I had no interest in LEGO Minecraft whatsoever until I saw your series, despite having loved both LEGO and Minecraft individually for most of my life. I paid so little attention that I still thought of it as a relatively new thing, not realizing it was a decade old theme now! Once I started to see them more as minifig/parts packs this year, I couldn't stop buying them. Thanks for getting me hooked on a theme that isn't Star Wars, the way that one's going would've sent me into another LEGO dark age...
Happy to have gotten you hooked lol - I totally feel this theme is so much more satisfying to collect than so many others, even if the sets are kind of lackluster. The mobs and figures are superb, and exclusively getting prints instead of stickers too makes this theme pretty deluxe in my opinion. A decade of LEGO Minecraft is pretty insane to think about, but it really must be doing well, which is great to see!
I really like Lego Minecraft sets but there's just 1 major issue for me. The price- I just feel like the price per piece Is way to much. I don't think I'll be buying anymore :/
Aw :( I will say that compared to any other licensed theme that LEGO Minecraft is definitely still the best value-wise! It still has better PPP than Star Wars and Harry Potter, and the pieces are much larger generally in Minecraft sets. Unfortunately all LEGO is just really pricey right now.
I got that farm set way back when the minifig scale lego minecraft stuff came out. Then i stopped playing minecraft and had no interest in the lego theme. Fast forward to a handfull of months before release of update aquatic when i got back into minecraft and i realized lego minecraft was still going strong, got a couple of sets and fell in love with the theme. I can now say this is my favorite lego theme. Its so easy to just get a couple of the sets put them together and have a little lego minecraft layout its great. The builds are all pretty fun to make, and the figures/mobs are as a whole fantastic. And i love the aesthetic of the theme a lot too, one of the most unique things in ant display, it really pops out. Other themes thend to blend together a lot and all look pretty same-ish. Agree almost entirely with the list, only thing i disagree with is the polybags and those 10$ swts i love those things, they're great part packs that come with some very common mobs and are great to fill out displays.
I definitely agree I should have granted more S-tiers to $10 sets. But yeah, I've grown to love this theme so much too. LEGO does a fantastic job with these sets, and especially the figures like you said!
That was an interesting exercise, Caleb! I think we have about 70-80% overlap. The Wool Farm was my first Minecraft set, so I have lot of nostalgia for that one :-)
@@CheeseyStudios I have the fondest memories (call it nostalgia) attached to that set but I totally love all the cave-based sets, there are multiples of.
The End Battle was one of my favorite sets due to the gimmick of inputting a code on a brick and getting a skin of the character in the set. Kinda wish they did it more often, especially for those original skin packs LEGO did.
I remember the day that I got my first lego minecraft set. My parents were on a vacation and my grandparents were taking care of us. My grandma got us presents and I got The Cave set. I was so happy. (The original cave) I was around 5/6 years old.
@@CheeseyStudios Thanks! I also have the End Battle, the Chicken coop and those minifigure polybags. Hoping to get the coral reef and the bastion sets soon!
I've been collecting LEGO Minecraft since it's minifigure scaled beginning and this video makes me feel ooooooold. The highlight of my lego collection to this day is having every single minifigure scaled Minecraft figure and accesory, so I hope this theme keeps going for a long time!
My personal favorite would definitely be the mountain cave, wow, a shocker I know. I just like the giant mountain and cave in question, all the mobs you get, and I’ve always been fond of the railroads Lego includes. Sadly I’d have to sell my arm leg and kidneys to buy it, as I didn’t get it when it came out 😭
I rember getting the Mine for my birthday back in 2016. I remember that sometimes I built the 21113 Cave set from the mine, because apart from the lava fall the parts are pretty much the same. I agree with alot of your rating here.
Omg The Mine set! That set has so much nostalgia for me because it was the first big set that I ever bought with my own money. I remember carrying that with me in the mall with my 10 year old arms just waiting to get home to build it. This brings so much good memories to me
Yeah, that is such a weird and disappointing set. Really wish they would have made an easier way to get a charged creeper! I still really want to add that to my collection.
I knew as you were saying "This is all just my opinion, and you may have a different one" there was a catch, and there was, "that's because you're wrong" xD. I really like the Nether bastion too haha, as for other LEGO Minecraft sets, I haven't seen them as much, I love the look of most Nether sets in general TBH. Great video!
lololol Yeah, my biggest reason for doing this video was to hopefully introduce a lot of people to some of the older sets! There's a lot of great stuff from 2014-2016 that I'm sure a lot of viewers don't know even exist. The End Portal set, The Mine, The Nether Railway, the Skin Packs... Lots of good stuff back there!
The last lego set I ever got was "The Cave" and it really turned me off getting lego at all. I never really enjoyed the figures all that much, not to mention that the build itself, like you said, was really forgetable. Minecraft sets really remind me of lego sets from pre-minifigure days. I think if I got any of your mocs instead, I would have enjoyed the theme much more.
Yeah, I totally get that. I was pretty uninterested in the theme when it was first introduced. The zombie and Steve are pretty lackluster figures. Thankfully things have changed a lot and I do feel the theme is overall much better than it was in 2014. The figures can actually be quite incredible (Piglins, Strays, Magma Cube, even the player skins) and the builds are improving too, even if they are still quite simple.
Those who don't own the nether railroad don't understand the joy of playing with the big magma cube and rails, and honestly it may not look like much but it's still one of my favorite sets. Thanks for the vid man it's been a long time since I looked back on the early sets, man time flies.
