Normally I would be skeptical that it would translate perfectly to the longform medium, but Max actually had the first part of the #KryptonianEpic, Superman American Alien, published and it is as good as he sells it... If only we could have seen the whole thing published.
Every time Superman resolves his problems without having to resort to violence is genuinely great. It's almost like being able to understand and connect with people is more powerful than super strength and lazor vision.
Heh, I still remember when Max said he wouldn’t bring every single DC character into the Epic because he didn’t have any use for some of the minor characters, like Metallo. Here’s hoping for later surprise character appearances down the road.
Oh my god this is so awesome! What a great video. Not gonna lie, I teared up a little at the end there. And I LOVE this version of Superman. Not just a jock who punches things, but a genuinely good and lovable guy who can talk down a supervillain.
So the chronology is: Superman American Alien the comic Then the RUclips videos : How Lois learned who Batman was Superman Agent of Batman The Riddler/Green Arrow video JSA toy man Superman for all mankind Batman Death Wish The What happened to Bruce video This Jimmy video
Ooooh I'm with friends so I can't watch but I can't wait to put this on before I go to sleep! Thanks Max for being a highlight during this covid sheeeit
It's on the back of a film strip from a photobooth at Amusement Mile in Gotham, and it's him and Lois on the day he decided to be Superman, when they were still platonic friends.
This reminds me of the old 4chan meme, of Superman hanging all the letters, drawings, pictures, and fan mail he receives from the world's children, using magnets to hang them on a gigantic fucking refrigerator in the fortress of solitude. That way he can always look at and appreciate them.
Appreciate you demystifying the scriptwriting process and sharing your character driven stories. As someone who has only written children's books and standup comedy, I'm now writing my first episodic scripts. Cheers dude. Can't wait for the #KriptonianEpic
I'm so glad I finally came across someone on RUclips that actually says "piC-Ture" instead of just "piT-Ture"/"pitcher", thanks Max man for proving to me that I'm not insane, lmfao!
Such a clever spin on the rise of the superhero and villain..To use Jimmy is amazing and his background just feels so real and so modern..The more I hear about your take on the daily planet it’s just so fresh and..YOU TEASE..did you literally just throw in who is luthors ex!!!! The epic can’t come quick enough, I’ll be so sad when it’s over but we are going to always have this Saga to enjoy..question is tho which sandman is in the comics?!? The endless version?
@@Uptomyknees fantastic, I always loved how when people asked about other superhero’s you were like..they ain’t important in here but I love that comics and superheroes exist in fiction still and your self contained epic is a snapshot into when we see the rise (and fall?) of real life heroes and villains. But damn I am loving the photo project of Jimmy’s of the villains in any mention of Aaron makes me manically smile (seems Justified) And now we know why one of the arcs is called endangered species..well played sir..even if you drop it in there and then be like..NEXT’s like NOOOOO!!!
It's always the chicken and the egg question with superheroes and supervillains, power attracting power, giving birth to conflict. Can you imagine how confusing and distractive it is to be so close to that, a vortex of power and destruction, how distractive it is to attempt navigating the murky and treacherous grounds of diplomacy between one of the strongest, smartest capitalists of your society, and the phantom of an impossibly positive force looming over you with his acts of seemingly ultimate justice and execution of said justice, an image, a narrative which you yourself help build, and you personally on some level, believe? How does a person who has gone as deep as to accept and use an experimental military exoskeleton with the explicit function to kill this one superman, the most highly specialized exoskeleton ever made, coaxed out of his intentions, give that security up and show anything close to trust to this, for all intense and purposes god, this symbol of order and judgment at that point? It's a red herring though. Jimmy is Jimmy, he has a huge history with Clark, the man behind the myth, his myth. He probably feels somewhat responsible for the image he created, doubting himself, something Lex doesn't seem to had realized. Lex thought Jimmy's convictions were set in stone and that his revelation about Superman's true identity would set that stone rolling down a cliff, creating an avalanche of legendary proportions, washing over Superman and burying him. What it actually did was shutter Jimmy's image of the character, yes, he felt betrayed, threatened even, but he had an actual connection with Clark, his feelings conflicted in such a level there wasn't a clear answer to this problem. What would happen if there was anyone else in his place? What would happen if someone more brainwashed, more fanatic towards Lex's ideas and the narrative was to use the suit? How do you talk someone like, say a qanon Trump supporter out of the power capable of changing things for real in the country, in the world even? The level of vulnerability and trust Jimmy Olsen shows in that final scene is, worthy of admiration and maybe even fear. He trusted his instinct towards Clark even if one part of him was subconsciously slamming the alarm button nonstop. How easy could it be for superman to lie? To make up this stuff? Would it even matter that he wears the suit? Is this powerful alien toying with him, playing with his food? And yet, Jimmy decided to trust than defend. It's inspiring, yet alarming, how fast you can fall down such a rabbit hole of uncertainty and mistrust.
