Priestly Celibacy: More Than a Discipline

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • On the Church's teaching on celibacy in the priesthood. Father begins with St Francis de Sales & St Francis of Assisi on their respect of the priesthood & dignity of it. Father finishes with a warning of St Bridget of Sweden. For more please visit reginaprophetar... & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest

Комментарии • 154

  • @hamilton9651
    @hamilton9651 Год назад +12

    I am not a priest. But I have embraced celibacy as I don't want a dating relationship. As a celibate man I can focus on spiritual matters and hobbies, exercise, and personal matters.

    • @annmcerlean5017
      @annmcerlean5017 Год назад

      when i think of celibacy, i think of priests, but i'm a female, who never really wanted to marry or cares about sexual matters

    • @hamilton9651
      @hamilton9651 Год назад

      @@annmcerlean5017 Celibacy is required for any Christian who is not married either by choice or circumstances. Men and women. Also some people just don't want to be bothered by sexual matters. There are more people in this category than most people realize. I never was comfortable dating and I was not interested in sex, so celibacy for me is easy. I also know of a few men who did hope to marry, but they never found someone to be with them.

    • @jasonhaiflich8967
      @jasonhaiflich8967 2 месяца назад

      Celibacy is less so of yourself, and more so for God. Marriage is more so for yourself and your fleshly desires of being with a spouse

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      ​@@hamilton9651Marriage should be avoided at all costs

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      ​@@jasonhaiflich8967Marriage should be avoided at all costs. Celibacy is the only way.

  • @moitrig.9530
    @moitrig.9530 4 года назад +4

    I cannot thank you enough for these sermons. Especially in our troubling times when people we trust who are educated say otherwise, I am truly eternally grateful for the truth

  • @evamariebryde
    @evamariebryde 8 лет назад +21

    EXCELLENT FATHER! A DIAMOND OF SANITY ON THIS PLANET. People hate the notion of purity. God bless and keep our holy priests. Thank you!

    • @millaalexandrovna9481
      @millaalexandrovna9481 8 лет назад +7

      And send us more of them!!

    • @TheKevin9000
      @TheKevin9000 8 лет назад +4

      Remember this priest in your prayers and God many answer your prayers.

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      +Eva Betts Matthew 23:9: "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

  • @ginterka381996
    @ginterka381996 2 года назад +4

    Celibacy is a great sacrifice but also a gift. I have huge respect for priests who truly lives in celibacy. 🙏❤️

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 Год назад

      Married life is a tremendous sacrifice too. No less than celibacy.

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      ​@@chrisobrien6254Marriage should be avoided at all costs. Celibacy is the only way.

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 2 месяца назад

      @@plutoneptune what a fucked up thing to say! Are you mentally ill or a legionary??😅 or both?

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 2 месяца назад

      @@plutoneptune what a f***ed up thing to say. You sound like you’re either mentally ill or a Legionary 😂 or both

  • @11redrobot
    @11redrobot 8 лет назад +12

    Amen! Keep teaching Father

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      When I read the Catholic tradition such as the Codex of the Canon Law Can. 277 and Can. 599, I see that the Roman Catholic Church teaches demonic doctrines as she forbids priests to marry. Please read 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

  • @trangson998
    @trangson998 5 лет назад +4

    Great Homily🙏🏼thank you father! Keep you in my prayers. Amen

  • @VincentSh
    @VincentSh 2 месяца назад

    This priest is more faithful to Christ than most of the modern cardinals and bishops. Excellent sermon.

  • @mrsandmom5947
    @mrsandmom5947 5 лет назад +9

    People act like not having sex is a big deal. A lot of people go without sex. Most women after marriage and children do not have sex on a regular basis any what it's not the end of the world. This world is so hyper sexed. I mean come on.

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      Marriage should be avoided at all costs. Celibacy is the only way.

  • @rosebonney211
    @rosebonney211 8 лет назад +18

    Celibacy is a free gift from God. You need his grace to perseverance to the end.Not all are called to it.The rest are pretenders.

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      When I read the Catholic tradition such as the Codex of the Canon Law Can. 277 and Can. 599, I see that the Roman Catholic Church teaches demonic doctrines as she forbids priests to marry. Please read 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

    • @gray_mara
      @gray_mara 2 года назад +1

      @@duke-swtmate4154 Taking Scripture out of context to serve your own desires and interests is demonic. That is EXACTLY what Satan did when Our Lord was in the desert. Both Jesus and St Paul spoke on the dignity and beauty of celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom, as have nearly ALL the writers of the early Church. Contradict them at your eternal peril.

