What is the Silliest D&D Character you've ever made? #1

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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    What is the Silliest D&D Character you've ever made? #1
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Комментарии • 450

  • @PSroka
    @PSroka 4 года назад +263

    "I tried to charm someone, and a Ford pickup truck appeared"
    I don't see anything wrong with this sentence.

  • @astorbonder408
    @astorbonder408 4 года назад +82

    Felix Meowser: Hard smoking, hard drinking detective that was really three cats in a trench coat. This was part of a campaign where we were tasked with constructing the silliest investigative squad ever. Case in point, there was a party member whose character's greatest ambition was to quit adventuring and become a Twitch streamer.

  • @ammarose9742
    @ammarose9742 4 года назад +175

    Omg my husband has a character that no DM will allow him to make, a drunk Dwarven cleric that cast bless water on his full bladder

    • @burritodoggo122
      @burritodoggo122 4 года назад +4

      How would he use it?

    • @lucaswinsor4469
      @lucaswinsor4469 4 года назад +37

      @@burritodoggo122 by pissing on the undead, how else?

    • @kylethomas9130
      @kylethomas9130 4 года назад +23

      DM: My world has a deity for any kind of worship... except that.

    • @metalbob3335
      @metalbob3335 4 года назад +5

      Come on that would be hilarious !!!!

    • @ammarose9742
      @ammarose9742 4 года назад +2


  • @coecalmosh9659
    @coecalmosh9659 4 года назад +112

    My silliest character is my most favorite. His name is Hata, a human ranger. His backstory was that thanks to a fey prank gone horribly wrong, he was abandoned in the woods as a baby and raised by a herd of deer, thus he grew up believing he was a deer. Through out his childhood, his deer family would be attacked by hunters vary frequently, and Hata wanted nothing more then to protect his herd. One day his wish came true when he realized he had hands that were capable of grabbing stuff, and so he sneaked into a hunter's camp and stole one of the weapons used to terrorize his deer family; a bow. He became quite good with the weapon, and with it he struck back at the hunters and kept his herd safe.
    The DM let me start with a deer for an animal companion, his name was Roger, and Hata claimed he was his brother. Roger was completely docile for the entire campaign except for one encounter when he snapped and gored a witch on his antlers. Roger got to keep the witch's hat as a trophy. I'm surprised no one told Hata he wasn't a deer. PCs and NPCs would give him that "this guy is clearly nuts" look, but no one ever said anything, and so he still thought he was a deer for the entire campaign.
    Because of the presents of fey in his backstory, Hata could speak sylvan, he was the only PC who could speak it. This was good, since most of the clues we got for plot important stuff was in sylvan. Unfortunately, most of the clues were in written form, and Hata didn't even know what reading and writing was. He had a journal, but every page had what looked like cave paintings on it.
    A wizard we had helped out mid way through our campaign thanked us by giving the party a magic box that produced 5 random pies once a day. Our DM made a list of 100 different pies this box could generate. They could be anything from an apple pie to a chicken pot pie. Well one day the box produces a pie i can't remember the name of, but was made with deer meat. Hata cried over this pie for a good 10 minutes before berrying it.
    good times.

    • @rainmabon8232
      @rainmabon8232 4 года назад +14

      I think the word you may have been looking for is “Venison”

  • @SamWeltzin
    @SamWeltzin 4 года назад +285

    My brother made a character he named DM. No, it was not short for Dungeon Master.
    This character was a fighter who took nothing but Toughness as his feat every time he was able to take a feat (3rd edition). Constitution was his highest stat. He wore full plate mail and wielded a tower shield. I think he maybe had a club or something as his weapon? He had like 20 HP at level 1 and, instead of climbing down a treacherous cliff or finding another route down, like the rest of the party did, just decided he had enough HP to jump.
    DM stood for Damage Magnet.

    • @AlexPBenton
      @AlexPBenton 3 года назад +5

      Can you take the same feat multiple times in 3rd edition?

    • @AlexPBenton
      @AlexPBenton 3 года назад +5

      Never mind, I was thinking that toughness acted the same way in 3rd as in pathfinder, which is essentially +1 hp per level.

    • @SamWeltzin
      @SamWeltzin 3 года назад +8

      @@AlexPBenton Yeah, in vanilla 3.0, you could take Toughness every time you took a feat, and it gave you a flat +3 HP. Pathfinder very much fixed it and made it, like, worth taking.

  • @archellothewolf2083
    @archellothewolf2083 3 года назад +7

    TLDR: I once played an extremely wholesome clown who made his party believe he was a classic murder-hobo for the longest time.
    Jongas the Goliath: A Rogue that was a parody of the standard Mysterious Edge-Lord Rogue stereotype. At first glance to the rest of the party he was exactly what you expect, except for the fact that he was a towering Goliath. Jongas was dark, broody, and only gave vague or "clearly" false details about his backstory. For my part I made sure it was made clear my character never smiled, spoke little, performed a lot of sneaking around, constantly sent secret notes to my GM to perform hidden actions (with some slight of hand rolls "accidently" showing up in Roll20 to mess with the meta-gamers of our group), and almost ALWAYS took an unnecessary dramatic pause before I finished a sentence, which were consistently delivered in a low, angry, growl.
    Everything I did pointed my party to believing my goliath was a super edgy ex-assassin murder-hobo who was going to cause problems for the party at some point in the future. The truth was that my Goliath was an extremely wholesome ex-carnie who did the exact opposite and went quite far out of his way to sneakily juggle, mime, and perform ventriloquism behind my party's back, leading to many happy and informative townsfolk, a few distracted/confused guardsmen, and our party gaining much needed advantage on several social encounters, for seemingly no reason. To be fair, I never once lied about my backstory or my sneaking around when asked, it's just that my character's mannerisms and my party's meta-game induced paranoia led them to not believing me when I told them what I was doing. Instead they'd concoct "the real story" of the massive intimidating goliath menacing the guards behind their back, and stealing from all the lovely townspeople when the paladin and druid weren't looking.
    Some of my favorite highlights were:
    1- Introducing Jongas by brooding against non-existent walls in the middle of the tavern and, when grilled about his past, telling the party (what was actually said was: "I once worked for... a circus." "I was a clown... the angry one." "I specialized in... ventriloquy." and "I was popular with... the children.")
    2- The time we got the actual murder-hobo warlock out of an execution because the guard captain couldn't finish a sentence in negotiations with the paladin, because I . (I began juggling every time the captain argued which confused him greatly)
    3- And my personal favorite, the time I . (did the exact opposite and the knights were sent to deliver us magic swag to help the party protect the father of her child). Though I can't blame the party for this one too much, as the GM and I went out of our way to make it look like I killed the princess to mess with the meta-gamers by "forgetting" to set my rolls to GM only, and choosing very specific rolls in a very specific order.
    The big reveal was perhaps the funniest though. When we captured a bandit and everyone else failed to interrogate him, Jongas offered to try his hand. Finally the party would get their hard evidence and validation that the rogue was in fact the evil sociopath they all believed him to be. Jongas sat in a chair across from the bandit and slowly drew his shortsword, holding it out to his side and giving the bandit his trademark stoic glare. I then told the party "Jongas then, without moving his mouth, throws his voice so the sword sounds like it's saying (in my best Mickey Mouse impression) "Hi Mr. Bandit! I'm Stabby the Stabin' Stick, and I'd sure like to stab youuu! H-ha!" What followed was about a minute of poorly acted Good Cop- Bad Knife as Jongas tried his best to convince Stabby that the bandit was clearly a good person and just trying to feed his family, while Stabby just wanted to stab him. No blood was shed but the bandit immediately gave up everything he knew thanks to a crit and because "he wasn't being paid enough to deal with crazy."
    The party's reaction:
    *after several minutes of silence*
    Druid: "So wait. He's actually a-"
    After some heartfelt apologizing from most of the party, and the biggest sigh of disappointment from the Warlock, we routed the bandit fortress and Jongas became a lot less subtle about his clowning around.

  • @kaemonbonet4931
    @kaemonbonet4931 4 года назад +68

    Craig the orc. He was a lawful evil fighter who was devoted to bane. He believed his faith would transform him into a paladin and would constantly try an lay on hands. So a partt member would get injured and Craig would somberly walk up and try to heal to no effect.
    He was often completely indistinguishable from a lawful good character in actions and speech. It wasn't until he explained his motivations that his devotion to bane made any sense. Basically he only believed the strong had any right to rule(very bane).
    The actual humor of the char comes from the calm quiet front he put up. Going to greater and greater lengths to avoid speech. When inevitably he was forced to speak. I revealed his high pitched lispy voice.
    He was basically Darth Tyson.

