@@david75823 It`s a private server that is actually illegal. :) @The Hitchcock EVE Online? I`m gonna try that one out. Where can i find it? On steam or must i manually download from their website?
@@ChannelMartiFeatDavi Me too, I just came back at 2018 the game was so trash, I get Cyborg, Mimessis, Hammer Spartans 40 HP Lf4 12 Magma 12 laser protocol 12 shield protocol but I lost the interest quickly Empty Servers, even in Server time, stoners playing this game trash community they will speak on chat trash when they kill u even if u had low hp and shield like nobb ur so bad and so on, Multicomoany union in 1 clan taking all the CBS shoot u down in quest event times... 10 vs 1 ofc 1v1 I killed with 1 confi half confi and so on.. Everyone doing gates for rank, thing which I can't hunt I just jump in x5 x6 x7 x8 maps no one playing then Logout... Back in 2013 I had chief colonel In 2018 my rank dropped in Mayor XD! I QUIT THIS SHIT.... THE GAME OF MY LIFE BACAME GARBAGE ITS KINDA SAD. I LOVED it SO MUCH.
@@aveliiu dude we all feel your pain. You are right to tell all farm in gates for ranks, noobs in the game just write in chat and kill 5-6v1 and they think can play hah
They should open a global server with 2008-2010 version and then they will break records with a browsergame again darkorbit was back then most played browsergame worldwide
@@iron_b0olt Tbh with you people stopped played when JPA were closed due to bugger/glitchers etc... Better games to play? Maybe yeah but there is not that much of space games like DO (MMORPG).
I stopped playing do, and i agree, there are so much game better than do, but still, if they open a global serv with the 2010 version, i would be happy to come back.
Great Video my boy. They earn 9 didget numbers of money and all they do is adding 3 new maps WITH NPCS I dont think the game will die 2020 cuz there are to many people playing for their rank etc.... This was my childhood back in 2006 xD As well as X Blaster :( Thumbs up for all the work you put in this video, great job. Best regarts Xaro.
Also I have seen a lot of new players with liberators continue to leonovs and some to piranhas 😅 dumb decisions 😂 They Are Real players who want to enjoy the game. Those Payments are optional. You can have a prius or u need a fckin pimped lambo.. Remember of sleepers
We shall see on next 2-3 years no one at all pays on this game anymore 90% players are bot user, only what they purchase is Rebate Premium and Double Box. And theres also alot of bugs players use. As gg bug honor bug Dmg bug and so on...
5:45 never happened to me, mmm... The developers did bad to their game? Yes, removing jackpot arena, adding expensive and useless cosmetics. To be honestly I thought the game would die in 2012 or 2014, I mean closed as Xblaster (Another great game of BigPoint) but still online, they now are trying to keep the players on their game, gifting weaponry, making easier get the functional desings, adding new maps to full players, merging servers. 1 important thing, everyone should realize what ruin the game was US, by using BOTS and HACKING. And then the Massacre of a lot of accounts getting banned permanently, and worst people still in 2018 using BOTS. So the fall of DarkOrbit is our fault. They need money to continue doing Jackpots Battles. But if u stealing by using bots and hacks, what did u spect? DO can still be good?, be glad they are trying to make DO great again and still online
Tbh They actually broke the game with prometheus lasers, bruh.... Players broke the game because they do not want to spend thousands to make UFE? Yeah sure, why not? I would rather pay a bot maker to get UFE in 1 year but not BP when they fuck up things. Like GG`s new maps (some people would know what i`m talking about here) and as last new ship because they need money to get on vacation.... Stand up and get brain to work they actually broke the game because of cosmetic shit that is lagging and adding new equipment only for UFE a player that has no UFE will not get prometheus lasers to at least defend himself. And bp said that prometheus lasers must be that powerfull so, you still think botters destroyed the game or BP fucked up by being gold diggers?
This game died for me when new client came out. From that time forward everything started changing some things for the better and some for the worst. When finally lf4 came out it officially started the real decline in darkorbit. Most players quit and ever since less and less ppl play. I still play hoping we go back to 2008 darkorbit but I don't see that happening
For real i think the best years are around 2012 when old formations out and basic havocks hercules not much ships not much shit u know 😊 game was perfectly working without laggs and also its not easy to get everythink. For me the game can stop in that 2013 and after just play for ranks and events.. 😊
Nice video with nice points explaing the problems, I think they should add either runescape like old-school separate game for people who are not interested into farming hades 24/7, OR, remove / make double reward day A LOT rarer, probably like in once a month or something, more rankpoints for pvp kills (maybe x 2 rankpoints in pvp maps), add some new fresh titles for pvp to make people do some pvp, fix the bugs (you throw emp and you die anyway through it nowadays) and balancing some ships (mimesis / cyborg wtfff) and maybe add scoremageddon kind of events more, for me, scoremageddon was one of the funniest events to ever play. I have spoken ♥ - Valde
This would be awesome, I started 2011 end - 2012 beginning to play truly and I loved when I bought my first Aegis and damn son it was fun to farm kristallons with it :D
I remember 2012 it was still a great time, one of my first games during my childhood , when I lost that account I got so mad that I never played it again, now 2019 I rejoined and I saw the crap that’s going on with free Venom full lf3 ,pet and iris with 500000 laserx3 This game got sad and it broken
Darkorbit see a lot of players leave this game but ... when he check bank account he said " IT'S GOOD CONTINUE LIKE THAT" conclusion : darkorbit is not dead but for how long ? edit : i have left darkorbit in 2016-17 just after the fusion on all fr server.
