Called by and gamma to 2 would make going first even better than it already is. Don't think thats a good idea, handtraps should resolve. The reason for the current handtrap format is more that SE gets way too much advantage if not stopped, rather than the lack of handtrap counters
If it isn’t obvious already the actual snake eyes cards need to be hit 😂, that dragon and field spell along with Ash brings too much bs for most decks to deal with. It’s not like they let any other decks at full power off the list to even challenge it
Called by to 2 because we have entered into this world where you can build a deck with 15 starters and the rest are HTs. Konami will not stop making these 1 card combo decks.
I dont understand your take on called by the grave. Handtrap dominance is a symptom of an underlying issue. Giving dominant decks a reliable way to take away what little turn 0 interaction there is will not solve that underlying issue. The problem is decks with tiny engine requirements and multiple one-card combos. If you can't play 15+ handtraps without it affecting your consistency, they are a non-issue.
I definitely agree. Cards like called by and crossout help the turn 1 player create these unbreakable boards. Considering how op going first is, I think we need more cards that help going second instead of
Cant wait to have all omnis and monster negates banned, so that every deck loses to a deck of 20 board breakers. If it’s shit one way, it’s going to be shit in reverse too
Unpopular opinion but I don't think Apo should be banned. It's more a problem of the fact that a given deck can generate enough bodies that fast without consequence to insulate their plays than Apo herself. And that we're forced by a single deck into a handtrap mandatory format that makes breakers non-viable when those kinds of cards are really what make Apo not such a crazy card and sometimes even a liability. tl;dr format sucks, not Apollusa
Completely agreed, genericly good ed cards cards are not necessarily the problem. But archetypes with 10-15 cards which are starters, extenders, recursion and that can run 15-20 handtraps definitely are.
@@Al-tanin Not quite, since she is still a Link-4 unlike Baronne which is actually what decks didn't break a sweat on. It's also a matter of the quality of protection and ease of access. can they go into Apo in a real meaningful way like beating out Nib or protecting the most vital parts of the deck's plays? Because just ending on Apo, especially a small Apo really isn't that intimidating and can be played around or into. For such a powerful card she doesn't and probably won't ever see the kind of widespread play (as in a variety of decks) like Baronne did.
Honestly their is so many problems with the game between banlist, prize support being a joke, and the price of top decks. After playing for the better part of almost 2 decades I think I'm done...
I will die on the hill that Flamberge needs to be banned. Even at 1 it’s not a brick because they can just pop it from their hand with kirin or garunix.
@@vaxel0068 I agree OSS is a good hit too, but imo Flamberge dragon simply does too much for a single card between the advantage it generates and the interruptions it can create on the opponent’s turn.
Your Snake-Eye hits are justified, but I will die on the hill that Divine Temple needs to be banned. That card provides insane amounts of insulation and powerful follow-up or additional plays when your opponent summons.
It's not divine temple the problem, it's flamberge! That card is the block dragon of lvl1 fire in general, Banning that card will make snake eyes more fair to deal with
I mean, Lavalval chain being a rank 4 means many other archetypes can abuse it. Beatrice is ripe for abuse but until now very few decks had access to it.
If Beatrice gets banned that'll be my reason to quit yugioh. I hate that other decks get archetype boss monster banned and BA is my favorite deck. So if she goes I go and low key I save a lot of money not buying cards. Let's see how this turns out 🤷
While I don't disagree with your reasoning on Apo, I don't think she will be touched yet. She was in rarity collection 2 and is currently one of the big chase cards for the set, I don't think Konami would want to hit that value yet with RA02 still so recent.
Top players are switching to Branded to abuse the Sanctifire + whatever monster flood gate combo, so Sanctifire gets banned or so Branded will get hit. With all the reprints and the top tournament results. Branded will be hit for sure.
Considering that Wanted is at 1 in Master Duel and it didn't make even the tiniest of dents in Snake-Eyes dominance, I don't feel very good about that hit. I realise that MD still has Baronne and Savage but that honestly doesn't change that much. SE need a part of their engine BANNED, not limited.
what yugioh needs is a new master rule and to stop making stupidly overpowered one card combo decks with insane splashability without any drawbacks.. no banlist can save the state the game has reached to...
apo should be untouched. Rather ban flameberge. Called by shouldn't come off the list, it should rather be banned. We could get gamma back at 3 instead. The rest looks fine tbh, maybe another floodgate going to 1 like maybe skill drain.