  • @fatcoyote2
    @fatcoyote2 4 года назад +45

    Old Man Biejo (which means "old man" in Spanish). An Undying Warlock in search of the liche that employed him as a librarian. Abysmal STR, average DEX, slightly above average CON. Maxed out CHA & INT, good WIS.
    Spent every fight running around screaming "don't hurt me," while throwing out Eldritch blasts that cost enemies twenty feet of movement when they hit, and whenever he took a hit, he froze up like Mei from Overwatch. Basically made him so that he knew a ton of languages, could read in the dark, and never slept, so he spent every night reading books. They kept using him as the all night watchman, except he would get so into reading his books that he allowed enemies to sneak up on us, or in one case, stomp up and steal our pet cow, without ringing the alarm.
    Eventually, he found his patron, who rewarded Biejo's loyalty by trying to consume his soul, which led to the liche being banished into an apple which never went bad, which was then fed to a bag of consuming.

  • @sarahdiane4133
    @sarahdiane4133 4 года назад +27

    It was an npc family of shoe makers who lived in a mountain town. They’re names were Gock Cobbler, Garpet Cobbler, and their adorable son Gum.

    • @Atma_Weapon
      @Atma_Weapon 4 года назад +5

      thats good. i love it!

    • @elijahbutterfield4869
      @elijahbutterfield4869 2 года назад +1

      Wonder how many times people slipped up saying those names. Lol

  • @hadleyott9808
    @hadleyott9808 4 года назад +23

    My Druid who was only trying to look for her cat. She has -2 int and nobility background, so she didn’t know that her missing cat was actually a tiger. Her brother traded big cats with the excess wealth, and she grew up thinking they were normal cats. She’s so dumb but so kind.

    • @amberkat8147
      @amberkat8147 Год назад

      Um, did the party know that her missing cat was actually a tiger? Like, did she ever describe her missing cat? Did she ever find it? Was is mauling peasants to death or something? I have QUESTIONS!

  • @xanderteasdale2165
    @xanderteasdale2165 4 года назад +56

    i made a goliath bard that carries a whole piano on his back as his instrument, he can carry 500 pounds before getting encumbered, my favourite thing to do with him is picking up wholes chests in dungeons and stuff and carrying them outside, along with some of my friends.

  • @lucapiemonti9767
    @lucapiemonti9767 4 года назад +31

    A Goliath "fighter" who was a determined pacifist.
    I got really lucky rolling for stats so he was strong, sturdy and had quite a way with words, while also not being entirely terrible at everything else.
    He'd been exiled from his barbarian clan because he took a vow to never, ever kill anyone or anything as long as he had alternatives. He'd get trough encounters with speech, intimidation, lies, by getting the Rogue to spike the enemies booze with a sleeping drug, paying bandits as he got robbed, etc...
    If a battle broke out he would wield some heavily modified "boxing gloves" with extra padding, making sure to never deal lethal damage.
    He started taking levels in Paladin and Bard and was by far the most convoluted, unintuitive character I've ever created. Had a blast playing it, but the campaign crashed and burned due to COVID.

  • @goldfencer
    @goldfencer 4 года назад +38

    For me, it was Cookie the Paladog. Not a furry, or any kind of dog-person. Just a literal good boy who was awakened by Arvoreen as a reward for his loyalty and bravery as the steed of a halfling paladin. He uses licks for Lay on Hands.

  • @thenerdybunny1296
    @thenerdybunny1296 4 года назад +98

    His Name is Sir Reginold: He is a sorcerer who turned himself into a potted fern with polymorph, and decided that he'd stay that way, and he now currently carries himself around using magehand (or dragon flight) and he speaks using minor illusion.

    • @minnarew
      @minnarew 4 года назад +3


    • @JabbaWocky
      @JabbaWocky 2 года назад

      1. potted fern is not a beast
      2. polymorph only holds 1 hour
      3. you cant cast while polymorphed, since:
      The target's game Statistics, including mental Ability Scores, are replaced by the Statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality.

    • @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084
      @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084 2 года назад +3

      @@JabbaWocky shut up it's funny AND ALSO THERE'S HOMEBREW

    • @JabbaWocky
      @JabbaWocky 2 года назад

      @@aclaymushroomwithaberet7084 it's lazy. so you used a made up spell to do some made up nonsense, because actually having to play around restrictions of existing spells is too hard for you. wow how creative

    • @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084
      @aclaymushroomwithaberet7084 2 года назад +3

      @@JabbaWocky dude, it's a potted plant just have fun with it lol. can't people just enjoy themselves, it's not like it's truly rude, just a little silly.

  • @floridamangaming2453
    @floridamangaming2453 4 года назад +18

    I recently created Torrik, an elf druid-bard with a feathered velociraptor familiar. When Torrik was young (about 43 years old) his village was attacked by a tribe of lizardfolk. He escaped into the forest where he would eventually become a druid.
    One day, he got bored and lonely, so he decided that he would create a familiar, using an old spell book he found in the ruins of his old village that included “find familiar”. The first thing that popped into his head was a velociraptor that he was taught about in school. He forgot how big they were, so he made it about 2 feet tall and was like: good enough! He named his newly-created familiar “Puckie” and they quickly became inseparable. There were endless jokes and laughter. For the first time in life, Torrik truly felt happy.
    Eventually, Torrik began to notice that civilization started growing outside the forest. He then had a brilliant idea. “If jokes and laughter made me happy, maybe they can make others happy as well!” He then moved into the establishing town (he got many confused looks due to Puckie. He didn’t mind though), and formulated a plan. His plan was to do live comedy plays where audience members could join as actors. It was also decided that background music was needed. It was decided that the banjo would best fit the wacky nature of his plays. Torrik then began banjo lessons along with Puckie. His plays were a hit. He had done it. He made people happy. However, Torrik began to miss exploring the forest. He decided to go on an adventure, and possibly bring happiness to the whole world, alongside his new friends.
    Extra info: Torrik has a very happy-go-lucky personality, and tries to avoid killing at all costs. When making him, my goal was to create the most unorthodox and funniest character possible who doesn’t seem too out of place. I think I succeeded.

  • @abadidea5984
    @abadidea5984 4 года назад +9

    I have 2 that I can recount.
    The first was from an all-goblins one-off. Naturally as goblin games go, we all got to be as ridiculous as we wanted. I showed up with a Goblin Artificer named Rongo and took Artillerist as his subclass. Every time he deployed a turret, it was a pet crab wearing an iron helmet with something or other bolted on top of it to perform its function. The flamethrower turret crab had a salamander's bladder affixed to a clamp that would squeeze at the press of a trigger to spew flames out of the operational end, the force ballista crab had a severed wizard's hand nailed to the top of the helmet that would shoot magic missiles on command, and the Protector crab turret simply had a piece of hot coal beneath an iron pan with freshly fried bacon on top, the invigorating smell of bacon would grant Temporary HP to his goblin allies.
    My other character was Spritz McLafferty, a halfling Wild Magic Sorcerer. But no one called her that, because she would always introduce herself as *Magia Stormhowl, Magus of the Archold Triarchy, Daughter of the Storm, Chosen of Seven Thunders* , and so on. It was later revealed that she was plagiarizing the name of a real wizard named Magia Stormhowl, an instructor at the magic academy that Spritz flunked out of.

  • @groovybean6457
    @groovybean6457 4 года назад +283

    I made a Bugbear with dwarfism, but he still had his super long arms. It’s a recreation of Mr Stealy from Rick and Morty!

    • @Boss-_
      @Boss-_ 4 года назад +26

      Funny, I just last week made a dwarf with gigantism. He's the size of an average male human.

    • @jordankleinschmidt5126
      @jordankleinschmidt5126 4 года назад +11

      I'd love to have players like you in my capaign. So many resources to use to make an amazing character in a heavy homebrew world and I get all humans and no multiclassing

    • @scotttaylor5556
      @scotttaylor5556 4 года назад +2

      I too made a bugbear. He could dual wield blunderbusses and could reload reaper style. It was alot of fun for a one-shot charecter.

    • @brandonsparkman8438
      @brandonsparkman8438 3 года назад +2

      That sounds fanfuckingtastic

    • @aurorialgaming1935
      @aurorialgaming1935 3 года назад +2

      I'm picturing the janitor from little nightmares

  • @dakotacrum3872
    @dakotacrum3872 4 года назад +64

    I made a homebrew halfling "soup caster" who's max level is three and used "soup servings" instead of spell slots and was able to create soup at will that would be able to restore soup servings and heal you 2 hit points. Also every 10,000 soup bowls you drink you get 3 more max hit points. You used constitution for EVERYTHING besides skills, your casting item is a soup bowl and a later level spell would turn it into a soup kettle.

