  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • my favorite snack time in LA :) always a treat

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @somethingspecialxox
    @somethingspecialxox 4 года назад +813

    Is anyone else annoyed at the fact that she kept closing the box and putting it back in the bag, only to pull it right back out? Lmao

    • @Hawksgirl21
      @Hawksgirl21 4 года назад +21

      Omg same!!!!! So beyond annoying omg omg stop woman STOP!!!

    • @somethingspecialxox
      @somethingspecialxox 4 года назад +23

      @@potsno6 Can't help it 😂 the noises and the constant movement kill me bahaha. Kinda like when someone keeps touching their hair. Makes me grind my teeth lol! 🤷‍♀️

    • @mercykarmaent5331
      @mercykarmaent5331 4 года назад

      It's cute

    • @S_J_banana
      @S_J_banana 4 года назад +3

      Same when she kept hitting the cheese dog back in the box after every time 😂

    • @mercykarmaent5331
      @mercykarmaent5331 4 года назад +8

      @@Hawksgirl21 its probably anxiety.
      Due to people picking on her.
      I know it would make me self conscious
      Kinda like how you pic.

  • @S_J_banana
    @S_J_banana 4 года назад +1859

    Trisha is a mood. She buys a snack on the way to buy a snack

    • @billycross1798
      @billycross1798 4 года назад +16

      I do that too. 🍟🌮🍕🍔📺🎸🐒

    • @S_J_banana
      @S_J_banana 4 года назад +5

      Aria Stocklin changed it 😊

    • @S_J_banana
      @S_J_banana 4 года назад +4

      Aria Stocklin it’s fine. I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out lol

    • @kris7528
      @kris7528 4 года назад +4

      I think I would be like this had I not had 4 kids 🤣🤣

    • @melioras_pheonoraptor8936
      @melioras_pheonoraptor8936 4 года назад +1

      hi aliens, you can come get me now. HUH

  • @shannonharvey9401
    @shannonharvey9401 4 года назад +2739

    bruh imagine all the things i could be doing but instead i decide to watch her eat chicken and korean fried food

    • @cupcakeanna234
      @cupcakeanna234 4 года назад +5

      Hahaha right

    • @yggra31
      @yggra31 4 года назад +77

      Well you enjoy it so I don’t think it’s considered a waste of time. As long as it makes you happy or feel relaxed, it’s good. You need to take care of yourself too and do what makes you happy and feel comfy

    • @Scourge88Monastik14
      @Scourge88Monastik14 4 года назад +6

      As I home elliptical....yaaassss

    • @laurendurkin2571
      @laurendurkin2571 4 года назад +21

      Erin Vasquez you’re an angel

    • @delusionshipper
      @delusionshipper 4 года назад +8

      @@yggra31 I dont even enjoy it but watch, help

  • @thepinkgiraffe2
    @thepinkgiraffe2 4 года назад +758

    I don’t even know what a Korean fried cheese tastes like and yet I have the ability to crave one just by watching these videos

  • @ItsJustMikee
    @ItsJustMikee 4 года назад +1028

    Korean fried cheese just looks like a weeks worth of acne for me

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад +131

      a lifetime of clogged arteries for me, I have no idea how her body functions with basically no nutrients

    • @Toutouche
      @Toutouche 4 года назад +49

      lolehul like she never eat any fruit or vegetables

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад +24

      @@Toutouche if she does, she never films it

    • @xaldyn
      @xaldyn 4 года назад +38

      @@luhe8 I'm convinced she only eats when she's on camera

    • @gavincolgan1827
      @gavincolgan1827 4 года назад +12

      lolehul because you know what nutrients her body is getting 🥴

  • @hannahcorgiat5225
    @hannahcorgiat5225 4 года назад +115

    Trish: "This was worth getting my makeup on and doing my hair"
    Me: *sitting in my car eating Raising Cane's in my pj's because I drove straight here after getting out of bed* 🐷

    • @Truecrimeresearcher224
      @Truecrimeresearcher224 4 года назад +10

      I woke up and went to Dunkin didn’t even comb my hair and was still in my pjs. I had a mask so no one knew it was me

  • @joesmith-em2cd
    @joesmith-em2cd 4 года назад +991

    Nothing better than a Trish car eating show, early in the morning.

    • @judith7026
      @judith7026 4 года назад +8

      Haha you’re so right .

