If u make the decision to be Holy as a Priest, the Lord will feel your heart with Joy.. And u will bring a lot more to the Priesthood by your example .. I recommend you to read The Way by St Josemaria Escriva (founder of Opus Dei) .. His other works are wonderful for you as well
Good luck to you. Remember that for men is impossible but, putting GOD first is the key to the kingdom in Eart & in Heaven because in GOD everything is possible. God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m a Lutheran pastor. Know that you’re not alone. All churches (from “evangelical” to mainline to Roman Catholic) are struggling with the same societal and demographic pressures. Keep the faith!
The wing-nut evangelicals, especially in the USA and Israel, are giving Christianity a very bad name. They have no learning, they're boorish and greedy without an ounce of 'Christian' Charity in them. The traditional churches do a great deal of good work it has to be said. Religion is a cultural phenomenon going back at least 10,000 years but it's far more likely that not, that there's no life after death for us as with all other primates and living creatures that have evolved over time.
Your guy started it 😬. Come back!! Come back to the one only True Church, to form just 1 body, 1 faith, one holly and only bride of Christ, the Catholic Church. We need the rest of the christians so badly to come back! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Deus veult! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Charles Pieters Yes I mean, the verse that you gave, does not prove that, we only need the bible. It only stated how precious and open the bible is. Jn 21:25 1 Thess. 2:13 2 Thess . 3:6 For example: Mt 2:23 “For he shall be called Nazarene” was not mentioned in the old testament because it was spoken by the prophets. Therefore, the bible is not the only thing we need. We also need the words and teachings taught by our Lord Jesus Christ to His apostles, which then was passed down by St. Peter Mt. 16:18, to his successors. Am I wrong?
I am adding your name to the list my family prays for, Gavin. May you always hear the call of our Lord clearly, giving you courage and zeal as you respond.
Will be praying for you Fr. Casey. I am sorry for the terrible news. :( Edit: please pray for me. I am currently in the process for applying for seminary, I recently attended a discernment retreat over the weekend. I never thought I could be called into the priesthood, but here am I.
Look into the FSSP!! We need more traditionally minded priests!! God bless you! I pray that our Lady may intercede for you in your discernment for vocation
Blessings to you, Bao. May you be watched over by the Blessed Mother and Apostles and your go through your discernment, and may you make the right choice, in Jesus' name.
I had a kid out of wedlock before conversion. She's 5 now. When she's 18 I will leave and be a franciscan friar/priest if Im unwed. (Likely.....) My priest at my franciscan parish is divorced with kids. Ive felt the tug for a minute now. Franciscans are the only ones thatll take older guys (ill be 46). So I have 13 years to prepare
If you want good priests, we need good families. They're intertwined, and we desperately need both. Thank you for reminding the laity they have a role in this too.
I agreen. Some parents doesn't tolerate or support their children because it is more important to be finacially rich especially when you are from a poor country.
@@denbertignacio and yet many priests from poor countries such as VietNam, the Philippines and other African and Asian countries are coming to richer countries such as Australia,the USA and elsewhere in something of a role reversal
I'm in tears! I live in Italy and also my Diocese is struggling with the same situation. Only ten guys are currently attending the Diocesan Seminary. I'm in tears for your straightforwardness! I'm so grateful for your message, which is a sign sent by the Providence to me. Your words drive me to wonder about what my vocation is in the Church. As a young woman, I can keep praying for vocations, especially for the priesthood. Our Lord said to us: "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" Priests are true Gifts. 🙏🏽
Hey... Ricordiamoci Matteo 16, 13-20... Ti voglio incoraggiare... Anche io sono italiano.. Sono molto triste perché a volte penso che la chiesa stia morendo. Tutti sono contro di noi, tutti ci considerano il nemico. I giovani sono quasi tutti atei. Nessuno dei miei amici è credente. Questo è orribile. A volte mi guardo attorno a messa e sono l'unico giovane. Ci sono bambini, ok, ma nessuno resta dopo la cresima. I giovani sotto i 35 anni quasi nessuno va a messa. Mi sento solo. La mia famiglia non è praticante. I media, TV, etc dal dopoguerra promuovono comportamenti e leggi totalmente contrarie alla chiesa. Omosessualità, aborto, divorzio e femminismo... Ci bombardano, e penso ci sia lo zampino della massoneria. La chiesa è in una crisi nera e profonda . Non vedo nessuna soluzione. Ma Dio, sì. Razionalmente mi dico "beh, tra 50 o 100 anni nessuno crederà più. Ma no!! Dio ci sorprenderà. La chiesa sopravviverà per sempre. anche se saremo in pochi. Ricordati la crisi ariana del 300 dove il 99% della chiesa era caduta in questa eresia, e Maria e Giovanni unici due sotto la croce... Gli altri apostoli se ne erano andati... Non vediamo soluzioni, ma dobbiamo avere fede. La chiesa è indefettibile. Ricorda Matteo 16... Ed in un altra scrittura Gesù ha detto che sarebbe stato con noi fino alla fine del mondo. Lui è Dio. A volte ho paura e penso alla crisi penso che non ci sia speranza... Ma Dio stesso ci dice "non abbiate paura, io ho vinto il mondo!!" È difficile, ma dobbiamo essere positivi, perché satana vuole che ci scoraggiamo...
@Michael John Dennis I think that this crisis concerns not only priesthood or consecrated life, but also marriage. In my Parish, which counts more than 6,000 families, only NINE weddings were celebrated during the last year ...50 years ago they were about fifteen times more. I think we should wonder why the last generations struggle with lifelong commitment such as priesthood or marriage.
@@PinoEfilist Ciao! No. Non volevo che dalle mie parole trapelasse scoraggiamento. Mi é sempre di conforto pensare che tutto iniziò da Dodici. Però tutto ciò, non nego, mi causa molta tristezza. L'impatto della diminuzione di vocazioni lo percepisco sulla mia vita, sulla mia comunità parrocchiale, sulla mia amata Chiesa di Venezia. Paradossalmente, invece, credo che il Figlio dell'Uomo troverà ancora Fede su questa terra. Forse meno in termini di discepolato, ma sicuramente più viva. Trovo però giusto porsi domande sul perché il messaggio Evangelico non raggiunga i Cuori, in primis dei giovani. Mi fa rabbia pensare a quanto poco impatto abbia avuto il recente Sinodo sui Giovani, se confrontato con quello dell'Amazzonia. Avrebbe dovuto scuotere i muri delle Chiese, delle Comunitá Religiose! E trovo giusto pormi domande su cosa sono chiamata a fare io per servire il Signore. In questo senso ha risuonato in me il messaggio di fr. Casey. Credo che ci sia bisogno di più discepoli come lui, che abbiano la sua stessa grinta ed il suo stesso entusiasmo nel trasmettere il Vangelo. Ci vorrebbero più persone innamorate di Cristo, che non abbiano paura di annunciarlo.
@@Memetchi95 io purtroppo per cause di forza maggiore non posso diventare prete o frate, per miei motivi. Lo farei ma non posso. San Paolo mi sembra in 1 Timoteo 3,1-5 dice delle cose Interessanti. Buonanotte
My son went to a discernment retreat on a road to becoming a priest and he changed his mind because of the priest's behavior (not sexual) that took him to the retreat. Another one of my sons was considering the priesthood but our new priest decided to get rid of the altar servers because he wanted to make Mass go faster (35 minutes). My son is a teen and altar serving is a good place to see if you have a calling. There are priests that don't realize that they're driving away possible future priests.
@@chuckoneill2023 nah, it was a few, it was just the one the broke the camel's back. He felt like because of the lack of priests the church is just ordaining anyone.
Hi dear, Do they have a "Legion of Mary" Praesidium in your Parish? If they do, check of they run a Praesidium for the juniors as well I tell. You, is an amazing Marian apostolate and a great place to be to. Serve the Parish and descern for the priesthood. I talk from experience 😉😉
Isaiah ch.6 vs 8 then I heard the voice of the Lord saying “whom shall I send?” And “who will go for us?”And I said, here I am, send me. Well here I am... tell me what to do next. Please
It is always great to start as an altar boy. you are exploring the church an your own vocation. It will help you grow into a religious life. start in small steps. Believe me, that is how i did it. sometimes it is scary to take the next step, but looking back you will be glad that you did.
@Thomas Fannon can you be more precise about what is wrong with the outcomes of Vatican 2? Perhaps you could make a video as Fr Casey does to explain your view of the modern church "Hate" is a very strong word to use about something which an essential part of the faith to many if not a majority of Catholics world wide
Father I am truly sorry to hear this. I think your Energy and enthusiasm will help to encourage more people to join the vocation. I am hoping you come to San Francisco!
I’ll pray for more priests. I’m young, married, and have a newborn son, so I’m not really in a position to encourage others to consider the priesthood. I’d be happy if I saw my son accept a calling to the priesthood, but that will be his responsibility to discern. I do try to be motivating to men who are considering the priesthood, but you don’t meet those men too often.
