mIchaela burton you're fearful because you're propagandized by liberals. Trump is the first half decent candidate since JFK. WTF did Obama do but constantly blame White people for racism, when it's really BlackonWhite crime that's going on every day.
mIchaela burton Obama further destroyed the US, latest crap was legalize gay marriage. That guy was the worst president in history, and that's hard to achieve already. He's stirring up hatred in blacks against whites. He's for banning the Confederate Flage, etc... this is all targeted at harming White people, but it will fail.
Tough-guy Trump is a true warrior! McCain is a wimpy pinko. McCain couldn't even dodge a little anti-aircraft fire over Vietnam. Tough-guy Trump dodged Vietnam *FIVE* times!
Bounsingonbongos1 democratic president already is guaranteed. It doesn't matter who in the 16-man clown car comes out on top. The democratic primary IS the election.
NessOnett8 Dream on. First, we'll have to convince Democrats to actually get off the couch and VOTE. Note the results last November. Second, how many butthurt Bernie Sanders supporters will find the excuse they want to sit on the couch and bitch, if Sanders doesn't win the nomination? Right-wingers are stupid, but not THAT stupid. They'll vote for the Republican candidate, whoever it is. There are no guarantees in politics. It takes people willing to actually DO something. I wouldn't count on the Democrats winning even if they were running unopposed.
Bill Garthright Well in 2 years you can tell me you told me so, but it's not gonna happen. Voter numbers are up among young people for the first time in 50 years. And rising. Republican party is dead. Period. And their replacement doesn't have enough power yet to stand a legitimate chance.
Bounsingonbongos1 I'm, or should I say was a democrat, but I'm voting for Trump. Everybody I know are democrat and they are voting for Trump. Democrats are now for open borders for illegals, gun control, gay marriage, jobs in China, taxes out the ass to fund Obama care. Fuck the democrats I'm voting for Trump. I like my assault rifles and I don't like being invaded by a bunch of criminals that speak Spanish.
The real profound message in this video, the actual crux of the matter, starts at 12:19. What Cenk says starting at that timestamp is what really matters.
He was done before he started. However, he is not aware of that so we are sure to have many more months of comedy and entertainment coming from his direction.
Chris Conway one thing I will say in favor of Trump though is that I think it's great how he's shaking up the republican party. As a liberal democrat his honesty is refreshing. A lot of my republican friends are thinking deeper into things and realizing they don't want to be the party of stupid any more.
Spencer Allen Sure, and that's a great quality most of the time but he takes it to far. To the point of Machiavellism. And he sinks ships. (Casinos etc) Declaring bankruptcy is not a good economic policy.
Spencer Allen depends.... you can be wrong and admit you were wrong, most would consider that admirable. But he refuses to accept that he made a mistake with his words, so he doubled down and went for it.
I don't know if we should blame Jeb Bush for what George Bush did. I wouldn't vote for him, but to be honest, he's one of the best candidates out of the Republican Party. I'd rather have him than Trump or Cruz. I want Bernie Sanders to win, but that's not happening.
***** Why can't Sanders win? Its months ahead of the election and Sanders is already pulling bigger crowds than Hillary or Trump even without having to buy audience members.
***** Sanders has a very real chance of winning. He is behind in the polls at the moment, but his polls are accelerating very fast. It's probably only a matter of a few months, if not weeks, before he overtakes Hillary. Same thing happened with Obama. As soon as the debates started and the media had no choice but to cover them, the polls surged.
Fuad Uddin MaxTheMaximumGamer If we were dealing with a rational opposing side with any sense of compassion or common sense, Sanders would win with no competition. But we're talking about the people who are actually REWARDING Donald Trump for being a disrespectful, immature embarrassment not only to his party, but to the whole country. Bernie Sanders is a socialist, meaning no conservative is going to vote for him, and unfortunately, you need at least a fraction of the conservative vote to win an election. Right now, the republican vote is split between all the different Republican candidates, so it's anybody's game. Hillary already had the vote from anyone who didn't want a Republican president, so she had the Democratic vote in the bag, which would have easily beat the fractured Republican votes. However, with Sanders in the picture, people are pulling toward him, which is good, because it means there are still sane people in this country, but is also bad because it risks us the election. I honestly just want the country to not get anymore fucked up before the baby boomers die out.
