Thanks, I was always looking for the term Raven hair, not blonde or brunette. I never knew how to answer that question, "what do I prefer?" but it is a stupid question anyway, wait, how do I know what I prefer? Naw, that can't be, even though I have had massive social anxiety for most of my life, why would that matter?
Muy buena rola para una Chik que te latio y te eriza los pelos con solo verla
ძააან კაია
Que bueno, subete más, todo está perfecto.
De lo mejor :3
Thanks, I was always looking for the term Raven hair,
not blonde or brunette. I never knew how to answer that question, "what do I prefer?"
but it is a stupid question anyway,
wait, how do I know what I prefer?
Naw, that can't be, even though I have had massive social anxiety for most of my life, why would that matter?
This is the shit!! Of goth
Goth. 🖤💜🦇
El gran tilo woff en sus inicios
Tilo nada que ver ahí sale Anne Nurmi quién es invitada a ser integrante a Lacrimosa de Tilo...
Es Anne Nurmi en sus inicios, Tilo la invito a Lacrimosa y ella acepto. Lo único es que Anne cambio mucho el estilo musical de Lacrimosa
Gracias no sabía