    • @blankblankbkank2461
      @blankblankbkank2461 4 года назад +10

      literally it’s 9am

    • @llacey
      @llacey 4 года назад +11

      RISE & SHINE☀️

    • @elisamariev
      @elisamariev 4 года назад +3


    • @jaylea8336
      @jaylea8336 4 года назад +7

      Its 3pm in the uk 🇬🇧 but I’ll take it 🤣

  • @susie8236
    @susie8236 4 года назад +187

    I feel like Korean fried cheese would make me feel so bloated and dead. It sounds good in theory though

    • @melissak8892
      @melissak8892 4 года назад +19

      Yeah, wonder if they come in mini sizes. Seems like a little would go a long way.

    • @amylehman6823
      @amylehman6823 4 года назад +3

      I definitely couldnt eat a whole one! 🤢 It'd be to much I'd think.

    • @hinatababe97
      @hinatababe97 4 года назад +5

      I had two! These exact two styles shown and I was on the toilet like crazy later.☠️ BUT I will say the one with potatoes is very nice 🙌🏽😙 more than the original

  • @stacyr6310
    @stacyr6310 4 года назад +277

    Trish is like an adult Honey boo boo.

  • @Starlanna4307
    @Starlanna4307 4 года назад +163

    If she says "Nuggie" one more time I'm going to scream.

  • @HungryFatchick
    @HungryFatchick 4 года назад +110

    "Comparison is the thief of joy." Theodore Roosevelt

    • @cherrypop41
      @cherrypop41 4 года назад +7

      My tired ass read this as “constipation is the thief of joy” lol I can’t 😂😂🤣

    • @rosecanada8831
      @rosecanada8831 4 года назад +3

      Hungry Fatchick Comparison is the thief of joy; meaning is you are comparing yourself to others, which are taking your happiness away. You are depriving yourself of all the great things you have and cursing yourself over that one thing you don't have.

  • @rileylyn3763
    @rileylyn3763 4 года назад +286

    girl don't assume that that girl eating in her car is "lonely" too, she's probably on a lunch break lmao

    • @jess6102
      @jess6102 4 года назад +12

      She really oblivious to everything in the world, it took her a long time to actually learn about covid and blm, she only did because she got hate too

    • @ronnihardy
      @ronnihardy 4 года назад +2

      Jess false

    • @bpal5644
      @bpal5644 4 года назад +3

      Omg lol! I eat in my car on my lunch break to get away from work colleagues, it’s so funny she automatically assumes they’re some loner.

  • @lmbelbelisle3236
    @lmbelbelisle3236 4 года назад +20

    Trisha singing “where are you and I’m so sorry” with a mouth full of fried cheese is my whole 2020 quarantine mood😂😂😂

  • @backinstolaf
    @backinstolaf 4 года назад +120

    Why does it always sound like the mic is inside her mouth

    • @miac6376
      @miac6376 4 года назад +7

      Dude, that's exactly what I was thinking about

    • @ginnamin
      @ginnamin 4 года назад +2

      It probably is

  • @JoannaM4
    @JoannaM4 4 года назад +117

    “I love my chicken dry and well done”. Also... “I love a juicy nugget” 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @obrechenx
      @obrechenx 4 года назад +12

      Literally Me she’s just pointing out how Trish always contradicts herself lol

    • @Jennieortiz879
      @Jennieortiz879 4 года назад +1

      She identifies as a juicy nugget it's fine

    • @Lisa-wz5wp
      @Lisa-wz5wp 4 года назад

      @Literally Me 2 133131111333333313133313313333313331131131131331113131111113131131111333333131331333111133331133313113313333333333333313311333113131331131311313313131131133133131133331331333331331331333311313313133331333131311113131113113333333111111133133311111131111131133311333311123133133323133313313331133331333331133333331331313333333313133333311331113133131313313133333133123331331311331111313133131331133333333333133333333313333333333333331313333333133311333333333333313321131331313133133323113113311333331133331311331333333133111313133111133113331113131333121313333333333333333332131332133333333333333131333331133133333113111333311313133131313333133333313133331133333233313313313131331331333331313331333133331333333333312313331333133133313133333313131113133313131331133331311131133313133133313331313133333331333333313311113333313313331133311313331331131333111233331133131333333333333331311133331333331313333133113333133333333133113331331333333312313333133313333331331313131333133133331333331333333133313133333133313313311133111313113313113313313333333331333133333333333313333333333333331333333333333131333333333333333313333331333111333333331311311333313333333311333331333333312333311331333333131333313333333313131313333333333332133331333133311333333133333131333313313131313331131331133333333333333333333333313333333133333333333313333333333331313133333333313133313333133311313333333333333333333333332333333311333333333333333333333233313333131333311113113131333333331131313313133133333333333323311313333333313313333133333133133333133133333331333333111312131133333333113333333333333331133333331333333333213333333313333313333133333332131333133131313133333331331131133333133333133113131113333331331113313333333333131311311333331331133333213333333131113331333113131313333133333113333313333333131131311333111311333213113333331311313333313313333131333333313131333133333331333333311312313333333133111131111311133113311311133131133313131331133131111331333331333311333331333131133111133113311311333131111313131331133333113131131311333333133311113113313333131313333313333333313133131333313332333313131313333131111131333313313333311313131311133313313333131111311311113133111313131111111311311311311111313133133111311313113113311311111131311133111311113331131113111113331313131313133111113111311313111131311313111321311313111111131113131331331113113131113133311111113333133311333131211313331113331133131311333331333131311333133131333313131313313111131113113313113333111333333331313313131313133311333131331113111333