Oh yeah........ i leave darkorbit in 2016 and i still want to play it..... But tha game just make me cry :( and when i remember abaut it i start cry again becose of what game become :( who is like me?
Ale joo, za tohle jsi ten +1 like zasloužíš :D hra je v dezolátním stavu :D Silně uvažuji nad tím že se některých účtů zbavím, stejně na nich nehraji skrz technický stav teto hry :D
Vsak preto ani my moc nehrame.. A neriesim nejak nic okolo tohoto.. Proste pre mna je to momentalne odpad.. Ako zahram ked to ide ale nie Pvp a uz vobec nie riesit wary atd.. Ked ta hra ledva ide.. :)
Tak s tím že ta hra je odpad souhlasím, ale to už je otázka posledních 3 let. Já hraji jen skrz to že mě k té hře vždy někdo přivede :) jinak bych to už dávno ani nezapnul.
Hello, I'd like to tell you that my father has known DarkOrbit since it started. Later I joined Darkorbit playing since 2014, (today it is exactly 5 years since I started playing it) in 2018 I had a break due to the crash of the Czech server. And I mean, players are botting and cheating today and shooting across the map and putting newcomers on one shot. I also miss the ships that were there when the game started and later Admins removed them (for unknown reasons) I miss there honest players who played it until they reached the highest level and were not elite. People are cheating today. thank you for reading this comment and please highlight it so others can see it
i wanna know how you logged in, tried to shoot the diminisher , but locked the bastion when your cursor CLEARLY did not click on him. did anyone else notice that or no?
Nice video... Greez from germany :) And your right... no pvp anymore and if you want some pvp... they talking shit like "its laaging" ok wow... now its really lagging xD
Dakujem.. Ja vzdy hovorim ze nazor jednotlivca je dolezitejsi ako skupiny. A hlavne ake strany? :D ja mam stranu proti vam v podstate ale ja ani na ziadnej niesom ja mam svoju proti celej hre uz vybudovanu :D
BUG Point cared about the money, And not for his players... Now greedy people has taken the server. Multicompany union in clan and keep savaging other players. Do is trash now Im sad.
Ain't it funny how it is almost never addressed that the pay 2 win shit killed the game? There was a time you see Bots and bots and bots and bots everywhere and BP guys keep telling no bots are running. Thia shit was fed by the "greater the hit the best you are" narrative which made sense these days due to BP's will to sell keys to players. The free players turned to run bots or left the game in time. Paying players at sometime realized that the free players, "the hunteds" were the engine of this game. They'd been trying to catch the payers (and they could), they were the ones to keep the maps busy. And whenever they saw there were bots everywhere, it was just boring and useless and silly to chase "greater hit". And see now. They (BP) can't even show us how many people are online in a single server. and upgrades, items, lasers.. shit still keeps coming. I have an account with 300k uri + 20 something lf4's, havocs, zeus'es etc. At the time when i stop playing i was a decent player with average ship and inventory. It was 2 years ago or a bit more. Now i don't know. I think i log in every 4 months or something to look at maps and say "this was a good browser game back in the days". It's just like that.
The big problem is the community, I mean why just we accept every of they shitty upgrades(3D uav configs--> x3 insta/emp/x6 to spent) But all talk “shit shit shit” than none even tried to talk about the real shit of DO 3D formations! Nowdays with 2-4 months of bot you can easily full an account! It’s not BigPoint that say: “make gates, makes mln of uri or make 50 hades every week”, are the players that choose to spent uri/hours for rank and not for pvp fight. So the big fault is of the community, none partecipate to tdm, spaceball and other events that back years agoo were great! Community help BigPoint in destroying this game #StopHades
i am leaving dark orbit today.. all i see in pvp maps are botters... all i find in x-7 maps are botters all i find as a challenge is how can you build a strong ship... pvp is dead... players are just botting or buying everything and becoming best... so i am leaving :( goodbye dark orbit
But this game is not same. "Darkorbit reloaded " is shit game ever made. Are you see any new player in last years? Only old players are continue it because this game is fucked up with
Sice jsem nezažil nejstaršího klienta, ale myslím si, že jsem byl v té nejlepší době DO, kdy prostě s partou kámošů šlo o zábavu a nikdo nic neřešil. Teď škoda slov...
