteenos2906 6 лет назад +55

    I, like you, have struggled with religion for a large portion of my life. I have been religion shopping I guess you could say. I determined I would like to remain within the Christian faith and have now come to the part where I would like to select a denomination. I have been asking so many people why they like being part of their respective denomination and what their denomination believes. However, NOONE has been able to justify or explain their beliefs the way you have. I think how logically you have approached this and how well you explain it have helped me to understand why Catholicism is such an excellent denomination. I grew up Lutheran and was never taught much of this stuff. Thank you.
    Do you have any recommendations for someone who is looking to "convert" to Catholicism, but is already a Christian and an adult.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  6 лет назад +18

      Hi Nicholette, I'm so glad this video was helpful for you. Adults who want to join the Catholic Church go through an initiation process called RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation for Adults). It usually involves several months of preparation and faith study classes to help you understand what Catholics believe and to help you prepare to actively participate as a member of Christ's body. There are two pathways for reception depending on your relationship with the Church. For those who are validly baptized in another denomination, the process of initiation is somewhat different. They are called Candidates. For those unbaptized, the process is a bit more extensive. They are called Catechumenates. That said, I've been through RCIA several times (first as a candidate and then as a sponsor of candidates). Based on that experience, I always feel reluctant to send people into RCIA because it's implemented in a fairly inconsistent way and it depends highly on the parish and who is running it. As much as I love the Church; in Western society, there are major inconsistencies with how the faith is taught and practiced among those who attend and lead in mass. I point that out so that you aren't scandalized in the process. Some parishes are great, some not so much. So hopefully you can find a good one that will enrich your faith. Whether you do or not, the great gift of the Catholic Church is the sacraments. They are the most powerful way of receiving God's grace and without them I would be a mess. That will be something you can rely on whether the community you join is rich in faith or not and it is a great consolation. I talk about the sacraments a little in this video: ruclips.net/video/qhWTW29Kr1s/видео.html. If you can manage to find them, Bishop Fulton Sheen has some great lectures on the sacraments. Here's a search on YT that could get you started: ruclips.net/user/results?search_query=fulton+sheen+sacraments. I hope that helps. Let me know.

    • @nicholetteenos2906
      @nicholetteenos2906 6 лет назад +10

      Brian Holdsworth thank you so much for the information and encouragement. I appreciate it and look forward to more videos.

    • @johnb4632
      @johnb4632 6 лет назад +6

      Brian; Just discovered your channel.Thanks for your testimony and discovering the true faith.You can definitely help out those online looking for truth.

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад +3

      +Brian Holdsworth Honestly my mother is a devout Catholic it still amazes me even if my father is a born again Christian he still receives the Eucharist!

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад +1

      +Brian Holdsworth I'm a Catholic but I have a question for someone who's a Catholic but then converted to Protestant would he/she still have to take the RCIA to become Catholic again?

  • @wonkothesane8691
    @wonkothesane8691 5 лет назад +12

    I love your videos, little brother; and I love you for making them. I'm a Christian and have struggled all my adult life with living out the faith God has breathed in me; now I understand why. I recently decided to become Catholic, for precisely the reasons you mentioned here, these were a puzzle to me. I asked the questions in my heart, and to my fellow believers, only to come away more confused. If the only needful thing is faith, what value is works? Works are a demonstration of faith, and serve to strengthen that faith. Yes, faith is our only justification, and all that is necessary for conversion, or salvation; this is important for those whose death is imminent and wish to be saved from judgement. But, we who remain have to have a structure of sound doctrine and good works to help maintain our faith. Another problem I have is the two doctrines which have polluted Protestant churches, those of political correctness and the prosperity gospel. I find both to be a turn off spiritually, especially when they attack the catholic church. I am a follower of Jesus Christ first, and a Catholic second, this shall be my creed.

  • @ca4882
    @ca4882 7 лет назад +80

    O my goodness, the Holy Spirit indeed has a plan for your life, may all the Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Blessed Virgen Mary protect you and keep you safe and strong against all the attacks you will receive. .. God bless you

    • @MegaHekima
      @MegaHekima 6 лет назад +1

      Let's reason with each other...
      Can God fail? I would say no, considering the Bible says He is perfect.
      But Pope Francis thinks otherwise. While on tour in Africa he said that "..he always carries two things, a rosary...and a book of God's historical failures" (I'm paraphrasing) Watch it here: ruclips.net/video/4Wdi5UF3QBE/видео.html
      So, why would the Pope, the leader of the RCC, claim such a thing? How can that be justified?
      I believe the Catholic Church is not the true Church, I know that offends a lot of people, but like I said, let us reason with each other. Read this book, and ask those hard questions: remnantofgod.org/books/docs/CoA/CoA%20ReaderFlat.pdf

    • @maxfig4167
      @maxfig4167 6 лет назад +1

      I saw those videos and they are fake, they are manipulated to make them appear as if he was saying that.

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад

      +Paul H What church then did Jesus founded or did He NOT formed a church at all?

    • @AJ_Jingco
      @AJ_Jingco 6 лет назад

      +Paul H What church then did Jesus founded or did He NOT formed a church at all?

    • @roguedaskill
      @roguedaskill 6 лет назад

      The church is all of the saved through faith in Christ, a spiritual church, not a building.

  • @shashakleinsorge2345
    @shashakleinsorge2345 7 лет назад +26

    Thank you, Brian. Superb, concise, and warmly intelligent.

