[GORE/13+] Starlight's Wings Aftermath - MLP Speedpaint

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 308

  • @slugvision
    @slugvision 2 года назад +1914

    twilight lives and has prosthetic wings aftermath when ?

  • @s0ul217
    @s0ul217 2 года назад +1032

    Starlight couldn't understand. She'd done everything correctly!! And so so carefully... Each spell and each precise and delicate cut... The wings should have been fine! They should have molded to her back perfectly! They should have been HER wings!! Yet as she sat in that horrid cell she could do nothing but watch and feel as the skin rotted away and feather stained red fell into an ever growing pile...
    It wasn't fair. It wasn't right! She had done everything how she was supposed to! Why. Wasn't. It. Working?!?! Stupid Twilight... It was her fault... It had to be... Some.... Some last spell made to spite Starlight!! That was it!!! It wasn't Starlights fault!!! No... No it was Twilights... All of it was Twilights... If she'd just given Starlight wings in the first place none of this would have happened... She'd be equal... Equal to her mentor and the princesses... She'd be able to fly! Spike wouldn't have found them in that stupid basement... Twilight wouldn't be dead and Starlight wouldn't be in this STUPID cell with wings that didn't even work... That she'd never get to use...
    She felt tears start to drip from her eyes and splash to the ground... It. Wasn't. FAIR

    • @SweetnSour_Bun
      @SweetnSour_Bun 2 года назад +43

      Dudeeee this is so good 👏👏👏

    • @s0ul217
      @s0ul217 2 года назад +17

      @@SweetnSour_Bun Thank you!!

    • @crumblemuffin1257
      @crumblemuffin1257 2 года назад +79

      I like to imagine Twilight's spirit going: "Git gud sucker"

    • @SweetnSour_Bun
      @SweetnSour_Bun 2 года назад +3

      Congrats on 100 likes!

    • @juliablue9796
      @juliablue9796 2 года назад +9

      Hi Soul, I hope that you're ahving a good day/rest of you're day, wherever you are. In all honesty, I am an inspiring writer myself. I always try to ask other writers for their insight in the hopes of improving my own work. I'm sorry if I'm asking a lot for a lot, but. I was wondering if you could be so kind as to give me some advice that might hve helped you along the way? Or perhaps even some insight? Eitherway, I hope that you have a really good day, I hope that you enjoyed writing this short story as much as I enjoyed reading it:)

  • @showbizstudios655
    @showbizstudios655 2 года назад +409

    I genuinely can’t tell if she’s legitimately regretting her decision or just thinks she did nothing wrong
    It’s terrifying and I love it

  • @bvnnyskvllz
    @bvnnyskvllz 2 года назад +1030

    "I didn't do anything wrong, Celestia," Starlight hissed from behind the bars, violently shaking in her bindings for what must have been the thousandth time Celestia estimated, judging by the edges of her skin where it'd been rubbed raw. "I would have been a better princess than Twilight ever could've been." It took a great deal of Celestia's restraint to keep herself from prying the bars apart with her magic and blasting Starlight to Tartarus in that moment. Celestia made a note to possibly schedule a few therapy appointments - well, for her, Twilight's friends, and her star pupil.
    "No, Starlight." Celestia responded in what she hoped was a cool-sounding tone, like she didn't care. "You wouldn't have been, especially with your botched assassination attempt, and how you also attempted to cast a mind control spell on all of Equestria. I say, if Rainbow Dash hadn't barged when she had-" "*Rainbow Dash is a fool who can't see greatness even when it's right in front of her!*" Starlight screamed, thrashing in her chains again. Bits of blood-caked feathers and rotten meat fell to the ground. Celestia only smiled.
    "She's the element of loyalty, isn't she?!" Starlight continued, her voice a tremor. "Then why wasn't she loyal to *me* when I needed it most?!" "I presume that seeing you over the prone form of her dearest friend breaks any loyalty." Starlight only growled in response, eyes growing dark as tears spilled from them.
    "All I ever wanted is for ponies to get along. Is that so wrong of me?" Celestia pretended to consider it for a moment, before shaking her head. "The idea is good, but the execution is bad. You cannot make ponies like one another, Starlight." Starlight grit her teeth, and hissed her response through bared molars. "*I can.*"
    It had been a long time since Celestia had last visited Ponyville General Hospital. The last time had been when Twilight, after her ascension, had to go there for a cast after she broke a wing while trying to fly. Celestia had been there for emotional support, to tell Twilight that she too had troubles with flying after ascending, to coo and fawn over her until she felt better. She'd be here for much the same reason, though under much... grimmer circumstances.
    Fluttershy sniffled beside her, rubbing at her eyes with a hoof while Rainbow Dash seemed to practically shake with anger. Applejack held Rarity, gently rubbing her back while the other mare cried, mascara running. Pinkie Pie's mane had been flat the first few days, and it made Celestia happy to see that it was all puffy again. Pinkie had brought with her more than a dozen motivational cards and 'Get Better Soon!' balloons, and would have brought cupcakes as well if Nurse Redheart had forbade it. Something about Twilight's heart not being able to handle high doses of sugar from taking so much damage.
    Damage that Starlight had caused.
    The hot flash of anger that ran through Celestia was soon quelled as a voice rang through the lobby. "Princess Celestia?" Dr. Steadyhooves called. Celestia looked toward him, smiling gently. "Twilight is ready to see you, miss. You five as well." It was practically like a stampede, with all of the girls trying to rush past Dr. Steadyhooves, before Celestia pulled them back with her magic. Dr. Steadyhooves looked ruffled, before clearing his throat, straightening his tie, and then beginning to calmly lead them to Twilight's room.
    "We ask that you please don't get her too excited, make any sudden movements, or loud noises. Her heart's too weak to sustain much. Oh, and," Dr. Steadyhooves came to a stop by a door, one hoof on the handle. "Please, don't tell her anything about what happened to her wings. Not yet. We're unsure as to what psychological damage she may have sustained and are working on getting Canterlot's best psychologist to diagnose her, but it is very likely she'll sustain deep mental scarring and PTSD."
    There was a small wave of understanding through the group. "We... understand, Dr. Steadyhooves." Rarity spoke much more calmly than Celestia had expected, but the unicorn had managed to pull herself together during the walk. "We ain't gonna overwhelm her, sir." Applejack nodded. "She's been through enough this past month. She deserves some peace."
    When the door opened, Celestia wasn't sure what to expect. Twilight lying in her bed, comatose, hooked up to countless wires and drip bags, the heart monitor barely reading a heartbeat, her face pale as a sheet? Maybe. She didn't expect Twilight to be sitting up, alert, quietly reading a book with a placid smile.
    "Hello, Dr. Steady- Oh!" Twilight looked up as she spoke, visibly lighting up at the sight of her mentor and friends. She closed her book, smile growing wide, and her eyes sparkled just like they had when she'd first became a princess. "Hi, girls! You finally came to visit me?"
    (edit - ty all for the kind words !!! ^^ i wrote this all on a whim at midnight. maybe i'll write a part two soon? but not a guarantee, writing takes a while an i don't wanna stress myself)