Mmmm...I am on decerning if I am for the Carmelites, as a priest or for family. You can find me on Fb: Iuga Arthur (i capital :p :D ) - my fb photo: 2 guys laughing :D (a mate and I are in that photo) Cares (heart)
4:50 - “what the friars are doing now is what every religious order and diocese are doing” The FSSP literally has to build a whole new seminary just to meet the demand of seminary applicants, which currently has a waiting list over two years long. The ICKSP sends their higher year seminarians out to parishes to learn from the priests and complete their academic work via correspondence because the seminary doesn’t have enough room to house the growing number of applicants. Applicants who literally have to learn French for a year before they can even attend the seminary, which lasts another 7 years. The SSPX is continuing to grow and build new churches, some of which, like in Kansas, are massive. These were needed to house the laity who, at three daily masses, were packed in like sardines and the church became standing room only just to attend mass. The SSPX missions are also thriving and growing. The Benedictine Abbey at Clear Creek more than doubled its numbers in less than 10 years and now has to build a whole new abbey just to house the growing number of monks and laypeople who attend mass there. Yet for some reason I can’t seem to figure out what these organizations have in common that would make them grow while the rest of the church shrinks.... 🤔
Perhaps it's the Lord's way of rebuilding His Church: The dwindeling of the orders that lost their way; the growth of those that steadfastly hold on to tradition. It is a grace from Heaven, even with all its pains.
Michael Linley You’re being sarcastic, right? 😜 According to what I’ve noticed, those orders practice the three things that I cited above: • The superiors in those orders generally act like real Catholics instead of faux-Christian leftists. • Those orders generally eschew the modernizations and innovations that have been promulgated since the Second Vatican Council. • Those orders are known for celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass. I’m told that the FSSP and SSPX chapters nearest to me celebrate the TLM only.
John Rigali exactly 👍🏻. The problem Fr Casey and company are facing is because the powers that be have watered down the faith, catechesis, priesthood and liturgy to the point that a priest or religious is just another “cool guy” who tells jokes during mass, leaves the church on an electric scooter, and goes by his first name. There’s no true example of manhood or masculinity, no living example of being set apart from the world and devoted to God, no challenge for men to partake in, no mysterious or divine in the liturgy, and the result is a lack of vocations and mass attendance. People are somehow generally shocked to learn that everywhere the church practices the faith as it was for the first 1,969 years of the church, vocations flourish, mass attendance goes up, and families become large again. My advice to Fr Casey, though I’m sure he’ll reject it, is to take some serious self-reflection and take a look at the rotten fruits of Vatican II and the disaster it has unleashed upon the church. From there, take the initiative to return his branch of Franciscans to the traditions of the Church. The traditions and faith practiced by Saint Francis himself. If not, then they can watch their orders and parishes slowly disappear while the traditional orders and parishes grow.
Please pray for me and my family. After some devastating occurrences at our last church, I am losing the faith. I'm lost and not sure where to go. We just need your prayers. Thank you.
God bless you for answering Gods call!! I hope to enter Carmel (Buffalo, NY come visit sometime!) this year and pray for priests the rest of my life. We love you and appreciate your sacrifice!!
3:13 The church is vibrant in Africa but Kenya has started suffering some shortages too. In my school, we now see our own priest once every three months. We're 350 kilometers from the capital city Nairobi and we still have priests come to school from there on Sundays.
This situation is already really bad- also here in Germany... In the countryside, churches are already struggeling to manage at least one service per week and community, masses -even on high holidays like christmas or easter- are not held everywhere- due to a lack of priests. The arcbishop of cologne just created a praying-register "Rogamus" where you can join the prayer for people willing to become a priest or do any voluntary work in the catholic church. Father Casey: I will pray for you. These are those times, where new solutions like your blog and videos are so important to keep contact to the people, when "stationary priests" are not longer available!
@mary albrecht unfortunately, most of our bishops over here are very conservative... don't forget, that Benedict XVI was a German cardinal .. and he surely was not open minded for any changes at all... so aren't most German lead cardinals and bishops... We better expect nothing to change from here... And without those mentioned changes, more and more people will loose their faith and leave the church... Our flock has starded running towards a cliff and many sheep have already got lost due to their herd instinct - let us pray, that our bishops will soon enough recognize, that their crosiers are the sign of shepards, not managers.
@johnny bhai I absolutely understand what you are saying. I guess you are living in a bit more urban area or another diocese at least... In some city-churches, there are kind of masses every day over here too... but ... well.. as you just mentioned... once the mass is finished, the priest leaves as fast as possible through the sacristy... And just listen o all those pre-written preachings, read streight from the paper- no feelings... no messages... The major problem is, that the church is currently taking literally erveryone who applies... many of them are surely kind of antisocial and so don't have much problems of living alone - but when they have to talk to people, they get very uncomfortable... There are no backround checks or motivation-questions to get inside clergy... There are a very few good and faithful priests, but - to be honest - those are way under 1% of the few priests left... And of course- why should I talk to a priest about any love or relationsship-problems, when he naturally has absolutely no clue about it? I know one priest who was a married deacon for a long and happy life - after his wife died he became a priest. He is far more understanding of what a life in his flock really is and feels like... Unfortunately he is now responsible for four communities at once, and it is hard to get to speak to him at any occasion ... I know so many good christians, who would make awsome priests, but most of them are married...
I am so saddened to hear about the closures! Thank you for your honesty in sharing how you're feeling and praying through the impact of the shortage of priests to serve in all the places where we're called. St. John Vianney, pray for us!
I did not realize how urgently we need more vocations! Thank you for this. Jesus has been putting praying His divine mercy chaplet on my heart. Now I am beginning to see why. Thank you again♡♡
You have my support, Father. As you said, also in Italy we are facing a very similar situation... I understand your shock and anger... let's pray for each other and keep on with our pastoral and vocational work. Most of all, I pray that you can feel the consolation of the Lord even in this hard situation 🙏🏻
Davide... Ricordiamoci Matteo 16, 13-20... Ti voglio incoraggiare... Anche io sono italiano.. Sono molto triste perché a volte penso che la chiesa stia morendo. Tutti sono contro di noi, tutti ci considerano il nemico. I giovani sono quasi tutti atei. Nessuno dei miei amici è credente. Questo è orribile. A volte mi guardo attorno a messa e sono l'unico giovane. Ci sono bambini, ok, ma nessuno resta dopo la cresima. I giovani sotto i 35 anni quasi nessuno va a messa. Mi sento solo. La mia famiglia non è praticante. I media, TV, etc dal dopoguerra promuovono comportamenti e leggi totalmente contrarie alla chiesa. Omosessualità, aborto, divorzio e femminismo... Ci bombardano, e penso ci sia lo zampino della massoneria. La chiesa è in una crisi nera e profonda . Non vedo nessuna soluzione. Ma Dio, sì. Razionalmente mi dico "beh, tra 50 o 100 anni nessuno crederà più. Ma no!! Dio ci sorprenderà. La chiesa sopravviverà per sempre. anche se saremo in pochi. Ricordati la crisi ariana del 300 dove il 99% della chiesa era caduta in questa eresia, e Maria e Giovanni unici due sotto la croce... Gli altri apostoli se ne erano andati... Non vediamo soluzioni, ma dobbiamo avere fede. La chiesa è indefettibile. Ricorda Matteo 16... Ed in un altra scrittura Gesù ha detto che sarebbe stato con noi fino alla fine del mondo. Lui è Dio. A volte ho paura e penso alla crisi penso che non ci sia speranza... Ma Dio stesso ci dice "non abbiate paura, io ho vinto il mondo!!" È difficile, ma dobbiamo essere positivi, perché satana vuole che ci scoraggiamo...
Save the youth, they are your future. They are the Church of the future. Look at how Traditional Latin parishes are growing around the world. That is where the vocations are increasing. God bless your future.
I'm actually with him right now on a retreat/workshop to deal with this. He's doing alright... a lot of mixed feelings. He's very sad about the whole thing.
My 2.5 year declared on the way home from Mass that he was going to be a singing priest, but first he’s going to be an altar server who carries the cross. Since this declaration he practices being an altar server for hours on end-I’ve stopped it at him wanting to practice “washing priest hands” (lavabo) but maybe I need to just let him stay in love with all things about church regardless of the mess. Maybe it will be his calling
Don’t stop him. It’s a rare and special thing when a young boy shows that kind of love for the Holy Mass. At my home parish, the youngest altar servers are *five* years old. Pray to St. Tarcisius (patron saint of altar servers).
Hi. I would like to add a couple of things. Yes, WE are all called by God, who made us. It is our job as parents to nurture and cultivate this seed. First, catechism at home because we are the primary teachers. That includes the mass and devotions. We must be the examples for them. Frequenting the sacraments. They must see us in the confession lines now. When this boy is receiving the sacraments, he can still see that you are also. Beginning with his classes for First Holy Communion, you must start to tell him the story of God's love: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Help him come to encounter and accept this truth: Jesus is MY Savior. Let him learn and fall in love with this Savior. Then, he will follow Him whether as a priest or as a good lay person, single or married. That is our responsibility as parents. God decides if he's a priest or lay. We don't. We can pray and offer him up. Ultimately, it's up to God. The life of service of a priest is like the journey to Calvary. There's some suffering but the reward is GREAT. Our lives go through many ups and downs too. But, it's life in God. May the Good God bless you all.
I've definitely seen what you're talking about Fr. Casey. While both parishes I attend (at home and at college) have always had a priest, there's just the feeling that the Church feels weaker. For me, I've definitely had the priesthood idea bouncing around the back of my head, but I honestly think, even with a decrease in vocations, that no order or seminary would take me in. For one, I have enough trouble trying to live out my own life according to the Church, I can't even imagine being a priest in charge of a whole parish of people. And another thing, something tells me a same-sex attracted (but striving for a celibate life) man won't be received warmly by the Church. If any of the comments I've gotten over the last few months are any indication, I'd be run out of town. Honestly, as the sole practicing catholic in a lapsed catholic family, I can tell you the church has lost her people bc of the corruption of the hierarchy, and the bare minimum approach it seems to have to solving things like the abuse crisis. With those horrors hanging overhead, I'm honestly not surprised the Church is bleeding priests and laity. Until there are concrete solutions and real, tangible consequences for *everyone* involved in the crisis, this is gonna continue. Even then, people might consider the Church too far gone and head off to another denomination. I honestly feel bad some days asking for a ride to Church, bc I know my parents have been hurt by the institution that I'm now a part of. How do people "come back" when the abuse is all they can think of? I don't really know where I'm going with this comment, but I just had to get my thoughts out there, because Lord knows I can't speak my mind about the Church at home
You will all be in my prayers brother. While I am a Franciscan Friar in the Episcopal Church, you are still my brother. Wishing you the best and praying that God's will be done for you and all our brothers.
