The thing that I find funniest about all of this is that countries like Germany at the moment say go ahead and leave Britain. I really look forwards to what they say as we approach June and Germany is left in Europe with all it's Eastern European country friends.
Keep up the the good work Mr Cameron and don't be swayed , we need a Prime Minister and a Party with Conviction , a united party behind their Prime Minister and the Country.
BuddyAckerman1 Your politicians are so intelligent. So clever that they sold all your national companis. If a country wants to get out from a free trade area it needs a core of industrial companies owned or controled (with political pressure) by the government. Otherwise, all the foreign companies will fly away to the bigger market and your so called british companies as well. Problem? Besides BAE, there no true industry backed by the UK (it's the opposite as my country, France, where all major companies are all controled or owned by the government). So, I must say that leaving a free trade area that you don't like is a possibilty. But leaving in such position, being naked, is a total new experiment never seen before. You don't even own your own companies for energies and you keep relying to France for them. I know that in UK the people think that your economic growth is strong. Fact is that it's not true. Your GDP moves with the stock market. When the stock market is high, your economic growth is high and when the stock market is feeble you see huge loss in your GDP (like in 2008, you lost 500 billions on your GDP, you only recovered in 2014). If Cameron doesn't back the leave camp it's because of this vulnerability and high depence towards finance. And if 60 to 70% of your people want to remains (according to all your polls), it's because they feel this vulnerability. So if you take a fly ticket, I'm not sure that it's our plane that will crash. ;)
Darwin Mizser It's because of your tories dude. I'm a Ph.d student in economics at Paris Dauphine and I studied the case of the british GDP last year. It seems that Cameron did an american policy. The american policy is very simple to understand. If you want an economic growth you have 4 ways: 1. Innovation and investment 2. Finding natural ressources 3. Having more people 4. Having more money circulating in the system. Contrary to what people usually think, changing the tax rate changes pretty much nothing on the long term. So what Cameron did is very simple. He tried to attract the biggest number of migrants, from everywhere. The figures are obvious: 10 years ago Britain welcomed 100K migrants each year. Now Britain welcomes 330K migrants (and those are the official figures). It's typically what the US is doing every year. So each year, if the population growth is about 3%, you have 2% economic growth mecanically. As easy as that. At the same time the relative wealth per capita is growing as well (because of the price of houses growing). But, in fact the true wealth per capita is decreasing a lot. The Bank of England did also a huge quantitative easing, creating tons of money because of the crisis in your real estate. Result: 10 trillions external debt. Look at that: . I have one teacher who told us that the biggest time bomb in the world was Britain because of the amount of debt per capita and per firm. It's an amount never been seen, not even in Japan. The populace in Britain is now filled by a huge propaganda around the so called british economic miracle (and they love to compare that with France, in a long tradition of french bashing ;) ). It's a mirage in fact and the people instinctively know that this economic growth is not true.
Doney Hon You don't have to tell me about a debt house of cards, I have tons of it and my only escape from ruin is the sale of a property to a Chinese couple. To be honest I think we have always been a nation of gamblers and pirates who now find ourselves in the uncomfortable situation of having to actually work for a living. But somehow we're still trying to avoid it.
Darwin Mizser Napoleon said that you are a nation of shopkeepers. lol If we look at the takeover track record of british strategic companies bought by french, german and american companies the last 10 years, it's true. However, we should not forget the capacity of Britain to rebuild a sensible economy in case of catastrophe. We are speaking about a highly educated society that rebuilt a stable economy 3 years after the end of the WW2. I think that the crisis that will come will have the same effect as the WW2. 1929 will be a joke. This crisis will stop for a while the international trade. So every country will have to relocate a lot of skills lost (like agriculture). To resist to a crisis like that, the best investment remains gold and silver. Our currencies will die while the price of gold and silver will become very high. Now, it's not easy to understand all the mecanisms involved in this crisis. It seems that the US is sniffing all our wealth by a lot of mecanisms. It's hardly thinkable that the US didn't plan an exit for themselves in this crisis. So how it will finish, I don't know. An america more powerful? Or a China more powerful? Wars? Really hard to know. One thing is sure: the system can't continue like that. The figures are now completely crazy and never seen before.
Better off in than out with this deal. Opting out now will serve only as an appeasement to populist nationalism while sacrificing too many positive benefits. Steady as she goes Mr Cameron.
I take comfort in knowing that regardless of the UK's membership the EU is destined to fail. If we vote to leave this will almost certainly speed the process up. No to big governments and big business. Less centralisation not more.
+Sam Fisher A vote to leave wouldn't put Farage in the dispatch box. And if you've followed his career you would know he speaks a great deal about our national debt, higher tax rates for the rich and a lot about welfare reform. But leaving the EU is an entirely separate question.
+EUOUT EUOUT London is the greatest city in the world. Like all capital cities it's face has been changed by migration. But don't believe that myth, about half of us are still white English, and those who are not eventually succumb to our ways, London's cultures and traditions are irresistible, even to the filthy Islamists who occupy some of our towns. We will westernise all those who come but we'll slowly damage our culture in the process, a price we and the USA have to pay to liberalise and bring democracy to the people of the Middle East and North Africa.
Let me be very clear, I will lie to you to further our goals, I will alter, amend and creat new acts in order to steal your rights as human beings. The only reson you are allowed to live is to work machinery which keeps my chums rich. The sick and disabled are of no financial benift to us so we will force them from their homes,ensure they are penniless and wait for them to die My name is David Cameron and I am the law
If it was really a proper deal, ask yourself this. Why have the EU said these (pithy) reforms won't be implemented unless the UK votes to remain? Surely they must know we're highly sceptical of the EU here in the UK. So you would think they'd show some good faith by working on it right away - especially as they really do believe the UK will vote to stay in.