    • @taylor7165
      @taylor7165 4 года назад +2

      I think she means dry(without sauce), well done(crispy) and juicy(still moist on the inside)

  • @katesfam6644
    @katesfam6644 4 года назад +31

    There’s no reason for Steph to be anything but kind. She has nothing to be jealous of Anyone about. She’s so beautiful. She has an amazing family and friends.

    • @mrssparta4594
      @mrssparta4594 4 года назад +1

      Its not what you have or dont because someone else will always have something you dont, but its a state of mind, just not allowing negativity and being grateful for what you have. But I agree that steph is the best, love her and trish too💕

  • @CodeXana
    @CodeXana 4 года назад +228

    I don’t understand why these are still only available in Cali

    • @gdub8504
      @gdub8504 4 года назад +6

      I looked them up once and I want to say there's a place down in Texas.

    • @CodeXana
      @CodeXana 4 года назад +18

      Glori Holderby damn I’m from Chicago lol, so you would think they’d be here by now

    • @gdub8504
      @gdub8504 4 года назад +2

      Have you tried the frozen section in your local Asian stores? I looked in mine which is huge and couldn't find them.

    • @CuteIcingPanda
      @CuteIcingPanda 4 года назад +5

      Incorrect. They have them in Las Vegas that I know of. Myungrang Hot Dog in Vegas makes the ones (+ other varieties) that she gets and it's sooooo good.

    • @CodeXana
      @CodeXana 4 года назад +23

      CuteIcingPanda nice cus that’ll 100% help me in Chicago, IL

  • @evelynk8930
    @evelynk8930 4 года назад +57

    you still have to take Lena and Riley here!!!

  • @abbyriss8463
    @abbyriss8463 4 года назад +95

    I wish we had Korean fried cheese where i live!

  • @gonzos_9098
    @gonzos_9098 4 года назад +46

    “Didn’t make it through the light, oh darn, guess I’ll have another nuggy”

  • @fasheed8600
    @fasheed8600 4 года назад +156

    i can't express how much i want to eat the korean fried chicken

    • @kyliewelcher7245
      @kyliewelcher7245 4 года назад +2

      Fasheed sam bro💀

    • @MEARER11
      @MEARER11 4 года назад

      Me tooo!!!!! Ugh!!

    • @Stucktoglueonasnu
      @Stucktoglueonasnu 4 года назад +3

      I think it’s Myungrang Hot Dog in LA if you wanna yelp it

    • @fasheed8600
      @fasheed8600 4 года назад +2

      @@Stucktoglueonasnu i would, but as i live in denmark it would be pretty hard for me

    • @starsigngirl9789
      @starsigngirl9789 4 года назад

      Omg same !!

  • @BiancaDolll
    @BiancaDolll 4 года назад +58

    Why don’t you ever invite Lena along?! Every time you’re together she mentions that fried cheese lmao

    • @malibuXoXobabe
      @malibuXoXobabe 4 года назад

      Finding Bianca who is that?

    • @BiancaDolll
      @BiancaDolll 4 года назад +8

      @@malibuXoXobabe Lena the Plug.... the dark haired pregnant girl she has sex with on her only fans

    • @PD-wz2vt
      @PD-wz2vt 4 года назад +7

      Finding Bianca hahahaha such an accurate description

    • @justicefonfara17
      @justicefonfara17 4 года назад +2

      Lena she is gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

  • @cassiedonaldson3243
    @cassiedonaldson3243 4 года назад +249

    Giiiiirl, you’re literally jealous of Moses’ cats! Lol

    • @kwangleason3222
      @kwangleason3222 4 года назад +45

      She's such a liar . She's jealous of everything and everybody

    • @sierralo
      @sierralo 4 года назад +45

      She’ll be jealous of everything. Remember when she was jealous of Jason’s kids because he bought a drum set for his son but not one for her

    • @cassiedonaldson3243
      @cassiedonaldson3243 4 года назад +33

      Sierra Lopez Remember when she was jealous of Jason’s mom? She literally told him he wants to Fk her!

