1- Dark Valefor 0.44 2- Dark Ifrit 2:17 3- Dark Ixion 4:59 4- Dark Shiva 9:27 5- Dark Bahamut 10:49 5- Dark Anima 21:11 5- Dark Yojimbo 31:33 6- Dark Magus Sisters 42:53
First time playing through the game i didn't even know about the dark aeons. I was walking towards mushroom rock road and got shredded by the magus sister. I didn't even know they were aeons you could obtain.
STAY AWAY FROM THE SUMMONER!!! Lol, I used to speak to that lady over and over just to hear her go "STAY AWA---STAY---ST---STAY AWAY FROM THE SUMMONER!!!"
It takes a while, but the omega ruins or inside sin are amazing places to grind. Especially with weapons that have double or triple AP. The frustrating part is finding attribute spheres to fill empty slots on the sphere grid
@@HipToBeLisa It's sort of easier on the Expert Sphere Grid; if you neglect Luck you should be able to get all attribute spheres (Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Agility, Evasion, and Accuracy) relatively easy by defeating certain monsters in the Arena (The Magic Def Spheres however are a pain to grind as you'll need to kill Jumbo Flans, and those are always like 5-10 minute battles). You can easily get all of these stats to 255 in 2-3 hours with one character (if you're also using the Don Tonberry trick for AP and farming for Stat Spheres via fighting Kottos with Distillers), and still have enough empty nodes if you want to put some more Luck Spheres down.
The Game Knight she's based on a Catholicism. she based on a painting in the Vatican that shows a naked women with her arms crossed standing waist deep in hellfire.
i remember i ran into dark shiva by accident my god xD i never understood how to beat them. but after replaying the game multiple times i finally beat them all :D
Rosa P. I need major training lol I've not even gotten their best weapons or all the aeons yet.. bumped into valevore and died lol though last time I bumped into the magus sisters and instant died XD
I only found out about the dark aeons on accident. I was going back through the plains and saw that soldier, so instinct kicked it to talk, then found that dark Ixion and got my @$$ jolted by thundja.
Brian04510 I think maxed out celestial weapons won't be enough, unless you plan to do heavy grinding for stat raising, cause he killed your team as fast as dark Ixion did with me because of their crazy agility.
@Brian04510 a late comment but there are two strategies to survive wakizashi... 1) NON BHPL STRAT: You need auto-protect on your gear. After that either auto potion(Sell all regular potions and have 99 x potions only in your inventory) and manually revive, or auto phoenix (manually heal). On top of that you need you need firstrike on a weapon. You can use Auron's celestial weapon or customize your own weapon. At the start of battle instead of him ambushing you instead you will get the first turn. At this point you can switch to Rikku and have her cast HyperNullAll. This gives cheer x5 to reduce wakizashi under 9999hp. Or you can use Hyper Mighty G like in this video which will give everyone auto life (free raise). If your rikku isnt levelled up you will have to switch to aeons everytime yojimbo gets a turn which takes even longer (they will die but them dying isnt a game over so you get to avoid all his attacks basically). This strat is harder and equires more setup in battle as you can see but less time to prepare. Look at 35:30 to see how close you can come to dying if not properly concentrating. His auto phoenix raises rikku then he uses a healing water to give everyone 9999 hp again. 2) BHPL STRAT: (BHPL+Ribbon+Auto Regen+Auto Haste). With 99,999 hp you can simply let him ambush you and then take the 20k+ wakizashi. Its impossible for him to kill you because regen will keep you alive. If you want to be overkill you can cast protect but its not needed at all. It takes 45 seconds to beat him without protect and you can just spam x while watching netflix. This is by far the best strat to farm him later for dark matters however getting the hp spheres takes a fair bit longer. The only other way to farm dark matter is by beating all the dark aeons and farming penances arms. For both strategies youre gonna need high luck otherwise you will miss dark yojombo every turn. Some choose to cast aim and luck 5 times. You also need to dispel armour break as well but heres the thing when you dispel armour break it will remove all the cheer bonuses from HyperNulAll. Dying also removes all cheers. In this video he doesnt dispel it and just lets them die and relies om auto phoenix.
I also found dark aeons by accident when I was a kid... I defeated Yunalesca then went back to the place where I fought her to see if I could sacrifice khimari to receive the ultimate Aeon XD. Then the dark Bahamut shows up and I was like oh, this must be a trial, if I can beat him I might be able to get ultimate Aeon then I saw Bahamut doing max damage and one shot me lol. After that I just went around the world to look for more dark aeons with my buddy yojimbo.