+squizza28 Um, maybe because us Brits can't have our cake and eat it to like we always complain for. Why the hell should the EU be made to accept our requests without the minimum which we can do, which is at least commit to remain in the EU?
All refugees coming from Syria or else has to be stamp by an refugee E. U. passport with controlled restricted limitations of free roaming to prevent uncontrolled imported home growth terrorism... The delivery of an E. U. refugee passport identification is acted upon the restitution of their home passport or other legal citizen identification to prevent homegrowth terrorism.
Good! Now Those wanting a Federal State will have the possibility to work it out without Britain, always wanting some Special rules or Special exceptions. What the Hell ! Do British think they are better than us?? What happened in Köln at New Year Eve can happen in Britain again.Either you are in or out.
Flamms No we want to rule ourselves. Fuck your superstate. Fuck the EU Army and fuck the nasty anti Russia rhetoric which pervades Germany and their media. I'm British and i do think I'm better than you because I believe in democracy and freedom. If we leave and I pray we can be rid of this vile organisation, I will look forward to the future with optimism.
You are not more democratic than me I m from Switzerland. We are the most Democratic Country in the World. And somehow we dont get to say anything about most of our legislation since we have to copy the one written in Bruxelles.
Cameron confirmes that he is leaving politics at the general election and we know Obama is in his final months. So we have a lame duck president and a lame duck prime minister. THESE ARE DANGEROUS TIMES ! Putin et al now have their best opportunity for mischief around the world.
+Tom Cooper The Putocracy has murdered journalists,dissidents and innocent airline passengers.Invaded it's neighbors and stolen their land.Bombed and killed thousands of civilians in Syria while backing a tyrant who has also committed war crimes against his own people. Placed all previously privately owned media under the control of the state.Imprisoned political opposition figures while using his control of the media to influence the population. He is an ex KGB killer. A sociopath. Anything but a good guy. He is the archetypal "strong man" cult figure the Russians seem to crave,and he knows it. We can only hope that the Russian people wake up to it before it's too late.
+Tom Cooper According to our media President Putin is a very dangerous guy. It is very disturbing to find that so many of his former opponents are being liquidated in mysterious circumstances like the murder of Litvinenko in London from radioactive poisoning apparently on the orders of Putin. I think it is unhealthy for any country to be under the control of any one man or woman for a long time. Think of Hitler, Stalin etc.
Great Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world - we should look to be a powerful global player rather than a mute dummy in the EU. Every British person pays £300 a year to stay in the EU (that's after all the sums are done and we are given back some of the billions we pay in). This will increase once the Ukraine joins. [1] Youth unemployment is 48% in Greece, 45% in Spain and 39.3% in Italy. [2] Poland's minimum wage is £1.89 an hour. Cheap labour from 'Europe and elsewhere into catering, hotels and social care jobs has led to an average 2% pay cut'. [3] EU migrants 'have been found guilty of 146,100 crimes' in the UK since 2012. [4] 'Between 1997 and last year, 65% of the country's 2.7 million extra housing units' were taken by non-UK people. [5] 'One hundred thousand children are thought to have missed out on their first choice secondary school today as an escalating places crisis sweeps the country'. [6] The NHS paid almost £6.2 billion for expats but received only £405 million back for EU nationals. [7] EU fishing law says that 'keeping a bass off the British coast is liable to a fine of up to £50,000'. [8] Women had to pay a tax on sanitary pads for decades. New vacuum cleaners will be limited to 900 watts by 2017. Doctors' qualifications cannot be checked if they have an EU Pro Card in 2018. A catastrophic vote to stay (and you will not be given another chance to close Pandora's box for generations) will rubber stamp allowing in half a million people into this tiny island (the most densely populated in Europe after Malta) for generations with Greenbelt land concreted over and over for generations. Good luck trying to explain that to your children when they ask what happened to the fields in which they laughed and played in when they were young.