Wow, incredible breakdown, and really a powerful observation that Jimmy really did help to create the narrative that has now boxed Clark in to...what? Eventually becoming god-president? How the fuck does he get out of this situation? They're both trapped. I think you're right that a true fanatic might not be impressed by Clark's signature open, honest, and compassionate approach. In fact, it might just make them angrier. Big, bad, superhero shit is coming. Enough hugs.
@@Uptomyknees I don't know why people downplay the importance of a nonviolent resolution. Probably cause it lacks in spectacle but, a character-driven series can really load such scenes with explosive drama. I think in a lot of ways Clark is the right person in the right situation, in a sense Superman could never be. His biggest accomplishments have been touching people without resulting in violence, something that's pretty fucking new for the character given that he's depicted as this powerhouse which can never lose but writers and artists keep putting him into situations which require him to get physical. He is almost always way overqualified when it comes to raw power, so, putting him in a situation where he has to get through to people verbally, it's an actual challenge for the character. And the way you treat those scenes manage to make Clark not come across like a self-important, prude asshole, high horsing around the sinful plebs. He's willing to bend rules when he has a good reason, willing to forget and give people second chances. And why wouldn't he!? It's a brave and interesting angle on the character we only see on special occasions and for narrative reasons usually, but it feels like how he SHOULD be as a person in the first place.
Nearly every time Clark gets into a physical confrontation in the #kryptonianepic, it's because he was ambushed or surprised. And it's usually by someone at or above his own power level. That's not an accident. He very literally has to be rescued from his brawls with Aquaman and Wonder-Woman, his team (and ability to gain friends an allies) giving him an edge over even stronger opponents.
@@Uptomyknees I noticed and appreciate it by caring for a character I always found quite one-note. I especially appreciate Edward Nigma's inclusion in the super friends. He always struck me like the only villain who could best Batman's wit without running to cheap tricks or straight-up lunacy. He feels like a character with so much power yet so nerfed and used sparingly as the mastermind, the planner he actually is, I honestly don't see why someone wouldn't treat him as a business mogul ala Elon Musk (with the notable difference that Nigma would actually BE the genius and not just the investor) but with questionable ethics (Which would be very much Elon Musk-esque).
I’m excited to hear more on your Lex Luthor. I think when done right, he’s one of the best characters in all of DC comics. It’s a real shame how he’s often been portrayed on screen.
After reading that Marvel Comics “Event” that Jason Aaron built up to in his Avengers series since 2018 (Heroes Reborn) and poking through Warren Ellis’s magnificent 24-Issue* reimagining of the DCU as a universe that basically just overrode it by subtly introducing Jim Lee, Mark Millar’s, & Ellis’s own WS concepts (The Wild Storm)… …I really and truly think that maybe some of their freelance/contract creators or even their own Editorial staff/Execs have been going through your old notes and/or pitches in video form and even through Movie Industry contacts to really try and “reinvent forgotten concepts and current stale lore/main books” between The Big Two, if I’m being charitable. What did I mean by all this Word Salad? Well… - Heroes Reborn (2021) is basically just Aaron’s hackneyed way to do a whole “What If…The Marvel Universe became the DC Universe?!” as a whole ass “EvEnT”, complete with tie-ins and “kAhWiRkYyY” filing off of their Distinguished Competition’s own Serial Numbers (or Publication’s History). I think the ONLY clever things he’d done with it were having Peter Parker (…who would’ve never been Spider-Man in the Heroes Reborn timeline) just become a much less convincing Jimmy Olsen knockoff while never allowing Pete to have any genuine moments to shine except for jokes… …oh, and how Hyperion had his own “Legion of Superheroes” in the form of the Sh’iar Imperial Guard in their teenage days before The Brood get involved… [Hint: the implication for all the would-be JL members made up of their exemplary pastiche/expies, the