  • @mistral-phoenix408
    @mistral-phoenix408 2 года назад +339

    She sew Twilight't wings onto her own back after killing her, got caught and is now rotting in jail, and all for something temporary. For probably a few weeks of happiness, she sentenced herself to be miserable for however long she lives suffering with Necrosis in chains.
    That's rough buddy

  • @dapplestar1231
    @dapplestar1231 2 года назад +470

    I'm gonna try and write smt small about it bc I wanna give it a shot.
    Her back hurt. Her haunches were cold.
    Unforgiving bands of steel circled her legs, magic taken from Starlight Glimmer.
    Her back throbbed, the rough stitching holding the decaying violet wings of Twilight Sparkle fraying at the roots, yet still held to the rotting connection by the iron shackles keeping them upraised. Starlight knew that she would die soon. I shouldn't have done this, she thought. She knew the necrosis would kill her. No doctor in their right mind would treat Twilight Sparkle's killer with any form of respect, let alone use their skill and expertise to save her wretched life.
    Starlight's shoulders bobbed with a sob that caught in her throat. She didn't regret it, but she didn't want to die.
    Violet feathers fluttered down around her as her rotting burden shook with her brief sob.
    Starlight's back hurt.

    • @amdusciasthunderdemon1832
      @amdusciasthunderdemon1832 2 года назад +2

      I guess

    • @mama_quartz
      @mama_quartz 2 года назад +3

      Very good!!! 😊☺🥰✨🌙✨

    • @MickeyTheCake
      @MickeyTheCake 2 года назад +11

      Hello police? I’ve discovered another lost author and I need you to pick ‘em up 🥹

    • @amdusciasthunderdemon1832
      @amdusciasthunderdemon1832 2 года назад +2

      @@MickeyTheCake is this you telling for someone?

    • @MickeyTheCake
      @MickeyTheCake 2 года назад +3

      @@amdusciasthunderdemon1832 maybe? Idk I meant like .. this person is great at writing and.. Nevermind I should’ve said disneys writer :/

  • @indigohued
    @indigohued 2 года назад +862

    I really love how Blits actually looks at her chat and actively answers questions. Besides that, great artwork, and Starlight has the rest of her life to question her life decisions.

  • @jocelantonettetenoc5996
    @jocelantonettetenoc5996 2 года назад +172

    Celestia ordered a guard to open the secret passage to the underground prison. It's been two weeks after the incident, but it feels like the whole thing was just yesterday.
    The rest of the elements as well as the sisters are able to track down starlight. What was left of her magic allows twilight to guide them before fading away. They were worried on what happened to her, and they hoped to save her in time.
    But when they open the door, their hopes had crashed. The damage has been done, and while the guards tackled the impersonating alicorn, the rest combine all of their strength in an attempt to rescue the princess.
    Fortunately, she did make it.
    The stone steps eventually lead to the prison, heavily reinforced to ensure that the prisoner wouldn't allow the usage of her stolen property.
    Celestia motions the guards to open the door. They obeyed her orders and she stepped in to check on her.
    Starlight sits inside, wearing the chains that holds her and her stolen trophy. They covered her horn as well, in case she tried to harm someone. She avoided any eye contact with the Princess, because she was aware on what she done, and that she can't do anything about it.
    She only sighed, because no matter what excuse she makes, the wings were there. An indication of an attempt to take someone's life for the sake of flight.
    Edit: Just edited this a bit. Twilight actually survived.

  • @lumindoesvideos
    @lumindoesvideos 2 года назад +104

    The logical side of me wants to say it's Starlight's body being unable to provide proper blood flow to the wings that is causing the rot and feather loss, they aren't seen as essential by her body so it won't provide if it's not necessary for survival.
    Also I don't doubt this would be her fate, to rot in a jail cell with magic suppressing restraints, unable to do anything but think. Think as her new wings rot off and wonder what she did wrong.

  • @wolfcraft2231
    @wolfcraft2231 2 года назад +164

    It's amazing! I love how the wings show that they are decaying due to how long it's been since Twi's murder.

  • @WolfyLionMonster
    @WolfyLionMonster 2 года назад +163

    Starlight staring into my soul is terrifying, I love it. This whole piece is just gorgeous

  • @CyberWarezz05
    @CyberWarezz05 2 года назад +56

    I honestly love the detail of the wings being slightly decayed and also Starlight's face of "What have I done?" is perfect.

