Anglican Unscripted 789 - Asbury Revival

  • Опубликовано: 13 фев 2023
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Комментарии • 122

  • @jldrumm
    @jldrumm Год назад +27

    God will hold Justin Welby accountable. That is not a threat nor a celebration. It is a reminder for us that Justin needs prayer for his soul.

  • @rainwatereric
    @rainwatereric Год назад +2

    We just got back from Asbury, which in day 12 I believe, and it was amazing. The beautiful humility and genuine simplicity was overwhelming. Nothing flashy, just young people repenting and worshipping Jesus! God is on the move!

  • @loysfjohnson5180
    @loysfjohnson5180 Год назад +2

    My wife and I lived in Oneida, TN during 1973 -74 and attended First Methodist Church there. The pastor there attended and graduated from Asbuury Seminary and participated in the 1970 Revival there. It was the Real Deal and definitely impacted his ministry.

  • @caryyurk1388
    @caryyurk1388 Год назад +12

    Thank you George and Kevin for a very forthright analysis and commentary on the reaction to Synod’s decision. I really appreciated George’s article in Anglican Ink about the response to Archbishop Welby’s blame game on Parliament pressing him with “threats” to take a particular stance. It was a very good piece of journalistic reporting.

  • @Martin_Adams184
    @Martin_Adams184 Год назад +15

    Brother George, I was delighted to hear about your trip to Rome. I've popped a very small sum in the PayPal box, and have added a comment to define its purpose. I pray the trip will be beneficial for you and for those to whom you minister.
    One thing that's always interested me greatly is that, whenever you see a film involving exorcism, the priest is almost always a Roman Catholic. The choice might not be rationalised by the director, script-writer or whoever; but one of the things they perceive, perhaps instinctively, is that the RC Church has a strong relationship with transcendence and mystery. I shall never be a Roman Catholic, for reasons of ecclesiology and sacramentalism. But in that territory the RC Church has it far more right than many Protestant groups, with their suspicion or even fear of anything that smacks of mysticism or that steps outside an ostensibly biblical religious rationalism.

    • @dourtandouar1318
      @dourtandouar1318 Год назад

      Do we not have an exorcisme listed in the 1928 BOCP?

  • @johnhudghton2287
    @johnhudghton2287 Год назад +24

    I now live ( in financial retirement ) in a place called Filey on the Yorkshire coast in the UK. In 1823 Filey was a tough place to minister and was known to be debauch. Even the Primitive Methodists were considering withdrawing from here. However one man, John Oxtoby, without much education or eloquance felt inspired to go even with only the most basic provisions from the movement. He was known as "praying Johnnie" and obviously he spent much time in prayer. 209 years ago his mission brought revival to Filey, many tough fishermen converted and the nature of the town changed. This was brilliant, hallelujah. Today, though, the Fishermans chapel built from the offerings of the converted is now flats ( apartments ) and the once evangelistic choir now mainly secular. You cannot institutionalise the work of The Holy Spirit. This is a mistake of many churches where men seek to regulate the power of God instead of submitting to it. Power grabbing human beings who think they know better try to "cut out" the likes of praying Johnnie and make everything "respectable" often for what might be considered good reasons of order and reputation. The early church was less an organisation and more a spirit filled movement. Revival has rarely been born primarily of organisation but mainly through spontenaity with the leaders of revival respinding to the leading of The Holy Spirit. If you try to "can" revival, you kill it. Please pray for Filey 200 years on from Oxtoby that God raises up more praying Johnnies.

    • @nickgrayshon8032
      @nickgrayshon8032 Год назад +2

      Amen, and not only Filey, may we " pray the cost" which is a book's title written years ago.

  • @RevBrettMurphy
    @RevBrettMurphy Год назад +15

    I never much liked Archbishop Welby ever since I met him in Melbourne Cathedral when he came to install the new Primate of Australia, he was very rude to the Cathedral staff, vergers especially!! His recent duplicitous behaviour has been shocking, even by his standards. You boys must be doing something right to be contacted by the PR brigade at Lambeth, well done! I believe God is raising up a faithful remnant out of the CofE in the Free Church and AMiE, God is good! As a side note aliens do exist! But they're demons masquerading as extraterrestrials, this may be covered in Fr George's Pontifical course? I discovered this when helping someone afflicted by alien visitations, the encounters were nearly identical to demonic attacks and after the home was blessed and some occult decorative items burned the 'aliens' never came back. Following that I did research and found even some renowned UFO experts have come to the same conclusion.

