DON’T DO THIS: How to Avoid Street Photography Confrontations

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 221

  • @dans.7693
    @dans.7693 3 месяца назад +90

    If someone asks "Did you take a photo of me?" and you did, don't reply "yes" or "no", instead pay them a compliment first and then mention the photo. Something like, "I saw you and immediately thought you have a great look, so I did take your photo" Then you might get "You should have asked first" to which you can reply, "When I've done that, people tend to pose and the photos are less natural looking. Would you like to see the pictures you're in, I can show you some of my other work too if you'd like? I'll delete the pictures of you if you don't like them." It's pretty hard for most people to remain angry and confrontational with someone who's complimenting them and telling them how awesome they are.
    Whatever you do, don't respond to their confrontation with escalation, chances are that they were just caught off guard or startled in some way and responding to that. In the end tho, If they're insistent, just delete their pics and go on about your day.

    • @alexandrevaliquette3883
      @alexandrevaliquette3883 11 дней назад

      This should be printed on a notice and put in the camera box.

    • @hervevazeilles3790
      @hervevazeilles3790 9 дней назад +1

      They shouldn't have to ask, you shouldn't had taken someone else's photo without consent. I am glad I leave in a country where privacy is in the law and taking pictures or videos of people in the street is punishable by prison, and the photograph doesn't own the copyrights of someone else's face. Don't take people photo in Europe.

    • @dans.7693
      @dans.7693 9 дней назад +2

      @@hervevazeilles3790 I’m well aware that many countries lack the freedom of expression we have here in the US. Hopefully you get the chance to visit one day.

    • @lordclancharlie1325
      @lordclancharlie1325 8 дней назад

      ​@@dans.7693 freedom of privacy is the prerequisite for freedom of expression

    • @dans.7693
      @dans.7693 6 дней назад +1

      @@lordclancharlie1325 You have privacy in private spaces. Public spaces are just that public. Maybe you don't recognize photography as a legitimate expression. In any case, there's no reasonable way to expect privacy in public spaces

  • @anarchisttutor7423
    @anarchisttutor7423 3 месяца назад +25

    Learning magic tricks prepared me for street photography: misdirection, deception, and timing.

  • @slippinjimmothy
    @slippinjimmothy 3 месяца назад +16

    Eye contact should be avoided like the plague. Once you make eye contact with someone looking to give you a piece of their mind, it does downhill fast.

  • @metalfang07652
    @metalfang07652 2 месяца назад +17

    I had this odd confrontation a few weeks back where I was practicing taking photos of cars passing by a street.
    At one point a car pulled right up to the shoulder where I was, and the man with (I assume) his wife asked me if I took a picture of his car. I told him yes, I was practicing taking photos of cars, would you like me to delete yours? And his response was, "No. I stopped because what you're doing is just weird." And he drove off.
    That was my first ever confrontation, and it probably won't be my last, but I'm glad that what I did was similar to your advice.

    • @tonoc.a.9824
      @tonoc.a.9824 Месяц назад +9

      I find it funny that he said that, because what he did is more weird than what you were doing. Sometimes people really don’t have any self awareness.

  • @ronyedin
    @ronyedin 3 месяца назад +11

    Great tips. One of the things that I do is that I pretend I am taking pictures of the surrounding areas before or after I take their photo and I never make eye contact with them. Basically pretending to be a tourist or there for a particular purpose. It puts them at ease.

    • @ElinWinblad
      @ElinWinblad 2 месяца назад

      Until they see their photo in a photo book lol😅

  • @jaybleu6169
    @jaybleu6169 2 месяца назад +9

    I've been confronted twice. One was in Rochester, NY in the "Neighborhood of the Arts". I had been taking pictures of the buildings around the area and was literally in an art gallery parking lot when the guy - who I was completely unaware of before this - approached me. There's a photography school maybe a block away. This was before cell phones were common, so seeing someone with a camera wasn't even that weird.
    The second time was in Manhattan... also taking pictures of buildings, when I was confronted twice by the same guy for pointing a camera in his general direction. Approximately a million people were taking pictures in the same spot at the time, but cell phones were common by then, so I guess the camera was weird? I ignored him, and he went about his business. Later I did not find any pictures that contained him.
    I've never been confronted in places where it's not super common for everyone to be taking pictures.

  • @ryanbowiephotography
    @ryanbowiephotography Месяц назад +28

    It is truly crazy how no one bats an eye at an iPhone recording/taking photos, but an actual camera draws soooo much attention.

    • @lorenschwiderski
      @lorenschwiderski 22 дня назад +1

      Well, should you take along a telephone with a long cord, they would notice that as well.

  • @suvajeetdatta1220
    @suvajeetdatta1220 3 месяца назад +8

    For street photography, I've found the ttartisan 27mm pancake lens to be the best lens by far

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад +1

      Yes, I love that one as well.