  • @SweetnSour_Bun
    @SweetnSour_Bun 2 года назад +321

    Twilight's wings rotting was such a smart idea Blits! It does make me wonder how much pain she might have been in before she passed 🤔
    Amazing art as always💜
    Can't wait for the next!

  • @demonmaster666
    @demonmaster666 2 года назад +378

    Holy moly was not expecting an aftermath of this!!!! This looks incredible especially the wings and the terror in it!!! Starlight staring at you is absolutely amazing!!!! Just astonishing as always :0

  • @CottonAshes
    @CottonAshes 2 года назад +100

    im sure this is gonna be amazing!! v excited :D
    Small edit i shouldn't do probably: I like the thought of twilights mechanical wings. her surviving and such (I did actually say it originally..intense attention seek moment), And she'd probably have all her friends help her in some way, Fluttershy and rainbow dash teaching her how to fly again, pinkie pie encouraging her, Rarity helping stitching and such, and applejack making sure she's well fed and rested with apples and such. Just a happy ending for them all

  • @MalakEzzo
    @MalakEzzo 2 года назад +47

    MAGNIFICENT! I love how her hooves and neck are chained, and I love how you added blood at the end of the wings! The expression is also amazing, it looks like she's realized what she's done wrong and regrets it. Again, magnificent work, you never fail to impress! ❤

  • @SweetnSour_Bun
    @SweetnSour_Bun 2 года назад +47

    Starlight listened as the guards made their way back to their post's, she was down-right angry. Angry at the guards for locking her away, angry at Celestia for punishing her for something she doesn't deserve, angry at twilight for taking her power over those ponys, the power she earned! But most of all, she was angry at herself.
    angry that she didn't do more, she took the wings that she earned and yet, spike caught her because she was too loud in her endeavors.
    She stared at the ground emotionlessly all she could do was think about what could have been
    And as the rot started to spread all over, her only thought left was 'I'll kill them all...'
    Inspired by SOul21 theirs was amazing I just had to make my own version! ^^
    Edit: lmao I'm re-reading this the next day and its- it's so crap 😅thanks for reading tho.

  • @Alex2_113
    @Alex2_113 2 года назад +53

    This looks incredible! All the little details! It makes it look so realistic while still paying respects to the original cartoony style!

  • @candyangiesweets
    @candyangiesweets 2 года назад +33

    “Even when I didn’t mean to?!” StarLight shouted in rage, after attempting the murder of twilight sparkle, she had been caged in a dark room, her thoughts were the only thing accompanying her, she couldn’t bare the thought of failing her murder attempt, though Celestia and Luna stared in disgust at her, “I excepted better from you.” Luna said with a low growl, Twilight was the one who understood her, well the second, Luna considered her as a sister and if one hurt her she would be put in a rage feeling, though Celestia always calmed the pony for safety, “if she hadn’t been so careless I wouldn’t have attempted to!” Starlight shouted at the two, the two turned their backs, trying not to make eye contact with the chained pony, beads of tears ran down StarLights eyes, she didn’t t picture this happening, she thought she would have succeeded, but that was a fail.
    The next day, she managed to snap, her sanity left her faster than Celestia could even rise the sun, she regretted *E V E R Y T H I N G* but so little stayed with her, she could picture she horror on Twilights face, she smiled at that thought, leading with a small giggle, Celestia and Luna showed up again, staring at her through the bars of her cage, the two never excepted her to finally have a mood swing, “I’ve had enough of this!” Luna shouted “Why cant we execute her already?!” She stared at Celestia in a pit of small rage, a giggle came out of StarLight, Luna noticed the wings feathers, “What happened to them?” She thought, Celestia shoved her hoof in a bag, taking out to be seen, a knife, a small one, small enough to take a sample of her hair, she then took out a needle, She needed it for a test, she needed it to try and figure out why she attempted it. “What? You gunna make me your science experiment??” StarLight Laughed Loudly.
    “THATS ENOUGH FROM YOU STARLIGHT!!” Celestia shouted, StarLight shivered in fear, shutting her mouth quickly, Luna stepped away from Celestia, letting her do her work, Celestia took the samples and left, Leaving StarLight in her cage, to think about her actions.
    The next morning was her execution, the girls had been planning this ever since she was first sentenced to 4 years in jail, and to be soon executed, the guards of the palace escorted and shoved StarLight toward the two, “Let the execution begin.” The crowd roared with excitement, “WHAT?!” StarLight screamed, she wasn’t informed it was her execution date, she fell into tears, the two ponies signaled to an axe, they turned away and walked into the palace halls, as they heard faint screams of agony, knowing StarLight was gone, and to be never seen ever again.

  • @Sleepyduv
    @Sleepyduv 2 года назад +265

    Starlight: so how long will I be in here?
    Celestia: for three days.
    Starlight: but... you said I’d be in here for the rest of my life!
    Celestia: *looking at the gangrene spreading across Starlight’s body*
    Celestia: exactly.
    No joke the stream was enjoyable, I was noticed by one of my favorite artists, and I get my gore fix. Today was a good day :)

    • @captaincanterberrystudios6920
      @captaincanterberrystudios6920 2 года назад +15

      But Celestia could make three days into a much longer time if she wanted to . . . Much longer.

    • @Sleepyduv
      @Sleepyduv 2 года назад +14

      @@captaincanterberrystudios6920 Celestia ain’t that cruel

    • @bendydragon4476
      @bendydragon4476 2 года назад +6

      It took me a few seconds but i get it

    • @Sleepyduv
      @Sleepyduv 2 года назад +3

      @@bendydragon4476 congratulations lol

    • @heather_foreather
      @heather_foreather Год назад +3


  • @Bugonster
    @Bugonster 2 года назад +157

    Pinkie taking three sets of wings from those she turned into cupcakes and nobody bats an eye
    Starlight takes Twilight’s wings... and society goes wild

    • @empresshydra3489
      @empresshydra3489 2 года назад +21

      No no, they have a point.

