Gobekli Tepe, the Sphinx, and Refuting Conspiracy Theories (feat. Robert Schneiker)

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 74

  • @chrisamon4551
    @chrisamon4551 8 месяцев назад +9

    Another spot where agriculture wasn’t needed for monumental construction and complex society is Poverty Point in Louisiana. The Mississippi Delta is just so naturally productive they didn’t need agriculture

    • @JonBrownSherman
      @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад

      Another spot where Graham Hancock is not welcome haha

  • @noneednoneed5752
    @noneednoneed5752 8 месяцев назад +6

    Fascinating talk, this is the way we can engage with conspiracy to actual improve our understanding of history and science

  • @AvnerSenderowicz
    @AvnerSenderowicz 8 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome, the conversation flows, and both guest and host are knowledgeable yet intellectually humble, a real pleasure to listen to.

  • @warpod
    @warpod 8 месяцев назад +4

    Fantastic topic with a fantastic guest. Well done.

  • @dstinnettmusic
    @dstinnettmusic 8 месяцев назад +10

    I think some of this gives a lot of insights into what life was like for hunter gatherers.
    It seems like there was an entire period of "settling in specific places where food was abundant and could be gathered and staying there for long periods" (and this may be the "original state" of humanity. Which fits with what we know about modern hunter gatherers if you consider what they would do and what other choices they would have available if they were not totally surrounded by "civilization")
    This makes the invention of agriculture make a lot more sense to me because up to now, it seemed like a bad deal..because the "story we are told" is that hunter-gatherers were generally healthier than early agriculturalists and lived a life that to modern ears and eyes, sounds and looks like it would make people happier than early agriculturalists.
    I think this presentation helps me see that this comparison is a bit off base, because hunter gatherers would just move on when food became scarce, so on average, they would be healthier because the moment the health of the group was threatened, they moved somewhere where they would be better off. Whereas, agriculture changes the paradigm to be such that people stay in one spot for better or worse, so the health of those people would be on average worse because there are times of good and bad harvests, and a bad harvest doesn't cause the people to move.
    If I had to speculate, areas of settlement for hunter-gatherers probably had a different structure than when those same peoples were migrating. When settled, i'm imagining the proto-types of bronze age civilizations. Controlled by priests and early "warlords" (probably just the strongest warrior(s)), but when they were migrating, the larger group would split along "tribal" lines into subgroups of related families.
    So, this creates an impetus for someone to figure out agriculture, because if you can make more food appear where there was not food before, you don't have to split up. Power could be maintained by those who wanted it, and times of abundance are overall better with agriculture than even the best times for migratory societies, but the drawback is that times of famine are much worse, but the trajectory is overall up and this eventually leads to what we call "civilization"
    See, that is where the Hancocks et al go wrong. There is a ton of room for speculation in archeology. The story I just told, while I very much believe is much closer to the order of things than the "official" story (and there is no "official" story. Beyond "humans evolved in Africa and slowly migrated to cover the entire liveable surface of the plane, but the way we imagine how these people saw the world and how the social structures they lived under definitely need to be fleshed out ), has no basis in archeology. But it doesn't bring in "ancient high civilizations" and it all fits in the knowledge we feel more sure about, which is that humans were settling in large groups of more distantly related (or even totally unrelated) people a long while before the invention of agriculture, and then agriculture was invented and that allowed for the development for the "social technology" we call civilization.

  • @mersmithy1269
    @mersmithy1269 2 месяца назад +1

    A Masters in Geophysics...? well done Buddy. X

  • @isaacshultz8128
    @isaacshultz8128 5 месяцев назад +3

    The zero chemistry interview

    • @mersmithy1269
      @mersmithy1269 2 месяца назад

      You will always find me sitting on the stairs at parties 🤣😃

  • @crypticcowboy2409
    @crypticcowboy2409 4 месяца назад

    1. Sam - Air drums - wig and sunglasses
    2. Sam - Air guitar - Headband and sunglasses
    3. Sam - sing into mic and Point towards self ( frank mask )
    4. Sam - sing into mic and Point at your head ( frank Mask )
    5. Sam - shake head no a few times ( frank mask )
    6. Sam - Sing into mic ( frank Mask )
    7. Sam - Frankenstein walk - arms straight out ( frank mask )
    8. Sam - Frankenstein dance - arms out like Frankenstein and dance ( Frank Mask)

  • @jimmyo1988
    @jimmyo1988 8 месяцев назад +8

    Where in the world is…..Sean chick?

