Do you promote your cards on eBay? If so, what percentage do you use? Also, do you promote all of your cards or only certain type of cards (cards at a certain price point or certain type)? I haven’t used promoted listings as of yet because the majority of my postcards are the only one of that postcard listed. I am thinking why pay for promoted listings if the search engine would only pull up my card? I am thinking of using promoted listings because sometimes I get no sales although I believe that I have a fair amount of postcards listed. I am trying to figure out if I pay to play would my sales will increase.
I have tried lots of different percentages for promoting and continue to just stick with 2% across my entire eBay store. With the type of items I sell I find it gives me just enough eyes on my items to increase sales. I do not think a higher percent is necessary because in the antiques/collectibles market there are less competitors for these specific items and we are not competing with a mass market including Walmart and high end national retail sellers.
I wish more people would get interested and attend these shows.
You can learn so much by speaking to the dealers, they are happy to share their knowledge!
0:58 "Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice....."
Do you promote your cards on eBay? If so, what percentage do you use? Also, do you promote all of your cards or only certain type of cards (cards at a certain price point or certain type)?
I haven’t used promoted listings as of yet because the majority of my postcards are the only one of that postcard listed. I am thinking why pay for promoted listings if the search engine would only pull up my card?
I am thinking of using promoted listings because sometimes I get no sales although I believe that I have a fair amount of postcards listed. I am trying to figure out if I pay to play would my sales will increase.
I have tried lots of different percentages for promoting and continue to just stick with 2% across my entire eBay store. With the type of items I sell I find it gives me just enough eyes on my items to increase sales. I do not think a higher percent is necessary because in the antiques/collectibles market there are less competitors for these specific items and we are not competing with a mass market including Walmart and high end national retail sellers.
@@postcardguy Thank you so much for answering my questions