Natalie Dessay," et incarnatus est " Mozart


Комментарии •

  • @killerbunny123123
    @killerbunny123123 15 лет назад +3

    dessay is seriously, she is like an angel incarnated into a human's body...that's no daily perfection, it's...DIVINE perfeciton

  • @VegaRocksTheRoses
    @VegaRocksTheRoses 13 лет назад +6

    When I listen to Dessay's work, it's like my heart breaks and mends itself over and over again. Beautiful.

  • @HydeAricia
    @HydeAricia 15 лет назад +2

    Gives me goosebumps. I love Natalie Dessay... I discovered her voice on the radio, it is so pure and beautiful. (I find a lot of sopranos are annoying to listen to...)

  • @lyside1
    @lyside1 17 лет назад +2

    io adoro Natalie Dessay....paradisiaca....complimenti vivissimi...

  • @Caifan79
    @Caifan79 14 лет назад +1

    she's amazing... gifted voice, gifted talent... she always gives me the goosebumps... amazing!!!!!!!!

  • @tuadolcefanciulla
    @tuadolcefanciulla 15 лет назад +1

    When I bought that first CD, I bought extra copies for my voice teacher, for the MN opera accompanist who coached me for the Gliere - must re-audition every year - 15 years (chorus, I'm no diva). My mentally disabled son went bonkers over her high notes-loved the Russian track. Shamed to say I only got cable 9 months ago. I'm floored at the incredible singers I didn't know existed til RUclips. What I didn't know! - Diana Damrau's Queen?vocal & acting: So EVIL & fabulous. Dessay's acting? WOW!

  • @KayHarpaGone
    @KayHarpaGone 13 лет назад +1

    C'est une merveille de beauté, de musicalité, de la magie pure.......

  • @tuadolcefanciulla
    @tuadolcefanciulla 15 лет назад

    I had never heard of Natalie Dessay. On Amazon I listened (literally) to her first 5 notes of Rachmaninoff's Vocalise. I immediately bought that CD, and as my discovery over the years of her great body of work has grown, I too feel she is some perfect jewel that landed on this earth to beautify everything she touches.

  • @xav71176
    @xav71176 14 лет назад

    Well everything is great here, the soloist, the orchestra and the conducting.

  • @Ramir_Almeida
    @Ramir_Almeida 14 лет назад

    I saw a interview with Dessay when she says that she's anxious, she just can't keep quiet when singing. Even with this Mozart she keeps moving her arms and using her body to help her administrate that. She's so clever. This woman's brilliant.

  • @tomaskejr
    @tomaskejr 14 лет назад

    absolutly beautiful - no comment-the best on the world-
    my love Natalia-tom -drummer of led zeppelin revival prague

  • @sonicfanatica
    @sonicfanatica 13 лет назад

    oh que hermosura de voz, canta como los angeles, o bueno no se si los angeles canten asi de hermoso, esto si es musica no todas esas tonterias que ahora escuchan los jovenes, yo tengo 16 año y aprecio esto, no se como otras personas de mi edad detesten tanto esta musica

  • @natuchamar
    @natuchamar 13 лет назад

    Guau!! que genialidad, no puedo parar de escuchar semejante voz e interpretacion!!
    Bravisima, maravillosa Natalie

  • @SidneyLosstarot
    @SidneyLosstarot 14 лет назад

    Just wonderful...

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 16 лет назад

    Now I don't know if this music is too heavenly, or me too earthly, but each time I hear one of these wonderful singers I find her the best of all. However each one remains a human with her (albeit tiny) flaws. And let's remember, in their available versions, Sumi Jo (born 1962) was 31, Bonney and McNair (1956) ~35, Dessay (1965) 41, Auger (1939) 52.
    Tue 22 Jan 2008 23:23 GMT

    @SDECHEMED 9 лет назад +4

    Quelle beauté!

    @SDECHEMED 7 лет назад

    the most amazing rendition of Et Incarnatus Est

  • @jomoses07
    @jomoses07 14 лет назад +1

    this is so beautiful!

  • @killerbunny123123
    @killerbunny123123 14 лет назад

    this woman is my angel.....