Nishi once again not understanding that Konami won’t hit broken meta cards like Wanted/Sangen Summoning/Flamberge until they cash out on a bunch of reprints. Every list he does this same thing and every list he’s wrong.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this exact thought. Maybe change the effect to where you can only send a BA card from deck would also balance it out without really affecting BA players
Kenny, I’m gonna address the fact that exodias head and appointer of the red lotus are limited and banned, so the fact ash has an OTS printing doesn’t mean much for a banlist for ash. That being said… You’re right about the tins. If I remember correctly the banlist last year was literally a week after the tins dropped, or even day of, and I remember because I was stoked about getting a lot of magnamhut, just for him to then hit limited 1 and him go from like 15 bucks to 2. It hurt, but you’re right in my opinion to think something snake eyes is getting hit after the tins sell.
OTS Supers don’t really have any impact on ban list, and Come on Exodia head is obviously the exception to the rule it’s been limited by Game Makers since Day 0.
one thing to be noted about sanctfire... if branded player has branded lost, he can prevent you to be able to use droplet , also they might have in hand the omni negate hand trap which they can add to their hand , so good luck not getting puppet locked.
You are also forgetting another issue that is flying under the radar, but has multiple tops. You dont really see it because its combined with other decks and in pie charts and statistics and its usually labeled as those other decks, but the Runick engine needs to be addressed as well.
Zealantis would be a good hit but I doubt they will act on it so quickly. That card was made purely for degenerate purposes, and snake eye is merely the first time showing off what it's capable of. It doesn't seem like a konami thing to hit it so early, only when it gets broken even harder in some form of ftk or unbreakable board setup rather than giving snake eye a free OTK through a board
What’s the background song you use in this video? I’ve been trying to look it up for quite some time and can’t pinpoint it. Great insight into the banlist by the way!
Konami won't ban Beatrice. They want to sell the Fiendsmith engine in INFO. Should Beatrice be banned? Of course. Will it? Nope. Because Konami TCG is all about the money first and doing the right thing after.
Which I think is ridiculous because findsmith are ganna sell without Beatrice. A free rank 6 without a normal summon even without Beatrice is good as hell.
I think fiendsmith is still gonna be fine without Beatrice in the game. besides, high king Ceasar exist and it's a fair alternative compared to Beatrice
@Jhawk2711 Which they can easily replace or play Fiendsmiths to make up for only 1 Flamberge. This exact argument was used in the last list and look what happened...
@detective_0267 called by hits things in the GY which is good to stop handtraps, but if u want them t0 be all free and still be around without many ways to stop them, then sure... ash hurts too much on too many decks and can certainly end whole turns by itself and I hate that its at 3
I really like your lists but called by is one of the worst takes ive heard in a while and your explanation also is completely off. Like i said with the rest i can absolutely agree
I agree with Joshua's Smith " prediction". If you hit original sinful, the consistency of the snake eyes will drop drastically. Witch wont be able to set it. It makes wanted kinda useless and it's like you take out 7 more copies of a starter card.
OSS banned is not enough. Bonfire and One For One still exist… Flamberge dragon is the issue imo. Ban that, and snake eyes is relegated to being an engine for other archetypes.
I'd rather gamma to 3. Have been advocating banning shifter or mercifully limited to one. If Konami wants to keep the shifter, 3 gamma is a must to be fair
I am mixed on apollousa for sure, but Ill be pissed if its banned on the next list. It JUST got reprinted in RA02 banning it ~2 months late would be asinine.
complaining that there are many handtraps but at the same time releasing gamma is very contradictory not to mention that putting called on two would not help since gamma activates in hand, this seems more like a way to make labrymth or your deck stronger, inknow it it impossible to take out personal preferences but I don't think these wish lists help
Beatrice isn’t going to be banned yet; she’s the #1 selling point for the Fiendsmith engine, and Konami is going to make sure we have a decent amount of time to have it at full throttle.
Gamma and called by need to stay where they are,"playing through handtraps" should not mean stopping them entirely, it should mean play around them with smart play, let's put it this way called by basically enables your combo to go through and handlooped your opponent for 1 and stopped any other copy of the same card the opponent drew for next turn aswell , shaking the meta by unlimiting toxic card is a very shortsighted view of the game
I agree with most of the forbidden list: Apollousa ban I think will happen by the end of the year, but not this upcoming list. One limit I would add is Skill drain. Needed to get hit a few lists ago. I don’t think Sangen summoning will get hit this list, especially if Snake Eyes gets a love tap in comparison. And I’d love for called by to go to 2, but I’ve given up on that one. Only other cards I’d consider getting updated are Air-Lifter getting semi’d (if they hit wanted) and Change of Heart (I can see that getting semi’d or possibly unlimited - gives those who aren’t able to get new support post-INFO a decent way to try to board break.