    • @Bowserjr-wi4dn
      @Bowserjr-wi4dn 4 года назад +5

      Just hearing all of this made me think of GIOVANNI POTAGE!, and I swear I died laughing reading this. XD

    • @warlordofbars9074
      @warlordofbars9074 4 года назад +2

      @@Bowserjr-wi4dn Get ready for my LAVA BALLLL
      "Mmm, tastes like tomato and basil?"

    • @niconicer6463
      @niconicer6463 4 года назад +1

      Basically get a fat large race or even a dragon and just serve them soup for a price and watch them get unstoppable

  • @victorbaez8673
    @victorbaez8673 4 года назад +71

    I had a bard that convinced herself she was a barbarian. Also she played mayonaise and a double barrel shotgun as instruments

    • @Dinoman972
      @Dinoman972 4 года назад +18

      Huh, I guess mayonaise is an instrument after all.

    • @spoofsmcjenkins2807
      @spoofsmcjenkins2807 4 года назад +6

      I like to use harboning as my instrument so I'm never without one. Thank you Rigby.

    • @gabrialsperka422
      @gabrialsperka422 3 года назад

      @@Dinoman972 ruclips.net/video/A5jnftBQw2U/видео.html

    • @mohamedehab9342
      @mohamedehab9342 3 года назад +1

      I need details.

    • @dnddrawings550
      @dnddrawings550 3 года назад +3


  • @thejohnhopkinscompany9599
    @thejohnhopkinscompany9599 4 года назад +5

    I discovered in Pathfinder you can buy rats, and when you make a Pathfinder character you start with a certain amount of gold to spend on items to start the game with, which can include rats.
    Long story shot I have an emergency character called the Rat Lord, who is a 90 year old naked man with 2,000,000 pet rats that I can bring into play if I get killed in an unfair way.

    • @gabrialsperka422
      @gabrialsperka422 3 года назад

      And I will see you, my good sir, in my nightmares 😂😂😂

  • @SixsecondsCinema
    @SixsecondsCinema 4 года назад +6

    My absolute favorite character to DM for was a 5e Gnome Mounted Fighter named Borellius Timb and his trusty Saint Bernard steed, Sir Buford.
    The silliness came from the backstory and Sir Buford's stats. Timb was a squire recruit for our world's Court of Gnomes, training in hopes of knighthood. On one recon mission, he encountered Sir Buford, who happened to be dragging Timb's charmed body from a burning building. Buford saved Timb's life, bonded to Timb as his mount and, due to his bravery, was immediately knighted with Timb as his "squire."
    Now Timb was your average 10s in all stats Fighter. This was mainly bc Buford was the real star of the show; the player wanted to build Buford like an actual separate player character with class and all. We eventually settled that Buford had no class or race bonuses, but he did have a VERY limited selection of spells and the player could buy his stats just as he had with Timb (point-buy system out of 50 points). Buford had 5 Str, 5 Dex, 5 Int, 5 Wis, 5 Con, and 25 CHARISMA! He would often make treaties or negotiate with merchants just by staring at them and looking just too goddamn cute.

  • @briangalindo2
    @briangalindo2 4 года назад +21

    I made an elven bard named "Bella Elfine", and yes that entails exactly what you're expecting. I ended up actually really getting involved in her character and making her a recurring NPC in the campaign I DM'd following that one. I also made a monster called "Mr. Tusk" based on the main character of the horror movie "Tusk" (inside joke with my party), but then someone ruined it by taking a bite out of him...yeah, that player ended up getting kicked from our party for several reasons, including that.

  • @getmeoutoftheyoutubeservers
    @getmeoutoftheyoutubeservers 4 года назад +34

    boatholomew "boaty" mcboatface, a ua-style warforged fighter who, through rule abuse, could turn into a boat

  • @youphooymayers246
    @youphooymayers246 3 года назад +4

    As a DM I've created a lot of characters. One of my favorites probably being Ocean man. A 7 foot tall crab like man that travels the seas in a giant hermit crab, its shell turned into a shop and house. Whenever he is near my players, I start playing ocean man (on repeat until he leaves again) and they get excited. As a little bit more flavor, he talks in sign language. Not with hand gestures. No, no, he holds up signs with prewritten text. He always comes bearing 3 super weird magic items and soon after he and his hermit crab store jump into the ocean once more as Ween's Ocean Man fades into the distance.

  • @basbarbeque6718
    @basbarbeque6718 4 года назад +19

    The silliest character I've made is one I haven't even played yet, the campaign he'll be in should start upcoming wednesday.
    It's a Kobold beastmaster Ranger (homebrew ranger rework) who's animal companion is an incredibly dimwitted Dragonborn he adopted as his brother.

  • @trystandupre1663
    @trystandupre1663 4 года назад +21

    A wizard with intelligence as a dump stat. His highest stat was dex and con. He had no damage cantrips. Not even any spells that made enemies make saving throws. Just buffing spells. He was a human with weapon master feat for extra dex and access to a hand crossbow then crossbow expert feat at fourth level for a second attack per turn. Then at 5th level I got the haste spell for 3 attacks a turn, and +2 ac from haste, +3 ac from mage armor, and +5 ac from insane dex. For a smooth 20 ac without even welding a shield.

    • @goolabbolshevish1t651
      @goolabbolshevish1t651 4 года назад +3

      You would likely love the Kensai magus from pathfinder or the war mage from 3.5 2nd handbook.
      Both are allot like that (use magic to buff melee, and deliver spell attacks through weapons)

  • @gavisas
    @gavisas 4 года назад +17

    As it turns out, I'm in a pirate-based campaign where I am literally playing Kermit the Frog from "Muppet Treasure Island." He's a particularly tragic character, as when his Grung self met the Half-Orc Ms. Piggy and fell in love, they were necessarily parted when they discovered that he was poisonous the first time she kissed him.

    • @johnanvik6537
      @johnanvik6537 3 года назад +1

      I DMed for a player playing a green grung named Kermit
      They were a high level monk that developed a reputation for being unstable and unkillable. They joined the party after escaping prison for war crimes.
      They routinely beat or nearly beat the modules bosses in one round.
      They eventually became the patron of another games War Cleric as the god of destruction and chaos

  • @leesure3015
    @leesure3015 4 года назад +9

    Never played this character but plan to one day. Letrym, an amnesiac half-elf wild magic sorcerer who believes they are a god of the pantheon cast down to mortal form. The first thing he did was founding the "Church of Letrym" which burnt down in a baptism accident. He then founded the "First Church of Letrym" which kicked him out for blasphemy, so he founded the "Better Church of Letrym" next door only to leave after the two churches declared a mini civil war on one another. He then went to found his fourth church, the "Second Church of Letrym", and while this one lasted longer it was eventually shut down due to tax evasion. He now has begun his quest to find new loyal acolytes (which he will believe to be the party whether they are actually acolytes or not) and eventually ascend (which he will believe he is doing each time he levels up).

  • @officialswordmaster3069
    @officialswordmaster3069 4 года назад +7

    Not me but my brother. He made a frog sorcerer who only communicated through a sock puppet and ventriloquism... Or so we thought. The sock was actually sentient and had possessed the frog as a vehicle

  • @BusterBuizel
    @BusterBuizel 4 года назад +22

    Globknob Apartderperdack Kishmerga: an eldritch, neutral good, alien brain parasite controlling the dead body of a Saiga antelope wearing body armor, has mind control abilities and telekinesis. He is trying to get back to his home planet and helps anyone along the way BUT he telepathically speaks in a full monotone and has to always be in control of a host body or else species not of his own have to make a wisdom check or something to not freak out at his horrific visage

    • @omnical6135
      @omnical6135 4 года назад

      telepathic ET inside an antelope?

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 4 года назад +1

      Omnical more like the monster from Carrion only nicer to sentients. Still an obligate carnivore though

    • @alienplatypus7712
      @alienplatypus7712 4 года назад

      What in the hell did I just read? I love it.