  • @abc-oq7dt
    @abc-oq7dt 7 месяцев назад +3

    Alright boys I was going to keep it to myself but I thought Id just say it now. It was me alright, I built the lot, all thr pyramids the sphinx too. Originally it was meant to be a big dog but I messed it up and some guy with a mad hat asked if I could make the head look like him and I couldnt exactly say no because he had his kids with him and seemed like a good guy

  • @JonBrownSherman
    @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад

    This video was awesome, I loved listening to every minute of it. Letting smart people talk about what they're passionate about is my favorite form of content. Thank you both for making this happen.

  • @seanbeadles7421
    @seanbeadles7421 8 месяцев назад +2

    Jens Notroff would be a good guest, he’s got firsthand experience doing research on the T pillar archaeological sites and is very good at explaining things

  • @rafaelbogdan9307
    @rafaelbogdan9307 8 месяцев назад +6

    Hancock: [Writes BS about supposed lost civilizations that weren't anything special by modern standards if they had existed]
    Actual researchers: Here's solid proof that this planet had _a natural nuclear reactor_ in the deep past

  • @JanZeuner
    @JanZeuner 3 месяца назад

    Please seak up against the demolition of Gobekli Tepe by development for tourism! Its urgent now that archeologists speak up in favor of further research and excavation of Gobekli Tepe. And not to destroy it by installing concrete pathways over the site. Or by piercing the ancient stones in order to have a tourist proof roof over the site.

  • @sophialangsley7320
    @sophialangsley7320 8 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting podcast!

  • @billychops1280
    @billychops1280 8 месяцев назад +2

    I’m actually really glad to be able to hear your thoughts on these sites

  • @MacromoleculeGaming
    @MacromoleculeGaming 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great topic, prehistory is interesting 🛖

  • @TrivettTurner
    @TrivettTurner 21 день назад

    Why is he talking about Carbon 12 ratios in relation to 40 million year old formations?

  • @seanbeadles7421
    @seanbeadles7421 8 месяцев назад +3

    Schneiker is a great guest to have!

  • @MyMomSaysImKeen
    @MyMomSaysImKeen 8 месяцев назад +18

    The true story regarding these archeological sites is that they were originally erected by a consortium of Inuits & Australian Aboriginals that were written out of history by those who eventually colonized the lands.

    • @JonBrownSherman
      @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад +14

      As first explained by [insert racist 19th century white guy]

    • @fbinformant
      @fbinformant 8 месяцев назад

      And then uses the fake activism to bully others gain political power while simultaneously ignoring or even perpetuating the issues of the "oppressed groups" that they pretend to care about

    • @theletterw3875
      @theletterw3875 8 месяцев назад +1

      Damn you and your truth telling Keegan-Michael Key

    • @iivin4233
      @iivin4233 8 месяцев назад +3

      I was there.

    • @greg_4201
      @greg_4201 7 месяцев назад +2

      tell you what, why don't any of you name any stone structure from antiquity that wasn't built by Indo-Europeans or East Asians, who we know for a fact lived in all these places until at least the dark age or still live in them 🤡
      you just vomit out some vague notion that you think makes you look virtuous that doesn't gel with any aspect of reality and smugly act like it's true and call people names like 'racist' if they said something different and, you know, factual 🤦🏻‍♂️
      out of your minds....

  • @nielsebbesen7821
    @nielsebbesen7821 7 месяцев назад

    I think Robert Schneiker is spot on, in blaming the absence of any (legitimate) 'really cool, big-picture science' for the popularity of all sorts of hacks. The hacks are really just filling the void of engaging presentations of actual facts, by people who actually ken what they are talking about.

  • @mistermousterian
    @mistermousterian 8 месяцев назад

    Didn't this guy who wrote Sometimes When We Touch, The Honesty's Too Much, also write I Love You Too Much To Ever Start Liking You?

  • @AoE2Replays
    @AoE2Replays 7 месяцев назад +1

    I love how this guy is referring to thersites the HISTORIAN, (*WHICH IS HIS CHANNEL NAME*) as an archeologist. Thersites finally corrects him, and flat out says, im an historian. then near the end of the video, this guest says *well youre an archeologist*. MY GOD, this guest needs to work on his listening skills

  • @supabass4003
    @supabass4003 8 месяцев назад +1

    You will never hear a word from UnchartedX, he is a grifter to the core. There's a podcast where the hosts start to question his logic and he pretty much bails on the show lol. ps watched the whole thing, I could listen to Schneiker and yourself talk about topics for many more podcasts.

  • @darthkillran
    @darthkillran 8 месяцев назад


  • @brrrrrick
    @brrrrrick 8 месяцев назад

    3x global reserves? global warming in shambles

  • @FartCoffin
    @FartCoffin 8 месяцев назад +1

    Can someone give a TLDR?

