There's a further 10 or so. I've posted a few. Will be posting more in the coming wks. Once students are ready for their mock test. Ive posted several mock tests already. Have you viewed them all?
He was in the left lane and turned 2nd exit left. That's not straight ahead. Straight ahead was 3rd exit. You use left lane for turning any lefts at a roundabout. Remember at a roundabout you can have multiple left exits Any exit before 12 o clock is generally considered a left.
I passed my test a week ago 2nd attempt with 3 minors thanks for the video's they really helped 🙂🙂
Congratulations, Wendy. I'm so glad the videos helped you. 🚗💯
after many hours of driving I still can't control the break and gas. Any advice?
Congratulations, Aman, on passing your driving test 1st time today @ Kingstanding DTC. Only 1 driver fault recorded. (1st May 2024)🚗✅️
Thank you please more video with different routes
Most definitely I will be posting more on the coming wks.
He was so good and at the end he messed up
He sure did a good drive it was in the last 10 mins or so he committed those serious faults. 🚗🚦
Hello, are there any other routes for kingstanding??? Or this is the only one??
There's a further 10 or so. I've posted a few. Will be posting more in the coming wks. Once students are ready for their mock test. Ive posted several mock tests already. Have you viewed them all?
@@CrashCourses2day thank you, yes .
26:25 he was in the left lane that turns left and went straight ahead? Would this be a fail
He was in the left lane and turned 2nd exit left. That's not straight ahead. Straight ahead was 3rd exit. You use left lane for turning any lefts at a roundabout. Remember at a roundabout you can have multiple left exits
Any exit before 12 o clock is generally considered a left.