Squadron Supreme, is that the Universe and its entities/time itself desperately wants to make right what they can’t figure out how it “went wrong”…so even Marvel’s Timeline HATES the DC Universe’s in a coy way] - As for “The Wild Storm”, Ellis’s failed attempt to create a new Wildstorm universe from scratch? While it’s pretty popular with the people who’ve read it and now look back at it as an example of how you [WITH EXCELLENCY] build a world back again after it once died…in the aftermath of DC scuttling both the Michael Cray [aka Deathblow of WildC.A.Ts] spin-off/kinda-tie-in; as well as totally aborting (…in the 3rd trimester…) the promised WildCATs series* that was gaining such hype [and had Ramon Villalobos doing Art!!! …until he was unexpectedly made to leave] after letting The Wild Storm, well, run its course 🤷🏽♂️ I bring up the comparisons of their works to your work putting together the Kryptonian Saga simply because I really and truly think they’ve been taking notes or thinking in a similar wavelength/tapping that creative synergy in the air. It’s true that Ellis created absolute classics/bangers like The Authority, Planetary, and the concepts that would kickstart the MCU in its entirety alongside Brian Michael Bendis and others. Same with Aaron, who WAS ONCE A GREAT WRITER…until he became afraid of offending anyone except for the readers themselves for being similar to himself… You mentioned a similar point in the Ghostbusters 3 video not too long ago, so I’m sure you’ve noticed…or maybe haven’t even heard of them before until now 🤔 I said all the above basically just to say “Max, Ellis and Aaron really wish they could do a Kryptonian Saga all their own…but settled for dead-end series/concepts for Monster of the Week flair” and if they sound interesting to you… I HEAVILY recommend The Wild Storm, with how it still reconciles the fact that the DCU was essentially remixed in ABSURD and DISTURBING ways but ultimately just make way for the Wildstorm OGs to become new characters altogether alongside their DC counterparts cohabitating the same universe! …and Heroes Reborn (2021) is just DC Fan Fic with some cool ideas but sadly incredibly shallow. Even someone like myself, who can’t help but to write in Run-On Sentences all Herbert Melville-style, could take that concept and make it into a cool Backdoor Pilot for reintroducing the Malibu Comic Universe (that STILL is CANON within the Marvel Multiverse!) in a tone/atmosphere similar to Chronicle 😅 So…yeah. Thoughts? …The rest at the bottom is speculation and totally not worth reading but do so at your own PERIL… *Addendum: I am aware of Warren Ellis’s Cancellation as a Comics/Fiction Creator and as a Futurist. I’m sure DC had that Andy Khouri guy ↙️ ➡️ (the same man who made Jim Lee kill DC Vertigo just to deflect from the fact his books couldn’t sell for shit and his DIE/Self-Hatred policies did not in fact work in DC’s favor…and still don’t…) …spread animosity to the lower rung freelancers/in-house contract guys about his actions then proceeded to signal boost it to Hell and back to “being down another white man!” or some other grifter garbage he was spewing 😬. It’s just shitty that when even those darn backwards & ignorant people they claim are “the Devil” (Anyone who lives in the Real World or doesn’t work in a Corporate Space; I refuse to use Left or Right in this case…) …are the same people who understand that we’re all human and tend to err/make mistakes and therefore deserve to occasionally be forgiven/allow them to find redemption. People like Khouri actively seek to make people miserable in the name of “making the world a better place for minorities (like myself and my friends/their families and so on…), women/Enby/Other, and various boxes that need checking”, but then could care less about their feelings on what they’re being told to do/say/think since the goal is to dominate others’s thoughts instead of facilitate meaningful discourse. Ellis was simply just a dude who deserved to be redeemed down the line and obviously punished…but for them to go all out like that? That’s simply “Sending A Message”: Comply or Die…
I know this is a Superman focused series with a bit of Batman here and there, but would we ever see legacy characters like Nightwing, Tim Drake, Connor Kent, or Wally West appear in Kryptonian Epic?
Lex's story, like Voldemort's or Sauron's, is told through his interactions with other people. A greater insight into him is coming, but only alongside a more sympathetic character.