  • @frthomasstephen3400
    @frthomasstephen3400 3 года назад +2

    Celibacy is a Catholic priest's definitive decision to belong to God's only begotten Son with his entire body in the manner in which God's incarnate Son chose to belong to His eternal Father and for the same soteriological purpose through the ability given to his spiritual soul by Him through the gifts and fruits of His holy Spirit. Jesus' body was a sexual body like ours. He has shown that the purpose of the human body is to worship God as he himself did even unto death. If belongingness to God's Son is not a Christian's joy and pride how can he choose to belong to Him with his bodily self for life. Are we priests admiring God's Son and helping others to admire the way in which He the Son organised his daily bodily life to worship His eternal Father in spirit and in truth? Or is Catholic theology busy about. The contraceptive mentality is condemned by God because it is a denial of worship of God with one's bodily self. The finality of man's bodily life is not that of the animal body but that of eternal life with God it's self existent Creator. Why else should God give commandments for man's use of the human body and not for the animals even though both have the same instincts and appetites?

  • @fritula6200
    @fritula6200 6 лет назад +3

    When a man becomes a Priest his soul is changed. This gift is only given to them by God... forever changed.

  • @rosebonney211
    @rosebonney211 8 лет назад +24

    Celibacy is a gift from God.

    • @PIlotrcm
      @PIlotrcm 8 лет назад +2

      If God didn't want is to have sex why did he provide us with genitals? And baby's don't grow on trees.

    • @rebeccacook1312
      @rebeccacook1312 8 лет назад +4

      How about a parable about wheat - wheat is grown to be eaten but some wheat is kept separate to regrow the next wheat crop. Not all wheat can be eaten or there wouldn't be a new crop and not all wheat can be saved for growing the next crop or it'd lose the purpose of why it's grown. Marriage and sex go together but not with the animals. We have the spirit of God in us and so be behave differently than the animals - we behave spiritually. It's not either/or for the use of genitals - some people are called to marriage and to procreation and some people are called to the single life and celibacy. Priests are helping to birth us into heaven and are like the wheat saved out for a different use than the general purpose of wheat.

    • @CatherineYarton
      @CatherineYarton 8 лет назад +5

      God wanted people to procreate but He set aside those in the world for Himself who would be Priests and Religious.  Those who would spend themselves for the Kingdom of God.  He is the unblemished lamb.  He wants us to do the same.  Even the married have periods of continence to. God loves virginity and prizes it. It was noticed in the early church when the young women who were virgins who died in the Coliseum and were the early martyrs. The world and Satan hate purity. God values it. After all read in the bible what He said would happen to those who turned the children away from Him to impurity and sin.

    • @VivaPR21
      @VivaPR21 6 лет назад

      With the amount of homosexual pedophile priests, an overwhelming amount, I can only say that celibacy is absolutely fucked.

    • @trangson998
      @trangson998 5 лет назад +1

      Amen. 🙏🏼just watched rentapriest 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 i can’t imagine the priest with dirty thoughts about sex when consecrate the Holy Eucharist. Amen to you Father. Thank you for this homily❤️

  • @tonywalkerYougotswaw
    @tonywalkerYougotswaw 6 лет назад +3


  • @Charlemagne-Lombard
    @Charlemagne-Lombard 6 лет назад +24

    i wish pope Francis would listen to these homilies.

    • @angelicdoctor8016
      @angelicdoctor8016 4 года назад +4

      I wish "Sensus Fidelium" would listen to the pope more carefully (as required by Lumen Gentium 25).

    • @CrusaderTube
      @CrusaderTube 12 дней назад

      Pope Francis is based and supports clerical celibacy.

  • @trangson998
    @trangson998 5 лет назад +3

    I don’t want a priest that thinks about sex when reading the HOLY SCRIPTURE🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      Everyone should avoid marriage

  • @ela7893
    @ela7893 2 года назад

    Where can we find reference to St Brigids words about married priests?

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 3 месяца назад

    Eastern Rite Catholic Church priests are allowed to marry here in the USA and in Europe.

    • @VincentSh
      @VincentSh 2 месяца назад

      Which is why they will never nearly measure up to the faithfulness of traditional Roma Catholic priest, and I come from the Holy I know first hand. Those priests who do adhere to celibacy in the East ARE very pious.

