To me this scene gets me emotional. Voyager to me hits home hard because I empathize with their situation as I feel like I'm always trying to find a way to my "home" metaphorically speaking. The moment the viewscreen shows up and Kim says they're "over 70,000 light years from where we were" it Immeadiately makes my gut wrench knowing that they in normal circumstances would have to endure 70 years of getting home, constantly hoping and wishing to get there faster but always too far away, missing home, earth, friends, family, and events back home as they go by without them. Yet at the same time. The moment they realize they're 70,000 light years away, they have no idea yet that their journey will bring them closer together more than any other ship in the fleet and that they will be the first to be so far away and discover new worlds and aliens and have a chance of getting home and actually doing so. Eye of the needle episode hits hard too when their first chance to get home is shattered when they realize they got so close to go home by transporting through a wormhole except if they did they'd return to 20 years in the past also and that just isn't acceptable. Seeing their hopes go up and be shattered is heartbreaking 😭
To me this scene gets me emotional. Voyager to me hits home hard because I empathize with their situation as I feel like I'm always trying to find a way to my "home" metaphorically speaking. The moment the viewscreen shows up and Kim says they're "over 70,000 light years from where we were" it Immeadiately makes my gut wrench knowing that they in normal circumstances would have to endure 70 years of getting home, constantly hoping and wishing to get there faster but always too far away, missing home, earth, friends, family, and events back home as they go by without them. Yet at the same time. The moment they realize they're 70,000 light years away, they have no idea yet that their journey will bring them closer together more than any other ship in the fleet and that they will be the first to be so far away and discover new worlds and aliens and have a chance of getting home and actually doing so. Eye of the needle episode hits hard too when their first chance to get home is shattered when they realize they got so close to go home by transporting through a wormhole except if they did they'd return to 20 years in the past also and that just isn't acceptable. Seeing their hopes go up and be shattered is heartbreaking 😭
Redshirt: "We might be able to disperse it with a technobabble field" Janeway: "Do it!" Kim: "Technobabble field had no effect" Janeway: "This is why you don't last past ep 1" Kim: "Brace for impact!" Redshirt: "Aaaaaagh!" *Flails about the bridge instead of bracing* Janeway: "Case and point"
Following this, Starfleet Academy introduced a new training scenario, which involves a shipwide warning followed by slamming the brakes on. Anyone stupid enough not to follow a "brace for impact" order is automatically expelled.
Stadi, the woman at Conn had such presence, it's too bad they had to kill her because Betazoids are OP. Also, the look Tom gives the Captain right before the end of this clip totally looks like he is saying "Short mission my A*s!"
What I think would have been really interesting is if they had brought Lt. Stadi back in the episode 'Ashes to Ashes' instead of Ensign Ballard. It would have been a great callback to the first episode of the series, and it would have been interesting to see her reaction to all of the changes to the crew roster. They could have also had something in there about Stadi trying to track down the other members of the crew who were killed by the Caretaker and subsequently reanimated by the Kobali but finding that she was the only one who remembered enough about her former life on Voyager to have the drive to look for her old crewmates.
1:41 I always like rewatching this scene just to try to figure out why this guy is running like a lunatic when he should be holding on for dear life. xD
Paris didn't take Janeway's seat. There is a seat next to the captain's chair ... THAT is where Paris sat. her XO had been at the tactical station ... and he was attempting to reach HIS OWN chair, which is to the left of the captain's.
Introducing the 2371 (really 1994) model year... Joking aside, Voyager doesn't having a glaring mid 90's futuristic feel, despite this episode being from '94. Rick Sternbach should come back for the new series.
Comments are pretty much: 1.) Oh I miss voyager, such a good series at the start. 2.) Why the fuck is the first officer running around the bridge when Janeway shouted "brace for impact"?
I wish they had done an episode (or episodes?) similar to TNG's Parallels once. Accidentally fall into other realities where Voyager was different. Maybe different people survived that first jump. Maybe the crew adopted a more relaxed dress code like the Maquis. Maybe one where the ship was barely being held together. and so on.
I don't know what's more beastin about the opening shot - the slow motion rate (gangsta) exterior: the way Voyager just flies by like a G or the way they show the tornadoes son! 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣👊👊👊👊👊👊
I find it weird how Harry Kim seems so much less dead inside than he is for most of the series. That first officer was such a goner though, from the way the camera totally ignored him. I still don't even know his name.
Remember, the Caretaker abducted multiple ships in order to find a way to breed a successor, yet his method of obtaining more "subjects" ends up killing a bunch of them.