David Cameron sounds strong here with this address provided for him by his speechwriters, but our lame politically confused liberal conservative prime minister, will bumble along on this issue as he doesn't really have any intellectual substance of his own, he can't formulate with clarity his own views and therefore, he can't deliver them with any conviction. Hampered by these shortcomings, his inabilities are now exposed via his weak and few demands on EU renegociation. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, his shortcomings led humiliation will force him to resign ! The EU's ultimate aim for the masses (as advocated by the 'Kelergi Plan') is a nationless, racially diluted identity, with each member state offering insecure low paid corporate jobs throughout a borderless union. (A kind of culturally Marxist / corporate fascism for the people). Whilst in England, the pure bred rich and powerful, their pure bred rich and powerful foreign friends, the corporations, the political elite and other wealthy individuals, will be welcome to continue to enjoy their extreme profits provided by our ultra-capitalism; our lax tax system towards big business, profits via our overpriced services of necessity - gas - electric - travel etc, profits via our taxpayer funded public services, profits via their preferred bids culture, profits via our grant and aid systems, and profits via Camerons housing strategy. The average person already finds that they're unable to financially aspire to home ownership, and that situation will only get worse. The above average person will have the same difficulties, whilst also finding they're unable to break into business, prevented by: "an unconvincing business plan" (a block all generic term), being rejected access to funds, or simply prevented by prejudice, bureaucracy, red tape or new EU regulations and laws. And those with small businesses who struggle to finance and implement the new EU regs, will be bought and broken up for profit, or liquidated at the first opportunity by the banks, or swallowed up by big businesses or the corporates. You may think I paint a dire picture here, but big businesses & especially the corporations are favoured by the EU as they are better positioned financially to contend with and implement these new regs & laws - thus further assisting the EU project. The EU favours big businesses & corporations because their employees are many, all in one place, easier to influence and easier to control and tax. The corporates favour the EU as they assist in setting EU agendas, thus allowing them to gain more control, wealth and power, whilst avoiding corporate and personal tax themselves. And in collusion with the banks, it also allows them to hoover up smaller businesses on the cheap whilst paying poverty wages,..and most importantly, blocking competition. A win win for both parties. To achieve their 'new world order' in the past, both the communists and fascists continuously imposed new laws to obtain obedience and conformity. Obedience and conformity was impressed upon the masses via their government, in the workplaces and schools,... and the new laws were advertised. The European Union has adopted the same strategy for its agenda. It's mentoring for the fee paying university students, as a selected few will form future management imposing obedience and conformity in the schools and workplaces, all designed to subdue and ultimately roboticise the manners and mindsets of the people. But you'll only become aware of any new laws when you unwittingly fall foul of one and are fined. These laws will rarely be advertised as their system wants your money from every avenue ! (I'd favour that the average person could not list ten of the seven thousand six hundred new laws and regulations that have already been imposed upon the British people since 1997. And our citizens can look forward to even fewer liberties - personal or business - in the future as these new laws just keep on coming ! ) The EU is a governing organisation that imposes Tyranny by stealth... and on the quiet! Whether our governments are on the Left or Right, they have all been following a corporate fascist/culturally marxist agenda for the last twenty five years, undermining all European countries sovereignty, status, culture, morals and nationality. The EU intends to dilute every citizen and every culture in every country in Europe. It intends to leave you nationless, with restricted freedoms, economically restricted, under-educated, underpaid, without property, and without hope! (For further evidence of this EU cultural and financial agenda, please view, read and understand every word of the Ex French President's address via a RUclips upload titled - Sarkozy and Racial Interbreeding. With 1.5m migrants excepted into Germany so far, Mrs Merkel is just the latest leader to implement this 'Kerlergi policy'. ) Britain, Europe and the western worlds populations need to be informed as to the real intentions of their governments and what they are imposing upon us, and as their practicing similar politics, that includes the USA!
i like the EURO vs UK thing because theres no debate. there are no facts like. will fuel cost more. can i work in europe. can i export to europe. will it affect education or manufacturing. no - its just david cameron being gleeful about europe and boris johnson going "brrp brrp brexit" and being foppish, and the choice has become which individual you like best. dumbed down uk.
He should not have pandered to the Nut's in the first place by calling some stupid referendum - But he has if you have a vote make sure it is to remain- The EU will not give you a good deal as the UKIP types keep saying because if they did others might follow ,and then nobody would have a deal at all good or bad
IN or OUT wont change anything , The Euro countries have a plan for their future , they will go with it ,no matter what , they show what they are capable of by dealing with Greece , they show they can do whatever to keep the euro, because they believe it will work in the long run and whoever is out of it will loos out , that means the IN and the OUT are leaping in a dark place , The Euro is a major part of the EU and whoever is not part of it in reality is not part of the EU . So that means they are both the IN and the OUT barking the same drum
+manny mo No my friend you are wrong. If we vote out we can have control of our country. The EU has the Euro currency and they have failed in a massive way. If the EU wants to carry on failing, then let us, the U.K. be out of it. Voting in will be a Massive mistake.
carl 123 Well like I said in or out doesn't make any difference to the EU . the Euro has not failed in any way is the same as any other currency backed by QE or let call it debt . the bank of england did it and still doing it right now the fed did it and the will do it again and the Euro CB is doing it . all are in the same shit . pushing the can a bit further
manny mo The only countries in the EU that have done well from being in the EU in terms of currency are France and Germany and that is because they have strong industry. All the other countries only get any benefit from freedom of movement. That then means they put a strain on the countries that are rich and that's not fair.
Mr Cameron I must apologise I have said some comments about you an the government which where not called for,I cannot possibly know the stress you and others are under,I was annoyed because the place I worked as well as others shut down "ssi steel works Redcar " so I was angry, but I must thank you for the retraining that you have set up for me an countless others,I understand that we have to move with the times and I read about the situation the last government left you in,so I hope you receive this apology and understand it was totally out of character from me but we all get stressed and have to deal with it the best we can,and that was the wrong way from me,sorry
Tories disgust me with their smug smiles and derisory glances across the floor at Corbyn , as if they were totally superior, as though they were better human beings. The upper class system of Rugby and Eton school ethics should play no part in The House. A House whose elected MP's should see and treat each other with equal respect. This smug conduct by those on the Right of the House is a regular feature seen by the public, they should be aware that we see it, since the affairs of the House are freely available on the Internet. I should think that the Public are sickened by this Tory, upper class, pompous conduct, that makes itself plainly seen whenever Mr Corbyn comes to the dispatch box to speak and offer his opinions, it sickens me anyway. You Conservatives need to learn the lesson of Humility and modesty, you ARE NOT any better than those opposite you, you are all equals, whatever you think of your own status in life. So, Stop the damn smart smirks at Mr Corbyn, you do yourselves no good and you appear far too superior for your own good. Stop it!
For the english automotive business of 70 millions brits customers with brexit and an open single market 300 millions E. U. potential buyers in the E. U. équivalent to the United states will answer to the reticent brexit voters.
Saddens me to watch this video. It's like watching adult size children fling shit at eachother I just wish the world would hurry up and wipe us out as she did with the dinosuars.