Ještě mne po delším přemýšlení napadlo, že podle mě je tato hra už teď umírá. Sice ano, hráči ji stále hrají, ale myslím si že to jsou opravdu výjimky. Po delší době jsem se přihlásil, jak se hra změnila a tolik nových pi*ovin co tam přidali není možné, samozřejmě za uridium nebo lépe platební oblast. Nemám nic proti kupování předmětů ve hře, ale neměli by drasticky zlepšit výkon hráče, spíše jen kosmetické úpravy. Bože to mi připomíná mé první léta v DO kdy jsem musel vstávat o půlnoci abych mohl dražit, 3 brány v trojúhelníku a pro mne to byl jako bůh, flax nebo iris nic víc nic míň :) Kdy mít golíka znamenalo něco a to jak kdo byl dobrý se odvíjelo pouze o skillu, ne od toho kolik kdo do toho dal. Dle mého by se z té hry dalo ještě něco vytěžit z pohledu společnosti, kdyby prostě udělali úplný restart k starému DO, myslím okolo roku 2006, s takovou bych si tu hru i rád zahrál.
Přikláním se k tvému názoru. Ale bylo by lepší kdyby se DO vrátilo někam do Roku 2011. To by bohatě stačilo. Ty nové formace a nový 3D klient je k ničemu. Ještě kdyby přidali nějaký speciální klient aby to nepadalo a nebylo to pořád přes Flash. Víc FPS a bylo by to lepší.
Also I have seen a lot of new players with liberators continue to leonovs and some to piranhas 😅 dumb decisions 😂 They Are Real players who want to enjoy the game. Those Payments are optional. You can have a prius or u need a fckin pimped lambo.. Remember of sleepers
The game dies earlier the game is more for pve than times back soon New laser and New ships with skill design but why? The PVP is death nearly all players in the Gates 100more missions but only PVE the PVP is death it will come nothing PVP moderate Sorry for my Bad english im German Nice Video and greatz from Germany
I have played the game on de2, with the New Update i have said" i stopped this game" this game Was so nice but with this Update the game is Bad. I have playing two Accounts one on de2 and one ge1, the game is to lost to playing continue. I have reached so much and now this. Goodbye Darkorbit. Sry for my Bad englisch XD
The new update is very good and fair .. especially for small players who want to upgrade their stuff. And you can make almost 10k uri per day just doing the daily missions!
I played that game in 2008 and IT WAS JUST AMAZING, but if you play that crap nowadays with 20 years or older you seriously may consider to go to see a doctor :D
No PVP no Fun more Items to pay with real money more pve no shutdown cuz enough guys sending Bigpoint their money when they buy the "Uridium" but what is Uridium? u pay for 1,3 Million Uridium 100€ but what did u get at all? nothing than more gates. R.I.P DarkOrbit
V kazdej hre je treba nieco nove.. Ale nie zrovna smerom aby hra lagovala a hraci co su na PVP nemohli hrat PVP ak chcu dobry rank. ;) pre mna je hodnotenie v hre odpad.. a to iste tie "eventy"
GET WEST no veď tak som to myslel😊samozrejme že vždy treba niečo nové aby to nebolo o tom istom..ale vidis že ta hra sa kazí už nejaký ten rok..a vidia že im hra upadá tak spravím nejaké pvp eventy a takéto veci..ale nie oni radšej spravia bránu a dalších 10 sprostých eventov..👌
I actually quit the game at 2013 It doesn't make any sense to play this game if you get 200k dmg into your face by a payment freak who spend more than 5k euros and you do not...
i gues its fine that you dont get a good ranke when you are good at pvp - BUT they should work on in system where you cann compare pvp players - and get a rank for it that you cann see on the map
It's just to much griding... Grinding to pvp ratio is like 1000:1 If it was more like 1:1 it would be way better. All new updates just make the game worse
the problem has always been pay to win but noone cares 10 years ago becasue the best equipments was eazy obtainable now you ll have to grind 24/7 half an year so you can compete with someone
Prosimta bracho ty co zacinaju hrat to maju nesmierne jednoduché full lf4 a fullhavok spravi clovek hned.. A to iste tie ulohy? Kde ta mto zabije pre boha pozri sa na ranky kto ma ake ci pvp hraci maju generálov alebo nafarmene odpady. A tiez eventy ved vsetko mate ľahké
@@getwest36 ja to hrám od 2010 a full havoc nie som hrám to možno 2x do mesiaca. A ty co začínajú nemajú skoro vôbec šancu áno budú mať full lf4 ale čo z toho keď za 10 minút ta strelia asi 30x a do si na domovských mapách
Loading simulator 2k18 killed me XDDDD
hah :D
"Goodbye" and "Game is dead" videos everywhere.