Captain, a technobabble wave is approaching! Captain: Can we stop it? Officer: We can fire a technobabble beam at it. Captain: Do it! Officer: It didn't work! Captain: Damn! Now we have to resort to plain old engines." Kim: Captain, we can go over it or under it! Captain: Today, I'm pretending space is 2D. Let's try to outrun it!
Anyone notice how this and DS9's debut episode opening scene are so damn familiar... Janeway just like Sisko screaming REPORT! after their ship gets crippled and so many officers die?
2:49 “can you get the view screen operational?” That’s one of the things I like about the ships in Discovery and the newer Star Trek movies; they have a window with a HUD. If power goes down, you aren’t blind.
It reminds me of the moment in the TNG film First Contact near the start where Picard orders the Borg battle over Earth be viewed on screen, and just as it happens, we briefly see that the viewscreen was actually switched off beforehand. So the fully capable starship was flying into a battle against the Borg on sensors only?! 🤔 😜
Redshirt: "We might be able to disperse it with a technobabble field" Janeway: "Do it!" Kim: "Technobabble field had no effect" Janeway: "This is why you don't last past ep 1" Kim: "Brace for impact!" Redshirt: "Aaaaaagh!" *Flails about the bridge instead of bracing* Janeway: "Case in point"
The most difficult part about living in the Star Trek universe is the lack of a 3rd dimension...imagine being able to move up or down to avoid things like this, or Kirk at the edge of the galaxy (just go up and over...or just go up period?), that'd be crazy.
If Sisko and his crew didn't get thrown back into time in 2024, THEY would have been dispatched to search for this one ship, the Val Jean, and might have wound up in the Delta Quadrant themselves.
i wonder if this series was based off that one episode of TNG where there was that planet of people with super advanced tech that pushe dthe enterpirse 3 days away (the ones who wnated their kids ) then said "if you don't comply we can push your ship so far it will take you til you are all grandparetns before you get back here again"
It seemed kinda odd to get funerals for certain other characters, but I don't remember anything for the ones from the first episode. I'm not even sure if they're ever mentioned again.
Dazed and battered as she was, Janeway had but one thought - my ship! That the ship had suffered serious damage was obvious, but she trusted her crew to deal with the situation. It would not help to pester them before they’d had chance to assess the situation. Right now there was one thing that demanded her immediate attention. The First Officer. Janeway knew that Picard had refused to have the man aboard the Enterprise - although she would never know the reason - and she had taken something of a dislike to the man herself, especially when he disapproved of her bringing Tom Paris aboard. OK, there was no regulation to say one had to _like_ one’s First Officer. But now the man has shown himself a fool by ignoring her order to brace. Janeway already had some presentiment that their current predicament could not tolerate a fool as 2nd in command. Janeway dragged herself to the man and took his head in her hands with deceptive gentleness. The sound of the already damaged vertebrae snapping was easily lost in the noise and confusion of the damaged Bridge. Almost gently she tested the carotid artery, felt the pulse of blood stop. With the thoroughness of a professional, she checked the pulse at the wrist too. Good. Janeway did not know what problems lay in store for her, but Lieutenant Commander Cavit would not be one of them. By now the crew would have some grasp of the situation Voyager was in. Time to deal with the next problem. “Report!”
24th century first-aid: twist the trauma victim's neck while you're trying to get a pulse. At least there's SOME justification for checking for a pulse at the wrist after you can't find one at a minor extremity like the head.
This must be how Enterprise-D started when it came to the Badlands in search of Voyager after it vanished - minus being pulled into the Delta Quadrant, of course.
The slow motion exteriors were beastin' Only the real Warner Bros. network, UPN, would do this shit, along with its sister network, PTEN, which had banging "Babylon 5."
it irks me what Voyager could have been , the first 2 episodes i believe were the best in terms of, the characters being real, the stories fleshed out and how it should have been throughout the whole series... Harry telling Janeway "there's something out there" and Janeway quickly snapping at him, just felt like the character had oomph!!. like right now we aren't here to explore, shits hit the fan and we need to know whats happening.. it just felt gritty to me, to see Janeway and Chakotay going at each other, Torres and Carey, Maqui and Starfleet, you want story, its all there, it always bothered me, that 1st episode is in the can, and suddenly we are all friends, and starfleet rainbows and la la la....
I liked the episode Learning Curve for the Maquis/Starfleet tension, but it felt like it should have come sooner, and like there should have been more tension with it overall. It could simmer down reasonably quickly, so as not to be a drag, but I think it was a mistake not to make more of the possible character moments.
I just watched this scene with Bujold, and no disrespect to her but her performance is so cold. Mulgrew just puts forth so much more emotion in her performance. You can tell she has a firm grasp on what she's talking about, and her emotions change from inquisitive to curiosity to genuine concern. It's not even a performance at all, she just IS Kathryn Janeway. I don't think Bujold was bad, she just didn't have the aptitude for the role.