    • @abbyoneill4473
      @abbyoneill4473 4 года назад +20

      😂😂😂 so true. Unlike Jason, Moses doesn’t have kids so the only beings in his life left for her to be jealous of are his cats!

    • @jessicagraveline4657
      @jessicagraveline4657 4 года назад +32

      She threw a fit when Moses was leaving and threw his keys over the balcony Talked about it in one of her videos Trisha is classic psycho I remember the video where she was crying because jason was going to see his kids and she didn’t want him to leave her

  • @rubygold2242
    @rubygold2242 4 года назад +54

    She’s keeping tabs on all Js friends constantly

  • @jeffwads
    @jeffwads 4 года назад +49

    Gotta be a record for most fried cheese eaten by a human in a lifetime.

    • @Living_a_spoonie_life
      @Living_a_spoonie_life 4 года назад +8

      Imagine her arteries clogged up with fat and glue.

    • @michelecooper2165
      @michelecooper2165 4 года назад


    • @alidapham
      @alidapham 4 года назад

      You should check out some Korean mukbangers 🤣🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

  • @lolamichelle
    @lolamichelle 4 года назад +56

    Speaking as an esthetician, If you want your skin to clear up you need to lay off the dairy which is hormone related, because cows are injected with hormones.

    • @ApheNtsenge
      @ApheNtsenge 4 года назад +16

      Nobody asked for your opinion miss mamaz. If she wanted a consultation with you, she would ask. Stop giving unsolicited advice and pointing out what you think people should be fixing about themselves.

    • @Voodoovixenn
      @Voodoovixenn 4 года назад +2

      What she said ^

    • @ishallremaincalm
      @ishallremaincalm 4 года назад +10

      Thanks for giving this really logical advice. You not only tried to help Trish but you also helped me, a viewer. I'll think about it next time I eat dairy ❤

    • @andw5665
      @andw5665 4 года назад +5

      and that's without even starting on what they give and use on chickens to get them to the "end stage" for slaughter growth hormones, antibiotics god knows what then all the binders and chemicals in nUgGiEs its fucking sick and disgusting why do people eat this shit then wonder why they have a whole sleuth of health problems.

    • @naelyneurkopfen9741
      @naelyneurkopfen9741 4 года назад

      @@andw5665 *Slough.

  • @Rheiss
    @Rheiss 4 года назад +26

    “Even in 1920” Trish wait a second-

    • @sharondianneb
      @sharondianneb 4 года назад

      I know..

    • @sharondianneb
      @sharondianneb 4 года назад

      Oh. I just got it
      She meant. 19 or 20. But talking so fast & chewing

    • @Rheiss
      @Rheiss 4 года назад

      mia mcd lolll i see, I was honestly like wait what- 😂

  • @lindseyeva827
    @lindseyeva827 4 года назад +78

    Should probably stop licking your fingers during a pandemic lol

    • @mercykarmaent5331
      @mercykarmaent5331 4 года назад +1


    • @nakomadesreaux2170
      @nakomadesreaux2170 4 года назад +3

      Virus is fake and doesn't exist and you CAN'T catch a virus.
      If is literally impossible..
      Your body creates a virus in your body which helps you fight off what makes you sick..
      It's 2020 we don't have a fucking killed virus
      Have you SEEN v for vendetta? Or 1984? It's just the new world order!

    • @jenn1316
      @jenn1316 4 года назад +11

      @@nakomadesreaux2170 if the virus is fake than why did my grandmas friend die from it? If the virus is fake how come I couldn't see my grandma in the hospital before she died? If the virus is fake how come I had to wear a mask to my grandmas funeral? If the virus is fake how come I cant go back to school? If the virus is fake how come we've been in quarantine for 6 months?

    • @lindacasarez8696
      @lindacasarez8696 3 года назад

      Trish said people ask her to lick her fingers Everytime, they have a fetish for that 😬

  • @SRBang0409
    @SRBang0409 4 года назад +48

    Nothing affects her..I wish i could be so undeterred. Good on her!