People cry about this game but continue playing.
Love it.
I dont end but anyways what u write is true. But i think a lot of them play just because of "ingame" friends u know
@@getwest36 there isn't really an alternative to this game in terms of similar gameplay
Sure bro.. :)
Well there is if you ever heared about EVE Online its just like 100x more complex :) @@OrbitZerstoerer
@@david75823 It`s a private server that is actually illegal. :) @The Hitchcock EVE Online? I`m gonna try that one out. Where can i find it? On steam or must i manually download from their website?
2008-2012 good times
Yeah.. :/
yes i left darkorbit in 2013
@@ChannelMartiFeatDavi Me too, I just came back at 2018 the game was so trash, I get Cyborg, Mimessis, Hammer Spartans 40 HP Lf4 12 Magma 12 laser protocol 12 shield protocol but I lost the interest quickly Empty Servers, even in Server time, stoners playing this game trash community they will speak on chat trash when they kill u even if u had low hp and shield like nobb ur so bad and so on,
Multicomoany union in 1 clan taking all the CBS shoot u down in quest event times... 10 vs 1 ofc
1v1 I killed with 1 confi half confi and so on..
Everyone doing gates for rank, thing which I can't hunt I just jump in x5 x6 x7 x8 maps no one playing then Logout...
Back in 2013 I had chief colonel
In 2018 my rank dropped in Mayor XD!
@@aveliiu dude we all feel your pain. You are right to tell all farm in gates for ranks, noobs in the game just write in chat and kill 5-6v1 and they think can play hah
I quit years ago when they started introducing to many new equipment and stuff but not enough things to earn good uri to keep up.
They should open a global server with 2008-2010 version and then they will break records with a browsergame again darkorbit was back then most played browsergame worldwide
yeah like runescape did
Nobody would play. People stopped playing DO because there are better things to play, not because the game is bad.
@@iron_b0olt Tbh with you people stopped played when JPA were closed due to bugger/glitchers etc...
Better games to play? Maybe yeah but there is not that much of space games like DO (MMORPG).
I stopped playing do, and i agree, there are so much game better than do, but still, if they open a global serv with the 2010 version, i would be happy to come back.
Yeah and call it DarkOrbit Retrò
RIP old times :(
Great Video my boy.
They earn 9 didget numbers of money and all they do is adding 3 new maps WITH NPCS
I dont think the game will die 2020 cuz there are to many people playing for their rank etc....
This was my childhood back in 2006 xD
As well as X Blaster :(
Thumbs up for all the work you put in this video, great job.
Best regarts Xaro.
Also I have seen a lot of new players with liberators continue to leonovs and some to piranhas 😅 dumb decisions 😂 They Are Real players who want to enjoy the game. Those Payments are optional.
You can have a prius or u need a fckin pimped lambo.. Remember of sleepers
as long as enough ppl will pay for darkorbit it wont be shuted down. but i agree old times was best
Sure :)
We shall see on next 2-3 years no one at all pays on this game anymore 90% players are bot user, only what they purchase is Rebate Premium and Double Box.
And theres also alot of bugs players use. As gg bug honor bug
Dmg bug and so on...
BSGO was shutten down too, a lot of players played it.
West is Best ,) RIP Scooremegadon ... RIP Old Darkorbit..
Thank u bro :) And yeah scooremagedon one of the best events.. Old darkorbit is die..
Super, staré dobré časy ; ) jinak skvělá hudba. .. dodnes tyhle staré techno mixy mám rád
diky :)
Ty for using Bulgarian Song
5:45 never happened to me, mmm... The developers did bad to their game? Yes, removing jackpot arena, adding expensive and useless cosmetics.
To be honestly I thought the game would die in 2012 or 2014, I mean closed as Xblaster (Another great game of BigPoint) but still online, they now are trying to keep the players on their game, gifting weaponry, making easier get the functional desings, adding new maps to full players, merging servers.
1 important thing, everyone should realize what ruin the game was US, by using BOTS and HACKING. And then the Massacre of a lot of accounts getting banned permanently, and worst people still in 2018 using BOTS. So the fall of DarkOrbit is our fault. They need money to continue doing Jackpots Battles. But if u stealing by using bots and hacks, what did u spect? DO can still be good?, be glad they are trying to make DO great again and still online
Tbh They actually broke the game with prometheus lasers, bruh....
Players broke the game because they do not want to spend thousands to make UFE? Yeah sure, why not?
