@@inccubusdaniel9249 The voices are strong They speak and they call The voices are loud They’re calling from deep The whispers and visions They rush into me And something far stronger Than Father of mine… The stories of ancient The stories of gods Of somehow corrupted And fearsome beings…
I was fighting a difficult war against a Driven Assimilater and their two biggest fleets got stuck in a neutron star system with the storm. I waited for them the be in the center of the system and sent my fleet in and because i had a range advantage I obliterated their fleets before they could even get close enough to fire back.
@@medleyshift1325 EVERYTHING in stellaris is additive. This is no exception. Ships with no positive speed modifier will have no movement speed. Most ships however usually have some small bonuses to move speed preventing it from hitting 0. I know that last time I encountered this my science ship went from ~400 move speed to 17 move speed.
Ok so hear me out. A slider so that you can decide how frequent a storm can begin. Ranging from 1% to 100%. That 100% basically means that the storm never subsides. It just moves around.
That would be a good mod for this update: The empires could build (or find) a "beacon" in their planets that could mitigate in some capacity the penaltis,
This patch, bar the performance issue and energy exploit, is exactly what anyone should expect from stellaris. Flavor, Random hazard, wonders. Breaking the status quo, stimulating the player. Now we need more of this and a space fight overall aswell as an unity overall and we'll be gucci.
Good. Environmental things like this are great because they can either be a huge advantage that gives you the power to conquer the galaxy OR a huge disadvantage that topples you from galactic dominance and into obscurity.
i had a hyper aggressive neightbouring empire and only about half the fleet power to stop them, fortunately I had vastly superior shields.... that's when i met spacestorm " Rosh" .
I don't play on PC but that sounds great! If they ever add this storm system to console and that is the case I might actually be interested in playing a spiritualist empire!
Personally I want there to be a wide variety of storms and have storms be much smaller things that slowly appear, drift around, and disappear. For example, maybe a storm starts in Sol, and instead of the current debuffs it's a -25% debuff to shields and -10% to sublight. As time passes though the storm starts growing, spreading out until it's in each system connected to Sol as well. As the storm gets bigger, the debuff gets larger, until it's the full debuff in the game currently. On top of that, every year the center of the storm moves into one of the connected systems, moving the storm around the map. You'd still get the same strategic choice, but the choice is a bit more important now, since it's no longer something you'll benefit from across half the galaxy, but just in a small set of systems. With smaller storms they could also add much more interesting or severe mechanics. For example, what if there was a severely bad storm that simply prevents leaving the system? Get a fleet stuck in there, and that fleet isn't leaving until the storm passes through that system. Have that pass over your main shipyard and suddenly war is incredibly dangerous for you, while incredibly advantageous for enemies. Maybe you're in a border dispute, but one of these storms forces your fleets out of position, leaving you cut off from a portion of your empire, and giving the enemy a prime chance to attack. There could also be storms that give positive benefits, so you're not always hating life when a storm enters your system. They could also add events to the storms. One starting in one of your systems? Maybe you could send in a science ship to try and neutralise the storm before it grows, or maybe you could research how to control the storm, directing a negative ones path towards enemy lines, or encouraging one with a positive effect to stay within your borders. That's a heck of a lot more work than the current system, but I also think it sounds way more fun / interesting.
@@enuma-elise well he want to return to fleshy bodys so i probly isnt just murder everything (although he will still try to do that) its probly just make a shit tone of blackstone pylons everywere to remove the warp
I feel like it would be cool for a rare tech for space weather control. Like maybe have it cost dark matter as upkeep (or zro for psionic) to either make an artificial storm in a single system or to force activate a galactic wide storm (through either the shroud or maybe 10k zro or dark matter).
playing a game as a machine empire and after having taken over some planets I've run into a problem (if you can describe it as such) with corrupted robots.. I was just wondering if there is an effective way to deal with them before they end up destroying the newly conquered planets infrastructer
Resettle enough robots to have decent stability.If they caused the -30 stability interference,then you have to weather it.Also build sentinel outposts asap.
You could also strategically use neutron star systems in addition to the storms as a defense by using either long range bastion with armored defense platforms or just using armor based artillery ships in general, since the enemy will have an extremely long period where you out range them if their sublight speed is reduced enough
Thanks for covering Stellaris content ASpec! I haven't touched Stellaris in a while, but i'm glad the devs keep adding contents and caring for the game so much. P.S. Could you perhaps include a list of mods that you particularly enjoy? I know there's a lot of good ones, i just don't have the time to try them all.