I think Bujold was really bad, and she didn't sell the role of Janeway at all. I think if she hadn't quit, she would have to be replaced eventually. Mulgrew did a much better job playing the role.
It's difficult to say with just one episode. I recall pilot episode on TNG had major flame wars when it aired back in the original run where a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of folks couldn't get over that British bald guy they never heard of before, that he had no business being captain and the show would quickly fold.
as sucks as it was they being flung into the delta quadrant. that prob saved the entire galaxy from species 8472. also where the firs toffiver running too???
Janeway: Brace for impact! Cavit: Runs from tactical, a place where we could brace at, to his XO chair, that requires running across the bridge to get to.
the tactical station only had one chair ... lots of explodeable screens ... and about six different ways your neck could snap. Cavity attempting to reach his chair wasn't the worst idea .... if he had more than six seconds. Unfortunately, he didn't.
Micromanager. He's trying to steer Harry's choices in personal associates, he's hanging over the Conn officer's shoulder, then he's running up to tactical instead of just letting that officer configure the pulse, then he's running back to his own seat (too late) to be ready for his responsibilities.
I’m trying to figure out how that wave - which was travelling at sub-warp speed, managed to push the ship 70,000 light years - into the delta quadrant - in a matter of seconds..
The Caretaker used the wave to pull the Voyager into subspace and then popped it out in the Delta Quadrant. Like how Star Wars uses Hyperspace to get around quickly. The wave itself was just the door, not the travel mechanism. The Caretaker's species were multidimensional, and could go anywhere they wanted in normal space.
@@beckonerseven9517 as a physics major i was about to give an explanation, but you actually succinctly and accurately gave it for me. Huzzah! A man of quality!
I wonder what the series'd be like if Janeway had died instead of the First Officer? He'd probably have become the captain, and how would he and Chakotay ( his new first officer) have gotten on?
It seems Cavitt was much more experienced and less naive than Janeway and so things would likely have unfolded very differently once the ship was hurled towards the Caretaker. For one thing, I believe Cavitt would not have destroyed the Caretaker and instead used it to find a way back home, without the Maqui's help and probably wouldn't hesitate to strand them there. But assuming things went sort of the way they did with Janeway where the Maqui was taken aboard for humanitarian reasons, they probably would've had restricted duties. Don't see Cavitt respecting Chakotay, probably would keep him as a token Maqui in the brig while the rest of them would be allowed some limited freedom. First officer would no doubt be Tuvok.
People are keep complaining how the guy was running after Janeway said 'brace for impact'. Have you ever thought that maybe he was trying to get to a more secure part of the ship to brace with but didn't realize how little time he had - or jumped to something because he saw he arrived at the bridge at too late of a time? It's possible the wave headed for them more or less looked as if it was farther away than it actually was, or it looked like it was moving slow than it really was.
Well, the ship must have been made from Unobtanium!! It survived stresses over 5-10 times design specifications. Janeway is clearly behaved totally recklessly for endangering her ship and crew.
2:10 RIP Number One. I feel sorry for Cavitt, but I understand that this was done to replace his person with an interesting and colorful figure with character development like Spock, Riker or Kira. Oh, wait...
That opening scene really demonstrates one of the things I always hated about Star Trek: it’s so two dimensional. There’s a top layer of clouds, and a bottom layer of clouds, and Voyager is sailing between the two oriented as though one is a floor and one is a ceiling. So many of the space scenes were this way. Very little thought about how maneuvering and phenomenon actually behave in a three dimensional space.
Chakotay convinced a past version of the Captain not to alter the timeline when she thought it would save lives, so basically fucked over the Commander, helmsman and Doctor who died here.
I feel bad for some of these actors. They get major ranks (first officer, chief medical officer) in new Star Trek series and then are killed off in first 30 minutes.
crossover with Sonic? lol
"I'm on Star Trek, I gotta make the most out of this part!"
You'd think Starfleet would be more wary of recruiting someone just cause they're needed on the track team.
Ha ha ha!!! Right?
He was trying to reach his seat and/ or maybe he thought of something else to try.
1st Officer: (runs around the baseball diamond and attempts to slide to home)
Gets caught trying to steal home. lol
Well, he was a mite offensive to Paris, so.....
He's trying to get as far away as possible from any of the consoles, which he knows are made out of pure explodium.
@@mitchellmelkin4078 He was a bug?
So weird seeing the bridge full of officers that never made it past Ep. 1, it felt like an alternate timeline for a moment...
Yeah I could see that happening.
Star Trek: Tales of the Delta Quadrant.