  • @angele33
    @angele33 16 лет назад

    "Gardiner, John Eliot ©; McNair Sylvia (soprano); Montague, Diana (soprano); Johnson, Anthony Rolfe (tenor); Hauptmann, Cornelius (bass): Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists" référence de la version qui m'a bouleversée!

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 17 лет назад

    I just heard her again. I am struck... Beautiful as she is (and not only in voice) she *owes* to us all to redo this video, complete, and rid of her faults (several false notes - from such a singer!) and her conductor's (did he ever learn that any famous conductor refrains himself for all his career from polluting his own music with a single word in or around concerts and recordings?)
    2007-0918.1611 GMT

  • @egrosz
    @egrosz 16 лет назад


  • @222mozart
    @222mozart 16 лет назад

    yes, yes , yes, you are so right !!!
    typically Natalie !!

  • @supawels3627
    @supawels3627 2 года назад

    Eine sehr investigative Aufnahmetechnik,
    wichtigtuerische Selbstdarstellung.
    Verzichtbar! ( Alternative:Sumi Jo)

  • @killerbunny123123
    @killerbunny123123 15 лет назад

    Yeah I was so shocked as well..yes Dessay has said that she prefers acting to singing and that she would prefer 100 times to hear "natalie cant sing" than "natalie cant act"....haha! imagine how great she would be if she prefered things the other way around! As it comes to your carreer, congratulations and you shud post a video of your singing...And as it comes to our divas, for queen of the night, Edda Moser's singing is the most scarry...and about dessay's acting...try "dessay pale et blonde"

  • @TenduYou
    @TenduYou 16 лет назад

    Dessay is the best!

  • @Azzenstudent
    @Azzenstudent 15 лет назад

    This looks like a rehearsal tape. Dessay is working through the piece, using her hands to gauge the breath control necessary. It's a little on the provisional end. Still, a wonderful singer.

  • @jhvorotin
    @jhvorotin 16 лет назад

    In rehearsal, she has all the rights. And she never moves her arms in recitals and concerts

  • @301250
    @301250 17 лет назад

    Natalie's singing of the Et Incarnatus is simply tres bien! No, it's ethereal, beautiful and be can be placed alongside Arleen Auger's sublime account with Leonard Bernstein. Oh, I just love her Morgana in Handel's Alcina with William Christie and his Les Arts Florissants (what a baroque ensemble!)especially that devastating aria "Tornami a vagheggiar" at the end of Act I. Check it out Handel lovers! You will not be disappointed. SD Goh

  • @MrBillymartines
    @MrBillymartines 14 лет назад +1

    The very voice of God.

    @SDECHEMED 6 лет назад


  • @1234561427
    @1234561427 14 лет назад +2


  • @anohbey
    @anohbey 16 лет назад

    my god! her high note in 1.03 was just heavenly. but i didn't like it how she cut the line in 1.18. but over all, this is a very inspired performance.

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 17 лет назад

    Dessay is wonderful here. Yet she will immediately sound pale to you if ever you fall on the original whom she visibly learnt from: "Et incarnatus est" by Sylvia McNair/Gardiner will really break your heart. See CD "Mozart for the Millennium": Mozart's 14 most moving arias, purest sopranos earth ever heard (each the best for the particular aria), finest conducting, perfect recording.

  • @tomaskejr599
    @tomaskejr599 3 года назад

    Natálka ,Wolfi,my love.

  • @TheCancio68
    @TheCancio68 14 лет назад

    mozart is the sky and the stars!!!

  • @catthh22
    @catthh22 17 лет назад

    Ouai je suis trop d'accord avec toi !!

  • @Soybarbaran
    @Soybarbaran Год назад

    Que hermoso ❤

  • @MrHbc3
    @MrHbc3 13 лет назад

    @301250 You said "check out her Morgana in Handels Alcina with William Christie and his Les Arts Florissants ..... expecially that devastateing aria "Tornami a vagheggiar" at the end of Act 1" If you are referring to the bootleg (from the audience) one in Paris that was my first exposure to Dessay and I've been in love ever since. It was overwhelming!!