I would rather pay a bot maker to get UFE in 1 year but not BP when they fuck up things. Like GG`s new maps
(some people would know what i`m talking about here) and as last new ship because they need money to get on vacation.... Stand up and get brain to work they actually broke the game because of cosmetic shit that is lagging and adding new equipment only for UFE a player that has no UFE will not get prometheus lasers to at least defend himself. And bp said that prometheus lasers must be that powerfull so, you still think botters destroyed the game or BP fucked up by being gold diggers?
This game died for me when new client came out. From that time forward everything started changing some things for the better and some for the worst. When finally lf4 came out it officially started the real decline in darkorbit. Most players quit and ever since less and less ppl play. I still play hoping we go back to 2008 darkorbit but I don't see that happening
For real i think the best years are around 2012 when old formations out and basic havocks hercules not much ships not much shit u know 😊 game was perfectly working without laggs and also its not easy to get everythink. For me the game can stop in that 2013 and after just play for ranks and events.. 😊
2006-09 Best times,
2010-2013 was'nt bad at all
June 2013 game died and in
2014 officially this game died..
Old client was the best tho.
Arbnor Veliqi the late 2010 client was the best
@@hakank3748 No.
@@aveliiu yes the one where you only had bastion/enforcer and only lf3 pilot sheet old fat lasers and shit that was the best
Nice video with nice points explaing the problems, I think they should add either runescape like old-school separate game for people who are not interested into farming hades 24/7, OR, remove / make double reward day A LOT rarer, probably like in once a month or something, more rankpoints for pvp kills (maybe x 2 rankpoints in pvp maps), add some new fresh titles for pvp to make people do some pvp, fix the bugs (you throw emp and you die anyway through it nowadays) and balancing some ships (mimesis / cyborg wtfff) and maybe add scoremageddon kind of events more, for me, scoremageddon was one of the funniest events to ever play. I have spoken ♥ - Valde
Yeah exactly how u write.. Mwybe if they make 5 new servers based on 2012 it will be amazing...
This would be awesome, I started 2011 end - 2012 beginning to play truly and I loved when I bought my first Aegis and damn son it was fun to farm kristallons with it :D
@@getwest36 Gangsta clubbi brother :D
thats so fucking true man! miss the old times, i hope it will come back..
I remember 2012 it was still a great time, one of my first games during my childhood , when I lost that account I got so mad that I never played it again, now 2019 I rejoined and I saw the crap that’s going on with free Venom full lf3 ,pet and iris with 500000 laserx3
This game got sad and it broken
the best video of recent times.congratulations!
Darkorbit see a lot of players leave this game but ... when he check bank account he said " IT'S GOOD CONTINUE LIKE THAT"
conclusion : darkorbit is not dead but for how long ?
edit : i have left darkorbit in 2016-17 just after the fusion on all fr server.
Oh yeah........
i leave darkorbit in 2016 and i still want to play it.....
But tha game just make me cry :(
and when i remember abaut it i start cry again becose of what game become :(
who is like me?
Bugpoint really need to see this video ...
Nice job dude and i hope darkorbit come back better.
Like! ;D
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Ale joo, za tohle jsi ten +1 like zasloužíš :D hra je v dezolátním stavu :D Silně uvažuji nad tím že se některých účtů zbavím, stejně na nich nehraji skrz technický stav teto hry :D
Vsak preto ani my moc nehrame.. A neriesim nejak nic okolo tohoto.. Proste pre mna je to momentalne odpad.. Ako zahram ked to ide ale nie Pvp a uz vobec nie riesit wary atd.. Ked ta hra ledva ide.. :)
Tak s tím že ta hra je odpad souhlasím, ale to už je otázka posledních 3 let. Já hraji jen skrz to že mě k té hře vždy někdo přivede :) jinak bych to už dávno ani nezapnul.
Pravda.. aj tak to vacsina ludi hra len kvoli nejakej tej "nostalgii" ked si raz za cas zabojuje..
ak by si mal na predaj učet kupim
Tady máš na mě discord, tak si mě tam když tak přidéj. WaweGE1
Hello, I'd like to tell you that my father has known DarkOrbit since it started. Later I joined Darkorbit playing since 2014, (today it is exactly 5 years since I started playing it) in 2018 I had a break due to the crash of the Czech server. And I mean, players are botting and cheating today and shooting across the map and putting newcomers on one shot. I also miss the ships that were there when the game started and later Admins removed them (for unknown reasons) I miss there honest players who played it until they reached the highest level and were not elite. People are cheating today. thank you for reading this comment and please highlight it so others can see it
And I am from Czech republic and sorry from misstakes I am not good in english
Neboj aj ja som Slovak a o chyby nejde. Kazdy myslim ze ma podobny nazor jak ty. Raz to mozno dam dokopy v jednom videu. Uvidime..