  • @787Earl
    @787Earl Год назад +6

    Thank you, God bless you

  • @Scriptlance-ge7im
    @Scriptlance-ge7im Год назад +19

    To be honest, I don't care if it's a revival or not, it's just a matter of people's perspective. What matters is that Jesus is currently giving Americans the opportunity to repent of their sins. I live in Indonesia and keep up to date with the latest updates on the spread of liberal (aka "woke") ideology coming from all over the western world, especially from the US. The level of infection through digital channels (social media) is already very severe for the younger generation who are easily hypnotized by the lifestyle of public figures in the entertainment world. And this is very, very dangerous for Christians, the younger generation in particular, in the future. I know that all these woke ideologies did not just appear but are part of a grand design prepared by a satanic force that uses politicians, religious leaders, human rights activists, scientists, etc., to deceive people with all kinds of deception using humanitarian reasons, human rights law, and science. They have all put the majesty of man above the glory of God. The event in Asbury is the best example that humans are nothing when God wills them. I don't see any names that stand out, purely a form of radical humility. Keep it up. Everything is the work of God and we humans do not deserve His glory.
    Soli Deo Gloria!

    • @TelmaFrege
      @TelmaFrege Год назад +1

      Agreed! Seeing this young generation raise and worship unashamed and without a timeframe is wonderful and worthy of giving thanks to God and motivate others to imitate.

    • @williamriggs1062
      @williamriggs1062 Год назад +1

      George and Kevin: I think you both went flat on the Asbury story. There is a lot of information coming out on social media, and the school has done a pretty good job staying transparent and managing expectations in a good way. What is happening is pretty much hidden in plain sight, despite the various attempts by interested parties to spin it in their desired direction. How could you let David Virtue scoop you like this ?

  • @paul6777
    @paul6777 Год назад +3

    Thank you both for keeping referring to ‘standing for the truth and scripture’. We need to keep in mind Jude v4 - but also those who seek to influence the church from the outside by their constant drip of attacks.

  • @johnhudghton2287
    @johnhudghton2287 Год назад +10

    All the conservative evangelical grandees who promoted Welby to senior leadership must be turning in their graves at this betrayal of Biblical values by their dear Justin.

  • @christriseninteractivechur2192
    @christriseninteractivechur2192 Год назад +6

    Please pray for back slidden, senior church member, Tony. Terrible accident awaiting surgeries. Once called, longtime drug user. Pastor Cantana, Iowa.🙏⛪️🙏 Revival prayers.

  • @davidmorrison2739
    @davidmorrison2739 Год назад +22

    I wonder what Ignatius would have thought of bishops not being called to be martyrs. Or Latimer. Or Cranmer. Or...

    • @myleshagar9722
      @myleshagar9722 Год назад +7

      Or the Holy Ugandan Martyrs.

    • @traceyedson9652
      @traceyedson9652 Год назад

      The many, many martyred Russian bishops of Stalin would be surprised.

  • @pauleddy96
    @pauleddy96 Год назад +6

    I spoke to George Carey and I asked him to do the letter - with 49 other statemen before the vote but he genuinely didn’t believe it would go through.
    He later emailed me to say ‘was was obviously wrong and you were right’.

    • @Shikuesi
      @Shikuesi Год назад +2

      This is George Carey's very own "11 November 1992" moment, on the other side of the event and issue. Hope he knows what to do now.

    • @marmeemarch7080
      @marmeemarch7080 Год назад

      Thank you, Fr. Eddy. That boggles my mind. When I entered the Episcopal Church USA back in 1986, I did so with my eyes open, and followed all the conservative, amateur to barely-makin'-it news sources I could find. No surprise when Gene Robinson was approved, b/c I had watched the advocacy behind the movement for almost two decades by then.

  • @grahamebennett3875
    @grahamebennett3875 Год назад +6

    Acts 2:17 I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh,,,

  • @hazchemel
    @hazchemel Год назад +5

    Good luck to the church society for confronting the establishment witch doctors.