The lego Minecraft magazines are the best of all the lego magazines. They typically always give you more than 1 Minifigure, and a useful mob/item for a better price than the current star wars magazines. You can get all the main mobs, hostile mobs, player characters and tools just from buying the magazines.
My favorite Lego Minecraft set has to be the farm cottage, mainly because it looks like a nice place to live, and it comes with the old map print ( which I like alot more than the new one ). I've actually recently thought about rebuilding the set to add to most of my sets ( which includes the fox lodge, A rebuilt melon farm, and the wandering trader ) but my only problem is that I don't have a specific place to store my Lego... *They're all in a bin.* So it's why I'm just thinking about it and not trying to rebuild it. Anyways good tier list and have a good day! ( And I can't wait for the Swamp! )
The original farm set was my very first Lego Minecraft set and I absolutely loved it. It's actually the only "set" I've bought, along with the four-pack of custom skins when those were first coming out. I wish I had gotten the original crafting box and the fortress when they came, but hopefully I can find a good deal on bricklink someday.
It's crazy to think that this series is 10 years old. I remember, literally ten years ago, vividly playing with these sets after our family decided to move. I got a couple of sets within the first wave and cherish them. It's also funny to think that I enjoy building these minecraft sets more than I actually enjoy playing the game.
Great video, I would love to see a worst to first minecraft 2023 video. Since you've been reviewing most of the MC sets released in 2023, it would be really helpful to hear your thoughts and recommendations for buying.
It's a tough year for sure, mostly because almost every set offers something new! If I had to recommend some right here and now, it would be the Sword Outpost, which is just an all around fantastic set, and then the Deep Dark Battle, which, while expensive, feels pretty essential to any fan's collection. Two that feel pretty UNessential to me would be the Iron Golem Fortress and the Panda Haven. Both fun sets, but they don't add too much new and exciting outside some new player skins.
Definitely surprised that pillager outpost and skeleton raid sets were so low, agree with most others. The new dungeon set is crazy good, big figs aren't appealing to myself either. Enjoy the week.
Ha, definitely take this whole list with a grain of salt. I just went on gut instinct for this one - no research beforehand. I'd probably change a few things in hindsight, but still fun to do! Besides, some controversy hopefully will create some good discussion :D I was probably too harsh on the Skeleton Attack - it's actually a pretty good-looking set.
@@CheeseyStudios not sure this would work for the 50k but I would like to see a bastion module for the minecraft series! The whole series has been insane, it inspired me to build my own moc based on this module concept. I did ice spikes and a cave. Keep it up!
The nether railway set also got me hooked on lego Minecraft. I remember I built it, and I didn't use its, but I kept playing with it weeks apart and realised how much fun it really is! I respect your opinion man. Keep making good content.
man watching this is mega nostalgic, i remember having a few of the og sets when they were out and having allot of fun messing around picturing different senarios as if they were in the game and also watching the animations made with the sets that lego released on there site on school pcs back in the day too and wanting to see all the sets put together to make a big lego mc world, definitly a great line of sets throughout the years even until now nice to see that there were some sets i hadnt heard of before aswell, such as the polybags, they would probbably look nice on a mini shelf
"Since it's technically the 10th anniversary of Lego Minecraft..." ...Excuse me? I can feel myself turning to dust when you say that, the classic microscale Minecraft sets are something I still have vivid memories of.
I had bought most of the first wave (all but The End) when I was younger. Me and my brother recently rebuilt them all from our scrap parts, and my love for the line was reinvigorated so much that I’ve bought most of the sets since. Awesome to see you rank them!
Oh I remember that iron golem my first ever Lego Minecraft set when I got it for my birthday I was literally jumping for joy I was so excited this video gave me so much nostalgia for the old sets
Eyyy three “s” tier sets!!! Got the Nether Railway, the Jungle Temple, and the Melon Farm! I just enjoyed a lot of the early years of Minecraft sets. I regret not picking up more…
Me too. I really wish I would have gotten the Jungle Temple as I actually don't have that one. I do hope LEGO gives us regular leather armor again in a set.
I almost forgot about it being 10 years of LEGO Minecraft. Thanks for reminding me, gotta go and buy a LEGO Minecraft set now! Also one other thing, you look and sound exactly like my science teacher.
I have to say my favorite set with the mountain cave it comes with so much nostalgia for me and it’s just a great Set overall Plus they were so many new things for Minecraft in that set
My 3 things to say coming out of this video: 1. The Nether Fortress was the first LEGO Minecraft set I ever had. 2. What are your opinions on the LEGO Super Mario line and it’s pieces? 3. Is that a bird screaming in the background?
1. Great starter set for sure! I hope they do another in the future. 2. That's a tough one. I should preface by saying I own zero Super Mario sets aside from the NES, which of course is fantastic. The playsets themselves are far too specialized for my liking, and they feel very un-LEGO-like to me. :c 3. Those are probably my crickets lol! These ones make some weird noises. I have a Leopard Gecko, and she loves to eat live insects!
My first ever Minecraft set was the Abandoned Mine, I loved the set, gave a good amount of figures and diversity. I just recently picked up the bee hive aswell, excited to build it! I've also been really interested in your LEGO Minecraft World series and have been taking tips to try to build my on when I get enough pieces! I had the thought before but never knew it was possible so thanks for the inspiration!
