DeVon Franklin Tells Oprah About The Sabbath

  • Опубликовано: 3 июл 2012
  • DeVon Franklin tells Oprah about the Bible Sabbath and how it is Saturday and not Sunday.
    Amazing testimony!

Комментарии • 141

  • @Celloivy
    @Celloivy 12 лет назад +1

    Moments like this make me feel blessed to have the Sabbath to worship, and know that in fact, the Sabbath is on Saturday... The name of the Lord will be blessed. Amen!

  • @gotdropkicked
    @gotdropkicked 12 лет назад

    PRAISE GOD.... let the whole world see this. Please spread this

  • @quentinwatkins373
    @quentinwatkins373 11 лет назад


  • @FelipeSoaresPraiseboi
    @FelipeSoaresPraiseboi 11 лет назад

    Amen! God Bless you Mr. franklin!!!! God opens doors to those who follow his commandments down to the very period! If you think that hiding or disobeying the sabbath is justifiable just so you can make a few bucks, God will not bless you. He is waiting for a chance to shower you with His love and gifts, but you must remember his Word and his teachings. Jesus said " if you LOVE me, you will KEEP my commandments" John 14:15

  • @joheakprays
    @joheakprays 12 лет назад

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @VonGamingChronicles
    @VonGamingChronicles 12 лет назад

    I hope we all understand he was talking about work related. I am glad he spoke on it cause it shined light on Sabbath keeping. Sunday worship is big and people need to know Sabbath truth!

  • @fleminsy
    @fleminsy 12 лет назад

    Thank God for over 50 years of Sabbath rest! The Sabbath (Gen 2:2, 3) Reminds me that I am a finite being made and sustained by an infinite God. If God rested on it, blessed it, and sanctified it must be best for me. I love doing good, as Christ illustrated in His Sabbath observance (Matthew 12:8-14; Luke 13:10-17; 14:1-6; John 9:1-38). Be Blessed

  • @PlantiPal
    @PlantiPal 12 лет назад

    God is great.

  • @nyandorootc
    @nyandorootc 12 лет назад

    Wow I am truly amazed.
    Its truly amazing for someone to stand for what they believe by it others learn so much. Imagine, now he did what few have done, taught Ophrah something (when the Sabbath is). Wow!

  • @obvioustruths
    @obvioustruths 12 лет назад

    DeVon is to be commended. Let's pray YaH bless and keep him and that Meagan be a helpmeet and not a distraction. Remember Balaam's advice to Balak. Now is the time to stay committed to proper Sabbath-keeping. YaH is coming for a people without spot or wrinkle - cleansed by the blood of the Lamb to faithful obedience

  • @ivanfmg
    @ivanfmg 12 лет назад

    This is so true...most Christians are so wrong because they don't want to study the Bible and find out what Jesus really want from us. It's so easier to say I dont want to keep Sabbaths because the Bible seems to say so. But we eagerly ignore the true meaning of every word written in it. When you see the difference between weekly Sabath and the other sabbaths, you'll find a real treasure and the true meaning of the words of Jesus.

  • @clarkewi
    @clarkewi 11 лет назад

    That is correct Brother!

  • @2009mbk
    @2009mbk 12 лет назад

    I bet he isn't the only one in "Hollywood" that is Seventh-Day Adventist, but he is bold enough to speak on it without fear. I have friends that is Seventh-Day Adventist, that works on Friday evening and Saturdays like its not important. I am a proud Seventh-Day Adventist, I have turned down a lot of positions so my faith isn't compromised.

  • @ShadeNaturals
    @ShadeNaturals 12 лет назад

    "The Door that God opens for you will fit your faith" Devon Franklin... My question... Then why compromise? God's biddings are His enablings. If it is from God, then you will not have to break His heart to have it, to do it, to experience it. He will make it work for you and it will always glorify Him, IF it is from Him and for YOU.

  • @floramwright2
    @floramwright2 12 лет назад

    You are absolutely correct,and Please except my sincere apologies! Although it does not excuse my choice of words nor the way I used them, I will pause and think before I type... Thank You again!!

  • @wizpro
    @wizpro 12 лет назад


  • @LeyShaneyOfficial
    @LeyShaneyOfficial 12 лет назад


  • @ChangeUrFocus
    @ChangeUrFocus 12 лет назад

    I sent you a PM. Glad to know you are reading the book!!