    • @microbios8586
      @microbios8586 4 года назад +3

      This must be sarcasm

    • @missindie9204
      @missindie9204 4 года назад +1

      I really hope you’re being facetious. 🤯

  • @chrissyscott9194
    @chrissyscott9194 4 года назад +5

    Trish stopping to get chick fil a as a snack before she stops to get her actual food is everything

  • @melikatl
    @melikatl 4 года назад +19

    Me: I have so much to do today.
    Also me: watching Trisha eat Korean fried cheese for the 8th time...

  • @DestinyLaurabeth
    @DestinyLaurabeth 4 года назад +37

    Also why is trish putting the nuggets away after each one just to whip it out again

  • @megan7849
    @megan7849 4 года назад +57

    this was posted 2 minutes ago and it has 5 dislikes but the video is 19 minutes long, y’all are just disliking to dislike at this point.

    • @DJ-ub4uh
      @DJ-ub4uh 4 года назад +14

      welcome to youtube, you must be new

    • @megan7849
      @megan7849 4 года назад +1

      DJ i’m not?

    • @kopenin4129
      @kopenin4129 4 года назад +7

      its literally trisha paytas.. what do you expect? lmao

    • @backinstolaf
      @backinstolaf 4 года назад


    • @SchreiRulesYouKnow
      @SchreiRulesYouKnow 4 года назад +8

      Do you literally expect people to waste 19 minutes in a Trisha Paytas' video to decide if they like it or not? xD. Yeah, probably there's a plot twist... Náh.

  • @Ashl3yMC
    @Ashl3yMC 4 года назад +5

    Yay for Trisha for posting through this Covid mess, she’s getting me through my anxiety!

  • @celinathefoodie6922
    @celinathefoodie6922 4 года назад +76

    I cringed every time she put the chicken nuggets back in the bag just to take it right out again 😐

    • @MsNikkicole92
      @MsNikkicole92 4 года назад


    • @user-qr2tf8vl4k
      @user-qr2tf8vl4k 4 года назад +1

      What if it's not the same box

    • @user-qr2tf8vl4k
      @user-qr2tf8vl4k 4 года назад

      @@britt9804 don't u knock a college educated woman!

    • @rejespo
      @rejespo 4 года назад +1

      she is a troll, everything she does is on purpose

    • @saraiiiiii4761
      @saraiiiiii4761 3 года назад

      Idk but sometimes I do that then I realize how stupid I am then my mom gets mad at me it’s a bad habit ✨

  • 4 года назад +76

    My early age high cholesterol and blood pressure cringes when I see a 30 year old lady eat like this, get some spinach in that diet before it's too late, babe!!...but I love you.

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад +21

      dude for real, I used to eat almost as bad as her until like last year. now I'm 28 and my body is like "it's revenge time babyyyyy" and I have to watch what I eat or else my predisposition to heart problems is going to have a party

    • @naelyneurkopfen9741
      @naelyneurkopfen9741 4 года назад +3

      Spinach is FULL of oxalates, which create kidney stones.

    • 4 года назад +8

      @@naelyneurkopfen9741 😂😂😂 I can't win

    • @michelecooper2165
      @michelecooper2165 4 года назад +1


    • @berrysoda.
      @berrysoda. 4 года назад +1

      @@luhe8 same here!! I'm watching whole eating a salad.

  • @GabriellaT21
    @GabriellaT21 4 года назад +43

    I love me some Trisha Paytas but this girl is fresh out of content. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m getting bored of watching her scarf down Chik Fil A and Korean fried cheese dogs. Is she transitioning to full-time mukbangs?

    • @kelligirl1210
      @kelligirl1210 4 года назад +20

      Oh just wait. The relationship stuff is brewing 🙃

    • @Moo-fb2kb
      @Moo-fb2kb 4 года назад +9

      I keep checking back hoping she's made a new expose video that'll start something actually interesting. I can't wait till she inevitably defends shane dawson and we get some good drama from it

    • @ji-quellm4257
      @ji-quellm4257 4 года назад +7

      Do you not watch her podcasts? Or onlyfans ? Or tiktoks? Or her vlog channel? Like plz stop complaining the girl is pushing out content on 4 different platforms daily shut up.

    • @normuzi
      @normuzi 4 года назад +1

      @@Moo-fb2kb ? Where have you been. This is old trisha content, her chatting to the camera. New fans looking for exposing / fake entertainment videos can go rewatch Davids old vlogs lol. bye!

