Star Citizen: Should you buy the Mirai Fury?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 68

  • @STLYoungblood
    @STLYoungblood  Год назад +2

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  • @Dracounguis
    @Dracounguis Год назад +4

    Top three reasons for the Fury.
    1️⃣ It fits inside a lot more ships then other snubs.
    2️⃣ Once available in game it will be super cheap. (I guess 200k.)
    3️⃣ Relatively cheap LTI token.

  • @johnboyd9713
    @johnboyd9713 Год назад +3

    This comes with an Aurora MR as a loaner, as an aside. If you ccu a starter pack into this, you would still have a starter ship.
    It also keeps shields from regening in a medium vs medium fight, which can be a HUGE advantage as the mother ship can break contact and regen while this continues to be a pest and pepper the target. It has a meaningful part to play... but the archimedes just does it better at the moment. (but this is easier to fit in more things)

    • @NL0Gwenster
      @NL0Gwenster Год назад

      Why would CIG provide a loaner for the fury ? Loaners are typically granted because you buy something that isn't in the game and/or broken in the game. The fury doesn't fit the bill for either of these. It's a fully finished , gold standard ship with 0 issues. Aside from that, we already have a dedicated snub carrier in the medium size, the Andromeda. With the advantage that it's snub has it's own parking spot and doesn't waste your physical cargo space like a Fury would. in 3.19 they actually fixed the snub docking/undocking and works flawlessly now (it's been broken for about 10 months) - citizen kate did a Fully manned Andromeda Vs Fully manned Corsair, one with the snub and one without the snub. With the snub it does as you advertised. Keeps the Corsair from regenning shields whilst the Andromeda can hang back a bit (and lob it's 52 missiles in the meantime too)

    • @johnboyd9713
      @johnboyd9713 Год назад +1

      @@NL0Gwenster lots of finished ships have loaners, if the ship doesn't allow you to experience the game or arena commander. Decision seems arbitrary some times.
      Tali comes with a gladiator, fury with an Aurora, most ground vehicles come with a flavor of starter ship or fighter.

  • @MA-fl8gt
    @MA-fl8gt Год назад +7

    Been following you for years now. I'm glad to see your still following development. Always a pleasure hearing your opinion on things.

  • @Dracounguis
    @Dracounguis Год назад +6

    The Talon when originally offered was $90. A much better deal than a Fury. Though honestly ALL light fighters are cheap enough in game that you don't really need to spend IRL money. The ship you need in your hanger is whatever can make you money to buy the other things. 😉

  • @Kazockas
    @Kazockas Год назад +5

    I think the Fury could be a platform for industry. I can easily see a salvage variant of this. instead of weapons it has laser cutters and tractor beams. using swarm theory, a bunch of these taking apart larger ships as part of a salvage operation.

    • @terranempire2
      @terranempire2 Год назад +2

      It reminds me of the Work bee from trek. I could imagine replacing some of the guns for arms. As a small maintenance patch ship in misc line up.

    • @willm.9687
      @willm.9687 10 месяцев назад +2

      A support or repair Fury would be neat since drones aren't a thing yet. As a Cutlass owner I'd get one for longer runs.
      That extended fury-looking ship that was blurred out at CitizenCon is making me think if that's a larger version of the Fury that is still short and narrow enough to fit in most bays, but with a length for more features (maybe something for a couple of SCUs of cargo or space for some kind of collapsible bed for the pilot to log out inside like with the old 300 series beds?)

  • @jedi_drifter2988
    @jedi_drifter2988 Год назад +4

    Now any small org. with a med/large cargo ship can use Furys to do a first strike on ground forces, taking out Tonks etc. especially the Fury MX for the larger targets. I will use one as a scout ship, but hope CIG will come out with a stealth scout variant, a repair variant and cargo moving variant W/tractor beam as well. It would really be kool to see a module for the Argo RAFT that carries like 6 Furys, instead of cargo boxes. It does need a longer run time since it has no quantum drive and only has like 15 min. worth of fuel .

    • @graveperil2169
      @graveperil2169 Год назад

      why not have the players/pilots in decent figthers instead of these suicide ships

    • @Kyle-sr6jm
      @Kyle-sr6jm Год назад +1

      You would lose one person to act as a carrier pilot, and if the carrier goes down, all of the snubs are screwed.
      Instead, all of your strike team comes in actual fighters or other strike craft.