    • @AdaminTranzit
      @AdaminTranzit Год назад +14

      Honestly how were they able to keep starlight behind? She is like so freaking powerfull

    • @AdaminTranzit
      @AdaminTranzit Год назад +6

      @•𝕸𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙🌑𝕲𝖔𝖙𝖍• I am talking about putting her there

    • @ChelDorado
      @ChelDorado Год назад +5

      @@AdaminTranzit they probably got discord involved. I’m sure starlight can’t fight against him 💀

    • @AdaminTranzit
      @AdaminTranzit Год назад +5

      @@ChelDorado she can banish him like she did already xD

  • @anglepsycho
    @anglepsycho Год назад +8

    Unironically I love seeing repurcussions of forced limb transplants over time. I dunno why, but seeing rot and possible blood poisoning turning into tuberculosis ot something being shown where the transplant happened feels incredible. Like you can't just get at it unsanitarily and force blood to bond, it will reject. And it will burn, seeing as this one is so close to the spinal cord as well as her shoulder plates. How they even hold up without a secondary shoulder plating set baffles me before the chains.

  • @CrimsonLuna13
    @CrimsonLuna13 2 года назад +56

    I wasn't expecting an aftermath for this one, but WOW is it amazing! The lighting, the detail, everything is just perfect! Awesome job!❤

  • @ArtfulQD
    @ArtfulQD 2 года назад +43

    Are you going to do a Redraw of the Princess’s death’s as well as the Main Six/Princess’s Death Aftermath? I’m just asking but overall great drawing!
    I feel like the longer she’s there, the more she realizes what she’s done and she can’t take back her actions, hence why she’s crying. She’s literally going to rot in prison. And I guess a dead ponies wings doesn’t last long after all. As they, too, will rot in prison alongside her making her realize that having Alicorn Wings isn’t really worth killing someone over.
    Now, she’s going to be there for the rest of her life with rotting wings that isn’t really worth anything anymore.
    “Why did I do it?” Starlight thought, dead eyes watching the ground in front of her
    She feels the cold metal of the shackle securing her legs and the heavy contraption around her horn. Tears have come and gone over and over again; dropping to the ground with an echoed plop
    The stench of rotting wings premated her nostrils. She looked around to see the decaying feathers around her and dried blood staining the ground, mocking her in a way. Her old friends came by her cell months ago asking her “Why?”
    She always continued to stare at the ground; not saying a word. The same question bouncing around in her head, but coming up with the same answer
    She doesn’t know
    Starlight’s pupils constricted; her eyes regaining a sense of reality. Tears bubbles in her eyes once again, running down her cheeks in dark tendrils. The weight of the situation crashing down on her
    She looked up to see the rusty bars of the cell; darkness lying ahead. She closed her eyes as she started to openly sob. Crying out to Twilight,
    “I’M SO SORRY!!” She screamed, her voice cracking with grief. Her ears flattened against her head, continuing to cry, “I’m so sorry,”
    She cried and cried until she had no more tears to cry. Her cheeks were stained pink and fur matted down with dried tear streaks. She wanted to see her friends again and she wanted to see Twilight again.
    “Please come back to me Twilight,” She whispered
    But she knew, Twilight isn’t coming back. And that; was the hard truth.

  • @bassoongal7879
    @bassoongal7879 2 года назад +8

    I've been watching this channel since the beginning, 7 years ago. It's been amazing watching Blits' progress and they have been such an inspiration for me. I've struggled with feelings of my art being horrible and that I should just give up. Blits showed me that we all start somewhere at that with constant practice we can advance in our art.

  • @Hshshshsvja
    @Hshshshsvja 2 года назад +26

    “Dead stare as bars are in front of her, dry blooded wings, eyes dry as tears drip down, chains and shackles wore on her, the psychotic starlight rotting in prison as days, weeks, months, and years past… she had now learned her lesson and had to suffer for what she had done to the princess named twilight sparkle…”

  • @krampus7520
    @krampus7520 2 года назад +7

    i love that you drew the wings decaying, and how it’s starting to infect her back.

  • @Skwelp
    @Skwelp Год назад +10

    Seems Starlight was thrown in the dungeon after what she had done to Twilight but instead of removing the wings from Starlights back Celestia left them on as a form of punishment, leaving them to slowly rot away and decompose as the weeks go by which in itself would probably be torture for Starlight since she had finally gotten what she wanted only to be helpless and forced to watch as the wings she had finally "gained" slowly start withering away in gruesome fashion.
    That OR Celestia was so pissed that she just straight up destroyed those wings with some magic and tossed Starlight in a cell, leaving her wounds untreated so that the mare would suffer in agony.

  • @bananaanimations2003
    @bananaanimations2003 2 года назад +6

    We need to see the aftermath but with Twilight!! The amount of stories on here are just making it too hard to wait!

  • @grezgrandon3824
    @grezgrandon3824 2 года назад +7

    I am so glad you made the aftermath for such a great peice. I'd love to see more Aftermaths that are still this dark. There was a dark Twilight, but I don't remember much about the fact that she was VERY strong and didn't care about hurting others.