@@getwest36 rozumiš aspoň tomu
Mas Fb ??? Jeslí ano tak to napis keme na kanal
@@wotbmaverick2004 Patrick Charles napis mi ;)
no longer open the service is active, let us enter the war and how long we will wait longer
This shit is real, dude!!! Your video is a punch in bigpoint's face. Wtf happend?!?!
Thank you :)
I played this game many years ago i just wish i would not have stopped but i couldnt afford to keep up with the new equipment
Its not that bad :)
Amazing video , but you should have added more old school legends (pure , neo , abno)
Sure bro but u know i cant make video soo long.. 😊
The mother, father, and foster parents of pay to win industry. DARKORBIT aka bigpoint
Amazing Movie only the truth!! No pvp no fun !
Thank u bro :)
The moral we can take from this game is the following:
*The more things developers are adding on the game, the less good will be...*
Sure :)
i wanna know how you logged in, tried to shoot the diminisher , but locked the bastion when your cursor CLEARLY did not click on him. did anyone else notice that or no?
I see but its hard im not the owner of video. Its pargo i mean that 1-6 fight its from pargo :)
I fucking miss Old Times i Playef in 2011-2013 took me 9 years Old :( Well goodbay all Players of universe DO.
Yea.. :) Btw if you still have your account and there are some old rare titles let me know :) Solar Clash 2012 atc
yes but later of 2013 darkorbit its down...and me missing old times...top 1 ag2 but i sell my account ufe 2009-2013 player..+1 friend
Punchline was a crazy fighter too
Nice video... Greez from germany :) And your right... no pvp anymore and if you want some pvp... they talking shit like "its laaging" ok wow... now its really lagging xD
Nechápu kde se vzali 4 dissy ... DO jde do háje .. +1 & like
Proste to su ludia ako Dont Mess co pridu daju disslike nech je akykolvek content a idu prec :)
No ode mě tam máš like takže tak
Sice naše strany jsou pořád proti sobě .. ale mě osobně přijdeš vcelku vpohodě..
Dakujem.. Ja vzdy hovorim ze nazor jednotlivca je dolezitejsi ako skupiny. A hlavne ake strany? :D ja mam stranu proti vam v podstate ale ja ani na ziadnej niesom ja mam svoju proti celej hre uz vybudovanu :D
BUG Point cared about the money,
And not for his players...
Now greedy people has taken the server. Multicompany union in clan and keep savaging other players.
Do is trash now Im sad.
Name of the first song plz
HKM and their alliances VS ARS and their alliances.... that old times of DO were best
120% True
As a ge1 player from 2008 best time for me is "last times of2009" when TR SLK CLK evolution vs ARS alliances vs SRAMs. :) I still miss these days
Wtf that shit, on Spain the 155 keys cost more than 100€
first song?
Ain't it funny how it is almost never addressed that the pay 2 win shit killed the game? There was a time you see Bots and bots and bots and bots everywhere and BP guys keep telling no bots are running. Thia shit was fed by the "greater the hit the best you are" narrative which made sense these days due to BP's will to sell keys to players. The free players turned to run bots or left the game in time. Paying players at sometime realized that the free players, "the hunteds" were the engine of this game. They'd been trying to catch the payers (and they could), they were the ones to keep the maps busy.
And whenever they saw there were bots everywhere, it was just boring and useless and silly to chase "greater hit".
And see now. They (BP) can't even show us how many people are online in a single server. and upgrades, items, lasers.. shit still keeps coming. I have an account with 300k uri + 20 something lf4's, havocs, zeus'es etc. At the time when i stop playing i was a decent player with average ship and inventory. It was 2 years ago or a bit more.
Now i don't know. I think i log in every 4 months or something to look at maps and say "this was a good browser game back in the days". It's just like that.
Good video and 3 years on the game is still going and with the same problems, they really don't give a fuck
true fuck them
S kamarátom sme si povedali že ideme do Nemecka do Hamburgu za nimi, pridaš sa 😄
Intro song?
The big problem is the community, I mean why just we accept every of they shitty upgrades(3D uav configs--> x3 insta/emp/x6 to spent)
But all talk “shit shit shit” than none even tried to talk about the real shit of DO 3D formations!
Nowdays with 2-4 months of bot you can easily full an account!
It’s not BigPoint that say: “make gates, makes mln of uri or make 50 hades every week”, are the players that choose to spent uri/hours for rank and not for pvp fight.
So the big fault is of the community, none partecipate to tdm, spaceball and other events that back years agoo were great!
Community help BigPoint in destroying this game #StopHades
i am leaving dark orbit today.. all i see in pvp maps are botters... all i find in x-7 maps are botters all i find as
a challenge is how can you build a strong ship... pvp is dead... players are just botting or buying everything
and becoming best... so i am leaving :( goodbye dark orbit
Goodbye bro :)
you opened my eyes actually... it is never like it was before...
eu acredito que exista uma esperança ainda para o dark...
holy shit, where are the times when Bas REX300 Bas was first at global europe? 🙄😥
old school maan
forget ... the game died in 2015 :) this is not DarkOrbit
Im from Germany so what? I will keep playing this game until im the last one on the servers, I grew up with this amazing game and won’t give up on it.