When the Ocean Monument first came out I begged my Nana for it for my birthday, never got it but I still collect lego to this day and I really enjoy it
I am often offended that when there is an update in Minecraft, then Lego make a set for this update after 510 years, it's a shame that Lego does not make a set for a new update
22141 was my first ever Lego Minecraft set, and I slowly began to upgrade it so that it looks like a cave in 1.18. I also started to add other Minecraft sets I found or got for my birthday/Christmas. Just seeing 11241 is a joy that brings me back to 2017 ❤
The nether railway set was the first Lego Minecraft set I ever got, and I immediately fell in love with it and Lego Minecraft (the Magma cube helped) and I’ve been collecting them ever since. I still have it and unfortunately lost the magma cube 😭, but got a new one with the nether bastion set! (also one of my favorites)
The original jungle tree house was my first Minecraft set and I agree with most of your choices. You are going to make a second video when more set come out
Honestly Lego Minecraft was one I started getting for my daughter as I always thought Lego Minecraft was a bit pointless. But I've come around completely and I think it's maybe my favourite theme now. It's definitely the most charming to me.
Charming is a great word for it. I know it certainly took me a long time to warm up to theme, but there's something so pure and classic-y LEGO about it.
My S Tiers are The First Night, Village, Melon Farm, Swamp, Mountain Cave, Pirate Ship, Fortress, The Mine, Desert Outpost, Bedrock Adventures and Crafting Box 1.0. Most of these are nostalgic, like the First Night or Mine, but some of them, like the Fortress or Village are, in my eyes, “perfect” Minecraft sets.
5:20 talking about how the skeleton dungeon is one of his favorites ever. Also me: Took apart all my LEGO Minecraft sets last week... Except the skeleton dungeon.
I've been watching you since I got back into Lego Masters Season 2, Ironically I had no idea you were one of the contestants until I saw your face on here! (You were the team I rooted for and I loved that finale build, keep making this amazing content it brightens my day!)
This is the perfect video to hold me off before the swamp Moc, your content is evolving. I pretty much agree with every placement (ocean monument deserves A or higher) and always wanted the village set for Christmas but never got my hands on it, I also despise the hideous training grounds and ugly roofs on the sky tower set, they just look to blocky and tall
The zombie cave is soo nostalgic for me. It was the first lego minecraft set. It incorperated a lot of basic materials in a simple set. It's great deal for anyone.
Lego isn’t really a hobby I can personally afford, but damn seeing all the village sets I sure I wish I could. I really like the desert village, would look great in my room as a cute display. The OG village is a probably my dream set, absolute classic.
Village sets are just perfect for LEGO I think. The structures are generally small enough that they can be pretty accurately recreated in kits without shrinking them significantly
I didn’t know this has been going on for 10 years. There are so many sets I missed and that really annoys me cus I just never knew a lot of these existed And most of the sets I do actually have are majority c and d ranked. I still enjoy the sets but seeing all these other ones.
There was a lot of good ones I missed out on too. I'd love to see locations such as the Ice Spikes and Jungle Temple revisited! The thing that always hurts the most are the exclusive figures that haven't been brought back from some of these sets..
Just picked up a whole tub full of Minecraft lego sets at a garage sale for $25 dollars a few days ago, has just about every set you put in S tier in there except the Mountain Cave.
I feel like the minecraft theme is pretty insane when it comes to price inflation of EOL Sets. I bought the Mountain Cave for a price so ridiculous that I won't name it, but I just had to have it. And I get really anxious when deciding not to buy sets, thinking "these might become completely unattainable in the future", which I guess is part of Legos business model
You're totally right. I can't believe what some of the figures from that set go for on the aftermarket now. They're freakin' MINECRAFT figures for crying out loud xD Yet getting a giant slime will set you back like 100 bucks. I recently teased the idea that I should open a brand new Mountain Cave for a 100k subscriber special before looking at the prices for a sealed set. Yeah, let's just say that's not what I'll be doing if I hit 100k lol
@@CheeseyStudios 100k is about the amount that that set will lose in value if you open it lmao. Also you're gonna be hitting that milestone in no-time, looking at the stats
I'd agree with like more of your ratings than I would disagree with, but like I gotta say I am pained that you didn't like the Crafting Box 3. That is probably my favorite set. That one with the horse stables side by side look really good. But to each their own. That's why opinions are a thing
Interesting! To be fair, I do not own the set and I may think differently of it if I did. For my purposes though it really just has nothing that interests me at all
@@CheeseyStudios understandable. I honestly think I need to get a second copy of it so I can really flesh out the fortress build a little bit. If I had to think of anything that could improve. It's probably that the baseplates don't hold together very well, making moving it really difficult. And the land is kinda flat. This is only in regards to the fortress build as I didn't build the house version. After that set I think my second favorite that I own would either have to the be one nether portal that is half overworld half nether, that one has a really cool aesthetic, or the first adventure I think it's called? It's a more vertical build. All in all I think Lego is really putting just their best foot forward in making the sets feel like Minecraft, but also have a little bit of that classic Lego feel though.
I am still waiting for the day Lego makes Creative Minecraft set, just a flat world with redstone contraptions, and things we can only get in creative or thru commands, Illusioner, Command and structure blocks, zombie horse etc. It could be just one off set but with everything a person has accessible only in creative mode
I have the skull arena,taiga adventure, ruined portal, trader post,the first one that you showed,the mushroom house,pillaged outpost,the nether railway with the portal,illager raid,horse stable,the ender dragon fight the second one,the one with the red creeper,the bee farm,coral reef,the cave one with the slime, and I want to get the new wave of sets plus the new dungeon set and abandoned village.