  • @MrGalactica75
    @MrGalactica75 Год назад +9

    The revival is both at the seminary and university. They are close to each other in relationship, but separate entities, and they are right across the street from one another. They are both orthodox institutions, so I have faith that the revival is godly and God-glorifying. Also, Wilmore is only 20-25 minutes from Lexington, KY. It’s more of a “bedroom community” than a town with nothing to do that is a reasonable distance away.

  • @suelee637
    @suelee637 Год назад +6

    George, it's very exciting to hear about your upcoming studies in Rome. I hope you give us much info about it. Also - George Carey! Good for him, but I thought he was dead! Nice that he isn't.

    • @donlee7028
      @donlee7028 Год назад


    • @donlee7028
      @donlee7028 Год назад +1

      George and Kevin Thank you for telling us like it is for a middle level secular administrator to find himself in the centre of controversy as The Archbishop of All Englnd and the defacto head of the Anglican Church in Communion with Canterbury. He needs our prayers as he is well beyond his depth as are the bishops in the CofE. Anglicanism will survive in some form without the CofE, the Episcopal Church or the Anglican Church of Canada. The Global South, GAFCON, and particularly the ACNA have already attested to this! God's good time will determine the outcome. Like you George I have chosen to stay where I am. My local parish is a loving caring community that is Jesus focused. We recognize that we are sinners in need of redemption and our theology is not always perfect but we try to follow the BCP formularies, the 39Articles, the Homilies as they were prescribed. We welcome the bishop when she comes here to visit but we have a priest with experience who gives us solid scriptural homilies and encourages us to keep Jesus front and centre in our lives.
      For that reason I continue to stick it out in the Diocese of British Columbia and in the Anglican Church of Canada.
      Thank you for being so informative and blessings to Kevin and you George.

  • @johnhudghton2287
    @johnhudghton2287 Год назад +10

    Thank you for a great show gentlemen, with some possibly uplifting news. Can we pay for the C of E Bishops to be flown to this place of revival?

  • @andysmith4158
    @andysmith4158 Год назад +8

    Around 9:20, George stated that the votes by Houses were called for by the Bishops. This is incorrect. The votes were never called for by any of the bishops (I watched all eight hours of the debate) but by members of the House of Laity.
    It was also a member of the House of Laity, Stephen Hofmeyr, a King's Counsel (top lawyer) from the Guildford diocese, who pointed out that the bishops voting against amendments to their own proposals could prevent any amendments being passed. (This is because in a vote by Houses, all Houses have to vote in favour of an amendment for it to be passed.) Mr Hofmeyr received the longest applause of anyone in the debate, which I believe highlights the lack of trust that members of the Synod (on all sides) have in the bishops.
    For me, apart from the abandoning of God's teaching from Genesis to Revelation, the other major issue was that the final motion was supported by 86% of the bishops, 56% of the clergy, but just 51.5% of the laity. How can the bishops be so out of touch with their own people unless the selection process for bishops is no longer reflective of the people in the Church of England?

    • @tonyblackshaw5047
      @tonyblackshaw5047 Год назад +2

      Bishops in the Church of England are not elected by the people but nominated by the Prime Minister. There is Commission consisting of representatives of the vacant diocese, the archbishops, the central church, a Downing Street civil servant. They interview appropriate candidates then offer two names to the Prime Minister who can decide the order in which the names are presented to the Monarch who can then make their choice out of the two. The monarch then sends ‘conge de lire’ (sic) telling the Dean & Chapter of the cathedral to elect a new bishop…another letter then tells them who to elect on pain of ‘praemenure’ (sic). An ancient law threatening terrible consequences for any member of Chapter who fails to account for their absence or votes against! All of which never happens of course in a typically English manner.
      One last point the Church of England has been said to be dead or dying for hundreds of years and it somehow always survives.
      Many of us pray for disestablishment…

    • @andysmith4158
      @andysmith4158 Год назад +1

      @@tonyblackshaw5047 Thanks for outlining the 'official' process. Now that the Archbishop of Canterbury has appointed as the Appointments Secretary a man called Stephen Knott who was 'married' by the Scottish Episcopal Church, traditionalists wonder just how many folk opposed to same-sex blessings and 'weddings' will be appointed as bishops in the Church of England. Similarly, will someone like Jill Duff, who is a suffragan (assistant) bishop ever be appointed as a diocesan bishop, as she was the only bishop who spoke clearly to oppose what the College of Bishops (which includes all bishops, not just diocesan bishops) were proposing?

