In question 1, isn't the architect also responsible for his consultant? I understand that the C401 says the architect is not responsible for acts or omissions of the consultant, but the owner doesn't know that, right? The owner just knows he contracted with an architect to provide the work. Wouldn't the owner hold the architect responsible and then the architect would hold the engineer responsible? Or are you stepping around that because it says how "should" the owner proceed?
For question 1, wouldn’t the concept of “privity” come into play with this question? The insurance policy where the Owner sues the Architect, who would then sue the Consultant?
In question 2, it seems like answer C should say, "Remind the MECHANICAL engineer...." since that was the consultant that was saying there wasn't enough time and didn't want to coordinate.
In question 1, isn't the architect also responsible for his consultant? I understand that the C401 says the architect is not responsible for acts or omissions of the consultant, but the owner doesn't know that, right? The owner just knows he contracted with an architect to provide the work. Wouldn't the owner hold the architect responsible and then the architect would hold the engineer responsible? Or are you stepping around that because it says how "should" the owner proceed?
For question 1, wouldn’t the concept of “privity” come into play with this question? The insurance policy where the Owner sues the Architect, who would then sue the Consultant?
In question 2, it seems like answer C should say, "Remind the MECHANICAL engineer...." since that was the consultant that was saying there wasn't enough time and didn't want to coordinate.
*promosm* 😍