I think you get something few people who write Superman actually think about. Most people think wouldn't it be great to have Superman's powers, but not really what it would be like to grow up as a Superman. Grant Morrison touched on it in an issue of his JLA, but the central effect of whole body superpowers would essentially mean that Clark is always healthy not just physically, but mentally as well. He wouldn't necessarily always be in a great mood from his perspective, but from the perspective of everyone else in the world suffering all sorts of neuroses and just having an upset stomach or being out of shape, Clark would always seem to be doing really well. He wouldn't have the crushing emotional fallout of guilt or seek self-medication for anxiety and minor phobias that eat away at "mortals." He'd be able to cope with pretty much anything that happens. The angry, vengeful Superman of elseworld versions like INJUSTICE or the "knightmare" premonition Bruce Wayne has in BvS don't really seem like they'd be possible with Clark from American Alien or from Morrison's JLA/All-Star Superman. The worst emotion for him would be disappointment but it wouldn't cripple him or distort his moral point of view. He's going to always try to find a way to help, and he's ready to deal with failures or set backs because he is able to face reality as it presents itself. I think this will also give him a bit of a blind spot to other people, though, as he just has to guess at what they struggle with on deep emotional levels. So he will always be surprised when someone like Jimmy does something like this.
@@Uptomyknees Thanks for the response. You're doing great! On the converse side, imagine being Bruce Wayne - the Batman - and the amount of punishment that he inflicts on himself from training to regular, actual combat and mental stress daily (and nightly). I wonder if anyone's really explored how that would feel. To be constantly injured, in the process of healing and if that physical sensation of overcoming pain - being probably in a near permanent endorphine "high" if not on an actual painkiller - has been his way of self-medicating his whole life. Probably not a guy who expects the best from people. ;)
After watching these videos, I desperately want to see this series continue. If you’re comfortable answering, what’s your relationship like with DC at the moment? What’s the likelihood that we would ever get to see these fantastic stories published?
@@Uptomyknees Now I’m even more thrilled, Max! As much as I love American Alien, a series of animated movies would be amazing! These stories could look so beautiful as animated features. Is The Kryptonian Epic something you’re still developing, or is this a project we should definitely expect to see in the near future (like within the next 2-3 years)? Huge fan, Max! Keep up the good work. Oh, and Green Valley RULES.
As I’m sure you probably know, last summer‘s DC animated film Superman: Man of Tomorrow, was basically a loose adaptation of American Alien. I really enjoyed the movie, but it didn’t compare to the source material. That’s not a knock on DC Animation, it’s just a testament to how good the original American Alien mini-series was.
I have no idea if this is a compilation story of Jimmy's true canon place in the D.C. universe or if this should be a series you should be writing for the currently in the garbage bin D.C.
Did i miss the part where Lex learns superman's secret identity?
It hasn't happened yet. It's the start of Endangered Species.
@@inthefade 💜
I’m going to miss this series after the epic is over... I can’t get enough of the Landisverse. Everything is a home run
Normally I would be skeptical that it would translate perfectly to the longform medium, but Max actually had the first part of the #KryptonianEpic, Superman American Alien, published and it is as good as he sells it... If only we could have seen the whole thing published.
Every time Superman resolves his problems without having to resort to violence is genuinely great. It's almost like being able to understand and connect with people is more powerful than super strength and lazor vision.
@@Uptomyknees thank *you* for helping us through these times, with your content and your awesome vibes!
Heh, I still remember when Max said he wouldn’t bring every single DC character into the Epic because he didn’t have any use for some of the minor characters, like Metallo.
Here’s hoping for later surprise character appearances down the road.
I love Clark so much in this. "I'm not a cop, did someone say I was a cop!?" I fucking love it.
Oh my god this is so awesome! What a great video. Not gonna lie, I teared up a little at the end there.
And I LOVE this version of Superman. Not just a jock who punches things, but a genuinely good and lovable guy who can talk down a supervillain.
you nailed it. this Man really is Super. communication instead of violence. its truly touching.
So the chronology is:
Superman American Alien the comic
Then the RUclips videos :
How Lois learned who Batman was
Superman Agent of Batman
The Riddler/Green Arrow video
JSA toy man
Superman for all mankind
Batman Death Wish
The What happened to Bruce video
This Jimmy video
Deathwish technically takes place during Toyman and For All Mankind but yes, that is I believe the correct order so far!
This is your chance to make a supercut of these pitches now that you got max to confirm the order...
