  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 130

  • @meemo22
    @meemo22 3 года назад +29

    Side note but the part where you’re tearing up in the car and there’s people walking on the road behind your car it’s so true that you never know what’s going on in the lives of those around you and to be kind to everyone because you never know what they’re going through ❤️

  • @PokiVanDokelsen
    @PokiVanDokelsen 3 года назад +30

    Honey, your feelings are never wrong you’re scared and for a good reason. I hope it better this time and send all the good vibes to you and your loved ones.

  • @noodlemaiden7619
    @noodlemaiden7619 3 года назад +14

    The anxiety and concerns are totally valid and you no less of a strong person for feeling this way. Wishing you a smoother labour and praying for the safety and you and little one

  • @SunshineBloom777
    @SunshineBloom777 3 года назад +15

    My twin is a nurse and I wanted to tell you how much your sweet gifts for them will mean to them! That was so so thoughtful! They have all had such a hard year 💛💛💛🙏🏻

  • @ThrivingAnywayTV
    @ThrivingAnywayTV 3 года назад +17

    *Girl, I totally understand being anxious about the birth... esp when you’ve been induced before! Praying for you today, I know the Lord will see you through! 🙌🏾🙏🏾*

  • @BriannaK
    @BriannaK 3 года назад +23

    Ahhhh I am so excited for you!!! Praying for a safe and easy labor! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Sending you so much love!!! 🤍🤍🤍

  • @pollydolly9723
    @pollydolly9723 3 года назад +13

    You’ve just broken my heart and healed it at the same time. Bless you with a safe delivery ❤️

  • @marafeenchen1478
    @marafeenchen1478 3 года назад +7

    When I got to the night before the induction where you were bouncing with Kennedy I startet crying! I can understand your sadness and frustration so very well and it brought back some of the memories of my daughters induction! I hope you still got to have a wonderful birth! Wishing you and little baby boy all the best 💕💕💕

  • @JamieReviewsStuff
    @JamieReviewsStuff 3 года назад +2

    You are the sweetest, worried about your pregnancy but still pulling together gifts for the nurses. You’re amazing, mama!

  • @hannieloooo
    @hannieloooo 3 года назад +5

    Good luck Carly! Praying for a smooth labor and delivery and a healthy baby!🙏🏼

  • @miale3593
    @miale3593 3 года назад

    Just wanna adding another comment of that your feeling and your stress are totally valid and normal! I remember I felt so down and disappointed after 12hours trying, but only went from 5cm open to 3cm open, and had no choice but go with c section. I felt so disappointed by myself and I blamed myself for not being able to control it and make it happen naturally. Looking back I realized how unnecessary that is, like carrying a baby 9m, having huge needles on my body, stressfully trying to work myself out for labor is not enough.
    You have every right to feel your feelings, it can never make you any less strong. To give birth to another human being, come on, that’s already so fricking strong!

  • @NikkiCox81
    @NikkiCox81 3 года назад

    Aww sweet Carly! I just wanted to give you a big hug!! You have your sweet baby boy now and I'm sure you are so thankful to have your precious Christmas baby! Congratulations to you and Cody!

  • @geriv1582
    @geriv1582 3 года назад

    Tearing up with you. Every baby is different even if you are being induced. Praying for a quick, safe and healthy delivery, and a much better experience for you. Lots of prayers and love!!

  • @Stanzishouse
    @Stanzishouse 3 года назад +1

    Hoping for your labour being as easy as possible, but more importantly I hope, however the labour goes, that you and baby are both safe through all of the process. Much strength and love to you mama. 💚

  • @qgriffiths
    @qgriffiths 3 года назад +2

    Birth Trauma and obstetric justice isn't talked about enough. It's your labour you should be able to refuse things you don't want and advocate for yourself (or have your support person help advocate for you). Our bodies were made for this, you can do it. You don't need to get 'over' anything. Honour your feelings. Sending you love.

  • @scribbleprintsco
    @scribbleprintsco 3 года назад +1

    I really hope you had a better experience this time around! Our babies are about the same spacing apart and I had a very similar experience and my last one was born 8 months ago and I was induced again - but it went so fast and it was a night and day experience! I really hope this for you love!!! Congrats!