Apollousa is not a problem, it needs a lot of resources to do it (not a 1 card link), and if u do it with less than 3 materials is easy to pass by atk with lots of monsters cuz its only 1600 atk monster.
I like your banlist suggestions, I would make 2 more changes tho and they are both limits in a different way, one goes from 0 to 1 the other 3 to 1, the first one is Ariseheart, the second is Ostinato. These, along with the hits you proposed (also sangen could go to 1 easy) would constitute the perfect banlist for me
No offense but called by to 2 is psychotic, and if sangen summoning needs to get hit it should go to 1, the fact you can play more then 1 a turn is the problem. 2 does literally nothing outside of a tiny consistency hit. 1 limits the protection
Called by and gamma to 2 would be horrible . We already has have crossout and talents at 3 dudes trying to make going first more broken than it already is.
Bow goddess now can have 10-20 negates with life hack. I'd hate to lose sanctifire from my dogmatika deck, but I can see it..tempai field needs to be at 1
Maxx C isn't good for the game, and otherwise hantraps should be resolving. Decks being able to play way too many hantraps is a dif issue and it is those exact decks that would play like triple called by. So I say no. Play crossout that one can't be used as a trap card against 99% of decks.
Bro didn't cook with this list. Functionally nothing to snake eye and arguably buffed them because gamma and called by are just anti hand trap cards and they don't need more protection.
People will probably try to puppet lock still with “give and take” (it’s a normal trap card that can be set off thrust) but realistically the deck will still have the ability to set up triple mirrorjade banish so it’s probably fine.
@@Masonsayshello You do not need the puppet lock, when you have a card like Branded Fusion. It is just good because you can do it in engine without sacrificing anything. Without sanctifier you would still search fusion duplication of thrust
People never happy. Deck is too good ban x y z. Deck cost too much and now worth nothing so quickly what are komoney doing? Komoney never just kill decks , too many wrist slaps
I still say the best hit to Snake eye would be to limit Snake-Eye ash. It’s the best starter by far. I disagree with the Zelantis and Apollousa ban. Neither of these feel like a problem. Snake eye has effectively 14 copies of Snash in deck. A hit to Wanted and Snash feel more effective in limiting play lines and consistency
Fiendsmith sends Ash in gy and perform the full combo. Poplar is the real issue. 1 starter, 2 extender, 3 free fodder. Snakes did absolutely nothing with everything legal before the coming of Poplar.
Sanctifier won’t get banned, Konami has proven time and time again that they favor the deck, not to mention snake eyes is still a whole tier above branded they can easily hit snake eyes and the meta would be more balanced even with sanctifire live, example banning temple and placing ash to 1
1. Sanctifire I agree with, calamity I agree with, beatrice won't get hit right now especially with fiendsmith being new and gotta sell them, appolusa doesn't need to be hit at all in all honesty and especially won't get hit right now. Zealantis isn't the card that needs hit, flameberge or oak needs that spot on the banlist. 2. Wanted i disagree with, the wanted engine itself is completely fine and good for other for decks. It definitely isn't the most broken card in snake eyes. Most broken card in snake eyes is flameberge hands down. Flameberge to 1 does nothing, actually consistency hits to snake eyes does nothing, they were the top deck during the 1 copy of each card event and still it was like they had everything at 3. Snake eye needs main engine bans. 3. Called by i agree with at 2, gamma going to 2 I agree with, sangen summoning won't be hit right now especially due to the new support being around the corner. 4. Unlimits i 100% agree with.
You lost me at appo and zealantis, those links require a lot of link climb to get to those. And there are so many cards that can out them. Wanted to 2, diabellstar engine isn't the problem...
People are more on the fence of banning Sancifire instead of puppet. I'm over here like I bet you mfs don't even know how to do the combo let alone understand that none of it even matters. I just find it annoying that in a format like this, people just find the dumbest shit to complain about instead of addressing the actual problem.
I have mixed feelings about this prediction. For starters I doubt apo will be banned on the upcoming ban list since it was just reprinted in rariety collection i think they will wait for the next list to address it. Worldsea in my opinion isnt the problem its definitely princess because before princess no deck played worldsea except marincess. The rest of the bans i agree with. The only limit i dont like is flamberge to 1 because that doesnt change how the deck is played and ive seen a number of people playing with just 1 flamberge already with fiendsmith.
dude are you crazy? called by must be 0! did you read that card? no once per turn, not only for handtraps? going first is unfair enough, why punishing going second?
