How Can This Only Be $150??? Traxxas TRX-4M Ford Bronco

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @bigkennyg.621
    @bigkennyg.621 Год назад +4

    I thought that area looked familiar I need to get down there again
    awesome video

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Thank you sir. Super fun area - need to get back out there again as well. Lots of good spots for 1/18 scale rigs!

  • @tippydp
    @tippydp 11 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome video. Just got one and looking forward to fun adventures. What location is that?

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  11 месяцев назад

      CDM, aka Corona Del Mar. Wonderful place to crawl with any scale rig!

  • @iacono1987
    @iacono1987 Год назад +1

    Very cool, looking forward to getting mine and turning it into a mini monster truck.

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Now that sounds fun!!!

    • @iacono1987
      @iacono1987 Год назад +1

      @@Competitionx should be, especially since the TRX uses a normal ring and pinion, not a worm gear.

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад +1

      Ya, thought that was a nice 'upgrade' over the other manufacturer's rigs.

  • @fabiogurian
    @fabiogurian Год назад +1

    do you know that if we have two on the same range, will they mix frequencies? i mean one remote control the other car?

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад +1

      No, you'll be fine. Today's 2.4GHz radio systems can handle up to 80 cars in close proximity. So, 80 different drivers can play together! The system automatically searches for open frequencies when you turn it on.

  • @hakan5136
    @hakan5136 Год назад +2

    What mod did you use on these rocks?

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      None - this is a bone-stock, out-of-the-box TRX-4M! We do have a few upgrades planned in the next week or so to (hopefully) make it a little better.

    • @hakan5136
      @hakan5136 Год назад +1

      @@Competitionxthanks ( speed, trail, Crow mod? ☺

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Nah, just some minor upgrade parts to help it perform a little better. However, we have been eyeing some of those killer full-blown mod setups - those look amazing!

  • @aureliusprimus
    @aureliusprimus Год назад +1

    Very beautiful and good truck !! 😀

  • @JosephStates
    @JosephStates Год назад +2

    At least your arm is in focus. LOL still thankful for the video

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад +1

      LOL - nope - but my shirt was. Not sure what happened there.

  • @plengbacus6175
    @plengbacus6175 Год назад +1

    Nice! Where I can buy that..

  • @miningwayne935
    @miningwayne935 5 месяцев назад +1

    Wish i had a place like that to play...i'd need 5 batteries : )

  • @darkcloud4368
    @darkcloud4368 Год назад +2

    Everything looked so scale until the giants showed up lol.

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      LOL, they were really small - just and odd 'perspective' thing :)

  • @busman2050
    @busman2050 Год назад +2

    Nice video. Could do without the extra music

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Thanks. Gotta fill in the silence somehow :)

  • @jamienava6750
    @jamienava6750 3 месяца назад +1

    Still needs about $200+ in upgrades. Stock performance is pretty mediocre. Tires, Shocks and servo are trash.

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  3 месяца назад

      If you're talking about a full on comp rig, yes, we'd agree. As is, though, the only thing we think it could benefit from is a good set of rubber. All the other stuff - shocks and servo - are decent enough to get you around for a good long time.

  • @qwest1000
    @qwest1000 Год назад

    Too bad 1/18 driver figurines aren't available, the articulated ones. If anyone has any suggestions, comment with a link. Seeking female driver.

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Need an interior for these as well for that figurine...

  • @busman2050
    @busman2050 Год назад +1

    Music makes video unwatchable

    • @Competitionx
      @Competitionx  Год назад

      Gotta fill in the silence. Plus, there's always the mute button. :)