  • @meowkuro8148
    @meowkuro8148 2 года назад +40

    Story time!
    It has been three days since twilights death, starlight forced to sit in that wretched cold and dark cell, as the smell of rotting flesh invaded her nose without her permission while bits and pieces of what used to be her mentors wings fell to the floor with a SPLAT, feathers falling to the floor one by one, the tight cold chains mercilessly held her legs tightly in place as they rubbed her skin raw. All she could think about was how she ended up here, these passed few days have been a blur, all she could remember was looking down at her mentors nearly lifeless body, twilights back has been torn apart, wings taken by the root, starlight had not regretted what she did, she sat their with a satisfied smile. "Oh twilight, why did it have to come to this?" Starlight said with a pitiful gaze, there was no response, just near lifeless breathing from the body of her former friend . "I'm sorry, twilight sparkle." Starlight said, huffing out her words "I wish there were some way for me to make amends, but it's not that easy." Starlight knew all that, she knew she could never undo what happened, but it did, as a pool of blood surrounded twilights body eventually reaching starlights hooves, "poor twilight sparkle, I bet your in unimaginable pain right now, don't worry, it'll all be over soon".
    "Twilight!", She heard a voice calling from the other side of the door, her heart leaped at the realization of someone coming in the poorly lit room, and witnessing her crime,not only that but it didn't come from one person, the one thing in the universe she hated more than anything else right now, "Twilight, where are you!" A softer voice yelled out. Her heart felt like it was going to pop out of her chest, while she was distracted twilight tried to scream for help only to find herself choking on her own words.
    "P-please, someone" Twilights breath came out shaky, tears starting to prick at the corners of her eyes, starlight panicked as The loud sound of hooves echoed around the walls of the hallway, her vision blurry as she sat down wondering what to do next, all of a sudden *BAM*, starlight snapped her head back to look at the door, only to be greeted by the horrified looks of her friends, well, ex-friends, spike, rarity, pinkie, apple jack, rainbowdash, and fluttershy, all stood Thier in shock, trying to process the horrifying scene they just witnessed, it all went bland after that.
    Now here she was, slowly rotting away in a cold cell with the decaying remains of her former friend, and mentor, stuck to her back until her inevitable demise,chained, cold, and alone.

    • @jayr7529
      @jayr7529 Год назад +2

      Very good story!!

  • @manerainbow6039
    @manerainbow6039 2 года назад +20

    Now Starlight will spend the rest of her life in jail...
    Wonderful work Blitz, you surpass yourself more and more

  • @piercedGAmomma
    @piercedGAmomma 2 года назад +9

    Alright too many did a story headcanon so I feel left out.(thinks for a moment and boom lightbulb.)
    As Starlight Glimmer sat there,the rotting,decaying wings of Twilight Sparkle stitched to her bright pink back,she looked in envy through the bars that restricted her in that cell into the eyes of Princesses Celestia and Luna.
    "Why did you do this,Starlight?!You used to be a great student,but now...your a monster to all of Equestria...."Luna choked out before leaning against her sister in tears.Celestia,however,glared at Starlight with complete hatred.
    She hugged her sister and sent her off to her room to calm down"Dont worry,I can handle her,Luna."Celestia said to her reassuringly as she walked out the door.She turned back to Starlight and sighed."Its taking all my strength and resistance to not blast you to death."She declared,pushing her front hooves against the bars in anger,her horn flashing yellow.
    Starflight was silent,but beneath her silence was pure pain and regret.She felt as if she would rot away and die any minute.
    Celestia backed up when she saw the eyes of Starlight snap open and yelled out in pain,"I'M SORRY!",right before the rot and decay spread to her heart and killed her entirely,right in front of Celestia's eyes...

  • @Temlolme
    @Temlolme 2 года назад +10

    I’ve been waiting for this vid to come out and honestly it was worth the wait. Villains rotting in jail is the shit atm for me

  • @Itz_Mimatheartist
    @Itz_Mimatheartist 2 года назад +30

    The art is beautiful as always, my eyes are blessed by this beautifuly made masterpiece ^^

  • @just_VoxXe
    @just_VoxXe 2 года назад +48

    Hey, see the positive side of it, Starlight.
    You might be in an incredibly uncomfortable pose for the rest of your life, but it almost looks a bit regal, like you're in the middle of giving out orders all the while spreading your wings menacingly or something.

  • @gem9535
    @gem9535 2 года назад +10

    "You will keep her wings for when you wake up from your dream and realize it is a nightmare. Then I will never allow you to leave it. You will never wake from it. Reality will bend around your mind and every waking moment will be the same as the dreaming. All those little daydreams and fantasies in your head will one day run out without the energy they have needed to soar, and then you will scream. No one will hear."

  • @roadkill-creations7628
    @roadkill-creations7628 2 года назад +17

    The lighting really sells it here. Great job!!

  • @-RaidenArts-
    @-RaidenArts- 2 года назад +4

    It was at this moment she knew, she done messed up.
    Great work! I think the single lit lit bulb really works well with this drawing.
    forget Starlight Glimmer, this is Starlight Dimmer.

  • @StrikerSimp
    @StrikerSimp 2 года назад +15

    Headcanon: Starlight will die in prison due to an infection caused by the rotting wings attached to her body. I can imagine the picture in my head and it's horrifying. Gore at its finest.

    • @nidorino247
      @nidorino247 4 месяца назад

      That was his punishment for hurting a princess, dying in rot.

  • @orion_5128
    @orion_5128 2 года назад +9

    I love how you drew the wings rotting. I like to think that whatever kind of magic she used to make the wings work was removed when she was imprisoned, making them useless and start to decompose.