  • @rebeccasalzmann6954
    @rebeccasalzmann6954 3 года назад

    I’m praying for you Carly! I am one of those mommas you referenced who was induced and had a c-section (all unplanned) and I want you to know your feelings are valid and they are necessary. When I learned I would be having a C section it was a completely surprise, and I had 15-20 minutes to wrap my head around it. I was trying to be strong listening to the doctor and the nurse stopped everything and said “you need to grieve right now. Your feelings are valid and it’s ok to cry” I sobbed right there in front of everyone, and that acknowledgement of my feelings was what I needed to get through the surgery and be present emotionally to meet my baby. And I had more feelings to process afterward, and I know when I get pregnant again and have to have a c section again I’ll have feelings then too. I hope your labor this time is going so much smoother than last time, but I just wanted to reassure you that you are completely normal to feel grief to have to be induced again and it’s healthy to process it. I’m rooting for you and excited for you to meet your baby!

  • @NesKimStyle
    @NesKimStyle 3 года назад +5

    So excited for you. Sending love and prayers for a smooth delivery

  • @GirlyPiink95
    @GirlyPiink95 3 года назад +2

    Oh Carly, I am giving you a big virtual Hug!!
    You know, many labors begin with an induction, and I know of many woman who have had wonderfull experiences 💖
    Every birth is different, trust your body, and think positive! Your thoughts are so much more powerful than you think!
    You can do this 💪🏻

  • @xcaboodlesx
    @xcaboodlesx 3 года назад

    Carly, I'm in tears for you. Your story and your birth experience DO matter. You are doing such a great job... Hoping for your healing in all of the ways

  • @justinejoos9376
    @justinejoos9376 3 года назад

    I hardly comment on videos but seeing you cry made me sad ... I’m far away from being a mom so I can’t exactly relate to what it must have felt for you thinking you might have to be induced again, but you shouldn’t minimize what you were feeling and comparing yourself to other moms-to-be, it’s okay to feel sad and scared and more than okay to talk about and express how you feel xx
    And I freaking love that you made some Christmas bags for the nurses, it really shows that you’re so kind and loving, wish you all the best with your new baby boy and your family of 4 ✨💞

  • @vicklee33
    @vicklee33 3 года назад

    Boy I can relate- After being induced with my first I really wanted my body to go into labor naturally but it didn’t happen. At 40 weeks exactly they induced me because my son was over 9 pounds. I was so disappointed too but now I’m sure it’s all good now that he’s in your arms!

  • @iamboofreaky
    @iamboofreaky 3 года назад

    Your feelings are completely normal and valid! My sister went through the same exact thing. It’s important to allow yourself to feel what your feeling! You are incredibly strong and I can’t wait to see your healthy, happy boy! Congrats and good luck :)

  • @x3BABYTEAMO9x
    @x3BABYTEAMO9x 3 года назад +2

    You got this Carly! I pray for a safe and smooth delivery💕

  • @phi_aure
    @phi_aure 3 года назад

    You’ve got this, Momma. Do whatever is right for you and your beautiful baby boy 🙏🏻🥰

  • @SilviaN1
    @SilviaN1 3 года назад

    I love that you are being vulnerable and honest. I see you as wise and strong in exactly that, and I hope that everything went well. Sending you lots of love from Denmark.

  • @kristinabraly
    @kristinabraly 3 года назад +2

    Ahhhhh I’m so excited for you! You got this mama!

  • @Rachthepisces
    @Rachthepisces 3 года назад

    I am sending ALL the positive vibes that this delivery is more smooth for you!!! As a nurse I’m going to say your nurses will LOVE that you did the Christmas bags for them!! We never expect anything or even a thank you because we are here for you! We signed up to care for people!! We do it because we are passionate! They will sincerely appreciate that more then you know! Positive vibes for you and baby!

  • @haseena1001
    @haseena1001 3 года назад +4

    Congratulations! - Wishing that both you and baby are safe and well xx

  • @48mavemiss2
    @48mavemiss2 3 года назад +2

    Just prayed for you both and the family. Happy safe delivery!

  • @CrystalsCopia
    @CrystalsCopia 3 года назад +4

    Prayers for an amazing delivery❤️

  • @kellibohn
    @kellibohn 3 года назад

    teared up watching you cry.. then lost it seeing you with Kennedy at the end 😭 your babies are so lucky to have you as their mama! i’m 26 weeks pregnant with my first and i have a lot of the same fears. excited for you to meet your baby boy!!

  • @PeepsMcNutley
    @PeepsMcNutley 3 года назад

    All if those feelings are sooooo valid! Don’t be hard on yourself. You’re such a great mom to Kennedy, and she’s a light in this world. As are you and Cody. Wishing you the best during your labor and delivery. Can’t wait to hear what baby boy is named!