    • @exilityxehn9809
      @exilityxehn9809 Год назад

      When you stop to think about it the bishops have created disunity. In bringing a motion which they overwhelmingly voted for, whilst almost half of the other two houses were against it. Bishops united in heresy, rest of church split down the middle. It's like a chairman using his casting vote. Half the committee is against you

  • @campbellpaget453
    @campbellpaget453 Год назад +3

    It's called lack of backbone.

  • @davidmckissack7528
    @davidmckissack7528 Год назад +3

    From Asbury Seminary's statement on the decisions of the 2019 United Methodist General Conference. Whatever is happening in Wilmore, the Holy Spirit is apparently not doing anything "new" on human sexuality there:
    "Asbury Theological Seminary is thankful for the biblical stance the United Methodist General Conference has taken in recent days to affirm marriage between one man and one woman. Asbury Theological Seminary believes that all human beings are made in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. We condemn any form of harassment or abuse. The Seminary stands by its ethos statement and affirms these guiding principles found there."

  • @briancasey4917
    @briancasey4917 Год назад +3

    Jesus gets us? Duh, HE MADE US!!

  • @thomasyeutter1112
    @thomasyeutter1112 Год назад +5

    Is Asbury college experiencing a real revival? I am hopeful, but have questions.
    I wonder, if Justification by grace through faith is being preached at this revival?
    Or is it a Wesleyan holiness movement which often morph into a religious experience whereby we establish our own righteousness by making resolutions about their personal conduct, and their personal response?
    Is there a preacher of righteousness among them., proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him crucified?
    Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ being proclaimed there, or is it just an emotional wave which will vanish like a morning dew in the heat of the sun?
    From what I have heard, many have come to sense of the depth of their sin, and how they are utterly lost without Christ, and His finished work on the cross.
    If they know they are utterly lost without Christ, then we can hope that they are not going to replace the Righteousness of God which is now revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their own holiness.
    Let us pray that many will come to truly know that they are lost sinners before God.
    Let us also pray that many will come to know the Lord Jesus as the only way of salvation.
    Let us pray that many will receive personal assurance of their portion in Christ and of His righteousness.

  • @andrewpollitt7685
    @andrewpollitt7685 Год назад +2

    When football teams fail to win they usually fire the coach! I wonder!

  • @janetsmiley6778
    @janetsmiley6778 Год назад +6

    Abp. Carey and Pope Benedict kept their powder dry.

  • @dalecaldwell
    @dalecaldwell Год назад +6

    Did HRH Charles III threaten to burn Canterbury at Smthfield?

  • @GregAlterton
    @GregAlterton Год назад +4

    If there's any place in this country where real revival could break out, it's Asbury University, considering that they've had about ten revivals over the past 120 years, including the 1970 revival you referred to.

  • @davidmorrison2739
    @davidmorrison2739 Год назад +2

    Some of us saw the first Sputnik go across the sky several evenings in a row.

  • @jonathansmith336
    @jonathansmith336 Год назад +3

    Asbury, though in the Wesleyan tradition, is not Methodist per se. Asbury is part of the Wesleyan Holiness Tradition with historic connection to campmeetings and annual church revivals. Wilmore is home to the Icthus music festival that was launched during the 70s as a response to the secular rock concerts of the time. It sparked à number of knockoff events throughout the country in it's day. It is the home of Good News that has launched the Global Methodist Church. Given the strong missions emphasis, on an international scale, Wilmore and the institutions are à spiritual hub and à kind of Mecca for many. In other words, though it's in a small Kentucky town, it is no stranger to gatherings like this and millions of people around the world are intimately connected to it.

  • @WriterProfessor
    @WriterProfessor Год назад +8

    Many TEC and CofE bishops look tired, sickly, dried up, devoid of vital essence, etc. They look sad in their state and are worthy of our prayers and pity. However, maybe how they look is saying something about our problem? If we appointed bishops who possessed some ounce of animal magnetism rather than bishops who look and act like Justin Welby or Sarah Mullally, maybe they would occasionally feel outraged enough to say "no"? Also, maybe in their youth, had they not spent all their time in fluorescent-lit rooms full of open-reel tapes and punch cartridges, they would have walked among their fellow human beings, been confronted by their own desires, and learned (through pain and prayer) what the rest of us have had to learn: that human desires must often be redirected or changed since none of us can always have what we feel like we should have. Maybe then they would know what they clearly do not know, which is how to lead and pastor others who are confronted by the same things. Their abject cluelessness has brought us to this point.