I love your ideas, Max. Can't wait to see more of the #KryptonianEpic!
Please click like thank you for make more video here and content and such, thank
You are welc
This is...dope as fuck? Yeah, dope as fuck. The #kryptonianepic is gonna be immaculate.
I'm literally in tears. It's clear that the Kryptonian Epic is really personal for Max and I can't wait to see it through
Ooooh I'm with friends so I can't watch but I can't wait to put this on before I go to sleep! Thanks Max for being a highlight during this covid sheeeit
Love what you did with the original Justice Society
Tell me the list was on Superman’s fridge.
It's on the back of a film strip from a photobooth at Amusement Mile in Gotham, and it's him and Lois on the day he decided to be Superman, when they were still platonic friends.
This reminds me of the old 4chan meme, of Superman hanging all the letters, drawings, pictures, and fan mail he receives from the world's children, using magnets to hang them on a gigantic fucking refrigerator in the fortress of solitude. That way he can always look at and appreciate them.
@@dn22pkkdd476 When I saw "4chan" I immediately assumed the worst, that surprised me.
Appreciate you demystifying the scriptwriting process and sharing your character driven stories. As someone who has only written children's books and standup comedy, I'm now writing my first episodic scripts.
Cheers dude. Can't wait for the #KriptonianEpic
I'm so glad I finally came across someone on RUclips that actually says "piC-Ture" instead of just "piT-Ture"/"pitcher", thanks Max man for proving to me that I'm not insane, lmfao!
Hey can we have that Daily Planet in real life? Sounds great
I think we need one.
Such a clever spin on the rise of the superhero and villain..To use Jimmy is amazing and his background just feels so real and so modern..The more I hear about your take on the daily planet it’s just so fresh and..YOU TEASE..did you literally just throw in who is luthors ex!!!!
The epic can’t come quick enough, I’ll be so sad when it’s over but we are going to always have this Saga to enjoy..question is tho which sandman is in the comics?!? The endless version?
Both exist! OG and Endless! But only as comics.
@@Uptomyknees fantastic, I always loved how when people asked about other superhero’s you were like..they ain’t important in here but I love that comics and superheroes exist in fiction still and your self contained epic is a snapshot into when we see the rise (and fall?) of real life heroes and villains. But damn I am loving the photo project of Jimmy’s of the villains in any mention of Aaron makes me manically smile (seems Justified)
And now we know why one of the arcs is called endangered species..well played sir..even if you drop it in there and then be like..NEXT’s like NOOOOO!!!
you made me cry. thank you.
I love these video! Please make more! And would it please be possible to use bananas for guns? Thanks so much!
It's always the chicken and the egg question with superheroes and supervillains, power attracting power, giving birth to conflict. Can you imagine how confusing and distractive it is to be so close to that, a vortex of power and destruction, how distractive it is to attempt navigating the murky and treacherous grounds of diplomacy between one of the strongest, smartest capitalists of your society, and the phantom of an impossibly positive force looming over you with his acts of seemingly ultimate justice and execution of said justice, an image, a narrative which you yourself help build, and you personally on some level, believe?
How does a person who has gone as deep as to accept and use an experimental military exoskeleton with the explicit function to kill this one superman, the most highly specialized exoskeleton ever made, coaxed out of his intentions, give that security up and show anything close to trust to this, for all intense and purposes god, this symbol of order and judgment at that point? It's a red herring though. Jimmy is Jimmy, he has a huge history with Clark, the man behind the myth, his myth. He probably feels somewhat responsible for the image he created, doubting himself, something Lex doesn't seem to had realized. Lex thought Jimmy's convictions were set in stone and that his revelation about Superman's true identity would set that stone rolling down a cliff, creating an avalanche of legendary proportions, washing over Superman and burying him. What it actually did was shutter Jimmy's image of the character, yes, he felt betrayed, threatened even, but he had an actual connection with Clark, his feelings conflicted in such a level there wasn't a clear answer to this problem.
What would happen if there was anyone else in his place? What would happen if someone more brainwashed, more fanatic towards Lex's ideas and the narrative was to use the suit? How do you talk someone like, say a qanon Trump supporter out of the power capable of changing things for real in the country, in the world even? The level of vulnerability and trust Jimmy Olsen shows in that final scene is, worthy of admiration and maybe even fear. He trusted his instinct towards Clark even if one part of him was subconsciously slamming the alarm button nonstop. How easy could it be for superman to lie? To make up this stuff? Would it even matter that he wears the suit? Is this powerful alien toying with him, playing with his food? And yet, Jimmy decided to trust than defend.
