This is very good vlog my dear,because it shows every day life..l can see people walking selling and buying as if am walking with you...we are not interested in the buildings, people are more important, stop sometime to show the people selling and groceries. .
Walking in Addis is a great pleasure. I used to do the same as you as often as I could but without filming
Thank you
I have been to many countries but I must say ethiopian people are very discipline people. Look how everyone is in que waiting
Ethiopia you need دعاء الكساء
What is the long line for at 38:42? Sorry are they waiting for a bus?
57:19 3 shermutoch
መንገድ ላፀዱ ላሉት ትልቅ ክብር አለኝ.// መንገደኛው ቆሻሻ መንገድ ላይ ላለመጣል ቢተባበር
😂😂😂😂 ቅኔ አለው
ابراهيم الاصلال😢
باب نجيرياء
This is very good vlog my dear,because it shows every day life..l can see people walking selling and buying as if am walking with you...we are not interested in the buildings, people are more important, stop sometime to show the people selling and groceries.
Thanks for watching
56:50 ላይ ያለችው ባለሊስትሮ ልጅ በጣም አደንቃታለሁ:
ባገኛት እረዳታለሁ:
Her info please
51:36 dame
ለምን የተተክሉ ዛፎች እዚህ አካባቢ የለም ? ፀረ ዛፎች ቆርጠው ያጠፉት ይመስላል
Did they sell used outfit in street👀
57:17 You should have edited this out! Such a Childish behavior!
Childish, but this is life in Addis.
እናንተ በተራመዳቹት, እኔ ደከመኝ:: እሬ መኪና ግዙ!
Ethiopia you need دعاء الكساء