David Cameron sounds strong here with this address provided for him by his speechwriters, but our lame politically confused liberal conservative prime minister, will bumble along on this issue as he doesn't really have any intellectual substance of his own, he can't formulate with clarity his own views and therefore, he can't deliver them with any conviction. Hampered by these shortcomings, his inabilities are now exposed via his weak and few demands on EU renegotiation. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, his shortcomings led humiliation will force him to resign ! The EU's ultimate aim for the masses (as advocated by the 'Kelergi Plan') is a nationless, racially diluted identity, with each member state offering insecure low paid corporate jobs throughout a borderless union. (A kind of culturally Marxist / corporate fascism for the people). Whilst in England, the pure bred rich and powerful, their pure bred rich and powerful foreign friends, the corporations, the political elite and other wealthy individuals, will be welcome to continue to enjoy their extreme profits provided by our ultra-capitalism; our lax tax system towards big business, profits via our overpriced services of necessity - gas - electric - travel etc, profits via our taxpayer funded public services, profits via their preferred bids culture, profits via our grant and aid systems, and profits via Camerons housing strategy. The average person already finds that they're unable to financially aspire to home ownership, and that situation will only get worse. The above average person will have the same difficulties, whilst also finding they're unable to break into business, prevented by: "an unconvincing business plan" (a block all generic term), being rejected access to funds, or simply prevented by prejudice, bureaucracy, red tape or new EU regulations and laws. And those with small businesses who struggle to finance and implement the new EU regs, will be bought and broken up for profit, or liquidated at the first opportunity by the banks, or swallowed up by big businesses or the corporates. You may think I paint a dire picture here, but big businesses & especially the corporations are favoured by the EU as they are better positioned financially to contend with and implement these new regs & laws - thus further assisting the EU project. The EU favours big businesses & corporations because their employees are many, all in one place, easier to influence and easier to control and tax. The corporates favour the EU as they assist in setting EU polices & agendas, thus allowing them to gain more control, wealth and power, whilst avoiding corporate and personal tax themselves. And in collusion with the banks, it also allows them to hoover up smaller businesses on the cheap whilst paying poverty wages,..and most importantly, blocking competition. A win win for both parties. To achieve their 'new world order' in the past, both the communists and fascists continuously imposed new laws to obtain obedience and conformity. Obedience and conformity was impressed upon the masses via their government, in the workplaces and schools,... and the new laws were advertised. The European Union has adopted the same strategy for its agenda. It's mentoring for the fee paying university students, as a selected few will form future management imposing obedience and conformity in the schools and workplaces, all designed to subdue and ultimately roboticise the manners and mindsets of the people. But you'll only become aware of any new laws when you unwittingly fall foul of one and are fined. These laws will rarely be advertised as their system wants your money from every avenue ! (I'd favour that the average person could not list ten of the seven thousand six hundred new laws and regulations that have already been imposed upon the British people since 1997. And our citizens can look forward to even fewer liberties - personal or business - in the future as these new laws just keep on coming ! ) The EU is a governing organisation that imposes Tyranny by stealth... and on the quiet! Whether our governments are on the Left or Right, they have all been following a corporate fascist/culturally marxist agenda for the last twenty five years, undermining all European countries sovereignty, status, culture, morals and nationality. The EU intends to dilute every citizen and every culture in every country in Europe. It intends to leave you nationless, with restricted freedoms, economically restricted, under-educated, underpaid, without property, and without hope! (For further evidence of this EU cultural and financial agenda, please view, read and understand every word of the Ex French President's address via a RUclips upload titled - Sarkozy and Racial Interbreeding. With 1.5m migrants excepted into Germany so far, Mrs Merkel is just the latest leader to implement this 'Kerlergi policy' to encorage interbreeding. ) Britain, Europe and the western worlds populations need to be informed as to the real intentions of their governments and what they are imposing upon us, and as their practicing similar politics, that includes the USA!
Can someone explain to me why on Earth the SNP wants to break up the UK, but is in favour of the EU? Seems like a massive contradiction to me.
The thing that I find funniest about all of this is that countries like Germany at the moment say go ahead and leave Britain. I really look forwards to what they say as we approach June and Germany is left in Europe with all it's Eastern European country friends.
MrAeronuk1 It's already falling apart, Britain leaving will just speed the process up.
Keep up the the good work Mr Cameron and don't be swayed , we need a Prime Minister and a Party with Conviction , a united party behind their Prime Minister and the Country.
+george stephen the only thing cameron is behind is a pigs arse
This makes me laugh looking at the situation now one never knows the future
46:05 Miliband isn't paying attention to Cameron's response to his question, he's listening to his favourite thrash metal playlist
As a french I hope that you will leave for our good!
BuddyAckerman1 Your politicians are so intelligent. So clever that they sold all your national companis. If a country wants to get out from a free trade area it needs a core of industrial companies owned or controled (with political pressure) by the government. Otherwise, all the foreign companies will fly away to the bigger market and your so called british companies as well. Problem? Besides BAE, there no true industry backed by the UK (it's the opposite as my country, France, where all major companies are all controled or owned by the government). So, I must say that leaving a free trade area that you don't like is a possibilty. But leaving in such position, being naked, is a total new experiment never seen before. You don't even own your own companies for energies and you keep relying to France for them. I know that in UK the people think that your economic growth is strong. Fact is that it's not true. Your GDP moves with the stock market. When the stock market is high, your economic growth is high and when the stock market is feeble you see huge loss in your GDP (like in 2008, you lost 500 billions on your GDP, you only recovered in 2014). If Cameron doesn't back the leave camp it's because of this vulnerability and high depence towards finance. And if 60 to 70% of your people want to remains (according to all your polls), it's because they feel this vulnerability. So if you take a fly ticket, I'm not sure that it's our plane that will crash. ;)
+Doney Hon Unfortunately there are too many people here, raised on a diet of American media who see being European as something negative.