@@bbabins45 oh so you gotta play the wanted engine. the way it was stated in video he made it sound like any deck that could make charmer had access to that line nvm then
Called by and gamma to 2 would make going first even better than it already is. Don't think thats a good idea, handtraps should resolve.
The reason for the current handtrap format is more that SE gets way too much advantage if not stopped, rather than the lack of handtrap counters
Agree wholeheartedly.
If it isn’t obvious already the actual snake eyes cards need to be hit 😂, that dragon and field spell along with Ash brings too much bs for most decks to deal with. It’s not like they let any other decks at full power off the list to even challenge it
Called by to 2 because we have entered into this world where you can build a deck with 15 starters and the rest are HTs. Konami will not stop making these 1 card combo decks.
@@Deathbane_123 ditto
@@BGLoscarand you want those decks with one card combos to be able to play through even more hand traps?
I dont understand your take on called by the grave. Handtrap dominance is a symptom of an underlying issue. Giving dominant decks a reliable way to take away what little turn 0 interaction there is will not solve that underlying issue.
The problem is decks with tiny engine requirements and multiple one-card combos. If you can't play 15+ handtraps without it affecting your consistency, they are a non-issue.
I definitely agree. Cards like called by and crossout help the turn 1 player create these unbreakable boards. Considering how op going first is, I think we need more cards that help going second instead of
Cant wait to have all omnis and monster negates banned, so that every deck loses to a deck of 20 board breakers.
If it’s shit one way, it’s going to be shit in reverse too
i mean i'd rather take turns breaking eachothers boards than to lose immediately to 5 omnis
@@codewarrior8426I personally lose to 5 handtraps
Unpopular opinion but I don't think Apo should be banned. It's more a problem of the fact that a given deck can generate enough bodies that fast without consequence to insulate their plays than Apo herself. And that we're forced by a single deck into a handtrap mandatory format that makes breakers non-viable when those kinds of cards are really what make Apo not such a crazy card and sometimes even a liability.
tl;dr format sucks, not Apollusa
Completely agreed, genericly good ed cards cards are not necessarily the problem. But archetypes with 10-15 cards which are starters, extenders, recursion and that can run 15-20 handtraps definitely are.
Agreed! It would be different if she was an omni-negate like baronne and savage. I think apo is needed for balance.
Let's be honest, today most decks can make apo without breaking a sweat.
Maybe She wasn't problematic in the past but now she is
@@Al-tanin Not quite, since she is still a Link-4 unlike Baronne which is actually what decks didn't break a sweat on. It's also a matter of the quality of protection and ease of access. can they go into Apo in a real meaningful way like beating out Nib or protecting the most vital parts of the deck's plays? Because just ending on Apo, especially a small Apo really isn't that intimidating and can be played around or into. For such a powerful card she doesn't and probably won't ever see the kind of widespread play (as in a variety of decks) like Baronne did.
@@Viridis00 don't quite agree, at least Baronne needed a tuner and a specific combination of levels, which not every deck played
Honestly their is so many problems with the game between banlist, prize support being a joke, and the price of top decks. After playing for the better part of almost 2 decades I think I'm done...
I stopped playing modern since 2017. I exclusively play time wizard formats and it's been so much better!!
Bye, don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
Tbf the only huge issue really is just the prizing.
I literally came here go see the replies of "bye" lmao. 😅😂 y'all did not let me down
I will die on the hill that Flamberge needs to be banned. Even at 1 it’s not a brick because they can just pop it from their hand with kirin or garunix.
OSS is a better ban, kills all variants.
@@vaxel0068 I agree OSS is a good hit too, but imo Flamberge dragon simply does too much for a single card between the advantage it generates and the interruptions it can create on the opponent’s turn.
i don't wanna see beatrice banned until a new wave of BA support is dropped
Your Snake-Eye hits are justified, but I will die on the hill that Divine Temple needs to be banned. That card provides insane amounts of insulation and powerful follow-up or additional plays when your opponent summons.
Jesus what a stupid comment
It's not divine temple the problem, it's flamberge! That card is the block dragon of lvl1 fire in general, Banning that card will make snake eyes more fair to deal with
divine temple banned and snake eyes is still tier 0
tenpai field spell... yubel field spell... gimmick puppet field spell... divine temple does fuck all in front of those broken cards but sure..
… you call cards problematic yet straight up ignore the REAL toxic cards and only go after the cards you dont like… makes sense
Lavalval chain banned but beatrice free? Right
I mean, Lavalval chain being a rank 4 means many other archetypes can abuse it. Beatrice is ripe for abuse but until now very few decks had access to it.
Kashtira Fenrir, Skill Drain and Heavymetalfoes Electrumite to 1 needs to happen.