I had no interest in LEGO Minecraft whatsoever until I saw your series, despite having loved both LEGO and Minecraft individually for most of my life. I paid so little attention that I still thought of it as a relatively new thing, not realizing it was a decade old theme now! Once I started to see them more as minifig/parts packs this year, I couldn't stop buying them. Thanks for getting me hooked on a theme that isn't Star Wars, the way that one's going would've sent me into another LEGO dark age...
Happy to have gotten you hooked lol - I totally feel this theme is so much more satisfying to collect than so many others, even if the sets are kind of lackluster. The mobs and figures are superb, and exclusively getting prints instead of stickers too makes this theme pretty deluxe in my opinion. A decade of LEGO Minecraft is pretty insane to think about, but it really must be doing well, which is great to see!
Wait how did you post this comment 10 days ago the video came out 4 days ago
@@pav998 members of the channel get videos early
@@Zeke.-. ah
I really like Lego Minecraft sets but there's just 1 major issue for me. The price- I just feel like the price per piece Is way to much. I don't think I'll be buying anymore :/
Aw :( I will say that compared to any other licensed theme that LEGO Minecraft is definitely still the best value-wise! It still has better PPP than Star Wars and Harry Potter, and the pieces are much larger generally in Minecraft sets. Unfortunately all LEGO is just really pricey right now.
@DaKoalaBoi i guess you’ve never seen the price per part of most Star Wars sets lately...
in general, Minecraft sets are largely considered as the most affordable ones.
@@CheeseyStudios yeah thats why i fell out of lego i dont really buy it anymore it got too expensive
The Mine, The Mountain Cave, The Village and The Zombie Dungeon have got to be my favorite sets
All very solid choices
Definetly the zombie dungeon, it was one of my favorite minecraft sets for a while!
I got that farm set way back when the minifig scale lego minecraft stuff came out. Then i stopped playing minecraft and had no interest in the lego theme.
Fast forward to a handfull of months before release of update aquatic when i got back into minecraft and i realized lego minecraft was still going strong, got a couple of sets and fell in love with the theme.
I can now say this is my favorite lego theme. Its so easy to just get a couple of the sets put them together and have a little lego minecraft layout its great. The builds are all pretty fun to make, and the figures/mobs are as a whole fantastic. And i love the aesthetic of the theme a lot too, one of the most unique things in ant display, it really pops out.
Other themes thend to blend together a lot and all look pretty same-ish.
Agree almost entirely with the list, only thing i disagree with is the polybags and those 10$ swts i love those things, they're great part packs that come with some very common mobs and are great to fill out displays.
I definitely agree I should have granted more S-tiers to $10 sets. But yeah, I've grown to love this theme so much too. LEGO does a fantastic job with these sets, and especially the figures like you said!
It's my fav too.
I can't believe it's been 10 years! I feel like I can still remember when horses and bats were a crazy new addition to the game.
Ha, I know, right? 😂 The game is hardly recognizable compared to what I started playing way back when
That was an interesting exercise, Caleb! I think we have about 70-80% overlap. The Wool Farm was my first Minecraft set, so I have lot of nostalgia for that one :-)
Not too shabby! Was the Wool Farm your #1? It is a good set for sure. Getting three colors of sheep was pretty awesome!
@@CheeseyStudios I have the fondest memories (call it nostalgia) attached to that set but I totally love all the cave-based sets, there are multiples of.
1:26 I remember I had the chicken farm and my sister and the wool farm and when we learned they could connect my mind was blown
Those sets were both so fun. I love the mobs so much...
Very interesting video idea! Pretty cool to see the skeleton dungeon come out in 2nd! You should definitely do more videos like this!
Tbh I wasn't expecting it to come out so high either! Perhaps it's recency bias, but I do think it will always be top 5 no matter what
The End Battle was one of my favorite sets due to the gimmick of inputting a code on a brick and getting a skin of the character in the set. Kinda wish they did it more often, especially for those original skin packs LEGO did.
I'd love to see the skin packs brought back. Those are the best Minecraft minifigures they ever made!
I had that skin but one day it disappeared from my MC account
I remember the day that I got my first lego minecraft set. My parents were on a vacation and my grandparents were taking care of us. My grandma got us presents and I got The Cave set. I was so happy. (The original cave) I was around 5/6 years old.
That's so cool! I love how LEGO can take us back in time like that
Thanks! Miss the old days.
I also had the dungeon and the iron golem.
0:51 damn, no mercy
The Nether Fight and the Melon Farm were my first 2 sets. Brings back a lot of nostalgia.
That's a great way to start of your LEGO Minecraft collection! So much good stuff for very reasonable prices.
@@CheeseyStudios Thanks! I also have the End Battle, the Chicken coop and those minifigure polybags. Hoping to get the coral reef and the bastion sets soon!
Coral Reef and Bastion are both so good!
My first were Nether fight and the creeper mine
Good sets
I've been collecting LEGO Minecraft since it's minifigure scaled beginning and this video makes me feel ooooooold. The highlight of my lego collection to this day is having every single minifigure scaled Minecraft figure and accesory, so I hope this theme keeps going for a long time!
Sounds like a very impressive collection! That's awesome. I'm slowly trying to get all the skins, but there are just so many now!
Great, now I feel old as well
My personal favorite would definitely be the mountain cave, wow, a shocker I know. I just like the giant mountain and cave in question, all the mobs you get, and I’ve always been fond of the railroads Lego includes. Sadly I’d have to sell my arm leg and kidneys to buy it, as I didn’t get it when it came out 😭
It is a great set. I wish they'd do another massive model like that again!