  • @janpetsch620
    @janpetsch620 5 лет назад +7

    Just discovered your videos. I wish many of my Protestant brothers and sisters could/would watch. Raised Catholic in an almost entirely Protestant family. Spent my adult life in different Protestant churches. Come home at age 63 after my Catholic mom’s death. At this point I began actually studying Catholicism. All I can say is wow. I had no idea what I was getting into our how truly wonderful the Church is. It was like the puzzle pieces came together. Ever thankful my dear mother led me back to the one true faith.

    • @mariab.774
      @mariab.774 5 лет назад

      @Jan Petsch I'm really glad to read this. Couldn't help to comment :)

    • @dimetriwatt7334
      @dimetriwatt7334 9 месяцев назад

      Welcome home 🙏

  • @theshipmasterbanished3902
    @theshipmasterbanished3902 Год назад +1

    This is such an amazing video. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Now you have eliminated any doubt in my Catholic faith because i have a protestant friend who always insisted that faith alone was the way to salvation but your last few minutes is all i needed to hear to know that faith alone isn't enough.

  • @theacm4741
    @theacm4741 7 лет назад +34

    Thank GOD , I'm glad to have know your channel 🙏. As a young Catholic I've been bombarded with questions about our faith and beliefs that are mostly misunderstood and was taken out of context. I'm not a theologian but I've come to realized personally that despite not being able to read the entire bible I have a God who revels himself to me without fail. Express His love through His words and through the people and things that a simple believer like me could grasp..

  • @elainelksuabernet
    @elainelksuabernet 3 года назад +3

    I attended the Catholic Church for 7years, I didn’t really get it until I went through suffering in my family, I was so desperate for help that I started looking for help within the faith, this is where it unlocked everything about the Catholic, and the more I learned about our faith, the more I become closer to our Savior and Mother Mary…

  • @cowmansr
    @cowmansr 4 года назад +9

    Sounds familiar, looking back to my own experience of switching from Protestant to Catholic. The major claim Protestants make is that Catholicism is unbiblical, but disconnected from what we bring to the scriptures from our own traditions, and from the myths about Catholicism, I really see Catholicism as fitting better with the Bible.

  • @ChristianSaintSavior
    @ChristianSaintSavior 5 лет назад +10

    Welcome home, brother and GOD Bless you! Viva Cristo Rey!

  • @eleda131313
    @eleda131313 5 лет назад +1

    Well done Brian, thank you. I had a long journey over many years to find my way Home ! My real conviction and 'conviction moment' came when reading a little book describing the events of Fatima, and when it came to the Miracle, which I started reading full of scepticism, the room started spinning around me, I was so surprised. I will never forget it, ever. I think it struck me so hard, because when I picked up the book to read, I had never heard anyone anywhere ever talking about it. That was the start of a long journey, around 1984, and I am now transplanted to a town far away from my former home, because it it the only place in my country that has Traditional Priests (4), of the SSPX, 2 Brothers, Catholic Schooling, a teaching Order of Nuns, and a large community of young families, many of whom attend daily Mass, Rosary, Weekly Stations of the Cross in Lent, Weekly all day Adoration, and confessions daily, and more ... God bless, Pax Christi

  • @flick1302
    @flick1302 7 лет назад +23

    Great work as usual Brian. Respectful and concise. Keep them coming!

  • @ProLifeBrother
    @ProLifeBrother 3 года назад +2

    Just came across this channel Brian. Very impressed by all we've seen so far: great content, presentation, delivery and research. Will start putting the word out. God bless you. Chris & Sonia (UK)

  • @wisdaniel
    @wisdaniel 6 лет назад +14

    That was beyond amazing. It was clear, concise, true. Thank you.

  • @michelpilon8171
    @michelpilon8171 7 лет назад +68

    Thank you very much for this video. Your video is fantastic. This is the best video where differences between Catholic and Protestant doctrine are explained so clearly. The fallacy of "scripture alone" and "faith alone" is wonderfully explained. Thanks.

    • @greglaprade7507
      @greglaprade7507 6 лет назад +2

      Michel Pilon He falsified what Luther said and did. The Reformation was needed because the Catholic church was off the rails in many ways.

    • @nicholasricardo8443
      @nicholasricardo8443 5 лет назад

      @@greglaprade7507The Church is no longer corrupt like it was in the 16th century. Protestants distinguish themselves by the two arguments he presented. If those arguments are invalid, the entire premise of modern Protestantism is compromised.

    • @greglaprade7507
      @greglaprade7507 5 лет назад +2

      @@nicholasricardo8443 I haven't seen this video in a long time, but the 5 solas are straight from scripture. RCC not corrupt? Good one!
      Roman Catholicism is a works-based system like every other false religion. The Council of Trent says so. Many Catholics may not agree with the Council of Trent, but that's what it says- salvation is based on faith+works (not biblical). Good works will naturally come out of having faith, but faith ALONE saves.

    • @nicholasricardo8443
      @nicholasricardo8443 5 лет назад

      @@greglaprade7507Works based implies that it is based solely on works, you have contradicted yourself by saying what Catholics believe (faith+works). I know Luther tried to remove the Epistle Of James, but I can assure you it was not because it was inaccurate. I challenge you to actually watch this video again. and I'll rectify my claim: The catholic Church is not corrupt in the same way as it was in the 16th century, so Luther's objections to the 16th century's Catholic Church's practices are irrelevant. There are legitimate claims to be made against the Catholic church's scandals, the claims of selling indulgences is no longer one of them.

    • @greglaprade7507
      @greglaprade7507 5 лет назад +1

      @@nicholasricardo8443 I see. So the RCC has changed the way that they are corrupt. Got it. I agree.
      Read Romans and get back to me. The 5 solas that your RCC rejects are biblical.