It's inspiring, yet alarming, how fast you can fall down such a rabbit hole of uncertainty and mistrust.
Wow, incredible breakdown, and really a powerful observation that Jimmy really did help to create the narrative that has now boxed Clark in to...what? Eventually becoming god-president? How the fuck does he get out of this situation? They're both trapped.
I think you're right that a true fanatic might not be impressed by Clark's signature open, honest, and compassionate approach.
In fact, it might just make them angrier.
Big, bad, superhero shit is coming. Enough hugs.
@@Uptomyknees I don't know why people downplay the importance of a nonviolent resolution. Probably cause it lacks in spectacle but, a character-driven series can really load such scenes with explosive drama.
I think in a lot of ways Clark is the right person in the right situation, in a sense Superman could never be. His biggest accomplishments have been touching people without resulting in violence, something that's pretty fucking new for the character given that he's depicted as this powerhouse which can never lose but writers and artists keep putting him into situations which require him to get physical. He is almost always way overqualified when it comes to raw power, so, putting him in a situation where he has to get through to people verbally, it's an actual challenge for the character. And the way you treat those scenes manage to make Clark not come across like a self-important, prude asshole, high horsing around the sinful plebs. He's willing to bend rules when he has a good reason, willing to forget and give people second chances. And why wouldn't he!?
It's a brave and interesting angle on the character we only see on special occasions and for narrative reasons usually, but it feels like how he SHOULD be as a person in the first place.
Nearly every time Clark gets into a physical confrontation in the #kryptonianepic, it's because he was ambushed or surprised. And it's usually by someone at or above his own power level. That's not an accident. He very literally has to be rescued from his brawls with Aquaman and Wonder-Woman, his team (and ability to gain friends an allies) giving him an edge over even stronger opponents.
@@Uptomyknees I noticed and appreciate it by caring for a character I always found quite one-note.
I especially appreciate Edward Nigma's inclusion in the super friends. He always struck me like the only villain who could best Batman's wit without running to cheap tricks or straight-up lunacy. He feels like a character with so much power yet so nerfed and used sparingly as the mastermind, the planner he actually is, I honestly don't see why someone wouldn't treat him as a business mogul ala Elon Musk (with the notable difference that Nigma would actually BE the genius and not just the investor) but with questionable ethics (Which would be very much Elon Musk-esque).
I’m excited to hear more on your Lex Luthor. I think when done right, he’s one of the best characters in all of DC comics. It’s a real shame how he’s often been portrayed on screen.
Love the enthusiasm
Oh yeah we saw that ending now!
Love it!!!
How old are Clark and other characters throughout these stories?
American Alien and #KryptonianEpic covers clark from birth to age 37.
After reading that Marvel Comics “Event” that Jason Aaron built up to in his Avengers series since 2018 (Heroes Reborn) and poking through Warren Ellis’s magnificent 24-Issue* reimagining of the DCU as a universe that basically just overrode it by subtly introducing Jim Lee, Mark Millar’s, & Ellis’s own WS concepts (The Wild Storm)…
…I really and truly think that maybe some of their freelance/contract creators or even their own Editorial staff/Execs have been going through your old notes and/or pitches in video form and even through Movie Industry contacts to really try and “reinvent forgotten concepts and current stale lore/main books” between The Big Two, if I’m being charitable. What did I mean by all this Word Salad? Well…
- Heroes Reborn (2021) is basically just Aaron’s hackneyed way to do a whole “What If…The Marvel Universe became the DC Universe?!” as a whole ass “EvEnT”, complete with tie-ins and “kAhWiRkYyY” filing off of their Distinguished Competition’s own Serial Numbers (or Publication’s History). I think the ONLY clever things he’d done with it were having Peter Parker (…who would’ve never been Spider-Man in the Heroes Reborn timeline) just become a much less convincing Jimmy Olsen knockoff while never allowing Pete to have any genuine moments to shine except for jokes…
…oh, and how Hyperion had his own “Legion of Superheroes” in the form of the Sh’iar Imperial Guard in their teenage days before The Brood get involved…
