New Player Numbers - The Good Players Are Leaving..
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Thanks to a new website we got another look at how the player numbers in WoWS are doing, and it certainly isn't pretty. Especially the better players seem to be leaving in droves.
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The "active players each month" chart is actually more brutal than I expected. What are WG thinking?? Someone added their "worst hits" to the chart, and it certainly makes a lot of sense;
Well, if good players leaves the game, this is my time to shine ! :)) offcourse it's a bad thing since i will have to deal with even worse teams in randoms and the game in general . Thank you Flamu! You are my fist and best inspiring player in the game !
Good players are leaving the game from our side but for WG good players are the players who spent the most money in the game they look for the money numbers not how much players they have or how much players they have with a good wr.
Have to wonder if WoWs is having second thoughts about fixing their "API" issues. This type of information (which by the way is great and confirms many of my thoughts) would only be available via WoWs updating their API. Have to say, it is worse than I thought.
The game has turned to 💩. Every ship that comes out has torps or radar... When you start putting that on BB's it's over. It's just becoming a pay to win game.
Appears I’m unable to link my players stats posts keep disappearing how odd. I and most my friends quit playing after cv re-work. If you played cv or dd or light cruiser you were no longer needed.
WeeGee's response to this will likely be to pull the API that allows stats sites to function.
well wows numbers had the api issue and apparently it got fixed because enough ppl complained
Can’t even link the sites here wouldn’t be surprised but again I had above 50 w/r pr 1200 I would think above average with 5k games won’t be back till they fix it if they don’t oh well another wot.
@@Narthanael it's not fixed. It's on WG todo list. API rework is expected later this year.
Best comment ever!
I had over 2k battles and 62% win rate, and I gave CV rework almost a year but I had to quit, because WG just insisted on nerfing skill, over and over again. They buried their head in the sand, called the players idiots for criticizing them, and then when I stopped having fun even on wins, I knew it was time, and I have never regretted it, but it makes me sad because wows WAS so good, even if imperfect.
Yeah... Did a couple of months ago mention to Boggzy in the WOWS stream, that i felt it was so sad to see that classes who require som skill to play, as light cruisers, aren't awarded more than they are. Since they often are the most punished by these new classes, because of the spotting advantages. If they wanted the game back to it former self, they should nerf any form for spotting these classes do.
Kind of hard time thinking it will happen, since i believe they would rather see the game fail. Because doing it would be an admission that they did some big mistakes.
I had it the same, literally grew up with the game, almost 9k battles and 54% win rate (Yeah, I used to be very bad, heh), I played on and off since OB. I just couldn't bear watching how they treat us and the game like we are animals... Well atleast I have now the time to do other things, try other games, etc.
@@jakubslavik5595 ... because of my ADD I fell out of my train of thought.
But, I saw how much Boggzy lit up when I mentioned it. I didn't shame CV and sub players, but told how much other classes hurt because of it.
Yup and they act like us casuals are irrelevant. We probably are because we already spent money and like any sales your always looking for new customers. Which is fine but nerfing the game balance to bring in new players and new gimmicks in 2023 is shameful skins and ship look should be the money grab not ship performance. They could make a killin in store if they monetized look. Currently in game you can change your ship to custom only shows in your game. People would pay to unlock skins this has been proven.
Do you suggest any MMO to a wow former player?
It’s a shame to see this game die. Had a lot of potential
It was simply the best naval game imho, simply because there is no similar game that suits my tastes.
WT is "too realistic" for just some chill grind evening with the homies... And outside that, there is nothing I am aware off.
all of the potential for me died years ago when they started adding all the fantasy clown world ships
„Had“ is the point. CV rework, subs and the constant stream of new ships that getting thrown at us instead addressing the real problems like bugs and balancing are the Räson why i quit the game 2 months ago and never reget the decision.
@@FinlayDaG33k Warthunder grind feels like rubbing your balls on a cheese grater. I love the realism but it feels so horrible to play, like damn.
Game will not die, and flamu is delusional
You'd expect to see a big rise in players at the start of 2020 due to covid and people being stuck at home, needing something to do, but it's the complete could have been prevented if WG took the opportunity to give to the playerbase, instead of taking from them. This would have given them such a massive boost if they decided to play a "saint" during the outbreak, they'd generate way more revenue that way...but nope, corporate greed always wins...