  • @jamesmonahan9408
    @jamesmonahan9408 4 года назад +2

    EXACTLY!! I was on the same journey. Born catholic, never had he bible explained to me, stripped everything I knew or thought I knew and started from square one. Started with Rick Warren and all that. Then Protestant theology and read the 95 by Marty. Come to learn the jewish roots of the catholic church and have been in love with Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit, Mary, and the communion of saints. Confession is a spiritual cleansing and receiving the blood and body of our Lord is my person relationship with the Lord. May God bless you.

  • @silviae1000
    @silviae1000 3 года назад

    At the end of your talk you said " Thanks for watching". But I think we should thank you. You explain your faith so clearly and in humble way . Your journey to the Catholic Church is so interesting, you asked yourself questions and you kept searching for the answers until you found the truth. Thank you Brian once again. I'll pray for you and your family today. Blessings from Argentina

  • @paulmiller8673
    @paulmiller8673 6 лет назад +3

    Brian, excellent video! You have a knack for speaking about what sometimes seem like complex issues with clarity.

  • @paigelamar7658
    @paigelamar7658 2 года назад +7

    I was raised Protestant. My brother became Catholic not very long ago, so I’m trying to better understand his beliefs. Thanks for these helpful videos!

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for stopping by. I hope they're helpful.

  • @imbonnie
    @imbonnie 6 лет назад +36

    Sola Scriptura is also disproved by 2 Thessalonians 2:15 which states: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." Thus the Bible shows that the foundation of truth is not only scripture but scripture and oral tradition. This scripture supports the Catholic position.

    • @joestim8707
      @joestim8707 5 лет назад

      imbonnie AMEN

    • @eastsorna763
      @eastsorna763 5 лет назад


    • @steliosmitr8245
      @steliosmitr8245 5 лет назад +6

      By ''traditions'' he doesnt mean what a catholic thinks ''traditions'' means. ''Παράδοσεις'' is what Paul taught the Thessalonians about Christ and how to get saved. The previous verses even say 2:13 ''But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth'' (sola fide). Remember, the NT wasnt written in a western latin context and language.
      So no, the catholic church tradition still has no basis unless its scriptural.

    • @leahjames6870
      @leahjames6870 5 лет назад +3

      Yes, the traditions of the apostles, the New Testament church, etc. Not the traditions of the Catholic church, which are completely different.

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 5 лет назад +1

      And what do you do when Catholic tradition contradicts the Scriptures?

  • @DanaClarkDana
    @DanaClarkDana Год назад +1

    Ten years ago, as a non-Christian, I had a divine encounter moment that also instantly changed my life; suddenly I needed to learn about what happened and where to go. So many church options and I figured "anywhere but Catholic." After a long journey through several churches I couldn't reconcile all the divisions, accusations, inconsistencies with what I read in scripture or the majesty and peace of my initial encounter with Christ. Finally I found myself simply drawn to the Catholic Church and was confirmed this past Easter Vigil. The clarity and coherence of the doctrine of faith is something to behold; the attitude of the apologists are so charitable and learned; time with the Holy Eucharist is compelling in ineffable ways.

  • @AV-tm5zf
    @AV-tm5zf 6 лет назад +2

    Thank You, Brian. This video was really great. I was born into the catholic faith. Yet with life my heart changed I had a major conversion and that ultimately leading me to be a stronger catholic. I want to learn more about our forefathers, how we grew. Still trying to tackle the book to choose for this, that a average joe like me can understand. Thank you for sharing your journey. I have learned much from converts about apologetics. Thanks for sharing your fruits of your labor, brother in Christ and ALL the best!
    *****Thank you most of all for being so honest with how you became Catholic. *****

  • @johns.9659
    @johns.9659 6 лет назад +4

    I personally loved the video, as a catholic I truly believe that conversion stories such as these are miracles in the modern world we live in today. I also like the bible references used to support your decision, as you seem to have discovered the "Both And" in Catholic doctrine. God is Both Merciful And Just. We are Saved by Both Faith And Works. The Church is Both the Pillar And Foundation of Truth. God Bless you!

  • @cpa7414
    @cpa7414 6 лет назад +7

    Wow 😮 You explain this very well. I am Catholic and always seeking the truth and have heard others explain but how you explained it here is so good and we’ll. God Bless you and your family always 😊👍🙏

  • @jayboss9978
    @jayboss9978 6 лет назад +4

    I really truly appreciate how you explained this in part 1 & 2. I am a Catholic and proud and blessed to be Catholic. I do not speak ill of other denominations because I do feel all Christian paths are beautiful that lead to our beloved Jesus Christ. Yet , I do get negative opinions from other denominations towards my Catholic faith. This explains it perfectly for me. Thank you very much . Glory to God in the Highest ❤️✝️

  • @redshredder1021
    @redshredder1021 4 года назад +4

    I was born Protestant but my family and I are on the road to becoming Catholic. Still learning more everyday. Your videos are very informative. I love this channel! Great job, blessings!

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 года назад

      Are you Catholic yet?

    • @redshredder1021
      @redshredder1021 3 года назад

      @@johnyang1420 Not yet. COVID 19 put that on hold for a bit

    • @johnyang1420
      @johnyang1420 3 года назад

      @@redshredder1021 Well…..hope you become Catholic!!!

  • @ricricvinyl2401
    @ricricvinyl2401 5 лет назад +1

    Brian, you have the gift of the tongue coming from the Holy Spirit. You know how to convey in words what your intellect has discovered. I am a cradle Catholic. I have been visited by so many Evangelicals trying to convince me of their faith. I do not have the kind of defense you have, but I just kept myself faithful and obedient to the Catholic Faith. I have had trials and tribulations in life (like that of Job) but those did not make me leave my Catholic faith. Keep the Catholic faith burning by sharing with us your spiritual videos. I will share them with my friends and relatives.