  • @PRoberson1898
    @PRoberson1898 11 лет назад

    Well said @ Tiago Daniel Ferreira

  • @AdrianPadarath
    @AdrianPadarath 12 лет назад

    Col. 2:16-17, "Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day- 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ."

  • @Wardog021
    @Wardog021 12 лет назад

    Yes they do, they need to know the truth desperately!

  • @tommerilatt5355
    @tommerilatt5355 12 лет назад

    I believe the important thing is to set aside a day for the Lord, whether that is a Saturday or a Sunday. If we say it has to be a Saturday then we are like like Pharises and look at the letter of the law instead of the intent of the law. So whatever day you choose just choose a day and give it to the Lord.

  • @Tiamora1
    @Tiamora1 11 лет назад

    I am happy that so many are being to actually see that the Sabbath begins Friday at sunset and ends sunset Saturday. I don't know how many people including myself went for years reading the same things over and over again, then added to that by saying the father never changes, and later sees that the savior said he did not come to change the law, yet somehow we squeeze that into meaning these things belong to the Jews...wake up people!

  • @clarkewi
    @clarkewi 11 лет назад

    Yes. Jesus kept the Sabbath even in resurrection.

  • @111176991
    @111176991 12 лет назад

    whatever was the day He rose, it still doesn't mean the sunday should be the day to keep.
    “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
    For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."
    (Matthew 5:17-18)

  • @LiquidMa
    @LiquidMa 8 лет назад


  • @markpeugh1215
    @markpeugh1215 12 лет назад

    In relation to the Letter of The Law and The Spirit of The Law. The Letter of The Law is keeping The Law by your own works in order to gain salvation. This is what kills. But The Spirit of The Law Gives life. This is keeping The Law through the indwelling of God inside the heart. God takes over the life and the person lives out the very life of God. .

  • @joicesiagian
    @joicesiagian 12 лет назад

    Wooow...I am amazed with Oprah's reaction...Are you kiddin' me, Devon?? Wooow...

  • @fiyaburnz
    @fiyaburnz 11 лет назад

    that's right

  • @trifel45
    @trifel45 12 лет назад

    What's interesting is that on the OWN youtube channel, they don't include this as part of his interview.

  • @insertnamehere9999
    @insertnamehere9999 12 лет назад

    Don't forget that, in the Bible, a day is the sum of "night+day", so Saturday after sundown is in fact Sunday. That's why the biblical Sabbath is from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

  • @atamotua64
    @atamotua64 12 лет назад

    awesome interview... and im surprised at Oprah's responses...

  • @happy04346
    @happy04346 12 лет назад

    For those of us who knows Wintley Phepps, who is an SDA pastor knows Opray when she was at the lowest part of her life. Wintley counciled her as a pastor, so I believe she knew to some extent what the Sabbath was all about... Still this is good medicine for those who don't understand.

  • @ChangeUrFocus
    @ChangeUrFocus 12 лет назад

    I wish it were just one, but even one bit of error makes truth cease to be so.

  • @jvfllr197
    @jvfllr197 12 лет назад

    My friend Tom , God want us to obey Him . If God Told us to rest on the seventh day which is saturday , we should follow it cause he chose that day , rested , blessed and sanctified it.... If we want to worship Jesus and meet jesus we should Go to church every saturday not sunday or friday .Exodus 20 : 8

  • @malditamacel83
    @malditamacel83 12 лет назад

    Hi everyone just read in the Bible Genesis 2:2

  • @happy04346
    @happy04346 12 лет назад

    if you listen closely he was refering to e-mails from those at work... not family members

  • @wagtec
    @wagtec 11 лет назад

    Sabbath ends at sundown Saturday, so, the morning period of the first day starts on Saturday after sundown. I have been born into a true Sabbath keeping since birth. I'm glad you believe in observing the true Sabbath and not the fake one created by men's tradition.

  • @dslapster64
    @dslapster64 12 лет назад

    Most will admit to the 10 commandments being the Christian standard . Yet there is only one command that begins with "Remember...." why? Because that is the one commandment man would choose to " forget ". Man changes, God never changes..."