The good players leaving and the bad players staying really explains all the curbstomps that are happening WAY more often now. Thanks weegee
Yep. Every game is a blowout. And it doesn't matter how good you are or how good you play in the game. If you're on the losing side, you are on THE LOSING SIDE.
As a 67% wr player at T10 (NA Khabunrovsk). Randoms has slowly been getting progressively worse not only because of subs and CVs ruining positional play. But because new ships and gimmicks make it very difficult to punish or play around to the point that as a solo I no longer have any carry potential. Anyone performing the most basic maneuver can completely stall a push and it just feels helpless. Flanks are lost and completely unwinnable within the first 3 minutes a match. Haven't played in over 2 months, and have been enjoying Eve online.
i am a distinctively average player 58% win rate and since cv rework my play went from a few games every few night to a few games every few months and subs are just not fun to play against was in an atlanta had sub perma spot me nothing i cld do till i got sunk i think i had 14 hits in that game where i some how manage to last 15 min ish
@@chipzz86 respectfully, if you have a 58% win rate you are above average at the very least. The average win rate in wows is roughly 44%.
Nice. I moved to Sea of Thieves. Amazing game.
@@worndown8280 mmm n hear was me thinking i was just ok still not enough to make me want to go bk n play as much as i use to
@@chipzz86 How is 58% average, i'm 58% and I bully everyone every match - I did dig my account from 46% with 5K games to 58% with 10K games so i'm actually averaging 62% over the last 2 years. Still 58% is not average, its at least top 5%.
I liked this game so much that even after over 2 years of completely giving up on it I still watch videos and get an urge to play another match on a regular basis. One of my favorite ships to play was radar Mino and I was pushing 65% WR with her, and just the thought of trying to keep that up with subs + plane spotting and the amount of brainead shit they've been adding is enough to completely shut down any hopes of reinstalling.
Ya it was fun very good strategy game. Till it became unreal tournament.
I was a new player just before subs were released and i was playing north california and i got devasted by subs and planes abd stupid ships i left the game
Subs and planes have made radar Minotaur almost a suicide move now since concealment is irrelevant.
This is actually so sad to see, as I as a decent player, also stopped some time ago, but really did enjoy the game
That player divisioning graph which Flamu skipped is actually quite interesting, as it plots solo win rate of player as X axis coordinate and win rate in division of the same player as Y axis coordinate, forming a point in 2D space. If the point lands exactly on the green line, it means that divisioning makes no difference for that player. So players below the green line actively harm their teams chance to win by divisioning and players above that line improve their chance to win by divisioning. So 40% (0,4) win rate players actally almost exclusively harm their team by divisioning (probably with similar pepegas as they are).
The favourite is the div CV that only flys round his divmates and completely ignores the rest of the team, usually with the div dying quickly because they are actually crap!
I used to adore this game. Started playing it in the early days and always spent a fair bit of money on it too. CV rework had me significantly lose interest and by the time submarines came around I couldn't enjoy the game anymore. Now with the hybrids and superships and all that I'm not surprised to notice the trend myself and my friends experienced is continueing. A sad thing to see. If they'd roll back to the RTS days I'd start playing again in a heartbeat and I know I'm not alone in that.
To be honest RTS war horrible unbalanced aswell... just get rid of the class in general or half the damagepotencial and disable planespotting
@@Taylor86879 Perhaps my nostalgia is clouding my judgement on the balance of it but I do feel like there were way more counters to CV's back in those days. Their strikes might be brutal but a decent friendly CV or AA ships (when AA actually worked) were usually good enough to mitigate the worst of it. I had a lot of fun playing Bogue 201 back in the day and just playing a CV for the sake of clearing the skies haha
Before the CV rework good cv players had a 70% wr playing it. But a lot less people played CV because it wasn’t that easy to be good.
I was in the closed beta and we complained about the CV from the start but wg didn’t care.
@@AlwinSV If you were playing against less Skilled player that might be true but good CV players were almost impossible to counter… they were completely taking the enemy cv out of the game while doing tons of damage themselves… making them able to win games completely alone
@@AlwinSV Nostalgia definitely clouding your judgment. All the top CV mains like Farazelleth had 100k higher average damage than all the other superunicums that played wider variety of ships. The class was completely broken and if you happened to be in the team with sub 50%wr cv you could only farm damage to save your stats.