& prosperity
Fenrir to 2 is fine. Even at 3 it’s fine. Some cards are allowed to just be good. But if Fenrir is at 3 Pank can sure as hell come to 3
@@Eric.mov_ fenrir should not be able to search itself
Beatrice is 100% a good hit, especially when you can send Rollback + Ghost Meets Girl for a turnskip.
If Beatrice gets banned that'll be my reason to quit yugioh. I hate that other decks get archetype boss monster banned and BA is my favorite deck. So if she goes I go and low key I save a lot of money not buying cards. Let's see how this turns out 🤷
While I don't disagree with your reasoning on Apo, I don't think she will be touched yet. She was in rarity collection 2 and is currently one of the big chase cards for the set, I don't think Konami would want to hit that value yet with RA02 still so recent.
might have a possibility of banning it similar to baronne a few months ago when i bought my budget version sigh
@@lc6220 I opened a QCR Apo shortly after RA02 dropped and haven't gotten to use it yet, so I'm sure it'll get banned at some point.
Sanctifire should've been banned along with expulsion, I hate konami for how slow and inconsistent their hits are
Well...when Expulsion was banned, Sanctifire wasn't release in the TCG at that point of time
By that logic, Sanctifire shouldn’t have been created.
@rex2g4 probably not but if it's anything, It deserves to be banned.
Deck be fine without sanctifire? Like in my eyes just slap on the wrist for the deck and deck is fine without it unfair win condition
Top players are switching to Branded to abuse the Sanctifire + whatever monster flood gate combo, so Sanctifire gets banned or so Branded will get hit. With all the reprints and the top tournament results. Branded will be hit for sure.
They won't ban Beatrice due to needing to sell fiendsmith
They can still overlay for the ddd I think banning it is correct and will still sell tbh
Think they will leave apo to up rarity collection 2 sales?
Considering that Wanted is at 1 in Master Duel and it didn't make even the tiniest of dents in Snake-Eyes dominance, I don't feel very good about that hit. I realise that MD still has Baronne and Savage but that honestly doesn't change that much.
SE need a part of their engine BANNED, not limited.
Snake eye hits only wanted and randomly flamberge to 1 the fuck is this..
what yugioh needs is a new master rule and to stop making stupidly overpowered one card combo decks with insane splashability without any drawbacks.. no banlist can save the state the game has reached to...
Hoping the curse happens, and we get a ban list the day Nishi drops his prediction video
apo should be untouched. Rather ban flameberge. Called by shouldn't come off the list, it should rather be banned. We could get gamma back at 3 instead. The rest looks fine tbh, maybe another floodgate going to 1 like maybe skill drain.
Miscellaneousaurus can come to 3 two or three formats ago. Also Diagram could be at 2 with no issue
No. Misc is right where it belongs.
Nishi once again not understanding that Konami won’t hit broken meta cards like Wanted/Sangen Summoning/Flamberge until they cash out on a bunch of reprints. Every list he does this same thing and every list he’s wrong.
If they hit Beatrice we need tier 1 direct burning abyss support. Make ba meta again! We need new support!
Errata Beatrice so it can only be summoned on top of dante
Yes brotha yes
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this exact thought. Maybe change the effect to where you can only send a BA card from deck would also balance it out without really affecting BA players
Kenny, I’m gonna address the fact that exodias head and appointer of the red lotus are limited and banned, so the fact ash has an OTS printing doesn’t mean much for a banlist for ash.
That being said…
You’re right about the tins. If I remember correctly the banlist last year was literally a week after the tins dropped, or even day of, and I remember because I was stoked about getting a lot of magnamhut, just for him to then hit limited 1 and him go from like 15 bucks to 2. It hurt, but you’re right in my opinion to think something snake eyes is getting hit after the tins sell.
OTS Supers don’t really have any impact on ban list, and Come on Exodia head is obviously the exception to the rule it’s been limited by Game Makers since Day 0.
Should we be expecting a banlist update soon
one thing to be noted about sanctfire... if branded player has branded lost, he can prevent you to be able to use droplet , also they might have in hand the omni negate hand trap which they can add to their hand , so good luck not getting puppet locked.
Mercourier is a monster negate, not an omni. And Droplet is a quasi spell speed 4 anyways.
@@d.r.6177if they summon albion with lost up in your dp. there is NOTHING you can do about
@@d.r.6177 oh right thanks for the correction, thought it was an omni negate,
This man makes lists based on what he wants 😂
You are also forgetting another issue that is flying under the radar, but has multiple tops. You dont really see it because its combined with other decks and in pie charts and statistics and its usually labeled as those other decks, but the Runick engine needs to be addressed as well.