Lord Admiral, the light of the Astronomican shines once more. Reinforcments have been dispatched to the gothic sector, the warp stom, its is gone. TREMBLE BEFORE THE MAJESTY OF THE EMPEROR. For we all walk, in his immortal shadow!
I think what would be really cool is to have a third late-late crisis event in the game. The EYE of terror opening. Out spawns void entities with several million void power.
I hope for serious expansions like more planet types; colonizing unhabitable planets; more megastructures; more events; more empire variants - background room types...etc. :]
Hi aspec! I especially looked this vid up to tell you I had in my current game the VLUUR spawn in the TERMINAL EGRESS!!!! The ai opened it(my half of the Galaxy had no l-gates) and when I managed to send in a science ship I moved in a construction ship to claim it (the ai is not the smartest cookie) the VLUUR spawned in the terminal egress!! I really hope you see this. Love your stuff! Keep at it!
Imagine having 2 fleets, first is full armor with anti-armor weaponry, second is full shields with mixed but anti-armor focused weaponry. Assuming that everyone just specs into armor your first fleet will be on a level playing field, but if you keep them together and lead with whichever one fits the system ahead of you you will absolutely decimate armor fleets in shield systems. Basically this means that you'll stop anyone who doesn't have a similar approach in either a storm or non-storm system, because they can only compete with one of your fleets.
I just hope that there are forms of weather that provide other modifiers as well so it isnt just a matter of punishing shields. Maybe buffing or nerfing certain weapons, or potentially making shields stronger.
Mod idea: megastructures that set the space weather in their system. Possibly with positive modifiers (for instance to build express routes through your empire, even if you might have to demolish the odd mostly harmless primitive planet in the process), or with negative modifiers to help fortify those border choke-points (bonus points if you can turn them on and off, with appropriate cooldowns).
I hope we get a wider variety of storms in the future. I'd love to see some with different effects, including ones that temporarily slow down (or completely shut down) jump drives, gateways, wormholes, and other instantaneous forms of travel in or out of affected systems. Other possibilities could include; modified resource output representing difficulty in maintaining logistics (mostly penalties, but possibly small bonuses to energy production or physics research), damage to ships/platforms/stations, or random spawning of hostile space life (like void clouds) in affected systems.
thanks for the vid! I didn't know that mali from existing geography could stack! just a little hint on that 100% malus you mentioned. 50% plus 50% should translate to 75%. Still 25% is probably incredibly slow! But with 100% slow down it would mean, your fleet would be practically immobilised and floating in space. (which would be an interesting event in of itself, though) since you can't just add percantage plus percantage. You would allways need to set a new 100% at each step and continue to add from there.
This is a neat concept. I hope they go even further with galactic geography and weather. Maybe make black holes, neutron stars, and pulsars somewhat more common and affect adjacent hyperlanes. Then add temporary wormholes (that you can keep open later) which can connect to small isolated clusters of stars within the galaxy. Or randomly open in different systems.
I remember the first time a galactic storm fired I rushed psionic to get the shields, got cloud lightning, declared war on a fallen empire... 3 months in those shields didn’t mean a thing :(
Always loved building bastions in systems with pulsars with all armor and especially long range plasma weapons as my border defense. Now with galactic storms, I can sit back and let the fight come to a crawl at our doorstep.
Interestingly, I suspect this will have an effect on the tech that people go for. I know that usually engineering is emphasized anyway because it is the gate to so many important techs, ie robits, ships, etc. But in particular, I think that armor and lasers will be overall rushed more since you don't get crippled during a storm the way you might if you had been focusing kinetics, and Armor 2 with shields 4. Thoughts?
This is perfect for me since I already make half of my fleets unshielded. I started doing that so I could send them to fight in the few places with the shield nullification, now I have a real reason to do so!
The shield nullification thing is really annoying, but usually I just fill as many hull slots as power and MR budget permit with archaeo-armor to get shields instead of actual shield generators and when this happens I temporarily redesign my most common classes to be less shield-reliant and build more of the anti-armor designs with things like the drone lasers and archaeo-hangars. And since I usually unlock jump-drives long before the space storm hits (and find hull regen more useful especially with no shields) I generally don’t use afterburners to compensate for the slower sublight speed. With all this knowledge about how OP this makes neutron star-based defensive chokepoints, from now on every such chokepoint I see is getting a hangar+ancient rampart citadel with an ion cannon and as many defense platforms as I can build.