    • @kenbeach5021
      @kenbeach5021 Год назад +3

      "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgement on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill and some have died."
      I wonder, and I would put it no stronger than that, whether this could be the reason for the bishops' looking worn out.
      It's a verse you never hear sermons about. Maybe in the current climate it would be good to remind the church that the grace, love and mercy of God do not mean we can escape judgement for things that displease God.

  • @jonathansmith336
    @jonathansmith336 Год назад +2

    I think the "old people" in Wilmore, many of them retired and practicing professors, pastors, retired missionar

    • @jonathansmith336
      @jonathansmith336 Год назад +1

      ...missionaries will help to shepherd this if necessary.

  • @jamessheffield4173
    @jamessheffield4173 Год назад +2

    There is an Eschatology called panmillennium i.e., it will pan out in the end. Pax.

  • @johnjon1823
    @johnjon1823 Год назад +4

    You get the revival you are open to getting. As for me and mine, we found ours in a place many, perhaps most Protestants would never consider and would outright reject. A little village called Medjugorje. Truly in the middle of nowhere. A vibrant revival. One may sneer at such things, one may ignore them, one may dismiss them in a thousand ways. However, the MANY millions of pilgrims who have been there have a very serious take on it, on the gospel, and the Woman clothed with the sun. Check it out, it is not an exclusive place but a place where all are invited. Could this be your road to Emmaus moment? Millions have been there. If it is revival you seek, why settle for merely America when there is a place already for the entire world. A place where millions go each year. A place of conversion.

    • @kenbeach5021
      @kenbeach5021 Год назад +1

      Alternatively, this might present George with an opportunity to hone his new skills 🤔...

    • @marmeemarch7080
      @marmeemarch7080 Год назад

      Money, money, friend. Bluegrass country is cheaper to go to than Medjugorye (sp?)

    • @grahamebennett3875
      @grahamebennett3875 Год назад +1

      Never heard of it

    • @johnjon1823
      @johnjon1823 Год назад

      @@kenbeach5021 First he would have to acquire them in Rome, then learn to discern.

    • @Mutasis_Mutandis
      @Mutasis_Mutandis Год назад

      I heave heard of this place. Got an invitation to go.

  • @waddadux
    @waddadux Год назад +5

    George had better improve his Latin pronunciation before he goes to Rome

  • @exilityxehn9809
    @exilityxehn9809 Год назад +3

    if there is only one issue on the agenda, isn't it an agendum? ( As Bernard pointed out in an episode of Yes Prime Minister) George Carey, like Pope Gregory, seems to have exalted the office of ABC. I believe he suggested ad liminal meetings with all the Anglican Bishops. At his enthronement service, there was a second enthronement as head of the Anglican Communion. At the time I thought it strange as he is not even head of the C of E, which historically had refused to presume to legislate for other national and particular churches. I was waiting for rowan Williams' and for Welby to be enthroned as Head of the Anglican Communion. It never happened. Neither Welby nor Williams saw their role as being a pope. If we had remained true to our formularies, that we only legislate for ourselves, and it is not lawful to ordain anything contrsary to Scripture we would have avoided this mess. the motion brought by the Bishops should have been ruled out of order as it condones what Scripture condemns. From the beginning of his tenure, Welby was committed to keeping diametrically oppposed positions together. "good disagreement" presupposes that the heretical position is acceptable. Jane Ozane and Ebor and Jezebel Schori have made it clear- if you don't pretend homosexual acts are not sinful and are acceptable there is no inclusiveness for you.

  • @peterm246
    @peterm246 Год назад +1

    In this episode you mentioned the Diocese of Fredericton in New Brunswick Canada, seeming to say that it was different from other dioceses in Canada. Can Either Kevin or George, or anyone else here tell me what makes the diocese different?

    • @georgeconger2850
      @georgeconger2850 Год назад

      It had a reputation at one time for not being woke or progressive -- but focused on getting the job of evangelism and worship done. I cannot say, however,that this is still true -- the pace of events has quickened in recent years and they may too have gone over the edge.

