Here is a pic of how it sits on the board: I put the wah on with the feet over-hanging with a a little dual lock on the underside, but it's also fine off the board if I want to add another pedal like my Mooer phaser. It won't fit in the carry case, but I don't use that anyway because I don't like it. I have a backpack to put the board and the amp in.
Does it fit a Cry Baby?
Here is a pic of how it sits on the board:
I put the wah on with the feet over-hanging with a a little dual lock on the underside, but it's also fine off the board if I want to add another pedal like my Mooer phaser.
It won't fit in the carry case, but I don't use that anyway because I don't like it. I have a backpack to put the board and the amp in.
Since it doesn't fits entirely, I think I gonna get a Pedaltrain Nano...
They do the nano+ too, which is 18" wide (4" wider than the original nano).
Yes, I know that!
Thanks for information!