  • @glennvannijevelt1133
    @glennvannijevelt1133 4 года назад +1

    On Priest Celibacy
    To appease anyone who is interested in the historical events ------ In the beginning all churches were created equal. Even now, the Pope in Rome only has supremacy among the Archbishops in the Western Christendom, the area roughly united under the rule of Carolus Magnus (Charlemagne), who was crown as the Holy Roman Empire by the Patriarch of Rome (now we call the Pope) in the year 800 AD. Before this time, all Patriarchs (or Archbishops) had equal standing in the hierarchy of the church, AND all priests were allowed to marry. Only monks (loving a monastic lives) were supposed to be celibate.
    This is the timeline:
    33 AD - 1st Century: The closely related Christian communities, often indistinguishable from the Judaic tradition. Remember Jesus (Yeshua) was not a Christian. He was the reformer of Judaism. Theologically and historically Jesus never wanted to break off from Judaism ----
    1st century - 325 AD: All Orthodox (meaning “right”) Churches under one umbrella. This includes the Coptic, the Roman, the Syriac, the Greek, etc., including the Arian Churches following the teaching of Bishop Arius, a Libyan Presbyter who spread his teaching from Alexandria, Egypt. Many high ranking rulers in those days were actually Arian, including the Bishops who baptised Constantine the Great. All Barbarian Germanic Tribes except the Franks (Charles Martel / Carolus Magnus / Charlemagne’s ancestors) were Arian Christians. This includes the Visigoth who ransacked Rome in 410 AD, the Alans and the Vandals who went to Mauritania, North Africa. The Arian teaching believed in Jesus’ divinity status, but in separate nature from God the Father: Fully human and fully divine. In short: Arianism is a non-trinitarian Christological doctrine which asserts the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was begotten by God the Father at a point in time, a creature distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to Him. ------
    325 AD - the First Council of Nicaea (present day Iznik, in Turkey): A Council of all Bishops, presided by the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Constantine I, in an attempt to use use Christianity to unite his empire under one umbrella. In this Council the Arian teaching was denounced and condemned as Heretics. They still had many followers in the Western Christendom, especially in Spain and Northern Italy (Lombards), but is no longer in communion with the Catholic Orthodox Church, neither in the West (Rome), nor in the East (Constantinople) ------
    The First Council of Ephesus in 431 and the Council of Chalcedon in 451: condemning Nestorius and his doctrine. Nestorian Schism (431-544), in church history, involved a split between the Christian churches of Sassanid Persia, which affiliated with Nestorius, and churches that rejected him. The schism rose out of a n earlier Christological dispute, notably involving Cyril (Patriarch of Alexandria) and Nestorius (Patriarch of Constantinople). These two Councils reinforced the results of the First Council of Nicaea, condemn further any Churches who doesn’t except the Trinitarian Christological Doctrine (this is why Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Catholics recite the Nicene Creed - Kyrie Eleison - at the beginning of our Mass; This is basically a condemnation of Arian and Nestorian Churches). ------
    1054: The East-West Schism, also called the Great Schism. It was the break of Communion between what are now the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Catholic Churches over Financial, Political and Theological matter. The Theological matter was very obscure because it sprung out from the different languages used in respective churches. Latin for the Roman Catholic, and Greek for the Eastern Orthodox. The Financial aspect because Rome and Constantinople, wanted all the tithe (church incomes) from these two separate regions to flow into their own coffers, respectively. This schism was finalised when Pope Leo XIV in Rome demanded that all Greek churches in southern Italy to close or to conform to Latin practices. In retaliation, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Michael I Cerularius ordered the closure of all Latin churches in Constantinople. The Political aspect was concerning the “Battle of Civitate in 1053”, Pope Leo XIV’s war against the Normans in Southern Italy, which at that time was under the Jurisdiction of the Eastern Roman Empire, with the Greek Orthodox Catholic as their official church. The Norman won, and in a very short term allied themselves with their local spiritual leader, the Pope in Rome, the person with which they just had a war with. The Patriarch of Constantinople lost their last foothold in the Western Christendom, of which since around 500 AD, under Emperor Justinian, had been concentrated in Ravenna. The Patriarch of Constantinople was pissed. Adding insult to injury, The Pope sent an emissary to Constantinople showing the “Donation Letter” given to the Archbishop of Rome about 600 years earlier by Constantine I, outlining that the area of Southern Italy had been given to the Pope, the Archbishop of Rome. The authenticity of this document was questionable. In a very short period after Pope Leo XIV’s death, Rome and Constantinople excommunicated each other. -----
    A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Pope Leo XIV - this German Pope - was also the Roman Prelate who started to forbid the Roman Catholic Priests to marry, formalised in synod took place in 1049. Before that time, ALL Roman Catholic priests, just like Eastern Catholic Orthodox priests, could marry. The reason of Pope Leo XIV’s decision was land holding. He wanted to make sure that Church properties were not being divided among the offsprings of the priests, or worst, offsprings of the Bishops. Can we imagine how much poorer the Roman Catholic Church if the Cluniac Orders - the recipient of a vast sum of endowment from William, the Duke of Aquitaine in 910 - had his land holding divided by successive Bishops? This was especially true because the Roman Catholic Church wanted to be independant of any Political (and temporal) entity. The Roman Pope didn’t want a situation where the Patriarchy was beholden to a certain Emperor or ruler, like the Patriarch of Antioch and Constantinople under the influence of the Byzantine Emperors. That was the real reason. ------
    What the current Roman Church offers here is merely a justification, clouded in theological excuses. Not the real reason.

