Taking IELTS requires special preparation. Everyone who has taken IELTS will confirm that it is not enough to communicate fluently in English in order to get the necessary scores. When preparing for the exam, I recommend you to study special IELTS preparation books because they are specially designed for a student to understand how to take the exam. Take IELTS practice tests to prepare psychologically for the exam and get a feel for the time. In addition to IELTS textbooks and simulators, I also recommend for you Yuriy Ivantsiv's practice book "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language". This book provides tips on solving many of the problems that every student faces when preparing for the exam. For example, how to effectively memorize new words, how to learn to write without mistakes, how to begin discussing a topic without stuttering, how to memorize new and why one forgets and much more. I wish everyone a 9.0 IELTS ! Good luck in creating your best future! Believe in yourself and never give up friends!
Taking IELTS requires special preparation. Everyone who has taken IELTS will confirm that it is not enough to communicate fluently in English in order to get the necessary scores. When preparing for the exam, I recommend you to study special IELTS preparation books because they are specially designed for a student to understand how to take the exam. Take IELTS practice tests to prepare psychologically for the exam and get a feel for the time. In addition to IELTS textbooks and simulators, I also recommend for you Yuriy Ivantsiv's practice book "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language". This book provides tips on solving many of the problems that every student faces when preparing for the exam. For example, how to effectively memorize new words, how to learn to write without mistakes, how to begin discussing a topic without stuttering, how to memorize new and why one forgets and much more. I wish everyone a 9.0 IELTS ! Good luck in creating your best future! Believe in yourself and never give up friends!