Leave my beatrice fact give me support on ba🤣
I feel like he mentioned Melodious and handtraps because he was salty that I beat him with my Melodious deck 4 weeks ago.
Think they'll put Crossout at 2 and bump Called by to 2
Zealantis would be a good hit but I doubt they will act on it so quickly. That card was made purely for degenerate purposes, and snake eye is merely the first time showing off what it's capable of. It doesn't seem like a konami thing to hit it so early, only when it gets broken even harder in some form of ftk or unbreakable board setup rather than giving snake eye a free OTK through a board
if konami doesn't ban snake eyes we're gonna see world just throwing ht
Do not touch Sanctifier, just ban the puppet.
And… play the next pivot the combo to the next floodgate monster? D/d Orthorus, Ra’s Deciple?
What’s the background song you use in this video? I’ve been trying to look it up for quite some time and can’t pinpoint it. Great insight into the banlist by the way!
Konami won't ban Beatrice. They want to sell the Fiendsmith engine in INFO. Should Beatrice be banned? Of course. Will it? Nope. Because Konami TCG is all about the money first and doing the right thing after.
Which I think is ridiculous because findsmith are ganna sell without Beatrice. A free rank 6 without a normal summon even without Beatrice is good as hell.
I think fiendsmith is still gonna be fine without Beatrice in the game.
besides, high king Ceasar exist and it's a fair alternative compared to Beatrice
Appo really isn't a problem and some players need a decent negate, just saying.
Appo is fine, it’s only a monster negate same with I:P being fine. Called by at 2 and Gamma to three would be fire.
Zealantis should not be banned. I’d prefer a snake eye engine ban somewhere.
It should , its a freaking otk piece that can be used everywhere
@@Zdarkerx and decks have been able to otk before it became popular
@kimjung-un8204 ye its fine to otk with accescode not a whole fucking boardwipe
@@Zdarkerx accesscode does do that wdym
@kimjung-un8204 no cuz accescode its not a trigger eff so u can punishment it or smth like that , meanwhile what about zelashit....?
So another snake eyes slap? I don't think Zeal is a god ban though, they'll have to ban something for snake eyes directly
This wouldn’t be a slap on the wrist. Less extenders and two end board pieces gone completely. Ceiling and consistency would be hit hard
@Jhawk2711 Which they can easily replace or play Fiendsmiths to make up for only 1 Flamberge. This exact argument was used in the last list and look what happened...
Call by should be ban........what kind of team aps take is this >_>
If called by should be banned then ash blossom should be at 1
@@vampireguy92 what kind of team aps dog water take is that lol 😂
@detective_0267 called by hits things in the GY which is good to stop handtraps, but if u want them t0 be all free and still be around without many ways to stop them, then sure... ash hurts too much on too many decks and can certainly end whole turns by itself and I hate that its at 3
I really like your lists but called by is one of the worst takes ive heard in a while and your explanation also is completely off. Like i said with the rest i can absolutely agree
Mist valley field x 3 please
Bring back monster gate, and reasoning to 2-3
Idk about Apollousa, i thinks shes rather tame since she only negates Monster Effects. Especially since you can imperm or forbidden chalice her.
I agree with Joshua's Smith " prediction". If you hit original sinful, the consistency of the snake eyes will drop drastically. Witch wont be able to set it. It makes wanted kinda useless and it's like you take out 7 more copies of a starter card.
OSS banned is not enough. Bonfire and One For One still exist…
Flamberge dragon is the issue imo. Ban that, and snake eyes is relegated to being an engine for other archetypes.
I'd rather gamma to 3. Have been advocating banning shifter or mercifully limited to one. If Konami wants to keep the shifter, 3 gamma is a must to be fair
I am mixed on apollousa for sure, but Ill be pissed if its banned on the next list. It JUST got reprinted in RA02 banning it ~2 months late would be asinine.
complaining that there are many handtraps but at the same time releasing gamma is very contradictory not to mention that putting called on two would not help since gamma activates in hand, this seems more like a way to make labrymth or your deck stronger, inknow it it impossible to take out personal preferences but I don't think these wish lists help
Gamma can be an anti hand trap card, though that does require your opponent to play into it
Beatrice isn’t going to be banned yet; she’s the #1 selling point for the Fiendsmith engine, and Konami is going to make sure we have a decent amount of time to have it at full throttle.
Where’s snake eyes ash!!!!?