I just got hit by a space storm on my playthrough in the middle of a big war and I thought it was one of the mods I had installed. Surprised to hear it was in vanilla. Gotta say, one of those stormy neutron stars saved my ass when an 80k deathstack was right on my border. The deathstack was slowed so much i managed to get two more 30k fleets to reinforce my 40k fleet with time to spare.
"Are you going to go out there and protect your allies?" That's a good joke. I'm totally fine with my allies being ablative armor for those Awakened Empires trying to carve through the universe to get to me. ... well, how was I supposed to know it was a holy world?! It's not like they left signs in orbit, or they showed up as rainbow-colored messes to orbital scanners.
Yeah, i encountered this galactic storm when i was in the middle of a war with another empire for the Time Stone (a mod that ads the infinity stones as relics, damn good (if overpowered) mod) and one choke point that basically divided their empire into 2 parts was a Pulsar system.... and it got a Storm modifier to it. My ships had Dark Matter Thrusters on them at that point but even then they were soooooooooooo slow through that system it nearly made me lose the whole dang war.
Honestly I would quite like it if when the storm subsided all the energy from it gathered up into a giant void cloud that was hostile, and carried that aura wherever it went just like the one which is searching, just this time it is hostile and really powerful, it could have a low chance of spawning after a storm but I still think it would be really cool since it means there is another hostile entity in the galaxy
I've had as many as 3 storms in a play through. They're kind of a pain. But I do have a fond memory of establishing a beach head in a pulsar system just one jump from the Unbidden first system. Slowly bleeding their fleets as they kept trying to take the system and establishing a starbase and gateway.
I really think that all stars should have specific modifiers, mainly the more energetic types like A, B and re giants, and M class stars should have some too(like star flares that can increase and decrease energy production in a system or specific types of planets(the cold ones) having a higher chance to spawn in those systems).
Imagine the Havok you could cause to attacking fleets with a fully upgraded Star Fortress that is sitting on a choke point in a Neutron Star system during a storm; shred everything short of a Titan.
I got the storm for the first time yesterday at around the same time I got the Khan. Didn't even notice the changes it made since I just fortified my chokes with 45k Citadels and fleets and waited for the Khan to attack me. Sadly both the Khan and the Storm were over before I even got the chance to see any action.
The game I'm playing now had VLUUR spawn on a choke point that's now in the middle of my empire. That choke point has 2 neutron stars right next to each other. That choke point is the only way to get from the main part of my empire, to the southernmost cluster. VLUUR just keeps moving between the 2 neutron star systems. 100% sublight speed reduction. I'm not getting invaded anytime soon, but by the Shroud it made it hard to defend the southern border.
Playing a new campaign recently and have been enjoying the storms, psionic jump drives and missile fleets are just the bees knees. Nearing end game econ and fleet strength way early to the point of steam rolling. These things just let me roll further against enemies.
Can you imagine the benefit of having a neutron star as a choke point during the galactic storm? Stick a Citadel in there and when enemy fleets arrive they are stuck and pounded mercilessly by your defenses. Especially if your weapons outrange theirs.
Hopefully a event gets added to The Shroud where you can get a lesser (Not galaxy spanning) Warp Storm generated on your command. Even if you can't target where it goes, t'would make this game even more of a 40K reference, which is always good.
1. Get long range battlecruiser setup (megacannons or whatever + fighter bays). 2. Fly it into a neutron star to create an impenetrable fortress. 3 ??? 4. Get outflanked.
I was in a war against a AE when the storm hit, the funny thing is my fleet is in the other side of the Galaxy where me Empire and fleetyards was based of, I have a Portal 3 systems from the AE borders I was in the middle of my expansion to this side of the Galaxy when they Awakened and decided to declare war on me. So the AE send his fleet to attack me half a Galaxy away, I waited they move far from their borders and them moved my entire fleet of measly 300k over the portal, when them finally comeback I already have secured 4 of 6 planets and since they are still far from the occupied planets I conquered them without engage in a single fleet Battle. After that I just waited to the endgame crisis to trigger while building more ships and For my insane luck the Unbidden show up two systems from my portal in the border of the territory I took from the AE, took my like half a year to win the war. When they moved from the system they show up I jumped my entire fleet in, when they finally comeback it was too late.
Took advantage of one of these storms to destroy Awakened empire (kinetic heavy so could stack armour). Pretty easy to bate their fleets into affected systems.