  • @polishedbrother
    @polishedbrother 12 лет назад

    FROM MY PERSPECTIVE - A more pointed message The whole world disregards the 4th commandment because it disrupts there lives. The bible say, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. The lord in judgment will say, well done thou good and faithful servant or,go away from me,I never new you, which means I never knew you to obey me. I keep Gods ten commandments not to be saved(works) but 1. Because I love him, and 2. Because It is a result of love. We are saved by grace through faith ; But G

  • @VonGamingChronicles
    @VonGamingChronicles 12 лет назад

    People may listen and say " If I can't respond to a loved one on a email on Sabbath? Really!!!!?!!" See some people are to fanatical with Sabbath keeping!

  • @slimthephoenix
    @slimthephoenix 12 лет назад

    Thats what Im talkin bout!

  • @ceciledunkley6778
    @ceciledunkley6778 11 лет назад

    You all know when it is Christmas day but have a problem knowing when is the sabbath,my question is How can you rest before you work?

  • @Oone2023
    @Oone2023 11 лет назад

    provided the traditional assumption that messiah died on friday ("preparation day") and rose sunday (it says that Mary and the other woman ARRIVED on the 1st day, sunday), that doesn't equal 3 days AND 3 nights. another interpretation is he died on a wednesday 3pm and rose saturday evening. so that makes more sense. regardless, the command to keep sabbath applies, and 7th day is saturday.

  • @PillarsofBibleTruth777
    @PillarsofBibleTruth777  12 лет назад

    Tom, thank God is precise. He said the seventh day, not the first day. He blessed the seventh day and no other day, Christ kept the 7th day not the first, the 4th commandment says 7th day, rev 14:12 says the end time people of God will keep the commandment.
    you don't choose a day, God chose the day, and He says keep it holy, in order for you to keep it holy, it has to first be holy, and the only holy day is the seventh day sabbath, which is saturday, not sunday, which is Rome's day. thank you =)

  • @GodsImageReflector7
    @GodsImageReflector7 12 лет назад

    Read Leviticus 16 - - - yearly sabbath days, the feast days, were the shadows of things to come -- e.g. Passover pointed to Jesus' death, and the feast of firstfruits pointed to His resurrection, etc... The weekly Sabbath started from Eden - Genesis 3 - Exodus 20:8-11 - see Revelation 14:6-12. Forgetting the Sabbath includes forgetting the Creator it commemorates.

  • @ChangeUrFocus
    @ChangeUrFocus 12 лет назад

    It doesn't look harmful at first, but you will understand as you study further. I'll be honest, most Adventists despise the message because they have been taught to. But some Adventists, like me, despise the message because they have studied it out and discovered the falsehood, seen friends and loved ones drawn into falsehood by it, or seen how it has effectively replaced the urgent message that we are to be putting forth now and recognize the danger in the distraction at this time near the end

  • @wagtec
    @wagtec 11 лет назад

    If he rose after the Sabbath it could still be Saturday, because The Sabbathe ends after sundown Saturday. There is another study the proves that He rose on Sunday at daybreak.

  • @tokamoshesh
    @tokamoshesh 12 лет назад

    On Sabbath, keep your mind staid on God.. If checking work emails makes u think of work when u in church, then ur being distracted.. if u are calling or messaging or emailing family, in the proper spirit of fellowship and communion, then the Sabbath is supposed to be a convocation (gathering, or fellowship) anyway.. at the end of the day, don't use too many do's and don'ts because that's where your focus is gonna be.. but also don't deceive yourself and be too liberal when ur conscience bugs u..

  • @sheniquamj
    @sheniquamj 12 лет назад

    Praise God, somebody need to preach to oprah

  • @KevinPaterson
    @KevinPaterson 12 лет назад

    @joheakprays He's a producer at Paramount Studios

  • @GBthe1AndOnlyMuchLuv
    @GBthe1AndOnlyMuchLuv 11 лет назад

    Can you explain more on how Jesus kept the Sabbath (Shabbat or Shabbos in Hebrew language) even in death? :] ...I observe the Shabbat myself.

  • @polishedbrother
    @polishedbrother 12 лет назад

    TODAY, Sunday worship is not the mark of the beast, BUT when when our government implements and passes a SUNDAY law that imposes forced worship, (the abomination of deescalation the bible speaks of) THIS will divide our country into two category's of people.