I would argue the same for Trump. I would say the GOP has a very miniscule chance of winning this election. Trump has caused huge schisms within the GOP, so there are a lot of Republicans who won't vote for him, and of course there is not an Independant or Democrat in the country that would vote for either him or Jeb Bush in their darkest nightmares. Hillary is ahead in the polls right now, but she is losing ground at an unsustainable rate. I think Sanders has a pretty good chance if he wins the democratic primary, because right now it looks like Trump will win the republican primary, and only the right extremists will vote for him. Even if some independants and middle-ground Reps are brainwashed on the subject of socialism, they would rather have a socialist than a complete psycho who you know for a fact is going to ruin this country.
MaxTheMaximumGamer I don't doubt Trump's going to lose the overall election, I just really doubt Sanders will win the primary. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
Having spent 3 years in Vietnam in the Mekong Delta on river patrol (think Apocalypse Now),including the TET offensive,I Agree with Mr. Trump. I don't see how being a POW makes you a hero.Look at some of the old news clips,and you will see that Trump is right. McCain was despised by a lot of vet's for his actions after capture.The real POW heroes were the one's who died for NOT TALKING to the enemy. My cousin Lee flew choppers for First Air Calvary (think We Were Soldiers),and was awarded two Bronze Stars for his Heroic actions,and I did not know about it until after his death.Lee was a True Hero.
Karl L that's why McCain blocked the release of 1000's of classified documents about POW's in Vietnam,because the truth of his real involvement as a POW would have been exposed,,that being McCain's talking to the enemy
TrueFriends HelpMoveBodies Latest ABC/Washington Post poll from *today* (ie after the McCain comments) has him polling at *twice* his next best competitor Scott Walker. If that's being stumped, you'd hate to see what being unstumped looks like
***** Have you seen that man's face? It is probably for the best. Seriously though they decided a few years ago that he is so odious that they aren't going to cover his desperate attempts to gain attention. Unfortunately you can't really ignore the person running 1st in the GOP primary so they have come up with a compromise.
Diego Y. Holtz yes because scandinavian countries are oh so bankrupt and everyone who lives there are unhappy...oh wait Norways the 4th richest country in the world and rates in the top 5 for people being happy with their lives. But please continue on how Democratic Socialism is so bad.
I'm English and have never been interested in the presidential race before but am obsessed about it this time, to me I feel fearful that if he gets the presidency it could be dangerous for us too. If any politician in my country said the things trump does it would be political suicide. He is poison.
Arlo Adrisi Because he's a shit head that gets mega tax breaks from Republican candidates. Also Fox is part owned by a Saudi prince too....I wonder how many of their viewers know that a Sharia advocate owns a good chunk of it.
+Chris Lucas fox viewers are too dumb to know that a Saudi prince part owns their beloved fake news freak show. I don't think he actually believes in sharia law though, the Saudi royal family are extremely immoral and use Islam as a costume to control the citizens of Saudi Arabia.
Arlo Adrisi They are great fans of sharia.... for everyone that wasn't born with billions in the bank, meanwhile they fly over to Dubai for a coke and sex binge.
Alana Jameson A long while back TYT put a ban on stories involving Trump. When he announced he was running, they revoked that, but they have an awful and idiotic joke going where they "don't show him" by censoring his face.
I've treated the prospect of certain presidents with apprehension. But never have I felt so much fear at the prospect of a Dump presidency. He's a despicable human.
how can the veterans I stand behind him on stage support him when they know he said what he said .....sp4 Southeast Asia 1970 ..1971..3courps..army...🇬🇧🇲🇽🇨🇦🇮🇪🇧🇷🇫🇷🇮🇱🇱🇷
Whenever some conservative whines that the North is just as racist as the South, tell them that you'll be overly fair and ignore segregation and all the transpired before. Just ask them if they think Bush's tactics in the 2000 South Carolina primary would work as well in the North. Anyways, it's great to see Trump surging as the Republican Party continues falling.