But this game is not same. "Darkorbit reloaded " is shit game ever made. Are you see any new player in last years? Only old players are continue it because this game is fucked up with
Im of one of these legends stoped playing dark orbit
Your nickname?
True, 7 months of merge for french servers and nothing new. Borring game, asking myself to leave it
Same bro.. :) I have the same thinks in my head like u.. :)
You're right... 7800-8000 user online 1 server 8-9 years ago.. Now 80-90 user
sure.. :/ and all because of the game..
Sice jsem nezažil nejstaršího klienta, ale myslím si, že jsem byl v té nejlepší době DO, kdy prostě s partou kámošů šlo o zábavu a nikdo nic neřešil. Teď škoda slov...
tak tak..
Ještě mne po delším přemýšlení napadlo, že podle mě je tato hra už teď umírá. Sice ano, hráči ji stále hrají, ale myslím si že to jsou opravdu výjimky. Po delší době jsem se přihlásil, jak se hra změnila a tolik nových pi*ovin co tam přidali není možné, samozřejmě za uridium nebo lépe platební oblast. Nemám nic proti kupování předmětů ve hře, ale neměli by drasticky zlepšit výkon hráče, spíše jen kosmetické úpravy. Bože to mi připomíná mé první léta v DO kdy jsem musel vstávat o půlnoci abych mohl dražit, 3 brány v trojúhelníku a pro mne to byl jako bůh, flax nebo iris nic víc nic míň :) Kdy mít golíka znamenalo něco a to jak kdo byl dobrý se odvíjelo pouze o skillu, ne od toho kolik kdo do toho dal. Dle mého by se z té hry dalo ještě něco vytěžit z pohledu společnosti, kdyby prostě udělali úplný restart k starému DO, myslím okolo roku 2006, s takovou bych si tu hru i rád zahrál.
Good old memories
Presne tak.. To je presne moj nazor :-)
Přikláním se k tvému názoru. Ale bylo by lepší kdyby se DO vrátilo někam do Roku 2011. To by bohatě stačilo. Ty nové formace a nový 3D klient je k ničemu. Ještě kdyby přidali nějaký speciální klient aby to nepadalo a nebylo to pořád přes Flash. Víc FPS a bylo by to lepší.
0:17 Music please ?
@@TutosGMP stellamara - prituri se planinata (nit grit remix)
@@Daskies19 Thanks so much
Pěkné videjko :)
Dakujem 😊
Yeah I gave this one up in 2013...
:) Good one
HKM member forgot about ARMf
Also I have seen a lot of new players with liberators continue to leonovs and some to piranhas 😅 dumb decisions 😂 They Are Real players who want to enjoy the game. Those Payments are optional.
You can have a prius or u need a fckin pimped lambo.. Remember of sleepers
The game end 2011 when they put Apis etc.. They killed her own game. I'm happy if they defnitly end the game
The game dies earlier the game is more for pve than times back soon New laser and New ships with skill design but why? The PVP is death nearly all players in the Gates 100more missions but only PVE the PVP is death it will come nothing PVP moderate
Sorry for my Bad english im German
Nice Video and greatz from Germany
True bro.. 😊
Man dark Orbit Time just needed the new ship designs etc. And Not that new Shit today
Симулятор загрузки, ахах это да. На ру серверах сделали синхронизацию серверов с реальным временем, теперь лагов стало меньше.
Лайк за видео.
English maybe? :O :D
On the Ru server, the servers were synchronized with the present time, the lags became much smaller.
Like for the video :)
Simulator connection with the server, lol :)
Ahh thank u PS: Do u know some special bug in LoW? ? XD :O
Hmm, there were some bugs with LoW, but they seemed to be fixed by the developers)
Som rád že som skončil 2013-14 myslím že už aj vtedy bolo neskoro ale tak isto som o nič neprišiel
I have played the game on de2, with the New Update i have said" i stopped this game" this game Was so nice but with this Update the game is Bad. I have playing two Accounts one on de2 and one ge1, the game is to lost to playing continue. I have reached so much and now this. Goodbye Darkorbit.
Sry for my Bad englisch XD
haha dont worry we all understand.. :) The game suxs. Or not game but developers... :))
The new update is very good and fair .. especially for small players who want to upgrade their stuff. And you can make almost 10k uri per day just doing the daily missions!
čau west, nezahráme niekedy lolko ? :D
Uz si dospel?