I remember my friend telling me about how to get Anima by opening all the secret chests(ps2 version) in the cloister of trials... So I went back to macalania temple to do the cloister trials and then I met dark shiva... Good memories... It’s been 16 years and I still remember every part of this game
Yep. 😂😂 dark valefor, the first time I played the remaster and had no clue about the dark aeons "I'm just gonna go back to besaid for the jecht sphere....aaaaannnnnddddd game over...."
If you really did his without any cheats aside from game guides then you rock kid! I love this game and also felt the need to grind especially when I found out about the celestial weapons and dark aeons, my most played run on this went over 150h and there were still things to beat that I never had the chance to finish.
+john lowe i know, but it takes time, all FF games I ever played had at least one saved game with 100+ hours of gameplay because at some point I would commit myself to beat all the extras.
@@claretheworm Honestly Tidus's celestial weapon is more down to luck than skill, luck you get the right seed of balloons and luck that the birds target ole girl instead of you xD. I agree it is infuriating though.
It is because they want to repeat the pilgrimage and the return of sin. Spira is full of death. So destroying Sin will only hurt the temples and the truth. The temples and U Yevon are the reason it keeps coming back.
@@yanglee3893 Pretty sure it was a joke, but it is always nice for super bosses to have a sensical reason to not just show up and one shot the final boss of the story.
Mega Bondagemon I’m having flashback to serge & Lynx (panther) from radical dreamers/Chrono Cross (Yes FFX was the idea cross presented that wasn’t the main idea of a plot but was a random thought outside the plot).
If the "right" way means boring grinding of days or even weeks then no thank you. It's a game, if there are multiple ways to solve a problem you should always go for the one that is the most fun for you. Everything else kind of beats the point of playing a game in the first place, does it not?
MarvelGirlXVII Clearly a cheap move, but not going to lie, it worked to great effect. Shows they’ve gained trust in Tidus and turned tables with the irony to Yevon.
@@ShMartinJo dark Aeons and penance were just a cheap afterthought. Add one or two 0s to every stat and hp and call it a challenge. I love the game, and did everything there is to be done; but they are what they are.
I grew up with the PS2 version, no dark aeons. Downloaded the HD one, didn’t know about these guys and saw the dude in the thunder plains. He looked out of place so I talked to him. Dark Ixion showed up and I was already super strong so I thought I’d just smack him around but I died in a couple turns. Was such a shock lol. That little summoner kid is really unsettling.
My group always Yuna+Wakka+Tidus. Yuna can tank the dark aeons overdrive with her aeons plus Anima and Magus Sisters can inflict a lot of damage. But the key is Wakka overdrive.
Might be a few years late, but I wanna share a short story. So I just got the remastered version of this on the ps4 for fun about a week ago. I remembered hearing about the dark aeons, but back whenever they were only on the japanese version of the game so I never gave them much thought. Yesterday I went back to Besaid to get something for Valefor, only to be fucking sacked by it's dark equivilant. "Oh right, those are a thing aren't they.... fuck"
Kid Summoner shows up. Yuna: awwwww...he's so cute. KS: I'll show you cute!! *battle theme commences* Lesson of the day: "Stay away from the summoner!"
My first encounter with dark Aeons was Dark Shiva. I was like 13 at that time and I would beliv'eve that no one would ever be capable of tanking those first triple hit from shiva that would wipe your team
Understand that I'm not someone who's fought all of the Dark Aeons, but if I did and even after just seeing videos like this, I think it would've been interesting to have them not immediately use their Overdrives the next turn. It'd be interesting to see them randomise when they'd use them, mix it up and keep you on edge. Granted I realise that it wouldn't make _much_ of a difference, but still...
Back to PS2 time I don't know how to get those limit breaking weapons. I beat them all with Yojimbo's "Zanmato". Except I never managed to beat Dark Yojimbo since I have to beat him 3 or 4 times altogether.
The celestial weapons are great. Getting the items to fully power some of them however.....😑 to get the sigil for Lulu's, you have to dodge 200 consecutive lightning bolts on the thunder plains. Actually much easier after I just discovered the crater trick. To get the sigil for Tidus.....the stupid chocobo race.....I actually JUST did that for the 2nd time ever a couple days ago
@@frozenfusion6072 f*ck that chocobo race.....I JUST got his sigil on my ps3 remaster the other day. I'm never EVER doing that ever again. Same with the lightning bolts. 😂😂 if I somehow lose my big save file on my ps3....then RIP.