  • @westerncentristrants525
    @westerncentristrants525 11 месяцев назад

    1 Timothy 3:4-5: He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      Marriage should be avoided at all costs

    • @westerncentristrants525
      @westerncentristrants525 2 месяца назад

      @@plutoneptune If God made a commandment saying that priests must get married, then it's not on anyone to say otherwise.

    • @plutoneptune
      @plutoneptune 2 месяца назад

      @@westerncentristrants525 No. Marriage should be avoided at all costs. Celibacy is the only way.

    • @westerncentristrants525
      @westerncentristrants525 2 месяца назад

      @@plutoneptune Do you not believe that the Bible is the word of God?

  • @RoseTV-ti6bd
    @RoseTV-ti6bd Год назад +1

    Greetings 🫖☕ good day 🙏🌞 choosing celibacy is a great choice I would of chosen it a long time ago when I was a minor getting molested

  • @theorthodoxcatholic9259
    @theorthodoxcatholic9259 Год назад +1


  • @sabaghebreghzabhier3382
    @sabaghebreghzabhier3382 5 лет назад +1

    Father God bless you, you are the most bless father ever . May God and all the angels watch over you

  • @almeggs3247
    @almeggs3247 6 лет назад

    Sorry about that ignorant lady at the beginning
    Perhaps answering her
    “Sorry mam but you’re just not my type”
    Would have shut her up
    “What happened to free choice”?
    But being an honest and true priest you gave her the benefit of your wisdom
    But trust an old man Father. Don’t waste your great talent on these pariahs
    Just share the truth Thru your wisdom for us that are true Catholics and touch many more people that have learned to discern the truth!

  • @donalddesrosiersdsd5381
    @donalddesrosiersdsd5381 5 лет назад

    From what I gather marriage as long as the woman is saintly as the man it's okay the only condemning marriage is that a saintly man marries a sinful woman or a saintly woman marries a sinful man...

  • @paulmartin7609
    @paulmartin7609 3 года назад

    Pray for me to become celebate

  • @terratremuit4757
    @terratremuit4757 8 лет назад +6

    Why do Eastern Orthodox have married priests? They follow the same early Councils that we do yet accept marriage in their priesthood, although not among Bishops.

    • @markymarcb4932
      @markymarcb4932 8 лет назад +5

      Respectfully, the Orthodox are not the Church of God. They're disguised Protestants. Jesus said, "I am the truth." If He is/was/ever will be, the Truth, then there is only ONE Church that He established, not many. Orthodox also allow marriage and divorce several times. With the utmost respect to our Orthodox friends, it doesn't ultimately matter that their clergy are allowed to marry, they're schismatic.

    • @terratremuit4757
      @terratremuit4757 8 лет назад

      I am just wondering what their theological justification would be for their position if they follow the same early councils that we follow.