I see Mitt was taking a very different stance on Trump back in 2012. This year he was calling him all the failures under the sun. Trump also made an ass of himself as he gave Mitt a glowing endorsement in 2012, but is now calling him a stiff. They both change their minds like the weather.
Trump's dominating the conversation. He's got any number of personal issues and embarrassing past occurrences the other candidates could slander, but instead, they're letting him dictate the conversation, and he's making it about things the other candidates have done, that don't play all that well with the hyper-extreme *base* of the *primary voters*. It's turning into a 'will you vote for Trump, or some other guy' scenario. Trump's right. They ARE knuckle heads. The other Republican candidates won't get out of this mess without a coordinated smear campaign.
I can only imagine what our relationships with other countries would be if Trump became President. Lmfao. Trump is the type of guy that would call the Queen of England ugly af or mock the French President for being short. #WorldWar3 Here we come!
"Ailes tried to broker a truce with Trump on August 10, but it didn't last long. Ailes is now fed up with Trump's "disgraceful" behavior, according to a person close to Ailes."
Trump tells it like it is. When I think of war hero I think of a vet who saved his brothers from being killed somehow or a soldier who gunned down numerous enemies giving him that legendary name. Not to take anything away from McCain he deserves huge respect for fighting but wouldn't label him a war hero. I would label him a Valiant Veteran because of his courage as a POW.
I love how people still defend trump after saying that about vets but one thing I do know is that if Obama would have said that same line those same people defending trump would be bashing obama to the ground saying terrible things #RacistsOnlyAgreeWithRacists
Not really McCain's fault - he got his jet shot out from under him - served as a POW - then came home and eventually married a woman with a multi-muillion dollar beer distributorship!!!!! I should be so lucky!!!!!!!!
comments does not disqualify you, it's your actions and core values that bars your way. In all of us lies a wild side to leave the reservation of political correct. Donald Trump just shows how's it done and have fun with it. Outwardly someone might say no that is not right but in private among family and close friends, it's all they can talk about with smiles. To me the biggest news is how the far left is offended of the "all life is important" comment.
It's now April 19-16 & DT just won the New York state primary by a landslide of 60% & the clear front runner for the GOP nomination. Interestingly looking back now, Cenk had the foresight to predict DT might do well, but even he didn't expect it would be quite this well by now.
This shit is comedy gold. At first I was annoyed more than a bit by Trump's presence in the election... Now I can't wait to see what he's gonna stir up next. lol
No, the story told was that MCain was not tortured at all. And cooperated in Hanoi propaganda. And cooperated after being released in ignoring remaining POWs.
Are you talking about Songbird McCain? Are you talking about the Songbird McCain that made recordings on behalf of the North Vietnamese? Oh, it is Songbird McCain that stated via radio "I committed acts of crime against the Vietnamese people". So I understand that you want to defend the "war hero" Songbird McCain. No worries.
This might ruin trump a little bit because we all know how ultranationalist Americans can be and when you disrespect the 'MURICAN military that can destroy your reputation.
but McCain didn't go through torture at all... the vietcong knew he was a VIP. Also, didn't Trump say that the governments south of the border were sending all the convicts/gang members up? Like when Obama allowed so many to enter and gave them solace?
Why are you bluring Trumps face? You can't mistake his build and voice. You are speaking about him by name. Just who won't know it isn't Trump even though his face is blurred out?
I know from reading the comments on Faux News's Facebook page that Trump has those people eating up every word he says. They absolutely love and adore him.
David Hackworth said essentially the same thing, about McCain. Nobody had the stones to confront him, due to his record. So a discerning person can see that Trump is indeed correct, albeit somewhat crass.
just painfully saw the interview with Palin and he was speaking for the middle class. There is a huge middleclass that leans right. This is scary stuff. He just might win his primary.