The big peak in the winrate distribution is the impact of a large number of accounts with small numbers of battles.
56% WR player here, 7+ years in the game. Left at the end of March and never looked back. Can't take it anymore. Enjoyed those games I shared with you Flolo. Kudos for sticking around to witness the decay.
I remember having a blast at this game back in 2018/19, got to rank 1 a few times and all. It all started with that Belfast machingun with smoke and radar, then the destroyers and the cvs went to shit. I will shed a tear for my rusty Scharnhorst that will be forever docked in a death game... We had so many good times guys. fairs seas.
Such a shame. This game, at its core, is so damn good. Back in 2015, this was the most excited i had ever been to play a video game. Not that it didnt have its flaws, but everything does. Now the flaws outweigh the positives, which seemed impossible to me at first. I'll always be watching 2015-2017 videos of the WoWS glory days.
I remember 2015 too. The islands didn't even have trees but no one ever complained about that. We loved the game, artillery duels, eating the occasional torp. No gimmicks
Shooting big guns, dropping torps and occasionally torps the teammate.
Too bad there is not the point in time on the chart when Sub Octavian was promoted and became the decision leader. That guy was behind all the terrible changes (CV rework, planned research bureau with combat bonuses, Puerto Fiasco, subs,....) and I wouldn't be surprised if the drop didn't start nearly immediately after his promotion.
I'd say whoever was in charge of the November/December ban waves that WG love to hold bears more blame than Sub Octavian. You can actually see those ban waves in the charts. A conservative estimate of 55% of those banned are paying players shows that WG's business decision making is deeply flawed as well.
Being a player of 5 years with a 57% wr, I can't help but feel much happier after I left the game a year ago.
The worst-part is, WG is very unlikely to take this data as a serious warning that their game is gonna die very soon.
In the # of active player/month, you can see the obvious exponent so chances are, the game won't make the summer of 2024.
Nah they're gonna think they have to bring new mechanics, likely why they brought subs in hoping to attract new players when their previous work (CV rework) isn't even done.
But at this point, seeing how Flamu has been whining at them, it feels like any feedback is directed to a wall of brick.
I think there's a lot more to this than just plain ignorance. If they're not making the game fun, then the only other measure they could take is numbers.
At this point they should already have enough alarms going off for someone to step in to change direction, but instead they're trying to do the same thing with WoT.
Something else is going on in that company.
@@JbZeta nope this was inevitable if you played wot the road map to making money was set you see the same progression’s i hoped it wouldn’t be the same but it is.
@@JbZeta That something else is the executives & department heads like it ain't the actual ground workers making continuous poor decisions and pr fuck ups it's the brainlet higher ups.
@@ogscarl3t375 that's my point, they would have realized by now. They are intentionally ignoring the situation and that's unnatural for a company this big.
As a destroyer main, the CV rework cut my playtime by at least half. I started picking back up with battleships after a year or so of only playing one or two games a week, and got back into it, then subs came along and that drove me off almost completely. The hybrids only reinforced that decision. I've played ops a couple times since the new year, but that's it. I'm one of the 59% winrate players that has disposable income and I used to spend a lot on WoWS, I haven't spent a penny since the CV rework.
I reduced how much I was playing dramatically as submarines were release and then stopped playing when the hybrid tech tree was added.
WOWS needs to hire Dylan Mulvaney as the new spokesperson to revive this brand
I don't think there's any chance that this game can be revived.
That would provide some entertainment.
Just saw a tweet of cases of bud sitting at the store with a $15 rebate on it so total price was $3.49 for a case (almost told the Loch Ness monster to get outta here)
@@stupidkoreangamer9398 not without refunding people who purchased premiums nope.
I've been saying this for months, this sudden onslaught of constant early access tech tree lines and heavy monetization is them milking their player base as much as they can before they go under. WG has this information and knows their game is dying.
As a former good player I can confirm that I left quite a long time ago by now. Now I just raid ultimates in FFXIV
me too, i left after the cv rework
I started playing arknights. That game does everything wows should have but doesn't.
Both are effectivly gatcha games, but one treats the players well, and the other poops in your mouth and tells you the silent majority wants to eat shit.