    • @markymarcb4932
      @markymarcb4932 8 лет назад +2

      That's an honest and thought provoking question. And to be honest with you, I don't really have an answer, just my opinion...(One of which I left to you above.) My second guess is that Priests are a type of Jesus under His authority and the authority of Holy Mother Church. Since Jesus was celibate, I assume this is why His priests must be also. Priests are married to the Church. Their primary concern is to save souls. Hard to do when you have to pack up the kiddies in the min-van and get Junior off to baseball practice, mom to get her hair done, and little Suzy to a play date.

    • @attiasprouse682
      @attiasprouse682 8 лет назад +5

      They have married priests because it was not unheard of for priests to be married. They MUST be married to a woman before they are ordained a priest, NEVER after the ordinations. If the priest's wife dies, he MUST remain a celibate widower. Also, it can make sense they are married as they only celebrate the Divine Liturgy once a week; I think they have to be chaste for x amount of hours before then, unlike the Latin Rite priests (who also can be married in some rare instances), who may celebrate the Mass anytime of the day, 363 days of the year (negating Good Friday and Holy Saturday). It is easier, though, if a priest does not have a wife (or woman) and children of his own, as it is not fair to them since he would be divided between providing for his family and taking care of his sheep. The men who enter seminary know what is required of them regarding chastity and they still volunteer to become priests

    • @TheKevin9000
      @TheKevin9000 8 лет назад +2

      Married and celibate priests existed since the begging of the Church. It just happens that most of the married priests were ordained with the permission of their wives, who were then taken care of by the Church. Clerical celibacy is an apostolic custom.
      To whatever degree married priests were present in the early Church , I think it's clear what the East does isn't what they did when they don't have any unmarried secular priests. All their celibate priests are monastic.

  • @mgw9562
    @mgw9562 4 года назад +1

    Fr Jonathan (Fox News Contributor) another good looking “famous” priest , also left the Priesthood.

  • @mleonetti1991
    @mleonetti1991 8 лет назад

    Would that include private mass outside main sanctuary?

    • @Joemantler
      @Joemantler 8 лет назад +3

      I expect so. Mass is Mass... the Priest stands before the altar of God, and represents the Sacrifice at every Mass. I'm no Canon lawyer, though...

  • @eddiedickow6197
    @eddiedickow6197 2 года назад

    What is this priest's name?

  • @mleonetti1991
    @mleonetti1991 8 лет назад

    Then what about eastern Catholic priests outside the US?
    I accept that it's more than a custom and in the Roman church it should always be celibate unless an Anglican concerts and become Catholic, I guess.
    But what about the the eastern churches?

    • @chrisobrien6254
      @chrisobrien6254 Год назад

      @@SM-kh3mt Jesus never mandated that, as much as the Latin Church likes to think he did.

  • @ryangarcia6323
    @ryangarcia6323 6 лет назад

    I have a question? How about Anglican or Episcopalian priest who were married came to the Catholic faith and accepted in the priesthood?

    • @ryangarcia6323
      @ryangarcia6323 5 лет назад +1

      So they are not valid priests?

    • @AnnonRhi
      @AnnonRhi 4 года назад

      @@maureen7941 they absolutely live as priests. It is allowed by the Vatican. Wife ,children and all.

  • @ibachmike3
    @ibachmike3 8 лет назад

    Just one question, how? I am a convert and recently divorced, so please, how? Being chaste wasn't really an exercise I had a chance to incorporate into my life before my divorce, so celibacy seems almost unattainable now.

    • @Mari-fe7wu
      @Mari-fe7wu 8 лет назад +6

      There's nothing impossible for God. The help comes from God through sanctifying grace that comes from the Sacraments. That is what gives strength to fulfill His commandments.

    • @ibachmike3
      @ibachmike3 8 лет назад +6

      +Marisela Olaizola I know, I just get tired of confessing it over and over again. I just want it to stop. I did just watch a video, a homily that suggested John was able to stick close to Christ at the crucifixion because he stuck close to Mary. Maybe I need to pray my rosary more often, it's been awhile.

    • @Mari-fe7wu
      @Mari-fe7wu 8 лет назад +3

      no doubt the rosary is a weapon. I can give you testimony of that. Also prepare yourself to concentrate to the Inmaculate heart of Mary.
      Read a book called "Humility of heart " Saint Cayetan.

    • @Mari-fe7wu
      @Mari-fe7wu 8 лет назад +2

      no doubt the rosary is a weapon. I can give you testimony of that. Also prepare yourself to concentrate to the Inmaculate heart of Mary.
      Read a book called "Humility of heart " Saint Cayetan.