On my current (long) play, a _third_ warp storm just landed. Already armor focused I used the previous two to conquer half the galaxy(1000 stars, ring). No signs yet as to what end game crisis I rolled but I hope it'll be during one such storm. Should be good for a few maniacal laughs
Man imagine being on 25x Crisis strength the Unbidden have just recently invaded, and soon after the arrival a Galactic Storm hits that lasts for 10 years, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Yes, let the Warp consume you! IGNORE THE PAIN OF THE GPU!
My GPU can handle it no problem. My CPU on the other hand is screaming in chaos speak right now though
Stellaris finally takes more than 5% of my 3900X, happy days!
I sure it’s a good pain!
The voices are strong
They speak and they call
The voices are loud
They’re calling from deep
The whispers and visions
They rush into me
And something far stronger
Than Father of mine…
The stories of ancient
The stories of gods
Of somehow corrupted
And fearsome beings…
When my fleet jump to neutron star when galactic storm is active: This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years.
Sh- totally
Sorry! I’m using the Blokkats jump drive (Gigastructures mod)!
You’d literally be able to research gateways and build one before that cooldown
Poor fallen empires, not able to adapt, it would be a shame if someone decided to attack them.....
Poor, poor xenophobic FEs. Such a shame that you also happen to be rolling full armour so you negate the storm....
Well try taking over the Galaxy eventually they attack you the chances however are random
Poor poor materialistic and machine FEs, having those rings just makes you a delicious target
My current run I spawned next to the spiritualists and the storm is all over their systems... ha, how those psy chields working out for ya now!
@@rwp0079 jejeje that's gona be a lot of damage
Stellaris-The not 40k grand strategy game we all wanted.
'VLUUR enters my territory'
*GO AWAY MALAL* - and take your inter-dimensional peep-hole with you.
This is the perfect chance to kick off the Great Crusade. For da Emperor!
Stellaris is more like the 40k prequel.
@Felix B Sans?
The Dark Age of Technology and Age of Strife: the 4X game
"Shield nullification in half the galaxy"
The time has come... To build Battlestars.
Starbuck... What do you hear?
Andrew Kelly Nothing but the rain
You've got a Raider on your six!
I really want to try a carrier & armour heavy fleet paradigm, and only strike during warp storms
I was fighting a difficult war against a Driven Assimilater and their two biggest fleets got stuck in a neutron star system with the storm. I waited for them the be in the center of the system and sent my fleet in and because i had a range advantage I obliterated their fleets before they could even get close enough to fire back.
Now that's strategy.
does it stack like aspec said 100% or is it 50% of 50% so 25% of total speed, Also that's some big brain plays.
@@medleyshift1325 EVERYTHING in stellaris is additive. This is no exception. Ships with no positive speed modifier will have no movement speed. Most ships however usually have some small bonuses to move speed preventing it from hitting 0. I know that last time I encountered this my science ship went from ~400 move speed to 17 move speed.
*Trait Gained: Brilliant Strategist*
You are a Great commander!
Gotta say i like the newly added stuff (the whale world, amoeba world, and the strom) it livens up the space
Yes, and it destroys your CPU.
Ok so hear me out.
A slider so that you can decide how frequent a storm can begin. Ranging from 1% to 100%.
That 100% basically means that the storm never subsides. It just moves around.
That's a idea
Hopefully a.i is smart enough to have ships with armour.
Currently the storms don't move. Would be awesome if storms were predictable
That is some age of strife scenario right there
yeaaaah, we need the eye of terror to truly expand!
Can you hear it, feel it...they're coming...40k memes.
oh god no
We have arrived and it is now that we begin our charge...
@Just one more thing where there?
Yes, this is a thing now, and I want more of it.
ASpec Would a Photino Bird infestation of the galaxy from the Xeelee Sequence be a good idea for a late game crisis?
Only of the Ring is in it
@@A_Spec Good taste, hopefully they think about adding concepts such as GUT and cosmic strings.
The only thing I want is a spiritualist buff.
Agreed, but only if it didn't kill my GPU
Chaos is growing in strength. God-Emperor protect us
Laughs in Transcendence Humanity.
puny human, needing a dead emperor to protect you
Toad on Coke the emperor sees all that transpires in his domain, he protects.
Ahh damn it, those space elves are at it again, their satanic orgies are causing ripples in the warp again....