Darwin Mizser It's because of your tories dude. I'm a Ph.d student in economics at Paris Dauphine and I studied the case of the british GDP last year. It seems that Cameron did an american policy. The american policy is very simple to understand. If you want an economic growth you have 4 ways: 1. Innovation and investment 2. Finding natural ressources 3. Having more people 4. Having more money circulating in the system. Contrary to what people usually think, changing the tax rate changes pretty much nothing on the long term. So what Cameron did is very simple. He tried to attract the biggest number of migrants, from everywhere. The figures are obvious: 10 years ago Britain welcomed 100K migrants each year. Now Britain welcomes 330K migrants (and those are the official figures). It's typically what the US is doing every year. So each year, if the population growth is about 3%, you have 2% economic growth mecanically. As easy as that. At the same time the relative wealth per capita is growing as well (because of the price of houses growing). But, in fact the true wealth per capita is decreasing a lot. The Bank of England did also a huge quantitative easing, creating tons of money because of the crisis in your real estate. Result: 10 trillions external debt. Look at that: . I have one teacher who told us that the biggest time bomb in the world was Britain because of the amount of debt per capita and per firm. It's an amount never been seen, not even in Japan. The populace in Britain is now filled by a huge propaganda around the so called british economic miracle (and they love to compare that with France, in a long tradition of french bashing ;) ). It's a mirage in fact and the people instinctively know that this economic growth is not true.
Doney Hon You don't have to tell me about a debt house of cards, I have tons of it and my only escape from ruin is the sale of a property to a Chinese couple. To be honest I think we have always been a nation of gamblers and pirates who now find ourselves in the uncomfortable situation of having to actually work for a living. But somehow we're still trying to avoid it.
Darwin Mizser Napoleon said that you are a nation of shopkeepers. lol If we look at the takeover track record of british strategic companies bought by french, german and american companies the last 10 years, it's true. However, we should not forget the capacity of Britain to rebuild a sensible economy in case of catastrophe. We are speaking about a highly educated society that rebuilt a stable economy 3 years after the end of the WW2. I think that the crisis that will come will have the same effect as the WW2. 1929 will be a joke. This crisis will stop for a while the international trade. So every country will have to relocate a lot of skills lost (like agriculture). To resist to a crisis like that, the best investment remains gold and silver. Our currencies will die while the price of gold and silver will become very high. Now, it's not easy to understand all the mecanisms involved in this crisis. It seems that the US is sniffing all our wealth by a lot of mecanisms. It's hardly thinkable that the US didn't plan an exit for themselves in this crisis. So how it will finish, I don't know. An america more powerful? Or a China more powerful? Wars? Really hard to know. One thing is sure: the system can't continue like that. The figures are now completely crazy and never seen before.
The Statement begins at 3:32
Oh God I have to see this, thanks for uploading.
Mr Cameron - Thou dost protest too much methinks !!
thank God we are getting out of EU, quicker the better now
Are you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"generates more jobs and benefits the economy"..... the proceeds of which are then repatriated to Brussels in the form of EU membership fee increases.
Mr PM David Cameron go forward to a chief your goal for Britain future .
A weak Prime Minister, the laughing stock of Europe
+rex thomas i wish all fucking tory MPs dead the vile cunts
Funny that the UK is one of the most richest countries in the EU, and one of the strongest commodities.
+Slottize we will be even richer soon without 350 million and more leaving britain to EU every yr.
@@lepen4652 how is that going! hahaha
Interesting watching this discussion in retrospect in 2023. Repercussions of leaving the EU was recognized then, and manifesting itself now.
Better off in than out with this deal.
Opting out now will serve only as an appeasement to populist nationalism while sacrificing too many positive benefits.
Steady as she goes Mr Cameron.
I take comfort in knowing that regardless of the UK's membership the EU is destined to fail. If we vote to leave this will almost certainly speed the process up. No to big governments and big business. Less centralisation not more.
+Sam Fisher A vote to leave wouldn't put Farage in the dispatch box. And if you've followed his career you would know he speaks a great deal about our national debt, higher tax rates for the rich and a lot about welfare reform. But leaving the EU is an entirely separate question.
+EUOUT EUOUT London is the greatest city in the world. Like all capital cities it's face has been changed by migration. But don't believe that myth, about half of us are still white English, and those who are not eventually succumb to our ways, London's cultures and traditions are irresistible, even to the filthy Islamists who occupy some of our towns. We will westernise all those who come but we'll slowly damage our culture in the process, a price we and the USA have to pay to liberalise and bring democracy to the people of the Middle East and North Africa.
So , how is it going now in the UK ? no man is an Island !
I vote out
Let me be very clear,
I will lie to you to further our goals,
I will alter, amend and creat new acts
in order to steal your rights as human beings.
The only reson you are allowed to live
is to work machinery which keeps my chums rich.
The sick and disabled are of no financial benift to us
so we will force them from their homes,ensure
they are penniless and wait for them to die
My name is David Cameron and I am the law
If it was really a proper deal, ask yourself this. Why have the EU said these (pithy) reforms won't be implemented unless the UK votes to remain? Surely they must know we're highly sceptical of the EU here in the UK. So you would think they'd show some good faith by working on it right away - especially as they really do believe the UK will vote to stay in.