    • @AoE2Replays
      @AoE2Replays 8 месяцев назад


    • @crayfish123
      @crayfish123 8 месяцев назад

      The whole video is😂

    • @FartCoffin
      @FartCoffin 8 месяцев назад

      @@crayfish123nah bro give me the cliffnotes. What’s his explanation for the sphinx water erosion?

    • @dzhang4459
      @dzhang4459 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@FartCoffin French musket balls

    • @JonBrownSherman
      @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@FartCoffin Basically, there isn't any. The main characteristics thought to be erosion is actually just marks from the carving of the stones with their early tools. Also the limestone chosen was probably purposefully relatively soft to make it easier for them.

  • @Kwodlibet
    @Kwodlibet 8 месяцев назад

    Good talk, exposing those grifters deserves more attention, also would like to see some more of Mr Schneiker's research.
    When it comes to his ideas about Astronomy... - and I understand that he was being facetious and taking the p**s a bit - that's not helpful and makes him look unnecessarily contrarian = please, you are undermining your own image, please, just don't.
    International Astronomical Union's definition of a planet is solid and Pluto just doesn't fit, it's that simple.
    It takes about 400km of diameter of mostly anything in space to be spherical, much less if it's composed of ices.
    Gas and Ice giants have solid cores, but don't have same geological processes within as terrestrial planets, so his own definition would exclude Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
    The moon is just a satellite, no matter how big, or how round it is.
    As long as a planet's satellite is orbiting a common centre of mass that is within the planet, that other thing is it's satellite. If the moon was more massive and the common centre of mass was external = you'd have yourself a double planet.

  • @JonBrownSherman
    @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад +3

    Hopefully we'll get lucky and get some Graham Hancock debunking! I would love for Thersites to "take out the trash" with this subject and expose some of the frauds who spew nonsense about the Sphinx and ancient Egypt in general.

  • @synx6988
    @synx6988 8 месяцев назад +10

    You could have presented your arguments in 15 mins and made this really convincing. The reason this drags on for 2+ hours is all the seething jealosy of their attention and the personal attacks. Just stick to the science. No wonder they don't wanna debate u. This was hard to listen to even at 2x speed.

    • @anankedos
      @anankedos 8 месяцев назад +1

      Great idea, I’ve just changed the speed to 1.25, it’s much better.

    • @JonBrownSherman
      @JonBrownSherman 8 месяцев назад +2

      There are hundreds of brief videos explaining these various things out there, this video was great and unique. Let smart people talk and go somewhere else if you don't like the product.

    • @stuartridgeway
      @stuartridgeway 7 месяцев назад


    • @mersmithy1269
      @mersmithy1269 2 месяца назад

      I was going to comment, "2x epeed is still a little bit slow."
      So i checked the comment history then realised i'm just as slow 😓🤣

    • @mersmithy1269
      @mersmithy1269 2 месяца назад

      @@anankedos 2x will rock your soul... 😉👍

  • @NetanyahooWarCriminal
    @NetanyahooWarCriminal 8 месяцев назад


  • @fbinformant
    @fbinformant 8 месяцев назад +7

    Is any alternate historical theory a conspiracy theory now 🤔

    • @Silentbob515
      @Silentbob515 8 месяцев назад +13

      If its made by a journalist regarding a topic that he has no expertise in?
      Hancock studied sociology and worked as a journalist and his whole carrer is based on an absolute refusal to actually get a formal education concerning the topic. Have you ever asked how come he didn't even tried to study anthropology, despite him being one of the most severe critics of it? Say wouldn't be better to challenge the orthodoxy from the inside in a peer to peer debate? Instead doing what he's doing, that is spouting nonsense while wondering why he's not being taken seriously...

    • @Brandon-bc1fz
      @Brandon-bc1fz 8 месяцев назад

      Yes if it involves aliens you are a crank. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    • @forcelightningcable9639
      @forcelightningcable9639 8 месяцев назад +4

      Depends on whether it’s grounded in rational research and is willing to submit itself to peer review.
      There is no perfect system, but this is the best we have, and regardless of its faults, it prevents far more bullshit than it engenders.

    • @IreliAmBad
      @IreliAmBad 8 месяцев назад +4

      Is any conspiracy theory an alternate historical theory now 🤔

    • @fbinformant
      @fbinformant 8 месяцев назад

      Not referring to Hancock at all. But this is why he and others gains traction amongst the public. Alternate theories are not conspiracy theories.. even if they have weaker evidence or are straight up crackpot.