  • @arandomperson5681
    @arandomperson5681 2 года назад +17

    I have it as a comment under the stream and I'll say it again I adore how her wings are noticeably different from her fur because that aren't hers! It's like a way of saying that she won't get what she want *her own wings* and the art is fabulous too bad Twilight is dead (judging by the other peice of art)

  • @user-nr3yd8wr8u
    @user-nr3yd8wr8u 2 года назад +7

    I love how Twilight’s wings started decaying, and Starlight sitting their like: bruh

  • @ticcitobycreepypasta6969
    @ticcitobycreepypasta6969 2 года назад +7

    it looks amazing! the rotting of the wings is really well done

  • @Ex0tic0001
    @Ex0tic0001 2 года назад +10

    Danggg this is absolutely incredible! I really love the detail and shading and everything its all so amazing!! I love it wonderful job blits!

  • @sage_heart3448
    @sage_heart3448 2 года назад +4

    This is amazing, your art has chaged a lot over the years- I have no other words, just in awe seeing this

  • @Raknaa1250
    @Raknaa1250 2 года назад +10

    And so, Icarus fell! Poisoned by the rot of stolen wings

  • @StarLupus
    @StarLupus 2 года назад +3

    Holy heck this is so sick! I love how Starlight just stares at you, it’s so creepy and adds to the atmosphere so well! Awesome as always Blits :D

  • @Vahia.Animations
    @Vahia.Animations 2 года назад +6

    Oh yeah!!
    I was waiting for this aftermath!
    Your art is really incredible!!
    Can't wait to see what's next!!

  • @froggiepie
    @froggiepie Год назад +4

    i really love how you blend the lineart with the lighting and coloring, that is something I am trying to work on in my own art!

  • @ravenlight6373
    @ravenlight6373 2 года назад +6

    This is Amazing! I’m so happy you did an aftermath for this!

  • @ElyzaEllit
    @ElyzaEllit 2 года назад +5

    The art seems beautiful and amazing as always! Tbh your improvement in these years makes everything look good! Great job ! 👌🏻❤️

  • @amdusciasthunderdemon1832
    @amdusciasthunderdemon1832 2 года назад +9

    :D this is perfect art I like that I guess what is very interesting
    Starlight had her envy then she look at Twilight she decided to seems better but nopony doesn't wants it Starlight think in herself mind *I get my wings anyway* , Starlight come in to the Twilight's and said hello but she pass off her later and decide to cut out her wings, kingdoms guard nothing to suspect however someone from mane 6 and kingdom guard looks her wings immediately Princess Luna sharped her on her of dungeon she can't to move, she'll very regrets.

  • @raptoria7651
    @raptoria7651 2 года назад +4

    This is so cool and it’s not even over, you can really tell that you have grown as an artist

  • @isathezepelli63
    @isathezepelli63 2 года назад +23

    I thought it would be cute but man, she deserve it pay for her sin
    (Tbh I wanted her free ;v;)
    Blits im getting jealous, every art u do is just magnificent!! And I training to try ur drawings/lightning techniques. Good great job, as ever!!

  • @th3_gl1tch_45
    @th3_gl1tch_45 2 года назад +10

    Incredible love the lighting also I have an idea for a drawing you could maybe do like Princess Calestia going corrupt like how luna transforms into nightmare moon, and then Luna would have to fight corrupted Celestia, idk it was just an idea I had I dont know if you already did that but eh worth a shot.

  • @jaydenelkroy5593
    @jaydenelkroy5593 2 года назад +4

    watching your art style progress is incredible, your art is genuinely amazing! hope you have a good day :)

  • @alexkoltze9167
    @alexkoltze9167 2 года назад +4

    Honestly Blitz your art motivated me so much to start my mlp art back up, I have been in a horse drawing rut for the past 2 years and this channel really inspired me to start back up and it's going better than I ever thought I could draw horses! I know I sound a bit cringy but you really saved me from that rut I was stuck in ❤️

    • @alexkoltze9167
      @alexkoltze9167 2 года назад +1

      I got so distracted writing this I missed the end of the vid lol

  • @TundraTheSnep
    @TundraTheSnep 2 года назад +9

    I'm really glad you've improved so much I've been watching you since 2019 I'm glad for your improvement

  • @herero9968
    @herero9968 2 года назад +3

    OH MY GOD THIS IS SIMPLY AMAZING! you have always inspired me to make art and yours turned out great as always! I always watch your speedpaint when I draw, thank you so much for your content Blitz

  • @AesiraArt
    @AesiraArt 2 года назад +2

    this piece is absolutely stunning, and idk why but it gives of a certain feeling im just,, wow

  • @aurorynfrost9817
    @aurorynfrost9817 2 года назад +3

    Aftermath of this art is she went through all this just for the wings to rot away and for twilight to come back with kick ass prosthetics. She's also gonna die from necrosis or the wrath of twilight and friends. Yay

  • @romanianinred703
    @romanianinred703 2 года назад +3

    Your art never disappoints me and i always get inspired to draw more things! Love your work blitz!

  • @Autumn_Rosez
    @Autumn_Rosez 2 года назад +5

    This looks absolutely amazing! 🤩

  • @TeraBitten
    @TeraBitten 2 года назад +3

    3:55 heya barry! Nice to see ur face ^w^ he hides next to the ending of the bottom water mark most of the vid but that time stamp is just the most easiest to see him