  • @intuitiveimprints
    @intuitiveimprints 2 месяца назад +4

    I have filmed video for the past 1.5 years on the streets of Toronto. Only had one bad encounter on our subway system. Overall my method is to just keep moving with purpose and have a pleasant face. I also shoot a lot of slow motion so it actually helps in that I don’t have to stay in one spot too long. I can move fast and capture what I want and on playback it’s captured beautifully in slow motion. Just discovered your channel recently and love it. Great job. Cheers!

  • @sbm1961
    @sbm1961 Месяц назад +1

    Hi Mark! I am new to your channel and I just wanted to tell you that your videos are a breath of fresh air! I love your concise, clear explanation of camera knowledge and that I can actually hear your voice instead of annoying, loud music played in the back round which can be totally distracting no matter how low the volume is. Thank you and keep up the fabulous work!! 😊

  • @liutauras8086
    @liutauras8086 2 месяца назад +3

    I've always wanted to do street photography but I've been scared. You calmed me down so well! You even answered some of my worries before they even occured. Thank you so much ❤

  • @lorenschwiderski
    @lorenschwiderski 22 дня назад +3

    The 50mm is the perfect focal length for new and seasoned photographers. The geometry is perfect and a 50mm is easy for composition without any distortion. You can then move on to wider and more narrow. Buy a camera with a tilt-only monitor. You can use diversion methods, but when you do make eye contact, and they do not look bothered at all, just smile or give them a thumbs up. The is the professional engagement. Also be honest as to what you do -- I have cards as well. You can also look like a tourist taking random shots -- take an extra shot of something else. If you say you are a street photographer, and they look confused, the them it is similar to documentary works. Small town might be more challenging in that respect. Thanks for all the good tips for street photographers, and most of all have fun! - Loren Schwiderski, street photography

  • @guicane
    @guicane 3 месяца назад +23

    I had a confrontation last week but it was with film camera so deleting it was not an option.
    I said I wasn't doing anything illegal and I'm sorry they felt that way. They are in a public location after all.
    What annoys me is if I took that same photo with my phone I could have used that anywhere in an instant. Uploaded and shared etc. But this one on film the person got upset.

  • @ElinWinblad
    @ElinWinblad 2 месяца назад +10

    I’m not afraid of somebody taking my photo in public. I’m afraid of somebody taking my photo and it’s horrifically bad of me and it becomes a popular photo for artistic or other viral reasons.😅😅

  • @dimensionless99
    @dimensionless99 3 месяца назад +3

    It's funny, I never formally learned street photography but I find myself applying most of these tips naturally. Pressing the shutter with my thumb is new to me though, I'll be trying it out, thanks!

  • @mhammer5
    @mhammer5 2 месяца назад +2

    I haven't been out much in public doing any photography but when I do I might wear my Panavision T-Shirt and hopefully that will quell any photography disruptions.

  • @lionheart4424
    @lionheart4424 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video Mark! The thumbnail is great! What a way to not only document stories, but to live then while doing photography.

  • @aviphysics
    @aviphysics 28 дней назад +1

    My 90's highschool photography teacher had suggested shooting blind from the hip, so no view finder. We were using full manual film SLR with 50mm lenses.

  • @ralphberrett8485
    @ralphberrett8485 29 дней назад +1

    When shooting I become a fly on a wall. On my Nikon D5, I have Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8 AF-S and on my Nikon D4s, I use a Nikkor 80-200mm /2.8 AF-S. I find this combo works well.

  • @ChadWilson
    @ChadWilson 3 месяца назад +1

    In my local experience, the folks in my college town seem mostly receptive of my Fujifilm camera because it is black and silver like a "real camera." Image matters, I suppose. That, and I have learned to shoot from the hip, literally, when I am using a manual lens; no aiming, just guessing and sometimes being surprised by a good image.

  • @TedHallII
    @TedHallII 10 дней назад

    Some great advice... thanks for sharing
    Moving to micro 4/3, one of my first purchases was a 42.5mm f1.7 prime. My go-to lense in my 35mm days was a fast 90mm.

  • @007silverwings
    @007silverwings 3 месяца назад +1

    So useful - thank you. I have been put off street photography but I'm going to give it a go with your advice and tips given.

  • @MikeBeltMikeBelt
    @MikeBeltMikeBelt 19 дней назад

    Thank you for not having a gatekeeping or snob-ish view on things like you see some creators have. Example, they will ridicule the idea of a telephot lens on the streets, saying that you must be "in the action, to be a "real" street photographer, but you will see them using stealthy hip techniques with zone focusing. Like, what is the difference then? There should be no rules when it comes to gear.

  • @altarego7
    @altarego7 Месяц назад

    These are PHENOMENAL tips! Thank you very much. I have been wanting to get into street photography for years but have just felt super intimidated and too socially anxious to do so. This is the video I have needed for a long time.