    • @benlee8225
      @benlee8225 Год назад

      @@Kyle-sr6jm but actual fighters can be seem miles away while fury flying in quite mode guns off low Sig level can fly below radar and suddenly attack formation have 20 of the things swarming. carrier way in the distance outside of scan range and missle lock ready to resupply them or which ever carrier we get that can do so. they can also be testing grounds for small combat drones mechanic wise balance so on

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 7 месяцев назад

      The "why not just use 'real' fighters" argument, in addition to being more or less condescending, is pretty easily defeated. Not everyone will have them (they'll be more expensive in game as they are now with "big boy" money), and once we get into larger systems, will start to be important. Stanton is like 5 AU, which is tiny compared to some systems, like even Pyro is 13 AU, roughly 3x that size, and ships like the Arrow are already low on Quantum fuel crossing Stanton, meaning you might not even be able to get all the way one-way to a target in some "real" fighters, but you might also not have enough fuel to Quantum out once you get there, making it no better than a Snub.
      And if you're going flying 10-30 AU with friends, would you rather be in a tiny cockpit for the whole trip, or able to walk around on your mothership together?
      So that's kind of a big deal.
      "Real" fighters will also likely be more expensive to operate in general, in both repairs, refuling, and rearming munitions.
      And going back to the travel, when we get to the point of fighters needing to be carried on ships to cross large distances, you can fit around 4x Furies where you can fit 1x Arrow, and the other "real" fighters are larger, meaning an even bigger trade-off. If your crew has a Polaris and you have ~20 people, would you rather have a Polaris and 2 Arrows, a Polaris and 1 Hornet, or a Polaris and 8 Furies? Clearly the Furies are going to be the better option there. And before you suggest that's unrealistic, SubliminaL and LawOfTheWest have done videos on these things fitting in other things. SubL's they got something ridiculous like >20 Furies into an 890's forward hangar bay, and that's ignoring the additional ones they got in the cargo area in the back.
      Point is, when operating costs, travel times, and fuel tanks for Quantum travel start to become limiting factors, carrying Furies on a mothership becomes a much bigger potential advantage.

  • @jimsamide7100
    @jimsamide7100 Год назад +2

    Doesn’t anyone remember the star fury from Babylon 5. My goodness that is the real inspiration for this ship. I must be so old. 😢

  • @ozramblue117
    @ozramblue117 Год назад +1

    I got a base Fury. It lives in my Corsair next to a Mule. I’m happy with the pairing.

  • @TheSmallNana
    @TheSmallNana Год назад +2

    I'm thinking of getting one as a snub to use with a Galaxy

  • @gregmosher4287
    @gregmosher4287 Год назад +5

    Personally I find the Fury to be pretty awesome at racing
    loading it or a few of them into a carrack, flying to a track, then being able to race around is pretty fun
    I have a small group of friends who play semi regularly and for that situation a MSR with one friend piloting and 2 others in the guns then me flying out in the Fury also seems like it would be fun.
    I would entirely agree though getting this as someone's only ship would be awful. Even if you are in a situation where you only have 2 ships I can think of better 2 ship combinations before resorting to this. BUT it also depends if you play with other people. DOES someone you play with regularly have a ship the Fury can fit inside.
    There are some examples where this is pretty cool.
    the P72 costs like 150k in game, its stupidly cheap to get in game...
    I suspect that the Fury when available in game will be quite similar so as far as REAL money its probably a waste.

    • @xavimendoza8014
      @xavimendoza8014 Год назад

      But, There's no guarantee that today's prices will be the same when the game launches

  • @Anachroschism
    @Anachroschism Год назад +2

    Folks need to get away from thinking every ship is a solo ship. The key point of this ship, is it's supposed to swarm the enemy with as overwhelming numbers. Considering the hangar on the Carrick can fit 4 of them, over one Pisces, should give a good idea of the usefulness of this platform. Essentially, it's 4 Fury for 1 light fighter, in terms of space, and that drastically changes the usefulness of this little ship, and any comparison should look at it that way.

  • @johnboyd9713
    @johnboyd9713 Год назад +1

    Fix the fuel and I kinda love it, warts and all. I mean the Archimedes is meta and just better, but this is shorter but taller. It definitely has its place, no matter what the meta chasers say.
    I do think it would make a better drone though...

