The Litany of Trust and the Litany of Humility both have been saving grace for me. They both keep me grounded in my Lord Jesus. Fr. Joseph-Anthony and Fr. Patrick thank you for your insights on trust.
As devoted as I have been in praying and sharing The Litany of Trust, your beautiful insights have proven to deepen my devotion. Thank you both so much.
A true gem, this session has the quality of a heartfelt conversation between friends vs a performance to impress an audience. I felt like I was sitting at a kitchen table with you as you shared your personal insights on why/how valuable you found this particular prayer. Hearing others share how God manifests Himself to us has formed the essence of my deepest experiences of trust, faith, being loved/cared about. Those moments touched the depths of my being more than any impersonal homily. Fathers, thank you both so much. If children experienced conversations like this among their family members at home there would be no shortage of religious vocations. Love of God would be evident in the air they were breathing not an abstract concept.
Thank you Fathers I had not heard about the Litany of Trust before now. Praying the chaplet of Divine Mercy online during the Holy Hour on Divine Mercy Sunday together with a congregation was divinely purifying.
Betrayal.... At some point, somehow, we move on from the pain of death of a loved one, from personal failures....but, Fathers, why is it waaaaay more difficult to get over betrayal (especially by family or friend) and trust again? Thank you for this episode, Fr. Briscoe and Fr. Kress! God bless you 🙏
It is simple, a deep piece of one`s soul was ripped and injured by someone given access to it. Such a ragged wound leaves many nooks and caverns for the evil one to lurk. It is also because great sin is involved and the enemy does not want that wound to heal, he wants it to fester and rot into wrath, pride, and other sins on your end. Communion is something essential to love and God is a Holy Trinity of communio, God is Love. So the enemy wishes to kill that image of God in us. Mercy, trust, and love are integrally intertwined. Betrayal rips trust out and forgiveness and mercy can work on healing these in love for the sake of the other. Bring it all to the Light of Divine Mercy.
The Litany of Trust and the Litany of Humility both have been saving grace for me. They both keep me grounded in my Lord Jesus. Fr. Joseph-Anthony and Fr. Patrick thank you for your insights on trust.
As devoted as I have been in praying and sharing The Litany of Trust, your beautiful insights have proven to deepen my devotion. Thank you both so much.
A true gem, this session has the quality of a heartfelt conversation between friends vs a performance to impress an audience. I felt like I was sitting at a kitchen table with you as you shared your personal insights on why/how valuable you found this particular prayer. Hearing others share how God manifests Himself to us has formed the essence of my deepest experiences of trust, faith, being loved/cared about. Those moments touched the depths of my being more than any impersonal homily. Fathers, thank you both so much. If children experienced conversations like this among their family members at home there would be no shortage of religious vocations. Love of God would be evident in the air they were breathing not an abstract concept.
Thank you Fathers I had not heard about the Litany of Trust before now. Praying the chaplet of Divine Mercy online during the Holy Hour on Divine Mercy Sunday together with a congregation was divinely purifying.
At some point, somehow, we move on from the pain of death of a loved one, from personal failures....but, Fathers, why is it waaaaay more difficult to get over betrayal (especially by family or friend) and trust again?
Thank you for this episode, Fr. Briscoe and Fr. Kress! God bless you 🙏
It is simple, a deep piece of one`s soul was ripped and injured by someone given access to it. Such a ragged wound leaves many nooks and caverns for the evil one to lurk. It is also because great sin is involved and the enemy does not want that wound to heal, he wants it to fester and rot into wrath, pride, and other sins on your end. Communion is something essential to love and God is a Holy Trinity of communio, God is Love. So the enemy wishes to kill that image of God in us. Mercy, trust, and love are integrally intertwined. Betrayal rips trust out and forgiveness and mercy can work on healing these in love for the sake of the other. Bring it all to the Light of Divine Mercy.
Will you be covering the murder of the Catholic Palestinian journalist by an Israeli sniper and the attack on the coffin by Israeli soldiers?