    • @peterm246
      @peterm246 Год назад

      @@georgeconger2850 Thank you for the reply. That's very interesting. I had opportunity to meet the Bishop of Fredericton a few months ago, but we didn't get the chance to have much of a conversation. I will say that I know it was him and the Catholic bishop of Saint John who were the two biggest advocates among church leaders in the province for lessening restrictions on churches during Covid, so that's to me would seem a good sign.

  • @davidmorrison2739
    @davidmorrison2739 Год назад +4

    Just to be pedantic, I think the Great Awakening was in the 18th century, was it not? Edwards, Whitfield and all that.

    • @georgeconger2850
      @georgeconger2850 Год назад +1

      Different one - that was another one

    • @zachsmith5515
      @zachsmith5515 Год назад +1

      i thought it was 33AD

    • @davidmorrison2739
      @davidmorrison2739 Год назад +1

      @@georgeconger2850 Ah!

    • @marmeemarch7080
      @marmeemarch7080 Год назад

      Historians call that one the First Great Awakening. The Second came along in 1801, and the Noon Prayer Meeting of New York City began in September of 1857. That one, I think is the most fascinating to read about.

    • @davidmorrison2739
      @davidmorrison2739 Год назад

      @@marmeemarch7080 Thank you. Some books call the 17th century phenomenon simply The Great Awakening. I'm glad there were more- and perhaps more to come!

  • @marmeemarch7080
    @marmeemarch7080 Год назад +1

    Mr. Kallsen, Wilmore is right in the heart of bourbon country. Does that make it more appealing for you to take a field trip there? :-D

  • @lys-fleurcesar3626
    @lys-fleurcesar3626 Год назад +1

    Hello, French sister here! This a horrible news! It happened with the Calvinist/Lutherans/Free Church here the synode came up with this position of affirming and it went so far as to ordinate " L" couples as pastors! Abomination !
    But how they justified it doctrinally..
    What are the foundations they Layd out.? Where can we read it?

    • @georgeconger2850
      @georgeconger2850 Год назад

      The bishops have not justified it doctrinally. This has been one of the major criticisms.

  • @gusmacdonald4669
    @gusmacdonald4669 Год назад +2

    I’ve just been watching some RUclips material on this new ‘Asbury revival’. Many are bending over backwards to be even-handed. They are keen to show that this ‘move of God’ is ticking all the right boxes - there is ‘humility’, scripture reading, freedom within proper constraints, ‘repentance’, etc. etc. In reality, it is a low-key version of every other ‘revival’ within the ‘Holiness Movement’ wing of what I would call ‘Wesleyanity’. It starts with people being told exactly what they secretly want to hear - that no-one has been taking the Christian faith seriously enough - that our sin is much worse than we thought - and that what is needed is real spiritual ‘rigor’ and massive ‘experience of repentance’. Such a ‘revival’ is only for those for whom the basic, Biblical faith is decisively ‘NOT ENOUGH’. God is called on to produce the goods in particular places where we can focus on what He is doing, see it and feel it. Remember, John Wesley’s rigorism led, in the end, to him (at 63 years old) confessing to his brother, Charles, that he ‘did not LOVE God, and never had’. This, in my opinion, is the tragic end of rigorism and revivalism. Personally, I accept what the Psalmist says; ‘no man living shall be justified before God’, and what Jesus, who alone saves us, says: ‘my yoke is easy and my burden light’.

  • @theworkman317
    @theworkman317 Год назад +5

    Great show. George, what are you saying - and by extension what should a priest say - to your congregation about what is going on? I've had a number of people approach me and ask, "At what point do we just stop going to the Anglican church?" I'm struggling with this question as well, but, till now, our priest hasn't addressed the wokery in the church yet.

    • @georgeconger2850
      @georgeconger2850 Год назад

      I really don't say anything about the church news we cover in the parish. Our adult education classes look at contentious issues in the news through the lens of Scripture. So we may start with a discussion of issue X but move to the BIble and how we as Christians should live in order to give glory to God. Just because there are bad bishops and misguided church leaders, doesn't mean the real work of the church stops -- or is somehow tainted. I am persuaded the Anglican way is the best way of knowing and worshipping Jesus Christ. Once I am persuaded there is a better way only then would I move.