  • @rightousray2
    @rightousray2 5 лет назад +75

    Catholicism is the fullness of Christianity - the Universal Church. Welcome home! Great video.

    • @jacobitewiseman3696
      @jacobitewiseman3696 4 года назад +1

      No universalism is heresy.

    • @jacobitewiseman3696
      @jacobitewiseman3696 4 года назад +1

      @@cantesito6043 universalist is a "christainity" that's okay with indifferentism.

    • @luismanuelpotenciano1300
      @luismanuelpotenciano1300 3 года назад +1

      @@jacobitewiseman3696 Catholico=universal.

    • @ateam388
      @ateam388 3 года назад +1

      @@jacobitewiseman3696 Heresy is Protestants using an edited Catholic Bible.

    • @shihyuchu6753
      @shihyuchu6753 3 года назад

      @@ateam388 What must I believe which is NOT in the Bible???????

  • @hulsfamcalcan
    @hulsfamcalcan 7 лет назад +10

    I'll answer some questions before they asked.
    Did Catholics delete the Second Commandment?
    Catholics did not delete the second commandment. The commandments are found in full in 2 places (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21) and each list is slightly different. Also they were never numbered in the OT.
    St. Augustine came up with a definitive list of the 10 commandments, based on Exodus, in the 4th century, and this is the one used by the Catholic Church for the last 2,000 years and this list was used by Martin Luther in his teachings. It is protestants who used the version in Deuteronomy.
    Question for protestants: why did the Protestant churches "delete" the commandment against coveting their neighbour's wife????

    • @Lalalauren1117
      @Lalalauren1117 5 лет назад

      Anthony Hulse In response to your question about why Protestants deleted the commandment to “not covet your neighbor’s wife”: We didn’t. It’s a part of the 10th commandment which concerns all coveting. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Ex 20:17)

    • @mikelopez8564
      @mikelopez8564 3 года назад

      @@Lalalauren1117 Good save Lauren. Most Catholics know it’s just the grouping of the commandments to make ten that makes them look different from Catholic to Protestant.

  • @Archdinky
    @Archdinky 5 лет назад +6

    This video has really blessed my life and was really the best video I've seen in a long time that helps me understand my catholic faith and in relating to my protestant brothers and sisters

  • @mikkis668
    @mikkis668 4 года назад +1

    Coming to similar conclusions... As a grown up man and a life long Christian.
    5th generation Baptist, went to Lutheran youth groups, had a blast visiting Hillsong and rolled my eyes at "on-the-fringe-fruitloop-Jesus-and-me" groups... Spent a life changeing week in a Orthodox monastery, been reading about the Early Church and Church Fathers lately...
    Seems like my Protestant days are coming to an end... Exciting, uncomfortable an not so easy... moving forward. Thanks for your help, Brian.

  • @conscience333
    @conscience333 5 лет назад +1

    What an excellent, logical approach to finding your faith. I was born Catholic and my mother raised me in the faith, I've had many experiences that have confirmed me in my faith but I'm almost (ALMOST) envious of the journey you made in finding the Catholic Church. Thank you for sharing this with us, I hope many will be inspired.

  • @markstevenfrancois
    @markstevenfrancois 5 лет назад +11

    The definition that's used here for Sola Scriptura is definitely the way that a lot of Protestants (especially evangelicals) define Sola Scriptura. But that's not quite the understanding that the first Lutheran and Reformed theologians had of scripture. Sola Scriptura, when rightly understood, means that scripture is the highest authority for what we should believe and do as Christians, not our only authority. The reasoning for this is very simple: both the Reformers and their contemporaries who remained in the Catholic Church believed in the inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of scripture (though this last point has been disputed). What they disagreed about was whether there are other sources of authority, whether church councils, the magisterium of the church, or tradition in general, is equally inspired and inerrant. The early reformers argued that church councils, especially local councils in the Western Church after the seven ecumenical councils, and other authorities were clearly not infallible, which means that scripture, when understood properly, trumps those other authorities. So Sola Scriptura doesn't need to be found in scripture itself (it clearly isn't found in scripture despite what many people say today) - it's a deductive theological argument based on a premise that both sides agreed with. It's based on the infallibility of scripture and the possibility/reality that other sources of authority aren't completely infallible. But the early reformers didn't reject these other sources of authority for doctrine and practice because of what they believed about Scripture. This can be seen, for example, in Philip Melanchthon's argument for infant baptism based on tradition and even Luther's retention of the basic structure of Catholic liturgy. So, for them, Scripture was the highest authority since everyone agreed that it was perfectly inspired, but they clearly didn't believe it was the only authority. But that's the best and earliest understanding of Sola Scriptura - the average Protestant or evangelical probably wouldn't realize this. Anyway, enjoyed the video.

    • @nicholasricardo8443
      @nicholasricardo8443 5 лет назад

      You're right of course, but the majority of protestants will state that all exegesis that is written is invalid, even if it only requires the slightest bit of extrapolation.

    • @leahjames6870
      @leahjames6870 5 лет назад

      @@nicholasricardo8443 What do you mean???

    • @markstevenfrancois
      @markstevenfrancois 4 года назад

      @Asaph Vapor I'm confused. Where do we disagree?

    • @markstevenfrancois
      @markstevenfrancois 4 года назад

      @Asaph Vapor Still confused. That was exactly the point I was trying to make. I'm a Protestant.

  • @mimieakutagawa5145
    @mimieakutagawa5145 5 лет назад +4

    With open arms, Brian---Great Home Coming
    LOVE from the Philippines...God Bless.

