My e91 320i LCI, it has possibly some bits of broken plastic chain guide somewhere in the sump, not sure! but I'm thinking of modifying a vacuum hose to smaller so i can pop through the oil level sensor hole and suck it out, temporary solution don't know :(
Actually it's nicely done, safe then before!
My e91 320i LCI, it has possibly some bits of broken plastic chain guide somewhere in the sump, not sure! but I'm thinking of modifying a vacuum hose to smaller so i can pop through the oil level sensor hole and suck it out, temporary solution don't know :(
I had a pinhole leak in that same exact spot !!
It must be a manufacturing flaw
Did the repair hold up? Im having a heck of time with sensor leaking and i think i have same problem
Was good for a year but don’t have the car anymore
This made me smile! Thanks for sharing!!! Do what the pros do - P r o m o S M!!
Rather replace this steel oil pan.