[Hint: the implication for all the would-be JL members made up of their exemplary pastiche/expies, the Squadron Supreme, is that the Universe and its entities/time itself desperately wants to make right what they can’t figure out how it “went wrong”…so even Marvel’s Timeline HATES the DC Universe’s in a coy way]
- As for “The Wild Storm”, Ellis’s failed attempt to create a new Wildstorm universe from scratch? While it’s pretty popular with the people who’ve read it and now look back at it as an example of how you [WITH EXCELLENCY] build a world back again after it once died…in the aftermath of DC scuttling both the Michael Cray [aka Deathblow of WildC.A.Ts] spin-off/kinda-tie-in; as well as totally aborting (…in the 3rd trimester…) the promised WildCATs series* that was gaining such hype [and had Ramon Villalobos doing Art!!! …until he was unexpectedly made to leave] after letting The Wild Storm, well, run its course 🤷🏽♂️
I bring up the comparisons of their works to your work putting together the Kryptonian Saga simply because I really and truly think they’ve been taking notes or thinking in a similar wavelength/tapping that creative synergy in the air. It’s true that Ellis created absolute classics/bangers like The Authority, Planetary, and the concepts that would kickstart the MCU in its entirety alongside Brian Michael Bendis and others. Same with Aaron, who WAS ONCE A GREAT WRITER…until he became afraid of offending anyone except for the readers themselves for being similar to himself…
You mentioned a similar point in the Ghostbusters 3 video not too long ago, so I’m sure you’ve noticed…or maybe haven’t even heard of them before until now 🤔
I said all the above basically just to say “Max, Ellis and Aaron really wish they could do a Kryptonian Saga all their own…but settled for dead-end series/concepts for Monster of the Week flair” and if they sound interesting to you…
I HEAVILY recommend The Wild Storm, with how it still reconciles the fact that the DCU was essentially remixed in ABSURD and DISTURBING ways but ultimately just make way for the Wildstorm OGs to become new characters altogether alongside their DC counterparts cohabitating the same universe!
…and Heroes Reborn (2021) is just DC Fan Fic with some cool ideas but sadly incredibly shallow. Even someone like myself, who can’t help but to write in Run-On Sentences all Herbert Melville-style, could take that concept and make it into a cool Backdoor Pilot for reintroducing the Malibu Comic Universe (that STILL is CANON within the Marvel Multiverse!) in a tone/atmosphere similar to Chronicle 😅
So…yeah. Thoughts?
…The rest at the bottom is speculation and totally not worth reading but do so at your own PERIL…
I am aware of Warren Ellis’s Cancellation as a Comics/Fiction Creator and as a Futurist. I’m sure DC had that Andy Khouri guy ↙️
➡️ (the same man who made Jim Lee kill DC Vertigo just to deflect from the fact his books couldn’t sell for shit and his DIE/Self-Hatred policies did not in fact work in DC’s favor…and still don’t…)
…spread animosity to the lower rung freelancers/in-house contract guys about his actions then proceeded to signal boost it to Hell and back to “being down another white man!” or some other grifter garbage he was spewing 😬.
It’s just shitty that when even those darn backwards & ignorant people they claim are “the Devil” (Anyone who lives in the Real World or doesn’t work in a Corporate Space; I refuse to use Left or Right in this case…)
…are the same people who understand that we’re all human and tend to err/make mistakes and therefore deserve to occasionally be forgiven/allow them to find redemption. People like Khouri actively seek to make people miserable in the name of “making the world a better place for minorities (like myself and my friends/their families and so on…), women/Enby/Other, and various boxes that need checking”, but then could care less about their feelings on what they’re being told to do/say/think since the goal is to dominate others’s thoughts instead of facilitate meaningful discourse. Ellis was simply just a dude who deserved to be redeemed down the line and obviously punished…but for them to go all out like that?
That’s simply “Sending A Message”: Comply or Die…
This series is my new Game of Thrones
Are we ever gonna get a playlist of all of these in order?
I know this is a Superman focused series with a bit of Batman here and there, but would we ever see legacy characters like Nightwing, Tim Drake, Connor Kent, or Wally West appear in Kryptonian Epic?
Technically, some of these characters in some way appear.
15 straight minutes of Lex Luthor next?