To me this scene gets me emotional. Voyager to me hits home hard because I empathize with their situation as I feel like I'm always trying to find a way to my "home" metaphorically speaking. The moment the viewscreen shows up and Kim says they're "over 70,000 light years from where we were" it Immeadiately makes my gut wrench knowing that they in normal circumstances would have to endure 70 years of getting home, constantly hoping and wishing to get there faster but always too far away, missing home, earth, friends, family, and events back home as they go by without them. Yet at the same time. The moment they realize they're 70,000 light years away, they have no idea yet that their journey will bring them closer together more than any other ship in the fleet and that they will be the first to be so far away and discover new worlds and aliens and have a chance of getting home and actually doing so. Eye of the needle episode hits hard too when their first chance to get home is shattered when they realize they got so close to go home by transporting through a wormhole except if they did they'd return to 20 years in the past also and that just isn't acceptable. Seeing their hopes go up and be shattered is heartbreaking 😭
nah seeing the fergengi get home and not them would have been a slap in the face even more@@davidt8087
Janeways 1st officer could have made it, if he wasnt running around like a headless chicken while impact
did they died?
Get flung out at warp 50, have to go home at warp 9.
It's like trying to pay off a credit card.
Lol.... The most apt analogy indeed
I can't believe it. You actually made Voyager... boring
To me this scene gets me emotional. Voyager to me hits home hard because I empathize with their situation as I feel like I'm always trying to find a way to my "home" metaphorically speaking. The moment the viewscreen shows up and Kim says they're "over 70,000 light years from where we were" it Immeadiately makes my gut wrench knowing that they in normal circumstances would have to endure 70 years of getting home, constantly hoping and wishing to get there faster but always too far away, missing home, earth, friends, family, and events back home as they go by without them. Yet at the same time. The moment they realize they're 70,000 light years away, they have no idea yet that their journey will bring them closer together more than any other ship in the fleet and that they will be the first to be so far away and discover new worlds and aliens and have a chance of getting home and actually doing so. Eye of the needle episode hits hard too when their first chance to get home is shattered when they realize they got so close to go home by transporting through a wormhole except if they did they'd return to 20 years in the past also and that just isn't acceptable. Seeing their hopes go up and be shattered is heartbreaking 😭
@@davidt8087I don't get why they didn't just go back in time, go into stassis and then wakeup 20 years later.
He had 5 whole seconds to brace for impact, and ran past at least two spots
He thought he was Riker
Which part of brace for impact sounded like run across the bridge..
He thought she said "Embrace for impact." He just wanted to be held.
I've never understood why he did that.
Maybe he didnt want to brace, maybe he wanted to embrace it?
I had wondered if it was because Paris went for his chair on the bridge taking his spot, but if it was then the actor didn't portray it very well
I love it how Harry said to brace for impact then the 2nd in command starts running to the helm.
and thats why he lasted only 1 episode.
Redshirt: "We might be able to disperse it with a technobabble field"
Janeway: "Do it!"
Kim: "Technobabble field had no effect"
Janeway: "This is why you don't last past ep 1"
Kim: "Brace for impact!"
Redshirt: "Aaaaaagh!" *Flails about the bridge instead of bracing*
Janeway: "Case and point"
At least it was said in enough time that most people could actually brace, instead of the usual less than a second pause before impact.
Following this, Starfleet Academy introduced a new training scenario, which involves a shipwide warning followed by slamming the brakes on.
Anyone stupid enough not to follow a "brace for impact" order is automatically expelled.
Out an airlock.
Voyager Monty away...
I don't understand why they don't have harnesses of some kind lol
@@nordfreiheit The Excelsior had seatbelts of a sort. Perhaps Starfleet could dig out that old chair design and replicate it?
My god... Shields. Shields! Turn her into the wave!
Don't tell me that was any meteor shower
@@1993bahamut It’s Praxis sir , a klingon moon
Awesome comment!😂
Send to Klingon High Command...
Yes, sir. I've confirmed the location of Praxis, but.... I cannot confirm the existence of Praxis.
1:39 Bro... she said 'brace for impact', not 'run across the bridge'
He thought she said "Race for impact!" so he started running as fast as he could.
Just like "assume crash positions" from Flying High...
He had his special spot
he was trying to make it to his chair from tactical.
Stadi, the woman at Conn had such presence, it's too bad they had to kill her because Betazoids are OP.
Also, the look Tom gives the Captain right before the end of this clip totally looks like he is saying "Short mission my A*s!"
What I think would have been really interesting is if they had brought Lt. Stadi back in the episode 'Ashes to Ashes' instead of Ensign Ballard. It would have been a great callback to the first episode of the series, and it would have been interesting to see her reaction to all of the changes to the crew roster.