  • @emilleds
    @emilleds 16 лет назад


  • @LeSucreCuitier
    @LeSucreCuitier 16 лет назад

    Je suis d'accord avec tout ce que Bugage89 dit

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 17 лет назад

    This gives an interesting (and accurate IMO) explanation of Natalie's (wonderful) pluses and (minor yet unfortunate) minuses. Worth a translation - see mine of 2007-0918.1544 GMT (sorry I didn't think in time to post it in the right place).
    2007-0918.1549 GMT

  • @SandrineAnterrion
    @SandrineAnterrion 14 лет назад

    J'aime bcp.

  • @tuadolcefanciulla
    @tuadolcefanciulla 15 лет назад

    Oh, yes I did mean I went from 56 modum to high speed cable 9 months ago. Actually what lit a fire under me was the switch from analog TV to digital. So I just went ahead & changed my internet & phone service also. I want to note that this does appear to be a recording session. I've seen others here. I like to watch them, as they give insight to how the singer thinks technique. All those analogies singers are taught to produce a beautiful sound. You can't see that in performance mode.

  • @kalduglun
    @kalduglun 14 лет назад

    This "et incarnatus" is much less sombre than Bach's one! but the two are magnificent in their own way.
    Very vivid and convincing singing Mme Dessay.

  • @asgeirandersen
    @asgeirandersen 12 лет назад

    Bravo N Dessay!

  • @wotansings
    @wotansings 16 лет назад

    Merci Bugage pour votre commentaire. En effet, Dessay, (surtout dans le belcanto) est parfaitement inexpressive (ce qu'elle essaie de compenser par une agitation corporelle), la voix, mis à part feu son suraigue, est assez insipide, peu riche en harmonies. Pour cette Messe écoutons donc Maria Stader ou Christiane Oelze. Toutefois, on peut comprendre qu'elle ne veuille pas chanter Olympia jusqu'à la fin de ces jours...

    @SDECHEMED 6 лет назад

    On est dans la lumière!

  • @cellomar87
    @cellomar87 16 лет назад

    ...charming! :-)

  • @PeregrinTooc
    @PeregrinTooc 15 лет назад

    no, awesome.

  • @jhvorotin
    @jhvorotin 13 лет назад

    @NemanjaFan HAHA! oui c'est ça..l'histoire se souviendra encore longtemps de cette artiste exceptionnelle...

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 16 лет назад

    I see how one can feel Sumi Jo a robot at start, but she deserves IMO better attention. This is why I just posted another comment on her version, see v=ox7pVUrznBg#spcx2tjDPHs "SHORT WATCH: 06:35 to 08:40".
    Tue 22 Jan 2008 23:02 GMT

  • @222mozart
    @222mozart 16 лет назад

    sometimes like a goddess

  • @UlfenDaddy
    @UlfenDaddy 15 лет назад

    Thanks, I wondered. As much as I LOVE Nathalie Dessay, I still can't help but realise again why Mozart is not approved for canonical or liturgical use...

  • @requiemsinger
    @requiemsinger 16 лет назад

    Oui, I agree, this voice is so petite it just doesn't 'sing' these amazing lines openly. Je ne parle pas Francais, mais, lesboreades, dit bon!

  • @jhvorotin
    @jhvorotin 16 лет назад

    Sa gesticule est justifiée car le public est relativement loin de la scene et il la voit plus expressive si elle exagere certain mouvements. Pour moi, Dessay est superbe dans sa capacité à varier le volume, et donc à rendre l'emotion plus intense. Si elle fait des grimaces, ce n'est pas parce qu'elle fait des erreurs, mais parce que c'est la nature. Ceux qui ne grimacent pas, c'est pour donner l'impression de facilité. Mais l'être est plus important et plus beau que le paraître.

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 17 лет назад

    Let's keep moderate both ways; Natalie Dessay sure doesn't deserve her 1st rank in YT search "Et incarnatus est"; yet remains very good. For me: Heaven: Sylvia McNair; Earth: Maria Stader (on the old score); Sumi Jo (yes! imperfect yet moving); Barbara Boney (harmed by poor audio); Arleen Auger (wish see her at 25!); etc, etc, ND (harmed by clip and conductor comment - not so bad though).
    (seeing AA in 5th position shows in which heavenly company you are!)
    Tue 20 Nov 2007 17:03 GMT

  • @sweetvlc
    @sweetvlc 15 лет назад

    Que suerte tienes en haber oido a un angel. Yo nunca ni he visto ni he oido cantar a un angel, asi que no puedo decir que si esta fulana tiene o no voz de angel.