I did pick up FFXIV but it wasn't "my" kind of game.
Tho I do grind Azur Lane a lot which is hilariously f2p friendly if you even know the very basic economics.
Just the initial few months are a pain but after that, you'll have an abundance of resources, even as an f2p player.
I left in last quarter of 2019, pop up a while in dec 2020
then never log in again, lol
I left after commander xp rework, couldn't bother to grind all that additional points in my all 19-pt commanders, never looked back
I can confirm your assessment of the current wows situation. Most of the good players have left. I have 10k+ random solo DD games from 2017-2022 with just below 60% wr. Wanted to try the game this year to see if the it was improved, and after 500 games (random solo DD) I suddenly was a Super Unicum with close to 75% wr. Was fun for a little while, thinking I was a total pro ;D
I am totally shocked to see, that basically from 2016 on it is a struggle to keep the boat afloat. 😮
"anything that can effectively kill a carrier can kill half the other ships in the game", ill remember that
I stopped playing recently, about six months ago, because I died in my newly grinded P. Rico in less than 2 minutes due to a CV right as the game started. It's difficult to play a strategy based game when the elements of arcade style interactions sway heavily towards one class and actively punish others.
Them: "You don't like it? Don't play it then!"
Also Them: "Wait why are you all leaving!?"
I was in the Alpha. Loved the game, Naval surface gunnery warfare. Something that existed for hundreds of years, until aircraft from carriers ended it. ENDED IT. When Wargaming made CV noises, I managed to get a hold of someone at WG and pointed this out. "CVs ended 500 years of warfare by surface gunnery. You have a surface gunnery game. Do you not see the problem?"
I had two accounts, the Alpha and a reroll. 57% and 61%. I said I would leave, and I did. Life is too short to do stupid.
I was an unicum player and I quit once the CV relaunch happened. The CV relaunch turned the game from a surface warfare battle game to a carrier damage farming simulator. I created a new account on Steam and when I got to protected matchmaking, 99% of those games were all bots except for me. That told me that there are almost no new players coming to the game.
12:57 nails it! Same goes for CVs/hybrids.
Stoped 2 years ago 59% winrate close to 10k battles
Its sad to watch Wargaming and Gaijin actively drive their games into the ground. They have no natural competition but still couldn't help themselves it seems. I hope something turns it around before they both die but I'm not that optimistic anymore
Thank you for your excellent work. The game needs to completely rethink it's approach and focus on what makes it better.
What made it good for me was the naval topic itself and the core-gameplay; sailing a ship and shooting guns.
It became world of gimmicks, so I left. I still hope for a radical rework which will make the game more realistic.
I’ve been playing this game since CBT, have a 60% WR in randoms and played this game through the dark times of OP RTS CVs and the golden period when they finally found a balanced with CV MM and nerfing the CVs to be able to counter.
I stopped playing randoms and ranked around the time the CV reworked happened and focused just on co op and later Operations with friends.
There was small period where I stopped playing entirely and missed out on some free ship events because just didn’t have the time to play and grind. I recently came back to the game once they added tier 8 to Operations.
But I recently discovered Hearts of Iron IV and been addicted to that game ever since. I don’t ever plan on returning to Random battles or Ranked battles ever again with the addition of subs now.
After you're done with it check out other Paradox titles like Europa Universalis, all their strategy games are amazing!
What's crazy is while the community is reverse engineering these metrics to prove a hunch, you can bet your life WG is compiling this data on a regular basis and it's being discussed constantly. And they continue to keep making idiotic decisions. We can only hope someone with a brain will be allowed to lead this product and make the simple choice to give the playerbase what they want. Even the ability to play "classic" matches without subs/CVs/hybrids would bring a lot of people back.
I know just 1 simple change would bring me, and i suspect heaps back...Remove CV Plane spotting, and just have it update the mini-map.