Lex's story, like Voldemort's or Sauron's, is told through his interactions with other people. A greater insight into him is coming, but only alongside a more sympathetic character.
Yo man....I would LOVE to know how many pitches you have made successfully! You seem like you can pitch the hell out of anything you're interested in!
I think you get something few people who write Superman actually think about. Most people think wouldn't it be great to have Superman's powers, but not really what it would be like to grow up as a Superman. Grant Morrison touched on it in an issue of his JLA, but the central effect of whole body superpowers would essentially mean that Clark is always healthy not just physically, but mentally as well. He wouldn't necessarily always be in a great mood from his perspective, but from the perspective of everyone else in the world suffering all sorts of neuroses and just having an upset stomach or being out of shape, Clark would always seem to be doing really well.
He wouldn't have the crushing emotional fallout of guilt or seek self-medication for anxiety and minor phobias that eat away at "mortals." He'd be able to cope with pretty much anything that happens. The angry, vengeful Superman of elseworld versions like INJUSTICE or the "knightmare" premonition Bruce Wayne has in BvS don't really seem like they'd be possible with Clark from American Alien or from Morrison's JLA/All-Star Superman. The worst emotion for him would be disappointment but it wouldn't cripple him or distort his moral point of view. He's going to always try to find a way to help, and he's ready to deal with failures or set backs because he is able to face reality as it presents itself.
I think this will also give him a bit of a blind spot to other people, though, as he just has to guess at what they struggle with on deep emotional levels. So he will always be surprised when someone like Jimmy does something like this.
Yes. Clark consistently expects the best from people, no matter the situation, because he's going to give them his best no matter what.
@@Uptomyknees Thanks for the response. You're doing great!
On the converse side, imagine being Bruce Wayne - the Batman - and the amount of punishment that he inflicts on himself from training to regular, actual combat and mental stress daily (and nightly). I wonder if anyone's really explored how that would feel. To be constantly injured, in the process of healing and if that physical sensation of overcoming pain - being probably in a near permanent endorphine "high" if not on an actual painkiller - has been his way of self-medicating his whole life.
Probably not a guy who expects the best from people. ;)
As someone not versed in Superman's history much, what particular powers does the Metallo suit have?
In the original DC lore, think of the Terminator only powered by Kryptonite
I really wanna know his opinion on Invincible. Max has some of the most amazing unorthodox approaches to popular and unpopular DC characters.
Is Jimmy Olsen's career partially modeled on Spike Jonze?
omg yes
After watching these videos, I desperately want to see this series continue. If you’re comfortable answering, what’s your relationship like with DC at the moment? What’s the likelihood that we would ever get to see these fantastic stories published?
I mean, the scale of what I'm attempting with the epic is already beyond what I could feasibly do at DC. The animated film is just as good to me.
@@Uptomyknees Now I’m even more thrilled, Max! As much as I love American Alien, a series of animated movies would be amazing! These stories could look so beautiful as animated features. Is The Kryptonian Epic something you’re still developing, or is this a project we should definitely expect to see in the near future (like within the next 2-3 years)? Huge fan, Max! Keep up the good work. Oh, and Green Valley RULES.
As I’m sure you probably know, last summer‘s DC animated film Superman: Man of Tomorrow, was basically a loose adaptation of American Alien. I really enjoyed the movie, but it didn’t compare to the source material. That’s not a knock on DC Animation, it’s just a testament to how good the original American Alien mini-series was.
@@paulwright1814 Comes out in June dude.
@@Uptomyknees Awesome! Can’t wait!
Hey, have you watched Super hero girls on Netflix? I have been watching those cartoons and they are a nice re imagining of DC universe
Jimmy is kind of like Hunter S. Thompson with a camera.
he very much is
All the world needs is Max Landis's Universe made by DC animated.
I'm not going to wait on them.
I'll admit that Jimmy Olsen was my least favorite part of American Alien... but this was really good.
Was yours the first black Jimmy?
Hi Max
I have no idea if this is a compilation story of Jimmy's true canon place in the D.C. universe or if this should be a series you should be writing for the currently in the garbage bin D.C.
It's my American Alien Jimmy, the guy from Issue #6. :)
Didn't he get executed in the first 5 minutes? What kind of story is this?? FAIL!
RIP gingers
Barbara Anne still very much a red head in here!!!!
I know, I know. I was taking the piss. ;D
You do some fine work, man.