That would be a good mod for this update: The empires could build (or find) a "beacon" in their planets that could mitigate in some capacity the penaltis,
@@senorcaruso8711 ...and cause a massive hive mind fleet to come to devour you after X years :D
-- *Scourge shows up*
@@Reynevan100 probably make you the main target of the Scourge
"You requested a Psyker my lord?"
This patch, bar the performance issue and energy exploit, is exactly what anyone should expect from stellaris. Flavor, Random hazard, wonders. Breaking the status quo, stimulating the player. Now we need more of this and a space fight overall aswell as an unity overall and we'll be gucci.
Don't forget toughening up the ai
Good. Environmental things like this are great because they can either be a huge advantage that gives you the power to conquer the galaxy OR a huge disadvantage that topples you from galactic dominance and into obscurity.
Or just make you focus on armor with weak shields regardless. One that rearranges hyperlanes would be better. Still cool though
There is much to do, and little time, Admiral Spire.
I fear a storm is coming to the Gothic Sector, ...one we are not yet prepared to face.
I understood that reference! 🙂❤
i had a hyper aggressive neightbouring empire and only about half the fleet power to stop them, fortunately I had vastly superior shields.... that's when i met spacestorm " Rosh" .
Beware! The Eye of Terror is a rather fickle thing these days.
The Eye of Terror grows in strength! *Do not forget that Cadia broke before the guard did!*
@@classicalpotato CADIA STANDS!
the comment section: 40k memery
me: haha missiles go brrrr
haha point defence go bzzzzz
Missile go woosh
@@syrusalder7795 haha tachyon lance goes jew
Arc Emitter: what are you talking about?
Shield and armor: *exist*
Phase disruptor, cloud lightning, arc emitter: I don't know you and I don't care
They should patch Psyonic shields to not be effected by Warp Storms ie. Gellar Fields
Shields projected by the mind would add the only exception to the warp storm
I don't play on PC but that sounds great! If they ever add this storm system to console and that is the case I might actually be interested in playing a spiritualist empire!
@@KevanM6777 that is so sad
@Zerebrat Eightyseven Hive Mind also
ASpec: “Views have reduced lately. Time for some 40k stuff”.
40k community: 11k views in 4 hours.
Sounds about right
The Emperor Protects Aspec!
Can't argue with the results
by the emperor is chaos causing *hehe* chaos again?
There is no innocence, only degrees of guilt
The Emperor Protects
Personally I want there to be a wide variety of storms and have storms be much smaller things that slowly appear, drift around, and disappear.
For example, maybe a storm starts in Sol, and instead of the current debuffs it's a -25% debuff to shields and -10% to sublight. As time passes though the storm starts growing, spreading out until it's in each system connected to Sol as well. As the storm gets bigger, the debuff gets larger, until it's the full debuff in the game currently. On top of that, every year the center of the storm moves into one of the connected systems, moving the storm around the map.
You'd still get the same strategic choice, but the choice is a bit more important now, since it's no longer something you'll benefit from across half the galaxy, but just in a small set of systems.
With smaller storms they could also add much more interesting or severe mechanics. For example, what if there was a severely bad storm that simply prevents leaving the system? Get a fleet stuck in there, and that fleet isn't leaving until the storm passes through that system. Have that pass over your main shipyard and suddenly war is incredibly dangerous for you, while incredibly advantageous for enemies. Maybe you're in a border dispute, but one of these storms forces your fleets out of position, leaving you cut off from a portion of your empire, and giving the enemy a prime chance to attack.
There could also be storms that give positive benefits, so you're not always hating life when a storm enters your system. They could also add events to the storms. One starting in one of your systems? Maybe you could send in a science ship to try and neutralise the storm before it grows, or maybe you could research how to control the storm, directing a negative ones path towards enemy lines, or encouraging one with a positive effect to stay within your borders.
That's a heck of a lot more work than the current system, but I also think it sounds way more fun / interesting.
Let us hope the silent king has a plan to stop choas
He does as much as all the Necrons do, you just might not like it
flay me silent daddy
@@kallemort the Nova cannon awaits you after this
@@enuma-elise well he want to return to fleshy bodys so i probly isnt just murder everything (although he will still try to do that) its probly just make a shit tone of blackstone pylons everywere to remove the warp
Now I just want to design a fanatical purifier empire that uses just armour and just waits for the perfect moment to strike.
Did you hear the Emperor forgave Krieg?
@@gingainfinity1034 salamanders: no no its fine you don't have to-
Pulsars: **Big shield nullif**
Me: **Literally only has crystal hulls in a normal situation.**
I combo the crystal hull with regenerating hull just for that extra synergy, unless there is something I don't know.