  • @LizzyisAwesome4real
    @LizzyisAwesome4real 11 лет назад


  • @JazzSoulMetal
    @JazzSoulMetal 12 лет назад


  • @fiyaburnz
    @fiyaburnz 11 лет назад


  • @GodsImageReflector7
    @GodsImageReflector7 12 лет назад

    So if your friends want to remember your birth on any day except your actual birthday, and they choose to forget your actual birthday - that is perfectly fine. And if your spouse remembers your wedding day on any day except yout actual anniversary, and forgets the actual anniversary date - that is perfectly fine. God is specific, and people choose to forget what He specifically said to remember - Is that okay?

  • @macdonaldsfarm1946
    @macdonaldsfarm1946 12 лет назад

    He was talking about everything, not just work. He said no work, no cell phone, no texting etc. Not just work. The Sabbath, sundown Friday to sundown Saturday is the Sabbath given to us by our Father God. It has ALWAYS been that way and will always BE that way. Sunday was man trying to bring in the Pagans to worship with them. It is a man made day. Sunday is NOT Gods day of rest.

  • @PillarsofBibleTruth777
    @PillarsofBibleTruth777  12 лет назад

    no one is arguing that

  • @polishedbrother
    @polishedbrother 12 лет назад

    TODAY, Sunday worship is not the mark of the beast, BUT when when our government implements and passes a SUNDAY law that imposes forced worship, (the abomination of deescalation the bible speaks of) THIS will divide our country into two category's of people. Those that keep ALL 10 commandments, and those that keep the commandments of men.

  • @2011Awaken
    @2011Awaken 11 лет назад

    Even in death, Christ observed the Sabbath...

  • @fiyaburnz
    @fiyaburnz 11 лет назад

    the days go from sundown to sundown so sundown saturday is a new day, that would be sunday..the first day..

  • @VonGamingChronicles
    @VonGamingChronicles 12 лет назад

    I keep Sabbath, but I feel not checking emails doesn't mean Sabbath breaking unless it's work related! Some people can turn ppl away from truth by becoming fanatical! Not taking from what the brother said! Just saying don't put burdens on Sabbath!

  • @calisuka232
    @calisuka232 12 лет назад

    Read the book of Matthew, Luke & John then you will know why Friday sun down to Saturday sun down.

  • @Maschil
    @Maschil 12 лет назад

    The Bible does give more info than just not working. Isaiah 58:12-14, Neh 13:15-19 are some....

  • @Tiamora1
    @Tiamora1 11 лет назад +1

    I am sure no one will have a problem in correcting me about this if I am wrong BUT doesn't scripture say that Gentiles become (spiritual of course) Israelites once we believe on the savior? I may not be saying this exactly as you would say it but my point is that the instructions left in the bible is for all humanity....whosoever will let him/her come.

    • @delawarecop
      @delawarecop 6 лет назад

      We need to challenge all SDA teachers with this simple question....
      Please allow me to ask you a simple question according to 1Peter 3:15 (CSB) but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
      Lets say you are on a flight to do overseas mission work and the aircraft makes an attempt at an ocean landing and the aircraft is lost to the sea, but you manage to survive with your carry on luggage by clinging to some floating debris. Many days past whilst slipping in and out of consciousness, but you finally wash ashore on a deserted island unaware of what day it actually is. What a blessing it is to discover that your KJV Bible survives the journey with you in tact, along with your trusty Strongs Concordance. Now you suddenly realize that if you do not keep Gods appointed Sabbath Day Holy, then you grieve and lose the indwelling Holy Spirit and consequently are left with the mark of the beast.
      So using these two books, how do you determine which day to worship the Creator of the Universe - on the day that He appoints for us to worship, when you have absolutely no idea of what day or date it is in accordance with the roman pagan gregorian calendar?

  • @Lucasdbv2604
    @Lucasdbv2604 12 лет назад

    The word "sunday" is not mentioned on Bible. And the 10 Commandments (including the sabbath keeping) were written in stone tables, it means that the Law is everlasting, as well stones are everlasting, because the Lord is also eternal. Sunday keeping is a roman catholic instituition. God said we gotta keep the sabbath day many centuries ago, but God never change.

  • @SignorIndidoo
    @SignorIndidoo 11 лет назад

    It says Remember the Sabbath Day. Sabbath in spanish is Sabado or Saturday. Now you read the Bible.