Dark Truth - YES! We desperately need their prayers! Theirs is an invisible demise because of their hidden life, but we must also pray for an increase in vocations to monastic life.
It's really bad in Belgium as well. I'm almost 26 and have never met a priest who was younger than 50. I'm really afraid of what the future will bring in a couple of years or in the best case, a couple of decades.
So who is going to take over the ministry for the Catholic students at the university? The students still need a priest to celebrate masses and look after their spiritual needs
I'm a former Seminarian from Texas. The crisis you are presenting here goes beyond the shortage of priests. It has to do with the priest's own pride and greed. Priests that I have met have shown a sense of entitlement and that turns people away from the Church. I've worked with priests who did not want to hold confessions except for one day during Lent because it took a day away from their gym routine. One priest asked the Bishop to close down a Hispanic parish because the Mass Schedule conflicted with the airing of Game of Thrones. Others stomped out the Charismatic events the parish was known for because it conflicted with their personal schedule. It isn't about Men who don't want to take up the call because of celibacy or the other reasons your presented. Current priests need to understand that they are here to serve the community they have been entrusted with and they need to understand that their personal schedules do not come before the needs of the parish. They cannot cut Mass down to 30 mins because they want to spend Sunday evening at the gym or fishing. I don't know if you'll read this but I felt that I had to say this because 1st, your video does not accurately portray the crisis the church is facing and 2nd priests have always blamed the faithful for not answering the call to Priesthood when they are the repellent that has hurt the Church so much. I hope that in your talks you address this issue. Please do not say that the crisis is caused by Catholic Men who are too afraid to answer a Call to Vocation.
I am praying that my future son will be a priest. I know I can't force it, but I already promise it to God. Thy will be done. Let's pray for our priests. Huhuhu, I'm willing to let him go. If he is called for priesthood, I will 100% support it. God bless his heart
"People need to be more active in answering their baptismal call, taking up the mission of being priests, prophets and King for the kingdom." 🔥🔥🔥 I think we also need good and holy vocations all around. More authentic religious? More people to support us in powerful prayer. More holy married couples? More families striving to live like the Holy Family. Holy priests? Someone to stir the Church to fire. We need saints, and let it start with us!
Pray the Holy Rosary everyday. Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, wear the Brown scapula, and do penance, penance and more penance. Viva Cristo Rey!
Everything starts with a Holy Family, because that means parents will focus more on their children being nun, frail, priest. And is when you start seeing the problems such as focusing more on a career, the rise of unholy unions, the destruction of the father figure, couples wanting pets instead of children, etc...
The end result of living in a morally an spiritually bankrupt society, and sadly the rotten apples who were in the priesthood for years, now parishioners by the groves have left the church
We need strong Catholics. For too long we have not catechized our young appropriately and our faith and commitment to our Church have suffered. All Catholics must learn, live, teach, and defend our faith. God bless, protect, and strengthen our priests!
In my town, the Catholic diocese is listening to a consultant with only a spreadsheet to cull and merge congregations, with no regards to who is the most vital. It is angering some.
The situation in this part of Indiana favors one priest and demographic over others. There are those who won’t be able to get to Mass due to transportation issues or language barrier.
The Archdiocese of Chicago is doing the same and people are not happy. Parishes that raised the money and have tons of parishioners are suddenly closing. There is no rhyme or reason to why certain churches will remain open while others are closing. The merging of parishes is very painful to all.
I'm sorry, Fr. Casey. :( Your dedication to this vocation seems to come with the challenge and mortification of ministering to a church in the U.S. which is fighting such deep spiritual poverty. Your points are completely right. We need more creative solutions to this problem, but also we need more people to answer the call.
@@joehaaf1913 Prayer and Liturgy are the constants in Church history. They keep us stable. But Church history also shows that with each generation's new issues we always need new saints, missionaries, and monastics to respond in new ways. This isn't my opinion. This is Church history.
Please please pray for me as I discern and try to grow in my faith and love for Christ. I truly see how the damage of the sex abuse crisis has turned so many away from the true church. Please pray for our church 🙏✝️
Well, after doing what all I could in a church for 3 years, it suddenly came to an end and I've been from place to place staying no longer than 1 year ever since not finding any way to a vocation so I'm to try something a bit different hoping it will come through.
Our friars (OFM Conv) just did a little obedience, too. It has been heartbreaking, but hopefully a wake-up call to pray for vocations. I am switching over to the other video now, but may God bless those who mourn.
You are one of the powerful instruments of God to bring back His flock that had gone astray.Your talks are very encouraging for the Catholic population. God bless you father..
Very sad, I can only how difficult, take heart Fr. It will work out well. Pray with me for my son Fidelis, he says he wants to be a priest and has been at saying the same for a long time
I want to be a professional ballet dancer, but I've thought about becoming a priest. If only I could be a ballet priest. Maybe I should become a permanent deacon when I'm old enough.
Hi Noah. I believe you should really discern your calling to become a priest. By that, I mean serious prayer asking the Holy Spirit to shed light on it. You may be asked to give up dancing. Some have given up a career as a robotics engineer (Masters degree), PhD in engineering, singing or acting career. They do it to follow the Lord 100%. Let's say that you mentally choose to enter the seminary. Sit on that decision for a few months. Pay attention to your heart and mind. Do you find yourself at peace and filled with joy in your heart? If so, you may just have a religious vocation. If not, continue with your life seeking your place in the church. You still have the "duty" to share your faith with others. The apostles gave up their wife, kids and family to follow Jesus around. I hope this helps.
It's tough losing your priest. 2 years ago the military diocese eliminated our only priest spot at our base chapel. We spent 8 months, Sunday to Sunday, not knowing if we were able to get a visiting priest in to serve Mass. Some Sundays we didn't, and had to look for another church that we could attend to meet our Sunday obligation. It was scary, frustrating, caused much confusion and panic. Last year, the mil archdiocese agreed to bring in a contract priest. It was the best thing that could have happened to our parish! I suggest every one go to the USCCB.org website, and look up prayers for priestly vocations. Best place to start is to pray for more priests!
Wow, maybe the good news is going to change the mood this video just brought. I start seminary formation in February, please pray for me and for more to say yes to God's call.
I’m a secular Franciscan and this hurts my heart so much 😔😔 praying for vocations and for more holy men to join the Church. Hope to meet you on your preaching tour
There is a program that will pay your undergrad debt so you can enter the seminary. I don't know the name, but you could probably find it with some investigation.
I have been working hard to build up people for Christ despite the Church’s disinterest in me. You have my prayers. Please pray for me as I try to make a difference in ways that God leads me.
Our Friars are leaving St. Francis of Assisi in Raleigh NC as well, very sad but moving strong men of God to areas that need more help will hopefully help the Church.
"O Jesus, I pray for more faithful and fervent priests; for your unfaithful and tepid priests; for your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for your tempted priests; for your lonely and desolate priests; for your young priests; for your dying priests; for the souls of your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way" (especially Fr. Casey). "O Jesus, keep them all close to Your Heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen." - Daily Prayer for Priests, St. Thérèse of Lisieux 🙏
I became a professed Secular Franciscan (OFS) in 2016 at the age of 69. Late in life, but God called me (and I finally shut up and listened ) for a reason. My fraternity is growing, and the new members are much younger. My hope is that the First and Third Orders Regular that are bonded to us by the altius moderamen will include the OFS in their plans. My brother and sister Seculars are faithful, eager to follow the Gospel, energetic (whatever our age), active in evangelizing, and serious about the Rule that the Church has given us. Please pass this along to your brothers. Please allow us to help as the true members of the Franciscan family the Rule says we are. - Bill, OFS
Sorry to hear that Fr. Casey, but still will pray for you and all the friars in the world! Am gladly to share that i got the letter that i passed the entrance exam in a Franciscan Seminary. Thank You for being my other inspiration in taking the path of Jesus and St Francis. God bless us all❤️
I´m surely going to watch the good-news one first. Makes it easier to swallow bad news.... whatever it´s going to be. Praying for you and your ministry! You are very much loved Father Casey! But it won´t be until tomorrow for us here on the other side of the ocean., 11pm is too late for me .... ;-) Dominus tecum!
Praying to the Holy Spirit touch to everyone of us and guide us into the light of God. Pray to God with His Mercy for the world that we are living with. Amen.
Fr. Casey I surely hope that you will be able to continue your ministry through your videos. They reach so many even if you are unable to be present in person. Thank you so much for all you do for our church and our Lord. Blessings.
Not alarming enough though. If you are serious about plugging the hole traditional liturgies have their part but dropping impediments to clerical marriage would also help. Also while at it your New Monastic orders can teach how to integrate clerical marriage in a way that doesn't fray the fabric of the Church. Eastern Orthodox have all priests whether monks or married attend Seminary together with the families of the married ones. That will help the clergy wives adjust readily to religious life. They could even wear the habit for effect. And whether married or monk don't send them out in groups of less than 13. Let them work and be self-supporting. Then you will find people better drawn to their lives.