    • @ibachmike3
      @ibachmike3 8 лет назад +2

      +Marisela Olaizola I just bought your book recommendation on kindle, ty

  • @hnnogo6402
    @hnnogo6402 6 лет назад

    I hope they call called this "grounds for excommunication". What a joke on humanity and a quick trip to hell with no term limit. And I'm Catholic.

  • @alfifialexissartwan9084
    @alfifialexissartwan9084 7 лет назад +4

    celibacy is a gift close to the god..god love virgin like kid..kid is glory in heaven..coz they are thx to priest who all resigning as priest coz to remain church is clean and holly...that mean fr Thomas know how responsible to care the church as Holly as god love...he decided to marry then left priesthood is devine way as man should Satan, devil or unclean man as priest to protect our church ..and out dignity become priest ....look Islam who imam married women wat happen to them...plse just let church clean as celibacy..Jesus is celibacy ..not all human can be priest ...if u can't just many ppl need love of god..need help...wat for stay in church if u allowed the dirty and Satan do soo

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      When I read the Catholic tradition such as the Codex of the Canon Law Can. 277 and Can. 599, I see that the Roman Catholic Church teaches demonic doctrines as she forbids priests to marry. Please read 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

  • @fabioparra2711
    @fabioparra2711 5 лет назад


  • @Bradley-pgamer996
    @Bradley-pgamer996 Год назад

    St bridget of sweden laid it out pretty black and white huh. Pope Francis better be asking for forgiveness
    Im guessing all that would happen if the Pope made a decision across the board

  • @michaelciccone2194
    @michaelciccone2194 3 месяца назад

    NovusOrdo RCC priests are in a bind..... Fiducia Suplicans edict is heterodox. Even NovusOrdo RCC Seminarians need to abide and accept the Fiducia Suplicans.....tragic edict,..!

  • @stopcasteevilanjanienanlal8693
    @stopcasteevilanjanienanlal8693 5 лет назад

    Analogy i meant to say

  • @AnnonRhi
    @AnnonRhi 4 года назад +3

    The catholic church used to allow priests to marry and have children. When priest left property to family upon death, the church lost money. The custom was changed.
    When a protestant becomes a catholic priest,he is allow to enter the priesthood with wife and children. There are hundreds of married Roman Catholic Priests holding mass today in the U.S.
    Each year the church loses priest that can no longer resist the calling to have a family. With the amount of "good " priests dwindling, the church needs to think twice, take it back to the old days. Even ST. Peter was married

  • @damienr3086
    @damienr3086 5 лет назад +1

    catholic church married priests have been around for over one thousand years. church started losing lands due to priests dying and were losing properties in europe due to wife and kids taking church lands. Its common knowledge. can be found at any site and any search online. Also ask a few priests and you will see what they say.

  • @deusvult9837
    @deusvult9837 3 года назад

    Some hyperbolic claims here. Priest superior to Mary because she only consented to the incarnation of God in her womb only once while the priest consecrates the host many times. Simply absurd. Without her consent the priesthood would not even exist. Mary is the greatest human being ever created, totally sinless because full of grace, while all priests are to a greater or lesser degree sinful. You don’t raise the dignity of priests by verbal exaggeration and ridiculous claims.

  • @cbooth151
    @cbooth151 4 года назад +1

    The Catholic Church is involved in many false teachings. Priestly celibacy is one of those teachings. The Church knows that requiring single priests to remain unmarried is unscriptural. Consider the following Catholic references:
    1. “We do not find in the New Testament any indication of celibacy being made compulsory either upon the Apostles or those whom they ordained.”-The Catholic Encyclopedia
    2. “The oldest evidence of a law on priestly celibacy is Canon 33 of the Council of Elvira [Spain], circa 300 C.E.”-Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique
    3. “Celibacy of the clergy is nowhere demanded or even supposed in the NT [New Testament].” --Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible
    4. In the preamble to this 1967 encyclical, Pope Paul VI admitted that “the New Testament, which preserves the teaching of Christ and the Apostles . . . does not demand celibacy of sacred ministers.”
    5. “Ecclesiastical celibacy is not a dogma. The Scriptures do not impose it."--Pope John XXIII
    Many Catholics believe Jesus encouraged priestly celibacy. But did he? Absolutely not. Jesus was born under the Law of Moses which REQUIRED priests to be MARRIED MEN! As Lev. 21: 1, 7, 13, 14 says: "Yahweh said to Moses: 'Speak to the priests descended from Aaron and say: "They will not marry a woman profaned by prostitution, or one divorced by her husband, for the priest is consecrated to his God. He will marry a woman who is still a virgin. He will not marry a woman who has been widowed or divorced or profaned by prostitution, but will marry a virgin from his own people."
    So, if Jesus had told unmarried priests to remain celibate, he would have been encouraging them to break the Law.