    • @Moo-fb2kb
      @Moo-fb2kb 4 года назад +3

      @@normuzi ...what? Lol I've been here since do dogs have brains. are you seriously attempting to "gatekeep" trisha paytas?? lol
      were all only here for the drama, stop pretending to be morally superior.
      (Also I don't watch or like David dobrik, idk what he has to do with what i said)
      I want a scandal because I have nothing to watch and her expose videos always mean drama for different people to capitalise on & thus more videos for me to watch.
      It ain't that deep.

  • @BlaBlaBla-zt3oo
    @BlaBlaBla-zt3oo 4 года назад +66

    There’s no way I would be able to eat that much fried food in one go.

  • @BeansonsBeans
    @BeansonsBeans 4 года назад +11

    “I Love a juicy Nugget” -Iconic

  • @CodeXana
    @CodeXana 4 года назад +18

    Just woke up and now I’m already starving

  • @MinxyKitty
    @MinxyKitty 4 года назад +11

    Theres times I'll go on a eating binge and then days like today where thinking of food just makes me feel 🤮 and all I want is water.

    • @MinxyKitty
      @MinxyKitty 4 года назад

      @@naomii494 why seek help it's not a disorder. And it's not like I go several days without eating. It's actually good to not eat for 24 hours and drink water during that time

  • @cammiixx
    @cammiixx 4 года назад +51

    She definitely got two packets of nuggets lol she ate nuggets for half the video

    • @AmbsJamz77
      @AmbsJamz77 4 года назад +8

      That's why she kept putting it back in the bag! She had 2 packs!

    • @amed9476
      @amed9476 4 года назад +2

      nah, the sticker is in the same spot the whole time, so that's doubtful

  • @dominicscuriosity
    @dominicscuriosity 4 года назад +10

    Trish you should try and make these at your house. Steph just did and they came out pretty good she said.

  • @pizzaparty3088
    @pizzaparty3088 4 года назад +9

    I once told my work I was going use the bathroom and then got in my car & never came back. It was my 2nd day on the job. It was one of those stupid sales scam jobs.

  • @mariachula8368
    @mariachula8368 4 года назад +13

    13:53 Trisha, my girl, finish the sentence before you start another sis... 😂😂😂😂

  • @ch0idaniel
    @ch0idaniel 3 года назад +2

    10:13 lmfao the banana girl I’m dead bro

  • @gavincolgan1827
    @gavincolgan1827 4 года назад +22

    Of course you’re not in a hurry to get anywhere you’re in a cocoon land yacht

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад +4


    • @gavincolgan1827
      @gavincolgan1827 4 года назад

      lolehul okay and? Apparently you don’t know what a fucking Rolls Royce is.

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад +2

      @@gavincolgan1827 mam this is a subreddit, i'm not coming for you. chill.

    • @gavincolgan1827
      @gavincolgan1827 4 года назад

      lolehul Okay sis

  • @shadowniki7839
    @shadowniki7839 4 года назад +11

    I just love Trisha’s energy, like, you slay queen!!! 💖

  • @ailenlujan3913
    @ailenlujan3913 4 года назад +12

    Why does she take one bite close it put it back in the bag and repeat. Like just keep it open if your ganna eat your meal it’s not a “snack” if your full on eating it.

    • @prisonmike19
      @prisonmike19 3 года назад

      it’s more like an ~appetizer

  • @ashleadavidson4390
    @ashleadavidson4390 4 года назад +12

    This is exactly what I needed a distraction can’t sleep because I’m Australia Victoria we are in stage 4 lockdowns cause of covid I’m wide awake it’s almost 1am

    • @melissak8892
      @melissak8892 4 года назад +1

      Hang in there. I know it's awful. 😔

    • @ashleadavidson4390
      @ashleadavidson4390 4 года назад

      Melissa K thank you really trying it’s so hard right now hit cases are going down finally so hopefully out of this soon

    • @melissak8892
      @melissak8892 4 года назад

      @@ashleadavidson4390 🤞🤗

    • @steph3352
      @steph3352 4 года назад

      I’m in Victoria (Australia) to, its so hard. Thinking of you gurl! 😘

  • @sergieghalliwell8753
    @sergieghalliwell8753 4 года назад +5

    Omg! That car almost slammed into her rear end at 0:50 lmao!!!

  • @jessiehenderson2266
    @jessiehenderson2266 4 года назад +8


  • @dragonfly5665q
    @dragonfly5665q 4 года назад +4

    lol only trisha would go get a snack while already eating a snack on her way to that said snack 😂

  • 4 года назад +13

    No hate but are some of those moaning noises while taking a bite necessary??