@@reggiestickleback7794 I think there is a double conspiracy-old bishops and priests who are angry they never got the chance. And guys who are not sure if they can stand competition from priests for girls to marry. I am not even counting those claiming it will cost the Church. Ah well not my problem. Watch as sweep past you.
Brother Casey - You have a gift and it shows! I'm sorry to hear of your 'bad news' however as you yourself said, another door will open. I'm an Evangelical Pastor and have been serving in some large churches for almost 20 years. Recently, we've started a new ministry and we love what we get to do. I have many good Catholic friends and our local community has a wonderful clergy fellowship including our local Catholic church. Remember that our first love is Jesus and He is the one that provides the opportunity to serve, to love, to preach and teach. I grew up Roman Catholic and I am thankful of that early exposure to Christ and the Word of God. Continue to pray and to seek God....He'll open the doors, give you the opportunities to minister as the Holy Spirit continues to minister to you. Your adventure has only just begun! Peace!
From 1870-1990 we had the Franciscan Fathers and Sisters here in the UP of Michigan - those wonderful persons really put down some good vocational groundwork for us kids and I think were very instrumental in my vocation as well.
i am so sorry about this news. That is really tough. I am sure that the good work done by the Friars in these areas will continue because of the strong foundations you laid down in these communities. You may even see these ministries return in the future.
Fr. Casey, I have always wanted to be a priest. I answered the call in between 1982 and 1984. However, I never made it past being a postulant. If the holy mother Church were to allow a man of my age to become a priest I would give everything up and answer the call once more. However, being that I am too old now (58-years-old) all I can do is pray for and encourage others to see a vocation in the Church. it is not only a beautiful calling and gift, it is also a privilege, the opportunity to know, love, and serve God through His Church. God Bless and keep the videos coming.
Oh dear, my prayers for more priests. That is hard. 😢 God will redeem this. It is not easy. Holy Spirit is going to work. My prayers are with you. When I pray the office, I pray for more priests.
I belong to a parish served by Dominican friars and they have so many vocations that they have to turn some away. I pray this is the beginning of a new trend👏
According to my confessor, young people will be more and more attracted by radical choices. I think of some enclosed religious orders in my region (e.g. mother Canopi's order). Ok. We can't make a comparison with the last century, but compared to other vocations, they buck the trend, especially if we take into consideration the fact that fewer and fewer young people attend the Church.
Hi brother Casey. I want to preface this with saying that you have been a pivotal player in my own conversion to the Church. Your mild yet helpful and enlightened message led me to think and truly believe that the church is a place for the rational. Thank you for that. That being said, do you think, perhaps, the reason why the Church is dwindling in the US and Europe might have to do with liberal Catholicism? A Catholicism hostile to its own doctrine? A watered down faith? A fear of tradition? Same with the Friars Minor? My experience of Franciscans has been of massive anti-traditionalism and questionable doctrinal stances. (I almost converted at St Francis in NYC. Needless to say I didn't) and I have realized that that might explain the expansion of such breakaway groups as the very reverent Friars of the Renewal. I wonder if turning St. Francis into some caricature of "mercy" leads people to not want to join that order. Asking sincerely and not antagonistically. God bless you Father!
Fr. you are a great priest. When I was a child - a thousand years ago-we had at least 4 priests per parish. Now three parishes share one priest. God is preparing us for something. I don't know but it's coming and soon.
I am started to follow u a few days ago. I am protestant raised; lived 15 years in muslim and 8 years in buddhist countries. I consider myself as a believer in God almighty; just not about the label people stick on you.... but open for advice and information all around.... and just wanted to tel you; that you inspire and motivate people without judgement... I am really thankful to follow you, and listen and watch ur postings. Thank you so much
Maybe if the Church quit slamming the door in the face of people who want to serve simply because they are not perfect physically, then maybe the trend would reverse. The church has become superficial in a lot of ways and is reaping what it has sewn. I'm really sorry to see you lose your wonderful post, but the ones in charge are doing a lot of damage right now. The Church will survive, but we will be dealing with the wounds long after you and I are serving time in Purgatory.
I'm curious- do you mean that people with disabilities are barred from being priests, taking holy orders, or otherwise serving? If so, that's a shame. People with disabilities can still have lots to offer, and their perspectives could be quite valuable.
People with disabilities are typically discouraged from taking Holy Orders. When I looked into it myself, I was told by a vocations advisor that my bumb leg would be a major hold back. I've also read from major sources for the seminary that they are looking for men who are physically fit as one of the requirements of joining seminary.
@@realBaronFletcher I didn't know this Russell. It absolutely breaks my heart. Because EVERYONE has flaws. Not all are visible to the eye. Bless you for offering yourself to serve. I'm sure Christ Himself would have admitted you. TOO SAD that so much of the WORLD has infultrated the Church. What do you want to bet that its all about the cost of health insurance? Ugggg. So much of the Church is run like big business.
@@harmonygordon6901 I'm thinking a lot of it has to do with health insurance. I think some it has to do with what is pleasing to the eye of the parishioners. I hate to put it that way, but it seems to be that way. It is sad in a lot of ways. I try not to dwell on it though. The situation is out of my hands and out of my control. I will not be the one answering to the Almighty about a disrespectful policy of the Church.
I know how you feel, having seen the same thing in Europe, and especially in my country in France. So I share your pain but I've seen good coming out it as well. Take courage and keep faith! Your dominican brother.
Fr Casey, I remember when the Franciscans were pulled from our parish (St Mary's in Madison, IL ) . It was a sad day. We now share a Priest with 2 other churches, make an appointment to have our confession heard, and we have no Saturday Mass and only one on Sunday. A church that was once steeped in Catholic and Polish tradition cannot even have a midnight Mass. It is so very disheartening to me and I am only 53 yrs old.
mary albrecht if celibacy is what is keeping a man from the priesthood, then he shouldn’t be a priest. In addition, married priests will put an unnecessary burden on an already financially strapped church.
Pray for me, I will be entering the seminary after my plans when I graduate. Pray for me that I would not change my path.
Handell Ronquillo you’re a great man. I wish you all the very best
If u make the decision to be Holy as a Priest, the Lord will feel your heart with Joy.. And u will bring a lot more to the Priesthood by your example .. I recommend you to read The Way by St Josemaria Escriva (founder of Opus Dei) .. His other works are wonderful for you as well
Even if you chose to not go to the seminary, you will stay on the path of Jesus... 😊😊😊
If it takes the prayer of someone else for you not to change path, are you sure that path is what you want to start with?
@mary albrecht - what is wrong with you
Can’t wait to go to Seminary, pray for me☦️
why orthodox cross?
Good luck there and I will pray for you. I am also going to seminary in Belgium.
You guys are in my prayers!
Harun does not want to share his last name I’m Byzantine
Good luck to you. Remember that for men is impossible but, putting GOD first is the key to the kingdom in Eart & in Heaven because in GOD everything is possible. God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m a Lutheran pastor. Know that you’re not alone. All churches (from “evangelical” to mainline to Roman Catholic) are struggling with the same societal and demographic pressures. Keep the faith!
The wing-nut evangelicals, especially in the USA and Israel, are giving Christianity a very bad name.
They have no learning, they're boorish and greedy without an ounce of 'Christian' Charity in them.
The traditional churches do a great deal of good work it has to be said.
Religion is a cultural phenomenon going back at least 10,000 years but it's far more likely that not, that there's no life after death for us as with all other primates and living creatures that have evolved over time.
dukadar o'dear your pride is speaking.
Your guy started it 😬.
Come back!! Come back to the one only True Church, to form just 1 body, 1 faith, one holly and only bride of Christ, the Catholic Church. We need the rest of the christians so badly to come back! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Deus veult! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Charles Pieters Bible written by the apostles?
Charles Pieters
Yes I mean, the verse that you gave, does not prove that, we only need the bible. It only stated how precious and open the bible is.
Jn 21:25
1 Thess. 2:13
2 Thess . 3:6
For example:
Mt 2:23 “For he shall be called Nazarene”
was not mentioned in the old testament because it was spoken by the prophets.
Therefore, the bible is not the only thing we need. We also need the words and teachings taught by our Lord Jesus Christ to His apostles, which then was passed down by St. Peter Mt. 16:18, to his successors.
Am I wrong?
I’m thinking about the priesthood pray for me
@mary albrecht The church does have many problems... Are you with your 'Rosary Tool' in hand fixing it ????
@mary albrecht -- terrible comment...post your garbage elsewhere
Bro read Bible said 1 Corinthians 7 : 8-9.
God permitted us and its our choice.
I am adding your name to the list my family prays for, Gavin. May you always hear the call of our Lord clearly, giving you courage and zeal as you respond.
I will pray for you; I hope you will pray for me too, as I am considering a vocation to become an FSSP priest.
Will be praying for you Fr. Casey. I am sorry for the terrible news. :(
Edit: please pray for me. I am currently in the process for applying for seminary, I recently attended a discernment retreat over the weekend. I never thought I could be called into the priesthood, but here am I.
I am adding your name to the list my family prays for, Bao. May you hear the call of our Lord clearly, giving you courage and zeal as you respond.
Look into the FSSP!! We need more traditionally minded priests!! God bless you! I pray that our Lady may intercede for you in your discernment for vocation
Hi Bao. I'm interested in how your process is going and what your praying habits are. Do you live in Southern California?
God bless you ✝️❤️
Blessings to you, Bao. May you be watched over by the Blessed Mother and Apostles and your go through your discernment, and may you make the right choice, in Jesus' name.
If God calls me to it, it would be an honor to serve. Respect you brother.