  • @willthebest1
    @willthebest1 8 лет назад +3

    arlene auger is the dessay

    • @sutash9043
      @sutash9043 8 лет назад +2

      +willthebest1 I love Dessay too, just not really in this piece. I agree with you 100% about Arleen Auger. Such delicacy is rarely found in anyone else.

  • @lmsubramaniam
    @lmsubramaniam 16 лет назад

    she's rehearsing the rhythm

  • @JuliaSOPRANO
    @JuliaSOPRANO 15 лет назад

    Tell me, please. Who is this amazing conductor???:)))
    It's wonderful suppoting of musician.

  • @escaelis
    @escaelis 16 лет назад

    I think I said it in a previous post, but yes I agree too. Her recording with Abbado is one of the - if not THE best - recording of the "Et incarnatus est".

  • @elinakomarova3681
    @elinakomarova3681 2 года назад


  • @Bahia82
    @Bahia82 15 лет назад

    Dessay is always good no doubt, but when it comes to mozart, Kathleen battle is the best. but props to Dessay she is a joy to listen to all the same

  • @1234561427
    @1234561427 14 лет назад +2

    Vous pourriez mettre mon nom! j'ai filmé monté et réalisé ce film!

  • @Merlin1940
    @Merlin1940 17 лет назад

    Now that "vivelapolice" has shown his Language skills (IT, FR, EN), I hope he'll express his - valuable - POVs in the language everyone understands. Meanwhile, translating his last one:
    « Natalie's intra-psychic struggles (the voice she has and the one she wishes.... she is a singer and would like to be an actress...) tell in parts how her voice is crumbling. Psy, come on! She is on Callas' track... »
    2007-0918.1544 GMT

  • @EleniOperaNoir
    @EleniOperaNoir 13 лет назад +1

    I think that Dessay has a beautiful voice but not the respect needed to sing these pieces.She's kinda full of herself,eager to show what she's got,but not to pay her respects to this sublime music.Some opera singers are too attracted by the media and the fame that they forget about music.

  • @escaelis
    @escaelis 17 лет назад

    oops. It's Barbara Bonney. My bad. :P.

  • @amballa
    @amballa 16 лет назад

    encore mieux: Gardiner avec Barbara Bonney, Anne Sofie van Otter, Anthony Rolfe Johnson et Alistair Milnes. Enregistrement video de Barcelone. Sublime!!!

  • @ltrentesaux56
    @ltrentesaux56 9 лет назад

    😮 ! 🙌

  • @McSarnaman
    @McSarnaman 15 лет назад

    at 4:19 se makes an expression like: ups! what could it be?

  • @elinorberg
    @elinorberg 17 лет назад

    Of coure put a did religious feelings in it! Just listen to the music, and to the words in latin: "The Spirit became Man in Virgin Maria." Religion is not a strange thing, you know. It is the praise of Gods love for humanity.Maternity is the highest expression of Gods love for us. And in this wonderful aria, Mozart uses the Christian Catholic latin text that says " Virgin Maria".

  • @jackyhoteplin8853
    @jackyhoteplin8853 6 лет назад

    Gros bisous à vous tous

  • @FoxyGrandpa
    @FoxyGrandpa 16 лет назад

    nicevidbro, I have audio of her performing this piece in Paris if you'd like me to post it.

  • @MCGJ8
    @MCGJ8 17 лет назад

    when was it recorded?

  • @deliatebaldi
    @deliatebaldi 9 лет назад

    Can someone translate what he's saying in the start of the video? I speak some French but there are a few words I couldn't make out. It would be much appreciated. This is one of my favorite videos on youtube, I've watched it so many times, but I'm always curious what he's saying!