  • @Clevergirl09
    @Clevergirl09 4 года назад +1

    She’s doing so many voice in this one lol I was kinda here for it. These Korean cheese things are hella good, they have it in San Jose in Cally. I love it with the little sugar sprinkle it goes super good with the cheese

    • @prisonmike19
      @prisonmike19 3 года назад

      months late but i’ve been meaning to go there!!! ngl i’m pretty picky and was worried about the sugar with fried cheese but i’m convinced lol

  • @lauraelle111
    @lauraelle111 4 года назад +7

    I’m so curious how much that box of all those fried Korean cheese corn dogs cost?!?🤔🤔

  • @SundayRain0101
    @SundayRain0101 4 года назад

    My heart goes out to Trisha and I'm not a big Trisha fan (I've watched for about 3 yrs) but now that I'm watching her more I'm starting to understand her. I'm 53 but when I was her age I was insecure, unsure of myself, angry, sad, depressed, many ppl misunderstood me. I endured a lot of trauma in my youth, and just like her, I thought I could "beat it" but I started MAJOR therapy in my thirties, and it has changed my life. My prayers are with you Trisha, it's so hard to overcome trauma but you can do it with a lot of work. Much love 💙💙💙

  • @Arose888
    @Arose888 4 года назад +6

    No one:
    Trisha: WhErE AHHH YeWaH!?

  • @nenedamenace
    @nenedamenace 4 года назад +2

    Trish always has me craving things😭😭

  • @jennypbo08
    @jennypbo08 4 года назад +24

    Omg Korean fried cheese they are so good Trish you need to go to Japan’s Koreatown video idea yes?!?!?

  • @heyheyparty
    @heyheyparty 4 года назад +10

    13:53 should Trisha be allowed to drive around under the influence? Can she be reported somehow? She was also staring at her viewfinder wrestling with the chicken nugget box while driving and paying no attention to the road. She’s going to seriously injure or kill someone someday.

  • @messwtx1
    @messwtx1 4 года назад +13

    This is how you get sores from chafing on both legs from taking a short walk?? 🤢

    • @messwtx1
      @messwtx1 4 года назад

      Kane Atkinson 😝😝😝😝👌🏻

  • @zyahleigh
    @zyahleigh 4 года назад +13

    Woke up feeling like a chicken nugget.

    • @siren7561
      @siren7561 4 года назад +1


    • @ssourrgummiez
      @ssourrgummiez 4 года назад

      More like a Korean fried cheese stick these days 🤣🤣

  • @dominicscuriosity
    @dominicscuriosity 4 года назад +6

    I thought Lena was going to come with you next time you went. Maybe this was before she said that.

  • @AshleyVanSlyke
    @AshleyVanSlyke 4 года назад +15

    Such an aggressive chewer lol

  • @kritikanarula2177
    @kritikanarula2177 4 года назад +12

    I watch trisha’s videos only to go through the comments

  • @AriahJoy
    @AriahJoy 4 года назад +1

    Trisha is that girl who shows the side we all try to hide ! 😂😭 I love her 💕

  • @yelenaburba7604
    @yelenaburba7604 4 года назад +28

    You really should clean your hands before eating ... it’s pandemic 😫

    • @kwangleason3222
      @kwangleason3222 4 года назад +1

      She's never going to do that

    • @user-qr2tf8vl4k
      @user-qr2tf8vl4k 4 года назад +4

      She's eating a mash up of random animal parts. U think she cares about being clean?

  • @LoveYourselfAlways007
    @LoveYourselfAlways007 4 года назад +2

    Pit stop for food on the way to get food... ME asf!🙌🏾😭

  • @vongaichiwade164
    @vongaichiwade164 3 года назад

    Watching trish eat Korean fried cheese is the best thing ever. The UK need to up their food game

  • @DebbieBlatt0816
    @DebbieBlatt0816 4 года назад +1

    I’m going to LA JUST to try the potato Korean fried cheese corn dog!

  • @DestinyLaurabeth
    @DestinyLaurabeth 4 года назад +1

    I love how trish got food to eat on her way to go and get food

  • @marykoufalis7666
    @marykoufalis7666 4 года назад +15

    The lip smacking, slurping and painful throat swallowing begins almost right away.

  • @tigerx22
    @tigerx22 4 года назад

    That crunch and cheese string bites r very satisfyingg

  • @aneliyaasenova7373
    @aneliyaasenova7373 4 года назад +4

    CoRn DoG👁👄👁

  • @pumasareamazing
    @pumasareamazing 4 года назад

    I have been doing Tom De Longe impressions like that for years and years, helps that I have a naturally winey voice and used to playfully mocking americans. I get asked if I'm American alot. I blame my high pitched voice.