Did my 200 lightning bolts and butterfly game last night. Surprisingly went smooth. Choco chaser is by far the worst but 1 of the essential celestials you have to get if you want a smoother end game experience. Zanmato was also my only option as a young gamer coming up. Didn’t know how to grind for 99999 til my childhood mate I met from school taught me everything. Miss him, need to get back in touch with him.
I heard a rumor abounding saying Yojimbo's Zanmato attack can instantly kill anything in the game (aside from the optional underwater battle with Shinryu). I would use Yojimbo to tackle the toughest opponents including these Dark Aeons (are all defeated): Valefor, Ifirt, Shiva, Bahamut, and Anima. Here are the ones that remain undefeated: Ixion, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters (x3).
If Aeons are the dreams of people, then the Dark Aeons would be the nightmares. And as everyone knows, nightmares are always more prominent in one's minds that they're dreams.
In my first playthrough on my old PS2 i had no internet to check a guide, less any idea how to do a powerful and proper build. So i take some of them whit the yojimbo insta kill, i spent a ton of gil on that Crusade.
I think what people didn't get about this game. Which I'm sure kinda makes more sense now is. This was one of their first attempts at making a kinda open world gameplay. Both X and X2 storylines were very easy to beat, but their side dungeons and sidequests were a lot harder. So in short you didn't have to play the storyline to get the most out of the game. But I guess only the completionists figure that out. {Seeing as non completionists just don't have patience or time to give a damn}
Alex DIO Well actually FFxiii is less linear. The Calm Lands is the only non linearish part of ffx but it's just a wide optional area. In FFXIII when Barth is defeated, you enter the Archlyte Steppe which is just a bigger calm lands but it at least has some non linear design. Then the final chapter comes and linearity returns. FFX is a completely linear path. Also they are not the only non linear FF games, most off the FF series is linear X and XIII just dont even try to hide it, they are the worst offenders of it.
LuigiaTV well i think ffxiii is more linear because most of the game is all ff that i played only the beginning is linear, it is more to present the main character then you can interact with the world (for me this is open world) ffx you can come back to the places, but to get control to go wherever you want takes time and in ffxii takes the eternity and there is not much to do besides hunts
And Linearity isn't such a bad thing considering 15 is heavily open world with not a lot in it. at least 13 could keep your eyes distracted with its environments which had more going on in them than most final fantasy games. Sure less interaction with the world but honestly final fantasy npcs are a snore to talk to anyway.
You’ve reached 800 by me the last subscriber for you , your channel is awesome one , For the game (( i’ve to face dark Bahamut , dark Anima , dark Yujimbo & dark Magus sisters :)٠
Had no idea about the dark aeons until I tried to go back to Besaid. Cue me rage quitting the game for a bit because WTF, and Valefor isn't even the worst one.
The grinding and the stuff you need to face them is something inhuman, i don't have time nor patience to do that...i'm content with Omega Weapon being my final boss tbh ;^)
Yeah, around 140 luck you'll be crit'ing most of the time. However, if you're playing the expert grid, you'll need to sacrifice some of the Accuracy nodes to have 230 luck in order to always hit and crit the Magus Sisters.
Must be nice to have maxed stats, first time I did the game it was in about 40hrs, and I accidentally ran into dark valefor, yojo and the sisters and got wiped by all of them
@@eddiew2325 I am curious how long he has played this, as it's incredibly time consuming getting the necessary stat spheres in order to get 255 of all stats, not including max health and mp. We're talking bare minimum 150 hours. And that's a stretch.
Kind of shitty when bosses can 1hko your characters regardless of how buffed up and prepared you are in your defenses. If you don't have auto-life and/or auto Phoenix, you basically have no chance since every turn you'd just be reviving
Is hyper mighty g a new overdrive for HD? I don't remember it from the original, only super mighty g which was two of the curtains mixed I think? It's crazy that hyper mighty g casts autolife on the whole party wow
*Somebody does the Yevon pray*
Tidus: aW sHit, hEre wE gO aGaIn
Father Zuke wasn't kidding when he said the party should stay away from the temples.
never thought of that!! now that line makes so much more sense.
It does make sense but some of the fights aren't even near temples. Heck one is at the Al Bhed's home location.
I love how Dark Yojimbo's summoner after being beaten multiple times is lowkey is just like: "Aight, Imma head out now."
I imagine the first few who played the game without the guide were utterly surprised when they ran into dark yojimbo. Probably unprepared too.
First time playing through the game i didn't even know about the dark aeons. I was walking towards mushroom rock road and got shredded by the magus sister. I didn't even know they were aeons you could obtain.
my first was dark valefor then got murdered by the Magus Sisters lol
Dark yojimbo was the only one i could beat without a guide lol.