  • @thelightningkin9161
    @thelightningkin9161 4 года назад +5

    I made a character who had to hurl himself off of every waterfall he saw he wasn't cursed or anything he just liked doing it

  • @breadrolllavelle9684
    @breadrolllavelle9684 4 года назад +10

    WHOO! finally a topic i am proud to talk about!
    Ok. so I was really liking the idea of playing a Tabaxi. I decided to base my character off a character from a show. His name was Vyrnim. He would constantly give the party anxiety. He would chill in the back saying shit like: Are you sure fucking a dragon is a good idea? Are you sure there's nothing behind you?
    Needless to say the DM loved me and my character.
    Side note: I was given the nick name: Anti Horny Anxiety Cat boi XD

  • @SniperSpy10
    @SniperSpy10 4 года назад +7

    Still yet to be played and has got some homebrew:
    Pablo Pablo, The Chicken Farmer
    Basically a special druid/Sorcerer sort of class, who has the special ability of casting spells at a high level spell slot if the spell involves a chicken in some way, (but can't reduce the cost down to 0) so they could polymorph into a chicken with a level 3 spell slot instead of the usual 4, and also have other chicken based abilities.
    His back story is he is a "war criminal" from far away, and after losing the war he fled far far away and became a chicken farmer (Obviously loosely based on the Nazis going to South America) with a very very generic name, however his alignment would be Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good as he in fact didn't commit war crimes, and just fled after really embarrassing himself flirting with someone and choose exile over embarrassment.
    Another Character I have doesn't have a name yet but the concept is it is a group of woodland creatures (rabbits, squirrels, hedgehogs etc), In a set of armour with animated scarecrow head, they would have an insane, almost game breaking, deception score to convince people that they are a foreign lord who does not speak the language, they would have a druid servant who will help with the communications

  • @lexsamreeth8724
    @lexsamreeth8724 4 года назад +34

    Zombie stoner deerman druid.
    He smoked "ghastleaf", which is essentially weed for undead.

  • @BroomPusher2024
    @BroomPusher2024 4 года назад +9

    That first character though.
    And so Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls was born

  • @davidwilliams1949
    @davidwilliams1949 4 года назад +5

    I made an angelic demon ( my group was doing a seven deadly sins theme homegroup campaign so I guess would be more like demonic goddess ) whose name was Angelica and she had the ability mimic .mimic allows the user to copy anybody else's magical ability, but the drawback is that whenever you mimic somebody's ability your version is 25% weaker in some way. example full counter (or as I like to call it magic mirror) which let's you deflect any direct magical attack back at your opponent well normally it wouldn't happen 100% of the time when using it with the mimic ability there's only a 75% chance of blocking it also you can only use it 1x your current level per day

  • @ThatFatDj
    @ThatFatDj 4 года назад +7

    Mine is one that I'm in the ready to play if my character dies now
    Its an awakened goose ancestrial barbarian named goosandre. He summons his ancestors from Honkvalla and hes a thug. He has bladed wings for his weapon. Also his "dad" the bard who awakened him cursed him because he cussed too much. So whenever he tries to its replaced with HONK

    • @tesswinker2482
      @tesswinker2482 4 года назад +1

      Are you giving him an enchanted red ribbon?

  • @BrianVaughnVA
    @BrianVaughnVA 4 года назад +8

    Positive Brian
    Rip Daddy
    Druid Dave

  • @ghostie2046
    @ghostie2046 4 года назад +2

    In my last campaign I was playing a Dragonborn bard. Our whole party was some form of chaotic, so mine was Chaotic Neutral. I made up most of her character based off of one thing: our DM had us start in a tavern and I was joking and said that I was “Dancing on the table playing the otamatone” .... um that became cannon to my character and she became a drunk chaotic Dragonborn bard that played the otamatone. Funnily enough her “dragon type” (idk the elemental type you know? Like firebreath) was poison. The best part was I was the only one with healing spells.

  • @Shadowrendx
    @Shadowrendx 4 года назад +17

    Mine was a gay, swashbuckling, dwarf, rogue who would only respond to men with extremely sexual puns even if he found them unattractive 😂😂

    • @benjamintim3542
      @benjamintim3542 4 года назад +1

      So.... basically just a rogue-bard?

    • @Shadowrendx
      @Shadowrendx 4 года назад +1

      @@benjamintim3542 Nah. I forgot to mention that me and my friends all rolled up characters at random. So we rolled for sexuality, races, classes, personality traits, everything

    • @benjamintim3542
      @benjamintim3542 4 года назад +2

      @@Shadowrendx sounds both fun and horrible. I think I'd have a hard time investing in a character that was completely random

    • @Shadowrendx
      @Shadowrendx 4 года назад +1

      @@benjamintim3542 it was purely for working on our spontaneous roleplaying

    • @ignisshadowflame1027
      @ignisshadowflame1027 3 года назад

      @@benjamintim3542 There are times doing it gives you a great character like Kalta a Kobold crime boss for me. One of her bonds gave me a good starting point for a homebrew campaign in which she hires a party to assist in killing an assassin that killed a lover. Best part the rest of her character traits played well with that as well. It is all ways a gamble making random characters but you do get good ones my. I mean I also have a barbarian that ended up being a philosopher despite low intelligence and wisdom meaning I had to roleplay making stupid sound like genius and that is much harder than you would think.

  • @enderbutits4395
    @enderbutits4395 4 года назад +1

    I made a dwarf mage once named Abrick. Funnily enough, he fell into a cast of the wall of a building in progress during a stealth quest. So that’s how Abrick became a brick.

  • @richardsoulliere
    @richardsoulliere 3 года назад +3

    I made a character named Disgruntled. Disgruntled was a dwarven architect who after an apprentice screwed up on a bridge and a piece fell on Disgruntled's head suffered from damage to the speech center of his brain. Disgruntled's real name is Disgruntolden but after his head injury he couldn't say his own name just Disgruntled. So someone asks him want a drink he says Disgruntled someone threatens his party he says Disgruntled. He can't say anything other than Disgruntled. So I have to act out and use tonal shifts to pretty much give other players a hint to what he's going to do. Laughs maniacally and says Disgruntled while rubbing his hands together while he is planning something devious. Angry he screams Disgruntled at the top of his lungs and lunges at the person or thing that pissed him off. Enemies at the gate a game of charades saying Disgruntled and waving his hands trying to tell you of the siege outside when he was left to keep an eye out by a person who didn't know he couldn't talk. Disgruntled is extremely frustrated most of the time because even though he can only say Disgruntled he is actually extremely intelligent he was a dwarven architect for God's sake. He can figure out the exact angle to shoot a boulder to destroy a seige weapon in an oncoming army in his head but can't get anyone to understand or listen.

  • @bulletmonkeyxp
    @bulletmonkeyxp 4 года назад +11

    I have four:
    1. Screech Onions, a goblin wizard who screams when hes in mortal peril, and really fuckin loves onions. Eats them like apples.
    2. Osmark the broken, a wild magic sorcerer who knows mostly evocation magic and has ptsd, because his wild magic has the tendancy to trigger and do terrible shit.
    3.Abuela, a very elderly Hispanic grandmother (halfling so that shes very small) who is looking for her grandson that was kidnapped and uses her shoe to beat people into submission with her sandal. This is mostly when they anger her, otherwise shes generally a pacifist. She deals only nonleathal damage.
    4. Fillmore Graves, a skelleton necromancer with the voice of a 1920s radio announcer.

    • @Bowserjr-wi4dn
      @Bowserjr-wi4dn 4 года назад +3

      I love ALL OF THESE, but especially the last two. Could I possibly borrow your last one, Fillmore Graves, as an NPC for this campaign i'm making? The villains are all undead (led by a so called 'Lich King'), and I think just having this one chill skeleton who helps out the party would be really cool! If not, then either way, really cool ideas!