  • @SubduedRadical
    @SubduedRadical 7 месяцев назад

    I feel like they need to give it a larger fuel tank, but outside of that, it's a perfectly good little swarm ship. I feel like a lot of people aren't factoring in the future of the game. Stanton is 5 AU across and some other fighters (like the Arrow, say) already start running low on Quantum fuel crossing it. Not to mention sitting in a cramped cockpit the whole time can get kind of boring, even if your irl self can get up to go grab a drink or something. But when we get larger systems (Pyro, at 13 AU, is already >2.5x Stanton's size!), this will start to be significant as bigger fighters won't be able to make the whole trip without refueling, making carriers more important. And not only can the Fury fit on more things, anywhere you can stick an Arrow, you can put 4x or so Furies, and more in the case of larger fighters.
    If you and some friends (say 15-20 of you) have a Polaris together, would you rather have a Polaris and 2 Arrows or a Polaris and one Hornet, or a Polaris and 8 Furies? If we're talking a big system where you're reliant on the Polaris to move around no matter what you're in, the Furies start to look pretty good, not to mention you can then walk around the ship and hang out with your friends when in transit.
    The Furies are also likely to be cheaper on operating costs, and can be carried by ships that Arrows and Galds and such can't fit on, like the Caterpiller can get between 4 and 10 (depending on the skill of your pilots and your luck) whereas it can't fit a single Arrow or larger in it.
    So in those big systems that are coming where you need a mothership no matter what fighters you're using, the Fury starts to shine, and shine quickly.

  • @Tarnfalk
    @Tarnfalk Год назад +1

    I picked up a couple and plan to grab a Cat. Cat has enough firepower to deal with the larger enemies while the Furies can nail the small stuff. Pretty much going to use it for escorting cargo vessels and events then when we get Pyro I see it being decently useful since you can have fighters while having them easy to transport

  • @cv368
    @cv368 Год назад +1

    great summary as always. I also decided to not want to buy the ship in the pledge store because of its limits. actually, the final decision fell after i ran low on fuel just from getting to orbit and messing around the Javelin for a few minutes. i will stick to the fully equipped snubs like the Pisces or the 85X and "actual" fighters for combat

  • @Xzor
    @Xzor Год назад +2

    With Cash? Heck NO!
    With aUEC? Heck YES!

  • @stephenadkins616
    @stephenadkins616 10 месяцев назад +1

    Snub fighters are basically Tie fighters that look pretty (or in this case lacking the wings lol)

  • @graveperil2169
    @graveperil2169 Год назад +8

    its a good ship for NPC's defending a fixed locations, For players they are better off being in real fighters

    • @velocitymg
      @velocitymg Год назад +2

      That’s actually a really good point…going hand in hand with base building…several small snub fighters are more than capable of defending a location and take up little room and upkeep compared to a few arrows or larger ships.

    • @vegas6908
      @vegas6908 Год назад

      Good point. The ship will be good when habitats are introduced.

    • @Sixth-Venom
      @Sixth-Venom Год назад

      I believe they recently said npc cant help you fly ships

  • @josephpiskac2781
    @josephpiskac2781 Год назад

    Best presentation of this craft that I have seen.

  • @NobodyAtAll56
    @NobodyAtAll56 Год назад +1

    It’s an interesting alternative to a rover or hover bike for sending an away team to scout a planet’s surface

    • @Shot5hells
      @Shot5hells Год назад +1

      I think a super cramped barebones shuttle version would be cool. like a really minimal tin can transport

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 7 месяцев назад

      @@Shot5hells Like the "TIE Shuttle" in Star Wars? Basically a TIE Bomber but the second bomb pod is replaced with a small passenger pod.

  • @nathankrenk453
    @nathankrenk453 Год назад +1

    I’ve been waiting for this. Thanks for getting it out.

  • @fnunez
    @fnunez Год назад

    My main question about the fury is, what is the advantage of sending to a battle say a caterpillar carrying five furies vs sending five arrows in a group jump? In both cases the fighter pilots need to sit on their hands until they're needed, the firepower is the same and in the first case I'm risking a carrier as well as the fighters. The situation is similar if the furies are being used as onboard escorts. In one case I'm sacrificing cargo space to carry a few fighters, in the other one my escorts can jump in when I'm attacked and fight for me, no cargo space sacrifice necessary. The fury really feels like an RP ship.

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 7 месяцев назад

      Probably operating costs. Arrows would cost more both in quantum fuel flying themselves to the location and in expending missiles (compared to the base Fury, anyway).
      I think it's more in how you look at it. For carriers that can carry Arrows, you can fit roughly FOUR of these in the space of a single Arrow. Wen we start getting larger systems where fighters HAVE to be carried because they can't quantum themselves, that becomes a pretty important feature. Stanton is like 4 AU. Pyro is like 3x that size, and ships like the Arrow already run low on fuel crossing Stanton. When we get to systems where travel time and fuel become relevant, being able to cram 8 Furies into a Polaris vs 1-2 Arrows, that will start to be a big deal fairly quickly if you have the manpower to field them.

  • @kalibbailey6219
    @kalibbailey6219 Год назад +1

    I just wish I could auto load this ship into a cutlass black

  • @jimashby43
    @jimashby43 Год назад

    The Manta, haven't thought of that one in awhile.

  • @Dracounguis
    @Dracounguis Год назад +1

    The Fury suffers the same Achilles Heel as the Talon... Lose a wing and you're spinning out of control.