I had a kid out of wedlock before conversion.
She's 5 now.
When she's 18 I will leave and be a franciscan friar/priest if Im unwed. (Likely.....) My priest at my franciscan parish is divorced with kids. Ive felt the tug for a minute now. Franciscans are the only ones thatll take older guys (ill be 46).
So I have 13 years to prepare
The fact you have a "if" in your heart, could be worth of being investigated.
Oh, really?
If you want good priests, we need good families. They're intertwined, and we desperately need both.
Thank you for reminding the laity they have a role in this too.
JP2GiannaT I very much agree. As the domestic Church fails, children do not easily hear God’s call or don’t understand how to respond
I agreen. Some parents doesn't tolerate or support their children because it is more important to be finacially rich especially when you are from a poor country.
You hit the nail on the head.
So true
@@denbertignacio and yet many priests from poor countries such as VietNam, the Philippines and other African and Asian countries are coming to richer countries such as Australia,the USA and elsewhere in something of a role reversal
I'm in tears! I live in Italy and also my Diocese is struggling with the same situation. Only ten guys are currently attending the Diocesan Seminary. I'm in tears for your straightforwardness! I'm so grateful for your message, which is a sign sent by the Providence to me. Your words drive me to wonder about what my vocation is in the Church.
As a young woman, I can keep praying for vocations, especially for the priesthood. Our Lord said to us: "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" Priests are true Gifts. 🙏🏽
Hey... Ricordiamoci Matteo 16, 13-20... Ti voglio incoraggiare... Anche io sono italiano.. Sono molto triste perché a volte penso che la chiesa stia morendo. Tutti sono contro di noi, tutti ci considerano il nemico. I giovani sono quasi tutti atei. Nessuno dei miei amici è credente. Questo è orribile. A volte mi guardo attorno a messa e sono l'unico giovane. Ci sono bambini, ok, ma nessuno resta dopo la cresima. I giovani sotto i 35 anni quasi nessuno va a messa. Mi sento solo. La mia famiglia non è praticante. I media, TV, etc dal dopoguerra promuovono comportamenti e leggi totalmente contrarie alla chiesa. Omosessualità, aborto, divorzio e femminismo... Ci bombardano, e penso ci sia lo zampino della massoneria. La chiesa è in una crisi nera e profonda . Non vedo nessuna soluzione. Ma Dio, sì. Razionalmente mi dico "beh, tra 50 o 100 anni nessuno crederà più. Ma no!! Dio ci sorprenderà. La chiesa sopravviverà per sempre. anche se saremo in pochi. Ricordati la crisi ariana del 300 dove il 99% della chiesa era caduta in questa eresia, e Maria e Giovanni unici due sotto la croce...
Gli altri apostoli se ne erano andati... Non vediamo soluzioni, ma dobbiamo avere fede. La chiesa è indefettibile. Ricorda Matteo 16... Ed in un altra scrittura Gesù ha detto che sarebbe stato con noi fino alla fine del mondo. Lui è Dio. A volte ho paura e penso alla crisi penso che non ci sia speranza... Ma Dio stesso ci dice "non abbiate paura, io ho vinto il mondo!!" È difficile, ma dobbiamo essere positivi, perché satana vuole che ci scoraggiamo...
@Michael John Dennis I think that this crisis concerns not only priesthood or consecrated life, but also marriage. In my Parish, which counts more than 6,000 families, only NINE weddings were celebrated during the last year ...50 years ago they were about fifteen times more. I think we should wonder why the last generations struggle with lifelong commitment such as priesthood or marriage.
Same in Belgium. Next september I will go to the seminary. already spoke with my bishop. I pray for everybody who has lost their faith.
@@PinoEfilist Ciao! No. Non volevo che dalle mie parole trapelasse scoraggiamento. Mi é sempre di conforto pensare che tutto iniziò da Dodici. Però tutto ciò, non nego, mi causa molta tristezza. L'impatto della diminuzione di vocazioni lo percepisco sulla mia vita, sulla mia comunità parrocchiale, sulla mia amata Chiesa di Venezia. Paradossalmente, invece, credo che il Figlio dell'Uomo troverà ancora Fede su questa terra. Forse meno in termini di discepolato, ma sicuramente più viva. Trovo però giusto porsi domande sul perché il messaggio Evangelico non raggiunga i Cuori, in primis dei giovani. Mi fa rabbia pensare a quanto poco impatto abbia avuto il recente Sinodo sui Giovani, se confrontato con quello dell'Amazzonia. Avrebbe dovuto scuotere i muri delle Chiese, delle Comunitá Religiose! E trovo giusto pormi domande su cosa sono chiamata a fare io per servire il Signore. In questo senso ha risuonato in me il messaggio di fr. Casey. Credo che ci sia bisogno di più discepoli come lui, che abbiano la sua stessa grinta ed il suo stesso entusiasmo nel trasmettere il Vangelo. Ci vorrebbero più persone innamorate di Cristo, che non abbiano paura di annunciarlo.
@@Memetchi95 io purtroppo per cause di forza maggiore non posso diventare prete o frate, per miei motivi. Lo farei ma non posso. San Paolo mi sembra in 1 Timoteo 3,1-5 dice delle cose Interessanti. Buonanotte
My son went to a discernment retreat on a road to becoming a priest and he changed his mind because of the priest's behavior (not sexual) that took him to the retreat. Another one of my sons was considering the priesthood but our new priest decided to get rid of the altar servers because he wanted to make Mass go faster (35 minutes). My son is a teen and altar serving is a good place to see if you have a calling. There are priests that don't realize that they're driving away possible future priests.
If his interaction with just one particular priest changed his mind - it maybe wasn’t meant to be.
@@chuckoneill2023 nah, it was a few, it was just the one the broke the camel's back. He felt like because of the lack of priests the church is just ordaining anyone.
You can refer him to the Tridentine Mass.
It is the reason why we need good priests please encourage your son to talk to a good priest or monk
Hi dear, Do they have a "Legion of Mary" Praesidium in your Parish? If they do, check of they run a Praesidium for the juniors as well
I tell. You, is an amazing Marian apostolate and a great place to be to. Serve the Parish and descern for the priesthood. I talk from experience 😉😉
Isaiah ch.6 vs 8 then I heard the voice of the Lord saying “whom shall I send?” And “who will go for us?”And I said, here I am, send me.
Well here I am... tell me what to do next. Please
C. David Eric If you feel the calling, the Priesthood is in need.
It is always great to start as an altar boy. you are exploring the church an your own vocation. It will help you grow into a religious life. start in small steps. Believe me, that is how i did it. sometimes it is scary to take the next step, but looking back you will be glad that you did.
And this commentary section is where you tell god about this?
C. David Eric call your diocese vocation office
Or look into a religious order.
@Thomas Fannon can you be more precise about what is wrong with the outcomes of Vatican 2? Perhaps you could make a video as Fr Casey does to explain your view of the modern church
"Hate" is a very strong word to use about something which an essential part of the faith to many if not a majority of Catholics world wide
I'm in my first year in the Byzantine Catholic Seminary. Please pray for me!
God bless brother ✝️❤️
Father I am truly sorry to hear this. I think your Energy and enthusiasm will help to encourage more people to join the vocation. I am hoping you come to San Francisco!
I’ll pray for more priests. I’m young, married, and have a newborn son, so I’m not really in a position to encourage others to consider the priesthood. I’d be happy if I saw my son accept a calling to the priesthood, but that will be his responsibility to discern. I do try to be motivating to men who are considering the priesthood, but you don’t meet those men too often.
Mmmm...I am on decerning if I am for the Carmelites, as a priest or for family. You can find me on
Fb: Iuga Arthur (i capital :p :D ) - my fb photo: 2 guys laughing :D (a mate and I are in that photo)
Cares (heart)
Raise your children in a good christian way that is important too ❤️
That sounds really difficult. I'm praying for you, Fr. Casey, and your ministry.
4:50 - “what the friars are doing now is what every religious order and diocese are doing”
The FSSP literally has to build a whole new seminary just to meet the demand of seminary applicants, which currently has a waiting list over two years long.
The ICKSP sends their higher year seminarians out to parishes to learn from the priests and complete their academic work via correspondence because the seminary doesn’t have enough room to house the growing number of applicants. Applicants who literally have to learn French for a year before they can even attend the seminary, which lasts another 7 years.
The SSPX is continuing to grow and build new churches, some of which, like in Kansas, are massive. These were needed to house the laity who, at three daily masses, were packed in like sardines and the church became standing room only just to attend mass. The SSPX missions are also thriving and growing.
The Benedictine Abbey at Clear Creek more than doubled its numbers in less than 10 years and now has to build a whole new abbey just to house the growing number of monks and laypeople who attend mass there.
Yet for some reason I can’t seem to figure out what these organizations have in common that would make them grow while the rest of the church shrinks.... 🤔
Not that I enjoy the fact that there are so many dioceses becoming smaller, but it's great to see more traditional fraternities grow
You need to make sure you're comparing apples to apples.
Perhaps it's the Lord's way of rebuilding His Church: The dwindeling of the orders that lost their way; the growth of those that steadfastly hold on to tradition. It is a grace from Heaven, even with all its pains.
Michael Linley You’re being sarcastic, right? 😜 According to what I’ve noticed, those orders practice the three things that I cited above:
• The superiors in those orders generally act like real Catholics instead of faux-Christian leftists.
• Those orders generally eschew the modernizations and innovations that have been promulgated since the Second Vatican Council.
• Those orders are known for celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass. I’m told that the FSSP and SSPX chapters nearest to me celebrate the TLM only.