  • @CtFshd1812
    @CtFshd1812 2 месяца назад +3

    Two biggest tips I can give: try to keep a smile as you go along, and don't obstruct anyone going about their day

  • @JavierDiez
    @JavierDiez 2 месяца назад

    All very sensible advice. I don't do much street photography, but when I do I take a small Oly EPL 9, take pics at belly level looking at the screen and never lift my head just after the pic has been taken. People come and go and they leave me do my business. I think I attract more attention when I am wih my mobile.

  • @RobiePunsalan
    @RobiePunsalan 3 месяца назад

    I just got into shooting street and this has been my main concern for years which held me back. My first couple sessions were with a 58mm and it didn't go so bad, I had been already doing some tips from the video. I got super lucky and found a mint copy of the Minolta RF Rokkor-X 250mm f5.6 for cheap when compared to ebay. Can't wait to try this "invisibility cloak" out!

  • @BGTuyau
    @BGTuyau 2 месяца назад

    Unlike the case with, say, landscape photography, psychology is as essential a factor in street photography as any other in the genre. Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions.

  • @steveember8972
    @steveember8972 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for an excellent and informative piece, Mark. You identified so many of the possibilities I've encountered, whether happy/positive or angry/aggressive (fortunately, the former have predominated). In retrospect, many of your tips are so logical, but being creatures of habit - especially those with long history of film shooting - we tend not to think of these. Also, great advice in dealing with those who might be confrontational, as well as the idea of not making eye contact after the shot! Loved the shots you used to illustrate your points.

  • @Welshmanshots
    @Welshmanshots Месяц назад

    I learned some new things in this video that I would take into consideration but some things I have learned along the way and this is an important one is at best try and wear clothing that doesn't make you stand out and I know that sounds obvious but the days I have gone out taking photos wearing wacky shirts or shorts I have had more people look at me when taking photos but then the table is flipped when I wear more minimal clothing, I'm saying to dress in all black or to wear a nice polo but to read the room or the street before you even go outside. The best idea would go out with what you usually wear to a location and do some recon and then come back with the camera, since I have done this I've had fewer people give that weird look.

  • @DavidWRankinJr
    @DavidWRankinJr 3 месяца назад +1

    A couple of weeks ago, I found a neat composition with graffiti on a boxed-over power meter using my fisheye lens. I was headed back to work with that lens still on the body, and almost took a picture of an interesting lady on a mobility scooter, but held off because it would have been a bad shot. She confronted me, so I said: no, but do you want me to? I assume the scooter was stolen, because I didn’t know those scooters had that high a gear….

  • @dameanvil
    @dameanvil 2 месяца назад +2

    00:00 📷 Fear of confrontation is a major concern for street photographers, but it's often unfounded.
    Tip 1 (Use longer focal lengths)
    0:50 🎥 Longer focal lengths like 85mm (full-frame) or 56mm (APS-C) can create distance and reduce the need to get close to subjects.
    Advantages of These Lenses
    2:19 🌆 Longer lenses provide a narrower field of view, helping beginners capture cleaner frames with less distraction.
    Bonus Lens/Invisibility Cloak
    3:43 🕵‍♂ A compact 250mm lens offers stealth benefits, keeping subjects unaware and enabling intimate shots from a distance.
    Tip 2 (Use the camera screen)
    4:13 📱 Framing shots using the back screen instead of the viewfinder can reduce attention and make shooting less conspicuous.
    Don't Worry About This
    5:28 🕵‍♂ Shooting from waist level can make your approach less intrusive and yield more compelling street photography.
    Tip 3 (Trigger with thumb)
    6:17 📸 Using your thumb instead of your index finger to trigger the shutter can make your actions less conspicuous.
    Tip 4 (Avoid eye contact)
    7:05 👀 After taking a photo, avoid looking directly at your subject to reduce the chance of confrontation.
    Tip 5 (Set up and wait)
    8:32 🕒 Patience pays off: setting up in a good spot and waiting for the right subject can lead to captivating street photos.
    Tip 6 (Lonely figure style)
    9:36 🚶‍♂ Capturing solitary figures in urban landscapes can minimize confrontation while creating striking compositions.
    Tip 7 (Handling confrontations)
    11:09 🤝 If confronted about taking a photo, remain calm and explain your intentions; offering to delete the photo can defuse tension.
    The Story Behind the Thumbnail
    13:15 📸 People are often more curious and willing to pose than confrontational when approached for street photography.

