Hello 서울 나들이, I am currently taking an examination under the theme of studying 창덕궁 Palace. I think your video is really useful, so I'd like to use some of the images in your video as a reference to my test. I can't contact you because I can't see your email information. Please reply to my comments soon and I hope you agree. Thank you so much.
Hello my friend.. lovely place! Thanks for sharing
thank u for coming!
외국인 친구분들을 위해 영어버젼(?)도 만드셨나봐요... 그런데 전에 있던 석촌호수 영상이 어디 갔나요??
요즘에 영상들을 다시 정리를 좀 하고 있어서 수정하고 보완해서 다시 좀 업로드할게요 ㅎ
좀더 자세했음 더 좋겠네요^^
Hello 서울 나들이,
I am currently taking an examination under the theme of studying 창덕궁 Palace. I think your video is really useful, so I'd like to use some of the images in your video as a reference to my test. I can't contact you because I can't see your email information. Please reply to my comments soon and I hope you agree.
Thank you so much.
Hi! If u write ur email address, i will contact u! Friend!
ㅋㅋㅋ형 ebs에서 일해도될듯ㅋㅋ
신의 직장으로 갑시다^^
ppt만들때 배꼇어요 ㄴㅇㅅ