    • @theworkman317
      @theworkman317 Год назад

      @@georgeconger2850 Thanks so much for your reply! I have encourage my Anglican priest to say 'something' or react in some way to this very public tumble. He might choose not to, but it is an attention-grabbing moment where we can contrast true teaching with false. At any rate, thanks again for your answer.

    • @theworkman317
      @theworkman317 Год назад

      @J Rob It is difficult, especially if you have what I do: a biblically-based church and priest. Should I leave just because of Justin Welby and the wack-o Left? And then go where?? Good luck!

  • @annakimborahpa
    @annakimborahpa Год назад +5

    1. George, congratulations on your acceptance into Rome's Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and in particular, their course on the ministry of deliverance and exorcism.
    2. Although Rev. Gary Thomas's book The Rite is based upon his coursework there, I also recommend as preparation the 1992 second edition of Malachi Martin's book Hostage To The Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans (although all of the possessed have passed away by now).
    3. As Martin's book reveals, at the heart of each exorcism is a confusion in the possessed over a central issue. For example, in Martin's documented cases are those whose confusions involve being/non-being, evolution/creation, spirit/psyche, and perhaps most importantly for our own times in the 21st century, the confusion over sex/gender in the third case study, Richard/Rita.
    4. I pray that you have no reservations about blessings with holy water.
    5. Dominus vobiscum.

    • @grahamebennett3875
      @grahamebennett3875 Год назад +1

      You cannot learn a deliverance ministry ( especially from an apostate church) the gifts of the spirit are God given.

    • @annakimborahpa
      @annakimborahpa Год назад

      @@grahamebennett3875 "Wherefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:6, KJV)

    • @grahamebennett3875
      @grahamebennett3875 Год назад


    • @grahamebennett3875
      @grahamebennett3875 Год назад

      So you should, every day !

    • @annakimborahpa
      @annakimborahpa Год назад

      @@grahamebennett3875 Perhaps through the intercession of your prayers before God, the errors of my ways may be revealed and God will grant me the grace to find your true church. Exactly what church is that, if you could most graciously provide its name?

  • @georgeallen7887
    @georgeallen7887 Год назад +2

    Re Asbury. Sounds a bit like the ConfessingChurch in Germany in the 30s.

  • @johnhudghton2287
    @johnhudghton2287 Год назад +8

    Sounds to me Welby can still not carry responsibility for his actions. Not much changed there from what I remember of him from 45 or so years ago.

    • @Shikuesi
      @Shikuesi Год назад +2

      You knew him back then? Please tell us more

    • @johnhudghton2287
      @johnhudghton2287 Год назад +2

      @Shikuesi lived in the same house belonging to Canon Mark Ruston while he was a student at Cambridge and I was Canon Ruston's part time gopher and student at a pre-theological college.

  • @hiberniancaveman8970
    @hiberniancaveman8970 Год назад +1

    The feast day of Cyril and Methodius reminds me of how their work, while supported by Pope Adrian II, was brutally opposed by the German bishops. Eventually, Methodius travelled to Constinople, and a Greek plus version of their Slavonic alphabet came to be today’s Cyrillic Alphabet. I wonder if this produced a crack in Christendom which may have facilitated the Great Schism?

  • @pauleddy96
    @pauleddy96 Год назад +2

    Yep. Ev bishops no spine. Just saying ‘oh. I tried in the HofB, honest but the rest wanted this so if we weren’t United the CofE would split’
    Well it has and it’s on the conscience of the bishops
    For 6 years everyone’s been praying the spirit will guide. Well it’s basically 55/45 for blessings - that’s not a move of the HA more a vote of the devil

  • @freddytw206
    @freddytw206 Год назад +2

    Your lies will be exposed. Jesus is Lord. You're sending people to deception. Tell the pope, Jesus is Lord and King of Kings. He sees all. Read Ezekiel. Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand. Every deed will be exposed. Your Nimrod, your sin will not save you. Your masonic lodges, the rituals, the horrors evil men wax on. Our redeemer lives. Thank you Jesus that the rocks cry out.

  • @WriterProfessor
    @WriterProfessor Год назад +3

    PS: I watched a few minutes of the Asbury Revival, and the person livestreaming it was speaking in 'tongues' the entire time. I'm sorry, but speaking in tongues (by which I mean these so-called 'angelic' tongues) does not seem biblical to me. In Acts 2:8, the tongues were clearly languages that people knew and understood because people were asking, "How is it then that each of us hears them in his own native language?" This is not something that I, as an Anglican who looks to scripture and reason, can support.