    • @bulletmonkeyxp
      @bulletmonkeyxp 4 года назад +3

      @@Bowserjr-wi4dn of course! He also sometimes forgets that hes a skelly boi and scares children. Othertimes he does it for shits and giggles

    • @harrogeorge7878
      @harrogeorge7878 4 года назад +1

      @@Bowserjr-wi4dn this is beautiful

    • @harrogeorge7878
      @harrogeorge7878 4 года назад

      @@bulletmonkeyxp this is beautiful

    • @Bowserjr-wi4dn
      @Bowserjr-wi4dn 4 года назад +1

      @@bulletmonkeyxp Thank you! I might come back to this comment after my party has met him, just to share what they think of him. XD

  • @anguishedcarpet
    @anguishedcarpet 4 года назад +14

    My silliest character wasnt in DnD it was actually in world of darkness which is a horror game. I was the poltergeist of a mafia don who was on the less than pleasant end of a successful bloody coup, and i was bound to a cane. MY old cane. Normally that would make for an awful character, normally binding yourself to an object or place or whatever makes you stronger (iirc), but you cant move outside of like 50 feet or w/e of your chosen talisman, location etc. I got around this by good old fashioned teamwork. Another buddy wanted to play a promethean (frankenstein monsters), and we thought itd be cool if he was the resurrected corpse of my loyal body guard, who sought out my effects and is now bound to me through the power of my cane. So even though we were bound at the hip, a combination of my poltergeist powers, possessions and fucking yeeting the cane around, i got to maintain maximum strength ghost powers

  • @tallymarkz2506
    @tallymarkz2506 4 года назад +2

    Back when my friend was running Storm King's Thunder, I decided to make an Orc barbarian with the entire goal of being the strongest and lifting heavy things, I named him Tyrok the Strong and went from there. First session, he couldn't remember anyones name because of his 6 Int so he called our cleric Healy Man, our rogue The Cat, and our witch the Annoying Bird. A few notable moments was when we interrogated a goblin to see how many of his group might still be left and Tyrok got a headache from all the big words, miscounted 13 on his fingers and proceeded to smash the goblin because no one was able to stop him in time so we lost our only insider knowledge on the town.
    Our druid, Dumb Druid, formerly the witch who died in session one, was making fun of Tyrok so he threw her into a large river and then went to take a leak in it. The druid being upset turned into an alligator and bit him right on the dick, while he was peeing into her mouth at that point, he then ran over to Healy Man yelling in pain with his bleeding dick flopping around.
    We ended up calling that campaign 'The Adventures of Tyrok and the Healy Man' because they were the only ones who didn't die the entire length of the game.

  • @lockwoan01
    @lockwoan01 4 года назад +2

    With the release of Theros, and having been watching the song "One Last Hope" from Disney's Hercules, got an idea involving a Satyr who used to train Heroes, but never got recognized for his involvement for their success - most didn't even mention him in their Hero's Speech. Now he finds this party of rookies, who don't quite know what they are doing, and thus tags along to keep them alive. Idea would be to make him physically fit (strength, con, dex) and charismatic, but not exactly the wisest or smartest (or I might alter the charisma and strength to just make him average strength and average charisma, yet fast, hardy, wise and intelligent) and make him a Purple Dragon Knight.

  • @ala5530
    @ala5530 4 года назад +1

    So, Wheel of Time campaign. The party are all Hunters for the Horn of Valere. No-one else wanted to play a Fighter for the inevitable combats with Trollocs, Myrddraal and Whitecloaks (we had a Bard, a Rogue, a Ranger, and an Aes Sedai novice, plus an Aiel that followed the party around from a distance. Well, there was another Rogue and a Fighter who joined halfway through the campaign, but at the start- no real main-line combatants).
    So I dutifully rolled up a Fighter (a fairly standard polearms fighter), decided he was from Illian, and named him Pra Finn. The Illianer accent and dialect tends to just insert the verb "to be", always in the infinitive, alongside or in the place of any verb, so his speech was always peppered with stuff like "Yesterday, I be walking along the river," "I do be fighting these drunks in the tavern," or, to introduce himself "I be Pra Finn." Yes, that tortured pun (ibuprofen) is why I named him that. No I will not apologise.
    Now, Pra Finn's silliness doesn't end with a stupid accent. We were guesting in a lord's cast, and the GM decided to handle the overnight downtime activities we were doing by having one of the lord's servants stop in at each of our rooms to check on us, see if we needed anything, etc. and have each player describe what he servant saw when he opened the door. Well it was fairly standard (bard writing a song, rogue practicing coin tricks, ranger sharpening his sword) until he came round to me and I just blurt out "Pra Finn is waltzing around the room with his halberd" What. "That's right, he's practising dancing, using his halberd as a prop. As the servant enters, he's just finishing up a waltz and is about to go into a gavotte when he realises someone is watching and freezes."
    From that point until the end of the campaign, Pra Finn would sneak away from the party and practise a different dance each time we made camp.

  • @Xhanes13
    @Xhanes13 4 года назад +1

    I have an ongoing character named Phblthp (he goes by Phillip) Who is an order of the lycan blood hunter. He is also a were-rabbit. Anytime someone asks about his name, his only response is "My parents hated vowels."

  • @jacobcrumpton4643
    @jacobcrumpton4643 4 года назад +3

    It's between this video and the new crit role video.
    This one lost the coin flip. I shall return!

    • @BrianVaughnVA
      @BrianVaughnVA 4 года назад +1

      Why not both!

    • @jacobcrumpton4643
      @jacobcrumpton4643 4 года назад +2

      @@BrianVaughnVA I can't focus like that. Trust me, I'd love to.

  • @eiffapearson4628
    @eiffapearson4628 4 года назад +1

    Because of my character consistently poking people as a form of introduction, aracocra circle of the stars Druid who is only 5, it is now canon that poking is a appropriate form of greeting in some Druid circles

  • @RayPoreon
    @RayPoreon 4 года назад +1

    I had a human character that dresses in long robes, pointy purple hat, staff topped with a crystal and rides on a unicorn(actually a glitzed up warhorse). He introduces himself to every npc with "hello, I'm a wizard", over the top accent and all.
    He's not a wizard, he's a paladin that just has good enough deception to bullshit his way into people listening to him.

  • @tr4nsg0th1ca
    @tr4nsg0th1ca 2 года назад

    I made a dual class necromancer/bard whose major goal was to start a Vaudeville act. His main toadie was a HUGE risen orc thrall who wore a tuxedo & top hat, and they'd tap dance and sing "puttin on the ritz".
    I retired him after he achieved his goal (first show was a moderate success, second show was met with a packed tavern & critical acclaim, and the rest is history). the DM made him into a recurring NPC; we now occasionally get treated to seeing them perform at taverns we walk into. He even made it so if one of our characters dies, they could opt to donate their corpse to the performance!

  • @douglasburck1611
    @douglasburck1611 4 года назад +1

    I was playing with my character generator when I made Minerva. She's 4th level in 8 classes. That's how I discovered I could exceed 20th level if I multyclassed. Minerva can cast 6th level spells despite being a 4th level priest, warlock,artificer,bard and fighter among others.

  • @immortalmonk2891
    @immortalmonk2891 4 года назад +2

    If anyone is wondering about reroll.
    I took the chance on it and I am happy with the app. It is quite fun. (Not a plug).
    The free trial of the app is helpful as well. But I wanted more character options. Made art for all my players

  • @genosabre6661
    @genosabre6661 4 года назад +1

    Not DnD, but Lancer. It's my first time playing a TTRPG, so I made a character that is every background character, every generic grunt rolled into on. He's a pilot who originally wanted to be mechanic but ended up being registered to the wrong class. He just rolled with it, thinking it's okay since he still gets to learn how to work on and maintain machinery.
    He befriended the mechanics and technicians in Hangar #3 and spends all his free time in between classes there tinkering and maintaining his mech until he gets so tired that he ends up falling asleep anywhere there. What made this silly is he is very easy to miss and very hard to find as he's very forgettable and stealthy. His sleeping anywhere is a common thing and the mechanics and the academy staff only hear his snoring. It became so bad that his falling asleep in class and during training earned him the callsign; 'Sleepyhead', but he delivered and passed with average scores and grades.
    On the day of the academy's graduation I was split between using Sleepyhead or another character so I asked the GM if I could check if he's awake. I have to roll a d20 and get 10 or above. He's dead asleep and went to using my other character. The academy was suddenly under attack by an empire with a giant floating robot head for a superweapon.
    Every chance I can get, I checked if he's awake. All we knew was he's in one of the mechs and is sleeping like a rock. After a dozen of bad rolls, he woke up only at the very end of the session and since then became known as two urban legends: 'The Snores of Room 13' and 'The Ghost of Hangar 3'. He survived graduation day, by the way.

  • @mutiethecat
    @mutiethecat 4 года назад +1

    Richard Swolesword the third. A human bard whose magic came from exotic sword dancing just like his father and grandfather.

  • @bostonian4650
    @bostonian4650 2 года назад +1

    Probably no one will see this, but one of the friends in my group decided they wanted to get some friends together for dnd. Now I’ve never played before but I’ve always wanted to. (Before I forget this takes place in a modern setting with a lot of fantasy stuff still included.) While she was teaching me all the stuff about how to make a character and I saw some characteristics I could choose from and got an idea. So basically now my character is basically Warlock Columbo and my best friend made Wizard Saul Goodman. I already love this game.