  • @PaulFrancis01
    @PaulFrancis01 3 месяца назад

    Some great tips, love some of the shots of iconic locations in Melbourne too. Another tip is people are more forgiving of people taking photos in tourist hotspots - they think you are just another tourist 😊

  • @boristahmasian1644
    @boristahmasian1644 3 месяца назад

    Great video, excellent tips Mark.
    I have not done much street photography recently. Back in the film days (80's and 90's) I did a lot more street photography and hardly had any negative encounters.
    Ricoh USA had a try the GRIII day in Vegas a few months ago. I signed and attended. I borrowed the GRIIIX with a 40mm FF equivalent lens. We were in downtown in one of the business places in the city. I shot for two hours and hardly anyone bothered me. I think the GRIII(X) is made for this type of photography. I would be hesitant to take my Sony FF with any lens out there unless it is a pancake or as you pointed out a telephoto to create some separation.
    I have used my iPhone on a number of occasions and that is perhaps the best option because everyone uses their phones for photos and no cares when you take a pic of them.

  • @paulhenry7
    @paulhenry7 Месяц назад

    I have an R5 and some high-end RF lenses, but if in doubt I also have the option of using my old 5Diii with a heavy old, but cheap and very high-performing, EF 28-80mm f2.8-4 L lens (of which I have 3 copies).

  • @passioderso856
    @passioderso856 Месяц назад

    I startet using a light shaft analog camera a few days ago. Ist awesome for street photography.

  • @larrycrane2843
    @larrycrane2843 3 месяца назад +1

    Am confronted maybe one of every 2000 street shots. Usually when I offer to delete it, they say wait! Can I see it?

  • @TheStreetSpy
    @TheStreetSpy Месяц назад

    I actually enjoy going out for some street photography with my Nikon D800 + Tamron 70-200mm G2. I don't mind people looking since most times I'm still further away from my subject and overall having such a big setup also gives a message that I'm probably doing some work or something, rather than looking like a stalker

  • @garrettkim2429
    @garrettkim2429 3 месяца назад +2

    Know your rights if police stop you for taking photos in public. Highly recommend memorizing outlines provided by the ACLU. I take a lot of architectural and urban landscape photos and sometimes get stopped by police for questioning. Also, if you live in the US and you’re on foot, know that some people can’t conceive of humans walking from point A to B. Some people assume you must be up to no good since you’re surely shifty and poor for walking anywhere.

  • @vinyalonde
    @vinyalonde 2 месяца назад

    In pictures where I am photographing a crowd scene, I find more often than not that there is at least one person looking directly at the camera. I didn't see them at the time I took the picture but they appear when I see the photograph later, bearing silent witness to me taking the shot.

  • @johnchastain4351
    @johnchastain4351 3 месяца назад

    An adapted 50mm on a Canon APS-C gives me an 80mm field of view and it is not too big. Also my small kit lens at set at 40-45mm works well.

  • @tomd4748
    @tomd4748 Месяц назад

    I looked up the X-s2 and the price, ofc, is ridiculous for what you’re get compared to the competition. Body alone is $619 in “good” condition at MPB. But this is MORE than what the Canon RP goes for used on the same site. Who in the world is going to choose the Fuji over the RP at that price? I can’t imagine hardly anybody would.

  • @crispyflotilla
    @crispyflotilla 2 месяца назад +1

    Photographers like Vivian Maier used TLR photos as the film equivalent of the flip screen photo shot

  • @hkpcle1020
    @hkpcle1020 3 месяца назад

    just woo !straight to the point , very detail. thank you Mark

  • @NphProductionsGa
    @NphProductionsGa 10 дней назад

    Panasonic Lumix G7 what would be a good lense for Street photography

  • @davidtrachtenberg7095
    @davidtrachtenberg7095 3 месяца назад +1

    What about something like an 18-150….small and does it all. Available for m50 and r7.

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад

      Sure! I prefer prime (fixed) lenses, as it helps me to get in a grove with a single focal length, but you can use any lens really.

  • @thereapersperch
    @thereapersperch 2 месяца назад +1

    Or you can do your street photography in the Philippines. I used to try and be stealthy but I swear every times someone noticed me taking their photo they would pose for the camera and thought it was time for their 1-hour photoshoot session.

  • @1unisol1
    @1unisol1 Месяц назад

    Tip 3.5 Even more stealthy is use a small remote release :P

  • @carlosandreviana9448
    @carlosandreviana9448 2 месяца назад

    I mostly use manual lenses, most of them, vintage. I see no fun of doing street photography with af lenses. My favorite is the brightin Star 35mm on the zf

  • @anthonystonehouse
    @anthonystonehouse 3 месяца назад

    I’d suggest the sigma 90mm f2.8 as a good 85mm-ish lens for street for E and L mount.

  • @HawaiiTrader
    @HawaiiTrader 3 месяца назад

    I'm looking to have my first camera (other than a cellphone camera lol) and I really enjoyed your video, Thank you. Since I live in Honolulu, Hawaii I believe this city is unique and perfect for street photography :)

  • @Josh_Sattin
    @Josh_Sattin 2 месяца назад

    Fantastic tips! Thanks Mark!

  • @renoholland7090
    @renoholland7090 Месяц назад

    Excellent video. Thank you so much.