    • @danielduffy1560
      @danielduffy1560 9 лет назад +1

      Dawn Dola
      I will try, even if my english is not very good, specialy to translate this type of emotions :

    • @deliatebaldi
      @deliatebaldi 9 лет назад

      Daniel Duffy Thank you! It makes sense now!

    • @danielduffy1560
      @danielduffy1560 9 лет назад

      Dawn Dola
      It was my pleasure to help you !

  • @operagirl81
    @operagirl81 14 лет назад

    @TheCancio68 And the moon and the sun. :)

  • @newhotmailit
    @newhotmailit 14 лет назад

    i love her too! she's really graced! but i think the beginning must be less! less voice, less tempo, less everything. the words are so important that the notes dont need to accentuate the fact: et in carnatus est........PLS listen to masterclass E. SCHWARZKOPF

  • @ilbacioditosca
    @ilbacioditosca 16 лет назад

    This is a rehersal , anyway she should not move her arms?

  • @agliso
    @agliso 12 лет назад

    @NemanjaFan tout à fait d'accrod!

  • @MrHbc3
    @MrHbc3 13 лет назад

    @Bahia82 Kathleen Battle had, or has for all I know, a great voice and a lot of talent using it. Unfortunately her neurotic behavior essentially ruined her career. I have become a real fan of Dessay's and pay attention to her behavior, which is discernible in a lot of the rehearsal/interview stuff on YT. From that emerges a person who gives everyone around her friendliness and room to be. That has got to be helping her living such a hectic life.

  • @sweetvlc
    @sweetvlc 16 лет назад

    There's no better rendition of "Et incarnatus est" than Kathleen Battle's one. A voice of heaven for this piece. Check it for yourself in youtube. Than we can talk.

  • @wotansings
    @wotansings 16 лет назад

    Elle n'est quand même pas une mauvaise musicienne, elle n'a pas non plus volé sa notoriété. Toutefois son instrument ne lui permet pas tout. Chanter Traviata par exemple (annoncé pour 2009, je crois). Sa voix, et je dis bien sa voix, manque de profondeur et d'harmoniques. Et ce n'est pas parce qu'elle a fait de bonnes choses (comme Olympia) qu'il faut crier au génie à tous les coups. Il y a des choses qu'elle sait faire, d'autres pas. Sa Sophie était très bien, voilà une voie à suivre par ex...

  • @jhvorotin
    @jhvorotin 16 лет назад

    Chacun a sa manière propre et independante de chanter Mozart. Chaque interprétation est différente, et aucune chanteuse ne sert de référence absolue, hormis les précurseurs qui ont été les premières à l'interpreter. Je rappelle que Natalie Dessay est en répétition et donc qu'elle peut tout se permettre, c'est son droit de faire comme bon lui semble.

  • @anttyj
    @anttyj 15 лет назад

    Really? Care to elaborate a little?

  • @AstriaICOW
    @AstriaICOW 9 лет назад

    @OlDoinyo: Agree. I also tend to think she's one of the most overrated world class singers, especially of her generation, maybe it's because of her vocal cord problems. But I haven't really heard anything from her that's much better. Listen to Barbra Bonney's version for example, FAR superior, no where forced, and they both about the same generation. Barbra didn't have to do those exaggerated hand movements either.

    • @misukachao46
      @misukachao46 8 лет назад

      What a load of total rubbish. But that is the way it is among opera fanboys. Have to run down the best to support their little idol. Says more about you that the only way you can mention your own favourite girl is run down somebody else. Overated for a generation?? Are you a total fool???

    • @AstriaICOW
      @AstriaICOW 8 лет назад

      Calm down my dear. I was comparing her to other greats, obviously not to an "average joe" singer. If you can't take criticisms regarding celebrities who you like then maybe you shouldn't be on the internet. Many of my favorite singers are bashed by other people. If they are not trolls I have a civil conversation with them where I consider their points of views. Usually we don't end up agreeing of course, but that's the mature way to go.
      I wouldn't have to come to a Natalie Dessay video if it weren't for the fact that she's so overly exposed compared to other singers who IMO are clearly under-rated, such as Barbara Bonney or June Anderson, from the same generation, Anna Moffo also did a way better version of Et Incarnatus Est in a more classy operatic way, all three are much better Mozartian singers than Dessay will ever be. I didn't click on her video by malicious intent, it just kept popping up on my recommendation list when I listen to my favorites so I gave it a shot, but ended up disappointed. I have the right to voice my opinions, it's called diversity, get used to it.