I beated all them without guided and in one move. Just had Jojimbo in Zamato move. 😍
@@Makha85 Also known as "the cheap way" ;)
Lol, I used to speak to that lady over and over just to hear her go
+Andrew W you guys too? i used to spam talk to that npc just to laugh at the way she says that phrase
Alexander D. Montblanc for sure. It was hilarious
lmao, same.
Andrew W A same here LOL
As someone who never got to experience the Dark Aeons + Penance in the 2001 NA copy of FFX, I'm glad that it was added in the remastered.
I do not have near the level of patients required for all of this leveling. Good on you for doing it.
"How many patients does it take to defeat the Dark Aeons?"
@@LazyJesse Darn autocorrect.
It takes a while, but the omega ruins or inside sin are amazing places to grind. Especially with weapons that have double or triple AP. The frustrating part is finding attribute spheres to fill empty slots on the sphere grid
@@HipToBeLisa It's sort of easier on the Expert Sphere Grid; if you neglect Luck you should be able to get all attribute spheres (Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Agility, Evasion, and Accuracy) relatively easy by defeating certain monsters in the Arena (The Magic Def Spheres however are a pain to grind as you'll need to kill Jumbo Flans, and those are always like 5-10 minute battles). You can easily get all of these stats to 255 in 2-3 hours with one character (if you're also using the Don Tonberry trick for AP and farming for Stat Spheres via fighting Kottos with Distillers), and still have enough empty nodes if you want to put some more Luck Spheres down.
Dark Yojimbo for most of us was like
"I used the Yojimbo to destroy the Yojimbo"
More like Yo Bimbo
Yeah, fight fire with fire!
I used Yo Himbo to destroy Yo Himbo
Yo, Dawg!
Dark Anima just pops outta the ground like Michael Jackson on the Thriller tour like what the...
The Game Knight she's based on a Catholicism. she based on a painting in the Vatican that shows a naked women with her arms crossed standing waist deep in hellfire.
i remember i ran into dark shiva by accident my god xD i never understood how to beat them. but after replaying the game multiple times i finally beat them all :D
Rosa P. I need major training lol I've not even gotten their best weapons or all the aeons yet.. bumped into valevore and died lol though last time I bumped into the magus sisters and instant died XD
Good Bahamut and Anima was the worst for me I never finished fighting the dark ones XD
I only found out about the dark aeons on accident. I was going back through the plains and saw that soldier, so instinct kicked it to talk, then found that dark Ixion and got my @$$ jolted by thundja.
I think maxed out celestial weapons won't be enough, unless you plan to do heavy grinding for stat raising, cause he killed your team as fast as dark Ixion did with me because of their crazy agility.
@Brian04510 a late comment but there are two strategies to survive wakizashi...
You need auto-protect on your gear. After that either auto potion(Sell all regular potions and have 99 x potions only in your inventory) and manually revive, or auto phoenix (manually heal). On top of that you need you need firstrike on a weapon. You can use Auron's celestial weapon or customize your own weapon. At the start of battle instead of him ambushing you instead you will get the first turn. At this point you can switch to Rikku and have her cast HyperNullAll. This gives cheer x5 to reduce wakizashi under 9999hp. Or you can use Hyper Mighty G like in this video which will give everyone auto life (free raise). If your rikku isnt levelled up you will have to switch to aeons everytime yojimbo gets a turn which takes even longer (they will die but them dying isnt a game over so you get to avoid all his attacks basically). This strat is harder and equires more setup in battle as you can see but less time to prepare. Look at 35:30 to see how close you can come to dying if not properly concentrating. His auto phoenix raises rikku then he uses a healing water to give everyone 9999 hp again.
2) BHPL STRAT: (BHPL+Ribbon+Auto Regen+Auto Haste).
With 99,999 hp you can simply let him ambush you and then take the 20k+ wakizashi. Its impossible for him to kill you because regen will keep you alive. If you want to be overkill you can cast protect but its not needed at all. It takes 45 seconds to beat him without protect and you can just spam x while watching netflix. This is by far the best strat to farm him later for dark matters however getting the hp spheres takes a fair bit longer. The only other way to farm dark matter is by beating all the dark aeons and farming penances arms.
For both strategies youre gonna need high luck otherwise you will miss dark yojombo every turn. Some choose to cast aim and luck 5 times. You also need to dispel armour break as well but heres the thing when you dispel armour break it will remove all the cheer bonuses from HyperNulAll. Dying also removes all cheers. In this video he doesnt dispel it and just lets them die and relies om auto phoenix.