  • @HannahHirang
    @HannahHirang 5 лет назад +3

    "But if I was gonna be true to myself in this conviction that I was gonna follow God at all costs, I knew that it meant becoming Catholic." Amen! 🙏🏻💛

  • @josephmcmahon4139
    @josephmcmahon4139 2 года назад

    (Protestant here) found your channel and have been watching through many of your videos and appreciate you candidness and clarity. We are in an age where so many people that we hear on TV or the internet come off as extremely disingenuous but you definitely stand apart. Keep up the good work 👍

  • @edwinmalachy
    @edwinmalachy 6 лет назад +2

    Brian your talks are most fascinating, in particular because of how you approach the truth and research it for yourself.

  • @johnfelix5370
    @johnfelix5370 7 лет назад +8

    Best choice you have done brother, God Bless You and lead You.

  • @AnnInFL
    @AnnInFL 7 лет назад +6

    This is awesome. Thank you for this clear explanation. Welcome to the timeless beauty and truth of Jesus Christ in His one holy, Catholic, and apostolic church!

  • @jacquilinelunag8940
    @jacquilinelunag8940 6 лет назад +6

    I definitely learned from this thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Manyacn
    @Manyacn Год назад +1

    I have recently had a divine encounter. And since then started believing in our Lord and the Holy Trinity. I'm studying Bible and praying evey day. So, now i obviously have to choose which church or denomination to follow. Obviously, I've been more attracted to Protestant denominations, as they are to me not as complicated to follow as Catholicism (or so i thought). I've been researching, trying to find an answer, and the more i researched the more confused i was. So, i just prayed to God couple weeks ago and asked him to guide me. Tell me what is right. And i kid you not, he told me clearly "go and be Catholic, my daughter " . Well if God tells me what to do, i will definitely do it. I am now on my way to become Catholic. And i am glad i found your channel!

  • @BensWorkshop
    @BensWorkshop 8 месяцев назад

    Third video I have watched of yours. Staggeringly simple explanations presented humbly. Excellent. There are many things I just do not get about Protestantism and am aware of all the scripture you cite but you did it so well.

  • @punk3388
    @punk3388 7 лет назад +8

    Thank you! Very well said. I could not agree more.. God bless you!

  • @hulsfamcalcan
    @hulsfamcalcan 7 лет назад +15

    Do Catholics worship graven images?
    No, they do not.
    a. The prohibition against graven images is concerned with worshiping something in place of God. Catholics do not worships, saints, Mary or images.
    b. In Exodus 25:18-21 God himself instructed Moses to make graven images, two statues of angels (cherubim, and place them on the actual Ark of the Covenant.
    Later in the New Testament, Jesus compared Himself to the bronze serpent (John 3:14).

    • @peterjongsma2754
      @peterjongsma2754 6 лет назад +2

      Anthony Hulse
      Well argued.Plus a beautiful Image elevates the soul to the beauty of Christ.
      Satanic Images are what the OT forbids.

    • @JohnDoe19991
      @JohnDoe19991 6 лет назад +3

      why this? Solomon himself had Images of two heavenly creatures in the most holy place of his temple.....The point is may Catholics don't know the Bible and protestants can easily fool them

  • @scottjones8100
    @scottjones8100 6 лет назад +13

    As a strong Protestant (and clergy at that), but quite ecumenical in approach, I greatly appreciate your tightly-reasoned and irenic recounting of your journey into Catholicism and the reasons behind it--an outstanding job. Blessings on you, Brother!

  • @thereseklopfenstein3398
    @thereseklopfenstein3398 4 месяца назад

    Brian, thank you so much for sharing your conversion journey with us. Would you please make a video continuing your conversion story? ie, How you found an RCIA program, how your friends and family reacted, what your confirmation, first confession and First Communion were like for you, and what your first months/ year as a Catholic were like for you? Thank you!

  • @cyberfication
    @cyberfication 4 года назад +2

    Welcome home my brother in Christ.
    God bless you

  • @sacredmommyhood
    @sacredmommyhood 3 года назад +6

    I was the opposite in my conversion. I was raised Catholic, and in my teenage years began to question much of the practices in the church. After attending a Protestant bible study in my late teens, and hearing the Gospel, I knew Catholicism was no longer a fit for me. It took several more years though before I officially left the church as I spent time reading the Bible and attending other Protestant churches. I've spent many years since then studying theology, in particular (and as a homeschool mom to twelve children) the Reformation, and I am convinced of Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura. However, with that said, I have thoroughly enjoyed your two part series on how you converted. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and respect as you passionately and logically share your position. I will say this...I miss immensely the reverence of the Catholic church. A virtue that is sorely lacking in many a Protestant churches today. Blessings to you!

  • @Straitsfan
    @Straitsfan 7 лет назад +5

    By the way, in case you don't know, Paul never said faith alone. Luther added that word. The original greek says "We are saved by grace through faith," not "We are saved by grace through faith alone."

    • @Ranman555Wilson
      @Ranman555Wilson 5 лет назад

      Roman's 11....it is either all of grace or it is all of works...paul also said by grace are we saved through faith and this is not of yourselves (not of any merit work or deed on our part in the "greek") it is the gift of God (gift is always recieved and never worked for nor earned without nullifying the gift aspect) not of works (again not with anything we have done or do) lest any man should boast (no man can boast in his salvation attained through himself)

    • @georgeibrahim7945
      @georgeibrahim7945 5 лет назад

      Ranman555Wilson St. Paul had already made very clear in Romans 2:6-7 that good works are necessary for eternal life, at least in one sense:
      For [God] will render to every man according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life…
      One of the problems in Rome St. Paul was dealing with was a very prominent heresy known to us today as the “Judaizer” heresy. Those attached to this sect taught belief in Christ and obedience to the New Covenant was not enough to be saved. One had to keep the Law of Moses, especially circumcision, in order to merit heaven.