  • @SarahLee8888
    @SarahLee8888 3 года назад

    Best of luck Carly!
    Sounds like you had every reason to be anxious and disappointed - I hope you’ve made it through ok and have your baby boy in your arms 🥰🥰🥰

  • @LilttleLilliess
    @LilttleLilliess 3 года назад

    i’m in bed nursing my 10
    month old boy and I also started crying while Carly started crying. i had a c-section for my boy and i know how hard it can be, but you can do this, mama. praying everything goes alright with you two!

  • @shanonthomas6970
    @shanonthomas6970 3 года назад

    Oh Carly! My heart broke listening to you while in the car! I am so happy for the ending we got on this video! You are a strong woman, wonderful mother! Never ever doubt yourself girl! I can’t wait to see your birth story!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰.

  • @ClaireDeLune2848
    @ClaireDeLune2848 3 года назад

    Praying that everything is going smoothly right now! I can only imagine the anxiety you're feeling right now, I remember how hard you said your daughter's labor was. Lots of love from Germany! xx

  • @mlokrongly09
    @mlokrongly09 3 года назад

    You’re so loved and all the best wishes to you and your family. Congratulations on being an incredible mom of two.. you’re a powerhouse! You got this! 💪🏻

  • @lindseycurry8321
    @lindseycurry8321 3 года назад

    So excited for you, really wish we could all give you a hug but I hope talking about how you feel helped, even a little. I hope you manage to get as close to the natural labour you wanted as possible. So sweet of you to do gift bags for your nurses too xx

  • @LindaWvdP
    @LindaWvdP 3 года назад

    Good luck Carly, you can do it! My first delivery was hell, needed help to get baby out. Second time was easier, but boy was i scared. It was a topic throughout my pregnancy with my midwife. I get it when you talk about feeling scared. Hope you and baby boy are healthy and have met by now!

  • @positivetransformationswit6207
    @positivetransformationswit6207 3 года назад

    Thats so sad you were feeling that way 💔😔 you dont have to get over anything its completely understandable that you felt emotional as you had a traumatic time last time💖 i hope it was less traumatic this time and wish you and your family all the best i seen on ur insta that baby boy is here good job mama💖💖💖

  • @Sarahsms
    @Sarahsms 3 года назад +2

    Congratulations mama ur doing amazing regardless of how u go about it 🙏🏼 prayers for a safe delivery

  • @stephmlemay
    @stephmlemay 3 года назад +3

    yay!! congrats! can’t wait to see baby boy

  • @goldenchocolat
    @goldenchocolat 3 года назад

    I am wishing you and your family the best and hope that you all will be safe. And I also wanted to thank you for being so honest and real! Everyone goes through phases feeling very upset or disappointed about themselves but just like the other nice comments in this section I wanted to leave some love and assure you that your thoughts are justified and nothing‘s wrong with you!

  • @Nerdy4Nails
    @Nerdy4Nails 3 года назад

    YOU GOT THIS MAMA!!🖤 sending my love and prayers
    to you and baby!

  • @kikidabratt7860
    @kikidabratt7860 3 года назад +3

    Praying for a safe delivery 🥰

  • @dansuneautrevie2713
    @dansuneautrevie2713 3 года назад

    Finally, yay! I hope it was as easy as possible and you got the labor and delivery you prayed for during this pregnancy!! 💕❤️

  • @LiiBorossy
    @LiiBorossy 3 года назад

    Praying for a healthy and smooth delivery. You got this mama! Much love xoxo

  • @babieswhobrunch
    @babieswhobrunch 3 года назад +1

    You’re doing everything you can to get that baby boy out girl!

  • @etarime
    @etarime 3 года назад

    I felt you when you talked about mourning your labor experience 😞 I pray for a safe labor, and a healthy baby 🙏

  • @ashleytimmermeyer5056
    @ashleytimmermeyer5056 3 года назад

    It is okay to grieve and to be sad! I think that is normal don't feel ashamed! I am so happy for you and I hope it is smooth and a great experience! You deserve it. Overall, a healthy happy baby! I don't even want kids but i love watching these videos!😊❤

  • @athenaashleybates4363
    @athenaashleybates4363 3 года назад

    Praying for a smooth delivery!!! So happy for you and your family xo

  • @daisymorris9430
    @daisymorris9430 3 года назад

    No matter what your journey was you are a strong woman for going through it. I know the pregnancy hormones are intense, but I’m sure you’re so happy now that he’s here.

