TARJA TURUNEN & EUROPE's JOEY TEMPEST | interview | Masters of Rock 2023
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- Někteří hosté nám věnovali na festivalu Masters of Rock ve Vizovicích více času a někteří méně. Ti, kteří méně, třeba kvůli zdravotním potížím nebo nabitému programu aka ,, Za chvíli jdeme na stage klucí!". Proto si vážíme každé minuty, které nám tito hosté věnovali. 🎥
A mezi ně patří i dvojice původem z chladného severu, konkrétně Tarja Turunen z Finska a Joey Tempest ze Švédska, vokál kapely Europe.
Takže, užijte si tento dvojrozhovor! 🔥
Some guests devoted more time to us at the Masters of Rock festival in Vizovice, and some less. Those who are less, perhaps due to health problems or a busy schedule aka "We're going on stage in a little while guys!". That's why we appreciate every minute these guests gave us. 🎥
And among them is a couple originally from the cold north, namely Tarja Turunen from Finland and Joey Tempest from Sweden, vocalist of the band Europe.
So, enjoy this double talk! 🔥
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I wish Joey be forever young with those long hair,so handsome,gtreat singer,wish him all the best!!!
Thank you for sharing the interviews of these two musicians, especially Joey Tempest, my great legendary musician whom I admire for being an incredible composer, great singer and leader of my favorite band Europe!!! ❤🎤🎶
I'm very happy to see Joey Tempest is great in work and his family.. thanks for sharing
Ухты,джоуи,как приятно и видеть и слушать его ,какой он хороший,приятный мужчина,европа рулит ! ! !
Fabulous!! Love both Tarja and Tempest!!
Thanks for posting this Joey Tempest interview
Hezký rozhovor.
Tarja je skvělá. Viděla jsem ji letos na Masters a moc se na ni těším na Vánoce. Její hudba spojuje všechny prvky, které miluji.
The incredible Tarja. Such a lovely human being.
INDEED !!!!! So sweet and caring ☮☮💘💘
The guy that interviewed Joey is so sweet. 😍😍😍😍
Спасибо за Joey)) мой кумир))
Thank you for sharing !
English rules !!!
Divine TARJA !!!!! QUEEN of Queens and so so much more !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☮☮💘💘☮☮💘💘
TV Rebel !!!
And Backstage TV !!!
A true celebration of English language in Moravian lands near Zlin !!! )))
Европа Самая Лучшая 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
they are mine too boys dear ok? carr...
Gengster like Johansberg(Planetarium now) what history key english,colombia. Gracia? Norway(Tai Chi) this site?