Here are 2 immediate fixes:
Restrict Subs to PVE/Coop/Training rooms
Change MM so that Superships only face Superships
An idea I've seen is to separate random and ranked into two modes, each. If you want to play a surface ship with zero aircraft carriers or submarines, you queue up for a regular Random Battle. And then separately, there can be Random+ Battle (plus), where Carriers and Subs can queue and any surface ships that queue up and participate get an automatic boost to their base exp and credits over what it would be in normal Random Battles. A lot of sub/carrier haters will stick to normal Random Battles and the bolder players willing to fight against the sky cancer and sub cancer can do Random+ for the better rewards. This would apply to Ranked battles as well, with a normal Ranked and, a separate Ranked+.
with a dwindling playerbase that doesnt really work too well. the theoretical concept might seem appealing but in a niche game on the decline it wont do anything im afraid.
Dunno if that really shows if there's a change in average active player skill. It clearly shows a lot of good players are leaving, but the shape of the graph is about the same as that of the total players leaving - so its really just showing that everyone is leaving. Would be interesting to have a graph showing how the average account age of active players changes with time (if older players are leaving more, then the average age of active accounts will get shorter).
Yeah, there is a factor 30 difference between the gain/loss graph for >200 games and >2 000 games. Some better commission between them in relation to other graphs would make Flamuu's point stronger.
The amount of validation I feel right now is off the charts. People have told me that I'm just being a Negative Nancy. Now we have the numbers to back it up. I don't know how people at wargaming still have their heads.
Bought by WeeGee
Im a solid avg player at 48% WR. I was on my way to 49 but 2 years ago ( ok cv rework ) my Wr started going down with more stomps.
LOL A 48% WR player is not solid average. They are solid, below average players.
@@Bellthorian not according to the bell curve in the video or the numbers sea raptor put up years ago.
@@mikehenthorn1778 The numbers don't matter if a huge majority of the players are below 50% win rate, that just means a huge majority of the players are just bad players.
@@Bellthorian so you really don't understand how averages work do you? huh. i thought that was covered in high school math classes.
Admirations for this analysis. It is very important especially for long term dedicated player base that has been screwed over and its feedback continuously ignored...
didn’t think i’d quit the game but i’ve had it uninstalled for months now and honestly haven’t regretted it one bit. especially seeing what they’re doing now with the game and the direction it’s going, it’s a shame.
I challenged myself to get to 60% overall and once I got there the fun just seemed to stop. I put in the time to become a super tester and once in the program I quickly found out that it just wasn’t for me (some stuff didn’t sit well with me). So I went inactive on live and on super test which ultimately got me kicked from st. I try to get on and play with a couple of friends here and there but it’s almost impossible to enjoy this game anymore.
when i first played, I remember grinding for all Tier VI ship types and countries, trying to find the right class for me.
i decided i want to play cv because it looks interesting
then the cv got reworked.
i dont like the new rework..
played a few bbs before i uninstalled. :(
Left around 6 months after the CV rework, and I don't feel like I'm missing anything but less money in my wallet and more frustration. I won't stop keeping track, but I doubt they'll change enough for me to come back. Between that and WoT, I'm going to miss Christmas time with the crates and festivities. One thing they really nail throughout the years.
I stopped playing randoms and now play coop almost the same amount of rewards but less player hassles.
The saddest part is that they absolutely did it to themselves and knowingly so.
The problem is, with the CC exodus a lot of the people doing educational content dropped the game. These days you have nobody to learn from if you want to get better and all the old guides are obsolete since so much changed ...
I was a 53% win rate player, just below 54.
I stopped playing this spring NA server for me.
Submarines, CVs, and super ships did it for me. Mainly submarines did it.
I had 3.5k games played
Respect for your ongoing coffin bearing. I for myself left at CC gate. I wish you a staedy viewerbase even with other games. Its a pain to see this die.
Ironically, War Thunder is now experiencing a similar story to the scandal between players / bloggers and developers, which was about two years ago and was covered by Flamu in their article "WG apologizes". If anyone is interested in comparing how F2P equally turns games into garbage dumps, I recommend reading the reviews about WT on Steam, as well as laughing at the hypocrisy in the official article-response of the developers to the reaction of players about a significant nerf to the economy and the opening of new tanks/aircraft/ships in the game. And yes, Gaijin, just like Lesta, keeps "watchmen" on the forum for gold, who ban players on the forum for criticizing the project, or more often just close and delete the created topics on balance problems or bug reports with errors that they do not fix for a long time.