  • @JCook-dx5pf
    @JCook-dx5pf 4 года назад +1

    Working on my first-ever character. Organizing games is difficult for my group because two of us (DM and his wife) live in Nova Scotia, while the majority of the party live in Ontario. My wife and I have a 7-year-old and the other two have a 3-year-old.
    Anyway, my first-ever character is a rock gnome ranger named Brobdingagian Hercule Montaine Tremend Robustus Banner ("Biggins" to his friends). Each of his names is a pun/synonym for "big".
    You might be wondering why I've gone to the trouble to make a small character with a list of big-names that takes a whole action to say; that's because Biggins Inherited his grandfather's underpants: his Big Boy Pants. The Big Boy Pants are a magic item crafted by my DM and I that, when an ounce of iron fillings are placed into the opening in the front of them, they cause the wearer to double in size for 16 hours. I can't wait for our Session Zero to introduce him to the party; even my wife doesn't know much about him!

  • @LordDukane
    @LordDukane 4 года назад

    Reroll is awesome! I actually printed the pictures on a folding double-sided card stock so that it could be inserted into a stand and used as a mini. Made for an amazing session!

  • @alarkhar
    @alarkhar 4 года назад

    My silliest character was an AD&D character - one of my personal favorites, in fact. We were going for a short run in Krynn (y'know, Dragonlance) and the DM told us that we could use any official race from the Dragonlance handbooks. So... well, I made Big Tom.
    Tom's mother, dying after an attack from monsters, left him as a newborn in the main plaza of a kender village - so he was raised as a kender. Stylishly dressed, with a confident smile, wielding the traditional Hoopak (kender's weapon), friend to everyone. Problem is, nobody ever had the heart to tell him that he was not, in fact, a very, very tall Kender - but a fully grown adult OGRE.
    So the party ended up with a twelve feet tall kender fighter/rogue with enough strength to pulverize rock and a hoopak the size of a tree.

  • @apachegoboom
    @apachegoboom 3 года назад

    I have a character, one a friend made and played for one of my campaigns.
    Nekos the Old: a Tortle paladin who swore by the religion of cheese. He had a secret he needed to keep, but his flaw was that he couldn’t keep secrets to save his life, and he was horribly awkward at conversation despite having proficiency in persuasion and a +4 charisma modifier. So he was essentially able to talk circles around people for hours and spill secrets but convince NPCs to take it to their graves. And one day our sorcerer kept missing with firebolt (everyone was level 3 at the time) and setting things on fire, in a forest. This happened several times. The first time the paladin asked if he could call upon the cheese gods to pray the fire away. I said sure but you’ll need to roll high. He gets a Nat20. By the power of the cheese gods, several wheels of cheese materialized and smothered the fire. And each time that day when our sorcerer missed with firebolt, the solution solution was for the tortle to pray the fire away, and it worked every time with Nat 20s each time.

  • @user-tl6jr2ez7s
    @user-tl6jr2ez7s 2 года назад

    Goose Bard named Daffodil. Carries a full sized grand piano everywhere (don’t question it). Wears a kilt and a bow tie, and speaks Shakespearean with a heavy Scottish accent. Can’t wait to get a chance to play him.
    In the event that he dies, he has 2 brothers (Dandelion who plays a harpsichord and Daisy who plays the church organ), and a sister (Death Metal, who plays the lyre. In a normal, calm, and soft fashion).
    Also all of them can play the bagpipes.

  • @ethanstrydom7331
    @ethanstrydom7331 4 года назад +2

    My next character
    Hes a barbarian fighter, who thinks hes a bard and always attempts to charm seduce but has extremely low charisma and int

  • @taragwendolyn
    @taragwendolyn 4 года назад +3

    I've had an idea percolating for a one-shot for some time now -- a Kenku who was adopted by two gay dads, and only speaks in dad jokes...

  • @AntonioHachi
    @AntonioHachi 3 года назад +1

    Mastére Bétér, Spellcaster Extraordinaire. Only played him in a one shot. He was a half elf with a level or two in every single caster class. His spells were all low level but he had around 20 cantrips. The rest of the party hated him.

  • @oneleghendo5239
    @oneleghendo5239 4 года назад

    A changeling trickster cleric named Claude. He was also the group chef(Terry), the local stable master(Eugene), and a shopkeeper(Casandra).

  • @silvanusasher446
    @silvanusasher446 5 месяцев назад

    A swiftstride shifter rogue that i reflavored as a wererat.
    Most people optimize for combat or skill. I optimized him to be bad.
    In battle he used a sickle with a -1 to his Strength score, meaning he could easily deal 0 damage on a hit.
    He wasn't useless by any means, just more optimized for exploration and interactions.
    I gave him the Tough feat with a high Constitution score so his antics could get him blown up by wizards, stomped by trolls and golems, and dropped down deep holes --- basically flatened like a cartoon before popping back up again.
    I only got to play him for one session, but he was well recieved.

  • @calemr
    @calemr 2 года назад

    "My silliest character was also my most broken". Yeah, that's familiar.
    Friend of mine was running a pre-written campaign (So I had less incentive to focus on my character's story) that was allegedly very Kick-In-The-Door focus (So we wouldn't be Role playing much, more focus on the combat aspect).
    So I went "Little talking? I'm gonna challenge myself to make a Charisma build then."
    End result, I think I had 4 classes, Charisma to: AC, attack and damage, initiative, bonus to all saves, spell casting. It was also replacing Dex for AC, Reflex saves, and a few skill checks as I could use Perform: Dance instead.
    I could buff myself as a swift action, aiming for Luck bonuses as they were increased further by a trait, then throw a star knife (Think a chakram but with 4 spikes), and it would bounce around the room hitting multiple enemies before returning to my hand.
    He was called "The prettiest Half-orc in the world" by the party, his dance checks were so good that extra-dimensional beings were drawn to watch, and he was reaching the same Charisma as an Avatar of the god of beauty.
    He never got my last desire, which was a way to become an intelligent undead without dropping his various bonuses gained from good aligned divine abilities. It would have swapped his HP per level from Con to Charisma.

  • @cozmikcastaway
    @cozmikcastaway 4 года назад

    AD&D 2E...I made a Gnome Illusionist/Thief who had split personality disorder and thought he was a doctor. He wore the traditional doctors lab coat and carried the traditional doctors bag which contained all his thieving tools. Every time he picked a lock it was an “operation” and he donned his surgical mask. He even made attempts to “heal” the party with mixed results....since he had no first aid kit. Loved playing him 😎

  • @ryanp11
    @ryanp11 3 года назад

    Blubberfoot Snackelsnatch, the bearfolk rogue with no boundaries who only ever used his light fingers and stealthy disposition to steal food.

  • @spamuel98
    @spamuel98 4 года назад

    I made a dire wolf pup bard who was (at least in his background) cursed with the worst immortality ever for chewing a god's shoe. He could sustain wounds left and right, and while none of them would kill him, he didn't get magical pain killers and he didn't heal super fast. He ended up using the "message" cantrip to communicate with people and just being cute was his performance whenever he needed to persuade or heal someone.

  • @stormdraeving5402
    @stormdraeving5402 3 года назад

    Hearing the talk at the end helped my brainbecome way less jadded after this horrible day. Thank you

  • @SebastienPatriote
    @SebastienPatriote 3 года назад

    In 3.5, there was a prestige class named the Exemplar where you would over specialise in a skill of your choice. ANY skill. You could get crazy bonuses, use that skill instead of a diplomacy check as long as that skill was not used to threaten. Not only did you have crazy bonuses to the skill, but using the skill gave crazy bonuses.
    When "threatened" to have to roll a new character (the threat was made as a joke, the DM was not being a jerk), I reminded the DM of the existence of that class, and the fact that "Profession" was a skill, and the any profession could be used for that skill, and that "Prostitution" was a profession.
    I actually made the character, I propably still have the sheet somewhere. I never got to play it though, but I always brought it to my sessions, in case the DM went through with his threat. He never did, and the fact that I had that character ready might have been the reason lol

  • @alexandrlidin2323
    @alexandrlidin2323 4 года назад +1

    The sorcerer-merchant story reminds me of the warforged artificer I played in heavily modified Curse of Strahd campaign. He had this "creation must become a creator" theme. So, he's personal goal was to create an iron golem. Before the first session began, I asked the DM for crowbar built-in into my characters hand. He agreed. Needless to say, each location our party visited was left ironless. Our unofficial moto became "We will steal everything not nailed to the walls, then the nails!". After almost five years in game time, Tristan the iron golem was finally born. He got his name from a warlock ho was my character's best friend, and ho died during one of the toughest battles of the campaign. Tristan helped us siege the castle of Ravenloft, and was left in Strahd's place after we left, as machine without feelings couldn't be corrupted by dark powers, and as a final amazh to the warlock, as he's personal goal was to become the lord of Barovia. In some wicked way he achieved he's goal, as the golem had warlocks skull forged into it's forehead.
    Tldr: Warforged artificer pays last amazh to he's dead warlock friend by forging he's skull into an iron golem.
    Sry for misspellings, English isn't my first or even second language.