@@getwest36 jasne😂😂daj ts
@@getwest36 a unblockni si ma na fb :D
song 1:45 ?
Akon - Rock (ft. Filapine)
Enjoy ;)
Actually it was 200.000+ players mate, but anyway I agree with your point...
Sure but.. How much is active
Palec hore
diky :)
I played that game in 2008 and IT WAS JUST AMAZING, but if you play that crap nowadays with 20 years or older you seriously may consider to go to see a doctor :D
where is FEWES !!!!!!! ????
for me dark orbit legends are:
1 maggo negro
2 mithos
3 sorcierblack
4 rey deminio 666
5 huesos
6 terror the legend
7 gogeta
Bebe Desconocido and gemelos
Wut.. i thought that was my problem with the connection
Soo.. i'm not the only one, thank goodness 😂
Hah 😂 bp support write that shit to you?
The truth has been spoken
No PVP no Fun more Items to pay with real money more pve no shutdown cuz enough guys sending Bigpoint their money when they buy the "Uridium" but what is Uridium? u pay for 1,3 Million Uridium 100€ but what did u get at all? nothing than more gates. R.I.P DarkOrbit
Sure bro.. :) 120%
Dobre a pravdivé video..ale je to škoda bola by to dobrá hra..keby nerobili stále niečo nové atď..starý dobrý dark..teraz to je trash
V kazdej hre je treba nieco nove.. Ale nie zrovna smerom aby hra lagovala a hraci co su na PVP nemohli hrat PVP ak chcu dobry rank. ;) pre mna je hodnotenie v hre odpad.. a to iste tie "eventy"
GET WEST no veď tak som to myslel😊samozrejme že vždy treba niečo nové aby to nebolo o tom istom..ale vidis že ta hra sa kazí už nejaký ten rok..a vidia že im hra upadá tak spravím nejaké pvp eventy a takéto veci..ale nie oni radšej spravia bránu a dalších 10 sprostých eventov..👌
pravda :)
I actually quit the game at 2013 It doesn't make any sense to play this game if you get 200k dmg into your face by a payment freak who spend more than 5k euros and you do not...
0:17 music ?
Use shazam or read other comments.. maybe its somewhere :D
i gues its fine that you dont get a good ranke when you are good at pvp - BUT they should work on in system where you cann compare pvp players - and get a rank for it that you cann see on the map
I remember when my x3 was the top ammo and I'm making everyone run for cover lol
And when it came to watching d.o on RUclips. It was pure gewalt
It's just to much griding...
Grinding to pvp ratio is like 1000:1
If it was more like 1:1 it would be way better.
All new updates just make the game worse
Exactly bro
good old eic vs vru vs mmo .... not all mixed and brawl with 1000000000 pets on map
Sure bro.. :/
Rip dark
You can't play w/o botting 15€ each month. PAY!!!
Good old times...
Yeah bro..
no, the game will not die, they just will merge all servers in one, more ships, more maps, more shit...
Its not working still
Mnau 🔥mne by stačilo dať hru do roku 2014
Nice video
Thank u nigga
2k09/10 gold years!!
Do what runescape did and make an old school server client
They will contact you and u will need to close it :)
@@getwest36 lol my post was a year ago man
@@Lead1121 haha yes :)
Tbh i dont understand why people even bother playing this shit anymore. just sell accs away and be happy without pveorbit
Nice one dude, the game will die i'm sure!!!
name songs ? Please
Dan iel prituri se planninata
New players are always killed during events, they can't participate
I think its not the biggest problem
biggest problem is bots
the problem has always been pay to win but noone cares 10 years ago becasue the best equipments was eazy obtainable now you ll have to grind 24/7 half an year so you can compete with someone
loading simulator 2018 xDDDDDDD
X) :)
nice 10/10 :D
thx :))
Tá hra sa stala z PVE na PVP keď si ideš plniť misiu si bez šance aby sta nieto nezabil Rip pre tích čo to len začínajú hrať
Prosimta bracho ty co zacinaju hrat to maju nesmierne jednoduché full lf4 a fullhavok spravi clovek hned.. A to iste tie ulohy? Kde ta mto zabije pre boha pozri sa na ranky kto ma ake ci pvp hraci maju generálov alebo nafarmene odpady. A tiez eventy ved vsetko mate ľahké
@@getwest36 ja to hrám od 2010 a full havoc nie som hrám to možno 2x do mesiaca. A ty co začínajú nemajú skoro vôbec šancu áno budú mať full lf4 ale čo z toho keď za 10 minút ta strelia asi 30x a do si na domovských mapách
@@toxik2319 Pre boha.. chlape 2x do mesiaca? vazne a co cakas..?
@@getwest36 však lebo ma to nebaví aj keď chcem lepšie veci ale chuť hrať my to zoberie že ma za 10 min zničia 60x