I feel like it would be cool for a rare tech for space weather control. Like maybe have it cost dark matter as upkeep (or zro for psionic) to either make an artificial storm in a single system or to force activate a galactic wide storm (through either the shroud or maybe 10k zro or dark matter).
DareXIII I would love to turn one of my fortress into the literal Maginot line. Well unless they are the Germans and use jump drives to go around
Necron pylons need to be a tech now.
You must construct additional pylons
@@sothasil7716 You have not enough Minerals.
@@PurpleHeartE54 you require more Vespene Gas
@@sothasil7716 That must be placed on a Vespene Geyser
Honestly I'm all for anti psyker and anti warp technology and traits
New challenge
Storm Raider: You can only attack any other empire when there are storms in the galaxy.
playing a game as a machine empire and after having taken over some planets I've run into a problem (if you can describe it as such) with corrupted robots.. I was just wondering if there is an effective way to deal with them before they end up destroying the newly conquered planets infrastructer
Resettle enough robots to have decent stability.If they caused the -30 stability interference,then you have to weather it.Also build sentinel outposts asap.
I was really suprised when I found this out
I was today years old when I learned about this X_X
*awakens Necrons with Chaos cleansing intent*
Aspec, a look into the Achievements/Trophies for Console Edition shows a glimpse into future updates and content.
You could also strategically use neutron star systems in addition to the storms as a defense by using either long range bastion with armored defense platforms or just using armor based artillery ships in general, since the enemy will have an extremely long period where you out range them if their sublight speed is reduced enough
When your fleet is made for long range alpha with mega cannons, have gateways in all border sytems and one of your shipyards has no storm.
* *laughs in Indomitous Crusade* *
Praise be to the Emperor, for he is the Light of Mankind
I can feel the warp overcoming me!
Ok guardsmen
Thanks for covering Stellaris content ASpec! I haven't touched Stellaris in a while, but i'm glad the devs keep adding contents and caring for the game so much.
P.S. Could you perhaps include a list of mods that you particularly enjoy? I know there's a lot of good ones, i just don't have the time to try them all.
Lord Admiral, the light of the Astronomican shines once more. Reinforcments have been dispatched to the gothic sector, the warp stom, its is gone.
TREMBLE BEFORE THE MAJESTY OF THE EMPEROR. For we all walk, in his immortal shadow!
*Warp storm hits multiplayer game*
Everyone: FOR KHORNE!!!!
I think what would be really cool is to have a third late-late crisis event in the game. The EYE of terror opening. Out spawns void entities with several million void power.
I hope for serious expansions like more planet types; colonizing unhabitable planets; more megastructures; more events; more empire variants - background room types...etc. :]
Hi aspec! I especially looked this vid up to tell you I had in my current game the VLUUR spawn in the TERMINAL EGRESS!!!! The ai opened it(my half of the Galaxy had no l-gates) and when I managed to send in a science ship I moved in a construction ship to claim it (the ai is not the smartest cookie) the VLUUR spawned in the terminal egress!! I really hope you see this. Love your stuff! Keep at it!
Warp Storms? That sounds *familiar* hmmmm
Allies? What allies? This is Stellaris, I need no allies! :D
I read that title as 'Waspstorms' at first.
Now that would be a crisis indeed.
The only armour is the armour of contempt.
The emperor protects.
I really like the new unbidden dimesional rift effect
Imagine having 2 fleets, first is full armor with anti-armor weaponry, second is full shields with mixed but anti-armor focused weaponry. Assuming that everyone just specs into armor your first fleet will be on a level playing field, but if you keep them together and lead with whichever one fits the system ahead of you you will absolutely decimate armor fleets in shield systems. Basically this means that you'll stop anyone who doesn't have a similar approach in either a storm or non-storm system, because they can only compete with one of your fleets.
I just hope that there are forms of weather that provide other modifiers as well so it isnt just a matter of punishing shields. Maybe buffing or nerfing certain weapons, or potentially making shields stronger.
Mod idea: megastructures that set the space weather in their system. Possibly with positive modifiers (for instance to build express routes through your empire, even if you might have to demolish the odd mostly harmless primitive planet in the process), or with negative modifiers to help fortify those border choke-points (bonus points if you can turn them on and off, with appropriate cooldowns).
I feel the warp overtaking me, it is a good pain
for the dark gods!!