I also found dark aeons by accident when I was a kid... I defeated Yunalesca then went back to the place where I fought her to see if I could sacrifice khimari to receive the ultimate Aeon XD. Then the dark Bahamut shows up and I was like oh, this must be a trial, if I can beat him I might be able to get ultimate Aeon then I saw Bahamut doing max damage and one shot me lol. After that I just went around the world to look for more dark aeons with my buddy yojimbo.
@@damien2627 What
Dark Aeons: We are almighty and cannot be beat.
Wakkas Attack Reels: Hold my Phoenix Down
I remember my friend telling me about how to get Anima by opening all the secret chests(ps2 version) in the cloister of trials... So I went back to macalania temple to do the cloister trials and then I met dark shiva... Good memories... It’s been 16 years and I still remember every part of this game
bs. dark aeons are not in the original version.
@@EmmanuelFreytes they are. they're not in the PS2 NTSC version though. lucky Americans
@@EmmanuelFreytes they certainly were. Remember banging my head on them and eventually cheesed them with zanmato :P
@@EmmanuelFreytes L
@@EmmanuelFreytes they were in the pal version
Bahamut: "Mega Flare!"
Ryan-Fantasy: "NOPE. *goes offline*"
He's like "OH HELL NAH"
*Bahamut has joined the chat*
One of the most efficient videos regarding Final Fantasy series.
While it is efficient its kinda boring spam attack reels and slice n dice
I Know almost EVERYONE who's played FFX for the first time ran into one of these while back tracking through the game
My first was Yajimbo and well He throw knives at me and I died.
Yep. 😂😂 dark valefor, the first time I played the remaster and had no clue about the dark aeons
"I'm just gonna go back to besaid for the jecht sphere....aaaaannnnnddddd game over...."
I cant believe i played this when i was only 9 and had no English at the time and Iv finished the whole thing with no guide!!! Sweet time
I love the strategy against the Dark Magus Sisters: have Yuna cast the Magus Sisters, have the Shadow Link kind of confrontation. Freaking genius!
5 years later and it's still thrilling to watch!
If you really did his without any cheats aside from game guides then you rock kid! I love this game and also felt the need to grind especially when I found out about the celestial weapons and dark aeons, my most played run on this went over 150h and there were still things to beat that I never had the chance to finish.
+john lowe i know, but it takes time, all FF games I ever played had at least one saved game with 100+ hours of gameplay because at some point I would commit myself to beat all the extras.
Man, the first time I found one I thought it was so cool and I was ready LMAO
Dark valfor immediately pushed my shit in.
Wakka is a beast with that overdrive. Its almost worth suffering through Blitzball to get that op.
Its not that bad. U only need like 26 games of blitzball to get all his overdrives and fully power up his celestial weapon . Takes like 7 hours ish
@@Jok3rcccx 7 hours too long considering you can get everyone else's weapons completed in less than that time frame if you're efficient.
I found Wakka to be way easier than fucking Tidus. Tidus' celestial weapon made me want to commit murder.
@@claretheworm Honestly Tidus's celestial weapon is more down to luck than skill, luck you get the right seed of balloons and luck that the birds target ole girl instead of you xD. I agree it is infuriating though.
@@Kurasai56 I still haven't gotten goth girl hers. I just can't dodge that many lightning strikes man.
They should have just had a dark aeon destroy sin lmao.
It is because they want to repeat the pilgrimage and the return of sin. Spira is full of death. So destroying Sin will only hurt the temples and the truth. The temples and U Yevon are the reason it keeps coming back.
@@yanglee3893 Pretty sure it was a joke, but it is always nice for super bosses to have a sensical reason to not just show up and one shot the final boss of the story.
Well..... technically you can use anima, who is labelled as a dark aeon
Actually penance is more of a threat than sin to spira. Lol
but then Yu Yevon would take over the Dark Aeon, and the next Sin would literally be God.
Dark Aeons gave me trust issues in Spira. Wouldn’t even dare to speak to an NPC.
So true when I was a teenager. Now I come correct before heading in lol
Makes you really wish you could customise the order of abilities so Quick Hit is always at the top
In the settings you can set the cursor to memory so if you want to keep quick hitting you just mash X.
3:02 One of the most scariest shit in video games.
Mega Bondagemon are you kidding me ?
Mega Bondagemon I’m having flashback to serge & Lynx (panther) from radical dreamers/Chrono Cross (Yes FFX was the idea cross presented that wasn’t the main idea of a plot but was a random thought outside the plot).
For me all first encounters, specially valefor, ifrit, ixion and yojimbo.
4:45 has the power to command a dark aeon
but not the common sense to not get eaten by a plant
9:51 alright, that was cool.