It's sad to see the decline of your favorite games, but the developers themselves have turned them into donation grind dumps. So I convey my thanks to the old developers who made at that time an excellent player-friendly online game with respect for historicity and relevant game conventions and balance, as well as respect for the audience and the desire to develop the project and solve problems, and not write standard unsubscribes in technical support .
Rest in peace, dear ships. 2016-2020
But Flamu is clearly another special operation . But this time it’s a very special operation to drive away the player base as quick as possible lol . An i quote watch by mid year these numbers will drop to an all time low . I’d say 10k per server at best with how their operation is going .
Its a shame, I enjoy the matches that contain no CVs and no subs, its the game I want. Honestly, if WG went to a private server hosting service, where you had lobbies, i think it could help a lot. Have people host their own lobbies, let them decide what can be allowed in each match. It well never happen, because no one would allow CVs and Subs, but I still like to give ideas on the chance that WG actually listen to their player base and start making changes, its not too late to turn it around.
I remember being a WoT player and getting into Warships the instant it was announced. I had good fun here and there, but I wasn't really getting my history itch scratched. You can't do a Midway battle, you can't have any of the famous night battles. You can put all the same ships in the same positions but at the end of the day fleet combat doesn't work like fleet combat. Remember when D-Day was thwarted because an invisible destroyer spammed torps at the landing force as a battleship hid behind some cliffs and shelled the invasion fleet?
So the game itself is fun as a 'game' and they balance 'the game' as such. In the end they're all bags of HP with zany mechanics that they switch up from time to time as long as they still look the part.
Current ingame online players number is for whole world, but I remember number to be just for EU and I guess it wasn't much less during events and updates.. 2y ago.
There is new "boat" in armory about to come.. for 28K steel there will be Gato. I expect great value for at sum equal to Stalingrad!!
Looked like about a 25% drop in player numbers on all servers. Even more people will probably leave once matches aren't populating without bots any more. WG is fiddling while the fire they started burns WoWS to the ground
I think the solutions to return the game back are not that difficult. The biggest problem is CV spotting and it can be easily solved by spotting only on the minimap. Submarines, on the other hand, can be solved by the fact that the hydro spotting will really work as it should and not at 2 km. Simple changes, but it would help a lot. A DD with hydro would then really be able to do what it is supposed to do, which is to hunt submarines, and it would also not have to worry about the fact that when a cv flies over it, the entire flank can see it.
That big peak at 50% in the WR-Chart will be caused by a large number of players with a small and even number of games that have a perfect 50% winrate. Hitting exactly 50% is therefore much more likely than hitting 49.9 or 50.1%
2 games, most likely. Then they leave.
Yikes. Player churn might have been their business model but that was too effective
I had played this game for 5 years, i am a unicom player in every ship according to stats. I stopped playing this game like 6 months ago, I am feeling a lot better now becauseI had enough thinking about my averyage dmg and winrate everytime when i play this game.
Suddenly WG crapping out new lines as fast as possible makes sense; instead of admitting they've made poor decisions and correcting them, just spam content and hope it brings people to the game.
I am super curious how these numbers will compare to SeaRaptor’s numbers when he does the quarterly report.
3k+ battles 62% here, playing since 2017-18. I took a half a year break after the CV rework, came back for a bit, took another break after a couple of months, then came back again in mid 2022 and since then I play regularly but it came down to a 1-2 games in ranked(because no subs ofc) in a week. Last week though, I had launched wows twice, sit in the port for 5 mins and then just went to do other things. Thoughts about selling the account are already here.
Man... It was a good run though, even after CV rework it was kinda ok, but superships, submarines, shit ton of useless premiums and gimmicks everywhere, you name it... So much potential and yet again we have another great game dead because of greedy af people. It's just a game but the whole situation still makes me a little sad.
10:19 assuming each random battle takes about 15 minutes you get 780000 minutes in randoms. Which gives 780000:1440= 541,666667 days.
Stinks of bots
Edit: not all of them but probably a good chunk
I was somewhat able to tolerate CVs and even the subs, but what finally killed the game for me were the superships. They made T9 and, at least to some extent, T10 feel so pointless whereas these used to be my favourite tiers to play at for the longest time.
I'm not going to bother with superships due to the intentionally awful F2P economy they have, yet playing my favourite ships just has me constantly running against these power-creeped versions of already good ships.
