Yes. That's exactly what I did. I installed into the camera canon Clog. And everything else involved was just the basic setting needed to get the right exposure. Well, how I did the Time-lapse was a bit tricky. I tried installing the magic lantern firmware that could have given me an access to film a Time-lapse sequence but the firmware couldn't install. What I had to do to archive this was just to mount the camera on a tripod and record for ten minutes and sped it up In post. I'll recommend you check out my channel. I have a Playlist of videos I shot with the rebel t100 you might find them interesting. Thanks.
I Just used the basic settings and an installation of clog color profile to get the flat color look then I can bring up the colors however I want in post.
Wow this is gorgeous. I can't figure out how to timelapse on my t100 at all, let alone this level of quality.
Thank you mate.
@@pixeleonstudios is there a setting on the camera alone or do you have to run the EOS utility on a laptop?
Yes. That's exactly what I did. I installed into the camera canon Clog. And everything else involved was just the basic setting needed to get the right exposure. Well, how I did the Time-lapse was a bit tricky. I tried installing the magic lantern firmware that could have given me an access to film a Time-lapse sequence but the firmware couldn't install. What I had to do to archive this was just to mount the camera on a tripod and record for ten minutes and sped it up In post. I'll recommend you check out my channel. I have a Playlist of videos I shot with the rebel t100 you might find them interesting. Thanks.
@@pixeleonstudios yea I saw a few of them, really nice. Thanks for the advice, I hope I can figure it out
Bro what configuration you use to make this quality of videos in the Cannont100?
I Just used the basic settings and an installation of clog color profile to get the flat color look then I can bring up the colors however I want in post.