I cheesed every single one of these with Zanmato. Do I feel scummy? Yes. Do I plan on doing it the right way? No.
If the "right" way means boring grinding of days or even weeks then no thank you. It's a game, if there are multiple ways to solve a problem you should always go for the one that is the most fun for you. Everything else kind of beats the point of playing a game in the first place, does it not?
Geta92 its the fun way for him.
Willson Zhang I think he was in concurrence with op? 👀
Hotel? Trivago.
@@Geta92 Fortunately, the PC version allows you to cut your grinding time down immensely.
Holy shit, wakka is one overpowered bastard..
Damn. Auto-Life for the win. Never get Game Over again.
The Dark Magus Sisters would like a word with you.
Dark Yojimbo: My Zanmato would like a word with you.
I have to say, I love the KO animations for Wakka, Rikku and Tidus lol. All three of them go out simultaneously in that Anima battle, lol!!!
The small m in mikagami is bothering me...
I thought I was alone. Dont worry though we still love them.
lol, after you destroy Dark Valefor the grandma and the girl says the same quote the tell to tidus at the beginning xDDDDD
They recycled the lines
MarvelGirlXVII Clearly a cheap move, but not going to lie, it worked to great effect. Shows they’ve gained trust in Tidus and turned tables with the irony to Yevon.
@@ShMartinJo dark Aeons and penance were just a cheap afterthought. Add one or two 0s to every stat and hp and call it a challenge.
I love the game, and did everything there is to be done; but they are what they are.
I grew up with the PS2 version, no dark aeons. Downloaded the HD one, didn’t know about these guys and saw the dude in the thunder plains. He looked out of place so I talked to him. Dark Ixion showed up and I was already super strong so I thought I’d just smack him around but I died in a couple turns. Was such a shock lol. That little summoner kid is really unsettling.
Ah Shiva for me. I just wanted Anima
Dark bahamut is like.... hey you forgot the item for tidus weapon?.... megaflare in your face
God I did this...I fucked up man...shit.
You are really good at wakkas reals, I suck at them.
Damn, Dark Bahamut is badass...
How to defeat every Aeon: Quick hit, Auto-Life, and Auto-Phoenix.
Dude sees dark ifrit climbing out at them... "I'm going to check over here." Lol!
Dark Bahamut is a beast
@Hattan AlShutaifi Not just a dragon but the King of Dragons!
And not only dragon, dragon. But dragon and dragon because dragon dragon without dragon the dragon dragon is dragon!
Dark bahamut is a dragon
I love Dark Magus.
I waiting Dark Magus vs Dark Anima ( Nemeis)
Auron: Oh noOOOO
...I'm back- AAAAHHH
...Hey, thanks for bringing me ba- NAH, NOT AGAIIINN, *AAAAAH*
I remember I used to have to rely on Yojimbo's Zanmato to kill those beasts! Just had to keep loading the game up & trying until it occured.
My group always Yuna+Wakka+Tidus. Yuna can tank the dark aeons overdrive with her aeons plus Anima and Magus Sisters can inflict a lot of damage. But the key is Wakka overdrive.
Mannn you got me all emotional how I miss that game, Tuna and Tidius one of the best ff couple ever
@@destroyermcw626 nope she's tuna now lol
TUNA lmao
Tuna > Yuna
When I saw that everyone had Ribbon, my monocle dropped in shocked.
Unpopular opinion: Dark Bahamut was a hell of a lot harder to beat than penance.
Might be a few years late, but I wanna share a short story. So I just got the remastered version of this on the ps4 for fun about a week ago. I remembered hearing about the dark aeons, but back whenever they were only on the japanese version of the game so I never gave them much thought. Yesterday I went back to Besaid to get something for Valefor, only to be fucking sacked by it's dark equivilant. "Oh right, those are a thing aren't they.... fuck"
I’m sorry but just that last sentence 😂
They are also in the PAL version
FUARK i clicked this video by accident and then I hear the music and i start crying
Valefore, Ifrit, Ixion, and Shiva I fought legitimately. All the rest I cheesed with Yojimbo.
Fantastic work my friend . Really awesome video. Big like 👍
Both the pre and post battle Dark Aeon cutscenes are some of the weirdest that I have ever seen
Kid Summoner shows up.
Yuna: awwwww...he's so cute.
KS: I'll show you cute!!
*battle theme commences*
Lesson of the day: "Stay away from the summoner!"
No commentary. Finally - something not shit.