  • @christinac1582
    @christinac1582 3 года назад

    I appreciate your openness & honesty through this process ❤️ my heart goes out to you...I hit 40 weeks Friday and seeing my doctor soon and I can relate so much to your experience

    • @laurenmorgan881
      @laurenmorgan881 3 года назад

      Awesome. Is the baby here yet?! I'm so anxious about having my second little girl. I'm terrified idk Y. I have given birth before, all is normal I'm just plum scared! I'm due April 27th.

  • @angelesrodriguez81
    @angelesrodriguez81 3 года назад

    Mann I literally feel the same way!!! I'm only 18 weeks pregnant and my 1st babygirl is 21months old and we have never been away from her and its freaks me out and is making me anxious to be away from her for sooo long and then when I do get to see her I will be with another baby the stress/anxious is REALL!!!!

  • @Sonja-u8z
    @Sonja-u8z 3 года назад

    Your baby and I will share a birthday! It’s a good day 😊 Congrats! Hoping you L&D go smoothly. (Ps your nurses gift bags are such a good idea, so sweet).

  • @missmeowz
    @missmeowz 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your rawness and think you ARE strong! I hope you have some tender moments this time around. Can't wait to meet your new boy

  • @jaimebh30
    @jaimebh30 3 года назад

    I hope you have a safe and happy labor and delivery! My girl is a year and I have never spent a night away from her. She prefers mom to help calm her especially at night.

  • @bogieboog
    @bogieboog 3 года назад

    I wish you the best and a healthy beautiful baby!

  • @roslyncaskey3396
    @roslyncaskey3396 3 года назад

    Praying peace to your soul Ms Carly.

  • @JB11334
    @JB11334 3 года назад +1

    Prayed for you 🤍 So many HUGS 🤍🐙

  • @Tashazen0013
    @Tashazen0013 3 года назад

    Sending you lots of magic baby dust and love for a smooth and much more straight forward labour. I’ve heard so many second labours are easier as your body’s already done it once before xxx

  • @marabookstagram
    @marabookstagram 3 года назад

    Good luck! Hope things go as well as possible and your recovery is smooth! ❤

  • @mizzlopez5660
    @mizzlopez5660 3 года назад +2

    Best of luck to you Carly! Know you’re coming out of this stronger than ever , with a beautiful baby boy to add to your little family 🤍

  • @LEHender
    @LEHender 3 года назад

    I had those same feels! I totally get it. I had a planned induction at 42w but in my 41w ultrasound they found out I had low amniotic fluid. I had to get induced that day and ended up having my son at 41w4d. I definitely felt so 'broken' that my body couldn't go into labour on its own and I had low fluid and my body still wouldn't go into spontaneous labour. Everyday I woke up I felt like something was wrong with me.

  • @ellifunk
    @ellifunk 3 года назад

    Praying for a safe and smooth delivery for you!! Lots of love

  • @hgalxxcruXal
    @hgalxxcruXal 3 года назад

    Praying for your safe delivery Carly! See you soon 💖

  • @LizBy021
    @LizBy021 3 года назад

    I’m so sorry you had to be induced again but I hope the process went smoother this time!

  • @thefaithfamily2377
    @thefaithfamily2377 3 года назад

    My small advise is a good long walk it sometimes helps a lot for those who may be approaching their due date :-) Congrats

  • @MrAnnfrid
    @MrAnnfrid 3 года назад

    All the best for your second birthing journey. x

  • @7sevendaysara
    @7sevendaysara 3 года назад +1

    I so much pray for you to have a best experience in respect of last time

  • @emilymyrick8801
    @emilymyrick8801 3 года назад

    I'm being induced in 2 weeks for high blood pressure. I think it's easier for me mentally, because I have known since the first trimester. I hope that this birth is easier and more calm than the first. Stay strong.

  • @mysonruns
    @mysonruns 3 года назад

    Praying for you! What a wonderful Christmas gift! You & Kennedy on the bouncing ball made me tear up.

  • @lorrainegatzke1048
    @lorrainegatzke1048 3 года назад +2

    🙏🙏🙏 blessings to you and your family 💖

  • @thechrischronicles2102
    @thechrischronicles2102 3 года назад

    Carly, if your epidural doesn’t work it can be redone!!! You don’t have to just suffer.
    Also, you can wait. You don’t have to be induced. The fact that you were in labor so long before is just indicative of the fact that you weren’t ready.