  • @makedachantellex9329
    @makedachantellex9329 4 года назад +15

    I wanna be trish’s bestie

  • @hannybanany4637
    @hannybanany4637 4 года назад +2

    Trish I dont think anyone can eat and look flawless.😂 You look great!!!

  • @MSDesignASMR
    @MSDesignASMR 4 года назад +4

    *Omg that corn dog looks so good!* 😋

    • @TheToasterLoser
      @TheToasterLoser 4 года назад +1

      It's literally amazing my local Asian market sells them and they are so delicious

  • @mandak4131
    @mandak4131 4 года назад

    trisha you are the cutest thing ever. your videos always make me feel better. xx

  • @trippytunes339
    @trippytunes339 4 года назад +5

    Remember when her RUclips channel was literally like so popular. this channel was like ago to for some people.What happened

  • @cassfrost6646
    @cassfrost6646 4 года назад

    Gurl! You know we all come for these videos! Haha I love watching you eat these and idk why haha

  • @SupremeQUEEN668
    @SupremeQUEEN668 4 года назад

    I love when she eats these things cus she seems soo satisfied and happy and also that korean fried cheese looks soo yummy!

  • @janelleshea421
    @janelleshea421 4 года назад +7

    I love Trisha so much!!! Buttttt does anyone else feel *uncomfy* when she moans during every single bite she takes?! No?! just me?! Okay! Lmao

    • @luhe8
      @luhe8 4 года назад

      absolutely bothers me too

  • @thebunz
    @thebunz 4 года назад +2

    Ahhahahah I truly LOL... when you said "aww we are just two lonely girls eating in a parking lot" never i have related to statement more in my life.

  • @unknownnibba2353
    @unknownnibba2353 4 года назад +3

    I swear legit her nails are so long she wouldn’t even need chopsticks when she could use her nails LMFAOO 💀🤣💀💀

  • @natureking7122
    @natureking7122 4 года назад +1

    I like the Korean Fried cheese videos but I have a request. A video where you eat lightly grilled salmon with a squeeze of lemon juice with maybe an alfredo sauce and grilled veggies with rice. A glass of fruit juice or iced tea to drink . No soda

  • @MinxyKitty
    @MinxyKitty 4 года назад +8

    Trish girl love ya but damn you need to slow down when you talk lmfao cant understand what your saying half the time. 🤣

  • @lindsaysaunders7346
    @lindsaysaunders7346 4 года назад +2

    Unsweetened Tea hits terribly lol sorry love you Trish♥️🤣😬

  • @abbyoneill4473
    @abbyoneill4473 4 года назад +11

    You can’t possibly feel good eating fast food so often 😕 you might not have health problems yet but what you do in your 30s shows up in your 40s, 50s and 60s (and dictates if you get to see your 70s, 80s and 90s). Be careful. I’ve had to make changes too and I’m 30.

  • @Megjar37
    @Megjar37 4 года назад

    When the white car almost hits Trisha at 0:47!!! Gotta love LA! 😱

  • @julesolympiara6237
    @julesolympiara6237 4 года назад +7

    13:53 literally what?

    • @laylaariel3751
      @laylaariel3751 4 года назад

      “It’s like he said that about Vincent Marcus” My hearing sucks so I read lips and that’s what it seemed like

  • @oscarcastro6871
    @oscarcastro6871 4 года назад

    her explaining why she loves food as i’m high as fuck making wings, eating chips, & making a sandwich hahahah trust me trish me too gurl

  • @dav.0095
    @dav.0095 4 года назад +1

    I literally made a video on these Korean fried cheese dogs yesterday LOL omg they are so good thank you for showing them to us 🙌🏽😍

  • @PlacestobeVG
    @PlacestobeVG 4 года назад +30

    it's not entirely right to say that you 'love food so much' lol you just love fried, unhealthy food. Not 'food' as a category

  • @michaeljuarez9629
    @michaeljuarez9629 4 года назад

    Those are the absolute best!! I had them for the first time in Seattle. LIFE CHANGING!

  • @DBS86
    @DBS86 4 года назад +2

    I’ve never been this early to watch any videos ever!

  • @EmmyBaby23
    @EmmyBaby23 4 года назад +1

    Me sitting here watching Trisha eat Korean fried cheese while I wait for my dozen eggs to boil and most likely finish them all today

  • @blocboycon929
    @blocboycon929 4 года назад +4

    Is that a 36 pack

  • @kodekYT
    @kodekYT 4 года назад +1

    I watch this so I don't feel hungry for junk food