I’m not gonna lie Ryan you’re kinda cute
Y’see... the patience required to get the armor alone is outta pocket. Imma just zanmato everything
Teacher: today kids we will be playing Dodgeball
Wakka: I’ve been waiting my whole life for this
I bet that was a lot of grinding
by accident i found a dark bahamut, i was like "whaat?" then i reminded that i have Yojimbo... zanmato and that was over x d
That Guado in front of Macalania Temple used to scare the shit out of me as a kid
My first encounter with dark Aeons was Dark Shiva.
I was like 13 at that time and I would beliv'eve that no one would ever be capable of tanking those first triple hit from shiva that would wipe your team
Understand that I'm not someone who's fought all of the Dark Aeons, but if I did and even after just seeing videos like this, I think it would've been interesting to have them not immediately use their Overdrives the next turn. It'd be interesting to see them randomise when they'd use them, mix it up and keep you on edge.
Granted I realise that it wouldn't make _much_ of a difference, but still...
i don't mean to offend anyone, but doesn't anyone else get peeved when people change the main character's name? lol
Only acceptable name is Shuyin-II
I called him Bad Gas on one playthrough
boatsNjose I renamed him Ash....
I call him Ratchet!
Dark Bahamut: Stop that! STOP NOT DYING!!!
I appreciate that reference. Well done.
Back to PS2 time I don't know how to get those limit breaking weapons.
I beat them all with Yojimbo's "Zanmato". Except I never managed to beat Dark Yojimbo since I have to beat him 3 or 4 times altogether.
XuseFans they've got guides on how to get them on RUclips. I feel like Tidus' weapon itself is the easiest to get but it's sigil is a different story.
Try 5 times to beat Dark Yojimbo.
The celestial weapons are great. Getting the items to fully power some of them however.....😑 to get the sigil for Lulu's, you have to dodge 200 consecutive lightning bolts on the thunder plains. Actually much easier after I just discovered the crater trick.
To get the sigil for Tidus.....the stupid chocobo race.....I actually JUST did that for the 2nd time ever a couple days ago
@@frozenfusion6072 f*ck that chocobo race.....I JUST got his sigil on my ps3 remaster the other day. I'm never EVER doing that ever again. Same with the lightning bolts. 😂😂 if I somehow lose my big save file on my ps3....then RIP.
Did my 200 lightning bolts and butterfly game last night. Surprisingly went smooth. Choco chaser is by far the worst but 1 of the essential celestials you have to get if you want a smoother end game experience.
Zanmato was also my only option as a young gamer coming up. Didn’t know how to grind for 99999 til my childhood mate I met from school taught me everything. Miss him, need to get back in touch with him.
Love how he sounds with Attack Reels, really like like Hinata's protective 64 palms
42:58 Damn it, not again...Best Expression ever.
I heard a rumor abounding saying Yojimbo's Zanmato attack can instantly kill anything in the game (aside from the optional underwater battle with Shinryu). I would use Yojimbo to tackle the toughest opponents including these Dark Aeons (are all defeated): Valefor, Ifirt, Shiva, Bahamut, and Anima. Here are the ones that remain undefeated: Ixion, Yojimbo, and the Magus Sisters (x3).
I killed Yojimbo with five zanmatos in a row. that took me eff ing ages
this dude is a fucking grinder
I forgot to grab the Sun crest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Poor soul 😂 good luck with Dark Bahamut!
Same. Almost ready to fight Bahamut after an intense grind for ribbon, armor, spheres, 255 luck, etc
Always wondered about the in-universe explanation for the Dark Aeons. What makes them 100x stronger than the normal kind?
If Aeons are the dreams of people, then the Dark Aeons would be the nightmares.
And as everyone knows, nightmares are always more prominent in one's minds that they're dreams.
@@shaesullivan damn... 👏👏👏👏
Yuna should have summoned Dark Aeons in Dead Fantasy.
Alternative Title: Quick Hit Simulator
I had no idea the dark aeons even existed well looks like a good reason to buy the remastered edition for the switch or PS4 though
In my first playthrough on my old PS2 i had no internet to check a guide, less any idea how to do a powerful and proper build. So i take some of them whit the yojimbo insta kill, i spent a ton of gil on that Crusade.
you have my ultimate respect
they pop it off with slice and dice one of the best overdrives to me
Bahamut is the best Dark Aeon ever!