They could have also had something in there about Stadi trying to track down the other members of the crew who were killed by the Caretaker and subsequently reanimated by the Kobali but finding that she was the only one who remembered enough about her former life on Voyager to have the drive to look for her old crewmates.
I had to look up who played her. She was familiar but couldn't place her.
Alicia Coppola. She’s been in a lot of stuff, most importantly to me the series Jericho.
@@daerdevvyl4314 Yeah she was definitely on Jericho (I need to rewatch that). Also a recurring JAG/NCIS character.
1:41 I always like rewatching this scene just to try to figure out why this guy is running like a lunatic when he should be holding on for dear life. xD
well I like to think that its because paris took janeways seat, so he went to run to his seat only for janeway to be sitting there. xD
I've always wondered that too. What the hell was he thinking!?
Paris didn't take Janeway's seat. There is a seat next to the captain's chair ... THAT is where Paris sat. her XO had been at the tactical station ... and he was attempting to reach HIS OWN chair, which is to the left of the captain's.
Whenever I hear “Run!” I always Brace For Impact instead, now.
He was clearly running to save his drink from falling over, guys.
he went to delete his internet history
Cavit: *has dialogue*
also Cavit: *remains uncredited despite having more lines than Gul Evek*
Maybe he has a copy of Thomas style?
0:06 You can almost smell that "new starship smell." lol
Smells like tomato soup.
Note even the Ozone from a single exploded console or conduit, not even the blood of the first dead bridge officer...
Introducing the 2371 (really 1994) model year...
Joking aside, Voyager doesn't having a glaring mid 90's futuristic feel, despite this episode being from '94. Rick Sternbach should come back for the new series.
Like the Enterprise-E until the Borg trashed it
"Seat belts save lives" A public service announcement from the Federation Safety Council.
Why don’t they ever have seat belts in starships?
Click It or Ticket !
When all you want is enjoining some Netflix in the 24 century but instead you get Neelix for 7 Years.
Comments are pretty much:
1.) Oh I miss voyager, such a good series at the start.
2.) Why the fuck is the first officer running around the bridge when Janeway shouted "brace for impact"?
1:05 I honestly can't decide who sounds more badass when saying "Do it!", Janeway or Palpatine "DEW IT!"
I wish they had done an episode (or episodes?) similar to TNG's Parallels once. Accidentally fall into other realities where Voyager was different. Maybe different people survived that first jump. Maybe the crew adopted a more relaxed dress code like the Maquis. Maybe one where the ship was barely being held together. and so on.
I don't know what's more beastin about the opening shot - the slow motion rate (gangsta) exterior: the way Voyager just flies by like a G or the way they show the tornadoes son! 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣👊👊👊👊👊👊
I find it hilarious how he ran away from his 1st officer's chair when they were bracing for impact lol.
1:41 when the music's stopped and everyone has found a chair before you.
I find it weird how Harry Kim seems so much less dead inside than he is for most of the series.
That first officer was such a goner though, from the way the camera totally ignored him. I still don't even know his name.
I think his name was Lt. Cmdr. Cavitt
@@theot.2869 played by Scott Jaeck who remained uncredited. He previously appeared in TNG's "The Inner Light".
@@broann4138 wow. Playing the first officer on starfleet ship that get's it's own series and not even getting credited. Damn.
@@StumpfForFreedom I know.
Commander Roadrunner
1:42 "Ow, my screen time!"
Honestly I prefer Chakotay, in my opinion Cavit who appears to be a lt. cmdr. probably didn't have any potential.
Remember, the Caretaker abducted multiple ships in order to find a way to breed a successor, yet his method of obtaining more "subjects" ends up killing a bunch of them.
I said the same thing, I guess voyager fleeing ended up hurting themselves
Janeway: brace for impact!!
First officer: I missed the part where that’s my problem.
"Some of these lifeforms might have what I need."
Proceeds to kill half of them while dragging them across the galaxy...
If only they'd gone to warp, we'd never have had to endure neelix.
Shadda welcome to weird plots
What’s wrong with neelix he awesome
@@Banana_Split_Cream_Buns I never liked Kes character, except for her voice maybe. Neelix was like a Necessary evil
to me lol
They explicitly said "can not go to warp while in the plasma storms". In this very video, no less.
Also, where does that Neelix hate come from?
But I thought Neelix was everyone's favorite Star Trek clown?
Captain, a technobabble wave is approaching!
Captain: Can we stop it?
Officer: We can fire a technobabble beam at it.
Captain: Do it!
Officer: It didn't work!
Captain: Damn! Now we have to resort to plain old engines."
Kim: Captain, we can go over it or under it!
Captain: Today, I'm pretending space is 2D. Let's try to outrun it!