Gamma and called by need to stay where they are,"playing through handtraps" should not mean stopping them entirely, it should mean play around them with smart play, let's put it this way called by basically enables your combo to go through and handlooped your opponent for 1 and stopped any other copy of the same card the opponent drew for next turn aswell , shaking the meta by unlimiting toxic card is a very shortsighted view of the game
Don't ban Zealantis, it's not the issue. Ban Princess.
I agree with most of the forbidden list: Apollousa ban I think will happen by the end of the year, but not this upcoming list.
One limit I would add is Skill drain. Needed to get hit a few lists ago.
I don’t think Sangen summoning will get hit this list, especially if Snake Eyes gets a love tap in comparison. And I’d love for called by to go to 2, but I’ve given up on that one.
Only other cards I’d consider getting updated are Air-Lifter getting semi’d (if they hit wanted) and Change of Heart (I can see that getting semi’d or possibly unlimited - gives those who aren’t able to get new support post-INFO a decent way to try to board break.
Apollousa is not a problem, it needs a lot of resources to do it (not a 1 card link), and if u do it with less than 3 materials is easy to pass by atk with lots of monsters cuz its only 1600 atk monster.
Gamma to 3 please.
End my shifter nightmares
They would just hit shifter once you commit one body and that’s it, gamma is not the solution
Or semi limit both
I'd take that over a shifter in my dp meaning I can't do anything with some decks. @cliffordsampson9952
Sacred Tree to 3 would do my Naturias Justice.. I hope they bring it back so I can play my Naturia Aroma more effectively.
I like your banlist suggestions, I would make 2 more changes tho and they are both limits in a different way, one goes from 0 to 1 the other 3 to 1, the first one is Ariseheart, the second is Ostinato. These, along with the hits you proposed (also sangen could go to 1 easy) would constitute the perfect banlist for me
I think Armageddon knight will make too little change for Konami to mess with him but idk maybe he will
No offense but called by to 2 is psychotic, and if sangen summoning needs to get hit it should go to 1, the fact you can play more then 1 a turn is the problem. 2 does literally nothing outside of a tiny consistency hit. 1 limits the protection
Called by and gamma to 2 would be horrible . We already has have crossout and talents at 3 dudes trying to make going first more broken than it already is.
Bow goddess now can have 10-20 negates with life hack. I'd hate to lose sanctifire from my dogmatika deck, but I can see it..tempai field needs to be at 1
Ez errata negate the effects of the monster summoned to opponents field
Tenpai is still to new and just because you morons don't know how to play spell removal doesn't mean something should be banned.
It still loses to 1 Effect Veiler.
@@mulldrifterz6469 veiler targets
Snake-Eye is literally playing 1 Flamberge since the new Diabellstar came out
Not sure which lists you've been looking at, but no they have not.
I would rather called by remain were it is
With all the handtraps and BS Gy effects showing up? HELL NO. Called by should go to 2 like in the OCG.
@@BGLoscar No
@@BGLoscar no, play ocg then
Maxx C isn't good for the game, and otherwise hantraps should be resolving.
Decks being able to play way too many hantraps is a dif issue and it is those exact decks that would play like triple called by. So I say no.
Play crossout that one can't be used as a trap card against 99% of decks.
@@incredibledn Will you please quit the TCG when it goes to 2 then? Thanks!
nice video hope your stonks are going well too, it's going to be a wild ride prior to nats.
Bro didn't cook with this list.
Functionally nothing to snake eye and arguably buffed them because gamma and called by are just anti hand trap cards and they don't need more protection.
U really think they'll finally ban calamity? When will centurion be meta then ?
To early them touch tenpai cuz they have give the deck chance like snake eye did
1:14 if they have branded lost on field droplets does nothing
Tbh I would just ban Lost and Sanctifire
@@KokujinHibiki19 been saying for a long time that lost should get axed
Is banning albion the sanctifire dragon a slap on the wrist for the deck?
going first yes, going second it hurts pretty bad. snake eyes wont be a good matchup if branded loses dice roll after ban
People will probably try to puppet lock still with “give and take” (it’s a normal trap card that can be set off thrust) but realistically the deck will still have the ability to set up triple mirrorjade banish so it’s probably fine.
@@Masonsayshelloif give and take were viable we'd see other decks doing the puppet lock
@@Masonsayshello You do not need the puppet lock, when you have a card like Branded Fusion. It is just good because you can do it in engine without sacrificing anything.
Without sanctifier you would still search fusion duplication of thrust
@@d.r.6177 agreed some people will still be trying to make the puppet lock work lol
tenpai had way less of an impact than people thought it would, its foolish to wish a hit on them
People never happy. Deck is too good ban x y z.
Deck cost too much and now worth nothing so quickly what are komoney doing?