  • @stopcasteevilanjanienanlal8693
    @stopcasteevilanjanienanlal8693 5 лет назад +1

    Muhammed was NOT celebate. Wrong analogu

  • @cachorrovinagre2979
    @cachorrovinagre2979 3 года назад +2

    With all do respect, Saint Paul himself had a wife and he this never make him lose the grace of god. The pope can revoke the mandatory celibacy as easily as it was declared in the past. The shaming of a former fellow priest who is living in sacred matrimony is also very out of tone and sad.

    • @ginterka381996
      @ginterka381996 2 года назад


    • @skylinestudiosrc
      @skylinestudiosrc 2 года назад +1

      But did he marry before or after his conversion/priesthood ?? That's the question.

    • @gray_mara
      @gray_mara 2 года назад

      St Paul was celibate. Whether he was a widower is unknown, but we do know that he did not have a wife at the time he was writing his letters.
      Whether priests are allowed to marry is immaterial when it is a case of fornication (a mortal sin), and betrayal of a lifelong consecration (also both mortally sinful and the sin of sacrilege). A priest can never stop being a priest. Ever. The consecration is eternal and unbreakable. Every time he is intimate with his wife, every time he thinks desiringly of her, he commits a mortal sin. It is a public state of sin, so there is also the mortal sin of scandal. That should be a horrifying thought, not something we should condone. Hell is real. We need to acknowledge that and stop condoning sin. He is not living in sacred matrimony. He is living in a state of mortal sin and is at risk of eternal damnation.

  • @francismausley7239
    @francismausley7239 5 лет назад

    Post Christian religions warned priests about celibacy. Muhammad stated "Nay, they made it up themselves." Baha'u'llah, Baha'i Faith, warned monks "Enter ye into wedlock, that after you someone may fill your place. We have forbidden you perfidious acts..." and ”We shrink, for very shame, from treating the subject of boys. Fear ye the Merciful.."

  • @regf2
    @regf2 Год назад


  • @marriedpriests
    @marriedpriests 4 года назад +1

    His Holiness Pope Pius XII dispensed a married Lutheran pastor convert to be ordained a Roman Catholic priest in the 1950s, before the Second Vatican Council. There were 4 other married men ordained Latin rite priests after that in Germany, well before Paul VI, JP2 and B16 allowed married priests. Also, Father, the issue is not celibacy but 'mandated' celibacy. Celibacy comes from the Twelve Apostles, but 'mandated' celibacy does not come from the Twelve Apostles. The fact that 'some' priests were celibate before the 3rd Century does not mean that 'all's priests were celibate and/or continent. Also, a local council is not the universal Catholic Church. TLM Catholics and traditional OF Catholics family men should be open to the married priesthood to stop the infiltration of the hierarchy by the enemies of the Church. Married priesthood is not intrinsically evil. The Church can regulate celibacy. The Church takes away, but the Church also giveth. Nevertheless, maintain celibacy as the 'norm' in the Latin rite but allow dispensations as a pre-Vatican II Pope did on a case by case basis to married deacons that have had a fruitful diaconate and suitable formation. I have a blog on how to properly restore a married Latin rite priesthood that aligns with the Magisterium and Sacred Tradition. I am not a Modernist and pray we do not fall prey to Modernism. We cannot be more traditional than Tradition. Our Lady Queen of the Clergy, pray for us. St. Hilary, a married Latin rite priest Doctor of the Church, pray for us. JMJ

    • @marriedpriests
      @marriedpriests 4 года назад

      P.S. Father, I still love your homilies and have been listening to them for years, so I'm not a troll. They have enlightened me, and I have used them. This is my first time to post on your site. Thank you.