"She's is intelligent, but not experienced. Her pattern indicates 2 dimensional thinking"....
Genevieve Bujold does not like this video :)
is that her hair they are using on Janeway?
Well, either her or the first officer disliked it. 👎👎
i have seen more emotion from planks of wood, then her, thank christ for Kate Mulgrew.
Good one! ROFL!!!!!
😂 Kate Mulgrew had such command presence! Genevieve Bujold had none unfortunately. Very bland and boring.
them tubes from your local hardware shop love falling out the ceiling.
Anyone notice how this and DS9's debut episode opening scene are so damn familiar... Janeway just like Sisko screaming REPORT! after their ship gets crippled and so many officers die?
Did the first officer need to get to his special 'brace for impact' spot or something?
"can you get the viewscreen operational?" "I'm trying" (Pushes 1 button viewscreen on.)
lol my dude running like he forgot something in the house
Amazing how the special effects have advanced
Voyager attended the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things.
2:49 “can you get the view screen operational?”
That’s one of the things I like about the ships in Discovery and the newer Star Trek movies; they have a window with a HUD. If power goes down, you aren’t blind.
It reminds me of the moment in the TNG film First Contact near the start where Picard orders the Borg battle over Earth be viewed on screen, and just as it happens, we briefly see that the viewscreen was actually switched off beforehand. So the fully capable starship was flying into a battle against the Borg on sensors only?! 🤔 😜
Redshirt: "We might be able to disperse it with a technobabble field"
Janeway: "Do it!"
Kim: "Technobabble field had no effect"
Janeway: "This is why you don't last past ep 1"
Kim: "Brace for impact!"
Redshirt: "Aaaaaagh!" *Flails about the bridge instead of bracing*
Janeway: "Case in point"
Given that Janeway held Cavit's hand, I wonder if he was still alive at that point.
It has nothing of the weight of TWOK or even other deaths.
@mariuszmiroslaw2290 your point being?
That was some displacement wave. It even messed up Janeway’s hairdo.
1:39 looks like Mr Paris Sitting another chair
Ngl the show has a different vibe to it when they are in the Alpha Quadrant on the first episode and the last
The most difficult part about living in the Star Trek universe is the lack of a 3rd dimension...imagine being able to move up or down to avoid things like this, or Kirk at the edge of the galaxy (just go up and over...or just go up period?), that'd be crazy.
When you have to brace for impact, but have a favorite chair
He's part Caitian, and had the zoomies!!!!
1:41 that guy miss heard brace for impact he thought she said “run out to hit the wave with your body”!
If Sisko and his crew didn't get thrown back into time in 2024, THEY would have been dispatched to search for this one ship, the Val Jean, and might have wound up in the Delta Quadrant themselves.
My god! Shields... Shields!
First officer was running to his chair to buckle up, give him a break!
Funny how after the pilot episode they never mentioned her original first officer again..
well he died
@@randomrazr right. there WAS that. I don't think ANYONE that died in the fling across space ever got mentioned again.
Still I mean how can they not mention she had a first officer before chakotay at any point throughout the show even if just in the first season.
Why would they? At what point in any story in season 1 did it matter or have any relevance to the plot?
hell, we never even knew the names of the CMO and chief engineer, I don't think
Well, there goes the guy in red, RIP. 😅😂
They’d have fewer casualties from this if they had seat belts.
Captain, there's something out there.
imma need a better description than THAT, Mr. Kim ........
Harry, surely they didn't teach you to describe unknown/unreadable objects in the middle of space as just SOMETHING at Starfleet Academy.
Still his first day on the job was very Mich an out of the frying pan into the fire experience
" I will never promote this guy" ~ Captain Janeway
Don’t run across the bridge, crouch and hold on the railing for dear life.
2024 I belong to this crew.
The 1st officer is the guy that looks up on the gold course when someone yells Fore!
i wonder if this series was based off that one episode of TNG where there was that planet of people with super advanced tech that pushe dthe enterpirse 3 days away (the ones who wnated their kids ) then said "if you don't comply we can push your ship so far it will take you til you are all grandparetns before you get back here again"
Captain Janeway knew along she was givin a a cam and of the most advanced star /war ship of the line
She was givin a mission
One would think that repair crews wouldn't need to be ordered to fix a hull breach.
Should I warn the crew with a good ole "All hands brace for impact!"? Nah
I really liked the feel in Caretaker
Feel bad for the characters who were killed off in the first episode. They missed out big time.
They were hired to be killed off, but yeah
It seemed kinda odd to get funerals for certain other characters, but I don't remember anything for the ones from the first episode. I'm not even sure if they're ever mentioned again.