I think it'll be close, but I don't think he'll make it to the primaries. I don't think we're at risk of him becoming president, not after this, at least.
I've never been this fearful for who's the next president of the united state before.
mIchaela burton I think Ted Cruz and Scott Walker are even scarier than Trump. Cruz probably has no shot. But Walker is ahead in Iowa.
mIchaela burton If Trump wins (which he won't,) I fear for all of North America.
mIchaela burton you're fearful because you're propagandized by liberals. Trump is the first half decent candidate since JFK. WTF did Obama do but constantly blame White people for racism, when it's really BlackonWhite crime that's going on every day.
Obama did a lot though. I do criticize him for a lot of things. But he has done good in his presidency
mIchaela burton
Obama further destroyed the US, latest crap was legalize gay marriage. That guy was the worst president in history, and that's hard to achieve already. He's stirring up hatred in blacks against whites. He's for banning the Confederate Flage, etc... this is all targeted at harming White people, but it will fail.
Tough-guy Trump is a true warrior! McCain is a wimpy pinko. McCain couldn't even dodge a little anti-aircraft fire over Vietnam. Tough-guy Trump dodged Vietnam *FIVE* times!
Arthur Ponzarelli Well played sir.
Arthur Ponzarelli LOL!!
Arthur Ponzarelli well he did get lots of practice from dodging collection agencies. :D
A vietnam con is going to tell the person who they going to bomb your next. What a dick you are.
Arthur Ponzarelli Gotta love your puns mate.
Muslims: You can't display Prophet Muhammad! TYT: You can't display Donald Trump!
Ian Lusky Do you really want to see that furry monster sitting on his head?
I still see that furry monster, but without a face to go with it, it could be anyone!
Ian Lusky Spoiler Alert: the furry monster is the actual face. The body underneath is the corpse of a conjoined twin moving purely on nerves.
Cynthric --> LOL! Great Point!
Profit Moo Ham Mad --> Who? The Muslims? By the by, your name is funny, original, and just plain awesome!
A "What about Bob?" reference! I'm impressed.
arizonatsunami That was the one soundboard bite he has used that I have enjoyed. God I love that movie. And it was fitting as hell.
arizonatsunami Your death therapy cured me!!
Sam Dangles Don't know what that is but glad I could help!
Stonemansteve II I'm mixed on it.
arizonatsunami It was a "What about Bob" quote D:
I hope Trump wins the Rep. Primary. It will guarantee a democrat president. Go Bernie!
Bounsingonbongos1 democratic president already is guaranteed. It doesn't matter who in the 16-man clown car comes out on top. The democratic primary IS the election.
Dream on. First, we'll have to convince Democrats to actually get off the couch and VOTE. Note the results last November.
Second, how many butthurt Bernie Sanders supporters will find the excuse they want to sit on the couch and bitch, if Sanders doesn't win the nomination? Right-wingers are stupid, but not THAT stupid. They'll vote for the Republican candidate, whoever it is.
There are no guarantees in politics. It takes people willing to actually DO something. I wouldn't count on the Democrats winning even if they were running unopposed.
Bill Garthright
Well in 2 years you can tell me you told me so, but it's not gonna happen. Voter numbers are up among young people for the first time in 50 years. And rising. Republican party is dead. Period. And their replacement doesn't have enough power yet to stand a legitimate chance.
Bounsingonbongos1 I'm, or should I say was a democrat, but I'm voting for Trump. Everybody I know are democrat and they are voting for Trump. Democrats are now for open borders for illegals, gun control, gay marriage, jobs in China, taxes out the ass to fund Obama care. Fuck the democrats I'm voting for Trump. I like my assault rifles and I don't like being invaded by a bunch of criminals that speak Spanish.
jimmy johnson trump never even served in the militry but punked out like a pansy. what makes you think he can protect your assault rifle?
This is probably the worst selection of republican candidates in history lol.
The real profound message in this video, the actual crux of the matter, starts at 12:19. What Cenk says starting at that timestamp is what really matters.