    • @ginterka381996
      @ginterka381996 2 года назад +1


  • @duke-swtmate4154
    @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

    When I read the Catholic tradition such as the Codex of the Canon Law Can. 277 and Can. 599, I see that the Roman Catholic Church teaches demonic doctrines as she forbids priests to marry. Please read 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

    • @jesusislord1387
      @jesusislord1387 6 лет назад +4

      When Roman Catholic priests celebrate mass, they become "in persona Christi" .... Christ was unmarried so the priest taking on the "person" of Christ needs to be unmarried to completely fulfill that protocol.

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      +Browsing That is utter blasphemy...

    • @jesusislord1387
      @jesusislord1387 6 лет назад +3

      No it is NOT's TRUTH and of God.

    • @duke-swtmate4154
      @duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад

      +Browsing How can a sinful man enter the state of being Christ-like?

    • @BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian
      @BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian 5 лет назад +1

      +Duke - SWT Mate:
      Is it wrong to voluntarily choose celibacy if genuinely called to it? (See 1 Corinthians: 7 for further details)

  • @daric_
    @daric_ 8 лет назад +3

    If you think being celibate makes you more holy, okay, whatever, you can believe Martians were also Catholics. But to say it was "apostolic" succession or direction for priests to be celibate is ridiculous. The disciples had wives, including Peter, the supposed "first Pope". Seriously, Catholics; read your Bible. It states nothing about celibacy making you better and the apostles knew this.

    • @VanessasDailyJournal
      @VanessasDailyJournal 7 лет назад +6

      Daric Elijah and John the Baptist were celibate, and St. Paul encouraged it. Also, unmarried priests didn't come until there became a problem with simony, which led to abuse in power and of Church property and money. However, there are other rites within the Eastern Catholic Church that do not require celibacy of the priests.

    • @daric_
      @daric_ 7 лет назад

      Being unmarried and taking a vow of celibacy are two completely different things. Celibacy was never a requirement of apostles or prophets, however, there were apostles or prophets who were single/unmarried/divorced/widowed/etc. 1 Corinthians chapter 7 is where Paul says he wishes **all** Christians were as he, not just priests. It appears he was basically saying that dedicating one's life to Christ is good, and one can do this whether married or unmarried. There's no mandate for anyone in the ministry to be celibate. It's a misunderstanding and perversion of the scriptures.

    • @VanessasDailyJournal
      @VanessasDailyJournal 7 лет назад +2

      Daric So unmarried priests should not be celibate? Is that what you are saying? Did you even watch the video in its entirety?

    • @jesusislord1387
      @jesusislord1387 6 лет назад +2

      When Roman Catholic priests celebrate mass, they become "in persona Christi" .... Christ was unmarried so the priest taking on the "person" of Christ needs to be unmarried to completely fulfill that protocol.

    • @hnnogo6402
      @hnnogo6402 6 лет назад +2

      Daric you must not be married. If you knew how much work it took to be married and then add children to it and then add jobs to it, you'd understand that there wouldn't be any time to take care of a church. Why do you think most non-catholic ministers are all divorced! Yeah, like 95%. Maybe more.

  • @jesuscastanares4968
    @jesuscastanares4968 5 лет назад

    Adultery is a cause to defrock the priest; gay practice is another cause for defrocking a priest; and other sins of the priest in the church.
    That's why it's better to let secular priests in parishes allow to marry;
    for the good and love of the church; than to live in hypocrisy and its danger.

  • @jesuscastanares4968
    @jesuscastanares4968 5 лет назад

    Priesthood does not depend on celibacy.To be effective.
    Do you think the Orthodox married priests are less than your celibate priests?
    You are idolatrous and heretical about the priesthood to depend the priesthood on the celibacy.
    Celibacy is not one with the priesthood. That makes celibacy
    a condition to the priesthood; and that's heretical.
    You can quote some saints in your
    encomium for priesthood ; the priests cannot be dirty by your idolatry to celibacy; and your condemnation of marriage.

    • @pugnacious1
      @pugnacious1 5 лет назад +3

      You're wrong, and will find that out.

  • @jesuscastanares4968
    @jesuscastanares4968 5 лет назад

    That is too much encomium of the priesthood.
    It is more idolatrous in thinking so about the priesthood.
    Priests are still human and liable to sin spite of their priestly power.
    Gay priest can c ommitt sodomy , the most pagan and hideous of sin; may committ sin with prostitutes; may committ adultry; howsoever you idolize the priesthood of the priests.

  • @jeanninellbelanger4858
    @jeanninellbelanger4858 Год назад

    Leave catholicism, become anglican