+squizza28 Um, maybe because us Brits can't have our cake and eat it to like we always complain for. Why the hell should the EU be made to accept our requests without the minimum which we can do, which is at least commit to remain in the EU?
We need to vote OUT of this corrupt club.
The end of Austerity!!!!!!!!! Down with you!
There was unity in the parlament 2 years ago, about staying in.
Terrible sound quality
We thank and bless Almighty God in Jesus names.
dave says its in our best intrest to stay in the eu now dave wouldnt lie to the uk would he
+bigissue yes he wouid
The bliss of being one of the common people and seeing these narcissist fuck ups screw everyone over in a royal fashion is enviable, i envy me.
very gentle people
You HAVE to register to vote by 7th June online... *or you won't be able to vote!*
To stay or to leave EU. 🎭
Only good thing he ever did. Brexit now
the eu is a rip of
All refugees coming from Syria or else has to be stamp by an refugee E. U. passport with controlled restricted limitations of free roaming to prevent uncontrolled imported home growth terrorism... The delivery of an E. U. refugee passport identification is acted upon the restitution of their home passport or other legal citizen identification to prevent homegrowth terrorism.
like Churchill Said in 1945, the future of Europe is to be a federal state like the US. If The UK doesnt want to stay they should juste leave.
I will vote to do just that.
Good! Now Those wanting a Federal State will have the possibility to work it out without Britain, always wanting some Special rules or Special exceptions. What the Hell ! Do British think they are better than us?? What happened in Köln at New Year Eve can happen in Britain again.Either you are in or out.
No we want to rule ourselves. Fuck your superstate. Fuck the EU Army and fuck the nasty anti Russia rhetoric which pervades Germany and their media. I'm British and i do think I'm better than you because I believe in democracy and freedom. If we leave and I pray we can be rid of this vile organisation, I will look forward to the future with optimism.
You are not more democratic than me I m from Switzerland. We are the most Democratic Country in the World. And somehow we dont get to say anything about most of our legislation since we have to copy the one written in Bruxelles.
So your not in the European Union. I rest my case.
Cameron confirmes that he is leaving politics at the general election and we know Obama is in his final months. So we have a lame duck president and a lame duck prime minister. THESE ARE DANGEROUS TIMES ! Putin et al now have their best opportunity for mischief around the world.
+meandmymouth Why you scared of putin,He is the good guy.Whats he done wrong please explain.
+Tom Cooper The Putocracy has murdered journalists,dissidents and innocent airline passengers.Invaded it's neighbors and stolen their land.Bombed and killed thousands of civilians in Syria while backing a tyrant who has also committed war crimes against his own people.
Placed all previously privately owned media under the control of the state.Imprisoned political opposition figures while using his control of the media to influence the population.
He is an ex KGB killer.
A sociopath.
Anything but a good guy.
He is the archetypal "strong man" cult figure the Russians seem to crave,and he knows it.
We can only hope that the Russian people wake up to it before it's too late.
+Tom Cooper According to our media President Putin is a very dangerous guy. It is very disturbing to find that so many of his former opponents are being liquidated in mysterious circumstances like the murder of Litvinenko in London from radioactive poisoning apparently on the orders of Putin. I think it is unhealthy for any country to be under the control of any one man or woman for a long time. Think of Hitler, Stalin etc.
Funny how them racists in the chat ran out of arguments. LOL
Great Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world - we should look to be a powerful global player rather than a mute dummy in the EU.
Every British person pays £300 a year to stay in the EU (that's after all the sums are done and we are given back some of the billions we pay in). This will increase once the Ukraine joins. [1] Youth unemployment is 48% in Greece, 45% in Spain and 39.3% in Italy. [2] Poland's minimum wage is £1.89 an hour. Cheap labour from 'Europe and elsewhere into catering, hotels and social care jobs has led to an average 2% pay cut'. [3] EU migrants 'have been found guilty of 146,100 crimes' in the UK since 2012. [4] 'Between 1997 and last year, 65% of the country's 2.7 million extra housing units' were taken by non-UK people. [5] 'One hundred thousand children are thought to have missed out on their first choice secondary school today as an escalating places crisis sweeps the country'. [6] The NHS paid almost £6.2 billion for expats but received only £405 million back for EU nationals. [7] EU fishing law says that 'keeping a bass off the British coast is liable to a fine of up to £50,000'. [8] Women had to pay a tax on sanitary pads for decades. New vacuum cleaners will be limited to 900 watts by 2017. Doctors' qualifications cannot be checked if they have an EU Pro Card in 2018.
A catastrophic vote to stay (and you will not be given another chance to close Pandora's box for generations) will rubber stamp allowing in half a million people into this tiny island (the most densely populated in Europe after Malta) for generations with Greenbelt land concreted over and over for generations. Good luck trying to explain that to your children when they ask what happened to the fields in which they laughed and played in when they were young.
David Cameron sounds strong here with this address provided for him by his speechwriters, but our lame politically confused liberal conservative prime minister, will bumble along on this issue as he doesn't really have any intellectual substance of his own, he can't formulate with clarity his own views and therefore, he can't deliver them with any conviction. Hampered by these shortcomings, his inabilities are now exposed via his weak and few demands on EU renegociation. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, his shortcomings led humiliation will force him to resign !