Dazed and battered as she was, Janeway had but one thought - my ship! That the ship had suffered serious damage was obvious, but she trusted her crew to deal with the situation. It would not help to pester them before they’d had chance to assess the situation.
Right now there was one thing that demanded her immediate attention. The First Officer. Janeway knew that Picard had refused to have the man aboard the Enterprise - although she would never know the reason - and she had taken something of a dislike to the man herself, especially when he disapproved of her bringing Tom Paris aboard.
OK, there was no regulation to say one had to _like_ one’s First Officer. But now the man has shown himself a fool by ignoring her order to brace. Janeway already had some presentiment that their current predicament could not tolerate a fool as 2nd in command.
Janeway dragged herself to the man and took his head in her hands with deceptive gentleness. The sound of the already damaged vertebrae snapping was easily lost in the noise and confusion of the damaged Bridge. Almost gently she tested the carotid artery, felt the pulse of blood stop. With the thoroughness of a professional, she checked the pulse at the wrist too. Good.
Janeway did not know what problems lay in store for her, but Lieutenant Commander Cavit would not be one of them.
By now the crew would have some grasp of the situation Voyager was in. Time to deal with the next problem.
I thought at first this was copy-paste from a official star trek novel.
24th century first-aid: twist the trauma victim's neck while you're trying to get a pulse. At least there's SOME justification for checking for a pulse at the wrist after you can't find one at a minor extremity like the head.
by the way, where did the backstory about the XO and Picard come from? I don't remember that.
I came looking for this comment, and I was not disappointed.
This must be how Enterprise-D started when it came to the Badlands in search of Voyager after it vanished - minus being pulled into the Delta Quadrant, of course.
The slow motion exteriors were beastin'
Only the real Warner Bros. network, UPN, would do this shit, along with its sister network, PTEN, which had banging "Babylon 5."
this is still better than
PICARD seasons 1 & 2
it irks me what Voyager could have been , the first 2 episodes i believe were the best in terms of, the characters being real, the stories fleshed out and how it should have been throughout the whole series... Harry telling Janeway "there's something out there" and Janeway quickly snapping at him, just felt like the character had oomph!!. like right now we aren't here to explore, shits hit the fan and we need to know whats happening.. it just felt gritty to me, to see Janeway and Chakotay going at each other, Torres and Carey, Maqui and Starfleet, you want story, its all there, it always bothered me, that 1st episode is in the can, and suddenly we are all friends, and starfleet rainbows and la la la....
Rainbows and la la la and give me some coffee. The show got lame real fast.
@@frankcabanski9409 exactly
They had to work together if they wanted to survive. If they kept the antagonistic force between each other they would have died in a week.
I liked the episode Learning Curve for the Maquis/Starfleet tension, but it felt like it should have come sooner, and like there should have been more tension with it overall. It could simmer down reasonably quickly, so as not to be a drag, but I think it was a mistake not to make more of the possible character moments.
@@---oq5kb Exactly.
I just watched this scene with Bujold, and no disrespect to her but her performance is so cold. Mulgrew just puts forth so much more emotion in her performance. You can tell she has a firm grasp on what she's talking about, and her emotions change from inquisitive to curiosity to genuine concern. It's not even a performance at all, she just IS Kathryn Janeway.
I don't think Bujold was bad, she just didn't have the aptitude for the role.
She could have grown into the role.
I think Bujold was really bad, and she didn't sell the role of Janeway at all. I think if she hadn't quit, she would have to be replaced eventually. Mulgrew did a much better job playing the role.
It's difficult to say with just one episode. I recall pilot episode on TNG had major flame wars when it aired back in the original run where a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of folks couldn't get over that British bald guy they never heard of before, that he had no business being captain and the show would quickly fold.
- They're dead Jim.
- Who?
- Spock, Bones, Scotty and Checkov...
2:34 "Doctor can you hear me Paris house daddy she's dead" :-)
as sucks as it was they being flung into the delta quadrant. that prob saved the entire galaxy from species 8472. also where the firs toffiver running too???
True. Being sent to the other side of the galaxy has brought alot of good.
First Officer trying to get back to his seat but he didn't make it.
@@SeansModelBuilds2017 to masterbate?
@@SeansModelBuilds2017 I'm GUESSING that's where he was going. Tom and Kathryn survived cuz they DID make it to the command chairs.
yeah ..... that's true about 8472.
Janeway: Brace for impact!
Cavit: Runs from tactical, a place where we could brace at, to his XO chair, that requires running across the bridge to get to.
the tactical station only had one chair ... lots of explodeable screens ... and about six different ways your neck could snap.
Cavity attempting to reach his chair wasn't the worst idea .... if he had more than six seconds. Unfortunately, he didn't.
@@dhinton1 Does tactical even have chairs?