  • @chew23
    @chew23 11 лет назад

    does exodus 20:10 mention SATURDAY?

  • @fiyaburnz
    @fiyaburnz 11 лет назад

    they keep shabbat in heaven.

  • @FelipeSoaresPraiseboi
    @FelipeSoaresPraiseboi 11 лет назад

    Yes Fiyaburnz
    Jesus did die for his people, but every single human on earth has the opportunity to join into the family of Israel if they accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and begin to follow his commandments. We are saved by Grace alone, but the commandments are the blueprint to keep us in track for salvation, even though our salvation is not dependent upon them.

  • @Pdaisy
    @Pdaisy 12 лет назад

    *sigh* It pains me how much emphasis we Sabbath keepers put on the observance of the day, and how our lives contrast the very essence of God's character. We believe that because we observe the Sabbath we are saved- no... Charity. We could do all these things yet have not charity; do not reflect God's character- we are as lost as we believe non Sabbath keepers to be..

  • @obvioustruths
    @obvioustruths 12 лет назад

    you bring up an interesting point - is the name of the Creator LORD? Ans: an emphatic No! See Ex 3:13-15. I AM THAT I AM (YHWH) is the name He told Moses to tell the children of Israel; it is His name forever. In point of fact, the title, lord, in Hebrew is ......... BAAL!!!! (See Hosea 2: 16-17) YaH is the name to be praised. Ps 68:4. But yes, Shabbat is a delightful gift from the Almighty and I look forward to the weekly rest as soon as Sunday arrives

  • @droberts9650
    @droberts9650 11 лет назад

    Christ rose at the end of Sabbath. To us that would have been Saturday after sundown. So that would have been to them at that time the 1st day. Midnight which marks our traditional timing for Sunday was not in effect. Times and laws have been changed. The Sabbath is a prime example of this.

  • @Pdaisy
    @Pdaisy 12 лет назад

    Ouch. And by condemning him have you not sinned? Which one of us has not sinned? Your lack of tolerance of another as demonstrated here in itself is sin; judging him as living in sin is sin; constantly bringing up such arguments of discord is sin. We are advised to be a light. Who are we to tell others what is right and wrong. We ourselves are under the same grace of God! We are no better than those who do not observe the 7th day Sabbath!

  • @chew23
    @chew23 11 лет назад

    Give me a single bible text that SATURDAY is the SABBATH?

  • @KevinPaterson
    @KevinPaterson 12 лет назад

    Does Facebook break the Sabbath?

  • @sora4440
    @sora4440 12 лет назад

    I wouldn't say that we should shove Sabbath keeping down the throats of people. But you should simply say go read the Bible. It clearly states that the 'seventh' day is the sabbath. And saturday is the seventh day of the week. And I mean in spanish the day saturday is 'sabado' so if thats not clarification I dont know what is...

  • @DigitalPraise7
    @DigitalPraise7 12 лет назад

    The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

  • @inbyhisgrace
    @inbyhisgrace 12 лет назад

    If you've indeed eaten from the tree of life, why do you people insist to still feed from the forbidden tree?

  • @catanaema
    @catanaema 12 лет назад

    matew 5:17 to 20 God dident come to brake the low...even the 4 comand on 10 comandments...sorry for my english mistakes

  • @ChangeUrFocus
    @ChangeUrFocus 12 лет назад

    I'm assuming that you did not fully comprehend what I was saying, based on your response. If you carefully read the question I was replying to, you'll see that your response is a bit overkill and entirely irrelevant to what the convo was about between myself & RMH.
    Just a tip, if you hope to influence those who do not embrace the Sabbath in a positive way where they will be open to it, your response could use some revamping. "Duuuuhhhh" isn't an effective way to get someone to listen to you.

  • @gundum1o1
    @gundum1o1 12 лет назад

    Exactly, TO ALL SUNDAY KEEPERS, no hate here but where in the bible does it say that the Sabbath day was determined by Jesus' resurrection? That is what your religion has told you, not the scriptures, what you rather believe, tradition? or what God himself wrote with his very finger on the stone-tablet? Think my friends, think!