The EU's ultimate aim for the masses (as advocated by the 'Kelergi Plan') is a nationless, racially diluted identity, with each member state offering insecure low paid corporate jobs throughout a borderless union. (A kind of culturally Marxist / corporate fascism for the people). Whilst in England, the pure bred rich and powerful, their pure bred rich and powerful foreign friends, the corporations, the political elite and other wealthy individuals, will be welcome to continue to enjoy their extreme profits provided by our ultra-capitalism; our lax tax system towards big business, profits via our overpriced services of necessity - gas - electric - travel etc, profits via our taxpayer funded public services, profits via their preferred bids culture, profits via our grant and aid systems, and profits via Camerons housing strategy.
The average person already finds that they're unable to financially aspire to home ownership, and that situation will only get worse. The above average person will have the same difficulties, whilst also finding they're unable to break into business, prevented by: "an unconvincing business plan" (a block all generic term), being rejected access to funds, or simply prevented by prejudice, bureaucracy, red tape or new EU regulations and laws. And those with small businesses who struggle to finance and implement the new EU regs, will be bought and broken up for profit, or liquidated at the first opportunity by the banks, or swallowed up by big businesses or the corporates.
You may think I paint a dire picture here, but big businesses & especially the corporations are favoured by the EU as they are better positioned financially to contend with and implement these new regs & laws - thus further assisting the EU project. The EU favours big businesses & corporations because their employees are many, all in one place, easier to influence and easier to control and tax. The corporates favour the EU as they assist in setting EU agendas, thus allowing them to gain more control, wealth and power, whilst avoiding corporate and personal tax themselves. And in collusion with the banks, it also allows them to hoover up smaller businesses on the cheap whilst paying poverty wages,..and most importantly, blocking competition. A win win for both parties.
To achieve their 'new world order' in the past, both the communists and fascists continuously imposed new laws to obtain obedience and conformity. Obedience and conformity was impressed upon the masses via their government, in the workplaces and schools,... and the new laws were advertised. The European Union has adopted the same strategy for its agenda. It's mentoring for the fee paying university students, as a selected few will form future management imposing obedience and conformity in the schools and workplaces, all designed to subdue and ultimately roboticise the manners and mindsets of the people. But you'll only become aware of any new laws when you unwittingly fall foul of one and are fined. These laws will rarely be advertised as their system wants your money from every avenue !
(I'd favour that the average person could not list ten of the seven thousand six hundred new laws and regulations that have already been imposed upon the British people since 1997. And our citizens can look forward to even fewer liberties - personal or business - in the future as these new laws just keep on coming ! )
The EU is a governing organisation that imposes Tyranny by stealth... and on the quiet!
Whether our governments are on the Left or Right, they have all been following a corporate fascist/culturally marxist agenda for the last twenty five years, undermining all European countries sovereignty, status, culture, morals and nationality. The EU intends to dilute every citizen and every culture in every country in Europe. It intends to leave you nationless, with restricted freedoms, economically restricted, under-educated, underpaid, without property, and without hope!
(For further evidence of this EU cultural and financial agenda, please view, read and understand every word of the Ex French President's address via a RUclips upload titled - Sarkozy and Racial Interbreeding. With 1.5m migrants excepted into Germany so far, Mrs Merkel is just the latest leader to implement this 'Kerlergi policy'. )
Britain, Europe and the western worlds populations need to be informed as to the real intentions of their governments and what they are imposing upon us, and as their practicing similar politics, that includes the USA!
i like the EURO vs UK thing because theres no debate. there are no facts like. will fuel cost more. can i work in europe. can i export to europe. will it affect education or manufacturing. no - its just david cameron being gleeful about europe and boris johnson going "brrp brrp brexit" and being foppish, and the choice has become which individual you like best. dumbed down uk.
is it me or did he say that if he didn't get a better deal he would campaign to leave why isn't he then
He should not have pandered to the Nut's in the first place by calling some stupid referendum - But he has if you have a vote make sure it is to remain- The EU will not give you a good deal as the UKIP types keep saying because if they did others might follow ,and then nobody would have a deal at all good or bad
IN or OUT wont change anything , The Euro countries have a plan for their future , they will go with it ,no matter what , they show what they are capable of by dealing with Greece , they show they can do whatever to keep the euro, because they believe it will work in the long run and whoever is out of it will loos out , that means the IN and the OUT are leaping in a dark place , The Euro is a major part of the EU and whoever is not part of it in reality is not part of the EU . So that means they are both the IN and the OUT barking the same drum
+manny mo No my friend you are wrong. If we vote out we can have control of our country. The EU has the Euro currency and they have failed in a massive way. If the EU wants to carry on failing, then let us, the U.K. be out of it. Voting in will be a Massive mistake.
carl 123 Well like I said in or out doesn't make any difference to the EU . the Euro has not failed in any way is the same as any other currency backed by QE or let call it debt . the bank of england did it and still doing it right now the fed did it and the will do it again and the Euro CB is doing it . all are in the same shit . pushing the can a bit further
manny mo The Euro is failing and it will inevitably fail in the end. This country needs to vote out of Europe like we did with the Euro
carl 123 also the Dollar and the sterling they all worthless papers bumped by Qe
manny mo The only countries in the EU that have done well from being in the EU in terms of currency are France and Germany and that is because they have strong industry. All the other countries only get any benefit from freedom of movement. That then means they put a strain on the countries that are rich and that's not fair.
This guy is a bad joke.
They need more immigrants over there. The more the merry.
43:27 Boris Johnson!
Mr Cameron I must apologise I have said some comments about you an the government which where not called for,I cannot possibly know the stress you and others are under,I was annoyed because the place I worked as well as others shut down "ssi steel works Redcar " so I was angry, but I must thank you for the retraining that you have set up for me an countless others,I understand that we have to move with the times and I read about the situation the last government left you in,so I hope you receive this apology and understand it was totally out of character from me but we all get stressed and have to deal with it the best we can,and that was the wrong way from me,sorry
Piss poor sound
Traitor. Credibility zero. I'm always surprised to hear he's still alive. Shame.