I rember getting the Mine for my birthday back in 2016. I remember that sometimes I built the 21113 Cave set from the mine, because apart from the lava fall the parts are pretty much the same. I agree with alot of your rating here.
I do wish I had gotten the Mine. Looks like it would have been a really fun kit
Omg The Mine set! That set has so much nostalgia for me because it was the first big set that I ever bought with my own money. I remember carrying that with me in the mall with my 10 year old arms just waiting to get home to build it. This brings so much good memories to me
That's so cool! I wish I had gotten that one as a kid too. The thing sure looks massive and the mine cart system was probably loads of fun
@@CheeseyStudios. It's funny how that used to be the biggest set.
Things have changed quite a lot over the years lol!
“And that because your opinion is wrong” had me dying 💀💀💀💀💀
I wish we could’ve seen more BigFigs. Such a perfect blend of Lego and Minecraft
As someone who grew up with these brickset.com/sets/8771-1/Jayko, I can certainly appreciate the appeal of these larger-scaled figures
9:52 Finally, someone agrees with me concerning the jungle treehouse.
Yeah, that is such a weird and disappointing set. Really wish they would have made an easier way to get a charged creeper! I still really want to add that to my collection.
I remember that my first set was the OG Igloo. I also remember building it in my Grandparent's house. I really miss those days...
I'm glad these sets bring back a lot of good memories for people
“I should stress that all the opinions here are my own and yours will probably be different, but that just means your wrong” LOL
I knew as you were saying "This is all just my opinion, and you may have a different one" there was a catch, and there was, "that's because you're wrong" xD. I really like the Nether bastion too haha, as for other LEGO Minecraft sets, I haven't seen them as much, I love the look of most Nether sets in general TBH. Great video!
lololol Yeah, my biggest reason for doing this video was to hopefully introduce a lot of people to some of the older sets! There's a lot of great stuff from 2014-2016 that I'm sure a lot of viewers don't know even exist. The End Portal set, The Mine, The Nether Railway, the Skin Packs... Lots of good stuff back there!
@@CheeseyStudios For sure, this helped me xD
The last lego set I ever got was "The Cave" and it really turned me off getting lego at all. I never really enjoyed the figures all that much, not to mention that the build itself, like you said, was really forgetable. Minecraft sets really remind me of lego sets from pre-minifigure days. I think if I got any of your mocs instead, I would have enjoyed the theme much more.
Yeah, I totally get that. I was pretty uninterested in the theme when it was first introduced. The zombie and Steve are pretty lackluster figures. Thankfully things have changed a lot and I do feel the theme is overall much better than it was in 2014. The figures can actually be quite incredible (Piglins, Strays, Magma Cube, even the player skins) and the builds are improving too, even if they are still quite simple.
I actually love that set! Many Minecraft isn't the theme for you?
Those who don't own the nether railroad don't understand the joy of playing with the big magma cube and rails, and honestly it may not look like much but it's still one of my favorite sets. Thanks for the vid man it's been a long time since I looked back on the early sets, man time flies.
Glad to see another railway fan! ❤
The lego Minecraft magazines are the best of all the lego magazines. They typically always give you more than 1 Minifigure, and a useful mob/item for a better price than the current star wars magazines. You can get all the main mobs, hostile mobs, player characters and tools just from buying the magazines.
Man, I do wish we had those over here! They look pretty cool
My favorite Lego Minecraft set has to be the farm cottage, mainly because it looks like a nice place to live, and it comes with the old map print ( which I like alot more than the new one ).
I've actually recently thought about rebuilding the set to add to most of my sets ( which includes the fox lodge, A rebuilt melon farm, and the wandering trader ) but my only problem is that I don't have a specific place to store my Lego... *They're all in a bin.* So it's why I'm just thinking about it and not trying to rebuild it. Anyways good tier list and have a good day! ( And I can't wait for the Swamp! )
Can't recommend sorting out your collection enough! It's quite the undertaking I know, but makes building so much faster and enjoyable :D
The original farm set was my very first Lego Minecraft set and I absolutely loved it. It's actually the only "set" I've bought, along with the four-pack of custom skins when those were first coming out. I wish I had gotten the original crafting box and the fortress when they came, but hopefully I can find a good deal on bricklink someday.
I do believe the OG crafting box was my first Minecraft set. I can confirm it was a good one! Hope you can find a good deal on it
It's crazy to think that this series is 10 years old. I remember, literally ten years ago, vividly playing with these sets after our family decided to move. I got a couple of sets within the first wave and cherish them. It's also funny to think that I enjoy building these minecraft sets more than I actually enjoy playing the game.
LEGO Minecraft > Minecraft 100% 👌
Me using this list to see what sets to buy:
Big brain tactics lol (for realsies though, you should pick up the Skeleton Dungeon if you haven't already - such a great kit)
Great video, I would love to see a worst to first minecraft 2023 video. Since you've been reviewing most of the MC sets released in 2023, it would be really helpful to hear your thoughts and recommendations for buying.
It's a tough year for sure, mostly because almost every set offers something new! If I had to recommend some right here and now, it would be the Sword Outpost, which is just an all around fantastic set, and then the Deep Dark Battle, which, while expensive, feels pretty essential to any fan's collection. Two that feel pretty UNessential to me would be the Iron Golem Fortress and the Panda Haven. Both fun sets, but they don't add too much new and exciting outside some new player skins.