I think what people didn't get about this game. Which I'm sure kinda makes more sense now is. This was one of their first attempts at making a kinda open world gameplay. Both X and X2 storylines were very easy to beat, but their side dungeons and sidequests were a lot harder. So in short you didn't have to play the storyline to get the most out of the game. But I guess only the completionists figure that out. {Seeing as non completionists just don't have patience or time to give a damn}
Minkyo Does Japan xenoblade is way better
first open world? ffx and ffxiii are the only that are linears (ffxiii more than ffx)
Alex DIO Well actually FFxiii is less linear. The Calm Lands is the only non linearish part of ffx but it's just a wide optional area. In FFXIII when Barth is defeated, you enter the Archlyte Steppe which is just a bigger calm lands but it at least has some non linear design. Then the final chapter comes and linearity returns. FFX is a completely linear path. Also they are not the only non linear FF games, most off the FF series is linear X and XIII just dont even try to hide it, they are the worst offenders of it.
LuigiaTV well i think ffxiii is more linear because most of the game is
all ff that i played only the beginning is linear, it is more to present the main character
then you can interact with the world (for me this is open world)
ffx you can come back to the places, but to get control to go wherever you want takes time and in ffxii takes the eternity and there is not much to do besides hunts
And Linearity isn't such a bad thing considering 15 is heavily open world with not a lot in it. at least 13 could keep your eyes distracted with its environments which had more going on in them than most final fantasy games. Sure less interaction with the world but honestly final fantasy npcs are a snore to talk to anyway.
You’ve reached 800 by me the last subscriber for you , your channel is awesome one , For the game (( i’ve to face dark Bahamut , dark Anima , dark Yujimbo & dark Magus sisters :)٠
Thanks for the upload. I love FFX
perfectly balanced ....as all things should be, wakka
It's been a while, but I remember Lulu doing most of the killing and everyone else in the party just kept her and themselves alive.
for yu yevon being the last boss of the game yu yevon sure is a push over
Don't worry, break damage limit Wakka isn't real, he can't hurt you.
Break damage limit Wakka:
How did u get all those fancy ribbons/ auto revive/ auto haste before killing dark aeons?
21:19 seeing this always made want to go hide in a corner and cry because I knew I had to fight him now.
+Te Area Clark ANima is a lady :3
+Sopa de Caracol a very scary lady
Had no idea about the dark aeons until I tried to go back to Besaid. Cue me rage quitting the game for a bit because WTF, and Valefor isn't even the worst one.
Missed a couple cloisters and now I want Anima 😠
The grinding and the stuff you need to face them is something inhuman, i don't have time nor patience to do that...i'm content with Omega Weapon being my final boss tbh ;^)
god damn it I LOVE these expert battles =0 u guys are fucking amazing to watch!!!!
hohohoho First Aeon overkill :D
And a tips for you: If you press the R and L 1 and 2 buttons, you can shift through the menus much quicker.
Is that why you’re a time shifter?
I always wondered what Rikku was mixing up there, then I read up on hyper mighty g and realised it was keeping you alive the whole time.
quick attacks for days!, jesus wakka has a 100% chance to crit damn haha
Ye he has the highest accuracy out of everyone in the party so naturally he eternally crits
Yeah, around 140 luck you'll be crit'ing most of the time. However, if you're playing the expert grid, you'll need to sacrifice some of the Accuracy nodes to have 230 luck in order to always hit and crit the Magus Sisters.
Valefor basically just getting one shot cracked me up. Dude came out acting like hit shit and oop just instantly defeated
Must be nice to have maxed stats, first time I did the game it was in about 40hrs, and I accidentally ran into dark valefor, yojo and the sisters and got wiped by all of them
This dude probably hacked the game or something
@@eddiew2325 I am curious how long he has played this, as it's incredibly time consuming getting the necessary stat spheres in order to get 255 of all stats, not including max health and mp. We're talking bare minimum 150 hours. And that's a stretch.
@@Kurasai56 i think 250 hours
@@Kurasai56 I actually managed to do all that, get all Celestial Weapons and beat Penance at like 90 hours. I did follow the guide to a T though.
@@stardustsdd Ahh fair enough, with time patience and a little guidance, you can accomplish anything. 🙏
Kind of shitty when bosses can 1hko your characters regardless of how buffed up and prepared you are in your defenses. If you don't have auto-life and/or auto Phoenix, you basically have no chance since every turn you'd just be reviving
Is hyper mighty g a new overdrive for HD? I don't remember it from the original, only super mighty g which was two of the curtains mixed I think? It's crazy that hyper mighty g casts autolife on the whole party wow
Next time, fight the dark aeons on a Aeon vs Aeon basis!
I didn't have time for all that. I just used Yojimbo for all. Easy peasy.
So are these summoners from Yevon? And why are the Aeons dark?
Dark Aeons it's too strong hp unknown
I think the dark aeons deserved their own unique theme music like seymour got. Something dark and ominous to build the atmosphere.