  • @muffiniepuffs6365
    @muffiniepuffs6365 4 года назад

    Let me tell ya the story of Belts, the rope monkey. We were playing a 3.5 campaign, and the dm premade characters. Belts is what I named the half elf with a crazy bonus to use rope. I think it was +15, I forget. He never failed to set a tap or work with ropes, and this being a pirate one shot, it came up more than you'd think.
    But belts had amnesia, and only remembered a belt lashing him to some wood adrift at sea, and the captain pulling him out of the water.
    After that, he was basically a JoJo villan. His leather armor was just belts he had scavenged, and he was obsessed with getting more belts, specifically the ones with pockets to carry stuff. Chaotic neutral, I guess? He didn't care about treasure save a golden belt, which he wore like a crown.
    It was a dumb character, but I had to find something for a background, and I though of belts.

  • @babayaga6914
    @babayaga6914 3 года назад

    Yakfolk cleric with short term memory loss. If he rolled a nat 1 to attack someone he had to spend the next round looking around the room wondering what he was doing.

  • @RotaAbyssian
    @RotaAbyssian 4 года назад

    Two of my silliest characters are ones I haven't played yet, but suuuuuuuuper excited to play. "The One Known as Stanley"(that is his name and how he introduces himself), the Monk of the Open Hand (aka improv weapon/ Jackie Chan Monk) who is a Gillman who cannot speak Aboleth or swim, but does speak in broken Japanglish phrases/ improper Japanese in a surfer dude accent whilst being a ginger. The other is Oswald the Obsequious, a Hobgoblin Paladin of Iomedae the Lawful Good Goddess of Pathfinder. Both have boistrous personalities, some silliness, but enough depth to not make them COMPLETE punchlines.

  • @Saber0003
    @Saber0003 4 года назад

    Mine is a tie at the moment. First up, is Sticky, a Kobold Beastmaster Ranger/Spore Druid who rode his Spider Companion, and used a whip. He was full of undeserved pride and self confidence, and often tried to make slaves of any encounters. When a party member used Speak with Animals to speak with Sticky's Spider(named Peanut) they discovered even it was an unwilling slave. Oh, and the voice I used ended up sounding a lot like Stitch so that's fun.
    The second is Erky, an old Gnome Artificer, who's beard has been stained in a rainbow of colors from hastily drinking his alchemist brews. The plethora of experimental potions hes drank has also made him completely crazy, to the point where he has a fictional rival named Gimble who I can blame *anything* on. The best part is, the party is dumb as rocks, so they believe Gimble is real just as much as Erky does.

  • @knedoshane
    @knedoshane 3 года назад

    Dwarven Fighter/Thief, 2nd Edition, who wanted to be a bard (not allowed back then). He played the bagpipes. Especially at night or on guard duty/watch. He would frequently stay out of battles so that he could "inspire" the group with his pipeing skills...

  • @kaydwessie296
    @kaydwessie296 2 года назад

    My uncle wouldn't stop asking my dad and his friends if he could play DnD with them. He decided to let him since they needed a healer. My dad made him a character named Derek the Cleric, he was bald and weird looking.
    I love naming clerics Derek because of this. It rhymes so well

  • @galbert117
    @galbert117 3 года назад

    To date I think my silliest was my Arcane Trickster Rogue. He was the 3rd strongest character in a party of 8 (1st & 2nd being the Paladin and Warlock, both of whom switch places as being the strongest). I could make such a high SoH check that I could steal things before people even finished one blink, could literally hide out in the open, modified the Mirror Image spell so that it was bascially Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu and the Images could perform the same attack/spell/action I performed as well as protect other party members, was able to get a longsword that had the finesse property (don't even ask how that happened...I honestly don't remember much, just that the DM had me go on a solo quest that I barely survived), could deal the most damage to a single entity (I'm a lvl 20 Rogue, had a magical longsword with the finesse property and had so many enchantments on it that it dealt a total of 40d8/d10 variable elemental damage on top of its basic 1d8/d10) and eventually purchased a dimension hopping galleon from the Warlock that had infinite space on the inside.

  • @onieli
    @onieli 4 года назад

    My sister created an anime magical girl (Sailor Moon Style) in DnD. She was a half-elf celestial warlock that specialized in ranged combat and support.
    Her backstory was that "she was an ordinary high school girl until an angel came down and gave her magic powers in order to fight for the amazingness that is the powers of justice and light!"
    Needless to say, it was full of anime tropes.

  • @bonel0rd326
    @bonel0rd326 4 года назад

    Made a character back in 3.5e called Killgor he was a Half-Orc Bard-Barian. Yep I multiclassed him as a Bard/Barbarian and took the feats Extra Rage and other fun ones to turn him into a mid range supporter who could suddenly rush into the front line with an Orc War Chant on his lips after buffing the party and fly into a rage with his Battleaxe.
    Oddly this character worked extremely well despite having low Dex/Int a decent Wis and high Str/Con/Cha. The silliness came in the fact that everyone thought his voice was like screeching metal and that he would Inspire Competence by doing Strongman Poses and Flexing.

  • @Zeniths7
    @Zeniths7 4 года назад +1

    I mean.. A character I'm playing in an upcoming campaign is literally an awakened cat. A once-familiar-turned-thief with a huge sense of sarcasm

  • @lordowl3533
    @lordowl3533 3 года назад

    Doctor Blizzard, the Lizard Wizard. A lizardfolk wizard with ice powers. He can also summon lizards, geckos, salamanders, etc, and turn people/creatures into lizards, geckos, salamanders, etc. His alignment kind of just depends on whether or not he's had his coffee or not that day, but most times is chaotic neutral. Last time I played this character was about 3 years ago in somewhat of a meme campaign (we fought a shrek-topus) and we went into a desert city when everyone was at a pretty high level, had our rogue go bet everyone he could find 50 gold that it was gonna snow that night, I then "borrowed" a hot air balloon, and used my blizzard powers to make it snow after several amazing rolls. I think I ended up with like 600,000 gold after giving the rogue his share

  • @A_JinglyRabbit
    @A_JinglyRabbit 4 года назад

    I made a goblin NPC named Tin the Amputee
    He's a level 19 wizard that only uses illusion related spells. He doesn't talk much but if you give him something he likes, he'll talk to ya. But, he won't say anything useful.

  • @papierowyszczur9234
    @papierowyszczur9234 4 года назад

    I don't have much experience with D&D, but this is my current and longest-run character. I think that taking gimmick character and turning it serious (although weird) is a great idea. The concept started with:
    I play as Great Old One's gnome warlock, Gabar. But I don't want him to take his powers from bloody sacrifices and screaming Lovecraft-style. No, he gets his powers from licking walls, eating flowers and occasionally bugs (which freaks out his companions, especially when he says things like "Spiders aren't that bad! They taste like shrimps.").
    Then I added more serious explanation. His patron is Gh'rgi'sh, an immaterial and a bit lonely being from The Far Realm, fascinated with Material Plane. Gabar in turn was an eccentric, theoretical researcher of the Far Realm, with family issues. Their pact means they both teach each other about their worlds and Gh'rgi'sh is obsessed with senses, especially smell and taste. Simultaneously, Gabar has problem of teaching immortal and disembodied spirit about "why I can't do that". Like "I can't eat this plant, it would make me sick." "What does sick mean" "It means you don't feel well, are weaker and you might die." "What does it mean "you don't feel well"? Also, what is death you mention so often?"