“The second ended dragon set is great but I don’t care” 😂
When you started the Minecraft music I was happy all of a sudden. 🙃 I think Minecraft music has the BEST video game music
C418 made some incredible stuff! I love it too
The nether railway was actually my first and favourite set! Gotta love the magma cubes!
Yes! I'm so glad someone else adores that set too. Top tier LEGO design work right there!
I always thought steve was acting really stupid in the wither set , no way he would have killed the wither in only iron armour in the NETHER
Now that you point that out, I can't unsee it lol
Definitely surprised that pillager outpost and skeleton raid sets were so low, agree with most others. The new dungeon set is crazy good, big figs aren't appealing to myself either. Enjoy the week.
Ha, definitely take this whole list with a grain of salt. I just went on gut instinct for this one - no research beforehand. I'd probably change a few things in hindsight, but still fun to do! Besides, some controversy hopefully will create some good discussion :D I was probably too harsh on the Skeleton Attack - it's actually a pretty good-looking set.
@@CheeseyStudios controversy indeed, skeleton raid is s tier for sure....🤣. You're so close to 50k subs. Anything planned for that milestone?
I should probably do something 😬 I must confess I've not given it any thought. What would YOU like to see for a 50k milestone? 😂
@@CheeseyStudios not sure this would work for the 50k but I would like to see a bastion module for the minecraft series! The whole series has been insane, it inspired me to build my own moc based on this module concept. I did ice spikes and a cave. Keep it up!
Dude 30 dollars for the swamp back in the day with 500 pieces is crazy cause nowadays the desert skiff has 500 and it’s 80 😂
Right??? Star Wars prices be crazy....
"Because your wrong" 💀 xD
The nether railway set also got me hooked on lego Minecraft. I remember I built it, and I didn't use its, but I kept playing with it weeks apart and realised how much fun it really is! I respect your opinion man. Keep making good content.
Glad someone else has such good memories tied to that set. It's definitely underrated!
man watching this is mega nostalgic, i remember having a few of the og sets when they were out and having allot of fun messing around picturing different senarios as if they were in the game and also watching the animations made with the sets that lego released on there site on school pcs back in the day too and wanting to see all the sets put together to make a big lego mc world, definitly a great line of sets throughout the years even until now
nice to see that there were some sets i hadnt heard of before aswell, such as the polybags, they would probbably look nice on a mini shelf
"Since it's technically the 10th anniversary of Lego Minecraft..."
...Excuse me? I can feel myself turning to dust when you say that, the classic microscale Minecraft sets are something I still have vivid memories of.
Trust me, I can't believe it's ten years old either xD
It’s crazy that a set that didn’t even come out that long ago can jump up in price from 250$ 2500$
I know, right? Really wish I would have picked up the Mountain Cave back in the day but I just wasn't that into LEGO Minecraft back then.
@@CheeseyStudios I didn’t even know it existed 🤣
7:45 “it’s definitely somewhere in the Cs”
hah, Cs…seas…I’ll see myself out
We appreciate puns here - this is a safe space xD
I had bought most of the first wave (all but The End) when I was younger. Me and my brother recently rebuilt them all from our scrap parts, and my love for the line was reinvigorated so much that I’ve bought most of the sets since. Awesome to see you rank them!
Sounds like a pretty great collection! I do wish I had more of those earliest sets. They're pretty awesome
Finally someone else gets the greatness of the Melon Farm!
Such an epic set! I cannot believe we've never gotten melons again
I wish I owned all of them lmao. Imagine how that would all look spread across one giant table. Would be amazing.
That would be so much fun
Great video! You need to do more ranking videos. Favorite mobs/minifigs maybe?
That's a fun idea! I might have to do that
11:10 The iron golem was my first Lego Minecraft set so I have lots nostalgia for it
That's awesome! Great first set honestly. Lots of variety in a smaller set.
Oh I remember that iron golem my first ever Lego Minecraft set when I got it for my birthday I was literally jumping for joy I was so excited this video gave me so much nostalgia for the old sets
That's so cool! That was definitely one of my earlier sets too
Eyyy three “s” tier sets!!! Got the Nether Railway, the Jungle Temple, and the Melon Farm! I just enjoyed a lot of the early years of Minecraft sets. I regret not picking up more…
Me too. I really wish I would have gotten the Jungle Temple as I actually don't have that one. I do hope LEGO gives us regular leather armor again in a set.
Yeah, it’s a good set, I miss the structure sets, I liked them over all the new buildings.
Yeah, I do hope LEGO gives us more naturally generating structures next summer.
I can’t believe you ranked the mine so low, that set was sick
Definitely wish I had had that set - probably would have ranked it better if I was more familiar with it
BACK IN THE DAY, dude that was like yesterday
I like this video! My son was a big lego minecraft fan...but he is in love with Pocketmon.. haha
I hope he comes back to it! I know I jumped interests a lot as a kid though, so I understand that it happens
Love this list, been into this theme since 2015 and rarely see people dive into the older sets!
There's some great sets from the early days!
I almost forgot about it being 10 years of LEGO Minecraft. Thanks for reminding me, gotta go and buy a LEGO Minecraft set now! Also one other thing, you look and sound exactly like my science teacher.
The tenth anniversary is definitely a worthy cause to go buy a set! xD
Yeah, that's a mystery to me 🤣
I have to say my favorite set with the mountain cave it comes with so much nostalgia for me and it’s just a great Set overall Plus they were so many new things for Minecraft in that set
And so many things that haven't been made since! That will always be an amazing set
12:00 lesgoo, one of my two Lego Minecraft sets is S teir
It has axolotls! How could it not be S tier! What's the other set you have?