  • @MrHbc3
    @MrHbc3 13 лет назад +1

    Kathleen Battle had (or for all I know, has) a wonderful voice. BUT IMHO her musicianship, interpretation and acting ability were/are completely eclipsed by Natalie Dessay. That of course is not the reason Battle essentially quit singing opera. Battle became an obnoxious, neurotic, pain in the ass for all around her. Natalie is like many of the best singers... friendly, cooperative, fun loving and a general fun to work with person

  • @BertrandBordage
    @BertrandBordage 16 лет назад

    Un bonne instinct et une jolie voix à la base. Pour le reste je ne vois pas ce qu'on lui trouve. Elle m'énerve en tant qu'actrice, c'est juste une hyperactive. Elle gueule souvent au lieu de chanter forte et met la voix en gorge et parfois dans le nez pour essayer de donner du grave. Pas de défaut flagrant et persistant mais plein de petites instabilités qui brisent tout. Qu'on ne dise pas "qu'elle est dans son truc", pour moi elle ne pense qu'à éviter ses erreurs en remuant et grimaçant ainsi.

  • @killerbunny123123
    @killerbunny123123 15 лет назад

    I know right? and her high notes...I don't think that there's a human being that can sing a high A AND make it sound like Dessay.....Dessay's high notes are like....a bird singing or a perfect violin....

  • @jhvorotin
    @jhvorotin 16 лет назад

    Ca ne veut rien dire. Mozart n'a pas dit comment faire pour chanter ce morcceaux. Chacun apporte sa touche personnelle et Kat Battle n'est qu'une chanteuse parmi d'autres.

  • @malikati
    @malikati 16 лет назад

    on s en fout de l avis du mec au début !!!
    je trouve cette version un peu speed quand meme;
    son interpretation me semble + energique et volontaire qu' éthérée et magique ;
    de + il y a un LA un peu flou vers 1.50 non?

  • @agliso
    @agliso 12 лет назад

    @agliso d'accord (je dois avoir envie de mordre en écoutant N Dessay!)

  • @BertrandBordage
    @BertrandBordage 16 лет назад

    Un vrai chanteur n'a pas besoin de donner une impression de facilité. C'est par l'aisance dans sa voix qu'on distingue un bon chanteur. Sans quoi les meilleurs chanteurs et chanteuses ne finiraient pas leur carrière avec leur vie. Que trouvez-vous à sa musique? Le répertoire autant que l'interprétation sont communs. Sa modulation d'intensité est faible pour une voix d'opéra. En vérité, on ne parle que des mauvaises musiciennes acceptant d'être pipole (cf Hélène Grimaud, Sandrine Piau...).

  • @escaelis
    @escaelis 17 лет назад

    Arleen Auger does a much better job with her recording with Abbado.
    Et incarnatus est shouldn't be something so stressed.

  • @ilbacioditosca
    @ilbacioditosca 16 лет назад

    Who created the NO MOVEMENT OF the Arms for singers?
    Then you says: she is an artist and should not move the arms!!!!! ok then watch the singers who do not move the arms then. I listen Dieskau on Lied and he did not move the arms at all but he is so boring!!! sorry

  • @vctvi
    @vctvi 17 лет назад +1

    Really not good. Does she believe she is in a zoo or what? Generally I like what she is doing but not on this one. Try Karthäuser or Bonney on this one. Much much better.

  • @flaze3
    @flaze3 13 лет назад

    the hands are very distracting...

  • @elinorberg
    @elinorberg 17 лет назад

    Sorry but there was no religious filing at all in this. And no legato......

  • @hiongg
    @hiongg 17 лет назад

    Sumi Jo sang this better, sorry..

  • @OlDoinyo
    @OlDoinyo 13 лет назад

    Technically decent, aside from a couple of late attacks, but rather disconnected; some of the high notes seem carelessly blasted rather than mindfully and gently sung. She just doesn't seem to be into this piece on any real level.