  • @sshapiro63
    @sshapiro63 3 месяца назад +1

    Offering to delete a photo is a bit of a scam, because you can un-delete the photo using a computer later. Also, many cameras save a backup copy of each photo, and the delete function might only function on the primary card.

    • @PhillipRPeck
      @PhillipRPeck 3 месяца назад

      I think the point is that you wouldn't just pretend to delete the photo but you would actually follow through

    • @sshapiro63
      @sshapiro63 3 месяца назад

      @@PhillipRPeck Right, but is it better to explain the technology to the person so they understand the process, or is that just opening a can of worms? What do you think?

    • @PhillipRPeck
      @PhillipRPeck 3 месяца назад +2

      @@sshapiro63 I would imagine the most important thing is that you respect the wishes of the person to not be photographed and obviously that you don't end up using the photo later on. If you show them that it's deleted within the camera, I'm sure that would suffice even if you know there are ways to recover it, just don't recover it...

  • @morvegil
    @morvegil 27 дней назад

    I and a guy demand to see the photo I take so he could see my delete it. I was like hell no, he swung at me

  • @lynrus
    @lynrus 2 месяца назад

    nice vid and helpful info . thank you .

  • @BubblesPothowari
    @BubblesPothowari 3 месяца назад

    Great to hear 35 mm is not must for street photography.
    People mind photographed with DSLR as they assume the picture will be "sold". I find my Lumix LX 10, 1 inch sensor, look like a toy. Try small camera !!

  • @colinbluth5461
    @colinbluth5461 3 месяца назад

    i like the thumb idea

  • @thereapersperch
    @thereapersperch 2 месяца назад +1

    There are two types of people in this world: Those that like having their photo taken and those that don't.

  • @RJMPictures
    @RJMPictures 3 месяца назад +2

    First. Timely video

  • @chrisw443
    @chrisw443 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh and smile! Look like your having fun, people enjoy that. Never Ever point your camera near children though. thats a golden rule. People go nuts if you look like you even breathed near them.

  • @ThrashingBasskill
    @ThrashingBasskill 3 месяца назад +1

    Small tip from a super noob (me) with a flip screen: I turn the screen 90 degree and turn my side to the object. This made me almost invisible at a recent company event. It's tough to find the frame but man people act so natural when no face from across the room is facing them.

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад +1


    • @katsuyasensei
      @katsuyasensei 3 месяца назад +1

      I also do that!
      A funny episode: I once took a snap of a guy from the side, facing a street with my body but the lens was pointed at him. He came close and asked: “Is this street so interesting?!” I replied that he was the interesting one and showed him his picture. We had a great laugh and he even asked for my Instagram. LOL
      Wish every street photography encounter was like this!

    • @ThrashingBasskill
      @ThrashingBasskill 2 месяца назад +1

      @@katsuyasensei damn that's so awesome! Such an unexpected compliment, probably sways a lot of people from being angry that you took a pic from them to being charmed! I'll steal that line for sure 😸

  • @fourfret
    @fourfret 3 месяца назад

    I know that street photographers mean well when advise other street photographers to delete images when confronted, but the person confronting you has already broken a social rule by approaching you: this exchange can easily escalate into harassment or violence. Anyone with any sense wouldn't do street photography, and I can say this because I am a street photographer. That said, anyone who approaches a stranger to interrogate them like they're a criminal and make any sort of demands but especially the demand to delete images (your property) is the type of person who is impulsive, paranoid, and probably capable of violence whether or not their demands are met. The better policy is to ignore these people and once they've approached you, assume the worst of them because these are people who don't play by the rules of social decorum: you don't approach strangers, especially women, making demands.

  • @Kim_Alexander
    @Kim_Alexander 3 месяца назад

    in a certain way all this tips are in conflict of what I been learned about what good street photovraohy is.
    As Robert Caoa said: if you images isn't good you aren't close enough.
    I kind of aggre with this since a good inages evoke feelings, being close to our subject let us get into that personal space and capture those feelings
    Personally I experienced people. being quite offensive when the noticing me seeking around since it kind of sends out the vibe that you are doing something i shouldn't.
    But in the very end it's all about mastering your own techniques and mastering those.

  • @peterwhimster
    @peterwhimster Месяц назад

    Why offer to delete the photo? Why is taking a photo exploiting the subject?

  • @angelsjoker8190
    @angelsjoker8190 3 месяца назад +1

    The first point heavily depends on the country you're in. I.e. in Germany, people really don't like to be photographed by strangers and German law even forbids it. In Korea, there has been a shift towards people being very wary of photographing in public, and it's even completely forbidden to take photos in the subway, because there have been to many cases if creeps photographing girls without their consent.

  • @VTeixex
    @VTeixex Месяц назад

    My hands are not small at all and pressing the shutter of my R10 with my thumb is mad awkward. Yours must be massive.

