4:14 This is the first BAKE recipe of Tan San I have come across. A good idea! Healthier! But can this recipe be fried too? I notice you dont rest the dough. Saves time. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Alice, I would like to confirm regarding the flour you are using. Is it bread flour or cake flour? Which is the correct one? In the video you listed as bread flour but in the description below it is stated as cake flour. Pls respond. Tk u!
4:14 This is the first BAKE recipe of Tan San I have come across. A good idea! Healthier!
But can this recipe be fried too?
I notice you dont rest the dough. Saves time.
Thank you for sharing.
In praise gratitude and compassion
I will try it out tomorrow.
Dear Alice, 您好!虎年將至, 福虎獻福, 祝府上各位安好! 謹希望妳能將芝麻蛋散的材料仔細列出, 因為手機未能很清晰地看到材料的份量, 謝謝!
Alice, 剛剛看到你不用油炸做疍散,佩服!立刻就馬上試一試, 但低筋麵粉不知你是用麵飽麵粉定係用疍糕麵粉?
Sorry! 咁遲先覆!正確是用低粉的,畫面的材料表打錯了bread flour
Hi Alice, I would like to confirm regarding the flour you are using. Is it bread flour or cake flour? Which is the correct one? In the video you listed as bread flour but in the description below it is stated as cake flour. Pls respond. Tk u!
Agree. 👍Bread flour is high gluten which will make the dan san chewy
Alice 你好!請問份量係唔係正確?蛋1隻大家5、60g,加 70ml 水,咁咪同低粉差唔多 1:1,會唔會太濕成唔到團?
Typo errors would cause chaos in the making of the recipe!
Sorry! Reply it too late! Yes! It’s my typo error. It’s cake flour, not bread flour! Sorry!