  • @Sillysavvy
    @Sillysavvy 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm going to go a different route based off of someone's comment about Celestia and her friends visiting the hospital.
    Twilight was thrilled to see her friends and her mentor, they all talked and had a really good time despite the constant dull throbbing pain in Twilight's back, Pinkie Pie was talking about how she was going to throw the biggest party she's ever thrown in her life when Twilight gets out of the hospital, Rarity was saying she's got a really special dress for her back in Ponyville, Applejack was saying she picked the sweetest and most crisp apples in Sweet Apple Acres and Fluttershy was saying she'd let her cuddle with all of her animals when she got back, but then at that moment a black smoke Pony appeared at the foot of Twilight's bed, grinning wickedly at all of them as they all stared in shock "who are you and what do you want" Rainbow Dash said, puffing out her chest and flaring up her wings, the smoke Pony just continued the stare and smile *Awwwwww what happened to your back Twilight, did the little baby get a boo boo* it said in mock sympathy, Celestia was shaking with anger at the absolute disrespect "you DARE to talk to my pupil like that?!" the smoke Pony only cackled, Fluttershy was trembling in Terror Behind Applejack, Rainbow Dash was ready to fight the smoked Pony if need be, Rarity was looking at it in disgust and Pinky was hugging Twilight, the smoke party then said *what happened, did your wings get cut off Twily* Twilight said " how do you know who we are, we've never seen you before" the smoke ponies smile grew as it whispered in a husky voice *you haven't seen me in my smoke form but you have seen me as some other Pony* Twilight looking confused asked "what do you mean we've seen you as some other Pony?" *well let's just say it was dark, Crystaly, and you were screaming bloody murder* Twilight shocked and horrified immediately knew what this meant "you. it was you. you took my wings and you were using Starlight as a vessel, a host" the smoke Pony cackled and said *guilty yes it was me* Twilight screamed out "WHY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" *I like seeing Pony suffer that's why oh and Starlight was still conscious during that time too, you wouldn't believe how much the cute little thing screamed and cried and begged me to stop hurting her best friend and mentor she could still feel pain when I was controlling her too isn't that great* the smoke Pony said with an evil smile that would terrify even the worst beasts of Tartarus, Celestia not being able to handle it anymore, charged up her horn and blasted at the smoke Pony, it hit it but all it did was cackle and disappear the Mane Six and Celestia started sobbing knowing that their friend Starlight would die alone in that prison.

  • @beingweirdisnormal8409
    @beingweirdisnormal8409 10 месяцев назад +1

    I probably should have commented a year ago when I saw this video fresh for the first time, but I can't get over it. For such a fate to be bestowed upon Starlight like that is just perfectly macabre and justified. Getting her hooves on a pair of wings (from the first ever pony to give her another chance like that, may I add), magically sticking them to her back, thinking all was well, only to get caught, imprisoned, and forced to sit in a dark cell... with no more second chances, nor ponies to talk to. And to make it even worse, those wings of hers start to rot, while ATTATCHED to her like that, and at this point, Starlight is likely fully aware death is coming for her, and the fact that she is literally powerless to stop it. Either that, or she's so deranged she isn't even aware of how bad things really are. Either way, she loses in this situation. Either she's driven insane by all the circumstances that befall her, or she dies with some sanity still in tact, tortured by it all (either because she regrets it, or thinks she could have done more to avoid such an aftermath.) It's just so dark and twisted, lol. Plus, the art is excellent as are the songs. I love all of your work, but this is one of my favorites! The idea is really interesting to me (clearly), and I admire the execution.

  • @LauraBow
    @LauraBow 2 года назад +3

    This is so good everyones writing short fics in the comments 👏

  • @SaintFunky_
    @SaintFunky_ 2 года назад +2

    It’s always awesome to see a new art video from you

  • @FireDawn13
    @FireDawn13 2 года назад +1

    Oooo id love to see you redraw butterflies when you have time!! This looks so increadable omg I love your art to death♥️♥️♥️ I could never put as much detail as you do wow💖

  • @emilymk12
    @emilymk12 3 месяца назад

    I love the realism of the wings rotting away. She just gave her an decorative upgrade basically. Put bird wings on a monkey it won’t fly, it will just have 2 foreign body parts attached to its back that will slowly kill it as they rot and poison its body.

  • @animaticfanatic7516
    @animaticfanatic7516 2 года назад +1

    I don't know why but it makes me really happy that my favorite artist uses the same program that I do :)

  • @WinterxWonka7056
    @WinterxWonka7056 2 года назад +2

    Amazingly done!! I am speechless!! 😲✨👍🏻

  • @RenTooTiredRn
    @RenTooTiredRn 6 месяцев назад

    I was fangirling to my bf about the small details, i got so into showing all the art that he started to fall in love with it too. We are not fans of the show but we love the art from this creator so much

  • @Lordofchaos557
    @Lordofchaos557 2 года назад +3

    Absolutely adore your art! All ways keen to watch what your drawing

  • @GumdropBatTheOG
    @GumdropBatTheOG 2 года назад

    Okay THATS amazing!! Everything is so detailed and each bit of detail just makes this beautiful!!!

  • @The_Life_Stealer
    @The_Life_Stealer 2 года назад +4

    Finally early
    Starlight looks regretful yet confident death will come

  • @carpetthemoonele1312
    @carpetthemoonele1312 2 года назад +1

    Has anyone noticed that blits ❤️'s all of your comments ✨👌✨ very nice, awesome art, INCREDIBLE skills, I love it

  • @kendradupree1094
    @kendradupree1094 2 года назад +1

    one could worry that the mix of starlight incredible magic plus insane anger plus rot plus left over alicorn could create something truly evil

  • @profilevb9012
    @profilevb9012 2 года назад +1

    this is awesome! im super excited for the If steven universe was a horror movie!

  • @mooniishorts
    @mooniishorts Год назад +3

    Starlight was in Tartarus when Celestia banged at her she asked"why did you do this?"the pink alicorn asked,starlight wasn't sure that she was actually in Tartarus.She said"so I can rule Equestria when your off again."the pink unicorn replied.she stomp her legs softly because she was tied up with metal."I wish I was no caught for long.".starlight grinned but she could not do any magic because her horn was tied up too but when twilight sparkle was in the hospital as she was born a unicorn so she's still a unicorn but fainted for starlight's dark magic as want to rule Equestria again when the princesses retired.twilight slowly woke up but she managed to survive but was weak.the end rn part 2 in reply till 20 likes!!!