  • @AgentFitz
    @AgentFitz 3 месяца назад +1

    Good tips. One more tip don't take pictures of kids (that are yours and you don't have permission). I saw a situation where this happened, and it went sideways quickly. There was an actual angry mom mob going after the guy. I make sure kids are excluded in my street work period. I use a 22mm/23mm (APSC) for my shooting and it works pretty well for me. I am considering 55/56mm but I am pretty hesitant since I like being closer to the subject.

  • @BrucePhung
    @BrucePhung 29 дней назад

    Here is a tip. Never ever point a camera at their face in close distance. Unless they see you and intentionally pose for you to shoot, which I had this happened to me. Always use long telephoto lens. I used 200mm f 2.8 prime and / or 300 mm f/4 prime lens. People never ever noticed I took photo of them. In close distance, I used ultra wide lens 14m . Full frame camera.

  • @inSurfersParadise
    @inSurfersParadise 3 месяца назад +1

    I've begun deliberately attracting attention in the street and 99% of folk are up for it. Hardest part is getting the picture to them. There is a curiosity with what a camera can do and its sense of occasion that a phone shooter does not create. It boils down to a simple but very significant personal question you need to ask yourself.
    Are you Taking a picture - stealing the moment.
    Or are you Making a picture - your energy is sparking the action you then capture.

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад

      This is very cool. I like this!

    • @inSurfersParadise
      @inSurfersParadise 3 месяца назад

      @@markwiemels Next weekend I trial my portable studio flash in the street. I really love street portraits and studio lighting. I live in the night club strip in Surfers Paradise. People are there to play. So I have rigged a remote triggered speed light into a flash brolly and we will see how it goes. The brolly is nearly 2 metres in diameter. It’s gonna get some looks.

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад

      @@inSurfersParadise sounds awesome!

  • @Jansonsrob
    @Jansonsrob Месяц назад

    I actually always shoot with my thumb.

  • @lumberjack3008
    @lumberjack3008 3 месяца назад +2

    Most people don't care? In Europe/Germany, that's different.
    Longer lenses make focusing more difficult, which isn't easy for beginners, especially with a crappy AF like Fujifilms AF.

  • @patfase
    @patfase 3 месяца назад +1

    It always feels strange seeing your photos of Melbourne in your video. I have it in my head that you're American, but clearly from all the photos that's not true!

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад +1

      haha... Yeah, Moved to Melbourne 26 years ago.

    • @patfase
      @patfase 3 месяца назад +1

      @@markwiemels Love the way you capture our beautiful city! Street photography isn’t really my forte - I’m a wildlife guy, hence why I moved out to The Hills a few years ago - but I really enjoy your work. And your lens reviews 🙂

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  3 месяца назад +2

      @@patfase oh, very kind of you! Thanks. Yah, Melbourne is a cool place, really gives me some options for testing the lenses.

  • @rotvonrat
    @rotvonrat 3 месяца назад +1

    There is no right to privacy in public. Take pictures of what and who you want, it is completely legal. I never hide the fact that I take pictures and have never had a problem with it, on the contrary, most people are just nice. Don't go around taking pictures like a freak. It is perfectly legal to take photos in the public domain, stand up for your rights as a photographer and take photos that may please thousands of people.

  • @doozledumbler5393
    @doozledumbler5393 3 месяца назад

    Why are all the street shots in Melbourne?

  • @itst0000
    @itst0000 2 месяца назад +7

    my fav line is "why would i take a photo of you? youre not interesting to me"

    • @paulhenry7
      @paulhenry7 Месяц назад +2

      That's quite confrontational.

    • @itst0000
      @itst0000 Месяц назад

      @@paulhenry7 they already made it confrontational 😅. im not obligated to find a stranger interesting. anyone offended by that statement is emotionally unstable. " i dont find you interesting for my work" there I fixed it.

  • @hervevazeilles3790
    @hervevazeilles3790 9 дней назад

    I would add : Don't take people photographs in places where it is illegal to do so. Like Europe. In France for instance taking someone's picture without a written consent form is punishable by 1 year prison and 15000 euro fine. In Europe, contrary to the USA, we have the right to privacy everywhere, in private places, in public places, in the streets, everywhere. You need to ask consent before taking a picture of anyone. And if you don't want them coming after you if you publish your photo anywhere (instagram a museum, your local pub doesn't matter), you'd rather have a written official form. If you don't get the proper form filled and signed then you don't own your photo, your subject own the photo and can ask you to remove it from everywhere you put it or ask for compensation up to way more than 100% of the profit you could make.
    So don't be a dick and don't take pictures of people.

  • @faridmisron106
    @faridmisron106 2 месяца назад

    i would just act like im shooting a video

  • @RatorGrimender
    @RatorGrimender Месяц назад

    FBI level tips here

  • @nholmes86
    @nholmes86 3 месяца назад

    haha yes very clever

  • @Hackzyyz
    @Hackzyyz 2 месяца назад

    This is not good advice telling people to hide pretty much

    • @markwiemels
      @markwiemels  2 месяца назад +1

      Big difference between hiding and being inconspicuous. I'm 6'5" there is no hiding. If you want to document the street in a candid fashion, it can't be about you and your camera, you need to blend in.