He was done before he started. However, he is not aware of that so we are sure to have many more months of comedy and entertainment coming from his direction.
Chris Conway one thing I will say in favor of Trump though is that I think it's great how he's shaking up the republican party. As a liberal democrat his honesty is refreshing. A lot of my republican friends are thinking deeper into things and realizing they don't want to be the party of stupid any more.
Chris Conway I really hope he doesn't drop out, he's comedy gold.
Btw...doesn't this show trump won't back down? And don't Americans like that? At least MOST?!?!?!?
Spencer Allen Sure, and that's a great quality most of the time but he takes it to far. To the point of Machiavellism. And he sinks ships. (Casinos etc) Declaring bankruptcy is not a good economic policy.
Spencer Allen depends.... you can be wrong and admit you were wrong, most would consider that admirable. But he refuses to accept that he made a mistake with his words, so he doubled down and went for it.
I don't know if we should blame Jeb Bush for what George Bush did. I wouldn't vote for him, but to be honest, he's one of the best candidates out of the Republican Party. I'd rather have him than Trump or Cruz. I want Bernie Sanders to win, but that's not happening.
***** Why can't Sanders win? Its months ahead of the election and Sanders is already pulling bigger crowds than Hillary or Trump even without having to buy audience members.
***** Sanders has a very real chance of winning. He is behind in the polls at the moment, but his polls are accelerating very fast. It's probably only a matter of a few months, if not weeks, before he overtakes Hillary. Same thing happened with Obama. As soon as the debates started and the media had no choice but to cover them, the polls surged.
Fuad Uddin MaxTheMaximumGamer If we were dealing with a rational opposing side with any sense of compassion or common sense, Sanders would win with no competition. But we're talking about the people who are actually REWARDING Donald Trump for being a disrespectful, immature embarrassment not only to his party, but to the whole country. Bernie Sanders is a socialist, meaning no conservative is going to vote for him, and unfortunately, you need at least a fraction of the conservative vote to win an election. Right now, the republican vote is split between all the different Republican candidates, so it's anybody's game. Hillary already had the vote from anyone who didn't want a Republican president, so she had the Democratic vote in the bag, which would have easily beat the fractured Republican votes. However, with Sanders in the picture, people are pulling toward him, which is good, because it means there are still sane people in this country, but is also bad because it risks us the election. I honestly just want the country to not get anymore fucked up before the baby boomers die out.
I would argue the same for Trump. I would say the GOP has a very miniscule chance of winning this election. Trump has caused huge schisms within the GOP, so there are a lot of Republicans who won't vote for him, and of course there is not an Independant or Democrat in the country that would vote for either him or Jeb Bush in their darkest nightmares. Hillary is ahead in the polls right now, but she is losing ground at an unsustainable rate. I think Sanders has a pretty good chance if he wins the democratic primary, because right now it looks like Trump will win the republican primary, and only the right extremists will vote for him. Even if some independants and middle-ground Reps are brainwashed on the subject of socialism, they would rather have a socialist than a complete psycho who you know for a fact is going to ruin this country.
MaxTheMaximumGamer I don't doubt Trump's going to lose the overall election, I just really doubt Sanders will win the primary. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
Having spent 3 years in Vietnam in the Mekong Delta on river patrol (think Apocalypse Now),including the TET offensive,I Agree with Mr. Trump.
I don't see how being a POW makes you a hero.Look at some of the old news clips,and you will see that Trump is right. McCain was despised by a lot of vet's for his actions after capture.The real POW heroes were the one's who died for NOT TALKING to the enemy.
My cousin Lee flew choppers for First Air Calvary (think We Were Soldiers),and was awarded two Bronze Stars for his Heroic actions,and I did not know about it until after his death.Lee was a True Hero.
Karl L that's why McCain blocked the release of 1000's of classified documents about POW's in Vietnam,because the truth of his real involvement as a POW would have been exposed,,that being McCain's talking to the enemy
The Trump cannot be stumped.