Tories disgust me with their smug smiles and derisory glances across the floor at Corbyn , as if they were totally superior, as though they were better human beings. The upper class system of Rugby and Eton school ethics should play no part in The House. A House whose elected MP's should see and treat each other with equal respect. This smug conduct by those on the Right of the House is a regular feature seen by the public, they should be aware that we see it, since the affairs of the House are freely available on the Internet. I should think that the Public are sickened by this Tory, upper class, pompous conduct, that makes itself plainly seen whenever Mr Corbyn comes to the dispatch box to speak and offer his opinions, it sickens me anyway. You Conservatives need to learn the lesson of Humility and modesty, you ARE NOT any better than those opposite you, you are all equals, whatever you think of your own status in life. So, Stop the damn smart smirks at Mr Corbyn, you do yourselves no good and you appear far too superior for your own good. Stop it!
+Paul Manning i agree fucking vile vermin
"Refugis" Just say it as it is REFUGEEEEEEEES
For the english automotive business of 70 millions brits customers with brexit and an open single market 300 millions E. U. potential buyers in the E. U. équivalent to the United states will answer to the reticent brexit voters.
Saddens me to watch this video. It's like watching adult size children fling shit at eachother
I just wish the world would hurry up and wipe us out as she did with the dinosuars.
ive never wanted to see a room incinerated so much in my life.
get out of the E.U was the biggest mistake we ever made joining it
I'm actually 10
13 now mate!
David Cameron sounds strong here with this address provided for him by his speechwriters, but our lame politically confused liberal conservative prime minister, will bumble along on this issue as he doesn't really have any intellectual substance of his own, he can't formulate with clarity his own views and therefore, he can't deliver them with any conviction. Hampered by these shortcomings, his inabilities are now exposed via his weak and few demands on EU renegotiation. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, his shortcomings led humiliation will force him to resign !
The EU's ultimate aim for the masses (as advocated by the 'Kelergi Plan') is a nationless, racially diluted identity, with each member state offering insecure low paid corporate jobs throughout a borderless union. (A kind of culturally Marxist / corporate fascism for the people). Whilst in England, the pure bred rich and powerful, their pure bred rich and powerful foreign friends, the corporations, the political elite and other wealthy individuals, will be welcome to continue to enjoy their extreme profits provided by our ultra-capitalism; our lax tax system towards big business, profits via our overpriced services of necessity - gas - electric - travel etc, profits via our taxpayer funded public services, profits via their preferred bids culture, profits via our grant and aid systems, and profits via Camerons housing strategy.
The average person already finds that they're unable to financially aspire to home ownership, and that situation will only get worse. The above average person will have the same difficulties, whilst also finding they're unable to break into business, prevented by: "an unconvincing business plan" (a block all generic term), being rejected access to funds, or simply prevented by prejudice, bureaucracy, red tape or new EU regulations and laws. And those with small businesses who struggle to finance and implement the new EU regs, will be bought and broken up for profit, or liquidated at the first opportunity by the banks, or swallowed up by big businesses or the corporates.
You may think I paint a dire picture here, but big businesses & especially the corporations are favoured by the EU as they are better positioned financially to contend with and implement these new regs & laws - thus further assisting the EU project. The EU favours big businesses & corporations because their employees are many, all in one place, easier to influence and easier to control and tax. The corporates favour the EU as they assist in setting EU polices & agendas, thus allowing them to gain more control, wealth and power, whilst avoiding corporate and personal tax themselves. And in collusion with the banks, it also allows them to hoover up smaller businesses on the cheap whilst paying poverty wages,..and most importantly, blocking competition. A win win for both parties.
To achieve their 'new world order' in the past, both the communists and fascists continuously imposed new laws to obtain obedience and conformity. Obedience and conformity was impressed upon the masses via their government, in the workplaces and schools,... and the new laws were advertised. The European Union has adopted the same strategy for its agenda. It's mentoring for the fee paying university students, as a selected few will form future management imposing obedience and conformity in the schools and workplaces, all designed to subdue and ultimately roboticise the manners and mindsets of the people. But you'll only become aware of any new laws when you unwittingly fall foul of one and are fined. These laws will rarely be advertised as their system wants your money from every avenue !
(I'd favour that the average person could not list ten of the seven thousand six hundred new laws and regulations that have already been imposed upon the British people since 1997. And our citizens can look forward to even fewer liberties - personal or business - in the future as these new laws just keep on coming ! )
The EU is a governing organisation that imposes Tyranny by stealth... and on the quiet!
Whether our governments are on the Left or Right, they have all been following a corporate fascist/culturally marxist agenda for the last twenty five years, undermining all European countries sovereignty, status, culture, morals and nationality. The EU intends to dilute every citizen and every culture in every country in Europe. It intends to leave you nationless, with restricted freedoms, economically restricted, under-educated, underpaid, without property, and without hope!
(For further evidence of this EU cultural and financial agenda, please view, read and understand every word of the Ex French President's address via a RUclips upload titled - Sarkozy and Racial Interbreeding. With 1.5m migrants excepted into Germany so far, Mrs Merkel is just the latest leader to implement this 'Kerlergi policy' to encorage interbreeding. )
Britain, Europe and the western worlds populations need to be informed as to the real intentions of their governments and what they are imposing upon us, and as their practicing similar politics, that includes the USA!