  • @kisha5442
    @kisha5442 2 года назад

    You've inspired me so much, thank you so much for your inspiration!
    You also got a great taste for music!

  • @ЕленаФилимонова-ч1д
    @ЕленаФилимонова-ч1д 2 года назад +4

    Я обожаю твои работы по my little pony!😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰Это просто взрыв мозга!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩Это очень красиво и восхитительно!🤩🤩😍😍😍Я желаю тебе удачи,огромной популярности,вдохновения и всего наилучшего☺️☺️☺️

  • @fantastikkaraoke7231
    @fantastikkaraoke7231 Год назад +2

    Well, at least Equestria has another new princess.. - princess of the dungeon Strarlight Glimmer

  • @scepticalhyenas5750
    @scepticalhyenas5750 2 года назад

    This is a neat idea, I think they would look like this for a few days before the sticky clumps of feathers would start to loosen and fully drop out en masse with the rest of the death gunk

  • @theforgottenjester
    @theforgottenjester 2 года назад +1

    Starlight right before: "I'm goin' to jail :D!"
    Jokes aside, i like how it turns out. 👌

  • @BrodisWorld
    @BrodisWorld 2 года назад +2

    I mean in theory Twilight could survive. Granted removing her wings would of had to of severed an artery so they would of had to get to her quickly enough to stall the bleeding and try and cauterize the arteries themselves so she doesn't bleed out. Starlight looks like she was put on display like a macabre doll, as a warning for those who would of looked to harm the royal family

  • @animationswithaflare007
    @animationswithaflare007 2 года назад +2

    Think about what you did, Starlight! Lol 😂
    Amazing drawing, though!

  • @samy_kun_141
    @samy_kun_141 Месяц назад

    I love how her wings look like they are rotting or deteriorating like a flower would if you pluck it, after all they are not her wings and they will never adapt to her body.
    (sorry if this is misspelled, English is not my language)

  • @sanstheanimator1964
    @sanstheanimator1964 2 года назад

    I don't know why i like watching these even though it traumatizes me
    I think i need to curb my curiosity at this point-

  • @lunarfox8875
    @lunarfox8875 2 года назад +1

    The ONE part of this drawing I don't like is at 8:12 when the CHAIN IS CLIPPING THROUGH HER HAIR But I understand that it's a minor nitpick
    This drawing is awesome, Blits!

  • @britishmushroom
    @britishmushroom 2 года назад

    I'm guessing twilight's wings are starting to decay now, that is a nice added detail. 👍

  • @strawberryswirlll
    @strawberryswirlll 2 года назад

    I wonder who put Starlight in jail?? 🤔
    As always amazing speedpaint, Blits!!♥️♥️

  • @jessiebell6884
    @jessiebell6884 Год назад +5

    The only two constants were the darkness and the smell. Celestia, the smell. . .
    How long had she been down here? Days? Weeks? It was difficult to tell when the only mark of time passing was the guard shifts. Each one brought new masks to block out the rancid stench of rotting flesh that permeated the cell.
    Her legs ached. The hair under the shackles had long since worn away, leaving the skin underneath raw and scabbed. The necrosis from the rotting wings had spread along her shoulders, a searing pain at first, then followed by a creeping numbness. Infuriatingly, she could not move them, try as she might. Her head was held up by a single cuff bound tightly to her horn. Enchanted, of course. There would be no escape attempts.
    Though even if she could escape, she mused, where would she go? Back to the wastes? Perhaps, she conceded. After all, there was really no other place she could go. These wings would never fly again.
    Yes, she thought. She could return to her town, start anew. Attract more followers, and then return to Canterlot to take her place not as Princess, but as a Queen, who would see all things equally, who would place all ponies on the same field. . . All except _them._
    A low, raspy giggle escaped her as she imagined all the horrible fates that awaited the friends of the princess whose wings she had rightfully claimed.
    First would go Fluttershy, cast without wings into a pit of rabid wolves. Then would be Applejack, legs broken and reduced to a bloody pulp in front of her family. Then would come Rarity, who would be marred beyond recognition, hair stained red with her own blood. Then the pink one, always smiling. . . Who would be smiling as she and Rainbow Dash would be forced to watch their friends suffer these fates? She would be hanged from the pinnacle of the palace as the crowds scorned and jeered.
    And Rainbow Dash. . . Oh, Rainbow Dash. The one who had rendered her work incomplete. The one who had stopped her so close to her goal. . . She would watch every one of the deaths, powerless to stop them. Because her wings would be broken, mangled, and then, only after the element of loyalty was shamed beyond all measure, would she be allowed to pay for her crimes with her life. Trampled underfoot by the very same crowds who used to cheer her on, betrayed and murdered.
    The giggle grew louder and more sporadic as she rocked back and forth in place. Yes, she would escape. Somehow. And then they would all pay dearly.

  • @theedgyestarts
    @theedgyestarts 2 года назад

    Absolutely awesome per usual Blits!!!💖💖💖

  • @foglthelynx1684
    @foglthelynx1684 2 года назад

    I'm happy that you have started drawing again

  • @maiuzui7797
    @maiuzui7797 2 года назад +5

    Honestly, I love your drawings girl, how much is it in Us dollars for commissions?

    • @BlitsAzalisDash
      @BlitsAzalisDash  2 года назад +3

      It depends on what type you’d like to have! Feel free to dm me for more info

  • @Jelly_Jello
    @Jelly_Jello 2 года назад +1

    This looks incredible

    @LIZARDONFIRE 2 года назад

    YES I love the music choices!

  • @thebeastlysort0168
    @thebeastlysort0168 2 года назад +1

    this is so pretty!!