I could see myself coming back if they were removed from the game, and I can easily imagine a bunch of other players feeling the same about more than just one of the poorly thought out things that WG has forced into the game over the past few years.
The 10K battle people probably spend their money already (as in, don’t see anything interesting to buy anymore - like the tirpitz when it came out, everyone wanted it) while the new players, even if it’s not that many, might still spend. That’s probably a win in WG eyes.. money talks, the ones that dont spend anymore are ignored.
The player chart dive down faster than crypto
I'm honestly surprised the game has survived as long as it has, I still can't believe so many people have paid hundreds and thousands of dollars to rent pixel ships over the years.
Link to the website please? Looks like some cool charts.
to be honest, how many active players do you need to have a 'healthy game'? As long as I can get battles
If they fixed air spotting for everything but actual spotter planes (aka nerf it to the ground), they could save it imho
For the last 1500 games Ive had a wr about ~59% so pretty helpful for my team I‘d reckon but I quit after subs came in full force. Should’ve quit after CVs got the way they‘re now
Problem on my end: got no rig to play on for 2 years now. A complete setup would cost around as much as my complete salary for 1,5 months, so.....everything stays like this for a while...
Finally, Flamu needs to look out for a new game for us.
I left WG games at 2018-2019 as the greed was not bearable anymore. Stayed with Flamu for the funny content.
loved this game & my clan ... wows killed it stone dead starting with the cv rework.
I stopped play in 2021 (NA). The games started to become unplayable with either bad players just yoloing from the start or they were bots. The last day I played like a dozen matches, fully half lasted less than 10 minutes. I loved this game before the CV rework, even with its flaws. But post rework they have just gotten progressively more crazy and didnt care about balance.
It says a lot that even during world wide covid lock downs, the number of players did not increase but actually dropped. That should tell everyone what a dumpster fire the game was. I cant even imagine what its like now.
(I made this comment on the RUclips post and just wanna bring it here too for any more answers👍🏾)
I have a question, when this game eventually dies out and the developers throw in the towel to not work on it anymore, is it possible for another game company to take over the development of WOWS? And hopefully take some bs out of it?🤔🤔
uninstalled game a long time ago, but....62% solo/75% 3div player here. The nail in the coffin for me was the speed boat meta, followed by the CV Rework bullshit. And then trying to come back into the game to find subs, DDs/Cruisers with mass firebomb bullshit, battleships going ninty nine knots, and cruisers that are tankier than battleships.....and also same old boring game modes and weather bullshit...worse and worse RNG mechanics, more loot boxes than you can shake a stick at, awful grindy sink and whale magnets worse than ever...
Well, game is fucked. It can not be fixed without basically rolling it back to ~2018 or maybe 2019. And completely fixing the dev team's brains.
It's been 3 months since I started playing. Biggest issue I faced and still face is the sheer number of ships this game has. I watched so many youtube videos and I still don't know like 90% of the ships.
I had over 2k battles and a 57% WR. Stopped playing a while after the CV rework. Came back to try the Subs, because I was honestly excited that they were being added. As much as I found the sub gameplay enjoyable, the fact that CVs got stronger and more absurd was already enough for me to know this game isn't getting better.
But actually when they invaded they had very few conscripts in there. It's much later like this year that they started with mass mobilization/conscription. So not sure if that analysis is accurate really.
Just by the fact that hidden Profiles are only 0.6% and I increasingly often stuble across them.... But yeah holy shit, this is pretty brutal as a whole. Kinda serves them right ngl. I still play the occasional couple rounds here and there but it ain't the same. Player INTERACTION especially. Just let go :')
Yay im in there :D finally free of this cursed game never felt better DRG for the win. I feel bad after leaving an account with almost 50 TX and one billion credits but for the past year it was basically just a sunken cost fallacy. I count bring myself to stop despite the fact that i didn't really enjoy it that much due to how much time and efort i invested in this game. Same goes for my friend that has been playing with me from the start, (we both were around 65% solo kek).
i started tis game and had over 3000 battles wr 56% and since the shit began with these cv and subs my wr dropped to 43 % wtf wargaming
wen u play ranked a lot like me the wr drops like a brick
I had to check, because i had forgottten. i was around 5k battles and 57% winrate, with the cv rework I switched to coop.
The way the monetisation got worse made me finally protect myself when the subs came out and I completely quit.