@@CheeseyStudios I know! I impulse bought it solely for them! actually I have the Skull Dungeon, and the original farm as well.
Nice, nice!
@@CheeseyStudios I usually only buy SW sets tho, Lego Minecraft interests me though, i might start to collect it
My 3 things to say coming out of this video:
1. The Nether Fortress was the first LEGO Minecraft set I ever had.
2. What are your opinions on the LEGO Super Mario line and it’s pieces?
3. Is that a bird screaming in the background?
1. Great starter set for sure! I hope they do another in the future.
2. That's a tough one. I should preface by saying I own zero Super Mario sets aside from the NES, which of course is fantastic. The playsets themselves are far too specialized for my liking, and they feel very un-LEGO-like to me. :c
3. Those are probably my crickets lol! These ones make some weird noises. I have a Leopard Gecko, and she loves to eat live insects!
My favorite series. But unfortunately, the opportunity to collect appeared only this year. My first set is a The Guardian Battle
That's a great one to start with! Such a cool set
@@CheeseyStudios I agree with you, the perfect composition of the figures. Worth your money
I always wanted Minecraft Lego as a kid and was so happy to see it become a real thing as an adult
And I'm glad it's still going all these years later! LEGO has really done some great stuff with the theme.
Thanks for doing this I always like see ranking videos but I have never found one on lego minecraft sets so thanks
Glad you came across this! It was fun to do
I actually also used to have the original Dungeon set. I lost it years ago.
My first ever Minecraft set was the Abandoned Mine, I loved the set, gave a good amount of figures and diversity. I just recently picked up the bee hive aswell, excited to build it! I've also been really interested in your LEGO Minecraft World series and have been taking tips to try to build my on when I get enough pieces! I had the thought before but never knew it was possible so thanks for the inspiration!
I dont know why. But I have watched this video like 30 times and still cant stop watching it. This is another banger in my opinion
Well, I'm really glad you like it so much! Thank you!
When the Ocean Monument first came out I begged my Nana for it for my birthday, never got it but I still collect lego to this day and I really enjoy it
I do I hope you can pick it up some day!
I am often offended that when there is an update in Minecraft, then Lego make a set for this update after 510 years, it's a shame that Lego does not make a set for a new update
From what I understand it takes about two years from a LEGO set to go from concept to worldwide release - it definitely can't be done overnight!
22141 was my first ever Lego Minecraft set, and I slowly began to upgrade it so that it looks like a cave in 1.18. I also started to add other Minecraft sets I found or got for my birthday/Christmas.
Just seeing 11241 is a joy that brings me back to 2017 ❤
There were some amazing sets from that time. Can't wait to see what else the theme cooks up!
The nether railway set was the first Lego Minecraft set I ever got, and I immediately fell in love with it and Lego Minecraft (the Magma cube helped) and I’ve been collecting them ever since. I still have it and unfortunately lost the magma cube 😭, but got a new one with the nether bastion set! (also one of my favorites)
That new Magma Cube is literal perfection - so glad you were able to get it!
Cuz, why not!
Edit: Btw the mobs from the beginning are called phantoms and the app is Minecraft Earth I think.
Minecraft Earth! That's it. I was pretty close with Minecraft Worlds xD I was thinking of LEGO Worlds I bet
@@CheeseyStudios Yeah makes sense. You were close though!
The original jungle tree house was my first Minecraft set and I agree with most of your choices. You are going to make a second video when more set come out
Ten years from now you'll see part two xD
The micro world stuff is so good imo.
I am glad people enjoy the microworlds stuff! I'm just too in love with the minifigures xD
@@CheeseyStudios That’s fair enough
Honestly Lego Minecraft was one I started getting for my daughter as I always thought Lego Minecraft was a bit pointless. But I've come around completely and I think it's maybe my favourite theme now. It's definitely the most charming to me.
Charming is a great word for it. I know it certainly took me a long time to warm up to theme, but there's something so pure and classic-y LEGO about it.
My S Tiers are The First Night, Village, Melon Farm, Swamp, Mountain Cave, Pirate Ship, Fortress, The Mine, Desert Outpost, Bedrock Adventures and Crafting Box 1.0. Most of these are nostalgic, like the First Night or Mine, but some of them, like the Fortress or Village are, in my eyes, “perfect” Minecraft sets.
A solid S-tier lineup for sure!
Cool! I love your videos, especially the minecraft modules.
Glad to hear it, thank you!
5:20 talking about how the skeleton dungeon is one of his favorites ever. Also me:
Took apart all my LEGO Minecraft sets last week...
Except the skeleton dungeon.
Respect 😂
I've been watching you since I got back into Lego Masters Season 2, Ironically I had no idea you were one of the contestants until I saw your face on here!
(You were the team I rooted for and I loved that finale build, keep making this amazing content it brightens my day!)
Thank you!
The third crafting box while it was a bad set it was still a good purchase for just the pieces.
That's fair! I have so many of those kinds of parts at this point I think that made it all the more undesirable to me
"Why not"
~ The Legend
This is the perfect video to hold me off before the swamp Moc, your content is evolving. I pretty much agree with every placement (ocean monument deserves A or higher) and always wanted the village set for Christmas but never got my hands on it, I also despise the hideous training grounds and ugly roofs on the sky tower set, they just look to blocky and tall
I think if I had actually gotten the Ocean Monument I'd probably like it a lot more to be fair (that can probably be said about a lot of these sets)
The zombie cave is soo nostalgic for me. It was the first lego minecraft set. It incorperated a lot of basic materials in a simple set. It's great deal for anyone.