AgainstYourThought Trump is stumped 100% of the time.
AgainstYourThought His entire career is one big stump
TrueFriends HelpMoveBodies Latest ABC/Washington Post poll from *today* (ie after the McCain comments) has him polling at *twice* his next best competitor Scott Walker. If that's being stumped, you'd hate to see what being unstumped looks like
AgainstYourThought I meant stumped as in confused, not crippled.
TrueFriends HelpMoveBodies Trump is a chump..Trump is a piece of dumb...I like this game.
This is great reporting
Why do they blur trumps face?
***** So they don't have to show his hair........
***** Have you seen that man's face?
It is probably for the best.
Seriously though they decided a few years ago that he is so odious that they aren't going to cover his desperate attempts to gain attention. Unfortunately you can't really ignore the person running 1st in the GOP primary so they have come up with a compromise.
SIXITHS Where did you find this out? Just curious.
Mördarn Gudsson
Cenk mentioned it in a video around the time Trump announced this intentions to run for GOP candidate.
SIXITHS Ok thanks mate.
It's amazing to watch TYT how they WERE even 5 years ago, having fun, laughing etc compared with the utter miserable PoS they are today.
SANDERS 2016!!!
Brad Davies Hell yeah, I'm voting for Bernie
Hillary 2016
SAME!!! (that will vote for Sanders)
Diego Y. Holtz yes because scandinavian countries are oh so bankrupt and everyone who lives there are unhappy...oh wait Norways the 4th richest country in the world and rates in the top 5 for people being happy with their lives. But please continue on how Democratic Socialism is so bad.
Cenk's ability to predict political questions is impressive.
What About Bob? is one of my favorite movies. Nice touch Cenk.
I'm English and have never been interested in the presidential race before but am obsessed about it this time, to me I feel fearful that if he gets the presidency it could be dangerous for us too. If any politician in my country said the things trump does it would be political suicide. He is poison.
Isn't Rupert Murdoch Australian? Why is he always involving himself in American politics?
Arlo Adrisi He's been an American citizen for 30 years.
Oh, my bad. He is really annoying though.
Arlo Adrisi Because he's a shit head that gets mega tax breaks from Republican candidates. Also Fox is part owned by a Saudi prince too....I wonder how many of their viewers know that a Sharia advocate owns a good chunk of it.
+Chris Lucas fox viewers are too dumb to know that a Saudi prince part owns their beloved fake news freak show. I don't think he actually believes in sharia law though, the Saudi royal family are extremely immoral and use Islam as a costume to control the citizens of Saudi Arabia.
Arlo Adrisi They are great fans of sharia.... for everyone that wasn't born with billions in the bank, meanwhile they fly over to Dubai for a coke and sex binge.
New drinking game: watch this clip (5:20), and every time you hear the word 'endorse/endorsement' you have to take a shot. Drunk yet? :P
love seeing these videos now. Now that he's the GOP nominee lol.
Or that hes president :P
blink...and now he's the president....run for the hills..oh wait all the hills have been blasted away from fracking....
Trump is a job creator.... for the comedians and the Mexicans who are making the Donald Trump pinatas for people to bash. Respect that.
Can someone explain to me why Donald Trump's face is blurred out.
Cause he's a fucking idiot.
TYT dont like his ways plain and simple
RUclips doesn't allow graphic content in videos, of course.
Alana Jameson A long while back TYT put a ban on stories involving Trump. When he announced he was running, they revoked that, but they have an awful and idiotic joke going where they "don't show him" by censoring his face.
Goombatroop yup...dong dangler vid notwithstanding, im pretty sure you cant show dicks on yt
How is Trump a warmonger? What's happened to YTs?
I've treated the prospect of certain presidents with apprehension. But never have I felt so much fear at the prospect of a Dump presidency. He's a despicable human.
*A kid in Africa could've eaten Donald Trump*
Pfff Donald trump tastes like a stale Arby's melt.
Those kids in Africa are to good for trump.
Djumba F. Lets give that kid Chris Christie! Then we will both be happy.