John Rigali exactly 👍🏻. The problem Fr Casey and company are facing is because the powers that be have watered down the faith, catechesis, priesthood and liturgy to the point that a priest or religious is just another “cool guy” who tells jokes during mass, leaves the church on an electric scooter, and goes by his first name. There’s no true example of manhood or masculinity, no living example of being set apart from the world and devoted to God, no challenge for men to partake in, no mysterious or divine in the liturgy, and the result is a lack of vocations and mass attendance.
People are somehow generally shocked to learn that everywhere the church practices the faith as it was for the first 1,969 years of the church, vocations flourish, mass attendance goes up, and families become large again.
My advice to Fr Casey, though I’m sure he’ll reject it, is to take some serious self-reflection and take a look at the rotten fruits of Vatican II and the disaster it has unleashed upon the church. From there, take the initiative to return his branch of Franciscans to the traditions of the Church. The traditions and faith practiced by Saint Francis himself.
If not, then they can watch their orders and parishes slowly disappear while the traditional orders and parishes grow.
Please pray for me and my family. After some devastating occurrences at our last church, I am losing the faith. I'm lost and not sure where to go. We just need your prayers. Thank you.
God bless you for answering Gods call!! I hope to enter Carmel (Buffalo, NY come visit sometime!) this year and pray for priests the rest of my life. We love you and appreciate your sacrifice!!
The church is vibrant in Africa but Kenya has started suffering some shortages too. In my school, we now see our own priest once every three months. We're 350 kilometers from the capital city Nairobi and we still have priests come to school from there on Sundays.
This situation is already really bad- also here in Germany...
In the countryside, churches are already struggeling to manage at least one service per week and community, masses -even on high holidays like christmas or easter- are not held everywhere- due to a lack of priests.
The arcbishop of cologne just created a praying-register "Rogamus" where you can join the prayer for people willing to become a priest or do any voluntary work in the catholic church.
Father Casey: I will pray for you. These are those times, where new solutions like your blog and videos are so important to keep contact to the people, when "stationary priests" are not longer available!
If you want vocations to increase every catholic needs to pray the Holy Rosary everyday and concecrate our lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
@mary albrecht Why are you so blind? Praying the Holy Rosary is the solution. Viva Cristo Rey!
@mary albrecht unfortunately, most of our bishops over here are very conservative... don't forget, that Benedict XVI was a German cardinal .. and he surely was not open minded for any changes at all... so aren't most German lead cardinals and bishops... We better expect nothing to change from here... And without those mentioned changes, more and more people will loose their faith and leave the church... Our flock has starded running towards a cliff and many sheep have already got lost due to their herd instinct - let us pray, that our bishops will soon enough recognize, that their crosiers are the sign of shepards, not managers.
@johnny bhai I absolutely understand what you are saying. I guess you are living in a bit more urban area or another diocese at least... In some city-churches, there are kind of masses every day over here too... but ... well.. as you just mentioned... once the mass is finished, the priest leaves as fast as possible through the sacristy... And just listen o all those pre-written preachings, read streight from the paper- no feelings... no messages... The major problem is, that the church is currently taking literally erveryone who applies... many of them are surely kind of antisocial and so don't have much problems of living alone - but when they have to talk to people, they get very uncomfortable... There are no backround checks or motivation-questions to get inside clergy... There are a very few good and faithful priests, but - to be honest - those are way under 1% of the few priests left... And of course- why should I talk to a priest about any love or relationsship-problems, when he naturally has absolutely no clue about it? I know one priest who was a married deacon for a long and happy life - after his wife died he became a priest. He is far more understanding of what a life in his flock really is and feels like... Unfortunately he is now responsible for four communities at once, and it is hard to get to speak to him at any occasion ... I know so many good christians, who would make awsome priests, but most of them are married...
I am so saddened to hear about the closures! Thank you for your honesty in sharing how you're feeling and praying through the impact of the shortage of priests to serve in all the places where we're called. St. John Vianney, pray for us!
I did not realize how urgently we need more vocations! Thank you for this. Jesus has been putting praying His divine mercy chaplet on my heart. Now I am beginning to see why. Thank you again♡♡
Fr Casey, you’ve helped me so much! I’m starting my candidacy in a few months and I can’t wait to start the process.
This breaks my heart 😥😥😥 praying for the Church in America!!!
Pray pray pray that The Owner of the garden will send more workers for the harvest.
You have my support, Father. As you said, also in Italy we are facing a very similar situation...
I understand your shock and anger... let's pray for each other and keep on with our pastoral and vocational work.
Most of all, I pray that you can feel the consolation of the Lord even in this hard situation 🙏🏻
Davide... Ricordiamoci Matteo 16, 13-20... Ti voglio incoraggiare... Anche io sono italiano.. Sono molto triste perché a volte penso che la chiesa stia morendo. Tutti sono contro di noi, tutti ci considerano il nemico. I giovani sono quasi tutti atei. Nessuno dei miei amici è credente. Questo è orribile. A volte mi guardo attorno a messa e sono l'unico giovane. Ci sono bambini, ok, ma nessuno resta dopo la cresima. I giovani sotto i 35 anni quasi nessuno va a messa. Mi sento solo. La mia famiglia non è praticante. I media, TV, etc dal dopoguerra promuovono comportamenti e leggi totalmente contrarie alla chiesa. Omosessualità, aborto, divorzio e femminismo... Ci bombardano, e penso ci sia lo zampino della massoneria. La chiesa è in una crisi nera e profonda . Non vedo nessuna soluzione. Ma Dio, sì. Razionalmente mi dico "beh, tra 50 o 100 anni nessuno crederà più. Ma no!! Dio ci sorprenderà. La chiesa sopravviverà per sempre. anche se saremo in pochi. Ricordati la crisi ariana del 300 dove il 99% della chiesa era caduta in questa eresia, e Maria e Giovanni unici due sotto la croce...
Gli altri apostoli se ne erano andati... Non vediamo soluzioni, ma dobbiamo avere fede. La chiesa è indefettibile. Ricorda Matteo 16... Ed in un altra scrittura Gesù ha detto che sarebbe stato con noi fino alla fine del mondo. Lui è Dio. A volte ho paura e penso alla crisi penso che non ci sia speranza... Ma Dio stesso ci dice "non abbiate paura, io ho vinto il mondo!!" È difficile, ma dobbiamo essere positivi, perché satana vuole che ci scoraggiamo...
God bless you Fr. May Almighty God The Father send
More labourers to work in His
Vineyard. Amen Amen Amen.
Through in Mighty and Sweet name of Jesus.
Save the youth, they are your future. They are the Church of the future. Look at how Traditional Latin parishes are growing around the world. That is where the vocations are increasing. God bless your future.
I couldn't agree more with you. I've been attending an FSSP Parish here in Vancouver, Canada for almost a year and I'm never going back to novos ordo.
I love the Latin Mass!!!
Pray for an increase of priestly and religious vocations, especially in the West.
Hi, This is so very sad to hear. I started my Catholic life with Fr. Patrick in Greenville. How is he feeling about this? :(
I'm actually with him right now on a retreat/workshop to deal with this. He's doing alright... a lot of mixed feelings. He's very sad about the whole thing.
@@BreakingInTheHabit I'll be praying for you father Casey
My 2.5 year declared on the way home from Mass that he was going to be a singing priest, but first he’s going to be an altar server who carries the cross. Since this declaration he practices being an altar server for hours on end-I’ve stopped it at him wanting to practice “washing priest hands” (lavabo) but maybe I need to just let him stay in love with all things about church regardless of the mess. Maybe it will be his calling
Play Gregorian Chant at home and pray the Divine Office. That’ll be a lot of singing. As St. Agustin said, “Singing is twice the praying.”
Don’t stop him. It’s a rare and special thing when a young boy shows that kind of love for the Holy Mass. At my home parish, the youngest altar servers are *five* years old. Pray to St. Tarcisius (patron saint of altar servers).
Let him do whatever he likes, as long as it glorifies God
Hi. I would like to add a couple of things. Yes, WE are all called by God, who made us. It is our job as parents to nurture and cultivate this seed. First, catechism at home because we are the primary teachers. That includes the mass and devotions. We must be the examples for them. Frequenting the sacraments. They must see us in the confession lines now. When this boy is receiving the sacraments, he can still see that you are also. Beginning with his classes for First Holy Communion, you must start to tell him the story of God's love: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) Help him come to encounter and accept this truth: Jesus is MY Savior. Let him learn and fall in love with this Savior. Then, he will follow Him whether as a priest or as a good lay person, single or married. That is our responsibility as parents. God decides if he's a priest or lay. We don't. We can pray and offer him up. Ultimately, it's up to God. The life of service of a priest is like the journey to Calvary. There's some suffering but the reward is GREAT. Our lives go through many ups and downs too. But, it's life in God. May the Good God bless you all.
Vaguely related: My aunt (RIP) used to serve communion to all her friends in her neighborhood, including the Jewish ones!
I feel real sadness for all the students who will not have you as a priest/friend/example in their lives.
We need more Latin Masses! These parishes are growing and are producing vocations. The numbers don't lie
@November Sky Exactly
I've definitely seen what you're talking about Fr. Casey. While both parishes I attend (at home and at college) have always had a priest, there's just the feeling that the Church feels weaker. For me, I've definitely had the priesthood idea bouncing around the back of my head, but I honestly think, even with a decrease in vocations, that no order or seminary would take me in. For one, I have enough trouble trying to live out my own life according to the Church, I can't even imagine being a priest in charge of a whole parish of people. And another thing, something tells me a same-sex attracted (but striving for a celibate life) man won't be received warmly by the Church. If any of the comments I've gotten over the last few months are any indication, I'd be run out of town.