I love those kind of classic Minecraft sets that include all the essentials.
Lego isn’t really a hobby I can personally afford, but damn seeing all the village sets I sure I wish I could. I really like the desert village, would look great in my room as a cute display. The OG village is a probably my dream set, absolute classic.
Village sets are just perfect for LEGO I think. The structures are generally small enough that they can be pretty accurately recreated in kits without shrinking them significantly
This video came out in great timing because I am looking for a Minecraft set to buy right now so this is really helpful
Sweet! Hope you took good notes :D
@@CheeseyStudios :)
I didn’t know this has been going on for 10 years. There are so many sets I missed and that really annoys me cus I just never knew a lot of these existed
And most of the sets I do actually have are majority c and d ranked.
I still enjoy the sets but seeing all these other ones.
There was a lot of good ones I missed out on too. I'd love to see locations such as the Ice Spikes and Jungle Temple revisited! The thing that always hurts the most are the exclusive figures that haven't been brought back from some of these sets..
Cheesy Studios keep up the great work I love your content it inspires me to make cool builds with my Legos and probably many more
So glad to hear that, thank you!
Just picked up a whole tub full of Minecraft lego sets at a garage sale for $25 dollars a few days ago, has just about every set you put in S tier in there except the Mountain Cave.
Whoa! What a score!
I just remembered I had the original farm set. No idea where it is now
That's a fun one. I great starter kit for sure!
I feel like the minecraft theme is pretty insane when it comes to price inflation of EOL Sets. I bought the Mountain Cave for a price so ridiculous that I won't name it, but I just had to have it. And I get really anxious when deciding not to buy sets, thinking "these might become completely unattainable in the future", which I guess is part of Legos business model
You're totally right. I can't believe what some of the figures from that set go for on the aftermarket now. They're freakin' MINECRAFT figures for crying out loud xD Yet getting a giant slime will set you back like 100 bucks. I recently teased the idea that I should open a brand new Mountain Cave for a 100k subscriber special before looking at the prices for a sealed set. Yeah, let's just say that's not what I'll be doing if I hit 100k lol
@@CheeseyStudios 100k is about the amount that that set will lose in value if you open it lmao. Also you're gonna be hitting that milestone in no-time, looking at the stats
Yeah, I think I'll find something less financially destructive to do 😂
Good list, but I have to say my number 1 would be the pig house...
I do appreciate how it's closed up on all sides for sure. Just wish it would have come with the pink sheep too - I thought that was so funny 😂
that's a great one, too!!
Him “I never had it”. Me “I Nether had it” get it?
I see what you did there :)
I'd agree with like more of your ratings than I would disagree with, but like I gotta say I am pained that you didn't like the Crafting Box 3. That is probably my favorite set. That one with the horse stables side by side look really good. But to each their own. That's why opinions are a thing
Interesting! To be fair, I do not own the set and I may think differently of it if I did. For my purposes though it really just has nothing that interests me at all
@@CheeseyStudios understandable. I honestly think I need to get a second copy of it so I can really flesh out the fortress build a little bit. If I had to think of anything that could improve. It's probably that the baseplates don't hold together very well, making moving it really difficult. And the land is kinda flat. This is only in regards to the fortress build as I didn't build the house version. After that set I think my second favorite that I own would either have to the be one nether portal that is half overworld half nether, that one has a really cool aesthetic, or the first adventure I think it's called? It's a more vertical build. All in all I think Lego is really putting just their best foot forward in making the sets feel like Minecraft, but also have a little bit of that classic Lego feel though.
prety good tier list, 9.5/10 agree
Ayy, not bad at all :D
But that's because you are wrong
-Cheesey Studios 2022
I feel like they should make more more micro sets or a snapshot series where is shows a snapshot oh a Minecraft playhthrough.
I really thought we might see some microworlds sets this year for the 10th anniversary! But I guess not D:
Yes! I made this video to 500 likes! You guys gotta like this video for ranking all the sets :P
Ayy, thank you!
@@CheeseyStudios Np 😉
Awesome video! I only have a few of these sets but the ones I have are great!
For the most part you really can't go too wrong with LEGO Minecraft kits. I've found all the ones I own to be plenty fun too!
Tiermaker should SERIOUSLY let you move stuff to the left end of a list
I am still waiting for the day Lego makes Creative Minecraft set, just a flat world with redstone contraptions, and things we can only get in creative or thru commands, Illusioner, Command and structure blocks, zombie horse etc. It could be just one off set but with everything a person has accessible only in creative mode
That could be quite interesting!
Yes! This is exactly what i needed! Thank you, you made my day!!!
Glad to hear it! :D
I have the skull arena,taiga adventure, ruined portal, trader post,the first one that you showed,the mushroom house,pillaged outpost,the nether railway with the portal,illager raid,horse stable,the ender dragon fight the second one,the one with the red creeper,the bee farm,coral reef,the cave one with the slime, and I want to get the new wave of sets plus the new dungeon set and abandoned village.
That's an impressive collection!
Very good rating and will you pick up any of the older minecraft sets for your moc series
I'm always getting old parts and figures off Bricklink for sure!
@@CheeseyStudios I can’t wait for you to do a jungle temple one