  • @AMOSS1970
    @AMOSS1970 6 лет назад +4

    Thanks so much for your explanation, it made so much sense!

  • @snowice3837
    @snowice3837 6 лет назад +2

    Subbed! Loved your breadcrumb trail to the Truth.
    Welcome home brother 🙌🏽

  • @larryseelig8278
    @larryseelig8278 5 лет назад +2

    Deep, comprehensive, and well articulated. More importantly it seemed genuine and sincere. Thank you 😊

  • @gualbertojardim6758
    @gualbertojardim6758 6 лет назад +10

    Wo ever want to find the TRUTH always end up in the Catholic Church .Christ funded Church.

  • @annelang7220
    @annelang7220 6 лет назад +9

    I've been researching Catholicism for the past few months and much of what you've said really resonated with me. I was never baptised as a child but attended a school where we were educated from a protestant perpective. My mother being protestant was very religious and always said "you must believe in God" so it put me off and led me to Paganism. Last year I began looking more closely at Catholicism and like yourself have seen what I can only describe as a devotion in some people who I knew were Catholic which I had never really recognised in protestants and I can only attribute to their faith which gave them a deep sense of inner peace. I also like the fact that they acknowledge Mother Mary, highlighting the divine feminine which Protestantism doesn't address. I wish you well on your journey & pray for guidance on mines.

    • @habituallinestepper9879
      @habituallinestepper9879 6 лет назад +3

      Just a point of clarification, the Catholic Church does not worship Mary, nor hold her as being divine. She is the highest creature, over even the angels. She is the Ark of the New Covenant. But she is not divine.
      Latria, the worship of divinity, is given to God in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) alone.
      Hyper-Dulia is the special honor given to Mary, as the highest of created beings. It is honor, not worship.
      Dulia, is the honor given to the other saints and angels. Again, it is honor, not worship.
      Hope that helps and God's blessing and guidance to you on your spiritual journey. Hopefully soon you will join Him in His Church, receiving Him in the Eucharist!

    • @annelang7220
      @annelang7220 6 лет назад +1

      T F Thanks for your comment. I take your point. Maybe I was a bit ambiguous in what I said. I realise Mother Mary is not worshipped but as you say is honoured. From what I've read about Catholicism God is both divine masculine and divine feminine.

    • @liljade53
      @liljade53 3 года назад

      @@habituallinestepper9879 but Jesus said John the Babtist was the greatest human who ever lived, he could have said, my mom, but he didn't

    • @habituallinestepper9879
      @habituallinestepper9879 3 года назад

      @@liljade53 nope. Jesus was talking about prophets. He was saying John the Baptist was the greatest of the prophets.

    • @liljade53
      @liljade53 3 года назад

      @@habituallinestepper9879 Matt 11:11 Amen I say to you, there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist: yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he

  • @adamhovey407
    @adamhovey407 7 лет назад +10

    Dude, I am just so waiting for you to pick up that guitar and play a solo.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  7 лет назад

      Adam Hovey I do some noodling in this video: ruclips.net/video/jipW5YhuCrk/видео.html

  • @dranerane4912
    @dranerane4912 6 лет назад +1

    I'm a cradle Catholics and just recently decided to go deeper with our church. This video is very helpful in my journey.

  • @DiamondCraft2000
    @DiamondCraft2000 5 лет назад +1

    Very well made video. Glad to hear you made a relationship with God. :) I hope your relationship grows stronger every day.

  • @stephenjohn8201
    @stephenjohn8201 6 лет назад +3

    My entire family and ancestors are Protestants, but I was the Black Sheep :) I read the Gospel by my self when I was 20.
    Believe me! Holy Saint. Paul started whispering in my ears from Chapter 13 Acts of Apostles. Especially His words : I am the prisoner of Jesus and tied to his chains to reveal the Gospel. Amen
    I interpreted from my native Urdu to English. I exist in Pakistan, so forgive any typo.
    May God bless you abundantly!

  • @kevinroque5374
    @kevinroque5374 5 лет назад +16

    "To be steeped into history is to cease being Protestant."
    -Blessed John Henry Newman (soon-to-be-canonized-this-year)

    • @liljade53
      @liljade53 5 лет назад +1

      perhaps he was a bit biased? protestants, or better to say non-Catholic Christ followers, still feel that church history is common to us all.

    • @vlms5893
      @vlms5893 3 года назад

      @@liljade53 ruclips.net/video/L14UNjaZJm8/видео.html

    • @juliankonkani
      @juliankonkani 3 года назад

      @@liljade53 Non-Catholics don't follow Christ. To follow Christ and do the will of his father is to be part of his Church and follow the Catholic faith.

    • @liljade53
      @liljade53 3 года назад

      @@juliankonkani wow! After leaving Catholicism, I used to feel the same way about all Catholics. That there was no way they knew Christ. I know now that Christ has no such boundaries.

    • @liljade53
      @liljade53 3 года назад

      @@juliankonkani they didn't talk about him, they didn't act like him. I have since come to know better. It's sad you don't know what non-catholics have done to spread the gospel around the globe.

  • @Barnabas94
    @Barnabas94 6 лет назад +3

    As a Confessional Lutheran we don't teach blank faith, we teach that like James 2, that works are a necessary sign of faith to the external world but when it comes to justification from God that we are not judged on our works to be considered righteous, for God is so holy and so righteous that even our best works and deeds are filthy rags to God but our faith in Jesus and his righteousness and holiness is a blanket that protects us from God the father's judgement. Our sins have been paid for by Jesus complete sacrifice, repayment isn't required by us. Only our faith in Jesus is what justifies us to be righteous in front of God. So I still believe in sola fide, as to sola scriptura I'll have to do some better research. The apostles are true, and scripture is true. Thank you for your input. Just the views of a Evangelical Catholic.