Honestly, as the sole practicing catholic in a lapsed catholic family, I can tell you the church has lost her people bc of the corruption of the hierarchy, and the bare minimum approach it seems to have to solving things like the abuse crisis. With those horrors hanging overhead, I'm honestly not surprised the Church is bleeding priests and laity. Until there are concrete solutions and real, tangible consequences for *everyone* involved in the crisis, this is gonna continue. Even then, people might consider the Church too far gone and head off to another denomination. I honestly feel bad some days asking for a ride to Church, bc I know my parents have been hurt by the institution that I'm now a part of. How do people "come back" when the abuse is all they can think of? I don't really know where I'm going with this comment, but I just had to get my thoughts out there, because Lord knows I can't speak my mind about the Church at home
We will be praying for you and your mission.
You will all be in my prayers brother. While I am a Franciscan Friar in the Episcopal Church, you are still my brother. Wishing you the best and praying that God's will be done for you and all our brothers.
In particular, I'm disheartened by the massive reduction of monks and the closing of monasteries. Very very sad.
Dark Truth - YES! We desperately need their prayers! Theirs is an invisible demise because of their hidden life, but we must also pray for an increase in vocations to monastic life.
Praying that the news isn't too bad....
It's really bad in Belgium as well. I'm almost 26 and have never met a priest who was younger than 50. I'm really afraid of what the future will bring in a couple of years or in the best case, a couple of decades.
me too i am afraid 💔
Fr. Casey, your words are so encouraging. Keep up the good work! Will continue to pray for you🙏🏻
So who is going to take over the ministry for the Catholic students at the university? The students still need a priest to celebrate masses and look after their spiritual needs
I'm a former Seminarian from Texas. The crisis you are presenting here goes beyond the shortage of priests. It has to do with the priest's own pride and greed. Priests that I have met have shown a sense of entitlement and that turns people away from the Church. I've worked with priests who did not want to hold confessions except for one day during Lent because it took a day away from their gym routine. One priest asked the Bishop to close down a Hispanic parish because the Mass Schedule conflicted with the airing of Game of Thrones. Others stomped out the Charismatic events the parish was known for because it conflicted with their personal schedule. It isn't about Men who don't want to take up the call because of celibacy or the other reasons your presented. Current priests need to understand that they are here to serve the community they have been entrusted with and they need to understand that their personal schedules do not come before the needs of the parish. They cannot cut Mass down to 30 mins because they want to spend Sunday evening at the gym or fishing. I don't know if you'll read this but I felt that I had to say this because 1st, your video does not accurately portray the crisis the church is facing and 2nd priests have always blamed the faithful for not answering the call to Priesthood when they are the repellent that has hurt the Church so much. I hope that in your talks you address this issue. Please do not say that the crisis is caused by Catholic Men who are too afraid to answer a Call to Vocation.
Sorry to hear this. Will remember you in my prayers. As you've said earlier, we hold on to Christ who's in control. God be with you, Fr.
I am praying that my future son will be a priest. I know I can't force it, but I already promise it to God. Thy will be done. Let's pray for our priests.
Huhuhu, I'm willing to let him go. If he is called for priesthood, I will 100% support it. God bless his heart
You can't promise to God someone else, man. Don't make promises you can't keep, specially not to God.
"People need to be more active in answering their baptismal call, taking up the mission of being priests, prophets and King for the kingdom." 🔥🔥🔥 I think we also need good and holy vocations all around. More authentic religious? More people to support us in powerful prayer. More holy married couples? More families striving to live like the Holy Family. Holy priests? Someone to stir the Church to fire. We need saints, and let it start with us!
Pray the Holy Rosary everyday. Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, wear the Brown scapula, and do penance, penance and more penance. Viva Cristo Rey!
Everything starts with a Holy Family, because that means parents will focus more on their children being nun, frail, priest. And is when you start seeing the problems such as focusing more on a career, the rise of unholy unions, the destruction of the father figure, couples wanting pets instead of children, etc...
The end result of living in a morally an spiritually bankrupt society, and sadly the rotten apples who were in the priesthood for years, now parishioners by the groves have left the church
We need strong Catholics. For too long we have not catechized our young appropriately and our faith and commitment to our Church have suffered. All Catholics must learn, live, teach, and defend our faith. God bless, protect, and strengthen our priests!
In my town, the Catholic diocese is listening to a consultant with only a spreadsheet to cull and merge congregations, with no regards to who is the most vital. It is angering some.
The situation in this part of Indiana favors one priest and demographic over others. There are those who won’t be able to get to Mass due to transportation issues or language barrier.
The Archdiocese of Chicago is doing the same and people are not happy. Parishes that raised the money and have tons of parishioners are suddenly closing. There is no rhyme or reason to why certain churches will remain open while others are closing. The merging of parishes is very painful to all.
rosethewriter3 It’s terrible how those who should be listening the hardest are not even hearing in the least.
@@AlwaysCheckmateNeverStalemate My former church was closed..still upset about it.
I'm sorry, Fr. Casey. :( Your dedication to this vocation seems to come with the challenge and mortification of ministering to a church in the U.S. which is fighting such deep spiritual poverty.
Your points are completely right. We need more creative solutions to this problem, but also we need more people to answer the call.
We don't need more creative solutions, we have everything we need now. Its called TLM, the Holy Rosary, Adoration.
@@joehaaf1913 Prayer and Liturgy are the constants in Church history. They keep us stable. But Church history also shows that with each generation's new issues we always need new saints, missionaries, and monastics to respond in new ways. This isn't my opinion. This is Church history.
Please please pray for me as I discern and try to grow in my faith and love for Christ.
I truly see how the damage of the sex abuse crisis has turned so many away from the true church. Please pray for our church 🙏✝️
Well, after doing what all I could in a church for 3 years, it suddenly came to an end and I've been from place to place staying no longer than 1 year ever since not finding any way to a vocation so I'm to try something a bit different hoping it will come through.
Our friars (OFM Conv) just did a little obedience, too. It has been heartbreaking, but hopefully a wake-up call to pray for vocations. I am switching over to the other video now, but may God bless those who mourn.
You are one of the powerful instruments of God to bring back His flock that had gone astray.Your talks are very encouraging for the Catholic population. God bless you father..
We just had a son we hope he grows up to love the Church and wants to be a priests.
Very sad, I can only how difficult, take heart Fr. It will work out well. Pray with me for my son Fidelis, he says he wants to be a priest and has been at saying the same for a long time
I want to be a professional ballet dancer, but I've thought about becoming a priest. If only I could be a ballet priest. Maybe I should become a permanent deacon when I'm old enough.
St Pascal dance his way through Church.... 😏
Hi Noah. I believe you should really discern your calling to become a priest. By that, I mean serious prayer asking the Holy Spirit to shed light on it. You may be asked to give up dancing. Some have given up a career as a robotics engineer (Masters degree), PhD in engineering, singing or acting career. They do it to follow the Lord 100%. Let's say that you mentally choose to enter the seminary. Sit on that decision for a few months. Pay attention to your heart and mind. Do you find yourself at peace and filled with joy in your heart? If so, you may just have a religious vocation. If not, continue with your life seeking your place in the church. You still have the "duty" to share your faith with others. The apostles gave up their wife, kids and family to follow Jesus around. I hope this helps.
It's tough losing your priest. 2 years ago the military diocese eliminated our only priest spot at our base chapel. We spent 8 months, Sunday to Sunday, not knowing if we were able to get a visiting priest in to serve Mass. Some Sundays we didn't, and had to look for another church that we could attend to meet our Sunday obligation. It was scary, frustrating, caused much confusion and panic. Last year, the mil archdiocese agreed to bring in a contract priest. It was the best thing that could have happened to our parish! I suggest every one go to the USCCB.org website, and look up prayers for priestly vocations. Best place to start is to pray for more priests!
Wow, maybe the good news is going to change the mood this video just brought. I start seminary formation in February, please pray for me and for more to say yes to God's call.
I’m a secular Franciscan and this hurts my heart so much 😔😔 praying for vocations and for more holy men to join the Church. Hope to meet you on your preaching tour
You left me on a cliff hanger!
God bless you and your ministry
Sad to hear that, we lost our Franciscan Priest at St Francis here in Raleigh NC.
It's 5am in Indonesia, and i got a badnews from this channel. Yup, let's pray he doesn't leave me or this channel :))
My son is a seminarian. His Summer assignment is at St Joseph’s in Athens. God Bless you and all the men serving and willing to be Christ’s messenger.
I wanted to be a priest but entering the seminary is much more expensive than in college. Maybe thats another reason why priesthood is declining.
How about entering a religious order like the franciscans? I believe to enter most orderd Is free, unless you leave before ordination.
There is a program that will pay your undergrad debt so you can enter the seminary. I don't know the name, but you could probably find it with some investigation.
Maybe for a diocesan Seminary but I don’t believe that to be true with a religious order
I have been working hard to build up people for Christ despite the Church’s disinterest in me. You have my prayers. Please pray for me as I try to make a difference in ways that God leads me.
Abandoning a campus ministry says that your order has made a decision to self-hospice.
Our Friars are leaving St. Francis of Assisi in Raleigh NC as well, very sad but moving strong men of God to areas that need more help will hopefully help the Church.