  • @vanessavega8517
    @vanessavega8517 3 года назад

    Have a great postpartum recovery and wishing you all great health

  • @genevievejones3333
    @genevievejones3333 3 года назад

    I have had 2 inductions first was long and traumatic and the second was fast and easy. I pray you get that same experience.

  • @irismartinez5353
    @irismartinez5353 3 года назад

    Congrats! Many blessings to your family of 4 ❤️💛💙💓

  • @blueice011
    @blueice011 3 года назад

    So happy for you! Good luck and stay strong! It will be fine, you'll see.

  • @MissEllolisoss
    @MissEllolisoss 3 года назад

    Good luck! Hoping for a safe delivery ❤️✨

  • @jazz_renae
    @jazz_renae 3 года назад

    Such a blessing!!!! Congrats 🎉🎊🍾

  • @Despinula
    @Despinula 3 года назад

    Even this way can still be a redemption story! 😊❤️ thinking of you... wish you easy and safe labour xx

  • @SunshineBloom777
    @SunshineBloom777 3 года назад +1

    Praying mama 🙏🏻💛💛💛

  • @rockera1688
    @rockera1688 3 года назад

    Good Luck, Mama! We all have been stalking your socials awaiting Baby Boy's arrival!

  • @liveloveloud100
    @liveloveloud100 3 года назад

    sending love and prayers for a safe delivery!!

  • @headkandywhore
    @headkandywhore 3 года назад

    Sending you good vibes Mama ✨⭐️💖 I know you’re going to do an amazing job ❤️

  • @msmintygreen
    @msmintygreen 3 года назад

    So happy!!! Sending you so so so much love💕 💕

  • @GiGiWellness28
    @GiGiWellness28 3 года назад

    Congratulations! May God's grace, wisdom and peace be with you guys 🙏🏻
    I gave birth to 2 kids 25+ years ago. Our 1st was 9 days over due, so I went through everything but finally C-section. Our 2nd was also C-section just because the 1st one was, I was told it would be better.

  • @DaniOchannel
    @DaniOchannel 3 года назад

    Best wishes for uncomplicated delivery! Xx

  • @thegreatoak7242
    @thegreatoak7242 3 года назад

    Praying all goes well for you and your husband Carly. Don’t be so hard on yourself feeling liking it’s hard to cope with feelings of another scary experience in childbirth. Life in general can be scary, but at least we have Jesus to carry us through it all. After all, we’re humans chock full of emotions! The Great Shepherd even knows this because we were fearfully and wonderfully made! Love and prayers from VA! Merry Christmas! 🎄 🌟

  • @mqk1697
    @mqk1697 3 года назад

    You got this Carly! ♥️

  • @anastasiaadams1382
    @anastasiaadams1382 3 года назад +19

    I'm always hesitant to trust a doc who wants to induce or schedule a section around a holiday. Sooo many stories of mothers unnecessarily being induced or c section because the docs don't want their plans spoiled.

    • @kirrraaax3
      @kirrraaax3 3 года назад +6

      I had the same thought :/ she’s only 40 weeks and 5 days and they wanna induce but she technically still has another week left before it’s medically necessary!! The doc said induction spots are hard to get but I just feel bad. I wish she had those extra 9 days to have the chance at a natural start to labor 😕

    • @DashandDougtheGoldens
      @DashandDougtheGoldens 3 года назад +2

      I was thinking the same.

  • @ruth_ruth
    @ruth_ruth 3 года назад

    Sending all the good thoughts your way. 💕💕

  • @LaFeaBellaGarcia
    @LaFeaBellaGarcia 3 года назад

    I was supposed to get induced on the 17th 40 wks 5 days. i was like baby girl wouldnt tou rather come out on your own instead of having someone bother you and make you do something you obviously dont want to 😄. She decided to come the 16th 😊

  • @amyV10844
    @amyV10844 3 года назад

    Good luck, I just gave birth to a baby girl on the 14th . So happy for you 🥲

  • @temidaraa
    @temidaraa 3 года назад

    Congratulations!!! 🥳

  • @hazal_beauty286
    @hazal_beauty286 3 года назад

    Sooo much luv 💕💕💕

  • @Pooka92
    @Pooka92 3 года назад

    Thanks for the real video. I can relate so much.

  • @Jillnomaha
    @Jillnomaha 3 года назад

    You got this! 🙌🏻

  • @chrisladida1628
    @chrisladida1628 3 года назад

    Sweetheart, please don't be so hard on yourself! You can be proud of yourself, whichever way you give or gave birth