  • @maribelzavala6229
    @maribelzavala6229 2 года назад

    This was absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing and Proclaiming Truth!! God Bless you Always! 🙏🏻

  • @AngelGonzalez-ng9ve
    @AngelGonzalez-ng9ve 2 года назад +1

    Really beautiful and informative video. You described the 2 denominations so clearly.. I been fighting with that for a long time and so far IM STILL CATHOLIC and trying my best with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT.. Keep doing your blessing videos. 3Am in the morning in CALIFORNIA and im listening to them as im trying to sleep... 🙏🏻👍🏻

  • @fatherjosephdaiif1532
    @fatherjosephdaiif1532 6 лет назад +4

    So powerful. Jesus says: "If they kept my word, they will keep yours" (John 15; 20 d). Thank you. Pray for me

  • @greglaprade7507
    @greglaprade7507 5 лет назад +6

    5:10 - Faith in this sense, is a passive belief in Jesus, says Brian. Where does he get that from? I know that my faith is very 24/7 active.

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 5 лет назад +1

      People love straw man arguments like the one he gave.

    • @mikelopez8564
      @mikelopez8564 3 года назад

      Greg, your particular Protestant community may acknowledge works in Christ being operative in salvation but MANY don’t. And you know that, or should.

    • @mikelopez8564
      @mikelopez8564 3 года назад

      @@deancamp4914 No, it’s not. The vast majority of Protestant denominations are “faith alone”. If it doesn’t apply to your particular understanding of salvation, fine. Martin Luther said you could commit fornication a hundred times a day and it would not affect your salvation. If you don’t believe that, then you agree more with Catholics.

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 3 года назад

      @@mikelopez8564 If you are trusting in your own righteousness when you stand before God - you are in for a shocking surprise.

  • @tesschavit3009
    @tesschavit3009 5 лет назад +3

    Very good explanation thank you! Proud being catholic, the only Church it has the fullness of truth

  • @jimcallahan9346
    @jimcallahan9346 5 лет назад

    Brian, you have a great gift for explaining theology in terms everyone can understand. I really appreciate and look forward to your videos. I text them to my 3 older kids as they struggle with their faith in these times.

  • @adanvega7493
    @adanvega7493 4 года назад

    Sir! This video is so good. Thank you for sharing and I will share your video with friends

  • @yakublugun1945
    @yakublugun1945 6 лет назад +2

    I am lucky a Catholic, God has chosen me as a Catholic. Praise the Lord.

  • @TheLingnerFamily
    @TheLingnerFamily 5 лет назад +20

    And is Sola scripture was correct, and every individual who study the Bible would be able to correctly interpret it, then it is clearly disputed because of the divisions that have developed since the Reformation.

    • @Anonymous-ip4qx
      @Anonymous-ip4qx 5 лет назад +4

      45000 different Christian denominations say Sola Scriptura is a farce.

    • @cayetano6547
      @cayetano6547 5 лет назад +1

      @@Anonymous-ip4qx what do thousands of pedophile priests and a Pope that says Muslims and atheists will go to heaven have to say?

    • @hopereeves5141
      @hopereeves5141 5 лет назад +1

      @Collins Anosike amen

    • @hopereeves5141
      @hopereeves5141 5 лет назад +2

      @@cayetano6547 we are all filled with sin. We all have the potential for evil. Yes, there have been scandals, but don't use them to judge all of us. Just like i can say "oh your a man- you must be a sexist, monoginist, creeper rapist, because there have been a group of men who are." (May not be the best way to say it but I tried). Anyway, we will never try to force you to believe what we do. peace be with you

    • @deancamp4914
      @deancamp4914 5 лет назад +1

      That’s a false assumption. “If A = B then A cannot = C” is not a logical inference.

  • @pinky-wt6dk
    @pinky-wt6dk 6 лет назад +6

    Thanks for this! Now I have the need to get personal :) I come from a catholic background, and I also was a very cynical teenager, but I never outgrew that, and I am 26 now. I lost faith, and I came to the point now where I think it is impossible to convince myself in the "truth" of all that. I love Catholicism a lot, appreciate the artistic, cultural and philosophical aspects of it very much. I have been studying other religions, it is a part of my profession, and some may think that is why I cannot believe, for I have studied a huge amount of stuff people believed in throughout history. I don't know, maybe. But I love knowing about it. I also appreciate catholic traditional life, I think it is really a good formula for a happy and content human life. I actually hang on traditions of it all, because they enrich my life. And music, especially music! There is nothing better than to go and sing my heart out on Christmas or Easter mass! I just have this problem, it's not necessarily my lack of belief, but my unhappiness and my desire to make fun of silly beliefs. It fills me up with negativity too. I can't believe Jesus was divine, but I definitely think, if anyone, HE is worthy of following. At least as a really great man that once lived. He is the creator of the best religion, in my eyes. So thank you, I am really happy with how you wrapped up this video, it made me happier and hopeful.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  6 лет назад

      pinky lady Can I invite you to watch this video and let me know what you think? It's old and not quite as polished, but I think the content is still relevant. ruclips.net/video/_3gTISgSHCg/видео.html

    • @claireahmed7623
      @claireahmed7623 6 лет назад

      pinky lady
      Jesus aside from human nature has divine nature. Hence he performed miracles (ex. raising Lazarus from death and many more) that no ordinary humans can do. If his disciples were later able to perform extraordinary works they did it in his name.