"O Jesus, I pray for more faithful and fervent priests; for your unfaithful and tepid priests; for your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for your tempted priests; for your lonely and desolate priests; for your young priests; for your dying priests; for the souls of your priests in Purgatory. But above all, I recommend to you the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way" (especially Fr. Casey). "O Jesus, keep them all close to Your Heart and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen." - Daily Prayer for Priests, St. Thérèse of Lisieux 🙏
I became a professed Secular Franciscan (OFS) in 2016 at the age of 69. Late in life, but God called me (and I finally shut up and listened ) for a reason. My fraternity is growing, and the new members are much younger. My hope is that the First and Third Orders Regular that are bonded to us by the altius moderamen will include the OFS in their plans. My brother and sister Seculars are faithful, eager to follow the Gospel, energetic (whatever our age), active in evangelizing, and serious about the Rule that the Church has given us. Please pass this along to your brothers. Please allow us to help as the true members of the Franciscan family the Rule says we are. - Bill, OFS
“Are you stupid?” LOL Someone needs to confess!
Sorry to hear that Fr. Casey, but still will pray for you and all the friars in the world! Am gladly to share that i got the letter that i passed the entrance exam in a Franciscan Seminary. Thank You for being my other inspiration in taking the path of Jesus and St Francis. God bless us all❤️
I´m surely going to watch the good-news one first. Makes it easier to swallow bad news.... whatever it´s going to be. Praying for you and your ministry! You are very much loved Father Casey!
But it won´t be until tomorrow for us here on the other side of the ocean., 11pm is too late for me .... ;-) Dominus tecum!
Its better to swallow the bitter first so you can pass its taste after with the nice flavor.
My prayers are with you. Bless you all for your service!
Praying to the Holy Spirit touch to everyone of us and guide us into the light of God. Pray to God with His Mercy for the world that we are living with. Amen.
Fr. Casey I surely hope that you will be able to continue your ministry through your videos. They reach so many even if you are unable to be present in person. Thank you so much for all you do for our church and our Lord. Blessings.
Traditional Orders are growing at an alarming rate. Maybe we need to look at them more.
Not alarming enough though. If you are serious about plugging the hole traditional liturgies have their part but dropping impediments to clerical marriage would also help.
Also while at it your New Monastic orders can teach how to integrate clerical marriage in a way that doesn't fray the fabric of the Church.
Eastern Orthodox have all priests whether monks or married attend Seminary together with the families of the married ones. That will help the clergy wives adjust readily to religious life. They could even wear the habit for effect.
And whether married or monk don't send them out in groups of less than 13. Let them work and be self-supporting.
Then you will find people better drawn to their lives.
Nii Ayi Croffie
Celibacy always!
@@reggiestickleback7794 I think there is a double conspiracy-old bishops and priests who are angry they never got the chance. And guys who are not sure if they can stand competition from priests for girls to marry. I am not even counting those claiming it will cost the Church. Ah well not my problem. Watch as sweep past you.
Brother Casey - You have a gift and it shows! I'm sorry to hear of your 'bad news' however as you yourself said, another door will open. I'm an Evangelical Pastor and have been serving in some large churches for almost 20 years. Recently, we've started a new ministry and we love what we get to do. I have many good Catholic friends and our local community has a wonderful clergy fellowship including our local Catholic church. Remember that our first love is Jesus and He is the one that provides the opportunity to serve, to love, to preach and teach. I grew up Roman Catholic and I am thankful of that early exposure to Christ and the Word of God. Continue to pray and to seek God....He'll open the doors, give you the opportunities to minister as the Holy Spirit continues to minister to you. Your adventure has only just begun! Peace!
From 1870-1990 we had the Franciscan Fathers and Sisters here in the UP of Michigan - those wonderful persons really put down some good vocational groundwork for us kids and I think were very instrumental in my vocation as well.
These decisions are above my paygrade, but I think from a strategic sense we should make sure we focus on catechizing young men. We need more priests!
and we need more christians too 🙏
i am so sorry about this news. That is really tough. I am sure that the good work done by the Friars in these areas will continue because of the strong foundations you laid down in these communities. You may even see these ministries return in the future.
I hope this won't be a reason to enforce the proposal of the Amazon Synod. Hmm. Be strong Fr! Even Jesus started out with just 12!
Hi from Puerto Rico, there are less priests here also. Many of our local priests today are either old, or foreign priests.
I'm so sorry Father you and your brothers are in my daily prayers. 🙏🙏🙏
Fr. Casey, I have always wanted to be a priest. I answered the call in between 1982 and 1984. However, I never made it past being a postulant. If the holy mother Church were to allow a man of my age to become a priest I would give everything up and answer the call once more. However, being that I am too old now (58-years-old) all I can do is pray for and encourage others to see a vocation in the Church. it is not only a beautiful calling and gift, it is also a privilege, the opportunity to know, love, and serve God through His Church. God Bless and keep the videos coming.
Do the Friars offer the Latin Mass or the Novus Order?
Novus Ordo
Oh dear, my prayers for more priests. That is hard. 😢 God will redeem this. It is not easy. Holy Spirit is going to work. My prayers are with you. When I pray the office, I pray for more priests.
Luke 18:8
"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?"
I belong to a parish served by Dominican friars and they have so many vocations that they have to turn some away. I pray this is the beginning of a new trend👏
According to my confessor, young people will be more and more attracted by radical choices. I think of some enclosed religious orders in my region (e.g. mother Canopi's order). Ok. We can't make a comparison with the last century, but compared to other vocations, they buck the trend, especially if we take into consideration the fact that fewer and fewer young people attend the Church.
Hi brother Casey. I want to preface this with saying that you have been a pivotal player in my own conversion to the Church. Your mild yet helpful and enlightened message led me to think and truly believe that the church is a place for the rational. Thank you for that.
That being said, do you think, perhaps, the reason why the Church is dwindling in the US and Europe might have to do with liberal Catholicism? A Catholicism hostile to its own doctrine? A watered down faith? A fear of tradition? Same with the Friars Minor? My experience of Franciscans has been of massive anti-traditionalism and questionable doctrinal stances. (I almost converted at St Francis in NYC. Needless to say I didn't) and I have realized that that might explain the expansion of such breakaway groups as the very reverent Friars of the Renewal. I wonder if turning St. Francis into some caricature of "mercy" leads people to not want to join that order.
Asking sincerely and not antagonistically.
God bless you Father!
Corey Browning
Yes. We really need to ask this
Please pray for me, tomorrow I will attend seminary selection. I need your prayers so I can get accepted.
don't tell me he is ending the channel
Fr. you are a great priest. When I was a child - a thousand years ago-we had at least 4 priests per parish. Now three parishes share one priest. God is preparing us for something. I don't know but it's coming and soon.
aww this is so sad :(
we have to pray so that more people accept the vocations God gave them
I am started to follow u a few days ago. I am protestant raised; lived 15 years in muslim and 8 years in buddhist countries. I consider myself as a believer in God almighty; just not about the label people stick on you.... but open for advice and information all around.... and just wanted to tel you; that you inspire and motivate people without judgement... I am really thankful to follow you, and listen and watch ur postings. Thank you so much
Maybe if the Church quit slamming the door in the face of people who want to serve simply because they are not perfect physically, then maybe the trend would reverse. The church has become superficial in a lot of ways and is reaping what it has sewn. I'm really sorry to see you lose your wonderful post, but the ones in charge are doing a lot of damage right now. The Church will survive, but we will be dealing with the wounds long after you and I are serving time in Purgatory.
I'm curious- do you mean that people with disabilities are barred from being priests, taking holy orders, or otherwise serving? If so, that's a shame. People with disabilities can still have lots to offer, and their perspectives could be quite valuable.
What do you mean not perfect physically?
People with disabilities are typically discouraged from taking Holy Orders. When I looked into it myself, I was told by a vocations advisor that my bumb leg would be a major hold back. I've also read from major sources for the seminary that they are looking for men who are physically fit as one of the requirements of joining seminary.
@@realBaronFletcher I didn't know this Russell. It absolutely breaks my heart.
Because EVERYONE has flaws.
Not all are visible to the eye.
Bless you for offering yourself to serve.
I'm sure Christ Himself would have admitted you. TOO SAD that so much of the WORLD has infultrated the Church.
What do you want to bet that its all about the cost of health insurance?
So much of the Church is run like big business.
@@harmonygordon6901 I'm thinking a lot of it has to do with health insurance. I think some it has to do with what is pleasing to the eye of the parishioners. I hate to put it that way, but it seems to be that way. It is sad in a lot of ways. I try not to dwell on it though. The situation is out of my hands and out of my control. I will not be the one answering to the Almighty about a disrespectful policy of the Church.
I know how you feel, having seen the same thing in Europe, and especially in my country in France. So I share your pain but I've seen good coming out it as well. Take courage and keep faith!
Your dominican brother.
Quality over quantity.
The Church started with about 12 members...
Dovar and the population of the world was a tiny fraction of what it is now
Praying for more vocations to the priesthood from North and South America and Western Europe and Australia.
When you see the writing on the wall, sometimes you need to tear the wall down.
Fr Casey, I remember when the Franciscans were pulled from our parish (St Mary's in Madison, IL ) . It was a sad day. We now share a Priest with 2 other churches, make an appointment to have our confession heard, and we have no Saturday Mass and only one on Sunday. A church that was once steeped in Catholic and Polish tradition cannot even have a midnight Mass. It is so very disheartening to me and I am only 53 yrs old.
The Vatican will perhaps use this as an opportunity to let a select group of priests get married.
mary albrecht if celibacy is what is keeping a man from the priesthood, then he shouldn’t be a priest. In addition, married priests will put an unnecessary burden on an already financially strapped church.
Protestant pastors can get married but that doesn't make different they are declining too
I wonder if it's the same with Orthodoxy and the Eastern Catholics.