Not all the words I have switched from the original had latin roots though most did, I tried my best to get the syllables right and for it to rhyme while oversetting it fully into Anglish. Some words like “shirecunning” for “politics” is overkill but I wanted to show something that was fully Germanish English and what it would take for that to happen.
As the word for victory "sighe" is spelt with a yogh it would have probably become "sy" thus yielding "syuful" for victorious. The g in sig is rather unnatural. Other than that fairly good work.
Not all the words I have switched from the original had latin roots though most did, I tried my best to get the syllables right and for it to rhyme while oversetting it fully into Anglish. Some words like “shirecunning” for “politics” is overkill but I wanted to show something that was fully Germanish English and what it would take for that to happen.
As the word for victory "sighe" is spelt with a yogh it would have probably become "sy" thus yielding "syuful" for victorious. The g in sig is rather unnatural. Other than that fairly good work.