    • @TomLandry1
      @TomLandry1 6 лет назад +3

      Pink Lady, God Bless You!
      May I offer a thought - respectfully? We hear many modern people who reject Christ on the grounds that he just can't be who he says he is! But these folks will often "throw a bone" to Christians by saying, "but he was a great teacher", or as you say, "a really great man."
      However, I'd suggest to you that, logically, this simply isn't possible.
      Jesus directly (and flagrantly) contradicted the Jewish authorities of his day. He openly claimed divinity (blasphemous for any mortal man to say), and openly contradicted the "accepted" and "authoritative" interpretations of OT scripture. ALL of these are things that NO "Good Teacher" of the Jewish Faith, nor any "good person" (by First Century Jewish standards) would have done!
      That leaves us with an uncomfortable choice: When we look objectively at what Jesus taught - there can only be two possible conclusions:
      EITHER he was a blasphemer and a heretic (and almost certainly mentally disturbed),
      OR -
      He was who he claimed to be.
      Just food for thought.
      God Love You!

  • @colettemccleave4532
    @colettemccleave4532 2 года назад

    Thank you very much. Very well explained. Welcome, brother, welcome!

  • @johncoffey9837
    @johncoffey9837 4 года назад

    I was born going to a Catholic Church with my mom, though my dad was raised Lutheran so I got a little bit of both perspectives. In my early teenage years I fell away from God in general. I found God again through my personal connections and through reading the Bible, return to a Catholic mass where I felt comfortable and knew how the mass would go in general. I left for college seeing it as an opportunity to explore other Churches and settle the Protestant-Catholic debate for myself. I went to the Catholic Church on campus the first Sunday I was there and though I may have not realized it in the moment I was enlightened. I love my home Church, I love the comfortability and the familiar community I know and their message is still pure. However, a Church at a college is unique, most everybody chooses to be there and is more likely to participate in the traditions that respect and love God. I’m still part of an inter-denominational fellowship to try and hear all perspectives of people who truly love Jesus, but I love being a Catholic and the truth I recently have found through it. Your videos have helped me come to some of that truth through God. I even found myself accepting to say “I believe in one Holy Catholic... Church” (which I usually intentionally skip in mass) lately without even noticing it. Amen and thanks for letting God work through you and the nice video that you produced through that. Though there’s still some contentions I’m dealing with in Catholicism, it’s beautiful to know that I don’t have to conform to one set path because God granted us the beauty of diversity. God Bless brother :)

  • @stephenmerritt5750
    @stephenmerritt5750 5 лет назад +3

    The Protestant position is this; the deeds spoke about in James and the 'fruit of the spirit' spoken by Jesus are the same thing. Faith without deeds is dead, yes, that is correct. But, even an atheist can perform good deeds. But faith produces 'fruit of the spirit' , which goes deeper than just doing good things. You can have faith without deeds and you can have deeds without faith. What it comes down to is belief.
    OK. So, I sit in a chair because I believe the chair is real. I don't question it. If I say, I believe in chairs yet continue to stand, I'm a hypocrite.
    I not only need to do good deeds but I must also produce the 'fruit of the spirit'. This is the product of belief, in order to glorify Jesus and not to 'boast' about my good deeds.
    That said, I have no issue whatsoever to the Catholic position and it's authority in scripture. If there ever arose a question of scripture I'm confident that the Catholic position would suffice. I just don't see or feel any reason whatsoever to glorify or pray to Mary on my behalf. It just seems extra. Thanks

    • @rmel8131
      @rmel8131 5 лет назад +1

      Stephen, Catholics don't glorify Mary, we dearly honour her
      Also, it's wonderful to belong to the communion of Saints. We are family, they are alive in Jesus in Heaven. God bless you...

  • @realEmoSedillo
    @realEmoSedillo 6 лет назад +12

    The Apostles acted In persona Christi. This is why Priests can act In persona Christi

    • @wendymitchell8245
      @wendymitchell8245 6 лет назад

      real Emo the Apostles were chosen by Jesus, they were taught by him; and He said he would send the Holy Spirit to bring back to their memory everything He taught them .They were called the foundation of the church.All believers were called priests as we all pray to the Father and have access to Him .There is no special office of priest in the New Test.

    • @peterjongsma2754
      @peterjongsma2754 6 лет назад

      Wendy Mitchell
      Apostles were Priests by virtue of The Great High Priest Jesus.

  • @kimballchoo
    @kimballchoo 6 лет назад +4

    God bless you brother

  • @jkellyid
    @jkellyid 3 года назад +1

    Good summation, the side that understands its opposition is typically the side of truth. I'm a revert who grew up in a home with a protestant mother and a cultural catholic so I had poor demonstration of catholic faith and convicted practitioner of protestant faith. But as I searched for a coherent ethic I found nothing substantive in Protestantism. I was amazed to find in large protestant churches leaders who had never read the bible in its entirety. They were "believing" but had no real grasp of what they "believed" in. This was a common problem the lack of basic biblical literacy from leaders in the largest churches in my area. Meanwhile the faithful (regular attendants) all grasped not only the bible in its entirety but large portions of the catechism and church history from memory.

  • @cupidlittle263
    @cupidlittle263 5 лет назад +1

    I'm a devoted catholic and surrounded by Christian friends. I pray for them and rarely argue with them. I'll tell them more about Catholicism unless they're ready to listen. When they ask me why you choose to be a catholic ? I just tell them simply cuz Jesus is in the Eucharist. I can see him and receive/ eat him daily which keeps my soul in the state of his grace. And I try to cooperate with holy spirit fully and behave like God's child and so to gain their respect. Jesus needs us to become a saint! thx for yr sharing on yr conversion. Really appreciate your attitude to seek the truth. Blessings from Hong Kong.