  • @ViniciusConsorte
    @ViniciusConsorte Год назад +5

    Yes you should, as an LTI token for something useful

  • @ph11p3540
    @ph11p3540 Год назад

    In my case and end game requirements, the Fury is not on my ship list. I am all about engineering logistics and resource procurement. At least I can spare a couple of space on my Caterpillar to hide a pair of hitchhiking Furies. My Caterpillar otherwise will be converted into a flying machine shop once factory modules are a thing

  • @ymemag9861
    @ymemag9861 Год назад

    I bought 4! Lti tokens ftw!

  • @benthomson1132
    @benthomson1132 Год назад +2

    This ship absolutely begs to be used as disposable NPC cannon fodder, something that the players can destroy hordes of, or escape from easily since these have no QT drive (although the whole "no QT drives on snubs" thing is stupid).

    • @graveperil2169
      @graveperil2169 Год назад

      it makes perfect sense its the same as coast defence ships if you only want them to defend your own locations their is no need to add all the storage space for fuel and food to give it range you can either use that extra space to add extra weapons or to reduce the size and cost of the ship

    • @SubduedRadical
      @SubduedRadical 7 месяцев назад

      @@graveperil2169 All ships really should at least be able to spline jump. The MPUV is supposed to ferry cargo into and out of orbit, and it takes 20 minutes for a one-way trip. Not to mention the "Snubs don't quantum" went out the window with the 85x, and then the C8 came back and smashed that window with a baseball bat before running off again.

  • @noliebowtie1315
    @noliebowtie1315 Год назад

    you're my 2nd favorite Canadian 😊

  • @pertreyu9579
    @pertreyu9579 Год назад

    just to add a point (do not spend money on this game lol) but if you are really interested in the fury and you can spend the money, AND you plan on playing more SC in the future, it's a pretty solid LTI token IMO. You can always upgrade to a better ship in the future and that ship will now have lifetime insurance.

  • @firstjayjay
    @firstjayjay Год назад +1

    Mis vids from STL... ❤

  • @romanrm1
    @romanrm1 Год назад

    Your intro jingle is in the left channel only.

  • @PaleandPastey
    @PaleandPastey Год назад

    More makes me think of a Tie Fighter.

  • @jcadence4761
    @jcadence4761 Год назад

    great vid!

  • @nickgennady
    @nickgennady Год назад

    What is difference between ilw one and regular?

  • @PsiQss
    @PsiQss Год назад

    Too late! Already bought 2 :P
    I'll probably upgrade them to something else once they're available in game though.

  • @jsullivan649
    @jsullivan649 Год назад

    things brand new and already needs a rework, they need to attach the engines to the hull and not the wings, they're far too easy to lose and the second you lose a single wing you're in a death spiral... the merlin is better in all metrics.

  • @winngedhussarmalaka7685
    @winngedhussarmalaka7685 Год назад

    We did I buy this ship? It's a tie interceptor that's why

  • @Shawnsrumi
    @Shawnsrumi Год назад

    Yes, it’s my local commuter

  • @koolerpure
    @koolerpure Год назад

    the fury is interesting. holds no purpose and takes too long to load into a ship for the 15 mins of flight you get with it. either this ship came out too early for the content its meant for or its just a silly side thing someone made instead of fixing up older ships so that made cig can make alot of money

  • @Dracounguis
    @Dracounguis Год назад

    Imagine the people who bought the 12-pack of Furies... You should be set for LTI tokens for a very long time. 🤣

  • @benhale6773
    @benhale6773 Год назад +1

    No, just on basic principle.

  • @andrewcoulthard-clark
    @andrewcoulthard-clark Год назад

    ....if they could make this, why can't they make drones...? Seems more important....

  • @Dracounguis
    @Dracounguis Год назад +1

    This ship is a gimmick. It will be popular for a couple months and then people will go back to real ships. I like to call this the suicide squad ship. The UEE offers criminals time off their sentence if they survive X number of missions. 🤣

  • @L0kias1
    @L0kias1 Год назад

    This is definitely the Starfury from Babylon 5 , not a Tie fighter

  • @WabbitCrouton
    @WabbitCrouton Год назад

    The Paylord demands your donation! Donate to get this Fury now! :D

  • @constable117
    @constable117 Год назад +1

    This thing has 15min of hydrogen fuel btw, good luck doing anything sustained with it.

  • @DanielDanielsen
    @DanielDanielsen Год назад

    "Should you buy the Mirai Fury?".. no! Stop feeding RSI money or the game will never come out! After 14 years...learn it!!!

  • @bubbl3s466
    @bubbl3s466 Год назад +1

    Easy... No.