Komoney never just kill decks , too many wrist slaps
So snake eyes is still the best deck yayyyy…
If Appo gets hit right after rarity collection 2 just reprinted it will not be smart on Konami
I still say the best hit to Snake eye would be to limit Snake-Eye ash. It’s the best starter by far.
I disagree with the Zelantis and Apollousa ban. Neither of these feel like a problem. Snake eye has effectively 14 copies of Snash in deck. A hit to Wanted and Snash feel more effective in limiting play lines and consistency
Fiendsmith sends Ash in gy and perform the full combo. Poplar is the real issue. 1 starter, 2 extender, 3 free fodder. Snakes did absolutely nothing with everything legal before the coming of Poplar.
Appo is only a monster negate, not an omni negate. Honestly I don't think keeping her around is all that bad. 1 negate on her and she is useless.
Sanctifier won’t get banned, Konami has proven time and time again that they favor the deck, not to mention snake eyes is still a whole tier above branded they can easily hit snake eyes and the meta would be more balanced even with sanctifire live, example banning temple and placing ash to 1
1. Sanctifire I agree with, calamity I agree with, beatrice won't get hit right now especially with fiendsmith being new and gotta sell them, appolusa doesn't need to be hit at all in all honesty and especially won't get hit right now. Zealantis isn't the card that needs hit, flameberge or oak needs that spot on the banlist.
2. Wanted i disagree with, the wanted engine itself is completely fine and good for other for decks. It definitely isn't the most broken card in snake eyes. Most broken card in snake eyes is flameberge hands down. Flameberge to 1 does nothing, actually consistency hits to snake eyes does nothing, they were the top deck during the 1 copy of each card event and still it was like they had everything at 3. Snake eye needs main engine bans.
3. Called by i agree with at 2, gamma going to 2 I agree with, sangen summoning won't be hit right now especially due to the new support being around the corner.
4. Unlimits i 100% agree with.
You lost me at appo and zealantis, those links require a lot of link climb to get to those. And there are so many cards that can out them. Wanted to 2, diabellstar engine isn't the problem...
People are more on the fence of banning Sancifire instead of puppet.
I'm over here like I bet you mfs don't even know how to do the combo let alone understand that none of it even matters.
I just find it annoying that in a format like this, people just find the dumbest shit to complain about instead of addressing the actual problem.
Banning IP would solve so many problems, she needs to go NOW
Original sinful spoils, promethean princess and gimmick puppet are more impactful and necessary bans.
add skill drain here, and you have a good list
No Drident?
Getting reprinted in tins plus not ban worthy yet
@@yugimutooooo4569 I think he means Zoodiac Drident, not Trident Dragion.
Yeah zoooo 😂
Princess hit will change the game drastically.
Love this entire list except world sea.. i need it for my pendulums to abuse ignister lol
Uk Nationals finals was just one degenerate lock vs another, doesn’t matter who would’ve lost, wouldn’t have felt sorry for either tbh
I have mixed feelings about this prediction. For starters I doubt apo will be banned on the upcoming ban list since it was just reprinted in rariety collection i think they will wait for the next list to address it. Worldsea in my opinion isnt the problem its definitely princess because before princess no deck played worldsea except marincess. The rest of the bans i agree with. The only limit i dont like is flamberge to 1 because that doesnt change how the deck is played and ive seen a number of people playing with just 1 flamberge already with fiendsmith.
still no drident
The only thing i'm predicting if the OCG list is anything to go off of is disappointment.
Apollousa is safe to van now that it's been reprinted in RC2. -Konami, pribably.
A dream ban list, but Konami will probably turn it into a nightmare!
Original banned is better and Call by to 2 is really good
Original is not the problem, it actually helps many rogue decks to actually play. The problem is Snake-Eye.
@@n3kuzyaflamberge specifically
I’m hoping for reasoning and monster gate to go to 2 or 3
Original is the only fire card that needs a hit. Literally anything else is either meaningless or just a consistency hit.
Flamberge banned is what snake eyes needs
dude are you crazy? called by must be 0! did you read that card? no once per turn, not only for handtraps? going first is unfair enough, why punishing going second?
Has someone who likes to play Crystal beasts, banning worldsea would be ridiculous, id flip
how is selene reviving a link charmer into apol work? selene requires revived monster to be in defense no?
Charmer makes selene. Selene brings back witch. Selene doesn't bring back charmer
@@bbabins45 oh so you gotta play the wanted engine. the way it was stated in video he made it sound like any deck that could make charmer had access to that line nvm then
Astrogragh should go to three and electrumite as well.