*Lml, idk him but a quick Google Search .. he seems goofy... and got a girl's name*
for the first time in my life, I'm early for a youtube video
I have no love for John McCain but he does not deserve his party. He's much to sane and a normal human being with some actual principles for them.
Respect to all who put their lives at risk and murder civilians overseas for corporate interests.
hahahah, "whos that guy, that guy looks like a mexican" lol @1:50
how can the veterans I stand behind him on stage support him when they know he said what he said .....sp4 Southeast Asia 1970 ..1971..3courps..army...🇬🇧🇲🇽🇨🇦🇮🇪🇧🇷🇫🇷🇮🇱🇱🇷
Whenever some conservative whines that the North is just as racist as the South, tell them that you'll be overly fair and ignore segregation and all the transpired before. Just ask them if they think Bush's tactics in the 2000 South Carolina primary would work as well in the North.
Anyways, it's great to see Trump surging as the Republican Party continues falling.
I see Mitt was taking a very different stance on Trump back in 2012. This year he was calling him all the failures under the sun. Trump also made an ass of himself as he gave Mitt a glowing endorsement in 2012, but is now calling him a stiff. They both change their minds like the weather.
Trump's dominating the conversation. He's got any number of personal issues and embarrassing past occurrences the other candidates could slander, but instead, they're letting him dictate the conversation, and he's making it about things the other candidates have done, that don't play all that well with the hyper-extreme *base* of the *primary voters*. It's turning into a 'will you vote for Trump, or some other guy' scenario. Trump's right. They ARE knuckle heads.
The other Republican candidates won't get out of this mess without a coordinated smear campaign.
OMGGGG... That Bush impersonation, made me spit my water out that I was drinking!!!!
Love the "What About Bob?" clip at the beginning. So fitting.
Why do you blur his face?
I can only imagine what our relationships with other countries would be if Trump became President. Lmfao. Trump is the type of guy that would call the Queen of England ugly af or mock the French President for being short. #WorldWar3 Here we come!
"Ailes tried to broker a truce with Trump on August 10, but it didn't last long. Ailes is now fed up with Trump's "disgraceful" behavior, according to a person close to Ailes."
Trump tells it like it is. When I think of war hero I think of a vet who saved his brothers from being killed somehow or a soldier who gunned down numerous enemies giving him that legendary name.
Not to take anything away from McCain he deserves huge respect for fighting but wouldn't label him a war hero. I would label him a Valiant Veteran because of his courage as a POW.
Why is Donald Trump censored?
What's the point of blurring Trumps face?
Donald Trump is not lying. His draft lottery number was 356. I grew up during the Vietnam era and they never drafted above 190.
I love how people still defend trump after saying that about vets but one thing I do know is that if Obama would have said that same line those same people defending trump would be bashing obama to the ground saying terrible things #RacistsOnlyAgreeWithRacists
I don't care what they say, I'm voting for Trump, because he's the best man for the job.
+jimmy johnson
well - you'll get what you deserve.and whom do you want for v.p? i hate to ask?
Are people actually trusting this madman to represent this nation
LMAO @ the Bill Murray clip
How Trump can say that McCain is not a war hero is beyond me.
Thank you Cenk for putting this in perspective.
Not really McCain's fault - he got his jet shot out from under him - served as a POW - then came home and eventually married a woman with a multi-muillion dollar beer distributorship!!!!! I should be so lucky!!!!!!!!
"It's not going away.." - Bill Maher
Sadly this is the truth.
David Duke is a noble man who speaks the truth.
I have to watch that movie again now LMAO! Trump? He's never gone seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ha ha ha ha
comments does not disqualify you, it's your actions and core values that bars your way. In all of us lies a wild side to leave the reservation of political correct. Donald Trump just shows how's it done and have fun with it. Outwardly someone might say no that is not right but in private among family and close friends, it's all they can talk about with smiles.
To me the biggest news is how the far left is offended of the "all life is important" comment.
Take a shot every time you hear the word Endorsement.