  • @ElCid_86
    @ElCid_86 3 месяца назад +100

    I've been shooting street for years and have only had one confrontation and that person was clearly unstable and most likely on drugs... The looking past the subject tip works like a charm--often has them apologizing for being in your frame!

  • @breadandcircuses5644
    @breadandcircuses5644 3 месяца назад +28

    In my home country Germany street photography is protected by law. The highest federal court put art above privacy. Nevertheless, if someone is obviously unhappy about being in my picture, I offer to delete it.

    • @alexs.818
      @alexs.818 Месяц назад +8

      In the United States courts have ruled that street photography is legal because there is no expectation of privacy outdoors in public. It only becomes an issue when done within private establishments where photography can be prohibited unless permitted, also if an image of someone is being used for monetary gain without that person’s release they can sue for licensing and royalty purposes.

    • @piero_75
      @piero_75 Месяц назад +1

      That surprises me: when I lived in Berlin I was always told it's illegal to take a photo of someone in a public place without their permission, even if the person is not the main subject. You almost never see street photographers there.

    • @mike_b777
      @mike_b777 11 дней назад

      @@piero_75 Damn really? I live in Berlin and I'm trying to get started in street photography.

  • @kevinkelly6524
    @kevinkelly6524 3 месяца назад +60

    I had a street photographer take a pic of me once. It was a cool experience. I was a cop for a long time, (retired now), and one time I was jumping on the freeway in my patrol car and cleared my blind spot left. When I did I saw the passenger in a car next to me with a camera. He looked at me and motioned like he was asking permission to take my picture. I nodded yes and gave him a thumbs up. He snapped a couple right before I jumped off the freeway. It was easy because it was summer and my arm was half out the window. Took a whole hot second. I wish I had that picture

  • @mistermistero652
    @mistermistero652 3 месяца назад +35

    About Tip 3: Some cameras (at least Fuji) have a mode that lets you use the touchscreen instead of the shutter button, so you tap on the screen and it takes a photo, that way, you dont even need to have any finger on the shutter release.

    • @CrispyJacketStudios
      @CrispyJacketStudios 3 месяца назад +4

      Tried this… 👍 good tip - it feels a little strange at first but I tend to switch between thumb shutter and screen shutter.
      It also has the advantage of tapping to focus too 🤙

    • @KentSoderstrom
      @KentSoderstrom 3 месяца назад +2

      Yes, just thought the same. Almost all micro four thirds cameras have touch screens and the ability to shoot by touching the screen, so it's easy to do really candid photos.

    • @Aetx
      @Aetx Месяц назад +1

      Most people I feel don’t know even what the shutter release button does 🥴

    • @therealbonj
      @therealbonj 14 дней назад

      i’ve tried that, but the problem with it is it takes LOADS of photos you don’t want when you touch it accidentally. Which is only a problem in that you have to sort through them (and it uses up the battery)
      I guess you could switch that mode off when you weren’t shooting

  • @nj-1008
    @nj-1008 3 месяца назад +45

    I can’t even tell you how many times I’d be shooting a scene, that included zero people, and been approached by someone wondering what I’m doing. Not even aiming the camera anywhere near them. This has been my experience literally, 75% of the time. It’s really given me a complex and created a certain amount of anger about it. Who the hell are these people that think they own the world? Btw, I’m a 69yr old grandma, so am unimposing in any way.

    • @slippinjimmothy
      @slippinjimmothy 3 месяца назад +16

      I feel like being unimposing makes people think they have authority over you. It was rare for me to be confronted before COVID lockdown. Now people are much more brash and skeptical.
      Keep on. It's cool to hear about other photographers and their challenges with where they are in life.

    • @lorenschwiderski
      @lorenschwiderski 22 дня назад +1

      Tell them you are a Soviet spy and they'll think you are crazy and leave you alone. 🤣

  • @colingerard7863
    @colingerard7863 3 месяца назад +4

    Hi Mark. You discuss sone interesting issues with this video. I feel the way people take pictures on the street is reflection of themselves, and subsequently, that can show in the images they take. Benign introverts compared to gregarious extroverts, a friendly demeanour against an unfriendly one, and people who can be inconspicuous verses those who cannot. I would say being yourself is the starting point and the technicals will find you through trial and error. Finally, you will be rewarded when you talk to people, unexpected conversations will take place that more often than not can lead onto amazing things. Enjoy the rest of your day and regards from London.