  • @edwardpaulsen1074
    @edwardpaulsen1074 4 года назад

    Quite a while back there was this great magazine called "Dragon" that specifically dealt with the realms of D&D (through many of the incarnations) as well as a couple other role playing games. Back in issue #60 (April 1982), there was an interesting new class suggestion of the "Jester" made by author Roger E. Moore... This article went into great detail in how to play and a couple months later it was brought up again in the infamous "What's New with Phil & Dixie" comedic short in the same magazine... While telling a DM friend about it a couple years later, he said that might be a fun class to try out.... I took that as a "Challenge accepted" moment as I had developed a rather twisted sense of humor at a young age (which has only gotten worse!) Thus was born the Chaotic Neutral, Half Orc/Half Dwarf/Half Human (don't ask, it just worked) First level Jester Class, "Flatulus Horrifica" or as he became known in the first Campaign "Farty McFry" (Not long after the first "Back to the Future" movie...) I would be allowed to keep the character if I played him well AND he managed to survive the campaign and the final dungeon... I did so in "clubs" (Spades are so passe)
    He had an outrageously garish, multi neon colored outfit that had a +2 to stealth (as most NPC's and creatures couldn't, and mostly wouldn't believe what they were seeing)... He also started off with a small hoard of illusionist spells and a couple low level mage and "healer" spells (laughter is the best medicine after all)... He also had much of the usual repertoire of slapstick comedy items he could pull out of a "Mysterious Bag of Almost Holding" (some things could "escape" at times) as well as the ability to let out the most eye-watering, nose curdling, "stenches that can clear a room" almost at will (think of a 20ft radius cross of a sleep/panic spell, if you saved against getting knocked out you still had to roll again on panicked fleeing)... slowly but surely he gained levels throughout the campaign and my poor friends who played very quickly learned to watch me out of the corner of their eye whenever they took a drink or ate anything...
    Long story short, "Farty" not only survived the campaign, but now everyone wanted him along on their adventures... So, he just kept "growing" and earning levels and getting ever more outrageous, and the DM (in a fit of insanity and much to his later chagrin) had awarded me a mock weapon after winning the next main quest... A +5 "Magic Rubber Chicken" (with a sarcastic personality)... I was then allowed to "choose" and roll up to three stats and I chose a "sonic squeaker" weapon that could incapacitate a 30 foot radius for 3 melee rounds (it eventually got worse), it also functioned as a +3 sapping bludgeon (that sometimes worked in very weird ways), and finally it was able to shoot minor fire darts (almost more of a short range annoyance) out of it's "backside"... (those grew more powerful and varied a bit later) After several campaigns and rising up several levels, I finally "self-capped" him and started playing for "renown" instead of XP (although I would still get a share with some of the loot) and the sheer joy of cracking my friends up...
    I eventually moved into online games and Flatulus Horrifica is more of a fond memory than an active character anymore... partly because it is harder to find a group to play D&D with, much less one that will accept such an outrageous character as anything more than a mostly NPC type of "advisor"... But fear not... if One were to look around a bit in one or two online MMORPG's... one may still find Flatulus Horrifica, running around and "blinding" other characters and stirring up laughter!

  • @smileyexe5613
    @smileyexe5613 3 года назад

    I made a war forged war blade named rust. Not just that I befriended a rust sudo- dragon named Copper, I had to wear gloves to keep my metal from falling apart and being eaten by him.

  • @sociallysupreme7101
    @sociallysupreme7101 4 года назад +2

    This isn't a character, just a wild magic story.
    So I, the dm, had my party of two raid a Manor to kill the owner inside. They found the guy, and my brother, rolled the wild magic table and grew another size. He went from 6 feet to ten. He picked up a guard, smashed him on the floor a few times and threw him through the wall of the bad guys study. They also brought up the will.
    They now own an 800,000gp Manor they called Ted.

  • @marcelohomenxmacaco2557
    @marcelohomenxmacaco2557 4 года назад +6

    So.... my DM came whith a new distribuition sistem, where he gave a certain quantity of Status points, equals to 60, and you split then as you will, between the stats. If you didnt noticed, if you just put 10 on every stat, you aint good in nothing, the funny part of the sistem, is that everybody will get a bad status and a good status, not like the "Roll X Dice 4 Status" that is 100% Randown. Well so I, a Degenerated, just made my Human Barbarian, wich gave me 66 points in the start, with 15 Strenght. 20 Dex. 20 Const. And all else, was betwen 2 and 5. His name on the computer: Retard. But thanks 2 the Bard in my party, who told he would sing "Jojo Songs" I just named it "Star Platinum" and comited to the Punch Only Barbarian, whith 20 CA LV1. But I guess my character isnt very silly, since our campain is more silly. Whe are right now, praying to, a god, that manifests in a Table. Whe have a city full of "Cultists", and Fanatics, where the "Royal Guard" is the "Oven Heads".
    So silly characters silly campaing I guess XD (I love my party and DM)

  • @sniclops15
    @sniclops15 3 года назад

    Not my own character, but my cousin's.
    Arthur Law was a character he created for our homebrew wild west session. His story was that he is the son of a Mayor in another town named Justice (Yes, Mayor Justice Law is his dad...). His dad kicked him out of the house and told him to come back only after he did something that was actually exciting for once, and gave him one six-shot revolver. Thing is, Arthur doesn't dream of becoming a gunslinger. He wants to be a brawler. So when his dad gave him the gun, he secretly switched it out for blanks. His gun deals no damage with the shots, but has a massive intimidation factor. When he DOES want to do damage, he "Throws the gun - WITH GUSTO!" while screaming "NYEEEHH"

  • @ZomgLolPants
    @ZomgLolPants 4 года назад

    My current character is a draconic bloodline kobold sorcerer/warlock in 5e using a homebrew patron that's an ancient bronze dragon who grants power to adventurers in exchange for living vicariously through the stories he gains by sharing a mind.

  • @curtisfranzen986
    @curtisfranzen986 3 года назад

    My personal favorite goofy PC was named Uh' Laag Dawgson. Now Uh' Laag was a 1/2 orc. He was 6'5" weighed 350, and was solid muscle. His only weapon is a LARGE tree branch. Uh' Laag is chaotic good.

  • @theermac6024
    @theermac6024 4 года назад

    One dm I played with ruled out that you can put people in bags of bolding as long as they could breathe. But the thing is that I was playing a necromancer, so I asked if I could stuff corpses into bags of holding, which he allowed.
    We went to fight with the Big Vampire we were hunting down and I had a whole ass army prepared before we entered his room. We didn't even get to fight him, the dead did all the work thanks to our bard that just got a bunch of wood poles and lit them all on fire with magic and distributed to all the undead. When we bear him, we just kind of shrugged and went "Well, that was easy". I never derailed a boss fight this hard in my life.

  • @theonethathungers5552
    @theonethathungers5552 3 года назад

    A Halfling cleric that was extremely short, even for a Halfling. She used a mace as big as she was and had a burning hatred for anything undead or a creator of the undead. We played descent into Avernus, so when we heard about the Dead Three, she became very aggressive trying to find them.

  • @sabliath9148
    @sabliath9148 4 года назад

    "Talon" the Awakened Deinonychus Monk.
    How this this character come about? Long story short, the only major city in several hundred miles was under siege by two armies of low tier foes: one was a large Kobold Clan, while the other army was a Goblin Horde. The city was caught in the middle, as both wanted to take it over. A local druid, knowing the region would need more defenders to protect it, performed a ritual, mass-casting the Awaken spell on the local Wildlife. The local wildlife happened to include dinosaurs. My character was one of those effected.
    Of course not all those effected by the spell chose to help the people of the city. an Example would be Garathorn Cragscar, the Awakened T-Rex Conquest Paladin who went on the lead the Goblin Horde.
    It was a really interesting character to play, making me think of how a totally non-humanoid character would react to various situations. For instance, in one of our earilier dungeon delves, the Kobolds released their guard Compies at us. My character ended up eating one. leading to me narrating "Talon dose not recall in the moment was the humanoids call these creatures, but 'Talon' calls the 'lunch'".

  • @Eurytus
    @Eurytus 4 года назад

    I know the whole "Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale" thing from Savage Species is a big joke, but one time my DM actually let me make it.
    My build was 4 Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice/Barbarian 1/Druid 3, level 8 start. I took a druid variant that gave me Monk bonus to AC and movement speed instead of Wild Shape (Why change shape? I'm already an anthropomorphic baleen whale.) I took barbarian for rage, the extra movement, and most importantly WEAPON PROFICIENCIES. I then proceeded to use a battle axe, had gauntlets with charges to do extra damage when expended per day, and had a belt of growth. My unarmored AC was something in the low 30s with an attack bonus in the mid 20s.
    Session one another player provoked an NPC who was actually a Vrock in disguise (CR 15) about 100 feet away from me. I proceeded to get in position, enlarge myself (to huge size) and charge in on turn 2, burn all three charges on my gauntlets, and take out half the Vrock's health in one blow. It tried to run. I used my Attack of Opportunity to grab it, then pinned it, and powered through every save it threw at me (not to mention handily keeping it pinned) to basically slowly shake it to death while our caster pinged it from a distance. We weren't supposed to fight that Vrock.

  • @pulsefel9210
    @pulsefel9210 3 года назад

    Mage: you know the only thing that could stop us is a God.

  • @Hihi-oq1ru
    @Hihi-oq1ru 3 года назад +1

    I made an Avian/Human hybrid who was a drunk sharpshooter called 'Iwan Nadie'