I hope we get a wider variety of storms in the future. I'd love to see some with different effects, including ones that temporarily slow down (or completely shut down) jump drives, gateways, wormholes, and other instantaneous forms of travel in or out of affected systems.
Other possibilities could include; modified resource output representing difficulty in maintaining logistics (mostly penalties, but possibly small bonuses to energy production or physics research), damage to ships/platforms/stations, or random spawning of hostile space life (like void clouds) in affected systems.
thanks for the vid! I didn't know that mali from existing geography could stack!
just a little hint on that 100% malus you mentioned. 50% plus 50% should translate to 75%. Still 25% is probably incredibly slow! But with 100% slow down it would mean, your fleet would be practically immobilised and floating in space. (which would be an interesting event in of itself, though) since you can't just add percantage plus percantage. You would allways need to set a new 100% at each step and continue to add from there.
The picturese scenes in this game reminds me of Babylon 5.
This is a neat concept. I hope they go even further with galactic geography and weather. Maybe make black holes, neutron stars, and pulsars somewhat more common and affect adjacent hyperlanes. Then add temporary wormholes (that you can keep open later) which can connect to small isolated clusters of stars within the galaxy. Or randomly open in different systems.
This is going to make some interesting AAR.
Laugh in telopartion grid
The shield reduction however, that someting.
Will re-thinks all the ship build
What if, the psionic ascension path was able to reduce or even remove the negative effects of space storms. Just a thought.
@Zerebrat Eightyseven Bruh, thats literally in the game. See: End of the cycle.
I remember the first time a galactic storm fired I rushed psionic to get the shields, got cloud lightning, declared war on a fallen empire... 3 months in those shields didn’t mean a thing :(
Always loved building bastions in systems with pulsars with all armor and especially long range plasma weapons as my border defense. Now with galactic storms, I can sit back and let the fight come to a crawl at our doorstep.
Warpstorms can be disrupted by the sacrifice of a species to create a new chaos god.
Interestingly, I suspect this will have an effect on the tech that people go for. I know that usually engineering is emphasized anyway because it is the gate to so many important techs, ie robits, ships, etc. But in particular, I think that armor and lasers will be overall rushed more since you don't get crippled during a storm the way you might if you had been focusing kinetics, and Armor 2 with shields 4. Thoughts?
This is perfect for me since I already make half of my fleets unshielded. I started doing that so I could send them to fight in the few places with the shield nullification, now I have a real reason to do so!
The shield nullification thing is really annoying, but usually I just fill as many hull slots as power and MR budget permit with archaeo-armor to get shields instead of actual shield generators and when this happens I temporarily redesign my most common classes to be less shield-reliant and build more of the anti-armor designs with things like the drone lasers and archaeo-hangars. And since I usually unlock jump-drives long before the space storm hits (and find hull regen more useful especially with no shields) I generally don’t use afterburners to compensate for the slower sublight speed. With all this knowledge about how OP this makes neutron star-based defensive chokepoints, from now on every such chokepoint I see is getting a hangar+ancient rampart citadel with an ion cannon and as many defense platforms as I can build.
I just got hit by a space storm on my playthrough in the middle of a big war and I thought it was one of the mods I had installed. Surprised to hear it was in vanilla.
Gotta say, one of those stormy neutron stars saved my ass when an 80k deathstack was right on my border. The deathstack was slowed so much i managed to get two more 30k fleets to reinforce my 40k fleet with time to spare.
< Always plays with Militarist. Disengagement...?
Stellaris stealing all sci-fi tropes imaginable
"Are you going to go out there and protect your allies?"
That's a good joke. I'm totally fine with my allies being ablative armor for those Awakened Empires trying to carve through the universe to get to me.
... well, how was I supposed to know it was a holy world?! It's not like they left signs in orbit, or they showed up as rainbow-colored messes to orbital scanners.
Is this an attempt of Malal to become relevant again?
I'd certainly love that.
Yeah, i encountered this galactic storm when i was in the middle of a war with another empire for the Time Stone (a mod that ads the infinity stones as relics, damn good (if overpowered) mod) and one choke point that basically divided their empire into 2 parts was a Pulsar system.... and it got a Storm modifier to it. My ships had Dark Matter Thrusters on them at that point but even then they were soooooooooooo slow through that system it nearly made me lose the whole dang war.