As a clan leader (of an unremarkable clan on the Asia server) I find myself booting 4-5 players a month for inactivity (inactive for greater than 2 months), five years ago it was 1-2 a month. The stats of player numbers on the EU server don't surprise me, but they do sadden me. I joined the game before the CV rework and could tell that it was the beginning of a decline in support for the game as the experience of CV players was enhanced at the material detriment of all other classes, I hate that I was right. WG is so desperate to make it's new decisions work, that it buffs new things at the expense of the playing experience of the old to a far greater extent than it used to on average. When it used to do that to a small extent it was something players could adjust to but WG appear to have become less concerned with game balance when it conflicts with their strategic plans. Now, sadly I wonder how long the game has left.
I'm in these numbers. Played a few hundred games in 2016 before drifting away. Logged in again at the start of covid and from then it was pretty much all I played for a few years. 4k randoms / 1k ranked. Had fun and put a fair bit of effort into improving. Joined a clan and played CB. 56% WR. Not a whale, but spent money in game during that period. I ended up calling it a day at the start of this year, as the odd game aside, it just wasn't fun anymore. Every single thing being added to the game just made it a bit less enjoyable each time. Superships, ever more stupid CVs with no counterplay, subs, funny buttons on new lines etc.
I left WoWS for WT and we just had our own player rebellion recently.
Some jokingly said Gaijin was pulling from WG's playbook on how to piss off the players.
Finally managed to get myself up to a 56% winrate which I was pretty happy about but now I wonder if I got there because the good players fled and left a vacuum behind. It sucks having 20 veterans leave and gaining 1 new player who turns around and stops playing after 2 weeks.
Alpha and beta tester here. When the battle pass dropped it seemed more like work than a game to unwind after a hard days work. Haven't logged in since. Have several years of premium that I'll probably just let run down. Have been enjoying other games since.
I used to play daily (US server), was top 1%, in clans ect. Got burned out years ago, came back for a little bit while unemployed recently. Madness!
This is my story: I started the game in 2018 and started seriously playing in 2019. I played 7k battles, reaching an average 61% WR and 2k PR. I played with a social clan and pushed into typhoon league in clan battles. I unlocked every tech tree T10 up to and including when Regolo was released and had unicum PR on 70% of my T10s. Top 10 on a few ships. I never spent a cent on myself. Honestly, the game was fun just for playing with friends and getting all the ships. I played through many of the fiascos and failures and paid no mind.
Then they released superships with insane credit prices in order to counter the credit inflation they caused themselves by bundling special signals (now bonuses) into every god damn loot crate they sold. It worked for your average whale but for someone like me with no such luxuries nor pre-econ nerf missouri, I had no way to get all the superships without mindlessly grinding the free premiums I had. Kinda like research bureau, where I was sensible enough to stop after getting Ohio and Paolo.
With almost every new tech tree being painfully mediocre until a somewhat quirky T10 (to get people to buy their way there), the final nail in the coffin was when they simultaneously had superships and submarines on the live server for testing. It didn't feel like I was playing the game anymore, it felt like I was involuntarily participating in game testing at the expense of my own time and enjoyment instead of WG's time and money. It's no surprise how drastically their player numbers fell during this time.
Feeling like I had "finished" the game to the best of my abilities and having several friends lose interest, I stopped and have barely touched the game in the past year. It was fun while it lasted.
I’m a average 51% WR player been playing for 7 years (account age), and I recently got back into it and wow is this hard to play these days, so many new ships but they don’t seem like anything special except the new CVs/subs and Super ships…..which are absurd
12k battles since it left beta, haven't played since december and don't really feel like jumping back in. It's actually amazing how they torpedoed (heh) their own game.
Could we have the link to this website, please?
I usually play on a Standard Account but got a super container last week which gave me access to a Premium Account for seven days - ground my way to Cherbourg in the first three days and haven't been bothered to use the rest of my premium time to play since....the fun factor just isn't there any more.
How would you bring the game back? Could you simply delete CVs and subs to turn it around?
Thanks for the content. I stipped playing the game a year ago but still watching your doomsdaycontent very entertaining how a in the beginning (beta) very cool fall off a cliff so hard.
The graphs kinda don't add app. The average omline drop isnt as bad as the other gaph.