I respect jhon mccain for going to war and not being a chickenhawk but he is no hero
Why's Donald's face always blurred out in these vids?
As you said Cenk 'he's not don yet' so it will not help your case if you try to hide Donald's Face. This is a bit childish or what?
It's now April 19-16 & DT just won the New York state primary by a landslide of 60% & the clear front runner for the GOP nomination. Interestingly looking back now, Cenk had the foresight to predict DT might do well, but even he didn't expect it would be quite this well by now.
Why is Trump's face censored in this video?
This shit is comedy gold. At first I was annoyed more than a bit by Trump's presence in the election... Now I can't wait to see what he's gonna stir up next. lol
Trump isn't he candidate the GOP needs, but he is the candidate they deserve.
No, the story told was that MCain was not tortured at all. And cooperated in Hanoi propaganda. And cooperated after being released in ignoring remaining POWs.
"It's better to Bernie out than to Trump away"-The Kurgan
I wish Trump was on WWE, he would wreck anyone, even Randy Orton.
Fox News is not gonna give up on Trump before the debates.
Why is Trump's face censored? Is it to protect the identity of his wig?
OK We all agree McCain is a hero but let's let Trump build the wall because he is the ONLY one with the balls to do it.
How much longer will Donald Trump last before El Chapo finds him? Place bets here.
Are you talking about Songbird McCain? Are you talking about the Songbird McCain that made recordings on behalf of the North Vietnamese? Oh, it is Songbird McCain that stated via radio "I committed acts of crime against the Vietnamese people". So I understand that you want to defend the "war hero" Songbird McCain. No worries.
This might ruin trump a little bit because we all know how ultranationalist Americans can be and when you disrespect the 'MURICAN military that can destroy your reputation.
but McCain didn't go through torture at all... the vietcong knew he was a VIP. Also, didn't Trump say that the governments south of the border were sending all the convicts/gang members up? Like when Obama allowed so many to enter and gave them solace?
Why are you bluring Trumps face? You can't mistake his build and voice. You are speaking about him by name. Just who won't know it isn't Trump even though his face is blurred out?
I couldn't stand McCain either. I was glad when Obama whipped his ass in 2008.
+stunninglad1 He was actually a really decent guy. But trying to get the Republican base on side pushed him far more right wing than he actually was.
McCain is living a "HERO LIE"
Trump is giving the GOP hell and I am enjoying every minute of it!
Why is Trumps face blurred?
I just checked Brietbart, the base is holding strong for Trump.
I love how he's able to call out plays on the field like this
Have you seen this bumper sticker? "TAKE YOUR MONEY AND SH?VE IT"
I reallty want to vote for this guy for maximum lulz, somebody help me!
i know this is old but why do they blur donald trump's face
Binge watching all these old vids where Cenk still has a shine for Trump, so much fun!
What has john McCain done for veterans since being released
A Bernie versus Trump general election will generate more sparkles than all 4th of July in American history. I am looking forward to it.
maybe someday I'll have a better job and will be able to buy a high-priced mobile device so I can vote on TYT polls.
I know from reading the comments on Faux News's Facebook page that Trump has those people eating up every word he says. They absolutely love and adore him.
The "Trump Show" is far from over and the next chapters are more anticipated than the next Game of Throwns book.
David Hackworth said essentially the same thing, about McCain. Nobody had the stones to confront him, due to his record. So a discerning person can see that Trump is indeed correct, albeit somewhat crass.
just painfully saw the interview with Palin and he was speaking for the middle class. There is a huge middleclass that leans right. This is scary stuff. He just might win his primary.
"and heres those two blowing each other"
lost it
I wish they'd just lift the ban on The Donald's face...Cenk obviously loves him, so what's the point?
Why is his face blurry?????
Why are these all blurred out?
why is Drumpf's face blurred??
I think it'll be close, but I don't think he'll make it to the primaries. I don't think we're at risk of him becoming president, not after this, at least.
What is the point of attacking someone who is not running?
Cenk needs to grow up and stop blurring out Trump.