    • @WriterProfessor
      @WriterProfessor Год назад

      PS: Can’t we have our own Asbury?

    • @marmeemarch7080
      @marmeemarch7080 Год назад +1

      @@WriterProfessor real revivals are always preceded by prayers asking for them. I hope you'll join me in asking the Lord for a widespread move of the Holy Spirit, to bring the lost into the fold, and to enlarge and build up the Church Universal.

    • @marmeemarch7080
      @marmeemarch7080 Год назад

      There are more passages in Holy Scripture about speaking in tongues than just that one you cited.

    • @WriterProfessor
      @WriterProfessor Год назад +1

      @@marmeemarch7080 The fundamentalists, rapturists, and personality cultists hijacked the word "revival" for me, and this makes it hard for me to trust it. I prefer other words such as "awakening" (such as that of the American colonies between the 1730s and 1770s) or "renaissance," "reformation," etc. And yes, this is something I work for in my parish church, in my profession as an academic, and in my personal devotions.

  • @richardbrown892
    @richardbrown892 Год назад +2

    As for the Asbury "revival" seems more like American Revivalism, than true revival. The test for true revival is is the Gosple properly proclaimed or is this just a wave of emotionalism with very little spiritual depth.

  • @Oparacletos
    @Oparacletos Год назад

    Does HM King Charles lll not have the “last word” , even trumping Justin Welby’s “ideas” ? As head of the C of E it would seem he is not as impotent as most seem to presume he is.

    • @georgeconger2850
      @georgeconger2850 Год назад +1

      No, he has not the authority to act against the church establishment. There are no mechanisms that can be used by him as his authority is vested in his government and ministers

  • @listsforthecurious
    @listsforthecurious Год назад +1

    It's sad that the Anglo-Catholic movement in the Anglican communion is composed of aesthetes who were too fruity to become Catholics. It is a worse than useless part of the Anglican world.

  • @Mark_Dyer1
    @Mark_Dyer1 Год назад

    GEORGE: You keep referring to those who are "standing for truth and scripture" in the C of E [12:00], citing the suffragen Bishop of Lancaster as an example. In fact, all these people are "standing for" is 'scriptural literalism' as the only approach to our scriptures you regard as acceptable. In today's world 'scriptural literalism' is not bringing human beings to Christ. I grant you, neither are 'woke' bishops who simply follow "the latest thang". Christianity - based on its Hebrew antecedents - is the most 'reasonable' religion on Earth. It is based on an historical man, for goodness' sake. Yet, week after week, all of the Anglican RUclipsrs (Anglican, and Catholic Unscripted and Irreverend) are obsessed with sex: to at least as great a degree as the 'world' which they claim is obsessed with it. Yes, I know I constantly comment: this is because I thought that - what is happening today - would be happening AFTER my death. That is why I abandoned the Church, and the Eucharist, fifty years ago. For a Christian, that was an error: but it was one which enabled me to just get on with life, whilst the INSTITUTIONAL Church continued on in irrelevance and decline. God is God: and we need to retain an open-ness of mind toward his activity and dynamic in the World today. Your talk of "the enemy" and "standing for truth", just leaves me in as much despair as fifty years ago.

  • @grahamebennett3875
    @grahamebennett3875 Год назад +3

    You cannot learn a deliverance ministry. It is a God given ministry .

    • @Martin_Adams184
      @Martin_Adams184 Год назад +5

      I don't disagree with that - by any means! But from brethren more experienced than oneself one can always learn.

    • @kenbeach5021
      @kenbeach5021 Год назад +4

      @@Martin_Adams184 It's very difficult to find anyone with a balance on deliverance ministry. The usual alternatives are charismatics who have gone overboard with it to the point of error, or evangelicals who are woefully ignorant of the whole thing or conveniently relegate it to the early church.

    • @Martin_Adams184
      @Martin_Adams184 Год назад +2

      @@kenbeach5021 Thank you, Ken. Everything you say chimes with my own experience and my present understanding. I speak as someone who, many years ago and as a new Christian, got rather too stuck into it.

    • @grahamebennett3875
      @grahamebennett3875 Год назад

      @@Martin_Adams184 of course, however not from the apostate Church of Rome.