"Not until we've cleared the plasma field"
"FUCK that we're going to warp"
So the 1st officer was at a place he could brace with the others but instead charged around the area to be in the open. Moron.
Glad we got Chakotay instead.
Micromanager. He's trying to steer Harry's choices in personal associates, he's hanging over the Conn officer's shoulder, then he's running up to tactical instead of just letting that officer configure the pulse, then he's running back to his own seat (too late) to be ready for his responsibilities.
So its thanks to this group of Cardassians that the events of Voyager happen.
🤔🤔🤔🤔 yeah ....... pretty much.
“And that, Starfleet cadets, is why you should never try to keep up with the Cardassians.”
Was the Intrepid Class where Starfleet began stuffing the bulkheads with ugly black hoses?
I’m trying to figure out how that wave - which was travelling at sub-warp speed, managed to push the ship 70,000 light years - into the delta quadrant - in a matter of seconds..
It's the Spore Drive, of course.
Technobabble. All voyager questions are answered with technobabble.
The Caretaker used the wave to pull the Voyager into subspace and then popped it out in the Delta Quadrant. Like how Star Wars uses Hyperspace to get around quickly. The wave itself was just the door, not the travel mechanism. The Caretaker's species were multidimensional, and could go anywhere they wanted in normal space.
@@beckonerseven9517 is that a canon explanation that you have read somewhere or your interpretation based on evidence presented in the series?
@@beckonerseven9517 as a physics major i was about to give an explanation, but you actually succinctly and accurately gave it for me.
Huzzah! A man of quality!
I wonder what the series'd be like if Janeway had died instead of the First Officer? He'd probably have become the captain, and how would he and Chakotay ( his new first officer) have gotten on?
Why do you think Chakotay would be first officer?
It seems Cavitt was much more experienced and less naive than Janeway and so things would likely have unfolded very differently once the ship was hurled towards the Caretaker. For one thing, I believe Cavitt would not have destroyed the Caretaker and instead used it to find a way back home, without the Maqui's help and probably wouldn't hesitate to strand them there. But assuming things went sort of the way they did with Janeway where the Maqui was taken aboard for humanitarian reasons, they probably would've had restricted duties. Don't see Cavitt respecting Chakotay, probably would keep him as a token Maqui in the brig while the rest of them would be allowed some limited freedom. First officer would no doubt be Tuvok.
People are keep complaining how the guy was running after Janeway said 'brace for impact'. Have you ever thought that maybe he was trying to get to a more secure part of the ship to brace with but didn't realize how little time he had - or jumped to something because he saw he arrived at the bridge at too late of a time? It's possible the wave headed for them more or less looked as if it was farther away than it actually was, or it looked like it was moving slow than it really was.
RATSIGNAL Case #3 - USS Voyager - System: "Delta Quadrant" (Brown dwarf 70,000 LY from Sol) - Language: English (United Federation of Planets) (en-UFP) - Nick: Janeway-1
1:42 this happens the ship didn’t shake
Seat belts. One of the finest inventions of the 20th century. Might be too old fashioned for them though.
How about machine guns
Rocket launches
Other weapons we have that will work
They never use
RIP Commander Doesn't-Know-What-Brace-For-Impact-Means.
Well, the ship must have been made from Unobtanium!! It survived stresses over 5-10 times design specifications. Janeway is clearly behaved totally recklessly for endangering her ship and crew.
And so it begins...
2:10 RIP Number One. I feel sorry for Cavitt, but I understand that this was done to replace his person with an interesting and colorful figure with character development like Spock, Riker or Kira. Oh, wait...
"Paris, how's daddy?"
It's a long, long way to Tipparary!
That opening scene really demonstrates one of the things I always hated about Star Trek: it’s so two dimensional. There’s a top layer of clouds, and a bottom layer of clouds, and Voyager is sailing between the two oriented as though one is a floor and one is a ceiling. So many of the space scenes were this way. Very little thought about how maneuvering and phenomenon actually behave in a three dimensional space.
Whatever happened to Lt Collins? Did Tuvok's job in the pilot, a few episodes, and then nothing for the rest of the series?
Chakotay convinced a past version of the Captain not to alter the timeline when she thought it would save lives, so basically fucked over the Commander, helmsman and Doctor who died here.
the reason seska hates janeway
I feel bad for some of these actors. They get major ranks (first officer, chief medical officer) in new Star Trek series and then are killed off in first 30 minutes.
Sorry first officer name unknown you served with honour the torpedo bay and woefully inadequate eulogy await you .
Is it just dangerous to warp through a plasma field or is actually not possible?
How do you make it all the way to first officer of a starship without knowing that "brace for impact" does not mean "run down the stairs and jump"?