  • @chosenideahandle
    @chosenideahandle 3 месяца назад +5

    Great video as usual Mark! The only confrontations I've had over the last 30 something years have been with people clearly outside frame (in public places) asking if I have permission to take photos of people, and business owners that notice their restaurant or something is being photographed (again from a public location). Of course I'm not violating any laws, but rather someone is convinced it can't be allowed. A patio was in a recent photo I took from a public sidewalk and someone came out of the establishment to ensure I was only using the photos for personal reasons. Rather than start arguing the legality of it, I just said "yes" lol.

  • @TheRunningDad
    @TheRunningDad Месяц назад +3

    11:40 My canned response is “Photography is not a crime. There is no expectation of privacy in public.”

  • @Alensbove
    @Alensbove 14 часов назад +1

    This was amazing content thank you for this

  • @PerfectorZY
    @PerfectorZY 2 месяца назад +2

    I don't do street photography per se but when I go out with my girlfriend or friends and family I do see people tend to dodge out of the way cause they think they are in frame. I use a 35-150 most of the time and as you know as you zoom in your field of view becomes so small they are light years away haha. I think people see a big lens and just assuming you are capturing everything. In reality shorter lens are wider yet people don't care as much. I don't get many looks with my 20-40 (though it's still new to me) even though everyone's in the shot at 20mm vs 100mm haha

  • @lucaslucas2933
    @lucaslucas2933 2 месяца назад +2

    I’m a very socially inept person taking a photojournalism class (great life choices ik) so this video’s really gonna come in handy once I have to do my own street photography

  • @animegeek6118
    @animegeek6118 3 месяца назад +9

    In the 10 months I’ve been into photography I haven’t been told anything. Then again I go about my walks in a respectful manner because in America getting a photo isn’t worth dealing with some trigger happy idiot.

    • @membrillo1896
      @membrillo1896 3 месяца назад

      change the tr in trigger for an n and you'll get the real violent "people" in America.

  • @Broken_Orbital
    @Broken_Orbital 2 месяца назад +2

    Try cradling your camera in your left hand and using your thumb to hit the shutter button... Most of the time just not holding the camera like you're holding a camera will let you get away with quite a bit.
    Also, get a variable ND filter and walk into the shadows to set your focal range, shutter speed, ISO, and aperture and put a mark on your filter, now step into the light and adjust your ND filter until your exposure is correct and make a second mark.. now all you have to do is adjust your ND filter from mark to mark as you walk in and out of shadows and greatly cut down on the time looking down to adjust your settings.

    • @Broken_Orbital
      @Broken_Orbital 2 месяца назад +1

      one more thing, if your camera has a silent electronic shutter you can Really get close without giving yourself away.

  • @JairAmadofilms
    @JairAmadofilms 3 месяца назад +2

    Great video man!! Ty so much for these awesome tips!! I’ve been doing street photography for about a year now and I’m glad that I was already doing some of the tips you recommended on this video lol. I’m 100% going to put these to practice!!📸🙌🏼

  • @juandaniel1935
    @juandaniel1935 3 месяца назад +2

    Nice video Mark! I found a while ago that the longer focal length lenses suit me better for street photography just for the reasons you list here. Specially if they are compact, even though they turn to be manual focus

  • @priyabratadash1833
    @priyabratadash1833 2 месяца назад +1

    Only one tip I have stop taking yourself and street photography too seriously. Rest all will fall into place. I have been beaten, shouted at and asked what I am doing I just scoot where ever I can Or just say RUclips. Worse case do a shouting match. Also I feel shooting via evf is much better idea than screen as not only you can compose well and yet you are not obvious whom I take i focus on scenes than people that helps a lot.

  • @Alensbove
    @Alensbove 14 часов назад

    Amazing content i'm looking for Ideas for my own chanel and this was thought provoking

  • @Raaf_81
    @Raaf_81 21 час назад

    I use the EVF a lot in streetphotography, I like to frame my pictures that way. And yes you can definitely tell that people are aware if you do that, lots of people look directly into your lens, some anxious, some in their own thoughts, some smiling. I have noticed a lot less negative or anxious looks if I take a tripod with me, set it up at a nice scene and fish for people to walk through. People tend to ask you (in a positive way) what you are doing when they see that tripod and camera, so if you like social interaction this is a bonus.
    You can take pictures with a phone all day, nobody will look at you. Take pictures with a camera and lots of people will notice you.

  • @Hvn1957
    @Hvn1957 2 дня назад

    Something that modern photographers don't understand is the concept of "range focusing" (you touched on it a bit). This is what one of the greatest street photographers of all time did (HC-B). He shot with a Leica hanging from his neck, set at the aperture he wanted. He knew the range of focus that aperture provided within the confines of film and shutter speed, and he maneuvered himself into that space to take the photo. He rarely had the camera at his eye. Modern lenses no longer have the range scale on them... sad. Your Tip #6 reminds me of one of my favorite images of all time by Fan Ho. Enjoyed the presentation a lot, but perhaps a history lesson would help too.