Honestly I would quite like it if when the storm subsided all the energy from it gathered up into a giant void cloud that was hostile, and carried that aura wherever it went just like the one which is searching, just this time it is hostile and really powerful, it could have a low chance of spawning after a storm but I still think it would be really cool since it means there is another hostile entity in the galaxy
The Squids at 8:45; are those new, or...? (Don't remember any voidspawn that looks like those, or at least in those numbers)
Theyve been in the game since launch
This literally happened to me 15 minutes before I came to watch this video... That's... scary.
I've had as many as 3 storms in a play through. They're kind of a pain. But I do have a fond memory of establishing a beach head in a pulsar system just one jump from the Unbidden first system. Slowly bleeding their fleets as they kept trying to take the system and establishing a starbase and gateway.
I really think that all stars should have specific modifiers, mainly the more energetic types like A, B and re giants, and M class stars should have some too(like star flares that can increase and decrease energy production in a system or specific types of planets(the cold ones) having a higher chance to spawn in those systems).
Imagine the Havok you could cause to attacking fleets with a fully upgraded Star Fortress that is sitting on a choke point in a Neutron Star system during a storm; shred everything short of a Titan.
i was so surprised by these upgrades. Space storms man...SPAAAAACE STORMS! ..and no mods required. About time.
I got the storm for the first time yesterday at around the same time I got the Khan. Didn't even notice the changes it made since I just fortified my chokes with 45k Citadels and fleets and waited for the Khan to attack me. Sadly both the Khan and the Storm were over before I even got the chance to see any action.
The game I'm playing now had VLUUR spawn on a choke point that's now in the middle of my empire. That choke point has 2 neutron stars right next to each other. That choke point is the only way to get from the main part of my empire, to the southernmost cluster. VLUUR just keeps moving between the 2 neutron star systems.
100% sublight speed reduction. I'm not getting invaded anytime soon, but by the Shroud it made it hard to defend the southern border.
I got lucky in my game as the warp storm ended just before the khan woke up.
Rest in peace my shield heavy fleets.
Warp Storms got my Corvette Fleets absolutely murdered so many times. RIP Rapid Reaction Forces 1 and 2.
Playing a new campaign recently and have been enjoying the storms, psionic jump drives and missile fleets are just the bees knees. Nearing end game econ and fleet strength way early to the point of steam rolling. These things just let me roll further against enemies.
Oh man, devouring swarms would be brutal during this warp storm; they already have great HP and Armor bonuses.
Can you imagine the benefit of having a neutron star as a choke point during the galactic storm?
Stick a Citadel in there and when enemy fleets arrive they are stuck and pounded mercilessly by your defenses. Especially if your weapons outrange theirs.
Hopefully a event gets added to The Shroud where you can get a lesser (Not galaxy spanning) Warp Storm generated on your command. Even if you can't target where it goes, t'would make this game even more of a 40K reference, which is always good.
1. Get long range battlecruiser setup (megacannons or whatever + fighter bays).
2. Fly it into a neutron star to create an impenetrable fortress.
3 ???
4. Get outflanked.
Otherwise known as the great shield nerf.
I was in a war against a AE when the storm hit, the funny thing is my fleet is in the other side of the Galaxy where me Empire and fleetyards was based of, I have a Portal 3 systems from the AE borders I was in the middle of my expansion to this side of the Galaxy when they Awakened and decided to declare war on me.
So the AE send his fleet to attack me half a Galaxy away, I waited they move far from their borders and them moved my entire fleet of measly 300k over the portal, when them finally comeback I already have secured 4 of 6 planets and since they are still far from the occupied planets I conquered them without engage in a single fleet Battle.
After that I just waited to the endgame crisis to trigger while building more ships and For my insane luck the Unbidden show up two systems from my portal in the border of the territory I took from the AE, took my like half a year to win the war.
When they moved from the system they show up I jumped my entire fleet in, when they finally comeback it was too late.
Took advantage of one of these storms to destroy Awakened empire (kinetic heavy so could stack armour). Pretty easy to bate their fleets into affected systems.
One can never be fully prepared for terrors of the warp.
On my current (long) play, a _third_ warp storm just landed. Already armor focused I used the previous two to conquer half the galaxy(1000 stars, ring).
No signs yet as to what end game crisis I rolled but I hope it'll be during one such storm.
Should be good for a few maniacal laughs
Man imagine being on 25x Crisis strength the Unbidden have just recently invaded, and soon after the arrival a Galactic Storm hits that lasts for 10 years, it would be like shooting fish in a barrel.
this is very interesting, i wonder want kind of fleet and ship builds could you make to really capitalize on these modifiers
I thought I was crazy. Thx for the Video lol