  • @davidtobing3637
    @davidtobing3637 11 лет назад

    yes christ rose on a sunday and he burried on friday afternoon bcause all know saturday is time that christ always make it holly as the ten comand said in the bible you should remember to observe the sabbath as a holly day.
    if you dnt believe just see the history hw sabbath change, last time bcause people want to worship the son of Sun, as politics influenced to dominated and colonized the world its just politicsbut now world forget that the seventh day sabbath is saturday that we should adore.

  • @fiyaburnz
    @fiyaburnz 11 лет назад

    that's right.....i follow God not man i just wish more people would.

  • @joheakprays
    @joheakprays 12 лет назад

    Who is he? I am not familiar with him..

  • @grannysword
    @grannysword 11 лет назад

    The Sabbath is determined by God:s calendar...not man's calendar...God said in Genesis 1:14, let the lights in heaven be or signs, seasons, days and years....Study the connection ... God's calendar, man's calendar and The mark o the beast

  • @PillarsofBibleTruth777
    @PillarsofBibleTruth777  12 лет назад

    oh and i wanted to add, he expected us to keep the sabbath after his death, he even kept the sabbath in the tomb, he finished is work on the cross friday, rested in the tomb on sabbath, and rose on sunday to continue his work of redemption.
    daniel 7:25 clearly states the antichrist will change the law of God. and the antichrist, the catholic church has done so, they make the claim that they changed the sabbath from sabbath to sunday, go study ur bible and history books and u will see the truth

  • @irock1100
    @irock1100 12 лет назад

    Its always sketchy when an Adventist goes on a show like this because you're afraid that he will sugar coat it or mislead so that it is appealing to the audience... But I think he did an excellent job.

  • @insertnamehere9999
    @insertnamehere9999 12 лет назад

    So, Christ died Friday just before sunset, and was resurrected Sunday early morning... Isn't this wonderful? He even kept the Sabbath, and rested in the Tomb! How can anyone not see this? If the Sabbath (part of the 10 commandments) was erased, then it should be also Ok to kill, steal, etc... Because it doesn't make sense to delete one and keep the others...

  • @josuefunes7924
    @josuefunes7924 12 лет назад

    This is talking about someone who isn't your brother. Don't let some stranger judge you in regards to the sabbath.
    Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    Col 2:17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. (KJV)
    The Sabbath, the new moon, and the holy days like passover are shadows of things to come. Christ is where the shadow comes from. They have to do with him.

  • @deniseandread
    @deniseandread 12 лет назад

    hey christ rose on a sunday not saturday y'all wrong.

  • @RandomUser55235523
    @RandomUser55235523 11 лет назад +1

    and you are still wrong, he did rise on Saturday crucified on preparation day not friday

  • @JACKSON43500
    @JACKSON43500 11 лет назад

    If Jesus rose on Sunday why did he worship on Saturday?......

  • @prttyprincss
    @prttyprincss 12 лет назад

    Jesus didn't resurrect on the first day (Sunday), it was the seventh day (Saturday). The scripture says that in the Early Hours, both Marys came to the tomb (He was already gone because the Sabbath already passed). Either way, the seventh day is still the Sabbath, and will always be.

  • @mayaka70
    @mayaka70 11 лет назад

    So do we kill, steal, commit adultery? I think I know your answer. The only law people think about when they say to do away with the law is the Sabbath. By the way it is the Sunday worshipers who are fighting to keep the Ten Commandments in courts, school and other institutions. Not the SDA. Make up you minds. Paul's answer on as to whether because of grace the law should be done away with. is," God forbid." If Jesus did away with the law His disciples should have known it.Don't you think?

  • @PillarsofBibleTruth777
    @PillarsofBibleTruth777  12 лет назад

    Christ rose on Sunday morning
    go read your bible

  • @treyyorel
    @treyyorel 11 лет назад

    Oprah Winfrey knew Wintley Phipps way back in the day. Wintley Phipps is a Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, so how in the world could she say she knew nothing of the Sabbath observance? I don't understand....I doubt her truthfulness.

  • @saniya3011
    @saniya3011 11 лет назад

    2011 Awaken I agree, but Oprah's soul is lost, so let's pray for her salvation and knowledge of God and who He is. That she may be one to spread the good news of the gospel and stop misleading ppl.

  • @CouchKing13
    @CouchKing13 12 лет назад

    go read yours, the fourth commandment to be exact. the pope and constantine changed it to sunday and it says no where in the bible to worship on sunday.